George Zenova and Ivan Gratz. What are the characters’ opposing desires and interests? Uses details from the play to support your answer.


Answer 1

Hello. You did not enter the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

The only way to answer this question is by reading the text, which unfortunately, I don't have access to. So, you will need to do this in order to be able to answer the question efficiently. In doing this reading, you should identify the ways that George Zenova's desires and interests are different from Ivan Gratz's desires and interests. It is likely that these desires and interests of the two characters are related to the same element, but what each one of them wants to do with the element is different and this must be identified through reading.

Related Questions

I will say to my mother, " I will provide you a special gift tomorrow." ( Indirect speech)



O-ok where the question?



I will say my mother that I will provide her a special gift tomorrow.

What impression of her aunt does Bailey White convey in “Alligator”?
A. She in angry.
B She is unfeeling
C. She is happy
D. She is unusual







She is angry


When Frances shared her slideshow on the history of horse racing, several classmates started daydreaming, and one fell asleep. Which of the following most likely explains why Frances’s classmates were bored?
Frances showed and described several famous horses that made horse racing popular.
On each slide, Frances showed an image and described the image carefully in her voiceover script.
Frances used a wide range of different media throughout her presentation.
Frances included a clip from the earliest film footage of a horse race.



On each slide, Frances showed an image and described the image carefully in her voiceover script.

Frances’s classmates were bored becuase on each slide, Frances showed an image and described the image carefully in her voiceover script.

What is the use of slideshow in classrooms?

Slideshows have been around for a while, but in most classrooms they are only used as a way for presenting small amounts of information. These are used to give an overview of a topic and students may use slideshows to accompany research projects.

How to make a slideshow interesting?The colors and font size draw your eye to the short text. It’s easy to read quickly so that your audience can turn their attention to what you are saying rather than reading a slide. For subsequent slides, use the most salient point of what you will be discussing and make it visually appealing.

Thus, Frances’s classmates were bored becuase on each slide, Frances showed an image and described the image carefully in her voiceover script.

Learn more slideshow here-


Which Event during the capulets party in scene 5 takes place first





“Your momma may have a simple mind, Tiger, but her love is simple too. It flows from her like a quick, easy river.”
What did Granny mean when she said this to Tiger? Why did this make Tiger feel better?
Write a RACE paragraph to respond to the prompt. Be sure to cite direct text evidence from My Louisiana Sky in your response.

Type your response



i don't have time to write this entire paragraph but i can share the main ideas, it means that her love is unconditional and that she shows it easily


The commercial had promised bounce and shine instead her hair was as dull and limp as ever. Which revision correctly punctuates the sentence? Question 4 options: a) The commercial had promised bounce and shine; instead her hair was as dull and limp as ever. b) The commercial had promised bounce and shine, instead her hair was as dull and limp as ever. c) The commercial had promised bounce and shine; instead, her hair was as dull and limp as ever. d) The commercial had promised bounce and shine, instead, her hair was as dull and limp as ever.



A or C I'd pick A myself.


Anything with a comma in front of instead is simply not correct. The sentence is too long and the change too abrupt to be handed with a comma. So B and D leave a little bit to be desired.

I don't think C is correct, but it is just marginally not so. If I saw it in a student paper, I'd probably ignore it. I don't think you need the comma after instead. I would pick a myself, but that does not mean I'm correct.

Don't be a bit surprised to see the answer is C. I think the comma after instead is too much, but that is a matter of opinion.  

Instead is an adverb. Most of the time you need not emphasize adverbs. It's a very hard call.

what was 1 benefit and 1 drawback of Manifest Destiny?


One benefit of Manifest Destiny was that the American Colonies gained more land and resources, but one drawback was creating a hostile relationship with the Native Americans by forcefully taking their property



Manifest Destiny was great for trade and industry with other countries, as well as territorial expansion.


Manifest Destiny led to ethnic oppression and was unconstitutional.

It was a tiny incident in itself, but it gave me a better glimpse than I had had before of the real nature



yes because...


just cause

What is the use of life?​



use of life (guide life decision, influence behaviour, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, create your own meaning of life)


Your life purpose consists of the central motivating aims of your life—the reasons you get up in the morning. Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behavior, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning. For some people, purpose is connected to vocation—meaningful, satisfying work.purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” A person doesn't feel happy as much as happiness is a general state of being. Viewing happiness as something in the world as opposed to an individual feeling is not the way we usually understand the term.

5. How did Holmes disguise himself to get into the woman's house? (Second


He disguised himself as a groom

Try These questions out and I’ll give you brainliest no links on My question or I will report you


6.I’m pretty sure a,but possibly b


1....the answer is b






Helppppp plsssssssss thanks so much!




Don’t know have to see the other information








air pollution, increasing of heart disease, causes rashes, nausea and headaches

Which sentence below contains an incorrect verb form ?
A. The cup belonged to Melissa, but she refuse to claim it
B. As they went through her belongings, Melissa got worried
C. That’s when she realized someone had switched bags with her
D. She didn’t want her reputation to be dragged through the mud


I’m pretty sure it’s A.

Answer: D. She didn’t want her reputation to be dragged through the mud

Explanation: The verb in the sentence (dragged) doesn't fit where it should be

which statemen describes environments with successful food chains?

Pls give me right answer no jokes​



what are the statements?

to choose from


Everyone has the same rights. It doesn’t matter what gender you are.It doesn’t matter what color you skin is,What language you speak,What religion you practice,How rich or poor you are,How different you are from those around you, or what country you come from.It doesn’t even matter whether your own government agrees with these rights.Your rights are in you no matter what.3) Na frase “It doesn’t matter what gender you are.It doesn’t matter what color you skin is what language you speak.” Qual palavra apresenta o sentido de gênero sexual? *
12 pontos
a) ( ) matter
b) ( ) skin
c) ( ) gender
d) ( ) language​





Creo que c. Parece que tiene que ver con el género.


A resposta é C, gender


Gênero em inglês é gender

Identify the correctly punctuated sentence in cach group.

A. Do you know where Bailey shoes are?
B. Do you know where Bailey's shoes are?
C. Do you know where Baileys' shoes are?
D. Do you know where Baileys's shoes are?​



the answer is the second one


how, well when something is someone else's own it shows possession and to show possession you write an apostrophe

so: Bailey's

hope this helps

Which of the following demonstrates effective embedding of quotations?

1. Juliet calls the dagger "happy" in Act V, Scene 3.

2. Juliet says: "I shall say goodnight/Till it be morrow" (IL.1.86).

3. Simon's early assertion that he does not "believe in the beast", (Golding, 105)
makes his confrontation with it more ironic.

4. Romeo is more than "fortune's fool," (III.1.133) he is an icon of the follies of youth.



3. Simon's early assertion that he does not "believe in the beast", (Golding, 105)  makes his confrontation with it more ironic.


We may well wonder: what is an embedded quotation?

Put simply, it involves skillfully making reference to what someone else said in a way that matches the idea you intend to present.

In the example above, the writer's idea or viewpoint is beautifully presented by making reference to what Simon said earlier. By smoothly adding that quotation (|"believe in the past"), the reader can thus relate to the idea passed by the writer.

in general a source that claims to summarize research or provide facts would not consider reliable if it
A- IS written by popular Author B- Does not provide a list of work cited C- Uses charts or other visuals D-Cite only secondary source....I think B but not sure


you're correct^^

Bis the answer :3

if it does not have a works cited page or part at the end then it is not trustworthy ^^

An ellipsis is a set of three periods ( . . . ) indicating an omission. Each period should have a single space on either side, except when adjacent to a quotation mark, in which case there should be no space.




Answer: the answer is true


Ruthina is writing an essay arguing that schools should provide vegetarian food options. Read her introductory sentence.

The choice of what to eat at lunch is the most important choice a student makes all day.

How could this sentence be revised to eliminate a logical fallacy?

Eating vegetarian options will not only make students healthier, but it could help to save the world.
When students eat meat at lunch, it proves that they do not think about nutrition.
Vegetarian options would completely change the way schools prepare lunch for their students.
By expanding the options for lunches, schools could allow students to choose a vegetarian option.



the answer is C. By expanding the options for lunches, schools could allow students to choose a vegetarian option.



Which of the following is an example of the present progressive tense?

You had ran around all the bases.
You have been running around the bases.
You were running around the bases.
You are running around the bases.


I believe the answer is D

Question 20 (5 points)
“Luck is not chance": Which of the following selections best illustrates a paradox, or
contradiction, at the heart of the poem?
a) People who are considered lucky are usually not seen as hard workers.
b) Coins are rarely called old-fashioned.
O c) Mines have thothing to do with coins.
d) Fortune is usually seen as something that has a cheap smile.


D because fortune is something that represents wealth, using the word “cheap” to describe fortune contradicts the whole meaning.




Define the term metaphor



a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.


Do you think there is a possible danger in being too self-reliant?


yes bc ppl are more easily influenced than they believe, it’s always good to have a 2nd opinion. although you will ultimately be the only person you can ever truly rely on, you may not always be right. an example is mentally ill people, our brains are conditioned differently than others

Reread paragraph 3. What purpose does this ser
serve in the paragraph?
Other writing classes at the center, such as story-writing
and family history, have proved very popular.
• It makes a claim that the
writer will support with facts.
3 A playwriting class would also be well attended. Other
writing classes at the center, such as story-writing and
family history, have proved to be very popular. Last year
the center took a survey asking members what new
classes they would like. The most requested class was
photography, which 15 out of 100 people asked for. We
now have a photography class, and it has 15 students. I
believe a playwriting class would be even more popular.
In last year's survey, 10 people asked for a playwriting
class. In addition, three people who did not take the
survey told me they would attend a playwriting class.
It states the writer's claim that
a playwriting course would be
even more popular.
It provides evidence to
support the claim that a
playwriting course would be
well attended.
It makes the argument that
the story-writing and family
history classes should
1 2 3 4 5 6



It provides evidence to support the claim that playwriting course would be well attended .


I took the quiz

Excerpt from I Have A Dream
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation.
If you needed to determine how long five score is, which source would you use to define score in this context?
online map
a thesaurus
a dictionary
an online encyclopedia


B a thesaurus is the best answer

Read this excerpt about the Vietnam War from "Ambush" by Tim O'Brien:

When she was nine, my daughter Kathleen asked if I had ever killed anyone. She knew about the war; she knew I'd been a soldier. "You keep writing war stories," she said, "so I guess you must've killed somebody." It was a difficult moment, but I did what seemed right, which was to say, "Of course not," and then to take her onto my lap and hold her for a while. Someday, I hope, she'll ask again. But here I want to pretend she's a grown-up. I want to tell her exactly what happened, or what I remember happening, and then I want to say to her that as a little girl she was absolutely right. This is why I keep writing war stories:

He was a short, slender young man of about twenty. I was afraid of him-afraid of something-and as he passed me on the trail I threw a grenade that exploded at his feet and killed him. . . .

Even now I haven't finished sorting it out. Sometimes I forgive myself, other times I don't. In the ordinary hours of life I try not to dwell on it, but now and then, when I'm reading a newspaper or just sitting alone in a room, I'll look up and see the young man coming out of the morning fog. I'll watch him walk toward me, his shoulders slightly stooped, his head cocked to the side, and he'll pass within a few yards of me and suddenly smile at some secret thought and then continue up the trail to where it bends back into the fog.

How does the author's specific word choice and stylistic devices affect the excerpt's tone? Be sure to use specific details from the text to support your answer.


Answer and Explanation:

First, we can say the tone of the excerpt is sad and regretful.

The author is careful in his word choice, especially when it comes to describing the man he killed. He does not describe him as an enemy, as dangerous. He does not try to convince himself or the reader that his actions were justifiable. The fact that he concisely explains how the killing happened, with direct sentences, also show he is being honest and straightforward. He does not try to paint a different picture of what happened. It is worth noting that he does not worry much about the man's appearance. All he says is that he was short, slender, and about twenty. We do not know if the man looked threatening. All we know is that the author was afraid, and that that was enough to do what he did.

As for the parts about his daughter and his own feelings, the author is also direct, concise. However, when he describes the man in his imagination, he gives more details, painting a more vivid picture than he did when he described the killing. Now we know how the man walks, what his posture and attitude are like. It seems that the author wishes to convey how his thoughts linger, how his regrets come back again and again.

Romeo and Juliet
please help me for god please i really need help please or i will fail my class please help me please

write a complete MEAL character explaining which character is most affected by Juliet’s death. Be sure to begin with a clear topic sentence, explain your claim, provide evidence, analyze how the evidence supports the claim, and sum up with a final comment about how Juliet’s death will affect this character.



honestly ive never really seen romeo and juliet but i think its romeo who affected the most


How does "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" break away from traditional poetic conventions? Select all that apply.

It incorporates many allusions to other texts.

It distorts the traditional concept of a love song.

olt abandons the strict orderliness of the Victorian era.

o It emphasizes the search for meaning in a seemingly meaningless world.



It distorts the traditional concept of a love song.

It emphasizes the search for meaning in a seemingly meaningless world.


"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" is an extremely sentimental and striking poem, besides being melancholy and sad, causing great reflections in the reader, about what it is to be loved, what it is to have hope and what it is to feel empty and alone.

The poem features a speaker who longs to establish a romantic affair with someone, but has all his attempts unsuccessful. This speaker does not want to abandon this desire, but his hopes are completely empty, making him feel melancholy and try desperately to seek some connection, some meaning in the world that is as empty as he is. This destabilizes the concept of a love song as something happy and comfortable, as the poem shows a visceral and uncomfortable version of a love song in the life of someone hopeless about love, but very much wants to feel it.

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A recip says use 3 cups is flour to make 48 cookies what is the contact of proportionality that relays the number of cookies made y, to the number of cups of used, X what are examples of body language What is diction?-Diction refers to the specific goal or reason a writer chooses.-Diction refers to something that stands for something else.-Diction refers to the choice and arrangement of words.-Diction refers to the reader the author is trying to reach. 20 POINTS PLEASE ANSWER THIS ASAP!!!!!How many six-character code words can be formed if the first two characters are letters and the others are letters and/or digits? Repetition of numbers and letters is allowed. a) 6,760,000b) 723,465,600c) 1,135,420,416d) 918,918,0002.Answer question # 1 if Repetition is NOT allowed.a) 918,918,000b)723,465,600c)1,135,420,416d)720 1.PART A: Which statement best expresses the central idea of the text?A. Game companies specifically target children because they know they have a lowimpulse control.B. Children and teens can develop addictions to video games if they don't regulatehow often they play.C. Game companies research ways to influence gamers, encouraging them to playlonger and to spend more.D. Playing video games negatively impacts other areas of your life, if you don't takeregular breaks.common lit story: how video games are getting inside ur head And wallet No matter how well we get along with our parents as adolescents, there comes a time when we need to break away and assert our own independence. There are several ways in which we do this, some of them deliberate and intentional and some of them not so intentional. Describe several ways you use or have used to break away from your parents. Briefly describe your parents' reactions. Audrey and her family are discussing how to pay for her collegeeducation. The cost of tuition at the college that Audrey wants toattend is $11,000 per year. Audrey's parents will pay 85% of thetuition cost every year, and she will pay the rest. Audrey has oneyear to save enough money to attend her first year of college. Whatis the minimum amount of money she should save every month inorder to reach her goal? HELP PLS ASAP NO LINKS HURRY If a=-2 and b = 3, what is the value of -3a2b?1.-362.363.-544.54 Learning Task 2Look closely at the expressions written on the leaves. Consider which are usefulin giving opinion. Copy them in your paper. A drink is available in 2 can sizes. Both have a diameter of 2 inches. Thesmall can has a height of 4 inches. The large can has a height of 6 inches.Select all statements that are true:The cans have the same volume.The cans have the same circumference.The small can has 2/3 the volume of the large can.Both cans have a volume of more than 12 cubic inches.Both cans have a volume of less than 18 cubic inches. If a 100-pound person played tug of war with a 50-pound dog , how light difference forces affect the results? Which of these is NOT the net of a cube. All of the following are appropriate to do in a thank-you letter except.A. highlight what you learned in the interview.B. reiterate your interest in the position.C. thank the interviewer for considering you.O D. thank the interviewer for choosing you.SUBMIT A newborn baby weighs 3.136 times 10 Superscript 3 units. Which unit of measure was used? Calculate the number of moles of 2.00g of K2SO4 14. What is the length of a diagonal of rectangle EFGH? Show your work HELP ME OUT GUYS!!! Question is in the screenshot below. 88 is what percent of 121?? please help me with this question??