g is a trigonometric function of the form g(x)=a sin (bx+c)+d.
The function intersects its midline at (-1 , 6) and has a minimum point at (-3.5 , 3)
Find a formula for g (x). Give an exact expression.


Answer 1


Formula for g(x) is [tex]g(x) = 3 sin(\frac{\pi }{5}x + \frac{\pi }{5} ) + 6[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Given - g is a trigonometric function of the form g(x)=a sin (bx+c)+d.  The function intersects its midline at (-1 , 6) and has a minimum point at (-3.5 , 3)

To find - Find a formula for g (x). Give an exact expression.

Proof -

Given that,

g(x)=a sin (bx+c)+d

We know that, Midline is present in between maximum and minimum

Here given that, minimum is present is 3 and midline is present at 6

So, Maximum occurs at 9.


We know that,

Standard form of sine function is - g(x) = Asin(B(x-C)) + D


A = Amplitude

and Amplitude = (Maximum - minimum) / 2

                         = (9 - 3)/ 2

                         = 6/2 = 3

⇒A = 3


Period = [tex]\frac{2\pi }{B}[/tex]

⇒B = (2π) / Period

      = (2π) / 10

      = π/5

⇒B = π/5


Phase Shift : C = -1 ( i.e. 1 to the left)

Vertical Shift : D = 6


We get

g(x) = Asin(B(x-C)) + D

      = [tex]3 sin(\frac{\pi }{5}(x -(- 1))) + 6[/tex]

⇒[tex]g(x) = 3 sin(\frac{\pi }{5}x + \frac{\pi }{5} ) + 6[/tex]

∴ we get

Formula for g(x) is [tex]g(x) = 3 sin(\frac{\pi }{5}x + \frac{\pi }{5} ) + 6[/tex]

G Is A Trigonometric Function Of The Form G(x)=a Sin (bx+c)+d.The Function Intersects Its Midline At

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hello please help i’ll give brainliest


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Step-by-step explanation:

please help ill give brainlist!​



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3245$  (im assuming the interest is yearly)

Step-by-step explanation:

using the is/of method

3%       x

___    ___  cross mult and divide. = 82.5 interest x 6 years of it  

100   2750

2750 + 495

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18 x -2 = -36, so i think the number is 33 cause 18+15 is 33

yeah please help me I’ll give brainliest if correct





Step-by-step explanation:


A: 6p = 120


6 / p = 120 / 6

p = 20

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What are the first three terms of the sequence defined by the recursive function an = an-1-(an-2-4), when a5 =-2 and a6 = 0?
-14, 14,- 4
6, 10,8
-2 0,2
2, 8, 10​



6, 10 and 8

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the recursive function an = an-1-(an-2 - 4), when a5 =-2 and a6 = 0?

a6 = a5 - (a4 - 4)

0 = -2  - (14 - 4)

2 = - (a4 - 4)

-2 = a4 - 4

a4 = -2 + 4

a4 = 2

a5 = a4 - (a3 - 4)

-2 = 2  - (a3 - 4)

-2-2 = - (a3 - 4)

-4 = -(a3 - 4)

4 = a3 - 4

a3 = 4+4

a3 = 8


a4 = a3 - (a2 - 4)

2 = 8 - (a2 - 4)

2-8 = - (a2 - 4)

-6 = -(a2 - 4)

6 = a2 - 4

a2 = 6+4

a2 = 10

a3 = a2 - (a1 - 4)

8 = 10 - (a1 - 4)

8-10 = - (a1 - 4)

-2 = -(a1 - 4)

2 = a1 - 4

a1 = 2+4

a1 = 6

Hence the first 3 terms are 6, 10 and 8


C. 6, 10, 8

Step-by-step explanation:

i took the test

she had a shoe box full of 5 cents 6 cents and 7 cents what totals could she make and what totals were impossible


18 cents I’m sorry if I’m wrong

find the volume of the cone above in terms of pi


192 pi
good luck :))))

R=( − 2 , 2 ) , ( 2 , − 2 ) , ( − 4 , 4 ) , ( 4 , − 4 ) is r a function?



Step-by-step explanation:

The four inputs (x-coordinates) are {-2, 2, -4, 4}.  No input appears more than once.  Therefore this seet of points represents a function.

Can someone please help me with math.



I think it’s A

A right triangular prism and its net are shown below.
(All lengths are in centimeters.)








Surface area=bh+(s1+s2+s3)H  



Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step explanation:

The eqution of the diagonal of a parallelogram is 3y=5x +k. The two opposite vertices of a parallelogram are the points (1,-2), (-2,1).Find the value of k



[tex]k = 1[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]3y = 5x + k[/tex]

Opposite points: [tex](1,-2)[/tex] and [tex](-2,1)[/tex]


Find k

First, calculate the midpoint of the opposite points.

[tex](x,y) = 0.5(x_1 + x_2,y_1 + y_2)[/tex]

This gives:

[tex](x,y) = 0.5(1 -2,-2 + 1)[/tex]

[tex](x,y) = 0.5(-1,-1)[/tex]

Open bracket

[tex](x,y) = (-0.5,-0.5)[/tex]

The equation [tex]3y = 5x + k[/tex] becomes:

[tex]3 * -0.5 = 5 * -0.5 + k[/tex]

[tex]-1.5 = -2.5 + k[/tex]

Solve for k

[tex]k = 2.5-1.5[/tex]

[tex]k = 1[/tex]

Pls help and find the area



I don’t know the area but here’s a hint to help you (hint: length x with x height)

Step-by-step explanation:

picture is included ! i need help guys please


Answer: y=-3x+2

Step-by-step explanation: quik maf


y = -3x + 2

Step-by-step explanation:

Slope = Change in y / Change in x

Slope = -3/1

Slope = -3

Y-intercept = when x = 0, y = 2, therefore y-intercept = 2

Hence, equation:

y = -3x + 2

Hope this helps!

AADE and AABC are similar. Which best explains why the slope of the line between

points A and D is the same as the slope between points A and B?

The triangles are similar, so the sides are proportional:

AE = AC and DE = BC. Therefore, De = BC, so the slope of

AD is the same as the slope of AB.

Points A, D and B are on the hypotenuses of similar triangles.

Therefore, AD = AB, so the slope of AD is the same as the

slope of AB

The triangles are similar, so the sides are proportional:

DE = BC. Therefore, the slope of AD is the same as the slope

of AB


The triangles are similar, so the sides have equal lengths.

Therefore, AD = DB, so the slope of AD is the same as the

slope of AB



(c) The triangles are similar, so the sides are proportional:  DE = BC. Therefore, the slope of AD is the same as the slope  of AB

Step-by-step explanation:


See attachment for proper format of question


Why is the slope between A and D the same

From the question, we understand that:

[tex]\triangle ADE[/tex] and [tex]\triangle ABC[/tex] are similar

This implies that similar sides are proportional.


[tex]AD \to AB[/tex]

[tex]AE \to AC[/tex]

[tex]DE \to BC[/tex]

Slope (m) is calculated as:

[tex]m = \frac{Rise}{Run}[/tex]

So, the slope of [tex]\triangle ADE[/tex] is:

[tex]m = \frac{DE}{AE}[/tex]

Slope of [tex]\triangle ABC[/tex] is:

[tex]m = \frac{BC}{AC}[/tex]

Since the triangles are similar, then:

[tex]m = m[/tex]


[tex]\frac{DE}{AE} = \frac{BC}{AC}[/tex]

Hence, (c) is true

A single card is drawn from a standard 52 card deck.

Work out the probability of choosing "a spade"


Answer: [tex]\dfrac{1}{4}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

A standard 52 card deck includes spades, clubs, hearts, and diamonds.

13 card of each category is present

So, there are 13 spades present in the deck

Probability is the ratio of favorable to the total outcomes.

[tex]\therefore P=\dfrac{13}{52}\\\\\Rightarrow P=\dfrac{1}{4}[/tex]

Name 4 fractions that are between 1/5 and 1/7



21/240, 22/140, 23/140, 24/140

Step-by-step explanation:

7 and 5 have a common multiple of 140 and

140/7=20  20/140

140/5=28  28/140

21-27 are all numbers b/w 20 and 28


21/140, 22/140, 23/140, 24/140

7 and 5 = common multiple of 140.

140/7 = 20 , 20/140

140/5 = 28, 28/140

21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27 are the numbers between 20 and 28.

A game of chance has a spinner with five equal sized sections. The results of 625 spins are shown below.

For which color is the experimental probability closest to the theoretical probability? Use the drop down menus to explain your answer.

(Brown,Orange,Yellow,Green,Purple) The experimental probability is (22.72%, 18.88%, 21.92%, 19.52%) and the theoretical probability is (10%, 25%, 20%)

For which color is the difference between the theoretical probability and experimental probability greatest? Use the drop down menus to explain your answer.

Brown,Green,Yellow,Orange,Purple) The experimental probability is (16.96%, 22.72, 18.88%, 21.92%) and the theoretical probability is (25%, 10%, 20%).




Step-by-step explanation:

What is the value of y?


y + 35 = ( y ) + ( y - 31 )

y + 35 = 2y - 31

Add both sides 31

y + 35 + 31 = 2y - 31 + 31

y + 66 = 2y

Subtract both sides y

y - y + 66 = 2y - y

y = 66

4. Find both solutions by (
:): x^2 + 6x + 5 = 0



x1 = -5 and x-2 = -1

Step-by-step explanation:

hope this helps


x = -  1, - 5

Step-by-step explanation:

new one i need help with this one




Step-by-step explanation:

Correct me if I’m wrong it’s been a while but I think u add 3 + 3 + 2+ 2


It is 10

Step-by-step explanation:

In order to do perimeter you need to add each corners value, in this case a to B is one side and A to D is another, in order to get from A to B you have to walk 3 units, so their is our first part, now for the second you need to walk from point a to point D which if you do it will be 4 units.

Now we have 2 numbers, 4 and 3, We still have the other side but it will be the same, so you will do 4+4 and 3+3, in this case it will be 8+6 so the answer should be 14. I might be wrong.

Solve the equation:

3x - 5 = -26​



x = -7


Move the constant to the right-hand side and change its sign:

3x = -26 + 5

Calculate the sum:

3x = -21

Divide both side of the equations by 3:

Therefore, the answer will be x = -7


[tex]3x - 5 = - 26 \\ \\ = > 3x = - 26 + 5 \\ \\ = > 3x = - 21 \\ \\ = > x = - \cancel\frac{ - 21}{3} \\ \\ = > x = - 7[/tex]

Hope This Helps You ❤️

In an all boys school, the heights of the student body are normally distributed with a mean of 70 inches and a standard deviation of 3 inches. What is the probability that a randomly selected student will be shorter than 63 inches tall, to the nearest thousandth?


The probability that a randomly selected student from the all-boys school will be shorter than 63 inches tall is approximately 0.9%.

To find the probability that a randomly selected student will be shorter than 63 inches tall, we need to use the standard normal distribution table or a statistical calculator.

Calculate the z-score for the value of 63 inches using the formula:

z = (X - μ) / σ

where X is the value (63 inches), μ is the mean (70 inches), and σ is the standard deviation (3 inches).

z = (63 - 70) / 3

z = -7 / 3

z = -2.3333

Now, we look up the area to the left of the z-score -2.3333 in the standard normal distribution table.

Using a standard normal distribution table, the cumulative probability for z = -2.33 (rounded to two decimal places) is approximately 0.009.

So, the probability that a randomly selected student will be shorter than 63 inches tall is approximately 0.009 or 0.9% (rounded to the nearest thousandth).

To learn more on Statistics click:



Recently, Caroline purchased a BBQ grill to use this summer. The cost of the grill was $390 and sales tax
in her city is 7.4%. What is the amount of sales tax that Caroline will pay for the grill? Sales tax =
What is the total cost of the grill, including sales tax? Total cost of the grill =



Sales  taxes  = 390 *0.074 = 28.86  

Total cost :  390+28.86 =  418.86

Find the remaining volume of the cube with the cone removed.


Step-by-Step explanation:

what is 30 tens in hundreds




Step-by-step explanation:

each ten is worth 10 so 10x30+ 300

plz mark brainliest

£730 is divided between June, Sushil & Fiona so that June gets twice as much as Sushil, and Sushil gets three times as much as Fiona. How much does Sushil get?



Sushil gets $219.

Step-by-step explanation:

With the information provided, you can write the following equations:

It says that £730 is divided between June, Sushil & Fiona, which can be expressed as:

x+y+z=730 (1), where:

x is the amount June gets

y is the amount Sushil gets

z is the amount Fiona gets

Also, the statement indicates that June gets twice as much as Sushil which means that the amount June gets is equal to two for the amount Sushil gets:

x=2y (2)

Besides, you know that Sushil gets three times as much as Fiona which means that the amount Sushil gets is equal to 3 for the amount Fiona gets:

y=3z (3)

Now, you can replace (3) in (1) and (2) and you will have 2 new equations:


x=6z (4)


x+4z=730 (5)

You have the following equations:

x=6z (4)


Next, you can replace (4) in (5) and solve for z:





Now, you can replace the value of z in (3):




Finally, you can replace the value of y in (2):




According to this, the answer is that Sushil gets $219.

Josh is a car salesman. He gets an annual salary of $45,000 plus a commission, C, of $250 for every car he sells. Which equation represents Josh's total annual salary, S?

A. S=45,000+250C
C. S=45,000C+250
D. S=45,000C−250


Since he has an annual salary, the salary stays the same, making it the y intercept.
As for 250, it goes to every car he sells, making it the slope
S = y + mc (y = y intercept, m = slope)
Plug in the values to see

Solution: A. 45,000 + 250C
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