f(x) = 3x2 – 2x - 9
g(x) = 3x2 + 2x2 - 4x - 9
Find (f - g)(x).


Answer 1

9514 1404 393


  (f -g)(x) = -3x^3 +x^2 +2x

Step-by-step explanation:

We assume the expression for g(x) has a typo, and the first term should be 3x^3.

(f -g)(x) = f(x) -g(x) = (3x^2 -2x -9) -(3x^3 +2x^2 -4x -9)

  = 3x^2 -2x -9 -3x^3 -2x^2 +4x +9

  = -3x^3 +(3 -2)x^2 +(-2+4)x +(-9+9)

(f -g)(x) = -3x^3 +x^2 +2x

Related Questions

Mark invests $150 at the beginning of each quarter in stock ABC. According
to the table below, how many shares of ABC will Mark own at the end of the
Stock Price
O A. 44 shares
O B. 36 shares
O C. 40 shares
O D. 38 shares


Answer: 38 shares

Step-by-step explanation:

Help I’ll give extra points


The answer is 160° . The parallel angles are 180° - 20° is 160° . Hope this helps. :)

14x^2=8y^2-6xy where x>0 and y>0 find the ratio x:y​



4 : 7

Step-by-step explanation:

First, you can start by moving all the terms to one side:

14x^2 + 6xy - 8y^2 = 0

Now we can start to factor this equation in order to find the ratio. We can start by factoring out the GCF, which is 2:

2(7x^2 + 3xy - 4y^2) = 0

In order to factor this equation we multiply the coefficients in front of the x^2 and y^2 term to get: 7 * -4 or -28. We are looking for numbers that have a product of -28 and a sum of 3(as the coefficient of the xy term). These two numbers are 7 and -4. We can rewrite the equation as:

2(7x^2 + 7xy - 4xy - 4y^2) = 0

Now, we can start to factor by grouping:

2( 7x[x + y] - 4y[x + y] ) = 0

And we can factor out [x + y]:

2(x + y)(7x - 4y) = 0

So, we can use the zero product property to get two equations:

x + y = 0


7x - 4y = 0

You get:

x =  -y


7x = 4y

We can get cancel out the first solution because both x and y have to be positive. Rearranging the second equation we can get x : y = 4 : 7

NO LINKS OR ELSE YOU'LL BE REPORTED!Only answer if you're very good at math.

Calculate the slope of the lines using the rise/run formula.​



1. 3/4 2. -1/3

Step-by-step explanation:


Given rise/run, the rise is 3, and the run, is 4, so... 3/4


Given rise/run, the rise is 2, and the run is 6, so... you get 2/6 = 1/3. However, don't forget that the slope is negative, so it'll be -1/3.


3. 3/4

4. -1/3

Step-by-step explanation:

Since the rise and run formula is slope = (y1-y2)/(x1-x2),

3. (2 - (-1) ) / (2- (-2) ) = 3/4

4. (-1- (-3) ) / (-2 - (-4) ) = -2/6 = -1/3

give your answer as a mixed number

will someone show me how
to work out questions like this in the pictures step but step​



The value of given expression is 13 / 3

Step-by-step explanation:

Given expression in the form of improper fraction;

17/3 - [tex]1\frac{1}{3}[/tex]


The value of given expression


⇒ 17/3 - [tex]1\frac{1}{3}[/tex]

Step 1 ;

Change mixed fraction into simple fraction

⇒ 17/3 - 4/3

Step 2 ;

By taking LCM of denominators;

⇒ [17 - 4] / 3

Step 3 ;

Subtract 17 from 3

⇒ [13] / 3

The value of given expression is 13 / 3

For each of the following situations, identify the response variable and the populations to be compared, and give I, the ni, and N.
(a) A poultry farmer is interested in reducing the cholesterol level in his marketable eggs. He wants to compare two different cholesterol-lowering drugs added to the hen's standard diet as well as an all-vegetarian diet. He assigns 35 of his hens to each of the three treatments.
Response variable:
caloric intake
egg cholesterol level
diet cholesterol level
number of hens
number of marketable eggs laid
Populations: (Select all that apply.)
all eggs laid on a farm
hens on an all-vegetarian diet
all hens on a farm
hens on a standard diet and receiving one of two cholesterol-lowering drugs
eggs with different cholesterol levels
I =
n1 =
n2 =
n3 =
N =
(b) A researcher is interested in students' opinions regarding an additional annual fee to support non-income-producing varsity sports. Students were asked to rate their acceptance of this fee on a five-point scale. She received 93 responses, of which 32 were from students who attend varsity football or basketball games only, 18 were from students who also attend other varsity competitions, and 43 who did not attend any varsity games.
Response variable:
varsity sport played
number of students who attend varsity games
number of games attended
acceptance rating on a five-point scale
amount of annual fee paid
Populations: (Select all that apply.)
students who pay an annual fee
students who do not attend any varsity games
students who play sports
students who attend varsity football or basketball games
students who attend other varsity competitions
I =
n1 =
n2 =
n3 =
N =
(c) A professor wants to evaluate the effectiveness of his teaching assistants. In one class period, the 48 students were randomly divided into three equal-sized groups, and each group was taught power calculations from one of the assistants. At the beginning of the next class, each student took a quiz on power calculations, and these scores were compared.
Response variable:
course gradequiz score
rating of the professor on a five-point scale
rating of the assistant on a five-point scale
number of questions on the quiz
Populations: (Select all that apply.)
students in the three TA groups
students passing the course
all students at the school
the three teaching assistants
students who like their TA
I =
n1 =
n2 =
n3 =
N =



Kindly check explanation

Step-by-step explanation:


hens on an all-vegetarian diet

hens on a standard diet and receiving one of two cholesterol-lowering drugs

RESPONSE : cholesterol level

I = 3

n1 = 35

n2 = 35

n3 = 35

N = (35 + 35 + 35) = 105



Acceptance rating on a five-point scale


Students who attend varsity football or basketball games

students who attend other varsity competitions

Student who do not attend any varsity games

I = 3

n1 = 32

n2 = 18

n3 = 43

N = (32 + 18 + 43) = 93



course gradequiz score


Students in the three TA group

I = 3

Since, the samples were divided equally into 3, hence we have 48 / 3 16 per group

n1 = 16

n2 = 16

n3 = 16

N = 48

Which point represents the approximate location of V115?


Answer:  Point A

Step-by-step explanation:

√ 115 = approx. 10.72

The amount of cashews in a mixture of nuts is 3 times the amount of almonds. Let C represent the amount of cashews in the mixture. If there are 1 1/2 lb. of almonds in the number mixture, how many pounds of cashews are there?



4.5 lb

Step-by-step explanation:

1.5*3 is 4.5

Which of the following are solutions to the equation below?
Check all that apply.
4x2 - 81 = 0


It should be x=81/8 and here is the solution to it :

Can someone please help me? This is a geometry question.



A is the answer think so is that helpful or helpless plz reply

Hal has two cans containing biscuit dough. The cans are cylindrical and their dimensions (in inches) are as follows.
• Can A: h = 8 and r= 1.1
• Can B: h = 4 and r = 2.2
Which of the following statements about the volumes of the cans is true?
The volume of can A is half the volume of can B.
The volumes of the two cans are equal.
OC. The volume of can B is four times the volume of can A.
The volume of can B is half the volume of can A.


C: The volume of can B is four times the volume of can A

30 points!!
In the figure shown below, all the corners form right angles. What is the area of the figure?




Step-by-step explanation:

Find the area of the image below



The answer is 65 square units

i will give Brainiest if you are right


the answer is B 100%


b) [tex] 572.7 \: ft^3 [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Volume of water needed to fill the fish tank

= 11.5* 8.3 * 6

[tex] = 572.7 \: ft^3 [/tex]

Can anyone help please ?


The graph is decreasing as we move about the x-axis from Left to right. so the answer is A




[tex]40x^{2} y^{4} -70x^{2} y^{2} +90xy^{3}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]10xy(4xy^{3} -7xy+9y^2)[/tex]  

1. 10xy · 4xy^3 = [tex]40x^2y^4[/tex]

2. 10xy · -7xy = [tex]-70x^{2} y^{2}[/tex]

3. 10xy · 9y^2 = [tex]90xy^3[/tex]

Final step: add up all of those values together to make an equation!

Answer:  [tex]40x^2y^4+[/tex] [tex]-70x^2y^2+[/tex] [tex]90xy^3[/tex]

Final Answer: [tex]40x^2y^4-70x^2y^2+90xy^3[/tex]

The factors 11 and 12 are a factor pair of 137.
O A. True
B. False




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \star \sf \: \frac{137}{11} = 12.4 \\\sf \star \: \frac{137}{12} = 12.4[/tex]

False hope this helps

NO LINKS. Each event can occur in the given number of ways. Find the number of ways all of the events can occur.​


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

Assuming the events are independent, the numbers of ways are multiplied in order to find the total number of possible ways a combination of events can happen.

1. 3×4 = 12

2. 1×5 = 5

3. 4×6×2 = 48

4. 2×9×5 = 90

What is the step by step to get this answer I got



x = -4, -2

Step-by-step explanation:

Given equation is,

x² + 6x + 8 = 0

Let the equation to be graphed is,

y = x² + 6x + 8

y = x² + 2(3x) + 9 - 1

y = x² + 2(3x) + 3² - 1

y = (x + 3)² - 1

Table for the Input-output values  

x           -6          -4            -3            -2            -1            0            

y            8           0            -1              0             3            8      

Now we can plot these points on the graph as attached.

Since, this graph is intersecting x-axis at x = -4, -2

Therefore, solutions of the given equation will be x = -4, -2

Tyler has 25 pieces of candy. Ethan takes 4/5 of Tyler’s candy. Steve says Ethan took almost all of Tyler’s candy. Is Steve correct?



yes, steve is correct

Step-by-step explanation:


yep, he's right. Ethan took 20 pieces of candy

Step-by-step explanation:

4/5 = 20/25

1 poin
5. A company that makes boxes finds that 60 out of 150 boxes are
damaged. *

What percent of boxes are damaged?


40% of the boxes are damaged

I need the answer pls, answer fast I am I s choool



Hello! answer: D. 180

Step-by-step explanation:

What you do for these is find the surface area for each face separately then add them up so...

for the sides its 18 for the top and bottom it's 48 for the front and back it's 24 so now we add all 6 up so... 18 + 18 + 48 + 48 + 24 + 24 = 180 Hope that helps!


180 in²

Step-by-step explanation:

To wrap the given box, we need to find the total surface area of the figure.

TSA of cuboid = 2 (lb + bh + hl)

= 2 { (6*8) + (8*3) + (3*6) }

= 2 ( 48 + 24 + 18 )

= 2 * 90

= 180 in²

Find the gradient of the line segment between the points (-2,3) and (-5,6)



m = -1

Step-by-step explanation:

As we move from (-5, 6) to (-2, 3), x (the 'run') increases by 3 and y (the 'rise) decreases by 3.  Hence the gradient, or slope, of this line segment is

m = rise / run = -3/3, or m = -1

Can someone help me please?



28pi, 10pi

Step-by-step explanation:

So, lets go over a few things.

What is circumference?

Circumference is the permiteter of a circle.

The formula for it is 2*r*pi.

Now, lets go over what radius and diamater is.

Diamater is the distance between the two opposite sides of the circle.

The radius is half of the diamater, and is the distance between one side of the circle and the middle.

Problem #1:

The distance from the middle to the side of the circle is 14.

This will be the radius, not the diamater.

Lets plug this into the formula:






This is your answer.

Problem #2

The distance from the two opposite sides of the circle is 10.

So the radius will be half of this, being 5.

Now lets plug this in:






This is your answer.

Hope this helps!

The other person is right fa show fa show

Jamal treated his family to a fancy brunch. Their brunch cost $250, and the local sales tax
was 4%. If Jamal left an 18% tip on the $250, how much in total did he pay?




Step-by-step explanation:

250 + 4% = 260

260 + 18% = 306.80

Total amount paid by Jamal is $305

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that;

Cost of meal = $250

Local sale tax rate = 4%

Percentage of tip left by Jamal = 18%


Total amount paid by Jamal


Total tax paid by Jamal = 250 × 4%

Total tax paid by Jamal = $10

Total amount of tip left by Jamal = 250 × 18%

Total amount of tip left by Jamal = $45

Total amount paid by Jamal = Cost of meal + Total tax paid by Jamal + Total amount of tip left by Jamal

Total amount paid by Jamal = 10 + 45 + 250

Total amount paid by Jamal = $305

Learn more:


what is...
5 times 6 plus 45 minus 67 divided by 78635 times 8273 plus square root of 6




Is 46 ounces greater than 2 pounds? Pls help




Step-by-step explanation:

yes because 46 ounces is equal to 2.9 pounds

Answer: Yes

Step-by-step explanation:

Im correct because, 1 pound equals 16 ounces. So to find how much 2 pounds is we just have to multiply 16 by 2. 16 times 2 equals 32 ounces and 46 ounces is more then 32 ounces, so it is greater.

Hope This Helps!

3. Eggs are shipped in large boxes that contain 20 egg cartons. Each egg carton holds 12 eggs. How many eggs are in 5 large boxes?​


Answer: Standard egg cartons have room for 10 or 12 eggs, but they can come in a variety of sizes, holding from three to 24 eggs.

Step-by-step explanation:



do this simplification

yo can get answer

Do you think this fish is a gram or kilogram ??


I would say a Gram.

An archeologist uncovered a piece of broken
ceramic plate that was originally in the shape of
a regular polygon. The sum of the interior angles
is 1080°. Using the formula s=180(n-2) wheres
represents the sum of the interior
was the original shape of the plate?



Step-by-step explanation:

9 sides

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Only answer if youre sure... will give Brainly thank you :) Hey yall this question is for the edge students, my adhd is getting the best of me so I have to ask. when you do a cumulative exam and if you get a bad grade do you have to retake it?? find mKMLmKML=HURRYY!!! Which of the following is not an axiom about lines in the plane similarity and one difference between water and wind dispersed seeds. I need some good optical illusions for my school project. I need a lot of them You are giving a bag of jelly beans. There are 7 red, 8 blue, 4 elbow, and 10 pink. Find the probability of eating 3 red jelly beans in a row two differences between weather and climatesubject-science A person sees a ball and kicks it, in part because of actions of the nervous system. Using the parts of the nervous system listed, describe the path of nerve impulses that cause the person to (1) see the ball and (2) kick the ball. Liam works at an IT firm. He finds that the activities carried out by his team are very complex and struggles to complete his tasks on time. He learns that some of his team members are also facing the same issue. Even though there is clarity of the target among the team members, the team struggles to efficiently carry out its task. Which of the following should the team do in order to ensure the completion of the tasks?It should change the output and retain the workforce.It should use informal communication to carry out its tasks.It should standardize the work activities through flowcharts.It should conduct an in-house training program to bring employees up to speed.Team-based organizational structures are usually organic and highly decentralized.TrueFalse a car travels a distance and of 180 km in 2 hours on a straight road .how many km can it travel in 3 hours at the same speed Markus is overdrawn at the bank by $9. His brother has $15 more than him. How much money does Markus brother have? What is the perimeter of triangle PQR.5 units10 units5+3 2units2 5 + 10 units how do scientist check repeatability of results IF YOU ANSWER WITH A LINK ILL REPORT IT;)PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!The order of rotation for a regular hexagon is Question options: A) 8. B) 7. C) 6. D) 5. A population of large predators in an ecosystem has been trapped and removed from the area. How would this event most likely change the food web in this ecosystem? HELPP ME PLEASE ILL LOVE YOU FOREVER!!What is a variable rate on a loan or credit card? Solve n/6=14/42 for the unknown quantity, n Lol, it seems like nobody helps anyone here anymore. Its just full of bots What happens when a tariff is used?A business relocates some of its factories to other countries.B country signs an agreement with other countries to sell to and buy from each other. C country places a tax on goods from another country.D business buys raw materials from one country and sells finished products to another.