Fundamentalists supported Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. True or false


Answer 1


Noooooooo they didn't


Fundamentalists believe that God created humans and all of the animals the way that they intended which clashed with evolution which all animals come from a common ancestor.  

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Atlanta lost its spot as the busiest airport in the world. Who took the spot?



China airport


Hope this helps!

Guangzhou baiyun international airport in China

True or False ?
Japan was seeking Hawaii as a new base of operations



False. Japan knew that it was a strong U.S. base of operations. They planned to destroy it, not take it over


False they planned to destroy it

In 1900, the British Empire covered a fifth of the land area of the earth. This led to conflict between the major countries of Europe. Great Britain was trying to conquer Africa from Cairo (in the north) to Cape Town (in South Africa). France was trying to conquer Africa from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea. A few years later, Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany wanted colonies in Africa, too. This angered other major countries and increased the tensions that led to World War I. The desire to take over lands for one's own country is called





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The Great Compromise created two legislative bodies in Congress. ... According to the Great Compromise, there would be two national legislatures in a bicameral Congress. Members of the House of Representatives would be allocated according to each state's population and elected by the people



The House of Representatives would be based on population, and each state would have an equal vote in the Senate. It settled the issue of how the slave population would be counted when determining representation and taxation.

The Chinese people staged the Boxer Rebellion to show they did not approve of
A foreign imperialism over China.
B the lack of trade occurring in China.
C the decline of Christianity in China. D countries disobeying the Open Door policy.​


Answer: your answer is A


A foreign imperialism over China.

helpsssssssssss plzzzzzzzzzzzz


The answer to this is c

This territory was located in the Pacific Northwest
and was claimed by both the United States and
Great Britain


The Oregon Territory


I hope this really helps braniy pleeeeez


Assignment question: List the effects of cyber bullying




Depression (sadness, crying, ect.)

Hatred for self and others

Loosing sight of one's self

worst part Suicidal


Hope this helps!!

What Paul wrote as instructions about discipleship is related to things at the heart of the Christian faith. Choose three related theological themes that are evident in Paul's letter to the Philippians.

1.the end times

2.the work of the Holy Spirit

3.the importance of the Ten Commandments

4.the reality of angels and demons

5.the Christian hope

6.the importance of being circumcised

7.the centrality of the cross

8.the nature of the universe



1,5 and 7 are the three theological themes that Paul wrote

Which of the following countries was not
one of the Allies In World War II?
A. France
B. Germany
C. Great Britain





germany is the answer

Plz help! Due tonight!
In one paragraph, describe what your think is the single largest accomplishment of the Civil Rights Movement and one area in which the United States struggled with race issues during and beyond the 1960s.

Plz actually answer! (Not heres the link)



In my opinion, answer below


In my opinion, the largest accomplishment of the Civil Rights movement and one area in which the US struggled with race issues was when congress passed a law, in 1964 saying that everyone would be equal. This prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. This civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of gender, as well as race in hiring, promoting, and firing.

Hope this helps!

A geographer could place North Africa and Indonesia in the same category because most of the people living in these regions have which majority religion?



I believe it would be islam.

In 1786, Daniel Shays led a rebellion with which group of people? A) merchants B) lawyers C) farmers D) soldiers


Answer: Farmers.

He and farmers were tired of Massachusetts taxes and the majority of farmers were going poor because they couldn't sell their crops to stores.

Hey there!


In 1786, Daniel Shays led a rebellion with mainly farmers.


In his little army which he led during his rebellion, there were mostly angry farmers who didn't like the new types of taxes they had to pay.

Hope this helped!

Which of the following were reasons for the Soviet Union’s collapse?

i. Satellite nations declared independence.

ii. The Soviet Union could not compete economically with the West.

iii. Soviet citizens demanded political and economic reforms.

iv. The United States beat the Soviet Union in a violent battle at Stalingrad.

A. i. and ii. only

B. i. and iv. only

C. iii. and iv. only

D. i., ii., and iii.





Because of 798

Who represents districts in a city-parish form of government?
A. an alderman council
B. a city commission
C. an elected council
D. a parish-municipal association



D. Parish munciipal association

Where do you think more money needs to be spent?



I think money should be spent more on your family.

Family and friends if you have the extra money in your pets because they have emotions to

How did the Marshall Plan affect the course of the Cold War in Western Europe? A potential Soviet invasion of Western Europe was deterred by the Marshall Plan, which detailed a military response to an attack. A system of alliances created by the Marshall Plan committed the United States to the security of Western Europe against the Soviets. Western Europe was able to recover from World War II and fend off communist influence due to the Marshall Plan outlining a system of loan repayments. Economic stability provided through the Marshall Plan strengthened the nations of Western Europe against Soviet influence.


The third scentence, they were able to recover from the war

wich part did he free


The answer is B. Region D

Which BEST describes the reason for US involvement in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

What best describes the reason for US involvement in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam was the permanent intent of the United States government to instill the foreign policy of containment during the Cold War years. During that time. the Soviet Union tried to spread Communism over different parts of the world, as was the case of Czechoslovakia, EastmGermany, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, North Korea, North Vietnam, and the Island of Cuba.

That is why the United States tried to impede the spread of Communism at all costs because it went against the economic and political interests. The US attempt to contain Communist influence in Asia and Southeast Asia.​

During the Cold War years, the US and the Soviet Union competed in the arms race, the space race, and the spread/containment of Communism.

In 1814. European leaders gathered at the Congress of Vienna to restore power in their kingdoms. Their main representative was Prince Klemens von Metternich of Austria. This was a popular quote of his, " The first and greatest concern for the immense majority of every nation is the stability of laws, and that they never change." Why would a monarch who is trying to restore his power say something like this?​


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

Why would a monarch who is trying to restore his power say something like this?

The monarchs of those years thought like that for the following reason. They wanted to keep total power and control over their land and subjects. They feared any rebellious movement that could mean a confrontation to their authority and power because these kings knew that they could lose it.

That is why Prince Klemens von Metternich of Austria said "The first and greatest concern for the immense majority of every nation is the stability of laws, and that they never change."  The more stability in its kingdom, the better for the king to preserve his dominion.

Kings did not want people to challenge their power.

One of the goals of the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815) was to restore Europe to the way it was before the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars.

When Napoleon was defeated, the victorious countries met to establish a plan that could offer a relative past to Europe after so many years of conflict. So they met in Vienna, Austria in the so-called Congress of Vienna, to change things after the reorder of the Napoleonic wars, trying to reestablish some monarchies. Peace and understanding functioned relatively well until the previous years of World War 1.

In 1775 what important event happened in Washington’s life?


Answer:  Washington is appointed General and Commander-in-Chief of the new Continental Army by the Second Continental Congress



Washington is appointed General and Commander-in-Chief of the new Continental Army by the Second Continental Congress

The black panther party’s tactics in the war on poverty included ?



The Black Panther party (BPP) was formed to address police violence and nagging inequalities that punctuated African Americans' lives.


far from being anti-white, the party addressed issues of poverty and inequality that affected communities of color. The founders, Huey Newton and Bobby Sealed founded the party in Oakland, CA in 1966. They were particularly concerned with issues of police brutality, which was a major problem in Oakland and nationwide at the time. Citing the Second Amendment, point #7 of their 10 point blueprint directed black people to "arm themselves for self defense."

In addition to guns, under the open carry laws in California at the time, members would also arm themselves with law books in order to shine a light on police misconduct and for informing those being stopped by the police or arrested of their Constitutional rights.

The history of the party offers a unique parallel to our current movement of the Black Lives Matter proponents today, including the use of social media which is designed to focus the public's attention on the continued unequal treatment of people of color and especially the wave of police violence brought against them.

How did the creation of state parks, national parks, national forests, and historical sites by the civilian conservation corps (ccc) impact the American economy, and where DO YOU THINK (just take a wild guess) America would be if the CCC never existed?
Please no links, please no random gibberish. Just answer the question as best you can-- revel in that 5 star review, and gloat to your friends about how you proudly earned that trophy that dubbed your answer as brainiest! Your family and friends will all be so proud!!


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The creation of state parks, national parks, national forests, and historical sites by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) impacted the American economy in that it mainly provided work for jobless young people.

The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was one of the most successful programs of the New Deal that implemented President Franklin D. Roosevelt as a way to help people in need after the Great Depression. As part of his New Deal Legislation, CCC hired young people to plant trees and refurbished some infrastructure in the Recreational Parks of America. It lasted for 8 years. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) provided relief and help to many American citizens in that it created jobs that sheltered young people and some food.

Where do you think America would be if the CCC never existed?

I think that American citizens had spent a more difficult time without the opportunities CCC provided, and the country could have not had that ecological awareness that invites us to take care of the environment, our forests, and nature in general.

Select the correct answer. An anthropologist publishes a paper, but does not disclose information about the fact that a charity sponsored the study. Which ethical principle is the anthropologist violating? A. preserving records B. informed consent C. research accessibility D. openness and honesty


The correct answer is D) openness and honesty.

An anthropologist publishes a paper but does not disclose information about the fact that a charity-sponsored the study. The ethical principle the anthropologist is violating is the principle of openness and honesty.

The Anthropologist must share the credit of its research because the charity institution or different people donated resources that made the research possible.

This means that without that support, teh research could have not to be conducted. That is why it is important to share the credit and disclose information about the people and institutions that supported the research. Being open and honest are traits that every research needs in this activity. Otherwise, the anthropologist is about to close many doors for further opportunities.

Douglas Kearney states that in the poem "We Are Not Responsible," Harryette Mullen addresses the concept of language being used as a "tool for power," which in turn can be used for oppression. In which lines does Harryette Mullen’s show this concept? How is language being used to oppress people in the current state of the country today?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

It is true that language can be used as a "tool for power," which in turn can be used for oppression.

In which lines do Harryette Mullen’s show this concept?

In the following lines:

"You were detained for interrogation because you fit the profile.

You are not presumed to be innocent if the police

have reason to suspect you are carrying a concealed wallet.

It is not our fault you were born wearing a gang color.

It is not our obligation to inform you of your rights,"

How language is being used to oppress people in the current state of the country today?

Language can do much harm because it lasts forever. Words can heal but also can hurt and create damage. And in today's world, people have been very aggressive. It seems that respect and tolerance are things from the past.

Language has been used to insult, denigrate, offend, and attack. And this has repercussions that precede violence.

Harryette Mullen is an African American teacher and poet who works at UCLA, in the Los Angeles area.

Which of the following statements about Sunderland Falls is false?
It is one of the world’s largest waterfalls.
It is located in the Darling River.
It has a drop of 1,904 ft.
It is located on New Zealand’s South Island.





please mark brainiest

Summary of the president election of 1860

(do not copy and paste, or put links) will mark brainiest!!



The Election of 1860 exhibited the divisions inside the United States not long before the Civil War. The political decision was strange in light of the fact that four in number applicants vied for the administration. ... The Constitutional Union Party was likewise new; 1860 was the sole time the gathering ran a contender for president.


"The desire for fairness drives conflict and ultimately, change." In a clear, cohesive argumentative essay, state your thesis and support it with at least three pieces of specific evidence.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although you did not attach any text, article, or lecture to provide specific evidence, we can comment on the following so you can get some good ideas for your essay.

"The desire for fairness drives conflict and ultimately, change."

What is fair for you could not be fair for me.

One of the constant conflicts between humans is trying to apply our values and definitions of what is right to other people.

And that is wneh trouble starts. What can be good for you could not be god for me or your neighborhood.

So the desire for fairness depends on your set of values education and belief systems. However, when we include the reasons for fairness that benefits the majority, then people can understand the benefits of living in harmony, peace, respect, and tolerance, although you have to refrain from something you like or consider good.

As the moral value it is, fairness can be interpreted according to people's interests. Nonetheless, everything that is thought to be in equity and harmony for everybody requires changes and adaptations. This means that to live in harmony and in peace, you sometimes -and of course, other people too- have to concede something. That is a decent way to get to an understanding of the conditions that benefit the majority.

New social conditions require new ways to confront and resolve issues that benefit the majority of people.

What item did the Dutch refuse to give to the nazis in 1942



Artists refused to join the German culture guild, despite the fact that this denied them income. Farmers refused to pay the Nazis,


German invasion of the Netherlands..

hope this helps you

In a well developed paragraph using examples from the text answer the following question: How did the Etruscans and the Greeks influence the development of Rome?



Greek Culture's Influence on the Development of Roman Religion and Mythology. ... Most Roman gods are borrowed from Greek mythology and given Latin names. Both sets of Gods are said to reside on Mount Olympus in Greece. The main difference, was that the Greek gods were based on human and physical forms and traits

Etruscan influence on ancient Roman culture was profound and it was from the Etruscans that the Romans inherited many of their own cultural and artistic traditions, from the spectacle of gladiatorial combat, to hydraulic engineering, temple design, and religious ritual, among many other things.

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