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Based on the opinions of most researchers as represented by the Venn diagram, where would the character trait of personality fall within the influences of heredity and environment? (Site 1)


Answer 1

Answer:  Using a Venn diagram, the character trait of personality belongs shared between heredity and environment, since it is influenced and shaped by both.


Hereditary and environmental factors (directly and indirectly) influence, shape, and change personality traits throughout a person's life in a number of ways. Our hereditary influences prior to adulthood include social classes, parental involvement, religion, social interactions, family presence and values, sibling relationships, education, role models, encouragement, punishment, and morals. After we mature as adults and begin our individual journey, our environments, and surroundings influence our experiences and imbue our personality with new perspectives and values. Those environmental factors may include office politics, colleague relationships, legal accountability, independence, financial responsibilities, personal survival, building a family, commitments, setting objectives, and meeting our own needs. Based on these various factors, we can conclude that personality traits are influenced equally by heredity and environment as we progress and mature throughout our life.

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In a group of Nile tilapia fish, some individuals have a greenish brown body and others havea pink body, in this group, the gene for the body color trait has two alleles. The allele for apink body (b) is recessive to the allele for a greenish brown body (B)A certain Nile tilapia fish from this group has the homozygous genotype bb for the body colorgeneBased on this information, what is this fish's phenotype for the body color trait?a pink bodya greenish brown bodySubmitWork it out


The Nile tilapia fish's phenotype (detectable attributes) for the body color trait is a pink body because the genotype of the fish is homozygous bb which is the recessive allele (pink color).

Which statement is incorrect about scientific theories?A. Theories are suggestions that don't require credible scientific explanation.B. Theories can be changed if new evidence arises.C. Theories are based on proven hypotheses.D. Theories are used to explain why natural phenomena occur.


Scientific theory is a way to explain phenomena that is incorporated in a hypothesis or laws. It can be modified as new evidence arises since scientist accepts new evidences to explain further the previous theory. It is based on proven hypothesis. It is well explained and based on verified and proven hypothesis. It is used to explain the occurence of natural phenomena. The evidences where it is based was developed over time.

Theories are not suggestions. These are reliable and comprehensive knowledge. It does not only provide provisions for facts' explanation but makes a way for predictions so as to prove its truthfulness.

Answer - A. Theories are suggestions that don't require credible scientific explanation.

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An invasive species characterized by certain aspects that confer them high competitivity, many of them are generalists for habitat and food, possess a quick reproduction, and grow fast. Therefore we can say that the correct answer are the two first options.

Based on your knowledge of scientific laws and theories, which statement is true?A. They both represent definite facts that are not subject to change.B. They are hypotheses.C. They are ordered-one becomes the other.D. They are based on evidence and observations.


Both scientific laws and theories talk about phenomena and events that happen in nature, but laws are used to describe them, while theories explain why those phenomena happen. However, despite the differences between the concepts, they are both based on evidence and observations.

Answer: D

a plan to combat childhood obesity.



1) Education

2)Improvement of school nutrition

3)Regulation of food marketing and labeling

4)Promoting physical activity (for example at school)

If we choose 4:

Plan: implementation of one hour of daily exercise in schools.

-Experts recommend at least 60 minutes of daily physical activity for children.

-This will not only reduce the risk of obesity but also improve the academic performance at school.

-Sports or aerobic-type exercises are the most efficient; continuous running, team sports, swimming, dancing, cycling, tennis, etc.

-Muscle stretching exercises should also be performed at the end of each exercise session.

11Certain types of plants have flowers that secrete nectar, a sweet liquid that attracts animals such as bats. The bats visit these flowersand feed off of the sweet nectar. As they feed, they pick up pollen and spread it to other flowers. What effect do bats have on theseflowering plants?OA. Bats increase the plants' population.OB. Bats decrease the plants population.OC. Bats prevent the plants from reproducing.OD. Bats prevent the plants from growing tall.ResetSubmit


Bats, in this case, are acting as pollinators, which means that move pollen from flower to flower favoring outcrossing and fertilization of the flower, this way fruits and seeds are produced, therefore we can say that the correct answer is option A.

which possible mutation of the DNA triplet GAC will affect the production of a protein by the gene that contains this triplet


To answer this question we need to look at the genetic code to see what amino acid GAC triplet codes.

As is in DNA we need to pass it to RNA

GAC = CUG = Leu

Now we have four possible options, so we need to obtain the RNA triplet and look at the genetic code so we can see what each code.

A.- ATC = UAG = Stop

B.- AAC = UUG = Leu

C.- GAT = CUA = Leu

D.- GAA = CUU = Leu

So options B to D all code for leucine, the same amino acid as the original triplet, meanwhile option A does not code for another triplet but is a Stop codon, meaning that protein production will stop there, so the correct answer is option A as a premature stop definitely will leave the protein unfinished and with no function or defective.

Match the ocean zone with the correct description.Benthic ZoneIntertidal ZoneNeritic Zone Pelagic Zonea. This zone makes up over 90% of the world's oceans and ranges from 200-10,000m deep.b. This zone receives nutrients from land and extends over the continental shelf. c. This zone experiences extreme pressure and frigid temperatures, and there is no light.d. This zone experiences changes in water level during high and low tide.


1. Benthic zone - c. This zone experiences extreme pressure and frigid temperatures, and there is no light.

2. Intertidal zone- d. This zone experiences changes in water level during high and low tide.

3. Neritic zone- b. This zone receives nutrients from land and extends over the continental shelf.

4. Pelagic zone- a. This zone makes up over 90% of the world's oceans and ranges from 200-10,000m deep.

Which of the following is a
CORRECT combination of a
viral disease and the virus
that causes it?
A. Food Poisoning - E.coli
B. Athlete's Foot - Dermatophytes
C. Flu - influenza this
D. Strep throat - Streptococcus


Combination of the virus that induces a viral sickness and the disease itself influenza is the flu.

The right response is C.

Is food poisoning like a stomach bug?

Vomiting and nausea are common symptoms of both the stomach flu and food poisoning, but they are distinct illnesses. Food that has been tainted by germs, viruses, parasites, or poisons is what causes food poisoning. Norovirus typically causes the stomach flu.

How can I test myself for food poisoning?

After eating, if you develop any of the symptoms listed within a few of hours, you may have food poisoning: Constipation, stomach aches, vomiting, fever, diarrhoea, sporadic headaches, and other problems.

To know more about Food Poisoning visit:


Extra fertilizer in water can cause algae to reproduce and bloom out of control. What type of interaction in the Earth system is this?A. Hydrosphere-LithosphereB. Atmosphere-LithosphereC. Atmosphere-BiosphereD. Hydrosphere-Biosphere


There are five systems, or strata in this classification on Earth, geosphere (comprises the interior and surface of rocks, here it has its own distinctions, such as lithosphere as the solid outer part of the earth), biosphere (the life-supporting stratum of the earth), hydrosphere (comprises the water bodies), atmosphere (the gas envelope of the planet, it has its own strata), and cryosphere (the ice reservoirs of the planet). With this information, we can proceed to analyze the possible options.

A. Hydrosphere-Lithosphere: interaction between the water bodies with the outer earth layer, there is no life-supporting system, so is incorrect.

B. Atmosphere-Lithosphere: Interaction between the gas envelope and outer earth layer, there are no water bodies so it is incorrect.

C. Atmosphere-Biosphere: Interaction between the gas envelope and life-supporting system, there are no water bodies so it is incorrect.

D. Hydrosphere-Biosphere: Interaction between the water bodies and life-supporting system, this is the correct answer, it has the water bodies where algae can bloom and the life-supporting elements of the biosphere that allow these organisms to survive.

Which sentence best explains the relationship between a community and an ecosystem?

OA. A community includes both an ecosystem and the surrounding biotic factors.

OB. An ecosystem includes both a community and the surrounding abiotic factors.

OC. A community can contain multiple ecosystems.

D. An ecosystem can include communities from different regions. ​


Answer: B. An ecosystem includes both a community and the surrounding abiotic factors.

Explanation: An ecosystem includes both a community and the surrounding abiotic factors.  An ecosystem comprises living organisms that reside in a particular habitat alongside non-living components of that environment, such as air, water, and soil. A community is the population of diverse species that live in the same area and interact with one another. The relationship between an ecosystem and a community is that an ecosystem includes both a community and the surrounding abiotic factors.  The abiotic components of the ecosystem influence the survival and interactions of the biotic components, including species interactions and nutrient cycling. Therefore, an ecosystem's biotic components interact with the abiotic environment, and an ecosystem cannot be complete without the interaction of living and non-living things.

Why does DMD affect mostly boys? Use CER.Group of answer choicesA. DMD must be a sex-linked disorder. For example hemophilia is a sex-linked disorder that affected mostly males due to being located on the X chromosome. For females to be affected, they would have to have both X-chromosomes affected, since they have 2.B. DMD does not affect mostly boys. There is not way to determine is males are affected more the females.C. DMD must be a autosomal-linked disorder. For example Huntington's is a autosomal-linked disorder that affected mostly males. For females to be affected, they would have to have both X-chromosomes affected, since they have 2.


Duchenne MD is caused by a dystrophin gene in the X chromosome. Boys only have one X chromosome making the DMD more present in the boys, as the girls can almost always balance the chromosomic anomaly with the second X chromosome. That's the case with hemophilia that is also a sex-linked disorder. Being the answer to the question the letter A.

Which of the following would be most effective at reflecting sunlight from earth's surface?A. dark-colored parking lotB. snow-covered fieldC. forestD. jungle


In this case, we have that darker colors absorb light and lighter colors reflect it, in earth's case we have an effect called albedo, which implies, the amount of light that the planet surface reflects back, the poles are the areas that reflect most of this energy and therefore highly important for earth's temperature/radiation regulation. Therefore taking this into account we can say that the correct answer is option B.

if you find a new species of algae floating on the surface of a coastal zone, you would likely consider it a type of ____.


If you find a new species of algae floating on the surface of a coastal zone, you would likely consider it a type of phytoplankton.

Phytoplankton uses sunlight, nutrients, carbon dioxide, and water to manufacture oxygen and nutrients for other organisms. Earth is said to be  covered by the ocean, and phytoplankton are the main source of  producing up to 50% of oxygen that breathable.

Phytoplankton are microscopic organisms that live in watery environments, both salty and fresh. Many phytoplankton are bacteria, some are , protists and most are single-celled plants.

To learn more about Phytoplankton , here


Cell membranes are found in...A. only lipids.B. all cells.C. all cells, except lipids.


Cell membranes are found in all cells. (option B)

Cell membranes composition can vary within different organisms, but they always contain different types of lipids.

What is not found in every cell are cell walls.

explain how mutations to genes can effect traits in organisms



mutation produce sudden difference between individuals because only the mutation which occurs during formation of gametes are inherited

How is RNA polymerase different from DNA polymerase?-it synthesizes DNA from complimentary strand-it synthesizes RNA from complimentary strands-They are identical in structure and function- it synthesizes Amino Acids


The correct option is the second one: -it synthesizes RNA from complimentary strands-. RNA synthesis is quite different to DNA's. For example, some differences are: RNA polymerase adds nucleotides directly, it produces a single strand, and it requires specific transcription factors to start its activity.

What effect what effects do eating disorders have on the body?



Eating disorders are very common but can be very dangerous. They can affect people of all ages and can come in many forms. The type of eating disorder a person has can determine the way they act about food and how much they eat. Some eating disorders involve eating too much food, some involve eating too much food and others involve eating too little.

What new species have been discovered recently and how have they been classified


So far eighteen species have been discrebed in 2021. These are:

1. Leaf-litter ant (Strumigenys collinsae) - USA

This is one of the six ants from Strumigenys genus discrebed in a recent paper. The holotype as found in Colorado.

2. Churah Valley kukri snake (Oligodon churahensis) - India

This snake specie as found in the bachyard of a graduate student in India during lockdown.

3. Star octopus (Octopus djinda) - Australia

New specie of octopus from the larger global O. vulgaris group. These specie name was chosen to constrast with that of it's east coast relative (gloomy octopus).

4. Hoserhair worm (Acutogordius olivetti) - Peru

Found in a scientific expedition to document fauna in Madre de Dios, southern Peru.

5. Ramari's beaked whale (Masoplodon eueu) - Southern Hemisphere

A distinct spedie from True's beaked whale found in North Atlantic.

6. Weevil (Trigonopterus ewok) - Sulawesi

Found in the Indo-Antralian-Melanesian archipelago, the nunber of Trigonopterus increse with 28 newly discrebed species.

7. Tiger beetle (Eunota mecocheila) - Mexico

Found in the saline and muddy ditches.

8. Nujian pit viper (Gloyrius lipipengi) - China

One of the two venomous snakes discrebed by researchers studying the molecular phylogeny of pit viper in Asia.

9. Feiruz wood lizard (Enyaliodies feiruzae)

What type of feedback system controls child birth?


The release of oxytocin during labor stimulates muscle contractions that push the baby through the canal. It is a feedback loop that results in a change in the body's status, instead of resulting in a return to homeostasis. When there is a change in body status, the feedback is a positive feedback loop.

How are plants influenced by human societies?




Plants are affected both positively and negatively by human societies. We either help their growth, or stunt their growth. For instance, we may add fertilizers to the soil. This helps plants, or we may cause oil spillag on soil, which in turn kills plants.

how are adaptations related to the ecosystem where an organism lives?


Adaptation relates to the ecosystem of organisms because organisms must adapt to the changing biotic and abiotic factors in their ecosystems.

Adaption and ecosystems

Adaptation refers to the adjustment of living organisms to the changing factors in their environment in order to continue surviving in the environment.

Ecosystems, on the other hand, refers to communities of different organisms interacting together and their physical environments to form a system.

Thus, an ecosystem consists of both living and nonliving components. The living components include other living organisms of the same or different species. The non-living components include edaphic or soil factors, rocks, and climatic factors such as temperature, pressure, salinity, precipitation, etc.

An organism living in a particular ecosystem must be constantly adapting to both living and non-living factors of the ecosystem. Such an organism must be able to compete with other organisms of the same or different species for resources.

The organism must also be able to adapt to changing abiotic factors in other to continue surviving in such an ecosystem.

More on adaptations can be found here:


Which of the following can be determined from hair without the follicular tag? Mark all that apply!
Group of answer choices

what part of the body






Mitochondrial DNA analysis is feasible if no follicular tag is visible. A person's mother's genetic material is the only genetic material that can be identified by mitochondrial DNA analysis. Therefore, species and race are the proper answers. A microscopic study of hair lacking a follicular tag cannot detect age and sex reliably.

The follicular tag, which is a rich source of mitochondrial DNA and can be used to identify a person, may remain present if the hair has been forcibly removed. If mtDNA can be retrieved from a hair with a follicular tag, it can be used as individual proof. The tissue from a hair follicle that is still affixed to the root end of a hair is called a follicular tag. In a medullary appearance known as a fragmented medulla, the proportion of the medulla that is visible is lower than the part of the medulla that is not.

Thus, we can state that mitochondrial D.N.A. analysis is possible in the absence of a follicular tag.



Question 1 (1 point)Any change to the DNA or RNA is aa) karyotype2O b) alleleO c) mutationO d) chromosome


When the sequence in DNA or RNA molecules changes, it's called a mutation.

This can be caused by errors in the replication, translation, mitosis, or meiosis; as well as as by damage derived from exposure to UV radiation, certain chemicals, or ionizing radiation.

This means C, mutation, is the right answer.

helpppp please ecosystem between 1975 and 1976 after which time rapiddeforestation and logging took place. Starting in 1979 the localpeople became concerned that the native finch population haddeclined drastically and began replanting mature trees in the area atwhich point the finch population then grew to levels seen in1975-1976. Which of the following explanations is the most crediblegiven the changes in the finch population?


Since the population of finches had decreased when deforestation and logging started, and it returned to its original values prior to deforestation when locals started to replating trees, it follows from these facts that trees are being a limiting factor in finches' populations, either because they're acting as niches, food, both or anything else that these populations needed to survive.

Therefore, the correct answer to this question is option D.

What is the similarity between mid-ocean ridges and accretion?

Both occur at convergent boundaries.
Both occur at divergent plate boundaries.
They occur when plates slide past each other.
They occur when one plate is pushed below another.


Mid-ocean ridges are the mountain ranges within the ocean environment. They are formed when oceanic plates collide during plate techtonics and magma rises above the oceanic lithosphere. Typically, it results into uplifting of the thin oceanic crust and making mountains. The magma solidify after interaction witn the water and results
into formation of new lithosphere.
Accretion is the phenomenon during which new material is added and landmass (lithosophere) is created during plate tectonics. Therefore, accretion takes place during formation of mid-oceanic ridges.
Principally, when a plate subducts below the other plate, some material scrap off from the subducting plate and then deposit above the plate hence making accretionary wedges.

Explain the difference and similarities of the chromosomes in a cell at metaphase mitosis and in a cell at metaphase 2 of mitosis 2.


Question: Explain the difference and similarities of the chromosomes in a cell at metaphase of MITOSIS and in a cell at metaphase 2 of MEIOSIS?


In the metaphase of mitosis, chromosomes line up at the equatorial plate at the centromere, which joins sister (identical) chromatids. In metaphase I of meiosis, they are aligned at the equatorial plate by the chiasmata that join the tetrads, already recombined. Thus, in metaphase II of meiosis, the sister chromatids are genetically distinct because of crossing over in meiosis I during prophase 1.


Similarities in the chromosomes between metaphase of Mitosis and Metaphase 2 of Meiosis:

In metaphase II of meiosis and metaphase of mitosis, chromosomes line up along the metaphase plate due to the action of microtubule spindle fibers emanating from the centrosomes located at opposite cell poles. These fibers are attached to the chromosomes by kinetochores at the centromeres of the chromosomes.

The chromosomes are similar in that each is composed of two sister chromatids and the individual chromosomes are positioned similarly on the metaphase plate.

Differences in the chromosomes between metaphase of Mitosis and Metaphase 2 of Meiosis:

The chromosome differs in that in a mitotically dividing cell, sister chromatids of each chromosome are genetically identical, but in a meiotically dividing cell, sister chromatids are genetically distinct because of crossing over in meiosis I. Moreover, the number of chromosomes at the equatorial plate in meiosis II is half the number in the mitotic nucleus.

In metaphase II the chromosomes are aligned at the center of the cell. This time there are no homologous chromosomes to be paired with.

In mitosis, the sister chromatids that make up a given chromosome are identical. In meiosis II, they may differ in length if they participate in crossing over during prophase I. The chromosomes then differ in length when they reach metaphase II.

how does the myelin sheath affect the transmission of an action potential (2 marks)



Myelin is arranged in several layers around the axon of neurons, generating what is called the myelin sheath. The function of myelin is to accelerate the conduction of nerve impulses, allowing more rapid transmission of the membrane action potential.

Consider the following diagram:

Review the structure of leaves and the chambers through which gasses move. Why is there air surrounding the mesophyll (spongy) cells inside the leaf?


The spongy mesophyll contains very few chloroplasts and it has a large surface area in order to increase the diffusion of carbon dioxide and oxygen. There is an intercellular air space within the spongy mesophyll layer which also allows the diffusion of carbon dioxide and oxygen. The air spaces are connected to the stomata. Stomata is a porelike opening in the underside of the leaf that allows carbon dioxide and oxygen to diffuse into and out of the leaf.

Is the cell an open or closed system? Explain youranswer using at least one example of a cellorganelle and its function


The cell is an open system. The cell membrane could help us to clarify this. The cell membrane is semipermeable, that is, it allows the entrance

of certain molecules, usually small molecules. Nevertheless it has strategies to allow the entrance of bigger molecules, like its recognition with

its membrane receptors. With these features, the cell interacts actively with its environment, showing it is an open system.

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