Four times a number is greater than 48. What are the possible values for the


Answer 1


Any number greater than 12 but not including 12

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps u


Answer 2


this is a very easy question all you have to know is your times table.

the working is shown below:








12×4= 48

Related Questions

A. -5
B. 11
C. 38 - 8i
D. 3+ 8i




Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step explanation:


What is the longest line segment that can be drawn in a right rectangular prism that is 14 cm​ long, 9 cm​ wide, and 7cm​ tall?



This length is greater than the 12 cm side of the rectangle, so it confirms our initial guess, the longest line segment is 12.89 cm long.

Find the value of x.





x = 19

Step-by-step explanation:

123°+3x = 180°

3x = 180°-123°

3x = 57

x = 57/3

x = 19

The reason why we use 123° + 3x = 180° because both are adjacent angles. Adjacent angles add up to 180°

find the sine of < I ​



Step-by-step explanation:So for this question, you need to find side KI and you can find it with the pythagorean theorem

[tex]5^2+\sqrt{21}^2 = c^2[/tex]






sin(sqrt21/ sqrt46) =.0117

Write this decimal
as a percent.



87.2% hope this helps



Step-by-step explanation:

move the decimal point 2 places to the right

When Anna commutes to work, the amount of time it takes her to arrive is
normally distributed with a mean of 51 minutes and a standard deviation of 5
minutes. Using the empirical rule, determine the interval that represents the
middle 68% of her commute times.




Step-by-step explanation:

The area of Kylie's room is 400 square feet. The width of her room is 20 feet. What is the length of her room?


Answer and Step-by-step explanation:

Assuming the room is a type of rectangle, we need to divide the area by the width to get the length.

So, do 400 divided by 20 to get the length, as length times width equals the area.

400 divided by 20 = 20.

The length of the room is 20 ft. (meaning the room is a perfect square.

#teamtrees #PAW (Plant And Water)

A smartphone costs $260. Sales tax is 6%. What is the total cost, including tax?
The cost of the smartphone, with tax, is $


I got 275.60 htdffghuyfddd


Step-by-step explanation:

TAX CALCULATION: 260 x .06 = $15.6

Next, add the tax to the original price.

260 + 15.6 = $275.6

$275.6 is the final price including tax.

60 people were asked the colour of their car


What’s the question you want answered

2 x - 3+ 1 x6 is equal to?

A. - 48
B. - 1
D. 1




Step-by-step explanation:


1*6 multiply first. 1*6 is 6

2*-3 is -6

then when you add them, they cancel out


provide a correct answer to this problem quickly please.


The second option I think

Which two products can add to find 9 times 4?




im not sure if that's what you meant but i can answer again if you want

Step-by-step explanation:


sin ( 330 )

 csc  ( 60 )

cos  ( 390 )

Step-by-step explanation:

If OK and GE are parallel, what must the length of GE be?



let the length of GE be x,

[tex] \frac{9}{3} = \frac{x}{2} [/tex]

being similar triangle.


18 = 3x

x = 18/3

x = 6 cm

5. Classify each triangle by its angle and sides



5 is D

6 is C

Step-by-step explanation:


Equilateral - All sides and angles are congruent

Isosceles: Two congruent sides and two congruent angles

Scalene: No congruent sides or angles

Right triangle: A triangle with a right angle ( note that a right angle has a measure of 90 degrees )

obtuse triangle: A triangle with an obtuse angle ( obtuse angles have a measure of more than 90 degrees. )

Acute triangle : A triangle with an acute angle ( an acute angle has a measure of less than 90 degrees )


the triangle shown in # 5 has a right angle and 2 congruent sides and angles

Therefore the triangle in #5 is a right isosceles

The triangle shown in #6 has an angle with a measure that is more than 90 degrees and have no congruent sides or angles therefore the triangle in #6 is an obtuse scalene.

If the Corner Bakery packages the muffins in the boxes of a 100 how many boxes of a 100 could they make



24 muffins

240 muffins

2 boxes

Step-by-step explanation:

here is the complete question

Amy is baking muffins. Each baking tray can hold 6 muffins.

a. If Amy bakes 4 trays of muffins, how many muffins will she have in all?

b. The corner bakery produced 10 times as many muffins as Amy baked. How many muffins did the bakery produce?

If the Corner Bakery packages the muffins in the boxes of a 100 how many boxes of a 100 could they make

Number of muffins Amy has = number of trays x capacity of each tray

6 x 4 = 24 muffins

b. Muffins the bakery produces = 10 x 24 = 240 muffins

c. Number of boxes = 240 / 100 = 2. 4

that is 2 boxes of 100

The number line below represents the solution to which inequality?

F. -2x + 728
H, 6x 9-21
G. 7x + 1134
J. -3x - 155 -27​


I think it is f but I’m not sure hope this helps

Calculate the area of the region bounded by y=6x and y=6x^2. And find the volume of the solid generated by revolving the region about the x-axis



Hence, the Area is [tex]\frac{24}{5} \;\text {and the Volume of the bounded region is } \frac{24\pi}{5}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Concept :

Area of the region bounded by two curve :


volume of the solid generated by revolving the region about the x-axis is :

 [tex]\int_a^b\pi(R^2-r^2)dx[/tex]   where [tex]R[/tex] is long radius of bounded region from x-axis and [tex]r[/tex] is short radius of bounded region from x-axis.

Given :

[tex]y=6x[/tex] and [tex]y=6x^2[/tex]

To find :

Area of the region bounded by [tex]y=6x[/tex] and [tex]y=6x^2[/tex] and volume of the solid generated by revolving the region about the x-axis.

Explanation :

[tex]\because y=6x\;\text{and}\;y=6x^2[/tex]

[tex]\therefore 6x=6x^2\\\Rightarrow x=1[/tex]

Area of the region bounded by [tex]y=6x[/tex] and [tex]y=6x^2[/tex] is :


[tex]\Rightarrow \int_0^1((6x)^2-(6x^2)^2)dx=\int_0^1(36x^2-36x^4)dx\\\Rightarrow \int_0^1((6x)^2-(6x^2)^2)dx=36\int_0^1(x^2-x^4)dx\\\Rightarrow \int_0^1((6x)^2-(6x^2)^2)dx=36\left(\frac{x^3}{3}-\frac{x^5}{5}\right)_0^1\\\Rightarrow \int_0^1((6x)^2-(6x^2)^2)dx=36\left(\frac{1}{3}-\frac{1}{5}\right)\\\Rightarrow \int_0^1((6x)^2-(6x^2)^2)dx=36\times\frac{2}{15}\\\Rightarrow \int_0^1((6x)^2-(6x^2)^2)dx=\frac{24}{5}[/tex]

Volume of the solid generated by revolving the region about the x-axis.


[tex]\Rightarrow \int_0^1\pi((6x)^2-(6x^2)^2)dx=36\pi\int_0^1(x^2-x^4)dx\\\Rightarrow \int_0^1\pi((6x)^2-(6x^2)^2)dx=36\pi\left(\frac{x^3}{3}-\frac{x^5}{5}\right)_0^1\\\Rightarrow \int_0^1\pi((6x)^2-(6x^2)^2)dx=36\pi\left(\frac{1}{3}-\frac{1}{5}\right)\\\Rightarrow \int_0^1\pi((6x)^2-(6x^2)^2)dx=36\pi\times\frac{2}{15}\\\Rightarrow \int_0^1\pi((6x)^2-(6x^2)^2)dx=\frac{24\pi}{5}[/tex]  

I need help on this math question, coordinate planes.



where is the question?

Step-by-step explanation:

the picture is all black.


4840 yards squared!

What is the angle of elevation that is required for a hit ball to just clear the center field fence when it is hit 2 ft above the ground? Show all of your work and round your answer to the nearest hundredth of a degree.

I know the degree but I need to know how the degree was found. I am using the U.S Cellular Field, aka the Guaranteed Rate Field in Chicago, IL.
The distance from the home plate to the center-field fence is 400 ft. The height of the center field fence is 8 ft. The given angle of elevation is 0.86 degrees.


C is the point on the ground where the person is standing and which is making the angle of elevation of 60° AB (Height) = ? Example 2 :Height of tree is 8.65m, the angle of elevation of the top of tree is 60° find the distance at which the person is standing away from tree ? Solution : Let AB is the tree. B is the foot and A is the top of tree.


2 ft above



Angle be x

Apply Pythagorean theorem

[tex]\\ \rm\Rrightarrow tanx=\dfrac{10}{400}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \rm\Rrightarrow tanX=\dfrac{1}{40}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \rm\Rrightarrow tanX= 0.025[/tex]

[tex]\\ \rm\Rrightarrow X=tan^{-1}(0.025)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \rm\Rrightarrow X=1.432°[/tex]

[tex] \sqrt{4 {}^{4} } [/tex]



16 will be your answer

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps..

Thanks again for the points bro!!

Select all ordered pairs that satisfy the function y= -1/2x + 4 a) (-1, 3&1/2) b) (1, 3&1/2) c) (2&1/2, 3) d) (2, 3)



The correct options are:

Option b) (1, 3 + 1/2)

Option d) (2,3)

Step-by-step explanation:

Suppose that we have a function:

y = f(x)

A ordered pair (a, b) satisfies this function if:

b = f(a).

In this case, the function is:

y = -(1/2)*x + 4

Let's try with each one of the options:

a) (-1, 3 + 1/2)

Replacing these values we get:

3 + 1/2 = -(1/2)*-1 + 4

3 + 1/2 = 1/2 + 4

3 + 1/2 = 4 + 1/2

This is false, then the point (-1, 3 + 1/2) does not satisfy the function.

b) (1, 3 + 1/2)

Replacing these values we get:

3 + 1/2 = -(1/2)*1 + 4

3 + 1/2 = 4 - 1/2 = (3 + 1) - 1/2 = 3 + (1 - 1/2) = 3 + 1/2

3 + 1/2 = 3 + 1/2

This ordered pair satisfies the function.

c) (2&1/2, 3)

Replacing these values we get:

3 = (-1/2)*(2 + 1/2) + 4

3 = -(1/2)*2 - (1/2)*(1/2) + 4

3 = -1 - 1/4 + 4

3 = 3 - 1/4

This is false, then the point (2 + 1/2, 3) does not satisfy the function.

d) (2, 3)

Replacing these values in the function we get:

3 = -(1/2)*2 + 4

3 = - 1 + 4

3 = 3

This is true, then (2, 3) satisfies the function.

What is the total surface area of the prisim



A. 846 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

1539 ÷ 19 = 81

√81 = 9

9 · 9 · 81 = 1539

A = 2(wl + hl + hw)

A = 2(19 · 9 + 9 · 9 + 9 · 19)

846 cm²

20 points pls answer


The answer to the first one is 0.879 and the second is 50%

How many square feet of the carpet will the Smiths use for their family room.


D. 330 ft2
Find the area of the whole carpet first:
Multiply 24 x 14 = 336 square feet. I got the length 24 cause look at the measurement at the top, its 20 and 4 so add those together.

Then find the area of that one corner of the carpet that will be excluded:
The figure it makes is a triangle, so this is how u find the area:
3 x 4 divided by 2 = 6 square feet.

Minus 336 - 6= 330
Cha.t me if u have any questions.
I believe in my answer, trust me this is easy geometry-
Mark me brainliest!



[tex]adjacnt {}^{2} = opposite {}^{2} + hypotenuse {}^{2} \\ adjacent {}^{2} = 8 {}^{2} + 12 {}^{2} \\ adj {}^{2} = 64 + 144 \\ adj {}^{2} = 208 \\ adjacent = \sqrt{208} \\ adjacent = 4 \sqrt{13} [/tex]

Need answer fast thx




Step-by-step explanation:

10% of 100 is 10 so times it by 5

find the square root of the following:
a. 1434/25




Step-by-step explanation: square root of 57.36 = 7.57363849


1434/25 is 57.36 the square root of 57.36 is 7.57

What is the equation of the line?



The line equation is x=3 because the line covers all of the possible y values within the coordinate x=3.

the equation of the line is x=3.. it’s over the 3 line.

An isosceles triangle has two angles that measure 37 degrees. What is the measure of the third angle




Step-by-step explanation:

isosceles triangle has two sides equal meaning two sides measure 37 so



(total measurement of a triangle is 180)

Select ALL the expressions that have the same value as 9s

1. 9+s
2. 9*s
3. 3s + 6s
4. 3(3s)
5. s(5+4)
6. 3s * 3s
7. s+s+s+s+s+s+s+s+s


2,3,4,5,6 and 7 all I have the same value as 9s. Hope this helps:)



Step-by-step explanation:

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