For humans to be socialized, it is imperative that they have


Answer 1
For humans to be socialized, it is imperative that they have: Two parents: a mother and a father.

Related Questions

the success of the entire police agency is generally dependent on the skill and work of the patrol officers, who have been said to be the eyes and ears of the police organization.


The success of the entire police agency is generally dependent on the skill and work of the patrol officers, who have been said to be the eyes and ears of the police organization. This statement is true.

Who are patrol officers?

They are liable for carrying out various law enforcement tasks, safeguarding people's lives, property, and civil rights. Work that is overseen.

What is a patroller's job description?

To preserve order, enforce laws and ordinances, and safeguard life and property within the City by executing a variety of tasks, such suppressant criminal patrol, traffic directing, and issuing citations, all while working under general supervision.

To know more about patrol officers, click here-


T/F. There is a common folk belief that there is no such thing as mental disorder. All psychological dysfunctions are a form of punishment for sinful or inappropriate behavior in the past.


We assimilate fresh knowledge or experiences into our preexisting concepts through assimilation.

What are psychology's two primary subfields?

The two primary subfields of psychology, experimental and applied, are widely accepted by psychologists. While applied psychology uses the knowledge to solve problems for people, experimental psychology focuses exclusively on research (as individuals, groups, or organizations).

What are the top 5 psychological problems?

According to an analysis of genetic data from the more than 60,000 people worldwide, five major mental illnesses—autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder bipolar disorder, major depression, and schizophrenia—seem to share some similar risk factors (The Lancet, online Feb. 28).

To know more about psychological visit:


Will give brainliest for right answer! :)

If eliminating any of the following rights would protect public safety, which would you choose? Why? Explain your thought in 2-3 sentences.

Some of Our Rights Under the Constitution:

Right to freedom of speech

Right to bear arms

Right to an attorney

Right to protection from cruel and unusual punishment

Right to freedom of the press

Right to a jury trial

Right to freedom of religion

Right to peaceably assemble

Protection from self-incrimination (testifying against yourself in a criminal trial)

Right to protection from unreasonable searches and seizures



It is difficult to say which right should be eliminated in order to protect public safety, as all of these rights are important for maintaining a fair and just society. In general, it is important to strike a balance between protecting public safety and respecting individual rights. In any situation, the best approach would likely be to find ways to uphold all of these rights while also taking necessary steps to ensure public safety.


socioeconomic status, which often can predict whether a citizen will vote, includes all of the following except:


Citizenship and Participation predict whether a citizen will vote, in socioeconomics status .

What is citizenship ?

Various nations, histories, civilizations, cultures, and ideologies have different traditions and approaches to citizenship throughout history, which has led to a wide range of interpretations of the nation of citizenship.

The origin of citizenship can be traced back to Ancient Greece, when "citizens" were those who had a legal right to participate in the affairs of the state. However, by no means was everyone a citizen: slaves, peasants, women or resident foreigners were mere subjects.

The concept of "civic virtue" or being a "good" citizen was significant to those who did have the luxury of citizenship since participation was seen as both a responsibility and a right, first and foremost. A citizen was deemed disruptive to society if he did not fulfill his obligations.

Citizenship, participation and human rights:

The right to one's nationality, the right to change one's nationality, and the right not to have one's nationality taken away are all recognized in Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Numerous additional international agreements, such as the Council of Europe's European Convention on Nationality, affirm the right to one's nationality (1997). The terms "nationality" and "citizenship" are sometimes used interchangeably in the context of international conventions.

Learn more about Citizenship and Participation:


under some circumstances, an adult who is not a relative or spouse, is financially interdependent, and lives permanently with another adult can be legally defined as a partner.


Under some circumstances, an adult who is not a relative or spouse, is financially interdependent, and lives permanently with another adult can be legally defined as a domestic partner.

What is the meaning of domestic relationship?

Domestic partnerships are formal relationships between unmarried couples who live together and share a common household. Benefits that ensure the right to survivorship, hospital visiting, and other rights are provided to people who are in domestic partnerships.A domestic partnership is an intimate union of two individuals who have made the decision to live together and be partners for the rest of their lives.No. The federal government does not always treat registered domestic partners the same as spouses for legal or tax reasons, although California normally recognizes registered domestic partners and married couples similarly in terms of rights and obligations.

To know more about Domestic Partner here


Each of the following people behaved aggressively, and each was punished for his or her aggression. For which of these people should the indicated punishment have the best chance of successfully reducing aggression?a. Jake, who was punished immediately following his act of aggressionb. Keifer, who was extremely angry when punished after committing an act of emotional aggressionc. Lakeesha, who was punished in a very angry, hostile manner by her parents after committing an act of instrumental aggressiond. Danielle, who was punished for some of her aggressive acts but not for others, and cannot discern a pattern in the incidence of punishment


Jake should have the highest chance of successfully lowering hostility if he was disciplined right away after his act of aggression.

What do you mean by aggression?

Aggression, according to social psychology, is any behavior or behavior intended to hurt another person, an organism, or physical damage to property. Several examples of hostile behavior are given below: physical injury harsh language, yelling, and screaming. disseminating misinformation or disparaging a classmate. Five categories best describe our understanding of aggression: ethological, psychotherapeutic, behavioral patterns, indignation, and cultural.

What encourages aggression?

Just a few instances of the causes of physical aggression are as follows: apprehension, worry, and tension. unmet psychological or physical demands, such as loneliness or hunger. traumatic experiences. The three types of aggression were prompt, agressive, and receptive.

To know more about aggression visit:


which of the following is recommended in order to dissuade group members from divulging confidential information?


A written contract is recommended in order to dissuade group members from divulging confidential information.

Beyond having documentation to reference in court, there are numerous other benefits to having written contracts. A written agreement guarantees that all of the conditions of your agreement are set forth in writing. There will be a written agreement that the parties can turn to if there is a dispute in order to repair the connection.

In conclusion, by helping to prevent litigation altogether, a well-written contract can help save money and build a corporate relationship. However, a contract must be specific in order to accomplish these goals. Each party's obligations and rights should be fully stated with limited room for interpretation. Questions like performance deadlines, payment schedules, termination privileges, and default rights (to name a few) should all be clearly documented.

Complete question:
Which of the following is recommended in order to dissuade group members from divulging confidential information?

A. A verbal contract

B. A verbal contract

C. A written contract

D. A stern warning

Learn more about written contract here:


for decades, counselors resisted integration, often to the point of denying the validity of alternative theories and of ignoring effective methods from other theoretical schools.


For many years, counsellors resisted integration, frequently going so far as to discount different theories and ignore useful techniques from other theoretical schools. The idea of integration has become a cornerstone as the field of psychotherapy has developed.

What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is the application of psychological techniques, particularly when based on routine one-on-one contact, to assist a person in altering behaviour, enhancing pleasure, and resolving issues. Any method of treatment for psychological, emotional, or behavioural issues in which a trained individual develops a relationship with one or more patients with the goal of modifying or eradicating current symptoms and fostering personality growth is known as psychotherapy, often known as counselling. Contrary to therapy, psychotherapy is a fundamental procedure that emphasises instinctive needs or drives, emotional analysis, and dream interpretation. Depending on the severity of the issue, talk therapy or cognitive behavioural treatment may be used in psychotherapy.

To learn more about psychotherapy click,


14. Coffin nails were used by the British in World War I to describe_
a. smokes
b. cigarettes
c. puffs


Coffin nails were used by the British to describe cigarettes during WW1

one of the advantages of time use studies, in which researchers investigate how people fill their days with activities, is that they


Time usage studies, which examine how people spend their days engaging in activities, have the advantage of accounting for care work, which frequently looks unnoticed.

What is meant by time use research?

Studies on time utilization reveal how people use their free time. They merely display what people do on a daily or weekly basis. In their most basic forms, they depict what individuals are doing, where they are, who they are with, and how they are feeling at any given moment.

What advantages does time use studies offer?

Activities' timing. A time-use survey records the time of day and the order in which different tasks are performed in addition to the amount of time spent on each one. Numerous research applications could make use of such knowledge.

To know more about time-use research, visit:


the basic question for equivalence is whether reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity: occur in very young children depend on generalization spontaneously emerge require language skills


They are able to direct behavior without relying on reinforcement.

The three components of stimulus equivalence are:

If stimuli can be shown to have reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity, they are considered to meet the mathematical definition of equivalence.

Which instructional strategy is founded on the concept of stimulus equivalence?

According to Fienup, Hamelin, Reyes-Giordano, and Falccomata (2011), equivalence-based instruction (EBI) is training that teaches academically relevant concepts by incorporating the principles of stimulus equivalence into instructional design.

What are the four triggers?

Sensory receptors generally respond to one of the following four primary stimuli:

Temperature (thermoreceptors), pressure (mechanoreceptors), light (photoreceptors),chemicals (chemoreceptors).

To learn more about reinforcement here


How does a teen’s “click culture” impact their behavior?​



It is difficult to say exactly how a teen's "click culture" may impact their behavior, as this can vary depending on the individual and their personal experiences. However, some possible effects of a teen's heavy use of technology and social media may include an increased reliance on peer approval, a lack of face-to-face communication skills, and a potential for negative mental health effects such as anxiety and depression. It is important for teenagers to use technology and social media responsibly, and for parents to monitor their use and provide guidance as needed.

Gangs are believed to be responsible for nearly ______ percent of violent crime overall in the United States. A) 20. B) 30. C) 40. D) 50.


Gangs are believed to be responsible for nearly 50 percent of violent crime overall in the United States. Thus, option d is correct.

What is violet crime?

The classification of violent and non-violent offences under state legislation varies. Violent crimes or violent criminal acts typically entail the use of force and/or physical harm to another person's body. The extent of the victim's bodily injury is frequently used to gauge how serious a violent crime is.

As an illustration, consider how certain jurisdictions may apply harsher punishments for offences that result in substantial bodily harm or injury. The employment of a weapon, particularly one that is designated as a lethal weapon, may increase the severity of the offence.

Even though the victim was unharmed, some offences may still count as violent crimes.

To study more about violet crime


the case of women and their use of south mountain park highlights the ways in which the problem of coercive power used against women is perceived as primarily a problem.


The case of women and their use of South Mountain Park highlights the ways in which the problem of coercive power used against women in perceived as primarily a women's problem.

What is coercion?

Coercion is a type of power that uses force, threats, and other forms of coercion to achieve results. For example, a supervisor who threatens to demote, fire, or suspend a violating employee uses coercion. Coercion is the supervisor's ability to force an employee to comply with an order by threatening punishment if the employee fails to comply.

Why is coercion important?

One of the main benefits of using enforcement is that it gives administrators and supervisors control over how the organization operates. When employees continue to disregard company policies and standards, managers need the power to correct that behavior, and that power is given by coercion.

Learn more about coercion power:


What are ways some citizens promote positive forms of nationalism ?



Some ways citizens promote positive forms of nationalism include celebrating national holidays, participating in national events, and supporting local businesses.

who made up the middle class in colonies



The Middle colonies welcomed people from various and diverse lifestyles. The social-political structure included all three varieties: villages, cities, and small farms. Another difference is clearly noted in the human resources. New England had skilled craftsmen in the industry of shipbuilding.


rob asks jerome to commit acts of fraud for him. jerome refuses to oblige. rob threatens to fire him because jerome is an at-will employee. which of the following would most likely protect jerome from wrongful termination?


"The public policy exception" will most likely protect Jerome from wrongful termination.

Public Policy Exception : Public policy can be generally defined as a system of laws, courses of action, regulatory measures, and funding priorities concerning a given topic promulgated by a governmental entity or its representatives. Under this exception to employment at will, an employee is wrongfully discharged when the termination is against an explicit, well-established public policy of the State.

What are the 6 key components of public policy?

These are  formulation, adoption, implementation, agenda building, evaluation, and termination. Before a policy can be created, a problem must exist that is called to the attention of the government.

To know more about Public Policy Exception :


Steve is a talented hockey player who has been on elite teams since he was seven years old. He is currently 18-years-old and has a history of concussions from direct hits from other hockey players. Steve is a good student who has a strong athletic career and he wants to sign with a Division I hockey team with an athletic college scholarship. His parents are hesitant to allow him to continue playing high-level hockey because they are afraid of negative cognitive consequences. Which of the following neurocognitive disorders are they afraid their son might have?
a) alzheimer's
b) prion disease
c) dementia
d) chronic traumatic encphalopathy (CTE)


Out of the choices provided above, it can be concluded that the parents of Steven might be afraid that he has a neurocognitive disorder of chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Therefore, the option D holds true.

A neurocognitive disorder can be referred to or considered as a disorder in which a person has to face severe negative cognitive consequences. In the above situation, Steve has a history of concussions, or head injuries, which have led to a development of this disorder. This disorder has led to the development of such cognitive consequences for of the same.

Learn more about neurocognitive disorder here:


most enlightenment philosophers believed that, when freed of past religious and political shackles, people would act? in their own self-interest. for the greater good. rationally and morally. logically and deliberately.


Philosophers believed that, when freed of past religious and political shackles, people would act as Rationally And Morally.

What is Morally?

The set of principles that allow people to live peacefully in communities is referred to as morality. It is what society deems to be "acceptable" and "right."Sometimes, in order to live moral lives, people must put society ahead of their own immediate needs. Those who violate these moral principles may be viewed as immoral.

What is Rationally?

Being motivated by or founded on reasons is the trait of being rational. In this sense, someone acts logically if they have a valid reason for doing so, and a belief is logical if it is supported by substantial evidence. If anything is lacking in rationality, it is either irrational or arational, depending on whether it falls within the realm of rational judgment or not.

To know more about Rationally And Morally, refer to-


the idea that nature is to be mastered by humans and humanity should dominate the earth without concern for it is known as the .



human exceptionalist paradigm


The Human Excemptionalist (or sometimes 'Exceptionalism') Paradigm is the idea that humans are somehow separate from nature or that we have transcended it in some way through spirituality, technology or consciousness.

In 2008, Barack Obama became the first African American to serve as president. In 2020, Kamala Harris became vice president, making her the first woman of color to serve in an elected role in the executive branch.

What does this indicate about the history of the executive branch?

The executive branch has mirrored the population of the United States.
The executive branch has been led almost entirely by White men.
The executive branch has been led mainly by White men and women.
The executive branch has been relatively diverse for most of its history.


White men and women have dominated the executive branch of the US government. The correct response is option (3).

What is an executive branch?

The overall management of a state's administration is the responsibility of the executive branch of government. In countries with a political system based on the separation of powers, the executive branch of government is in charge of carrying out and executing legislation passed by the legislative branch of government.

A lawyer and politician from the United States named Kamala Devi Harris will serve as the 49th vice president of the country.

From 2009 until 2017, American politician Barack Hussein Obama II served as the nation's 44th president.

To know more about the executive branch, visit:


people are more likely to engage in a behavior if it is followed by a reward. according to rotter, this is because the reward question 2 options: creates an association through


People are more likely to engage in a behavior if it is followed by a reward. according to rotter, changes the expectancy that the behavior will lead to rewards in the future.

What is the behavior pattern?

Behavior patterns are repeated actions by an individual or a group toward a certain item in a specific circumstance, or repeated occurrences of two or more reactions that take place in a predetermined sequence or arrangement. Many patterns emerge as a result of rewards and penalties, and are referred to as learnt behavior.These types of unwelcome behavior patterns frequently take the form of overeating, procrastination, bad interpersonal interactions, excessive spending, and excessive TV or internet use.

To know more about Behavior patterns here


The main function of muscle spindles is toA) pass neural information evenly to all parts of the muscleB) act as stretch receptorsC) bind myofibrils together in bundlesD) enable contraction of the muscles


Muscle spindles serve as length detectors and are crucial for a high level of motor control.

Why are muscles necessary?

These muscles support your capacity to move, lift objects, circulate blood around your body, and sometimes even breathe. You likely focus on the muscles you have the most when you consider your body's muscles. You can regulate the actions of these muscles since they are your optional (VOL-uhn-ter-ee) muscles.

It is known as the muscle.

Muscles are soft tissues. Numerous elastic fibers make up your muscles. There are more than 700 muscle in your body. The various muscle groups' purposes differ. You can move swiftly, as when you run or jump, or deftly, like when you thread a needle, thanks to certain muscles.

To know more about muscles visit:


Wahat is one way theat king Tutankhamen reversed Akhenantons religous refroms


He reopened the old temples.

FILL IN THE BLANK. Jack, a sales manager, is confronted by Jessica, a dissatisfied customer. Jessica claims that she has received a defective piece of merchandise and wants to make a complaint. Jack tells her that she needs to fill out a complaint form, which will be reviewed by the frontline staff, and recorded into the complaint-handling system. After that, the senior management would conduct an investigation on her complaint and give her a response within 20 working days. The conflict resolution technique used by Jack in this situation is called _____.


The conflict resolution technique used by Jack in this situation is called due process nonaction.

Setting up a formal grievance procedure but also making sure it is time-consuming, costly, confusing, and possibly even dangerous is a third poor method of conflict resolution. The due process nonaction tactic aims to exhaust the disgruntled customer while also asserting that there are open and accessible channels for resolution. In issues involving racial and sexual discrimination, this tactic has frequently been employed. Having precise and sensible timelines for resolving disagreements will be a crucial point of discussion when talking about conflict policies.

Learn more about conflict resolution strategy here:


The conflict resolution technique used by Jack in this situation is called due process nonaction.

What is "due process nonaction" in resolving conflict?

Due Process Nonaction is an ineffective method of resolving conflicts.This method is to build up a recognized procedure for remedying grievances, yet at the same time to confidently say that the procedure is lengthy, complex, demanding, and possibly even unsafe. The due process nonaction method is designed to bog down the rogue employee while suggesting that resolution processes are available and accessible.

In the case above, the process of filing a customer complaint is very convoluted and time-consuming. Jack advises the customer (Jessica) to complete a complaint form, which will be examined by frontline employees and entered into the complaint-handling system. Following that, top management will investigate the complaint and respond to her within 20 business days. Jack's approach is, for sure, ineffective for resolving the conflicts.

Learn more about conflict resolution here: /


emotionally driven , antagonistic aggression that is sparked by ones perception that others peoples motives are hostile is referred to as


Emotionally driven aggression that is incited by the belief that others have hostile motives is referred to as reactive aggression.

What is reactive aggression?

Aggressive aggression are closely associated with the activation of threat circuits in the brain. They occur in response to perceived social threats, which encourage an angry approach rather than fearful avoidance. Provocation-induced aggression is strongly associated with anger and deficits in cognitive control, including emotional regulation and inhibitory control. In addition, the brain's reward system plays a particular role in anger-related retaliatory aggression in response to frustration. More research is needed to further disentangle specific brain responses to social threat, provocation, and frustration.

Learn more about reactive aggression


What social and economic policies impact on youth work professional environments?​


Youth are the building blocks of the country. Young people experiencing disadvantages often demonstrate low motivation for education. Often those concerned do not receive adequate encouragement and support for overcoming this challenge from key family members and persons in positions of authority in the institutions of education.

Having little work experience and being dependent on getting a job,
young people experiencing disadvantages are particularly vulnerable to the risk of being exploited. Many work without contracts, social protection, or through temp agencies. Young people in the workplace are susceptible to manipulation and coercion into activities they do not want to do for fear of losing their job.

a. The Black Plague
b. Smallpox
c. The Bubonic Plague
ravaged and killed a third of Europe's population in the 14th century.


C. The Bubonic Plague


C. The Bubonic Plague or Black death.


in first language acquisition by children, piaget's developmental stages predict what features of their native language children know


In first language acquisition through kids, piaget's developmental levels expect what capabilities in their local language kidsknow.babbling.

The required details about Babbling is mentioned in below paragraph.

Babbling is a degree in baby improvement and a nation in language acquisition throughout which an little one seems to be experimenting with uttering articulate sounds, however does now no longer but produce any recognizable phrases.Babbling is a degree in baby improvement and a nation in language acquisition throughout which an little one seems to be experimenting with uttering articulate sounds, however does now no longer but produce any recognizable phrases. Babbling starts rapidly after delivery and progresses thru numerous levels because the little one's repertoire of sounds expands and vocalizations turn out to be greater speech-like. Infants commonly start to produce recognizable phrases whilst they may be round twelve months of age, aleven though babbling might also additionally hold for a while afterward.

To learn about Babbling visit here.


in their long-term study of married couples in the processes of adapation in intimate relationshjips pair, huston and his colleague found that the best


Huston and his colleague developed the most effective disillusionment model after conducting a thorough research for married couples going through adaptation within intimate relationships.

What is a true romantic relationship?

Accepting your identity as a human is the foundation of true love. Even when they disagree with you, your partner doesn't try to change you. When you've experienced true love, you frequently feel like you can talk to your spouse about anything.

Why are relationships crucial?

Strong social ties enable us to deal with stressors, find solutions to issues, and conquer obstacles. We engage in a variety of partnerships throughout our lives. Relationships with romantic and/or partners can be among them, as well as ones with family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors.

To know more about relationships visit:


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