Folk culture's major characteristics.​


Answer 1


Conventionally, folk culture refers to the products and practices of relatively homogeneous and isolated small-scale social groups living in rural locations. Thus, folk culture is often associated with tradition, historical continuity, sense of place, and belonging


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Similarities have you seen between the experience of some Jewish Americans and the experience of some Hispanic Americans
Pls help me



There are many similarities between the two including discrimination, escaping for freedom, and poor living conditions.

When conducting a significance test in practice, how should you choose the alpha level?.


When the repercussions of incorrectly the null hypothesis being rejected are more severe, use a greater alpha.

What do you mean significance?

A meaning that is frequently obfuscated or inferred indirectly. a quality of being important: a quality of communicating or implying: being statistically significant at the moment.

What are examples of significance?

Being "significant" – meaningful and important — is a quality that signifies significance. It also alludes to a thing's meaning. Because it is so your anniversary or even the anniversary of Queen Di's wedding, a particular date might be significant. There's a good reason why the term significance comes first. the property of being meaningful or significant: to give meaning to boring tasks.

To know more about significance visit:


Where did colonists build forts to see passing ships?



the ship sailed south to the canary islands and from there westward to the west indies


What is a particular risk for children who have younger siblings when the children are separated from parents?.



the kids is venerable to the society anlage

The kids are venerable to society's anlage who have younger siblings when the children are separated from their parents.

What is the meaning of Siblings?

A relative who has at least one parent in common with the subject is said to be a sibling. Siblings who are male are brothers, and those who are female are sisters. An only kid is someone who has no other siblings. Siblings typically grow up together, yet there are some situations when they may be reared separately.

A brother or a sister is a sibling. Siblings, the plural form, can refer to either brothers or sisters or a mix of the two. Siblings are not always children; they can be of any age.

Siblings in the traditional sense are those who share the same mother and father. Half siblings either have the same father or mother. Brothers and sisters who are not biologically related but whose parents are married are known as "stepsiblings."

Learn more about the siblings here:


what is one significant limitation of using punishment? a. reinforces the behavior of the punisher b. results in reactivity c. resurgence of behavior after the punitive consequence is removed d. all of the above


When punishment is used without sufficient limitations, the punisher's conduct is reinforced, which leads to reaction and a recurrence of the behaviour after the punitive consequence is lifted. Here correct answer is option D.

Any form of punishment has a very limited ability to change behaviour and shouldn't ever be the only tool used to control conduct. Three factors account for this: Working with mice or people, the undesirable behaviour always returns as soon as the punishment or prospect of punishment is removed.

Across all nations and cultures, corporal punishment is associated with a number of detrimental effects on children, including poor physical and mental health, delayed cognitive and socioemotional development, subpar academic performance, increased aggressiveness, and the use of violence.

To learn more about punishment


In multiparty systems, sometimes close to 10 parties might enter the
O True
O False


False false false false false false is the answer or might be true

Identify the topic of the speech: Tell the speaker something you thought they did well. Ask a question. Give the speaker a suggestion for how they might improve their speech.


The utterance proposes solutions for improving a speech, with feedback, questions and positive alternative suggestions for this purpose.

How to make a good speech?

It is necessary for the speaker to develop a series of communication techniques to engage the audience. First, the speaker must prepare in advance for the speech, organizing his speeches, creating visual resources and aligning the subject with the expectations of the spectators.

Therefore, feedback and suggestions for improvements to a speech are essential for future adaptations and for the development of the speaker's communication skills.

Find out more about speech techniques on:


given the childhood experiences that typically precede borderline personality disorder, some multicultural theorists believe that the disorder may actually be a reaction to persistent feelings of:


Some multicultural theorists think that borderline personality disorder may be a response to ongoing emotions of marginality, helplessness, and social failure given the childhood events that frequently precede the disease.

An individual's capacity to control their emotions is substantially compromised by borderline personality disorder, a mental condition. This breakdown in emotional regulation may make a person more impulsive, have a negative influence on how they feel about themselves, and damage their relationships with other people.

A individual or group of people become marginalized when they are less able to access opportunities or essential services. This phenomenon is also known as social marginalisation. It's also known as social marginalisation on occasion.

To learn more about borderline personality disorder


Ron desantis won the florida governor’s race by 0. 4 of a percentage point in 2018. What was his approximate margin of victory this year?.


In what some considered an upset, Republican U.S. Representative Ron DeSantis recently defeated Democratic Mayor of Tallahassee Andrew Gillum for the governorship.

How did Floridians vote in 2008?

Florida was won by Democratic nominee Barack Obama by a 2.8% margin of victory, the first time the state has been won by a Democrat since 1996. Prior to the election, most news organizations regarded this state as a toss-up, or swing state, because it was heavily targeted by both campaigns.

DeSantis received the Bronze Star Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, and the Iraq Campaign Medal during his military career.

Therefore, Ron DeSantis is indeed a member of the United States Navy Reserve as of 2022.

Learn more about Florida from the given link.


How do fair information practices in the united states and the european union differ?.


Unlike the EU, the U.S. has no single, overarching country wide information prolateness coverage. Unlike the U.S., the EU has applied several information prolateness laws.

The required details for privacy policy in given paragraph

A prolateness coverage is a announcement or felony document (in prolateness regulation) that discloses a few or all the approaches a celebration gathers, uses, discloses, and manages a consumer or patron's information. Personal statistics may be something that may be used to become aware of an individual, now no longer constrained to the person's name, deal with, date of birth, marital status, touch statistics, ID issue, and expiry date, monetary records, credit score statistics, scientific history, in which one travels, and intentions to collect items and services. In the case of a business, it is mostly a announcement that broadcasts a celebration's coverage on the way it collects, stores, and releases non-public statistics it collects. It informs the patron what particular statistics is collected, and whether or not it's far saved confidential, shared with partners, or offered to different companies or enterprises. Privacy rules normally constitute a broader, greater generalized treatment, as adversarial to information use statements, which have a tendency to be greater special and particular.

The precise contents of a positive prolateness coverage will rely upon the relevant regulation and can want to deal with necessities throughout geographical barriers and felony jurisdictions.

To know about privacy policy click here


What primary reason for the elgin marbles remaining in london is nullified by its own logic?.


The primary reason why Elgin Marbles's remaining in London is nullified by its own logic was because he stated that he got an official decree from the Ottoman Empire but never was able to substantiate it or show proof of it.

Why are the Elgin Marbles controversial?

These subject of one of the longest cultural rows in Europe. The Greeks have been demanding that they (Scluptures) are returned to their homeland because they were taken illegally during the country's Turkish occupation and should be returned for display in Athens.

According to some critics, the removal of the Elgin Marbles was been described as an egregious act of imperial plunder.

Read more about Elgin Marbles


the people who make up the modern president's cabinet must be confirmed by the house of representatives. true or false


The House of Representatives must confirm each member of the current presidential cabinet. This assertion is true.

The chiefs of 15 executive departments make up the advisory Cabinet. Cabinet members are frequently the president's closest confidants since they are chosen by the president and approved by the Senate.

The President's senior advisers make up the Cabinet. It is composed of the 15 major executive departments' leaders. All department heads carry the title Secretary, such as Secretary of Defense or Secretary of Education, with the exception of the head of the Justice Department, who is referred to as the Attorney General.

Advisors collaborate with political officials to inform and counsel them on subjects they might not be educated about.

To learn more about presidential cabinet



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-if you copy and paste you will be reported.



      South Asia can be truly seen as one of the most complex and beautifully constructed subcontinents of the world. South Asia is tremendously known for its very defined mountain structures. One of the most famous and useful mountains in the world can be found in South Asia, the Himalayas mountains. They are the root of a great many rivers that have supplied Asia for centuries. Being the major source of many water supplies for Asia, it is very important that they keep these grounds clean and supported through the years.

       Not only known for its vast grounds on land but also for its immense beauty on the coast. The Indian Ocean can bring many thoughts into someone's mind because of how outstanding it is. It covers 20% of the earth's surface which gives it a very important role in many continents. It supplies water and marine life to the regions around it. It's also a wonderful place to set sail for trade to spread cultural diffusion and just culture in general.


you are in class listening to the instructor, but the students on both sides of you are having separate quiet conversations. even though these conversations are distracting, you are able to maintain your focus and attention on the lecture. what skill are you utilizing? a.divided attention b.selective attention c.ignoring d.focused attention


The skills of Selective attention are utilized when you are in class listening to the instructor, but the students on both sides have separate quiet conversations.

So, the correct option is B.

Selective attention is the act of concentrating on one element of the environment for a predetermined amount of time. This is distinct from inattentional blindness, which occurs when you concentrate intensely on one item while being oblivious to unexpected things that enter your visual area. So, this way students are able to focus on the instructor still they were in quiet conversations with classmates.

Selective attention is the mechanism through which the human brain focuses its attention—a limited resource—on one subject for an extended period of time at the expense of outside stimuli. Distractors that were auditory or visual only caused the corresponding cortices to become active.


Learn to know more about Selective attention on


In regards to role-playing in everyday life, what is the name we give to the roles we develop with our family and friends?.


The roles we develop with our family and friends are called as personal roles.

In a family, we are bound with many relations which are composed between individuals with different age groups. As an elder, we must act wisely, remain calm, composed, disciplined and have the sense of forgiveness, while as a child, we are expected to learn more, be respectful, act under permission of parents and commit less mistakes. While acting so, we define ourselves some personal roles and the behavior assigned with roles is what is expected from us in a society. Family roles range on a scale from unhealthy to healthy and impact the entire family system.

Learn more about personal roles at:


To refer to complete question, see below:

In regards to role playing in everyday life, what is the name we give to the roles we develop with our family and friends?

A) Social roles

B) Personal roles

C) Professional roles

D) Complementary roles

ccording to kouzes and posner, leaders who act like pioneers and are willing to innovate are using which exemplary practice? a.encourage the heart b.inspire a shared vision c.challenge the process d.model the way


Using exemplary practice and challenging the process, leaders who act like pioneers and are open to innovation do so, claim Kouzes and Posner. Here option C is the correct answer.

Leaders who "Challenge the Process" look for novel methods to adapt, develop, and advance. They continually challenge the way things are done in their businesses in order to "Experiment and Take Risks." They recognize ineffective procedures and take action to modify them.

Challenge the Process enables leaders to take a step back and evaluate where they can improve and make changes while fostering an atmosphere inside their business where it is safe to question conventions in the quest for excellence. Innovative leadership is at the core of excellence.

To learn more about leaders


inappropriate affect, the experiencing of emotions that are unsuited to a situation, is classified as a(n) symptom of schizophrenia.


The inappropriate effect, the experiencing of emotions that are unsuited to a scenario, is assessed as a(n) delusions symptom of schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia is a persistent mental disorder that impacts much less than one percent of the U.S. populace. whilst schizophrenia is energetic, symptoms can consist of delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, trouble with questioning, and a shortage of motivation.

The signs and symptoms of schizophrenia are normally categorized into tremendous signs and symptoms – any trade-in behavior or mind, along with hallucinations or delusions. negative signs and symptoms – wherein humans appear to withdraw from the sector around them, take no hobby in everyday social interactions and frequently seem impassive and flat.

Learn more about schizophrenia here


"Still, though a slaveholder, I freely acknowledge my obligation as a man; and I am bound to treat humanely the fellow creatures whom God has entrusted to my charge … It is certainly in the interest of all, and I am convinced it is the desire of every one of us, to treat our slaves with proper kindness."—Letter from former South Carolina governor James Henry Hammond, 1845

"Standing with God and the crushed and bleeding slave on this occasion, I will, in the name of humanity which is outraged, in the name of Liberty which is fettered, in the name of the constitution and Bible, which are disregarded, and trampled upon, dare to call in question and denounce … slavery 'the great sin and shame of America'!"—Fredrick Douglass, from speech titled "The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro," 1852

The ideas and language used by both Hammond and Douglass most directly reflect the influence of which of the following?
The Second Great Awakening
States' Rights


The ideas and language used by both Hammond and Douglass most directly reflect the influence of the Second Great Awakening.

Option A is correct.

The Second Great Awakening was a Protestant religious revival in the early nineteenth century in the United States . Several reform movements were spurred by the Second Great Awakening, which propagated Christianity through impassioned preaching and revivals.

Despite resistance from male leaders, some women asserted themselves more forcefully in church affairs and raised their voices as preachers within evangelical communities in the early aftermath of the Great Awakening, which did little to change this gender imbalance.

To know more about The Second Great Awakening visit :


Create an example of a situation in which “human differences” can lead to social stratification.



Human differences make a huge impact on social satisfaction. let's understand how:

This is a position framework since it partitions individuals in view of elements that they can't change themselves, and there is no moving between standings. Class frameworks, then again, exist in the US.

For example:

A regal title is a genuine illustration of a credited status, as it is given to an individual just by the righteousness of their introduction to the world. Essentially, the Hindu standing framework is a genuine illustration of credited status in light of religion.

For further information about social stratification refer to

thank you!

exposed to marital conflict, it would be expected that young adults with postformal thought processes would


It would be expected that young adults with post-formal thought processes would blame the individuals involved.

What is marital conflict?

As a spouse attempts to fulfill their marital responsibilities, marital conflict can indeed be characterized as a condition of pressure or pressure between it parties.

In a  marital conflict, it is a thought that when people are young adults they are involved in post-formal thought. In which they are the ones who are right and the other one has been mistaken. Run in these types of conflicts they are the ones who would blame the other party for the wrongs and the deeds that they have done.

Learn more about marital conflict, here:


laertes is understandably upset when he returns from france. his father has been murdered. he does not yet know about how ophelia has deteriorated mentally. who does he hold responsible for his pain? question 9 options: claudius ophelia gertrude the ghost


The clothes Ophelia was wearing kept her afloat for a while, but she eventually drowned. Laertes flees in rage when he realizes that he cannot control his grief.Gertrude and Claudius follow him, purportedly to quell his rage.

How does Ophelia respond to the death of her father?

Even though it is clear that Ophelia is hurting because her father died, Polonius says, "She speaks much of her father, says she hears / There's tricks in the world, and hems, and beats her heart," as Horatio puts it.

What is Laertes enraged about, and why is he angry?

Laertes storms into the hallway in rage, fuming because he wants to get revenge on his father for his death.Claudius frankly acknowledges Polonius's demise in an effort to calm him down.Gertrude adds with nervousness that Claudius is not guilty of it. Laertes erupts once more in rage when Ophelia enters again, clearly insane.

Learn more about Laertes here:


According to the US Constitution, which branch of the government is responsible for intellectual property law?
a Department of Defense
b Supreme Court
c Congress
d Executive Branch



C is your answer. hope this help you :)





What are the main themes of "The Hill We Climb”? Choose three correct answers.

Nothing matters more than power.
Nations develop and grow over time.
Patriotism is the most important ideal.
Everyone must be equal in a democracy.
America is a land of many different people.
A nation draws strength mainly from its past.


Nations develop and grow over time is the main themes of "The Hill We Climb".

American poet Amanda Gorman wrote the spoken word poem "The Hill We Climb," which she recited on January 20, 2021, at Joe Biden's inauguration in Washington, D.C.

An inspiring call to action, The Hill We Climb by Amanda Gorman was released on Inauguration Day and stresses themes of resiliency, hope, and community. In this lesson plan, students concentrate on these concepts and consider how their own unique viewpoints and experiences may help America "forge a union with purpose."

To know more about Amanda Gorman visit :


An effective way to eliminate the dangers of social traps is to pass legislation that makes the selfish advantage of social traps less desirable.


True, an effective way to eliminate the dangers of social traps is to pass legislation that makes the selfish advantage of social traps less desirable.

In psychology, a social trap is a conflict of interest or per verse incentive in which individuals or a group of people act to obtain short-term individual gains that result in a loss for the group as a whole in the long run.

A social trap occurs when a highly motivating short-term reward or punishment is opposed by a long-term negative consequence. A fence would be an immediate punishment that restricts behavior movement toward an eventual positive reward.

To know more about the social traps, click here.


maya is an african american student who works hard to speak standard american english when she is at school. when she does this, she is


Maya is an African American student from the middle class whose mother teaches at a university. Standard American English is her native tongue and first language.

Which of the following best describes how you can use your understanding of nonverbal cues to increase your intercultural competence?

Concentrate on what the people of the other culture enjoy and how they normally behave in order to effectively interpret what they are saying.

What use does touch serve when a doctor does a physical examination, as an example?

Palpation. During a physical examination, palpation involves using the hands or fingers to feel something. The medical professional feels and touches your body to assess an organ or body part's size, consistency, texture, location, and tenderness.

To know more about african american student visit:-


If gabe, a 23-year old musician, is interested in seeking out a romantic partner and having a committed relationship, which developmental task is he beginning to fulfill?.


If Gabe, a 23-year old musician, is interested in seeking out a romantic partner and having a committed relationship he is fulfilling the developmental task of Intimacy vs Isolation which is of the stage Adolescence.

What are Developmental Tasks?

A developmental task is one that develops at or around a certain stage in life and whose unsuccessful completion prevents the performer from doing duties connected to the following stage or time. In order to continue developing, a person must do developmental tasks that involve their physical or mental abilities. Walking is a developmental challenge for infants, which is followed in the toddler stage by the emergence of a sense of autonomy. From infancy to old age, Havighurst (1972) recognised six age-specific life stages, each with a unique set of developmental activities.

Hence, If Gabe, a 23-year old musician, is interested in seeking out a romantic partner and having a committed relationship he is fulfilling the developmental task of Intimacy vs Isolation which is of the stage Adolescence.

To learn more about Developmental Tasks click,


Answer: Finding intimacy


4. The concept of free will is opposed by determinism. Determinism is the belief that__

A. you should only be kind to people who deserve it.
B. you have free will to make your own decisions.
C. your decisions and actions are predetermined by your environment and genetics.
D. your personality is made up of unique traits.


C. Your decisions and actions are predetermined by your environment and genetics.

how and to what extent have environmental factors, disease, and technology affected patterns of human migration and settlement over time? how and why have economic, social, cultural, and geographic factors influenced the process of state building, expansion, and dissolution? what are the causes and effects of economic strategies of different types of communities, states, and empires? how have distinctions based on kinship, ethnicity, class, gen-der, and race influenced the development and transformations of social hierarchies?


As temperatures dropped throughout the Paleolithic era, Homo sapiens and other plants and animals moved to a warmer climate. Many people started to go in the direction of an agricultural revolution as a result of the warmer weather. A new technology emerged as agriculture became a part of daily life, leading to the development of plows, textile factories, woven fabrics, wheeled vehicles, and ceramics, as well as the migration and settlement of people over time.

Human migration is the movement of people from one place to another with the purpose of eventually relocating, either permanently or temporarily (geographic region). The movement frequently occurs over great distances and from one nation to another, but it is also possible to migrate internally (inside a single nation); in fact, this is the most common type of migration for people worldwide. Migration is frequently associated with higher human capital at the individual and family levels as well as with better access to migration networks, which facilitates a potential second move.

Age also plays a key role in both painting and non-painting migration. Additionally, individuals, families, and large groups of people might move from one place to another. Migration can be divided into four main categories: invasion, conquest, colonization, and emigration/immigration.

Learn more about   migration here


today, a Renaissance man is someone who is good at many different things. This
comes the Renaissance when someone like Leonardo da Vinci excelled at painting, science,
engineering, math, and more.




A Renaissance man is anyone who is good at many distinct things. This

comes the Renaissance when anyone like Leonardo da Vinci be skilful at painting, science,engineering, math, and extra.

The Renaissance when someone like Leonardo da Vinci excelled at painting, science,engineering, math, and extra. Then? Now?

The Renaissance was a noteworthy era that originated in Italy and spanned the 13th to the 17th centuries. It was considered that the classical world had "reborn." Leonardo da Vinci, a man who lived during the Renaissance, is highly renowned for learning and being knowledgeable in a variety of disciplines. Leonardo da Vinci epitomizes the concept of a true Renaissance man due to his accomplishments and contributions in the fields of mathematics, art, science, and engineering. The Italian Renaissance began in the middle of the 14th century, and it spread to other parts of Europe in the 1400s and 1500s. The Renaissance was brought about by the rediscovery of the classical world. further information.

Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452, not far from the village of Vinci, around 25 miles west of Florence. He was the illegitimate child of Ser Piero da Vinci, a well-known notary in Florence, and local resident Caterina. What Leonardo was like as a youngster is unknown, but when he was fifteen, his father apprenticed him to renowned artist Andrea del Verrocchio.

Learn more about  Leonardo da Vinci's work here:


What does Nazism mean? Please explain by using your own words if u can



In one word I would say it is a political ideology that people in Germany followed 100 years ago


The word Nazi means a people who follows the ideologies of Nazism. Nazism also spelled as Naziism, was a movement led by the great dictator Adolf Hitler. Nazism has several similar aspects like Fasicm which is also a ideology followed by Mussolini in Italy. But compared to Fascism,it was more extreme in both practices and ideas. We can rather call it as a anti-intellectual and atheoretical movement which was emphasizing the will of a sole dictator who uses to impose ideologies of their own ethics and that was followed by a mass number of Nazist.

For more further detail search Nazism and Adolf Hitler in

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