flynn machine tools is currently an all-equity firm that has 7,200 shares of stock outstanding at a market price of $41 per share. the firm has decided to leverage its operations by issuing $60,000 of debt at an interest rate of 7.6 percent. this new debt will be used to repurchase shares of the outstanding stock. the restructuring is expected to increase the earnings per share. what is the minimum level of earnings before interest and taxes that the firm is expecting? ignore taxes.


Answer 1

The firm is anticipating a minimum of $22,435 in earnings before interest and taxes.

How do taxes and interest rates relate to one another?

In some senses, the combination of higher interest rates and reduced taxes is counterproductive for inflation and growth. Increased interest rates stifle inflationary pressures and economic growth. Reduced taxes encourage economic expansion and heighten inflationary pressures.

What effect does interest have on taxes?

For the purposes of income and gift taxes, loans you make at interest rates below what the market offers may be regarded as taxable transfers. As a result, even if you receive no interest, you could still have taxable income, and a gift tax return.

To learn more about Tax here:


Related Questions

why do you think people spend so much money on their wants despite the financial costs?


Some people spend a lot of money, because they just think about their actual needs  and don`t create budget. They also don't question whether they can function in life without what they want.

Which is more important to your needs or wants?

You can simplify your budget by following the 50-30-20 rule. It states that 50% and 30% of the budget should be devoted to needs and wants, respectively, and the remaining 20% ​​should be devoted to savings or debt repayment.

The difference between budget needs and wants is relatively simple. Needs are things you need to live a healthy life, and wants are things you wish you had but ultimately don't have.

Why should we put our needs before our wants?

Knowing what you need and want is essential in managing your finances. Categorizing your needs into your wants helps you track your spending and invest your extra money wisely. It also helps you cut costs.

To learn more about needs and wants visit:


which type of country is germany? a. global b. core c. semi-peripheral d. peripheral e. none of the above


Germany is a core country .Hence, option b. core is correct.

The core, semiperipheral, and periphery countries make up the hierarchy of the global economic system, according to Wallerstein.

Core nations (such as the United States, Japan, and Germany) are powerful capitalist nations distinguished by high levels of industrialization and urbanisation.

Germany unified in 1871 and quickly rose to prominence as the continent's top industrial nation. They became a core state because of their desire to rule the continent.

South Korea, Taiwan, Mexico, Brazil, India, Nigeria, and South Africa are examples of semi-peripheral countries that are more developed than peripheral countries but less developed than core countries. They act as a barrier between the core and the periphery of the world.

To know more about Germany here


unfavorable condition in revenues occurs when actual figures exceed budgeted figures, and vice versa. group of answer choices true false


The given statement is false. The organization gains from the budget variation when real revenue or expenses surpass or fall short of the budget.

A budget variation is the disparity between the baseline or planned amount of an expense or revenue and its actual amount.  It is occasionally possible to refer to the difference between actual assets and liabilities and budgeted assets and liabilities as the budget variance.

The baseline against which actual achievements are judged is frequently unreasonably low due to flawed assumptions or inappropriate budgeting (such as utilizing politics to establish an exceptionally simple budget objective).

By simply combining budget line items, it is possible to minimize some budget variations. For instance, the two line items might be consolidated for reporting purposes into a utilities line item with a net positive variance of $1,000 if there is a negative power budget variance of $2,000 and a positive telephone expense budget variance of $3,000.

To know more about revenues click here,


a company had a market price of $38.90 per share, earnings per share of $1.95, and dividends per share of $1.10. its price-earnings ratio equals:


Its price-earnings ratio equals is $19.9

What is a price-earnings ratio?

Cost to Income Price-to-Earnings Ratio The level was significantly how much a stock is worth in relation to EPS. Another of the more well valuation metrics is the PE rate. It indicates whether such a company is pricey or inexpensive at the present market price.

The ratio of Cost to Sales to Profitability The numerous calculates the value of a stock in connection to its EPS. The PE ratio is one of the most popular stock valuation indicators. It shows if a stock is overpriced or affordable at the current market price.

The formula that will be used will be:

Price Earnings Ratio:= Stock Price per Share / Earnings per Share

$38.90 / $1.95

= 19.9

Learn more about price-earnings ratio, here:


where does the supply chain begin? group of answer choices delivery of raw materials creation of the good or service producer delivery of the good or service to a marketing intermediary


The supply chain of an organization begins with the delivery of raw materials. Therefore, the option A holds true.

A supply chain can be referred to or considered as a chain that leads to the creation of the supply or products and making them readily available to be purchased by consumers in the open market. The supply chain involves a number of people, which includes, the supplier of raw material, because it is the place where the supply chain begins. Thus, it can be stated that the supply chain begins with the delivery of raw materials.

Learn more about supply chain here:


rustici says that most modern economists do not consider the smoot-hawley tariff a significant cause of the great depression. why reasoning do these economists give for their belief?


The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act did not start the Great Depression, but it did make things worse.

Did the Smoot-Hawley Tariff cause the Great Depression?The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act did not start the Great Depression, but it did make things worse. The Act raised tariffs, which put additional pressure on struggling countries—including those that owed money to the United States—and prompted other countries to retaliate by enacting their own levies.It significantly reduced the volume of exported goods and considerably increased the price of imports, making them expensive for all but the wealthy, which led to bank failures, particularly in rural areas.It became more difficult for the United States to emerge from its slump as a result of other nations' restrictions on international trade in response to the United States' tariffs.

To learn more about Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act refer,


It is most economically and environmentally sound to focus water resource management on.


The most sensible use of water is to concentrate on resource management, which will increase the effectiveness of how we use it.

What is the water resource management?

The process of planning, establishing, and managing water resources—both in terms of their quantity and quality—across all water users is known as water resources management (WRM). It encompasses the organizations, physical facilities, financial incentives, and informational systems that support and direct water management. Conservation, allocation, retrofit programs, and behavioral approaches are several categories of water management techniques.

What is the importance of water resources management and what are the methods of it?

Water management is crucial since it influences what can be expected from irrigation in the future. Water management is the control of water resources according to established rules and guidelines. Due to droughts and abuse, water, a resource that was previously plentiful, is now a more valuable commodity. Stormwater management, wastewater treatment, water supply, & preservation of existing water sources make up the four main pillars of integrated water resource management.

Reusing or conserving water, together with using alternate water sources, helps to recycle ground water. Rainwater irrigation, groundwater depletion, the reuse of gray water, and wastewater recycling are all aspects of this strategy.

To know more about Water Resource visit:


a media planner is making placement decisions for a new line of cosmetics. she focuses on ten different cities in the country where the purchase size of the products is high. this is an example of:


A media planner is making placement decisions for a new line of cosmetics. She focuses on ten different cities in the country where the purchase size of the products is high. This is an example of Geo-targeting.

What is Geo-targeting?

Geo-targeting is the process of providing localized or location-relevant content to website visitors based on their geographic location. Geo-targeting is frequently used by internet businesses to improve each visitor's onsite experience or for offsite digital marketing goals.

Audience targeting, location targeting, and weather targeting are the three categories of geo-targeting.

Geotargeting advertising allows you to display adverts based on customers' actual locations when they consent to location services for mobile apps (like a retail or restaurant app). For instance, if you own a fast service restaurant or a clothes store, you can advertise to target customers who are nearby and entice them to come in. In a word, geotargeting aids marketers in developing more pertinent, customized marketing for customers, increasing engagement.

Know more about targeting:


Ip company pays for purchases of materials in full in the month following the purchase. during the previous month, ip had purchases of $25,000. during the current month, ip had purchases of $30,000.The amount that I will pay during the current month for purchases is: ________


I'll be spending $25,000 on goods in the current month.

What are transactions?

A buy is when something is obtained in exchange for some type of payment, such as products or services. The typical forms of payment are cash of card (to be paid later). A purchase might also be made in return for taking on an obligation or as part of a barter exchange where various non-cash assets are traded.

What do business purchases entail?

The quantity of items a corporation purchased throughout the course of this year is known as purchases in accounting. It also relates to details on the kind, caliber, amount, and pricing of purchased products that should be preserved. They are included in the stock. Purchase discounts and sales offset purchases.

To know more about purchases visit:


with no inflation, a bank would be willing to lend a business firm $5 million at an annual interest rate of 2%. but if the rate of inflation was expected to be 4%, the bank would most likely charge the firm an annual interest rate of


If no inflation, a bank would be willing to lend a business firm $5 million at an annual interest rate of 2%. but if the rate of inflation was expected to be 4%, the bank would most likely charge the firm an annual interest rate of 6%.

How to find the annual interest rate?

Using this formula to find the annual interest rate that the firm will be charge

Nominal interest rate = Annual interest rate + Rate of inflation


Annual interest rate=2%

Rate of inflation =4%

Let plug in the formula

Nominal interest rate = 2% + 4%

Nominal interest rate =6%

Therefore we can conclude that the Nominal interest rate is 6%.

Learn more about Annual interest rate here:


if advertising reduces a consumer's price sensitivity between identical goods, it is likely to a. increase the elasticity of demand for differentiated products. b. reduce competition and reduce social welfare. c. encourage the consumption of all homogenous goods. d. enhance competition and encourage more product diversity.


If advertising reduces the price sensitivity of a consumer between identical goods, it is likely to B. 'reduce competition and reduce social welfare'.

Price sensitivity refers to the degree to which demand changes when the cost of a good or service changes. Price sensitivity is generally measured using the price elasticity of demand, which indicates that some consumers would not pay more if a lower-priced option is available.  Price sensitivity is also known as price elasticity of demand which provides a way through which the cost of a good affects consumers' purchasing decisions.

You can learn more about price sensitivity at


___ consists of all the activities concerned with obtaining money and using it effectively.


Financial management encompasses all activities that include obtaining and effectively using financial resources.

What does the term "financial management" mean?

Simply expressed, financial management is the field of industry that is concerned with distributing the cash resources that are already available in order to maximize firm profit margin and return on invested (ROI).Financial management professionals plan, coordinate, and manage all corporate transactions.

What acts as the main goal of financial management?

The main objective of financial management is to keep an agency's finances under control in a way that guarantees both corporate success and legal compliance. The method calls for extensive planning and successful execution. When done correctly, businesses grow their revenues and profits.

To know more about Financial management visit:


the andrews company has just purchased $59,498,000 of plant and equipment that has an estimated useful life of 15 years. the expected salvage value at the end of 15 years is $5,949,800. what will the depreciation expense for this purchase (exclude all other plant and equipment) be for the second year of use? (use fasb gaap)


The Andrews company spent $59,498,000 for machinery and equipment with a 15-year anticipated useful life. The anticipated salvage value after 15 years is $5,949,800. The depreciation expense for this purchase will be $ 49,797,440.

Depreciation on plant and equipment for the first year = (52976000 - 5297600) / 15 = 47678400 / 15 = $ 3178560.

After the first year, the book value of the plant and equipment = 57976000 - 3178560 = $ 49,797,440.

Depreciation is an accounting method used to allocate the cost of a physical asset over its useful life. Depreciation shows how much of an asset's value has been used. It let the companies earn revenue from the assets they own by paying for them over a certain period of time.

To learn more about depreciation


What are three responsibilities of the dental assistant during operative procedures?


They prepare trays of instruments for dental treatments, sterilize and clean tools and equipment, and advise patients on post-operative and general oral health care.

A crucial element of the oral healthcare team is a highly qualified dental assistant. Dental assisting is a vocation that demands devotion, self-control, morality, and a dedication to further education.

The dental assistant is skilled in dental procedures and carries out routine office tasks, such as a range of patient care, office, and laboratory tasks. As dentists assess and treat patients, dental assistants work at the patient's side. Dental assistants prepare patients for examinations, treatments, and surgeries while recording vital signs, dental histories, and medical information.

In addition to preparing dental materials and injections, they expose and generate dental radiographs.

Dental assistants are well-versed in the tools, materials, techniques, and equipment needed for every dental operation, as well as in the correct cleaning, sanitizing, and infection control procedures.

learn more about dental treatments here


medwig corporation has a dso of 34 days. the company averages $9,000 in sales each day (all customers take credit). what is the company's average accounts receivable? assume a 365-day year. round your answer to the nearest dollar.


The Medwig corporation's average amount receivables after rounding to the nearest dollar is $389.

The receivables turnover ratio, also known as the ratio of accounts receivable, is used in business accounting to quantify how well businesses are managing the credit that they extend to their customers. It does this by looking at how long it takes to collect the outstanding debt over the course of the accounting period. Two crucial business purposes are served by the accounts receivable ratio. Businesses must first comprehend how soon payments are gathered in order to pay their own expenses and efficiently plan upcoming investments. The ratio also enables companies to determine if their credit policies and practices support healthy cash flow and sustained business growth.

To learn more about Business click here


the crash, inc. has an roe of 12%, a payout ratio of 60%, earnings next year of $8 per share, a required return of 18%, and a current price of $36.36 find the present value of growth opportunities for crash. multiple choice question. -$10.10 -$8.08 -$13.11 -$9.28


The present value of growth opportunities for crash is -$10.10.

The Present Value of Growth Opportunities (PVGO) is calculated by subtracting the present value of future dividends from the current stock price.

Given the information provided, the present value of future dividends can be calculated as follows:

Earnings/Share * (1 - Payout Ratio) * (1 + Required Return) = Future Dividend/Share

$8 * (1 - 0.60) * (1 + 0.18) = $4.32

The present value of future dividends can then be calculated using the following formula:

Future Dividend/Share * (1 / (1 + Required Return)^Number of Years) = Present Value of Future Dividends

$4.32 * (1 / (1 + 0.18)^1) = $3.59

The Present Value of Growth Opportunities can then be calculated by subtracting the present value of future dividends from the current stock price:

Current Stock Price - Present Value of Future Dividends = Present Value of Growth Opportunities

$36.36 - $3.59 = $32.77

Therefore, the Present Value

To know more about value here


what is driving the economy of many low-income sub-saharan countries? (2.5pts) question 10 - what is driving the economy of many low-income sub-saharan countries? raw material exports cheap manufacturing technology export agricultural exports eco-tourism


Due to a slowdown in global growth, rising inflation, and other factors, Sub-Saharan Africa's economic growth is expected to fall from 4.1% in 2021 to 3.3% in 2022.

Hence, Option C is correct.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, Madagascar, the Central African Republic, and South Sudan all had extreme poverty rates exceeding 70%. South Sudan, the poorest country in Africa, had a rate of over 80%. Some people have done well.

21 out of 25 countries in the low-income group in 2020 were Sub-Saharan African economies, despite the fact that 11 Sub-Saharan African nations had been able to migrate from the low-income category to lower and upper-middle income groups over the previous three decades.

To know more about Economic Growth here


to some marketers and company executives, the only measure that should be used to evaluate marketing is:


To some marketers and company executives, the only measure that should be used to evaluate marketing is sales.

Sales are actions involving the exchange of products or the quantity of merchandise exchanged over a predetermined period of time. A service that is rendered for a charge is also included in a sale.

The term "sales" is used to describe all actions taken to sell a good or service to a customer or business. However, in actuality, it symbolizes much more. To close a sale successfully, a lot of work must be put into finding prospects, developing relationships, and offering consumers solutions.

Marketing metrics show how well marketing efforts adhere to important performance criteria and evaluate their effectiveness (KPIs). Without them, marketing teams would be unable to assess the success of their marketing strategy. They are among the most important elements of every campaign.

To learn more about Sales, click here:


thermogenesis has been studied the plants in the genus arum, including skunk cabbage and the corpse flower. in these plants, what hypotheses have been provided to explain the reason behind thermogenesis? select all that apply


All organs produce obligatory thermogenesis, which is a necessary complement to all metabolic processes necessary to keep the body alive.

It includes the amount of energy required to consume, digest, and process food (thermic effect of food).

The thermogenic theory: what is it?

Your metabolism is boosted by certain foods, which cause your body to burn more calories and produce more heat. Thermogenic foods or compounds are those that stimulate metabolism and, as a result, generate more heat. Theoretically, the quicker you lose weight, the more calories burned.

What factors influence thermogenesis?

Fatal cycles, such as the simultaneous occurrence of lipogenesis and lipolysis or glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, contribute to thermogenesis. In a broader sense, activity/rest cycles like the summer matter cycle can have an impact on futile cycles. Muscle metabolism is accelerated by acetylcholine stimulation.

To learn more about thermogenesis here


Full Question = Thermogenesis has been studied the plants in the genus Arum, including skunk cabbage and the corpse flower. In these plants, what biological process is most strongly associated with heat production?

dave krug finances a new automobile by paying $6,500 cash and agreeing to make 40 monthly payments of $500 each, the first payment to be made one month after the purchase. the loan bears interest at an annual rate of 12%. what is the cost of the automobile? (pv of $1, fv


Dave krug finances a new automobile by paying $6,500 cash and agreeing to make 40 monthly payments of $500 each, the first payment to be made one month after the purchase. the loan bears interest at an annual rate of 12%. The cost of the automobile is $22,917.34

The cost of the automobile can be calculate as follows:

Monthly Payment = (Cost of automobile - down payment)* interest

interest = [i/12]/[1-(1+i/12)⁻ⁿ] = [0.12/12]/[1-(1+0.12/12)⁻⁴⁰] = 0.03046


i is annual rate

n is long monthly payments


Monthly Payment = (Cost of automobile - down payment)* interest

500 = (C-6,500)*0.03046

C-6,500 = 500/0.03046 = 16,417.34

C = 22,917.34

The cost of the automobile was $22,917.34

your question is incomplete but most probably the full question was

dave krug finances a new automobile by paying $6,500 cash and agreeing to make 40 monthly payments of $500 each, the first payment to be made one month after the purchase. the loan bears interest at an annual rate of 12%. what is the cost of the automobile? PV of $1, FV of $1, PVA of $1, and FVA of $1) (Use appropriate factor(s) from the tables provided. Round PVA factor to 4 decimal places.)

learn more about cost of the car at


a firm that adopts a flexible short-term financial policy is more likely to have: multiple choice lower carrying costs than shortage costs. lower shortage costs than carrying costs. stricter limits on credit sales than the average firm. a relatively low level of current assets. greater short-term financing needs than if the firm adopted a restrictive policy.


A firm that adopts a flexible short-term financial policy is more likely to have lower carrying costs than shortage costs. A is the best option.

A set of rules known as financial policy has been put in place to ensure that organizations have the right management and control systems for their payment and receipt systems. These processes regulate a company's financial planning and, in most circumstances, give an overview of its financial operations.

When the carrying costs are lower and the shortage costs are higher, flexible short-term financial policy is typically the best option. Shortage costs are expenses spent by an organization when an investment does not generate enough revenue to cover its costs; as a result, the company must fill the gap. An organization must pay carrying expenses in order to keep inventories. Since this strategy is dependent on quick sales, there is typically little inventory on hand, which minimizes the company's carrying cost.

Know more about policy:


True/False. Write a liability is a probable future payment of assets or services that a company is presently obligated to make as a result of past transactions or events.


The given statement is true. What a person or business owes is known as a liability, and the amount owed is typically monetary.

Over time, liabilities are resolved by the transmission of economic advantages like money, products, or services. Liabilities are items that are recorded on the left side of a balance sheet and consist of debts such as mortgages, accounts payable, loans, deferred revenue, warranties, bonds, and accrued expenses. Liabilities and assets can be compared. Assets are items you own or are owed money for, whereas liabilities are things you owe money for or have borrowed money for.

A liability, in general, is an obligation between two parties that hasn't been fulfilled or paid for. A financial liability is an obligation in the world of accounting, but it is more specifically characterised by previous business transactions, events, sales, exchanges of goods or services, or anything else that will generate income in the future. Non-current liabilities are typically viewed as long-term obligations because they are anticipated to last more than a year (12 months or greater).

Learn more about Liability here:


why are importing and exporting considered low risk compared to other international business strategies? give a specific example in comparison to an alternative strategy.


Importing and exporting are considered low risk compared to other international business strategies because they typically involve fewer risks due to their limited scope.

What is business strategy?

A business strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal or set of goals within an organization. It is a comprehensive roadmap of actions and decisions that a business will take to succeed generally, business strategies involve an analysis of the competitive environment, and several of the organization's competitive advantages, and the development of plans to exploit that advantage. The ultimate aim of business strategy is to help an organization gain a competitive advantage and remain competitive in its industry.

Importing and exporting are considered low risk compared to other international business strategies because they typically involve fewer risks due to their limited scope. For example, importing and exporting does not require a company to establish a presence in a foreign country, which can involve a number of legal and regulatory issues. In comparison, an alternative strategy such as setting up a foreign subsidiary or manufacturing plant in a foreign country can involve higher risk due to the complexities of establishing and operating a business in a foreign jurisdiction.

It can be concluded that importing and exporting are considered low risk compared to other international business strategies because they typically involve fewer risks due to their limited scope.

To know more about business strategy, check this link:


What is the largest expense of the government?


public welfare is the largest expense of the government. Government typically consists of the legislative, the executive branch.

An organized community is governed by a system or collection of people known as a government, which is typically a state.

Government typically consists of the legislative, the executive branch, and the judiciary, according to its broad associative meaning. Government is both a tool for deciding policy and a way to implement organizational policies. A constitution is a statement of a government's guiding ideas and ideology that is present in many nations.

Although all organizations have a governance structure, the term "government" is frequently used to refer more precisely to the roughly 200 autonomous national governments and subsidiary organizations.

Democracies, monarchies, and authoritarian and totalitarian regimes are the main categories of political structures in the contemporary.

[1] Monarchy, aristocracy, timocracy, oligarchy, democracy, theocracy, and tyranny are examples of historically common types of government.

Learn more about government here


Earnings per share is most useful in comparing earnings performance of one company with another.a. Trueb. False


Earnings per share are most useful in comparing the earnings performance of one company with another is False.

Earnings per share is not a useful way to compare the earnings performance of one company to another, as there are large differences in the number of shares outstanding between companies. Value stocks are stocks that are highly valued relative to their current earnings.

Earnings per share are computed as net income available to common shareholders divided by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding. Preferred dividends must be deducted from net income as this amount is not available to common shareholders. EPS is not a good measure of performance because it does not consider the opportunity cost of capital and can be manipulated by short-term actions.

Learn more about Earnings per share here:-


Investments with longer payback periods are more​ desirable, all else being equal.


Investments with longer payback periods are more desirable, all else being equal. The payback method can be used when net cash inflows from the capital investment are unequal.

Investment is the determination of money to acquire an asset to obtain a growth in price over a time period. Investment requires a sacrifice of a few gift help, including time, cash, or effort. In finance, making an investment aims to generate a return from the invested asset.

The funding includes bonds, shares, and PPF amongst others, which enables growing cash and presents a further source of income. As investment enables us in developing our cash over a certain period of time, there is a particular risk accompanying the funding.

Learn more about investment here:-


Given existing inputs, markets, and legal institutions, what term is used to describe the maximum quantity that an economy can produce in the ad/as model?
a. GDP deflator b. aggregate supply c. potential GDP


Potential GDP, also known as full-employment GDP, is the greatest amount that an economy can create when all of its physical capital, human capital, technological resources, and institutional resources are utilized to their full potential.

The amount of output that a country's economy is capable of producing at a constant rate of inflation is known as the potential gross domestic product (GDP) and is specified in the OECD's Economic Outlook publication.

Potential labor force growth (the number of persons who desire to be employed when the labor market is robust) and potential labor productivity growth are the two factors that influence potential GDP growth.

To learn more about GDP


a majority of economists believe that in the long run, real economic variables and nominal economic variables behave independently of one another.


The statement means that changes in the nominal value of a good or service do not necessarily have a corresponding effect on real economic variables, such as:


Real and Nominal Economic Variables: Behavior in the Long Run

In the long run, economists believe that the nominal value of a good or service is not necessarily indicative of changes in real economic variables. This means that changes in the nominal value of a good or service, such as an increase in the cost of living, do not necessarily lead to a corresponding increase in employment, wages, and production.

Instead, economists believe that these real economic variables are determined by other factors, such as the availability of resources, technology, and consumer demand. Therefore, although the nominal value of a good or service may fluctuate, the real economic variables can remain stable over the long run.

Learn more about Economy:


a company produces three types of shoes, formal, casual, and athletic, at its two factories; factory i and factory ii. the company must produce at least 6000 pairs of formal shoes, 8000 pairs of casual shoes, and 9000 pairs of athletic shoes. daily production of each factory for each type of shoe isoperating factory i costs $1500 per day and it costs $2000 per day to operate factory ii. what is the minimum cost to operate both factories? round your answer to the nearest whole number. do not include a dollar sign or comma in your answer.





Let x be the days Factory I operates and let y be the days Factory II operates. Since we are trying to minimize cost, our objective function represents the total cost from operating Factory I and Factory II. This function is defined by


The first constraint is that the company must produce at least 6000 pairs of formal shoes and we know that Factory I and Factory II each produce 100 formal shoes. This translates into the following inequality.


The second constraint is that the company must produce 8000 pairs of casual shoes and we know that Factory I produces 100 casual shoes and Factory II produces 200 casual shoes. This translates into the following inequality.


The third constraint is that the company must produces 9000 pairs of athletic shoes and we know that Factory I produces 300 athletic shoes while Factory II produces 100 athletic shoes. This translates into the following inequality.


The fact that x and y must be positive numbers is represented by the following two constraints:


Using all of this information, our problem is as follows.

Minimize: C(x,y)=1500x+2000y

Subject to: 100x+100y≥6000





The point (40,20) gives lowest cost: $100,000 .

g goodwill is not recognized in accounting unless it is acquired from another business enterprise. group of answer choices true false


The assertion is accurate. If goodwill is not acquired from another commercial entity, it is not recorded in accounting.

A positive relationship between an organization and its customers fosters goodwill. It occurs when earnings increase above average earnings due to a company's high reputation, skilled employees, and other factors.

Another name for goodwill is an intangible asset connected to the purchase of one business by another. When the acquisition price is greater than the total value of all tangible and intangible assets obtained while in possession, this is known as goodwill.

By deducting the difference between the fair market value of the company's assets and liabilities from its purchase price, goodwill is computed. Companies must at least annually examine the goodwill value on their financial statements and record any impairment.

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What happens during Independence Day in Ghana? suppose you are moving out of the country and need to sell your car fast. true or false? you are likely to get lower offers from used-car dealers if they find out that you are moving away soon. HELP ASAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ITS DUE IN 15 MINS How do you become a jury in court? A small rock bounces off the windshield of a moving car and experiences a large change in velocity. How does the cars momentum change? Danny, a 12-year-old, dances very well. His teachers ask him to perform every time there is an event in their school. Danny likes it when everybody appreciates him. Therefore, he attends dance classes and practices dancing every day. In this scenario, danny is influenced by unlike bacterial infections, populations of pathogenic viruses do not evolve resistance to antiviral drugs. t or f A bat flies toward a wall, emitting a steady sound of frequency 1. 70 khz. This bat hears its own sound plus the sound reflected by the wall. How fast should the bat fly in order to hear a beat frequency of 8. 00 hz?. What is the Hecuba speech in Shakespeare's Hamlet about? What is function Give 2 example of function? it is a good idea to use a select command to display the data you changed to verify that the correct update was made. a. true b. false jenny is, by nature, a nervous person. she has been having a hard time concentrating and seeks the help of a counselor, dr. ang. dr. ang begins by being very warm. he does not direct jenny with regard to what she should talk about. instead, dr. ang primarily focuses on empathizing with jenny and accepting her for who she is. which therapeutic orientation is dr. ang most likely using? In 1927, Rivera was asked to participate in the 10th Anniversary of the October Revolution (Russian Revolution). Riverawas going to paint for The Red Army (Soviet Armed Forces) Club in Moscow, but was sent away because of hisinvolvement with anti-Soviet politics. In 1929, he was expelled from the Mexican Communist Party.Read the passage above with prosody. Discuss why the phrases (Russian Revolution) and (Soviet Armed Forces) arein parentheses and how that affected your intonation while reading. in a study of a certain hardware inspection process, 356 items were inspected, and of these, 201 passed the test. calculate a 95% (two-sided) ci for the proportion of all dies that pass the test. On the coordinate plane below, draw a line through C point ths is parallel to AB.Based on your drawing write equation of line that passes through point C and is parallel to AN. Your equation should be in the form y = mx + b. Desribe how you determined the equation. At intel, the thickness of processor chips has a mean of 1 mm with a standard deviation of 0. 2 mm. Multiple random samples, each consisting of 35 processor chips, are taken. The sample mean and standard deviation for each sample are recorded to form a sampling distribution. What is the mean and standard deviation of this sampling distribution?. Electricity seems like a fundamental element in the construction of any home. However, to have electricity run into and out of a home, there must be a complete circuit. Write a brief essay describing the minimum requirements for any electric circuit. Within your essay, describe the task for each of these elements using your lessons and experience within this virtual lab. Which test should the golf pro use to determine if titleist pro v1 golf balls travel a longer average distance than callaway chrome soft golf balls?. Which of the following statement is true regarding the trial balance?Multiple ChoiceIncorrectly recording a cash sale as a sale on account would not cause the trial balance to be out of balance.The income statement is prepared using the post-closing trial balance.A balance of debits and credits ensures that all transactions have been recorded correctly.Trial balances are only prepared at the end of an accounting period. The main cause of Mr. Hardings unhappiness as he leaves the Bishops Palace isA. the loss of his house B. the loss of his position C. the need to live with his daughter D. the thought-provoking words of the chaplain E. the injustice he has suffered