Five independent measurements are made of the diameter of a cylinder. Results, in mm, are: 21.8; 21.6; 22.1; 21.9; 22.1. What should be the reported value of the cylinder's diameter?


Answer 1

Answer: 21.9 mm


Given that five independent measurements are made of the diameter of a cylinder. Results, in mm, are: 21.8; 21.6; 22.1; 21.9; 22.1. What should be the reported value of the cylinder's diameter?

The measurement of the diameter of cylinder is measured several time in order to reduce the uncertainty called random error.

The reported value of the cylinder's diameter should be the average or the mean value of the whole measurement.

That is

Mean = (21.8 + 21.6 + 22.1 + 21.9 + 22.1) ÷ 5

Mean = 109.5 ÷ 5

Mean = 21.9 mm

Therefore, the reported value of the cylinder diameter will be 21.9 mm

Related Questions

Three gases are at the same temperature and so have the same kinetic energy . The atomic mass of gas 1 is 10amu the atomic mass of gas 2 is 25 and atomic mass of gas 3 is 8. Which gas will have the greatest velocity ?​



We mentioned in the study section of Lecture 2 that hydrogen and oxygen combine in the ratio of 1 to 8, but that this is not enough information for leading to the conclusion that two hydrogen atoms combine with one of oxygen to form a water molecule. A key idea is attributed to Avagadro who said that equal volumes of gas (at the same temperature and pressure) contain equal numbers of constituent atoms or molecules. Experiments show that two liters of hydrogen gas will combine with one liter of oxygen gas to form two liters of water vapor. Each hydrogen molecule in hydrogen gas consists of two hydrogen atoms bonded together. Likewise, two oxygen atoms bind to make a oxygen molecule.

A "model" of a physical process is used to represent what one actually observes, even though this is an "ideal" model and not expected to be correct in all respects. However, it is a good enough model to explain many of the properties of gases with sufficient accuracy.

The motion of gas particles can be used to explain the pressure exerted and the temperature of a gas. The pressure on a surface is due to the force on that surface divided by its area. The force comes about from the multiple impacts of individual gas particles. Temperature, on the other hand, is DEFINED in terms of the average kinetic energy assocated with the motion of the gas particles. The greater the kinetic energy, the greater the temperature. See the apparatus shown in Figure 7.6 of the text which gives a simple way of measuring the distributions of speeds of atomic particles.

To visualize how gas particles colliding with a container create pressure, see Website II.

Gas particles move in all possible directions with differing speeds. The Kinetic Energy (KE) of a gas particle is equal to 1/2 its mass times its speeds squared. That is KE = 1/2 M x V2 , where M is the mass of the gas particle and V is its speed. The gas particles have a range of speeds, just like cars on a road, but it is the average of the speed squared times the mass, or the average kinetic energy which characterizes the temperature of a gas.

High temperature is associated with high kinetic energies and low temperatures are associated with low kinetic energies. However, keep in mind that the kinetic energy, and in this case the temperature, is proportional to the mass times the speed squared. So heavy particles moving more slowly will have the same kinetic energy as light particles moving more rapidly. Also, because the kinetic energy varies as the square of the speed, if two particles have the same mass, but one moves twice as fast as the other, it will have four times the kinetic energy (or temperature).

If temperature is associated with kinetic energy of a gas, one could ask at this point what controls the temperature of solids and liquids. It turns out that it is the kinetic energy of the constituent atoms and molecules that characterize the temperature of liquids and solids as well. We show in class a transparency picturing a solid with its atoms rigidly connected to each other. We will discuss more about liquids and solids in the next lecture, based on chapter 8. However, for now, let's keep in mind that the atoms or molecules in a solid, although bound to its neighbors in a rigid structure, can oscillate back and forth, and it is this motion that characterizes the temperature of a solid (or in a similar manner, of a liquid as well). As before, rapid oscillations mean high temperatures, and slower oscillations are lower temperatures.

4 - The Three Temperature Scales

There are three temperature scales. In the United States, we commonly use the Farenheit scale while in most other nations, the Celsius or Centigrade scale is used. Figure 7.10 shows these two scales side by side. Water boils at 212 degrees Farenheit or 100 degrees Centigrade. Water freezes at 32 degrees Farenheit or zero degrees Centigrade. However, the most important temperature scale for scientific calculations is the absolute temperature scale, or the Kelvin scale. Zero degrees Kelvin is the coldest possible temperature: it can be physically interpreted as the situation where the atoms or molecules have zero kinetic this is a very natural temperature scale. Zero degrees Kelvin is also -273 degrees Centigrade. Water freezes at +273 degrees Kelvin and zero degrees Centigrate. Hence, a difference of one degree is the same on the Centigrade and Kelvin scales, but the zero points are different.

R.S. Panvini


Which can make 4 covalent bonds? Carbon, Silicon, or both?



I would say both


Each silicon atom has four valence electrons which are shared, forming covalent bonds with the four surrounding Si atoms.

Carbon contains four electrons in its outer shell. Therefore, it can form four covalent bonds with other atoms or molecules. The simplest organic carbon molecule is methane (CH4), in which four hydrogen atoms bind to a carbon atom (Figure 1).

Law of superstition which was deposited first



E is the answer.


What is 8 x 10-2 in ordinary form?​


78 is the answer hope it helps

The answer is 0.08 have a great day!

A layer of ethyl alcohol (n= 1.361) is on top of the water ( n=1.333) . At what angle relative to the normal to the interface of the two liquids is light totally reflected






A layer of ethyl alcohol (n = 1.361) is on top of water (n = 1.333). To the nearest degree, at what angle relative to the normal to the interface of the two liquids is light totally reflected?

From Snell's Law,

(ni)/(nr) = Sin (θr) / Sin (θi)


θi = Angle of Incidence

θr = Angle of refraction

ni = Refractive index given for ethyl alcohol

nr = Refractive index of medium from which light is refracted

ni = 1.361

nr = 1.333

, θr = 90° ( Critical Angle is reffered to as Angle of Incidence at refracted angle of 90°) (θi = θc)

(ni)/(nr) = Sin (θr) / Sin (θi)

1.361/ 1.333 = Sin (90°)/ Sin( θc)

1.021= 0.894/ Sin( θc)

Sin( θc)= (0.9794

θc = Sin⁻¹ 0.9794)

θc = 78.35°

What is the acceleration of a 78kg ostrich exerting 438N of applied force running against a wind with 42N of air friction force?​



Explanation: sorry

Correct the following statement:
Wind is caused by the revolution of the Earth around the Sun.
O Wind is caused by the rotation of the Earth.
O Wind is caused by the differences in air pressure on Earth's surface.
This statement is already correct.
O Wind is caused by the greenhouse effect.



It's the 3rd option


Wind is caused by the differences in air pressure on Earth's surface.

32. Increasing the amplitude of a sound wave produces a
sound with
1. lower speed
2. higher pitch
3: shorter wavelength
4. greater loudness





because amplitude of a sound wave is related to loudness of the sound, so the higher the amplitude, the louder the sound

hope this helps

The kinetic energy of a body moving at a speed of 10 m / s is equal to 1000 J. What is the body mass



m = 20 kg


Given that,

The speed of a body, v = 10 m/s

Kinetic energy of the body, K = 1000 J

We need to find the mass of the body. The formula for the kinetic energy of a body is given by :

[tex]K=\dfrac{1}{2}mv^2\\\\m=\dfrac{2K}{v^2}\\\\m=\dfrac{2\times 1000}{(10)^2}\\\\m=20\ kg[/tex]

So, the mass of the body is equal to 20 kg.

Please help

What differentiates one layer of the atmosphere from one another?

Please help


Answer: The stratosphere and the troposphere are defined by the variation in temperature with height. Within a troposphere, the temperature drops as altitude increases, and drops fast enough for convection to occur. Whereas within a stratosphere, the temperature rises with increasing altitude. Features of the atmosphere change with altitude: density decreases, air pressure decreases, temperature changes vary. Different temperature gradients create different layers within the atmosphere. The lowest layer is the troposphere where most of the atmospheric gases and all of the planet's weather are located.


So this is physics any suggestions?



8. GPE

9. KE





44. Two wave pulses are traveling along a string
toward each other as represented in the diagram

(D is interference)


The phenomenon of interference occurs when two wave pulses are traveling along a string toward each other. Option D is correct.

What is the interference of waves?

The result of two or more wave trains flowing in opposite directions on a crossing or coinciding pathways. This phenomenon is known as the interference of waves.

The effect is the sum of the individual wave amplitudes at each site where more than one wave is present.

When two wave pulses are traveling along a string toward each other. They meet and the phenomenon is occur known as interference.

Hence the phenomenon of interference occurs when two wave pulses are traveling along a string toward each other.

To learn more about the interference of waves refer to the link;

so by the shape look at this what will the time acceleration speed or velocity be in a beyblade what is the average if the beyblade spins for atleast 45 seconds and the beyblade weighs 55 grams what is the speed or acceleration of the beyblade?



the answer is 1.09 speed




The average kinetic energy of the particles of two pieces of iron at the same temperature and mass would be __________.

Question 1 options:


The same

Not equivilent

With in 500 degrees of eachother



The same.


Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of a substance; if two pieces of iron have the same temperature, then their particles will have the same amount of average kinetic energy.

Answer 1 - The average kinetic energy of the particles of two pieces of iron at the same temperature and mass would be the same

Answer 2 - The particles of an object move FASTER when the temperature increases

Answer 3 - When a tight fitting lid is run under hot water, the lid  

E/X/P/A/N/D/S as the temperature increases.

Answer 4 - I dont know sorry!

Answer 5 - What happens when something reaches absolute zero?


The p a r t i c l e s completely stop moving


Felix has a bucket of golf balls. The table shows the number of golf balls of each color in the
Golf Balls in a Bucket
Felix selects a golf ball at random. Based on the information in the table, which statement is
A The golf ball is more likely to be green than all other colors combined.
B The golf ball is equally likely to be pink, white, orange, or green.
C The golf ball is 2 times as likely to be orange as it is to be pink.
D The golf ball is 7 times as likely to be green as it is to be white.


The golf ball is two times as likely to be orange as it is to be pink. Therefore, option C is correct.

What is probability?

Probability can be described as the branch of mathematics of numerical descriptions of how likely an event is to take place. The probability of an event can be a number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates the impossibility of the event and 1 shows certainty.

Given, the number of pink balls = 4

The number of white balls = 11

The number of orange balls = 8

The number of green balls = 18

The total number of balls = 4 + 11 + 8 + 18 = 41

When Felix picks a golf ball at random. The golf ball is more likely to be pink = 4/41

The probability golf ball is more likely to be white = 11/41

The probability  golf ball is more likely to be orange = 8/41

The probability golf ball is more likely to be green = 18/41

Therefore, the golf ball is two times as likely to be orange as it is to be pink.

Learn more about probability, here:


What's a real-life example of Newton's Second Law?


Pushing a car is easier than pushing a truck with the same amount of force as the mass of the car is lesser than the mass of the truck or
In golf game, acceleration of the golf ball is directly proportional to the force with which it is hit by the golf stick.

Question 4 (1 point)
A golf ball is suspended by a cord held in a golfers hand. The reaction to the force of
gravity on the golf ball is the force exerted by



The force of the golf ball on Earth!


Action/Reaction Pairs work like this:

Earth on Golfball, Golfball on Earth.

what ways might a superhero utilize magnetic forces to move, levitate or travel from place to place?



He could use magnets to lift heavy things and also move things like a train


i had the same question

From an apple tree 2 metres high, a 100g mass apple fell of the tree, what work did it do?



Workdone = 1.96 Nm


Given the following data;

Mass = 100g to kg 100/1000 = 0.1Kg

Distance = 2m

To find the workdone;

First of all, we would determine the force acting on the apple

Force = mass * acceleration due to gravity

But, acceleration due to gravity is equal to 9.8m/s²

Force = 0.1 * 9.8

Force = 0.98N

Now, we can find the workdone using the formula;

Workdone = force* distance

Substituting into the equation, we have

Workdone = 0.98 * 2

Workdone = 1.96 Nm

If the frequency of a wave is 0.25 Hz, what is its period?

A) 0.25 s
B) 2 s
C) 4 s
D) 4 HZ





frequency = 1 / period


frequency = 0.25

0.25 = 1 / period

1 / 0.25 = period

4 s = period

it is not 4 Hz because period is the time taken

so the answer is C

hope this helps ,please mark it


50 Newtons
40 Newtons
What is the net force on the box?
10 Newtons West
10 Newtons East
90 Newtons West
90 Newtons East


The answer is A, 10 newton's west

A . 10 Newton West

that's my Answer

Which of the following choices is NOT a common injury in sports?
concussion and muscle strains
hemorrhage and arthritis
ligament sprains and tears
bone fractures and ankle sprains


B isn’t arthritis is caused when you get older but in this case it’s not b and hemorrhage is possible but not arthritis

The choice that is not a common injury in sports is hemorrhage and arthritis. Details about injuries can be found below.

What is sport?

Sport is any activity that uses physical exertion or skills competitively under a set of rules that is not based on aesthetics.

Injuries are bound to occur during sporting activities and they are as follows:

ConcussionFracturesLigament sprainsankle sprainsmuscle strains

Hemorrhage, which refers to the heavy release of blood within or from the body and arthritis, which is an inflammation of a joint or joints are not common injuries involved in sports.

Learn more about injuries at:




The very first option is correct, as any other answer is either incorrect in terms of optics or does not stop you from seeing the apple.


.What are some observations we can make to determine if something has energy?



if somthing is warm or if somthing moves it usally has energy

A power source of 6.0 V is attached to the ends of a
capacitor. The charge is 12 C.



Why are images reflected from a rough surface not as clear as those reflected from a smooth



Just as images are reflected from the surface of a mirror, light reflected from a smooth water surface also produced a clear image. ... Consequently, the outgoing rays are reflected at many different angles and the image is disrupted. Reflection from such a rough surface is called diffuse reflection and appears matte.


hi po I hope it's help you

The results from Rutherford's alpha particle scattering experiment led to
the nuclear model. Alpha particles were fired at a thin film of gold at a
speed of 7% of the speed of light. Determine the speed of the alpha
particles. Speed of light = 300,000,000 m/s




Can you help me in mathematics

Which statements correctly identify chart of Earth and Jupiter?






The first box, second box, and fourth box are correct. I think the fifth might be correct...not completley sure about the fifth box.


Name two devices we use generators in. Describe how they work.



There are two fundamental types of generators known as AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current) generators. While the technique of producing electricity is the same in both types, AC and DC power become different in terms of their applications – the way in which loads receive electric power.


An electric generator is a device that converts mechanical energy obtained from an external source into electrical energy as the output. ... Instead, it uses the mechanical energy supplied to it to force the movement of electric charges present in the wire of its windings through an external electric circuit.

what is the gravitational potential energy when a bungee jumper
of 80 kg is lifted 60 m in a crane before jumping?


47,040 J
GPE= ham
GPE= (60)(9.8)(80)
GPE= 47,040 J
Other Questions
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