Find the y-intercept of a line that passes through (-2,6) and has a slope of -5


Answer 1

First find the equation of the line whose slope is -5 and passes through (-2, 6).

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-6=-5(x-(-2)) \\ y-6=-5(x+2) \\ y-6=-5x-10 \\ y=-5x-4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

For y-intercept, substitute x = 0.

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=-5(0)-4 \\ y=-4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the y-intercept is -4.

Related Questions

One number is 9 more than another number. The sum of the numbers is 25. What is one of the numbers?A) 9B) 8C) 16D) 17



B) 8 or D) 17

Step-by-step explanation

Let's call x to one unknown number and y to the other number.

If one number is 9 more than another number, then:

[tex]y=x+9\text{ \lparen eq. 1\rparen}[/tex]

Given that the sum of the numbers is 25, then:

[tex]x+y=25\text{ \lparen eq. 2\rparen}[/tex]

Substituting equation 1 into equation 2 and solving for x:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+x+9=25 \\ 2x+9=25 \\ 2x+9-9=25-9 \\ 2x=16 \\ \frac{2x}{2}=\frac{16}{2} \\ x=8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substituting x = 8 into the first equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=8+9 \\ y=17 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, one of the numbers is 8 and the other one is 17

Three volunteers are chosen at random from a group of 20 people to help at a camp. How many unique groups of volunteers are possible?


In mathematics, a combination is a selection of items from a set that has distinct members


[tex]^n_{^{}}C_r=\frac{n\text{ !}}{(n-r)!r!}[/tex]


n = 20

r =3

[tex]\begin{gathered} ^{20}C_3=\frac{20\text{ !}}{(20-3)!3!} \\ \\ \\ ^{20}C_3=\frac{20\text{ !}}{17!3!} \\ \\ \\ ^{20}C_3=\frac{20\text{ }\times19\times18\times17!}{17!3!} \\ ^{20}C_3=\frac{20\text{ }\times19\times18}{3!} \\ \\ ^{20}C_3=\frac{20\text{ }\times19\times18}{3\times2\times1} \\ ^{20}C_3=\frac{20\text{ }\times19\times18}{6} \\ \\ ^{20}C_3=20\text{ }\times19\times3 \\ \\ \\ ^{20}C_3=1140 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The final answer

1140 unique groups of volunteers are possible

evaluate the expression:[tex] \frac{8}{5 - 1} \times (3 + 6) \times 3[/tex]A)102B)-12C)62D)54


To evaluate the expression:


We can use PEMDAS. We can start from the parenthesis, then, since we have divisions and multiplications, and they have the same precedence, we can start doing the evaluation from the left to the right. Then, we have:


The answer is 54 (option D).

The sum of two integers is 463, and the larger number is 31 more than 5 times the smaller number. Findthe two integers.



Let the smaller number be x

Let the larger number be y

Since the larger number is 31 more than 5 times the smaller number, it folllows:


The sum of the two integers is 463, it follows


Substitute y=5x+31 into the equation


Solve for x

[tex]\begin{gathered} 6x=463-31 \\ 6x=432 \\ x=\frac{432}{6} \\ x=72 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute x=72 into y=5x+31

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=5\left(72\right)+31 \\ y=360+31 \\ y=391 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the two integers are 72 and 391

Hello, I need some assistance with this homework question, please? This is for my precalculus homework. I submitted the answer x<-14 or x>-14 but it was incorrect Q4


To find the domain of the rational function we need to equate the denominator to zero and solve the equation, as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+14=0 \\ x+14-14=-14 \\ x=-14 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, all the x-values are valid except x = -14, which makes the denominator equal to zero. Therefore, the domain of R(x) is:

[tex]\lbrace x|x\ne-14\rbrace[/tex]

Determine the value of k for which the inequality $0.5<-4x+k\le12-k$ has the solution set $\left\{x|1.25\le x<2\right\} Need the answer ASAP.


The value of k for which the inequality has the given solution set is:

k = 8.5.

How to obtain the value of k?

The inequality is presented as follows:

0.5 < -4x + k ≤ 12 - k.

Two inequalities compounded, hence the and operation is applied, which means that the solution set is composed by the elements that respect both conditions.

The solution set of the inequality is:

1.25 ≤ x < 2.

The lower bound of the solution is of 1.25, hence:

-4x + k ≤ 12 - k.

-4x + 2k ≤ 12

4x ≥ 2k - 12

x ≥ 0.5k - 3


0.5k - 3 = 1.25

0.5k = 4.25

k = 4.25/0.5

k = 8.5.

The upper bound of the solution is of 2, hence:

-4x + k > 0.5

-4x > 0.5 - k

x < -0.125 + 0.25k


-0.125 + 0.25k = 2

k = 2.125/0.25

k = 8.5. -> Which confirms the solution.

Missing Information

The problem is given by the image shown at the end of the answer.

More can be learned about inequalities at


The total cost function for a product is given by C(x)=3x3−9x2−243x+1229, where x is the number of units produced and C is the cost in hundreds of dollars. Use factoring by grouping and then find the number of units that will give a total cost of at least $50,000. Verify the conclusion with a graphing utility.


C(x) = 3x³ − 9x² − 243x + 1229

500 = 3x³ − 9x² − 243x + 1229

Subtract 500 on each side, as follows:

0 = 3x³ − 9x² − 243x + 729

(3x³ − 9x²) - (243x - 729) = 0

3x² (x - 3) - 243 (x - 3) = 0

(x - 3)(3x² - 243) = 0

x = 3, x = 9, x = -9; in the context of this problem, where x is the number

of units produced, negative values of x must be omitted, so x = 3 and x = 9

So we can say that if either 3 units or 9 units are produced the total cost

for the product will be at least $50000

[0, 3] U [9,∞)


Choose the two graphs that preserve congruence.


The two graphs that reserve congruence are in the option A and option D

What is congruency?

Congruent refers to something that is "absolutely equal" in terms of size and shape.

The shapes hold true regardless of how we rotate, flip, or turn them.

Draw two circles with the same radius, for instance, cut them out, and stack them on top of one another. We will see that they will superimpose, or be positioned entirely on top of, one another. This demonstrates the congruence of the two circles.

The images on the graphs in the options A and options D both maintains congruence, The sizes are identical and has a rigid transformation

Learn more about congruence here:


Given the points (-3,0), (2, 0), (6,0), (0, 12), write the polynomial in factored form.


[tex]\begin{gathered} ((x+3)(x-2)(x-6))+12 \\ \text{ All the points that has (x,y) will be transformed into }x-y\text{ thus} \\ (-3,0)\rightarrow(x-(-3))=x+3 \\ (2,0)\rightarrow(x-2) \\ (6,0)\rightarrow(x-6) \\ \text{and lastly, the (0,12) is the y intercept for which f(0)=12} \\ \text{therefore it is a constant +12} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Quinn needs to collect at least 90 toys for a toy drive to earn community service credit. He has already collected 16 toys.


Let's define the next variable:

t: number of toys that Quinn still needs to collect

The number of toys that he already collected plus the number of toys that Quinn still needs to collect is: 16 + t

Quinn needs to collect at least 90 toys, then 16 + t must be greater than or equal to 90, that is,

16 + t ≥ 90


90 ≤ 16 + t

Subtracting 16 at both sides, we get:

90 - 16 ≤ 16 + t - 16

74 ≤ t

PLEASE HELP MEEEEMatch the properties with the steps to solving the following equation(Sz - 6) =2+9Distributive Property4x - 3 = x + 9Subtraction Property ofEquality3x - 3=93x = 12Addition Property ofEqualityDivision Property ofEqualityx = 4Previouse



apply the distributive property


apply the substraction property

In the diagram, M is the midpoint of BD and AC. Name two triangles that are congruent.BADABMCX ADMAA ABDACBAA CDM ABMADAB ABCD


From the question,

The two triangles that are congruent are :

Triangle CDM = Triangle ABM --------- Option C

What percent of Kenyans are between the ages of 10 and 20 years old?


In the picture we see that between 10 and 20 years old there are two rectangles . One goes to the 11% aproximately

the other rectangle reach 10% in the Y axis .

So then finally we have to add both percentages to obtain

10% + 11%= 21 %

21 percent are between ages 10 and 20 years old

1. The graph shown represents the altitude of a hikerduring a period of time. Write a possible situationrepresented by the graph.Altitude (feet)Time (hours)2. Use the vertical line test to determine if the relation represented on the graph


The vertical line test consists in tracing various vertical lines throughout the function and checking wheter this lines will touch the function more than once.

As we can see none of the lines touch the graph more than once, therefore this graph is a function.

5m+3m+ 3 n- m + 6n +8


The given expression is

5m+3m + 3n - m + 6n + 8​

We would simplify the expression by collecting like terms.

The terms containing m are like terms

The terms containing n are like terms

8 is a constant

Thus, we have

5m + 3m - m + 3n + 6n + 8

7m + 9n + 8

The final expression is

7m + 9n + 8

Step by step

1. Combine like terms

5m + 3m - m = 7m

8 + 3 = 10

6n + n = 7n

Then you put them in an addition sentence

2. 7m + 7n + 10

Construct a system of equations for the word problem. Do not solve. In the space provided, type the answer without any space between the letters, numbers, or symbols.



The sum of two numbers is 21, and their difference is 9.

Let x and y be the two numbers.

Equation 1: The sum of two numbers is 21.

[tex]\text{ x + y = 21}[/tex]

Equation 2: Their difference is 9.

[tex]\text{ x - y = 9}[/tex]

Pattern A follows the rule "add 2" and Pattern B follows the rule "subtract 2." Pattern A: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 Pattern B: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 Which ordered pairs are formed from combining a term in Pattern A with its corresponding term in Pattern B? Select all correct answers. A (1, 3) B (1, 10) C (3, 6) D (5, 4) E (5, 6) F (7, 4) I Need Help Please


To get the required combining pairs : B, C , D, E , F

B (1, 10) = Pattern A - 1 and pattern B = 10

C (3, 6) = pattern a = 3 and pattern b = 6

D (5, 4)= pattern A = 5 and pattern B = 4

E (5, 6) = Pattern A = 5 and pattern B = 6

F (7, 4) = Pattern A = 7 and pattern B = 4

Given ; Pattern A : 1, 3, 5, 7, 9

Pattern B: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2

To get ;  A (1, 3) B (1, 10) C (3, 6) D (5, 4) E (5, 6) F (7, 4)

Thus to get the required pair we have to match it the following way

A ( 1, 3 ) = Pattern A - 1 and pattern B - ? thus not correct

B (1, 10) = Pattern A - 1 and pattern B = 10

C (3, 6) = pattern a = 3 and pattern b = 6

D (5, 4)= pattern A = 5 and pattern B = 4

E (5, 6) = Pattern A = 5 and pattern B = 6

F (7, 4) = Pattern A = 7 and pattern B = 4

To know more about matching the combinations you may visit the link which is mentioned below:


here is a net of right triangles and rectangles all measurements are given in centimeters.




For this case we we can find the area on this way:


And solving we got:


The area for this case is 88 unit^2

There are 25 popular trees currently in the park. Park workers will plant morepopular trees today. When the workers are finished there will be 80popular trees in the park. How many popular trees did the workers plant today?


Current trees = 25

trees when workers are finished = 80

Subtract the number of current trees (25) to the number of trees that are when the workers are finished:

80-25 = 55

The workers planted 55 trees today

The patient recovery time from a particular surgical procedure is normally distributed with a mean of 3 days and a standard deviation of 1.7 days. Let X be the recovery time for a randomly selected patient. Round all answers to 4 decimal places where possible.a. What is the distribution of X? X ~ N(,)b. What is the median recovery time? daysc. What is the Z-score for a patient that took 4.1 days to recover? d. What is the probability of spending more than 2.4 days in recovery? e. What is the probability of spending between 2.7 and 3.4 days in recovery? f. The 80th percentile for recovery times is days.



mean = 3 days

standard deviation = 1.7 days


a. What is the distribution of X?

b. What is the median recovery time?

c. What is the Z-score for a patient that took 4.1 days to recover?

d. What is the probability of spending more than 2.4 days in recovery?

e. What is the probability of spending between 2.7 and 3.4 days in recovery?

f. The 80th percentile for recovery times


a) Distribution of X is given by X ~ N( 3 , 1.7)

b) for the normal distibution ,the median is the same as the mean .

so , the median recovery time is 3 days

c) z - score for the patient that took 4.1 days to recover is

[tex]\begin{gathered} z=\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma} \\ \\ z=\frac{4.1-3}{1.7} \\ \\ z=0.64705882352\approx0.6471 \end{gathered}[/tex]

d) probability of spending more than 2.4 days in recovery

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(X>2.4)=P(\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma}>\frac{2.4-3}{1.7}) \\ \\ P(X>2.4)=P(Z>-0.3529) \\ P(X>2.4)=P(Z<0.3529) \\ \\ P(X>2.4)=0.6379 \end{gathered}[/tex]

e) probability of spending between 2.7 and 3.4 days in recovery

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(2.7f) 80th percentile for recovery times = [tex]\begin{gathered} P(XFinal Answer

Hence , the above are the required answers.

How many gallons each of 25% alcohol and 10% alcohol should be mixed to obtain 15 gal of 21% alcohol?Gallons ofPure AlcoholGallons ofSolutionХy15Percent(as a decimal)25% = 0.2510% = 0.121% =How many gallons of 25% alcohol should be in the mixture? gal



11 gallons of the 25% alcohol is required for the mixture.

4 gallons of the 10% alcohol is required for the mixture.


Let the number of gallons of 25% alcohol required be x

Let the number of gallons of 10% alcohol required be y

The total amount of gallons required is 15 gallons. In mathematical terms,

x + y = 15

The alcohol content of the 15 gallons is to be 21%.

21% of 15 gallons = 3.15 gallons

From the first statements,

Let the number of gallons of 25% alcohol required be x

Let the number of gallons of 10% alcohol required be y

25% of x gallons = 0.25x gallons

10% of y gallons = 0.10y gallons

0.25x + 0.10y = 3.15

We can then bring these two equations together to solve simultaneously

x + y = 15

0.25x + 0.10y = 3.15

Solving this simultaneously with the calculator, we obtain

x = 11 gallons

y = 4 gallons

Hope this Helps!!!

(1.26 x 10^3) + (1.12 x 10^4)
Work needs to be shown!!!



Step-by-step explanation:


so its, 1.246 x 10^4

∠ACB is a circumscribed angle. Solve for x.Question options:1) 482) 463) 444) 42



x = 44


Note that:

Opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary



(3x + 10) + 38 = 180

3x + 10 + 38 = 180

3x + 48 = 180

3x = 180 - 48

3x = 132

x = 132/3

x = 44

you have a job wich pays double time when working more than 40 hours a week. last week you worked 55 hours and earned $840. what is your regular pay rate?



The salary with regular pay rate is calculated as:

[tex]S_{\text{regular}}=R\times h[/tex]

S is the salary, R is the regular pay rate and h is the number of hours worked.

The salary with over time is:


Because it pays double after 40 hours.

So the first 40 hours worked you'll get


The amount of overtime hours is 15 (55-40 = 15), so the overtime salary is:


The total Salary is the sum of the regular and the overtime salaries:


If the total salary was $840, then the regular pay rate R is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 840=30R+40R \\ 840=70R \\ R=\frac{840}{70}=12 \end{gathered}[/tex]


Your regular pay rate is $12 / hour

A plane flew 1225 mi in 5 hr with the wind. It would take 7 hr to travel the same distance against the wind. What is the speed of the plane in still air and the speed of the wind?



wind speed 35 miles per hour

plane speed 210 miles per hour


Let us call p the place speed and w the wind speed.

We know that

p + w = 1225/5 = 245

p - w = 1225/7 = 175

adding the two equations above gives

2p = 245 + 175

2p = 420

dividing both sides by 2 gives

p = 210 miles per hour.

putting in the value of p in p + w = 245 gives

210 + w = 245

w = 245 - 210

w = 35 miles per hour

What is the surface area of the prism below2.5 m2 m10 m1.5 m


The lateral surface area is the total surface area minus the area of the two triangular faces at the top and bottom of the prism. t

Number 9 please on this packet, I need it for a class presentation



Let x represent the amount that she gets for 1/7 of a working day.

From the information given, she gets $35 for 1 working day. Thus, we can set up the equations as follows

35 = 1

x = 1/7

By crossmultiplying, we have

x = 35 x 1/7

x = 5

Ariel will earn $5 for working 1/7 of a day

A rectangular patio measures 20 ft by 30 ft. You want to double the patio area by adding the same distance x to the length and width. Write and solve an equation to find a value for x, then find the new dimensions for the patio.


area = side x side = 20 x 30 =600 ft

we want to double the area, this is 1200 ft, therefore:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \mleft(x+20\mright)\mleft(x+30\mright)=1200 \\ x^2+50x+600=1200 \\ x^2+50x-600=0 \\ \mleft(x+60\mright)\mleft(x-10\mright)=0 \\ x+60=0 \\ x=-60 \end{gathered}[/tex]

but, We don't measure in negative numbers, so we disregard this answer. and the other

[tex]\begin{gathered} x-10=0 \\ x=10 \end{gathered}[/tex]

therefore, the patio is now 30ft x 40ft

find al the solutions for x.9. 8x2+19 = 54 +3x


8x^2 + 19 = 54 + 3x^2

Solving for x:

8x^2 - 3x^2 = 54 - 19

5x^2 = 35

x^2 = 35/5 = 7

x^2 = 7

x = sqrt(7) = 2.6458

x = -sqrt(7) = -2.6458


It has two solutions:

x = 2.6458 and x = -2.6458

enter the value of y for which LMNO must be a parallelogram


In a parallelogram, opposite sides are equal.



OL = y-6

NM= 1/3 x

ON= 5x-8

LM= 9x-26

First, solve for x


5x - 8 = 9x - 26

-8 + 26 = 9x - 5x

18 = 4x

18/4 = x

x = 4.5

Replace x=4.5 on NM, and solve for y:


y-6= 1/3x

y-6 = 1/3 (4.5)

y-6= 1.5

y= 1.5 + 6

y= 7.5 = 15/2

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