Find the value of x.

Find The Value Of X.x=


Answer 1
X= 360-25-155-137
X= 43
Answer 2
x= 360 - 25 - 155 - 137
x= 43

Related Questions

What function equation is represented by the graph?


The function equation represented by the graph is f(x)=1/4x-3.

Linear Function

An equation can be represented by a linear function. The standard form for the linear equation is: y= mx+b , for example, y=10x+4. Where:

m= the slope.

b= the constant term that represents the y-intercept.

For the given example: m=10 and b=4.

From the graph is possible to see the following coordinates points: (0,-3) and (4,-2). Applying the standard form for the linear equation, you can write:

-3=0*m+b (1)

-2=4*m+b (2)

-3=b        (1)

-2=4m+b (2)

If b=-3, you can find m from equation 2. Then,





Therefore, the linear equation represented in the graph is y=1/4b -3

Read more about the linear equations here:


Garrick and Zan are measuring the heights of seedling plants for science class.
Use the drop-down menus to complete the statements about the measured heights and the actual heights of the plants.


The complete statements are

Garrick's plant is shorter than Zan's plant, each millimetre of error results in a 11.11% percent error.Garrick's measurement was 2 millimetres off and Zan's was 12 millimetres off. Garrick's measurement was 20% off and Zan's was 12% off.

How to complete the statements?

The complete question is added at the end of this solution

From the question, we have the following parameters that can be used in our computation:

Garrick's plant:

Actual height = 10 mmMeasured height = 8 mm

Zan's plant:

Actual height= 100 mmMeasured height = 88 mm

Garrick's plant is shorter than Zan's plant and the difference in heights is

Actual difference = 100 mm - 10 mm = 90 mm

Measured difference = 88 mm - 8 mm = 80 mm

The percentage errors are calculated using

Percentage errors = Difference/Actual measurement * 100%

So, we have

Garrick's actual error = (10 - 8)/10 *100% = 20%

Zan's actual error = (100 - 88)/10 * 100% = 12%

Hence, Garrick's measurement was 20% off and Zan's was 12% off.

Read more about percentage errors at


What was Veronica’s mistake


By using the concept of distance, it can be calculated that

Veronica's mistake was that the number of animals seen per kilometer was not calculated by her. Arrangement was made on the basis of animals seen

What is distance?

Distance is the length of the path travelled by an object during its motion.


For River Edge

Number of animals seen = 8

Length of hike =  3 km

Number of Animals seen per km = [tex]8 \div3[/tex] = 2.67

For Wooden Marsh

Number of animals seen = 24

Length of hike =  8 km

Number of Animals seen per km = 24 [tex]\div[/tex] 8 = 3

For Canyon Creek

Number of animals seen = 35

Length of hike =  15 km

Number of Animals seen per km = [tex]35 \div 15[/tex] =2.33

Number of animals in ascending order are 2.33, 2.67, 3

Canyon Creek, River Edge, Marshy Land is the required arrangement from the least to the greatest.

Veronica's mistake was that the number of animals seen per kilometer was not calculated by her. Arrangement was made on the basis of animals seen

To learn more about distance, refer to the link:


Complete Question

Veronica went on three hikes. On each hike, she saw the following numbers of animals:

Rivers Edge 3 8

Wooded Marsh 8 24

Canyon Creek 15 35Veronica tried to order the hikes from least to greatest by number of animals seen per kilometer, but she made a mistake. Here's her work:

least greatest

8 24 35

rivers edge wooded marsh canyon creek

What was Veronica's mistake?

Han's cell phone plan costs $200 to start. Then there is a $50 charge each month. What is the total cost for x months? write an equation:




Step-by-step explanation:

If Han's cell phone plan costs $200, Han will have to pay $200 at the start, and since Han has to pay $50 dollars each month, and x = months, we can create 50x for $50 each month. Put both of these together, and we get 200+50x.

Using the graphical method, solve the simultaneous equations: x + y = 3, 3x + y = 5


Answer: (1,2)

Step-by-step explanation:




x | 0 | 3 |

y | 3 | 0 |




x | 0 | 2 |

y | 5 | -1 |

2x-6(3x+8)=-208 please help i dont know howww




Hey anyone, may i have a hand for this one?




Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: Yes (depends)

Step-by-step explanation: It depends because it can only be called "a square" if all sides are parallel, I can't tell. I hoped this helped you understand a little more :)

refer to question 2 from homework 8. if arnie, barney and carny agree to always bid $l, then on any given day, what is the probability that barney gets the car for $l when it is actually worth $l to him?


When they decide to bid the same then the probability of Barney getting the car is 1/3. The expected profit by Barney will be the difference amount of SL and SH.


if arnie, barney and carny agree to always bid $l,

, then on any given day, what is the probability that barney gets the car for $l when it is actually worth $l to him = ?

When they choose to place identical bids, Barney has a 1/3 chance of winning the automobile. The difference between SL and SH will represent Barney's anticipated profit.

Hence we get the required answer.

Learn more about Profit here:


Consider the data set 92, 100, 98, 89, 95, 100, 97. How will adding 65 to the data set affect the mean and the median?

A. The median will increase less than the mean.
B. The median will increase more than the mean.
C. The median will decrease less than the mean.
D. The median will decrease more than the mean.


The arithmetic mean is frequently used when discussing a bunch of numbers as being "average." One of three possible averages—the others being the median and the mode—is the one we're discussing here.

What is the Relationship Between Mean, Median and Mode?It would appear that the mean, median, and mode have no relationship at first glance. Measuring the center of a data collection, however, does have an empirical link.There is typically a difference between the median and the mode, and it is typically three times larger than the gap between the mean and the median, according to mathematicians.Formula below illustrates how the empirical relationship works:

Mean minus Mode = 3 (Mean – Median)

For Given

Median, Mode, and Median Results: 95.85714 (Mean (Average)).

A middle value of 97

100 is the Mode (Most Popular)

Variety & Totals

Maximum to Minimum Results: 11

Total Numbers in the Set: 7

in descending order: 89, 92, 95, 97, 98, 100, 100

Ordered in decreasing order: 100,100,98,97,95,92,89

Even Numbers: 92, 98, 100, 100.

Odd Numbers: 89,95,97.

To Learn more About average  refer to:


in a certain amount of time, a plane traveling at a constant $250$ miles per hour traveled $20,\!000$ feet. in this same amount of time, how many feet would a plane traveling at a constant $400$ miles per hour travel?


At a constant rate of 400 miles per hour travel, the plane would be travelling from 32000 feet above the land.

The speed of an object is the ratio of distance and time it takes for the object to travel that distance.


S = D/T


S is velocity

D is the distance traveled or distance traveled

T is the time it takes to travel that distance

Velocity is considered a scalar quantity. A scalar size only has a size. It does not provide information about the direction of object movement.

If an object moves at a constant speed, it means that the object moves the same distance in the same time interval.

Acceleration of an object is the ratio of velocity and time. vector size. Vector quantities have both magnitude and direction.


a = v/t

When an object is in motion, its acceleration is never zero.

When an object moves, it moves a constant distance over time. Therefore, body positions cannot be the same from the same coordinate system.

Given in the question:

First the plane was travelling at a constant rate of 250  miles per hour.

Initial height was 20000 feet


As the speed increases and travels at a constant rate of 400 miles per hour.


   (400 /250 ) × 20000

=  1.6 × 20000

= 32000 feet

Thus, At a constant rate of 400 miles per hour travel, the plane would be travelling from 32000 feet above the land.

Learn more about  Constant Rate:


Debbie rides her bike to school every day. On monday, she rode 1. 5 miles to school in 10 minutes. On her way home, she took a different route through a park, and rode 3 miles in 15 minutes. On which route did debbie ride at a faster pace? going to school going home submit.


The pace or speed of Debbie during rides with her bike is greater on the way of going to home from School.

So, her pace is faster on the way of going to home .

We have given that,

Debbie ride 1.5 miles to school in 10 minute

As we know that 10 minute = 10/60⇒1/6 hour

As we know that

Speed = distance /time or S = D/T

So, the speed at which Debbie ride to school with first route,

S=1.5/1/6 => 9 mile per hour

Now, On her way home, she took other route and

she rides, 3 mile in 15 minutes,

As 15 minutes = 15/60 => 1/4 hour

Speed of Debbie of her way home

S' = 3/1/4 => 12miles per hour

As we see that S' > S

So, Debbie rides faster on her way to home.

To learn more about Speed , refer:


When the scale factor is a greater than 1 the dilation will be a reduction?


No , When the scale factor is a greater than 1 the dilation will not be a reduction.

The process of dilation entails scaling or changing a thing. It is a transformation that uses the specified scale factor to make the objects smaller or larger.

The initial figure is referred to as the pre-image, and the new figure that results from dilatation is known as the image.

The resizing happens from a point called the center of dilation. It is the center of dilation from which the objects/figures are expanded or contracted.

Scale factor is a number by which the size of any geometrical figure can be changed with respect to its original size. We multiple the scale factor to get image.

When the scale factor is greater than 1 figure size increased.

Hence ,  When the scale factor is a greater than 1 the dilation will be a expansion

To know more about Dilation here


Sophia is selling bracelets and necklaces at her stall. She sells each bracelet for $6.25 and each necklace for
$12.50. On a day she sold a total of 15 items and made $125. How many necklaces did Sophia sell?



5 necklaces and 10 bracelets

Step-by-step explanation:

Let N and B stand for the numbers of necklaces(N) and bracelets(B) sold.  The total sales would be:

 Total Sales = 6.25B + 12.50N, whcu we are told amounted to $125:

  $125 = 6.25B + 12.50N

We know that B + N = 15.

Rearrange this to isolate B:  B = 15-N

Now use this definition of B in the first equation:

$125 = 6.25B + 12.50N

$125 = 6.25(15-N) + 12.50N

$125 = 93.75-6.25N + 12.50N

31.25 = 6.25N

N = 5 necklaces

From B+N = 15, we can find B:

  B = 15 - 5

  B = 10 bracelets

Check:  Do 5 necklaces and 10 bracelets add up to $125??

 5*($6.25) + 10*($12.50) = $62.50 + $62.50 = $125  YES

The number of bracelets and the number of necklaces if, Sophia sells each bracelet for $6.25 and each necklace for $12.50, and the total number of items sold is 15, are 10, and 5 respectively.

What is equation?

An assertion that two mathematical expressions have equal values is known as an equation. An equation simply states that two things are equal. The equal to sign, or "=," is used to indicate it.


Sophia sells each bracelet for $6.25 and each necklace for $12.50,

Total number of items sold = 15,

Total income made = $125,

Write the equation as shown below,

x + y = 15

Here, x is the number of bracelets and y is the number of necklaces,

6.25x + 12.5y = 125

Solve the equations by elimination method as shown below,

y = 5 and x = 15 - 5 = 10

Thus, the number of bracelets is 10 and the number of necklaces is 5.

To know more about equation:


The first equation from the previous system of equations is graphed. Graph the second equation to find the solution of the system of equations.
y = −2x + 4,
y = − 1/3x − 1
What is the solution to the system?


The system of equations y = 2x + 4 when graphed have a solution that y = − (1/3)x − 1 is (3, - 2)

A straight line's general equation is -

y = (m)x + c

where -

The slope of the line, [m], indicates the unit rate at which [y] changes in relation to [x].

The y-intercept, or the place where the graph crosses the [y] axis, is represented by [c].

A straight line's equation can also be expressed as -

Ax + By + C = 0

By = - Ax - C

y = [tex](\frac{A}{B} - \frac{B}{C})x - \frac{A}{C}[/tex]

The set of equations is as follows:

y = − 2x + 4


y = − [tex](\frac{1}{3} )[/tex]x − 1

Draw the graphs for these two equations. The answer to this system of equations would be near the intersection. Please see the following graph. These lines come together at (3, - 2)

As a result, y = 2x + 4 and is the system of equations that has been solved.

y = − [tex](\frac{1}{3} )[/tex]x − 1 is (3, - 2)

To learn more about straight lines:



Margaret identified the different transformations of graphs. She made at least one mistake. For each transformation, identify whether she made a mistake and, if so, correct her error.​


There is  no error by Margaret identifying the different transformations of graphs

What are different transformations of graphs?

The technique of altering an existing graph or graphed equation to create a different version of the following graph is known as graph transformation. In particular, the change of algebraic equations, it is a typical kind of algebraic problem.

Reflections, rotations, and translations are the three fundamental rigid transformations. Dilation is a fourth frequent transition.

Vertical Reflection: Mirror images are produced by reflections. Imagine the graph "folding" over the x-axis.

Horizontal reflection: Mirror images make up reflections. Imagine the graph "folding" over the y-axis.

Vertical Shift: This translation "slides" up or down in a straight line.

• The graph is translated upward by k units if k > 0.

• If k is less than 0, the graph descends by k units.

To know more about transformations of graphs


Given:BC is congruent to DC, AB is congruent to ED, AG is congruent to EF. With the given information above, what is needed to prove that triangle ABF is congruent to triangle EDG



To prove that triangle ABF is congruent to triangle EDG, we need to show that the three sides of triangle ABF are congruent to the corresponding three sides of triangle EDG.

Since we are given that BC is congruent to DC, AB is congruent to ED, and AG is congruent to EF, we can conclude that the three sides of triangle ABF are congruent to the corresponding three sides of triangle EDG. Therefore, triangle ABF is congruent to triangle EDG.

A total of 809 tickets were sold for the school play. They were either adult tickets or student tickets. There were 59 more student tickets sold than adult tickets. How many adult tickets were sold?



375 Adult tickets

434 Student tickets

Step-by-step explanation:

Let A and S be the numbers of Adult(A) and Student(S) tickets sold.  We are told that A+S= 809.

We also learn that A + 59 = S [59 more student tickets sold than adult tickets]

Rearrange the last expression to isolate one of the two variables, A or S.  I'll isolate A:

A = S - 59

Now use this expression for A in the first equation ("substitution").

A + S = 809

(S - 59) + S = 809

2S = 868

S = 434

From A + S = 809, we can find A:


A + S = 809

A + 434 = 809

A = 375

Check:   Does 375 + 434 = 809??  YES

There were 375 Adult and 434 Student tickets sold, for a total of 809 tickets.

evaluate 24 - 2³ . 2​




Step-by-step explanation:

solve the 2 cube first = 8

then solve the .2 with 8 = 16

then minus 24




Can a figure be reflected across three lines of reflection so the
image is the original figure? Explain.


A figure cannot be reflected across three lines of reflection so the image is the original figure

What is reflection of a geometrical image? What is a mathematical function, equation and expression?                reflection : A reflection is a transformation representing a flip of a figure. Figures may be reflected in a point, a line, or a plane. function : In mathematics, a function from a set X to a set Y assigns to each element of X exactly one element of Y. The set X is called the domain of the function and the set Y is called the codomain of the function.expression : A mathematical expression is made up of terms (constants and variables) separated by mathematical operators.equation : A mathematical equation is used to equate two expressions.

Given is a statement -

"Can a figure be reflected across three lines of reflection so the image is the original figure".

No, a figure cannot be reflected across three lines of reflection so the image is the original figure. For the number of reflections equal to 3, which indicates an odd number of reflections changes the orientation of the figure.

Therefore, a figure cannot be reflected across three lines of reflection so the image is the original figure.

To solve more questions on reflection of figures, visit the link below -


solving linear equations: joanne has job offers at two companies. one company offers a starting salary of 28,000 with a raise of 3,000 each year. the other offers a starting salary of 36,000 with a raise of 2,000 each year. after how many years would joanne's salary be the same with the both companies?


Answer: 8 years for her salary to be the same at both companies.

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this problem, we can set up a system of linear equations to represent the salaries at each company. Let's say that the first company's salary is represented by the variable x, and the second company's salary is represented by the variable y. Since the first company offers a starting salary of $28,000 with a raise of $3,000 each year, we can represent this with the equation x = 28,000 + 3,000 * t, where t represents the number of years. Similarly, the second company offers a starting salary of $36,000 with a raise of $2,000 each year, so we can represent this with the equation y = 36,000 + 2,000 * t.

Since we want to find the number of years it will take for Joanne's salary to be the same at both companies, we can set the two equations equal to each other and solve for t:

x = 28,000 + 3,000 * t

y = 36,000 + 2,000 * t

x = y

28,000 + 3,000 * t = 36,000 + 2,000 * t

We can solve this equation by combining like terms on both sides of the equation:

28,000 + 3,000 * t = 36,000 + 2,000 * t

-8,000 = -1,000 * t

Dividing both sides of the equation by -1,000, we get:

8,000 = t

Thus, it will take Joanne 8 years for her salary to be the same at both companies.


8 years

Step-by-step explanation:

y = salary

x = years

1st company: y = 3,000x + 28,000

2nd company: y = 2,000x + 36,000

3000x + 28000 = 2000x + 36000

subtract 2000x on both sides

1000x + 28000 = 36000

subtract 28000 on both sides

1000x = 8000

divide 1000 on both sides

x = 8

Can 2 similar triangles be the same size?



Step-by-step explanation:If two triangles have the same size and shape they are called congruent triangles.

if individuals ii-3 and ii-4 have a child, what is the probability that the child is not affected by the disorder?


The probability that the child is not affected by  the disorder is \frac{5}{6}

Probability is simply the likelihood of something occurring.

It is an autosomal recessive disorder because all of the defective ones are recessive. So, when a 2nd generation 3rd individual marries a 2nd generation 4th individual, the probability of their child having a genetic disease is [tex]\frac{1}{6}[/tex]. The parents must be heterozygous for the child to be diseased, and the probability of an individual being heterozygous is [tex]\frac{2}{3}[/tex]. 2nd generation, 3rd individual, and the probability of disease in the child is [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex], so [tex]\frac{2}{3} *\frac{ 1}{4} = \frac{1}{6}[/tex].

As a result, the probability of a child having a genetic disorder is [tex]\frac{1}{6}[/tex].

then the probability of child not having any genetic disorder is [tex]1-\frac{1}{6} =\frac{5}{6}[/tex].

To learn more about probability refer here


Sonya walks on a treadmill at a constant rate of 3.5 miles per hour. A graph showing the relationship between the time she walks and the distance she travels passes through the origin and through the point (1, 3.5). Name three other points that lie on the graph.


The other two points on the line are (2, 7) and (4, 14).

What is the slope?

The slope is the rate of change of the y-axis with respect to the x-axis.

The equation of a line in slope-intercept form is y = mx + b, where

slope = m and y-intercept = b.

We know the greater the absolute value of a slope is the more steeper is it's graph or rate of change is large.

Given, Sonya walks on a treadmill at a constant rate of 3.5 miles per hour

it is the slope.

∴ The equation of this line passing through point (1, 3.5) is,

3.5 = 3.5(1) + b.

b = 0.

So, y = 3.5x.

Now the other points can be obtained by choosing some integer values of x.

When x = 2, y = 7 ⇒ (2, 7).

When x = 4, y = 14 ⇒ (4, 14).

learn more about lines and slopes here :


A certain fossil of a beetle contains 15% as much carbon as a living beetle. The age of the fossil can be found using carbon dating.
Calculate the age of this fossil given that the half life of carbon-14 is 5715 years.



The amount of carbon-14 in the fossil is 15% of the amount of carbon-14 in a living beetle.

This means that the amount of carbon-14 in the fossil is 0.15 * the amount of carbon-14 in a living beetle.

The age of the fossil can be found by dividing the half-life of carbon-14 by the logarithm of the ratio of the amount of carbon-14 in the fossil to the amount of carbon-14 in a living beetle.

This means that the age of the fossil is 5715 years / log(0.15).

The age of the fossil is approximately 5715 years / -1.1761.

Therefore, the age of this fossil is approximately <<4895.4683=4895>>4895 years.

3x - y = -9
−2x + 2y = 6



x= -3

y= 0

Step-by-step explanation:

3x-y= -9

   +y.   +y

3x= -9+y

+9   +9





   -18 -18

4x= -12

/4.  /4

x= -3



+9   +9


/-1. /-1

y= 0

hopes this helps please mark brainliest

3(2x + 9) = 24

4x - 2 = 10x + 1

3x - 4(2x + 1) = 10

3x + 10 = 19



x = -1/2 x = -1/2 x = -14/5 x = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

1) 3(2x + 9) = 24, find x?

→ 3(2x + 9) = 24

→ 6x + 27 = 24

→ 6x = 24 - 27

→ x = -3/6

→ [ x = -1/2 ]

Hence, value of x is -1/2.

2) 4x - 2 = 10x + 1, find x?

→ 4x - 2 = 10x + 1

→ 4x - 10x = 1 + 2

→ -6x = 3

→ x = -3/6

→ [ x = -1/2 ]

Hence, value of x is -1/2.

3) 3x - 4(2x + 1) = 10, find x?

→ 3x - 4(2x + 1) = 10

→ 3x - 8x - 4 = 10

→ -5x = 10 + 4

→ [ x = -14/5 ]

Hence, value of x is -14/5.

4) 3x + 10 = 19, find x?

→ 3x + 10 = 19

→ 3x = 19 - 10

→ x = 9/3

→ [ x = 3 ]

Hence, value of x is 3.

How do you find Q1 and Q3?


To find Q1 and Q3, you must first arrange the data in numerical order. Once the data is in order, you will need to determine the median of the data set.

To calculate the median, count the total number of data points, divide it by two, and round down to the nearest whole number under numerical order. This number will be the median.Q1 is the median of the lower half of the data set, while Q3 is the median of the upper half of the data set. To calculate these, divide the data set into two halves, calculate the median of each half, and then take the median of those two numbers.

Learn more about numerical order here


you roll two fair dice, a green one and a red one. (a) what is the probability of getting a sum of 6? (enter your answer as a fraction.) incorrect: your answer is incorrect. (b) what is the probability of getting a sum of 10? (enter your answer as a fraction.) (c) what is the probability of getting a sum of 6 or 10? (enter your answer as a fraction.) g


a) The Probability of getting a sum of 6 is 5/36.

b) The Probability of getting a sum of 10 is 1/12.

c) The Probability of getting a sum of 6 or 10 is 2/9.


Probability is the branch of mathematics that deals with numerical descriptions of the likelihood of an event occurring or the likelihood of a statement being true. Probability is a number between 0 and 1, with 0 generally indicating impossibility and 1 indicating certainty [Note 1][1][2]. that an event will occur. A simple example is tossing a fair (unbiased) coin. Since the coin is fair, the two outcomes (heads and tails) are equally likely. The probability of heads is the same as the probability of tails. Since no other outcome is possible, the probability of heads or tails is 1/2 (also written as 0.5 or 50%).

Probability = (number of desired outcomes / number of all possible outcomes)

Roll of Dice: Green and Red.

(a) The  probability of totaling 6:

Number of outcomes needed = 5


P(sum of 6) = 5/36

b) The probability that the total is 10

Number of outcomes required = 3


P(sum of 10) = 3 / 36 = 1/12

c) The probability that the sum is 6 or 10:

P(sum is 6) + P(sum is 10)

(5/36) + (1/12) = (5 + 3) / 36

= 8/36 = 2/9

The events are mutually exclusive because they do not all occur at the same time.

Learn more about Probability:


What is the square number of 13?


Answer: If you wanted to know what 13x13, or the square of something is, then the value is 169. Or if you wanted to know the square root of 13, it would be about 3.606.

Step-by-step explanation: A square number is any number multiplied by itself = that number. For example, 12x12 = 144, which means the square root of 144 is 12, and the square number of 12 is 144.

Derek only had time to visit 90% of the exhibits at Aquaworld Aquarium. If Derek visited 36 exhibits, how many exhibits does the aquarium have?


Answer: 4 left

Step-by-step explanation:

36 divided by 90% = 40


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