Find the standard form of the equation of the parabola with the given characteristic(s) and vertex at the origin.Horizontal axis and passes through the point (9, −4)


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

Since the vertex of the parabola at the origin (h,k) is (0,0). The standard form of the parabola is represented as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=a(y-k)^2+h \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

If the parabola passes through the point (9,-4), we can substitute for (x,y) and (h,k) and solve for ''a.'' and determine the equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 9=a(-4-0)^2+0 \\ 9=a(16)+0 \\ a=\frac{9}{16} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, the equation of the parabola in standard form would be:


Related Questions

Factoring the expression 24a63 – 20a%b2 + 4a3b2 gives a new expression of the formUa" by (Wa? + Vb+ 2), where U > 0.What is the value of U?1What is the value of W?What is the value of V?What is the value of Z?What is the value of c?What is the value of y?


Given the expression:

[tex]24a^3b^{3\text{ }}-20a^5b^2+4a^3b^2[/tex]

Let's first re-arrange the expression:

[tex]-20a^5b^2+24a^3b^{3\text{ }}+4a^3b^2[/tex]

Now factorize:

[tex]-4a^3b^2(5a^2\text{ + (-6b) + (-1))}[/tex]

Now let's compare with this equation:

[tex]Ua^xb^y(Wa^2+Vb\text{ + Z)}[/tex]

We can see that:

The value of U = -4

The value of V = -6

The value of W = 5

The value of Z = -1

The value of x = 3

if the 4 in 47,502 was changed to a 7 how much would the value changed


You have the following number given in the exercise:


According to the information given in the exercise, the digit 4 (located in the ten thousands place) was changed to a 7. Then now it is:


In order to find how much the value would change, you must find the difference (the difference, by definition, is the result of a subtraction).

In this case, knowing the value of the digits, you can set up the following subtraction:


Solving the subtraction, you get the following difference:


Therefore, the answer is:



(Please message me if I got this wrong)

Step-by-step explanation: Take 47,502 and turn it into 77,502. If you minus 47,502, you can see the difference/how much the value changed, which is 30,000

Write –9 43/100 as a decimal number



Let's rewrite the mixed number as a fraction, using the following formula:

[tex]a\frac{b}{c}=\frac{a\cdot c+b}{c}_{}[/tex]



To write -943/100 we can use long division, or since we are dividing by 100 we can simply move the decimal point two units to the left, so:




Question 20>Solve the given linear system of equations:- 1212ySy8Enter your answer in the form of an ordered pair(x, y).One solution:O No solutionO Infinite number of solutions


the equation given was

[tex]\begin{gathered} 9x-12y=-12 \\ -6x+8y=8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

now to solve this equation, we should solve the simultaneous equation and get the values of x and y

now, let's take equation 1 and solve for x

[tex]\begin{gathered} 9x-12y=-12 \\ \text{make y the subject of formula} \\ 9x=-12+12y \\ \text{divide both sides by 9} \\ \frac{9x}{9}=\frac{-12+12y}{9} \\ x=\frac{-12+12y}{9} \end{gathered}[/tex]

put x into equation 2

[tex]\begin{gathered} -6x+8y=8 \\ x=\frac{-12+12y}{9} \\ \text{put x into the equation} \\ -6(\frac{-12+12y}{9})+8y=8 \\ \frac{72-72y}{9}+8y=8 \\ 8-8y+8y=8 \\ 0=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

from the solution, y = 0

put y = 0 into either equation 1 or 2

from equation 1

[tex]\begin{gathered} 9x-12y=-12 \\ \text{put y = 0} \\ 9x-12(0)=-12 \\ 9x-0=-12 \\ 9x=-12 \\ \text{divide both sides by 9} \\ \frac{9x}{9}=-\frac{12}{9} \\ x=-\frac{4}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

from the above calculation, the above equation has only one solution.

the ordered pair is


The male and female guests attending Patricia's party were surveyed to see if they drove to the party or did not drive. The data is displayed in the table below: MaleFemale 26 24 drove to the party 34 116 did not drive to the partyIf a guest is chosen at random from this group, what are the chances of choosing a guest who is male and did not drive to the party? 12%13%17%58%


The given table is

Male Female Total

Drive 26 24 50

Did not drive 34 116 150

Total 60 140 200

From the table, total number of males and females = 200

number of guests that are males and did not drive = 34

Recall, Probability is expressed as

number of favorable outcomes/number of total outcomes

Therefore, the chances of choosing a guest who is male and did not drive to the party is

34/200 = 0.17

By converting to percentage, it is

0.17 x 100 = 17%

f(x) = 3x^2 + 6x - 59(x) = 4x^3 - 5x^2+ 6Find ( f + g)(x).


3x² + 6x - 5 = f(x)


4x³ - 5x² + 6 = g(x)


4x³ - 2x² + 6x + 1 = (f+g)(x)

A passcode to enter a building is a sequence of 4 single digit numbers (0-9), and repeated digits aren'tallowed.Suppose someone doesn't know the passcode and randomly guesses a sequence of 4 digits.What is the probability that they guess the correct sequence?





There are 10 possible values for each digit of the passcode to enter the building.

These include: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

So, there are:10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 10^4 = 10,000 total possible passcodes.

For no repeat passcode

We have: 10 x 9x 8 x7 = 5040 total possible passcodes without repetition.

Probability of guessing correct sequence

Since there is only 1 correct sequence of 4 digits passcode (without repetition) to enter the building

[tex]\begin{gathered} Prob\text{ = }\frac{1}{5040} \\ Prob\text{ = 0.0001984} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the probability that they guess the correct sequence is 0.0001984

The graph shows which quadratic equation?A)y = (x + 4)2 - 3B)y = (x - 4)2 + 3C)y = (x - 4)2 - 3D)y = -(x - 3)2 + 4


The answer is


write the following degrees in radian measure (a) 80 degrees(b) 120 degrees (c) 90 degrees (d) 270 degrees(e) 135 degrees



(a) 80 degrees = (4π/9) radians = 0.444π radians = 1.397 radians.

(b) 120 degrees = (2π/3) radians = 0.667π radians = 2.095 radians.

(c) 90 degrees = (π/2) radians = 0.50π radians = 1.571 radians.

(d) 270 degrees = (3π/2) radians = 1.50π radians = 4.714 radians.

(e) 135 degrees​ = (3π/4) radians = 0.75π radians = 2.357 radians.


To do degree to radians conversion, we need to first note that

360° = 2π radians

So, for each of these cases, if we let the value of the angle given in degree be x in radians, then we can easily solve for x for each ot them

(a) 80 degrees

80° = x radians

360° = 2π radians

We can write a mathematical relationship by cross multiplying

(360) (x) = (80) (2π)

360x = 160π

Divide both sides by 360

(360x/360) = (160π/360)

x = (4π/9) = 0.444π

80° = (4π/9) radians = 0.444π radians = 1.397 radians

(b) 120 degrees

120° = x radians

360° = 2π radians

We can write a mathematical relationship by cross multiplying

(360) (x) = (120) (2π)

360x = 240π

Divide both sides by 360

(360x/360) = (240π/360)

x = (2π/3) = 0.667π

120° = (2π/3) radians = 0.667π radians = 2.095 radians

(c) 90 degrees

90° = x radians

360° = 2π radians

We can write a mathematical relationship by cross multiplying

(360) (x) = (90) (2π)

360x = 180π

Divide both sides by 360

(360x/360) = (180π/360)

x = (π/2) = 0.50π

90° = (π/2) radians = 0.50π radians = 1.571 radians

(d) 270 degrees

270° = x radians

360° = 2π radians

We can write a mathematical relationship by cross multiplying

(360) (x) = (270) (2π)

360x = 540π

Divide both sides by 360

(360x/360) = (540π/360)

x = (3π/2) = 1.50π

270° = (3π/2) radians = 1.50π radians = 4.714 radians

(e) 135 degrees​

135° = x radians

360° = 2π radians

We can write a mathematical relationship by cross multiplying

(360) (x) = (135) (2π)

360x = 540π

Divide both sides by 360

(360x/360) = (270π/360)

x = (3π/4) = 0.75π

135° = (3π/4) radians = 0.75π radians = 2.357 radians

Hope this Helps!!!

Emma wants to advertise how many chocolate chips are in each Big Chip cookie at her bakery. She randomly selects a sample of 64 cookies and finds that the number of chocolate chips per cookie in the sample has a mean of 8.3 and a standard deviation of 2.3. What is the 99% confidence interval for the number of chocolate chips per cookie for Big Chip cookies? Assume the data is from a normally distributed population. Round answers to 3 decimal places where possible. < μ <



The 99% confidence interval is

7.558 - 9.042


The formula for the confidence interval is:

[tex]Confidence\text{ }interval=\bar{X}\pm\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]


X is the mean

σ is the standard deviation

z is the z-score for the confidence interval

n is the sample size.

Also, the interval has:

[tex]Upper\text{ }limit=\bar{X}+\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex][tex]Lower\text{ }limit=\bar{X}-\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

Then, in this case,

The sample size is n = 64

The mean is X = 8.3

The z-score for a 99% confidence interval is z = 2.58

The standard deviation is σ = 2.3


[tex]Lower\text{ }limit=8.3-2.58\cdot\frac{2.3}{\sqrt{64}}=9.04175[/tex][tex]Upper\text{ }limit=8.3+2.58\cdot\frac{2.3}{\sqrt{64}}=7.55825[/tex]

Thus, the confidence interval, rounded to 3 decimals is

7.558 - 9.042

Rewrite cot 24° in terms of its cofunction.cot 24° =(Type an exact answer. Simplify your answer. Type any angle measures in degrees.


Given the angle = 24

the complementary angles have a sum of 90

The complemantry angle of 24 will be = 90 - 24 = 66

so, cot 24 = tan 66

So, the answer will be tan 66

Mead II) 5x + 5 = 45 5x 45-5 12) 31-8x + 8 = 80 31-8x1+5290 278-30 wwxt8-80-8 24x272 15x1=40 5x -40 X> 512 5* = -40 X = -8 x=8 and 2-8 X-3 513+4x) = -115


Please provide an image of the question. If you still want an explanation for problem 13, please don't close the session before I am done with the session.

In our previous session we were analysing the following absolute value equation when the session was abruptly closed:

3 | - 8 x | + 8 = 80

we subtracted 8 to both sides to isolate the term in "x" on the left

3 | - 8 x | = 80 - 8

3 | - 8 x| = 72

divide both sides by 3:

|- 8 x| = 72 / 3

|- 8 x| = 24

Now remove the absolute value bars considering:

1) That the expression inside it is POSITIVE so we DON'T change anything when removing the bars:

- 8 x = 24

now we divide boths sides by "- 8"

x = 24 / (- 8)

x = - 3

Then, when x = -3 notice that the expression - 8 x becomes -8 * (-3) = 24

corroborating that the expression inside the bars was a posotive number.

2) Considering the case that "- 8 x" is NEGATIVE , then when removing the absolute value bars we CHANGE the sign of the expression into:

8 x

Then we have:

8 x = 24

divide by 8 both sides

x = 24 / 8

x = 3

Then we have TWO answers to this equation:

x = -3 and x = 3

both satisfy the equation.

Find the value of x in the circle below:(8x – 2)°(12.2 - 8)°1001.588.29


The total sum of the angles must give 360 then:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 360=(8x-2)+90+(12x-8)+100 \\ 360=(8x+12x)+(100-2+90-8) \\ 360=20x+180 \\ 20x=360-180 \\ 20x=180 \\ x=\frac{180}{20} \\ x=9º \end{gathered}[/tex]

write an equation of the line in the point- slope form that passes through the given points in the table. Then write the equation in slope-intercept form. (10,80) (15,95)


We know that the line passes through the points (10,130) and (20,200).

First, we have to find the slope with the following formula



[tex]\begin{gathered} x_1=10 \\ ^{}x_2=15^{} \\ y_1=80 \\ y_2=95 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Replacing these coordinates, we have


The slope is 7.

Now, we use one point, the slope, and the point-slope formula to find the equation

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-y_1=m(x-x_1) \\ y-80=3(x-10) \end{gathered}[/tex]Therefore, the point-slope form of the line is[tex]y-80=3(x-10)[/tex]

Part A Mrs. Finney is making slime with her kids. They find a recipe that calls for 1 part borax solution to 3 parts glue. What is the value of the ratio of borax solution to glue? 1/3 What is the value of the ratio of glue to borax solution? < 1/3 Part B Complete the ratio table for the slime recipe. 1 Glue 3 Borax Solution (B) (G) 1 3 2 3 9 12



Ratio of borax solution to glue = (1/3)

Ratio of glue to borax solution = (3/1)

Part B

The ratio table

B - Borax solution

G - Glue

B | G

1 | 3

2 | 6

3 | 9

4 | 12

5 | 15


The recipe calls for

1 part borax solution to 3 parts glue

Ratio of borax solution to glue = (1/3)

Ratio of glue to borax solution = (3/1)

Part B

Since we know that 1 part of borax solution = 3 parts of glue, we just need to multiply the amounts of borax solution by 3 to obtain the amount of glue.

The ratio table

B - Borax solution

G - Glue

B | G

1 | 3

2 | 6

3 | 9

4 | 12

5 | 15

Hope this Helps!!!

Hint: You should have three pairs of congruent corresponding angles AND three pairs of congruent corresponding sides.


The corresponding pairs of the two congruent triangles △AEC ≅ △BFD are:

∠A ≅ ∠B∠E ≅ ∠F∠C ≅ ∠DAE ≅ BFEC ≅ FDAC ≅ BD

What is the congruency of triangles?Two triangles are said to be congruent if all three corresponding sides and all three corresponding angles have the same size. You can move, flip, twist, and turn these triangles to produce the same effect.

So, the corresponding pairs of the given congruent triangles will be:

We know that all angles and sides are equal.

Then, we have:

∠A ≅ ∠B∠E ≅ ∠F∠C ≅ ∠DAE ≅ BFEC ≅ FDAC ≅ BD

Therefore, the corresponding pairs of the two congruent triangles △AEC ≅ △BFD are:

∠A ≅ ∠B∠E ≅ ∠F∠C ≅ ∠DAE ≅ BFEC ≅ FDAC ≅ BD

Know more about the congruency of triangles here:


Given the circle below with radius 5y centimeters, find its area. Do not approximate [tex]\pi[/tex]. ( A = [tex]\pi r^{2}[/tex] )


The area of the given circle as represented in the image attached in the task content is; 550y² / 7.

What is the area of the given circle as in the task content?

It follows from the task content that the area of the given circle is to be determined without approximating π.

Since the area of a circle is given by the formula;

A = π r²

where the radius, r = 5y.

The area of the circle is therefore;

A = π ( 5 y )²

The area of the circle is therefore;

A = 25 π y².

Hence, by substitution of 22 / 7 for π;

Area, A = 550y² / 7.

Ultimately, it can be inferred from the solution above that the area of the circle which is as described is; 550y² / 7.

Read more on area of a circle;


Rick shoots a basketball at an angle of 60' from the horizontal. It leaves his hands 6 feet from the ground with a velocity of 25 ft/s.Step 1 of 2: Construct a set of parametric equations describing the shot. Answer




[tex]\begin{gathered} Initial\text{ velocity,}u=25ft\text{ /s} \\ \theta=60^0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The parametric equations are gotten by first resolving the velocity into horizontal and vertical components.


[tex]\begin{gathered} speed=\frac{distance}{time} \\ distance=speed\times time \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the parametric equations are:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=(25cos60)t \\ y=(25sin60)t+6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

6) 1,4,9,_,25,_,_,_,81Explain and fill the sequence, write the explicit and recursive formula for the sequence




Here, we want to fill the sequence, write the recursive and explicit formulae

From the sequence, we can see that each of the numbers are perfect squares

Depending on the term, the number is squared

Take for example, 1^2 is 1, 2^2 is 4

The correct way of filling is thus to raise the term number to 2

So, we have to fill for the 4th term, the 6th term, the 7th term and the 8th term

We have that as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4thterm=4^2\text{ = 16} \\ 6thterm=6^2\text{ = 36} \\ 7thterm=7^2\text{ = 49} \\ 8thterm=8^2\text{ = 64} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The sequence can then be written as:


Now, we want to write the explicit and recursive formula

The explicit formula is written in a way that it does not consider the term before the present term

We can easily write that as:


For the recursive formula, we write it as a mathematical function that takes into account the term before or after the current term

A point to note that there are odd number differences that increase by 3 as we move from term to term

We can see that:

Term 2 minus Term 1 is 3

Term 3 minus Term 2 is 5

Term 4 minus Term 3 is 7

Term 5 minuus Term 4 is 9

Thus, we have the recursive formula as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} T_n=T_{(n-1)}\text{ + n + n-1} \\ T_n=T_{(n-1)\text{ }}+\text{ 2n-1} \end{gathered}[/tex]

I need help on question 6 and simple explanation please (8th grade algebra)



Linear function


6) To solve this, we have to observe the given data.

Notice that as each term comes, the circles are dropped by a specific factor:

Term 1: 16

Term 2: 8

Term 3: 4

Term 4: 2

Therefore, we see that the number of circles reduces by a certain factor which is ¹/ ₂.

Hence, there is a proportional relationship between the term and the number of circles.

Therefore, a proportional function will be used to model the pattern:


This is also the form of a linear function without the constant. Hence, the answer is a linear function.

Since f is parallel to line g, use the diagram to the right right to answer the following question (I need help with problem D and the graph right next to it )



The line f and g are parallel lines.

a)The measure of angle 2 is 117 degree.

By exterior atlernate angle property,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \angle2=\angle7 \\ \angle7=117^{\circ} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The measure of angle 7 is 117 degree.

b)The measure of angle 4 is 68 degree.

By sum of adjacent angle between two parallel lines property,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \angle4+\angle6=180^{\circ} \\ \angle6=180^{\circ}-68^{\circ} \\ \angle6=112^{\circ} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The measure of angle 6 is 112 degree.

c)The measure of angle 5 is 32 degree.

By alternate interior angle property,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \angle4=\angle5^{} \\ \angle4=32^{\circ} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The measure of angle 4 is 32 degree.

d)The measure of angle 7 is 121 degree.

By corresponding angle property,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \angle7=\angle3^{} \\ \angle3=121^{\circ} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The measure of angle 3 is 121 degree.

Identify the constant term in this expression. 0.25 + 2× + 4z +0.75y



the constant term is the term without any variable so the answer is 0.25

A musician plans to perform 5 selections. In how many ways can the musician arrange the musical selections?



A musician plans to perform 5 selections.

To find the total number of possible ways he can arrange the musical selections:

At the first time, there are 5 possibilities to make the musical selections.

At the second time, there will be 4 possibilities to make the musical selections.

At the third time, there will be 3 possibilities to make the musical selections.

At the fourth time, there will be 2 possibilities to make the musical selections.

At the fifth time, there will be 1 possibility to make the musical selections.

So, we have,

[tex]\begin{gathered} ^5C_1\times^4C_1\times^3C_1\times^2C_1\times^1C_1=5\times4\times3\times2\times1 \\ =120\text{ ways} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the answer is 120 ways.

Find the length of a diagonal ofa square with sides of 10inches long.[?]V ] inches


the Given:

The side of the square is a = 10 inches.


The length of the diagonal of the square is determined by Pythagoras theorem.

[tex]\begin{gathered} d=\sqrt[]{a^2+a^2} \\ =\sqrt[]{2a^2} \\ =\sqrt[]{2}a \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute 10 for a in the equation to determine the length of the diagonal of the square.

[tex]\begin{gathered} d=\sqrt[]{2}\cdot10 \\ =10\sqrt[]{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the answer is,


Find the coordinates of the vertices of the figure after the given transformation: T<2,4> translation 3A. J′(1,−1),E′(1,1),V′(4,3)B. J′(0,−2),E′(0,0),V′(3,2)C. J′(−2,−1),E′(−2,1),V′(1,3)D. J′(−3,−2),E′(−3,0),V′(0,2)


According to the given rule of transformation, any point (x,y) is transformed as follows:


Now, the coordinates of the vertices of the triangle are:



[tex]\begin{gathered} V^{\prime}(-1+2,-1+4), \\ J^{\prime}(-4+2,-5+4), \\ E^{\prime}(-4+2,-3+4). \end{gathered}[/tex]

Simplifying the above result, you get:

[tex]J^{\prime}(-2,-1),E^{\prime}\left(−2,1\right),V^{\prime}\left(1,3\right).[/tex]Answer: [tex]J^{\prime}(-2,-1),E^{\prime}(-2,1),V^{\prime}(1,3).[/tex]

Jill mixes two types of concentrations of HCI (hydrochloric acid): 0.375 liters of 25% hydrochloric acid, and 0.625 liters of 65% hydrochloric acid. What is the HCI concentration of the mixed solution? O 56% O 40% O 50% O 446



Jill mixes two types of concentrations of HCI (hydrochloric acid):

a.) 0.375 liters of 25% hydrochloric acid and 0.625 liters of 65% hydrochloric acid.

To be able to find the final HCL concentration, we will be generating the following formula:

[tex]\text{ Original + Added = Result}[/tex][tex](0.375)(\frac{25}{100})\text{ + (0.625)(}\frac{65}{100})\text{ = (x)}(0.375\text{ + 0.625)}[/tex]


x = the final concentration of HCL

Let's find x,

[tex](0.375)(\frac{25}{100})\text{ + (0.625)(}\frac{65}{100})\text{ = (x)}(0.375\text{ + 0.625)}[/tex][tex](0.375)(0.25)\text{ + (0.625)(0.65) = (x)(}1)[/tex][tex]0.09375\text{ + 0.40625 = x}[/tex][tex]0.5\text{ = x }\rightarrow\text{ x = 0.5}[/tex][tex]\text{ x = 0.5 x 100 = 50\%}[/tex]

Therefore, the final concentration of the mixed solution is 50%.


−4 3/4=x−1 1/5

What is the solution to the equation?

Enter your answer as a simplified mixed number in the box.

X= ??


The solution to the equation is x = -71/20 i.e.

x = -3(11/20).

Given, an equation

-4(3/4) = x - 1(1/5)

On solving the mixed fraction, we get

-19/4 = x - 6/5

On adding 6/5 both the sides, we get

-19/4 + 6/5 = x

x = (-95 + 24)/20

x = -71/20

On converting the fraction into mixed fraction, we get

x = -3(11/20)

Hence, the solution to the equation is x = -71/20 i.e. x = -3(11/20).

Learn more about Linear Equations here


Use the information given to enter an equation in standard form.Slope is 4, and (3,6) is on the line.



The equation in the point slope form

y - 6 = 4 (x - 3)

Simplifying further,

y - 6 = 4x - 12

y = 4x - 12 + 6

y = 4x - 6


y - 4x = -6


-4x + y = -6


-4x + y + 6 = 0


The general form of the equation in point-slope form is

y - y₁ = m (x - x₁)


y = y-coordinate of a point on the line.

y₁ = This refers to the y-coordinate of a given point on the line

m = slope of the line.

x = x-coordinate of the point on the line whose y-coordinate is y.

x₁ = x-coordinate of the given point on the line

For this question,

Slope = m = 4

(x₁, y₁) = (3, 6)

x₁ = 3

y₁ = 6

y - y₁ = m (x - x₁)

y - 6 = 4 (x - 3)

Simplifying further,

y - 6 = 4x - 12

y = 4x - 12 + 6

y = 4x - 6

Hope this Helps!!!

Graph ABCD with vertices B(2, 1), C(4,4) and D(4,0) and its image after the reflection in the line n: x=0.


We have a triangle BCD with vertices


The transformation is a reflection in the line x = 0(also know as the y-axis). A reflection on the y-axis is given by the following transformation:


Doing this transformation on each one of our vertices, we can find the transformed figure.

[tex]\begin{gathered} (2,1)\rightarrow(-2,1) \\ (4,4)\rightarrow(-4,4) \\ (4,0)\rightarrow(-4,0) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, the image is


The option that fits this transformation is option b.

2,1 maybe I just need points

a juice box has a volume approximately 60in3 with a height of 5 in. The box is cut in half to a height of 2.5 in. How does the new volume compare to the original?


[tex]\text{Volume of juice box = 60 in}^3[/tex]

Height of the box = 5 in

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