Find the factors of following:
(i) 8x^2 yy

Find The Factors Of Following:(i) 8x^2 Yy


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

Remove unnecessary parentheses

Answer 2


i) 8x^2 yz=2×2×2×x×x×y×z

Related Questions

y = 4x + 2
6x + 2y = 8
What is the value of x + y?




General Formulas and Concepts:


Order of Operations: BPEMDAS

Brackets Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction Left to Right  

Equality Properties

Multiplication Property of Equality Division Property of Equality Addition Property of Equality Subtraction Property of Equality

Algebra I

Terms/CoefficientsFactoringFunctionsCoordinates (x, y)Solving systems of equations using substitution/elimination

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define Systems

y = 4x + 2

6x + 2y = 8

Step 2: Solve for x


Substitute in y:                                                                                                  6x + 2(4x + 2) = 8Factor GCF:                                                                                                       2[3x + (4x + 2)] = 8[Division Property of Equality] Divide 2 on both sides:                                  3x + 4x + 2 = 4Combine like terms [Addition]:                                                                        7x + 2 = 4[Subtraction Property of Equality] Subtract 2 on both sides:                        7x = 2[Division Property of Equality] Divide 7 on both sides:                                  x = 2/7

Step 3: Solve for y

Substitute in x [Original equation]:                                                                  y = 4(2/7) + 2Multiply:                                                                                                             y = 8/7 + 2Add:                                                                                                                   y = 22/7

Step 4: Evaluate

Substitute in variables:                                                                                     2/7 + 22/7Add:                                                                                                                   24/7





Step-by-step explanation:

Use PEMDAS to solve this equation, so first we have to do parenthesis first. Simplify 4+16 to get 20. Simplify 2+3 to get 5. Therefore, the equation will now look like 180/(20)-8x3+7x(5). Because we can do either division or multiplication first, we have to solve the equation started from the left. Therefore, we do 180/20 which is 90. Then the equation will be 90-8x3+7x5. Multiply -8 and 3 together to get -24. Therefore, the equation will be 90-24+7x5. Because we always do multiplication/division before addition/subtraction. We have to do 7x5 which is equal to 35. Therefore, the equation will look like 90-24+35. Because there is only subtraction and addition now, we should start from the left hand side which is 90-24. Simplify this to get 76. Then the equation will be 76+35. Simplify this to get 111.

If this answer helps, please mark it as brainliest


Find the missing parts of the triangle. Round to the nearest tenth when necessary or to the nearest minute as appropriate.

C = 122.2°
a = 8 km
b = 10.4 km




Step-by-step explanation:

Use the law of cos

c^2 = 8^2+10.4^2-2*8*10.4*cos(122.2 degrees)


c = √260.83 = 16.15

The missing side of the triangle is 16.2 km (round to the nearest tenth)

What is law of cosines ?

If a, b, c are sides of a triangle & C be the angle opposite to side c, then

c²=a²+b²-2ab cosC

What is the missing side ?

Here, in the given question, a = 8km & b = 10.4 km

Also the angle opposite to the third side c (say) is C = 122.2°

So, according to the law of cosines,

c²=(8)²+(10.4)²-2(8)(10.4) cos(122.2°)

⇒ c²= 64+108.16-(-88.67)

⇒ c²= 172.16+88.67

⇒ c²= 260.83

⇒ c= √(260.83)

⇒ c= 16.15 = 16.2(approx)

So, the missing side = 16.2 km

Learn more about law of cosines here :


24) Identify the binomials
a) 100
c) al-a+ba
b) x+y-xy
d) z2+z​




Step-by-step explanation:

Your well wisher

Hope it will be helpful

Choose all that correctly solve for the variable x
[tex]\frac{5}{2} x[/tex] = [tex]\frac{15}{2}[/tex]
x = 3
x + [tex]\frac{7}{2} = 7\\x
= \frac{7}{2}[/tex]
x + 3 = [tex]\frac{21}{5}\\x
= \frac{5}{6}[/tex]
5x = \frac{11}{2}
x = |frac{10}{11}


Answer1. X = 32. [tex] \frac{7}{2} [/tex]3.

[tex] \frac{5}{6} [/tex]

Hope it Helps

According to a recent warning from the FDA, grain-free food might be giving dogs a life- threatening heart problem called dilated cardiomyopathy, or DCM. Scientists interested in studying this link were trying to see if there was a difference in the average blood pressure between four different food types (expensive grain-free dog food, cheap grain-free dog food, expensive dog food with grain included, and cheap dog food with grain included). What hypothesis test would be appropriate for analyzing the above scenario?
z test of independent averages
chi-squared goodness of fit test
test of two proportions
paired t-test
chi-squared test of independence
t test of independent averages



z test of independent averages

chi-squared goodness of fit test


test of two proportions

paired t-test

chi-squared test of independence

t test of independent averages

Step-by-step explanation:

You are making a poster to support your friend for homecoming. Your original photo is 4 inches by 6 inches. You want the photo on the poster to be 2 feet by 3 feet. What is the scale factor of this dilation? show work pls :(​




Step-by-step explanation:

2 ft = 24in so 4 to 24 is times 6

3ft=36 in and 6 to 46 is times 6



Step-by-step explanation:

2ft=24 inches

3ft=36 inches

poster/original photo




The length of a rectangle is 20 inches less than twice the width. The perimeter of the rectangle is 86 inches. Find the dimensions of the rectangle.





Step-by-step explanation:

let, length be x and width be y.



or, 2(2y-20+y)=86

or, 2(3y-20)=86

or, 6y-40=86

or, 6y= 126

or, y= 126/6

y= 21

x= 2×21-20 = 42-20 =22

1. Lisa drives her car 46 km south and then 13 km east.
How far is she from her starting point?
Show work


Umm maybe 59 kilometers

The value of a certain car after t years is modeled by the expression 15.00000.78. What are the initial cont, I, and the rate of depreciation, r, of this car
$10.500./ 30%
110,500./ 70%
1$ 15,000./ 30%
$15,000./ 70%




Step-by-step explanation:

What is the measure of angle A?
Enter your answer as a decimal in the box. Round your final answer to the nearest hundredth.


Answer: 45 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer is 45 degrees

Sorry this was the questions ​


I think the answer is 90

9514 1404 393


  (c)  90 m

Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter is the sum of the side lengths. Each of the lower-right and lower-left indents can be reversed to make the figure a 20 m by 25 m rectangle without changing the perimeter. Then the perimeter is ...

  P = 2(L +W)

  P = 2(25 m + 20 m) = 2(45 m)

  P = 90 m


If you start at the upper left corner and work clockwise, the perimeter is the sum of segment lengths ...

  P = 20 m + 5 m + 8 m + 20 m + 4 m + 20 m + 8 m + 5 m

  P = 90 m


The units must be given as part of the measurement of the perimeter. That is why choice B (90) is inappropriate.

Help me plzzzzzzzzzz.z.z.z.z.z.z..z.z.z.z



Area of rectangle = 10 in.²

Area of triangle = 0.5 in.²

Square inches of plastic in bookmark = 9.5 in.²

Step-by-step explanation:

✔️Area of rectangle = Length × Width

Length = 5 in.

Width = 2 in.

Area of rectangle = 5 × 2 = 10 in.²

✔️Area of Triangle = ½*bh

b = 1 in.

h = 1 in.²

Area of triangle = ½*1*1

Area of triangle = 0.5 in.²

✔️Square inches of plastic in bookmark = area of rectangle - area of triangle

= 10 - 0.5 = 9.5 in²

Lillian is going to invest in an account paying an interest rate of 5.7% compounded continuously. How much would Lillian need to invest, to the nearest ten dollars, for the value of the account to reach $7,600 in 7 years?



She has to invest $5,160 for the value of the account to reach $7,600 in 7 years.

Step-by-step explanation:

Continuous compounding:

The amount of money earned, after t years, in continuous compounding, is given by:

[tex]A(t) = A(0)(1+r)^t[/tex]

In which A(0) is the value of the initial investment and r is the interest rate, as a decimal.

Lillian is going to invest in an account paying an interest rate of 5.7% compounded continuously.

This means that [tex]r = 0.057[/tex]

How much would Lillian need to invest, to the nearest ten dollars, for the value of the account to reach $7,600 in 7 years?

We have to find A(0) when [tex]A(t) = 7600, t = 7[/tex]


[tex]A(t) = A(0)(1+r)^t[/tex]

[tex]7600 = A(0)(1+0.057)^7[/tex]

[tex]A(0) = \frac{7600}{(1.057)^7}[/tex]

[tex]A(0) = 5156[/tex]

To the nearest ten dollars, she has to invest $5,160 for the value of the account to reach $7,600 in 7 years.

A tank contains 210 liters of fluid in which 30 grams of salt is dissolved. Pure water is then pumped into the tank at a rate of 3 L/min; the well-mixed solution is pumped out at the same rate. Let the A(t) be the number of grams of salt in the tank at time t. Find the rate at which the number of grams of salt in the tank is changing at time t.



[tex]dA(t)/dt = -\frac{3}{7}e^{-t/70}[/tex] g/min

Step-by-step explanation:

The mass flow rate dA(t)/dt = mass flowing in - mass flowing out

Since water is pumped in at a rate of 3 L/min, and it contains no salt, the concentration in is thus 0 g/L. the mass flow in is thus 0 g/L × 3 L/min = 0 g/min.

Let A(t) be the mass present at any time, t. The concentration at any time ,t is thus A(t)/volume = A(t)/210. Since water flows out at a rate of 3 L/min, the mass flow out is thus, A(t)/210 g/L × 3 L/min = A(t)/70 g/min.

So, dA(t)/dt = mass flowing in - mass flowing out

dA(t)/dt = 0 g/min - A(t)/70 g/min

dA(t)/dt =  - A(t)/70 g/min

 Since the tank initially contains 30 g of salt, the initial mass of salt in the tank is 30 g. So A(0) = 30

So, the initial value problem is thus  

dA(t)/dt =  - A(t)/70 , A(0) = 30

Separating the variables, we have

dA(t)/A(t) = -dt/70

Integrating both sides, we have

∫dA(t)/A(t) = ∫-dt/70

㏑A(t) = -t/70 + C

taking exponents of both sides, we have

A(t) = exp(-t/70 + C)

A(t) = exp(-t/70)expC

[tex]A(t) = e^{-t/70}e^{C}\\A(t) = Ce^{-t/70} whereC = e^{C}[/tex]

A(0) = 30, So

[tex]A(0) = Ce^{-0/70}\\30 = Ce^{0}\\C = 30[/tex]

[tex]A(t) = 30e^{-t/70}[/tex]

The rate at which the number of grams of salt in the tank is changing at time t is

[tex]dA(t)/dt = \frac{d30e^{-t/70} }{dt} \\dA(t)/dt = -\frac{30e^{-t/70} }{70}\\dA(t)/dt = -\frac{3}{7}e^{-t/70}[/tex]

So, the rate at which the number of grams of salt in the tank is changing at time t is

[tex]dA(t)/dt = -\frac{3}{7}e^{-t/70}[/tex] g/min

[tex] \frac{1}{3} log( \frac{125}{8} ) - 2 log( \frac{2}{5} ) + log( \frac{80}{125} ) [/tex]




Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]\frac{1}{3} log( \frac{125}{8} ) - 2 log( \frac{2}{5} ) + log( \frac{80}{125} )[/tex]



Apply logarithm rules

[tex]log( \frac{125^{\frac{1}{3}}}{8^{\frac{1}{3}}} )- log( \frac{2^2}{5^2} ) + log( \frac{80}{125} )[/tex]

[tex]log( \frac{5}{2}} )- log( \frac{4}{25} ) + log( \frac{80}{125} )[/tex]

Apply quotient rule

[tex]log( \frac{5}{2} / \frac{4}{25} ) + log( \frac{80}{125} )[/tex]

[tex]log( \frac{5}{2} * \frac{25}{4} ) + log( \frac{80}{125} )[/tex]

[tex]log( \frac{100}{8} ) + log( \frac{80}{125} )[/tex]

Apply product rule

[tex]log( \frac{100*80}{8*125} )[/tex]

[tex]log( \frac{8000}{1000} )[/tex]


Express 8 as 2^3



Please help me with mathematics.​










60 Benjamin bought 6.2 pounds of rice. Each pound cost
$0.90. How much did he spend on rice?



.9x 6.2= $5.58


Consider the factored form equation of parabola y = 2(x - 3) * (x + 1)



a= x= 3, -1

b= x=1

c= (1, -8)

Step-by-by-step explanation:

For the show your work, you have to create the graph of the parabola. (attached image)

A stamp collector has 55 stamps from the United States, 30 stamps from Canada, and 15 from Mexico. If he were to close his eyes and randomly select 20 from his collection, about how many would you expect to be from Mexico?


6% chance I think but I’m not sure





Step-by-step explanation:

a minus sign.


Negative, should be the answer. if not I don't know what your teachers are on.

What is the volume of a cube with a side length of 3t5units?

Cube V = s3




Step-by-step explanation:

sorry if its wrong

help lol solve for x



x = 6

Step-by-step explanation:

(8x - 4)° + (3x + 17)° = (17x - 23)° => exterior angle theorem

Solve for x

8x - 4 + 3x + 17 = 17x - 23

Add like terms

11x + 13 = 17x - 23

11x - 17x = -13 - 23

-6x = -36

Divide both sides by -6

x = 6

Who can answer this



Check pdf

Step-by-step explanation:

Which exponential function is represented by the table?


Answer:where the table at coss

Step-by-step explanation:

Josiah bought two pounds of strawberries for $9.60. What is the price, in dollars per ounce of strawberries? 1 pound = 1 pound= 16 ounces 16 ounces Before you try that problem, answer the question below. How many ounces of strawberries did Josiah buy?



$0.30 per ounce

Step-by-step explanation:

16 ounces per pound

16 x 2 = 32 ounces per 2 pounds

9.60/32 = $0.30 per ounce





Step-by-step explanation:

Times the decimal by 100 to get a percent

basically moving the decimal 2 spaces to the right.

Michael had 3 times as many mangoes as Junior. After eating 8 mangoes. Michael had
twice as many mangoes as Junior. What is the total number of mangoes both boys had at
the beginning?​



Michael: 24

Junior: 8

Step-by-step explanation:

8 is a multiple of 24, meaning if you ate 1/3 of 24 you get 16, which is doubled 8.

the value of the expression x² - 2 ( x + 5 ) when x = 10.




Step-by-step explanation:

10 2 - 2(10+5) = 100 - 2(10+5)=15

100 - 2 x 15 = 100 - 30


Find the slope on the line.



Rise 4
Run 1

Rise over run - 4/1=4

Answer: -2 is the slope

(0,0) (1,4) (rise over run) *Y2 - Y1/X2 - X1*

X1= 0

Y1= 4

X2= 1

Y2= 2

2-4= -2

1-0= 1

-2/1= -2

the slope is -2

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