find the air with the subject verb agreement. Select the incorrect verb and top it correctly. A number of top major league baseball players is out for the remainder of the season due to injuries, sustained during the first few months of play.


Answer 1

The incorrect verb has been identified and fixed as follows:

A number of top major league baseball players are out for the remainder of the season due to injuries, sustained during the first few months of play.

What is the incorrect verb?

An incorrect verb is one that does not match the subject of the sentence. In the sentence above, we can see that the subject is plural and that is: "A number of top major league baseball players."

Since this subject is in the plural form, the corresponding verb should be in the plural form as well. Thus the verb, "are" should have been used instead of "is." So, when writing sentences, we should endeavor to use verbs that correspond to the  subjects.

Learn more about subject verb agreement here:


Related Questions

Read the excerpt from chapter 8 of The Travels of
Marco Polo and study the map.
[This] is an island lying about 1,000 miles south of
Socotra. The people are Saracens who worship
Mahomet. They have four sheikhs-that is to say, four
elders who exercise authority over the whole island.
You must know that this island is one of the biggest and
best in the whole world. It is said to measure about
4,000 miles in circumference. The people live by trade
and industry. More elephants are bred here than in any
other province; and I assure you that not so many
elephant tusks are sold in all the rest of the world put
together as in this island and that of Zanzibar.
Which labeled location is the place where more
elephants are bred than anywhere else, according to
the excerpt?
* B-Dhofar
D - India


The location where the elephants are bred than anywhere is Madagascar.

The narrator mentions an island that is "approximately 1,000 kilometers south of Socotra" in the sample. The narrator talks about the island's geography and the characteristics of its inhabitants. This contains the fact that "More elephants are raised here than in any other province," demonstrating that this island raises more elephants than any other area.Now, based on the location of Madagascar (Location C) on the map and the author's description of the island in the extract, it may be inferred that Madagascar is the island the author is referring to (Location A).Though the map in the question is missing, we can infer this answer with the link provided below.

Thus the correct answer is C.

Refer here to learn more about Madagascar:


Nationwide Database of Historic


The official list of our nation's historic districts, sites, buildings, and other items deserving of preservation is the National Register of Historic Places.

The National Park Service is in charge of it; it was created as a result of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. National Historic Landmarks (NHLs) are old buildings that serve as examples of American history. The more than 2,600 NHLs that may now be found in the U.S. include a variety of historic sites, buildings, items, and districts. Every NHL game showcases a noteworthy facet of American history and culture.According to national standards that are followed by every state, inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places offers official acknowledgement of a building's historical, architectural, or archeological value.

Thus this is the meaning of National Database of Historic Places.

Refer here to learn more about National Database of Historic Places:


In "Song for the Turtles in the Gulf" how does Linda Hogan's diction develop the theme?


Linda Hogan who is an american author, was  an advocate for animal rights for more than eight years. Throughout this time, she worked in a wildlife rehabilitation center, helping animals that were orphaned or victims of fires to reintegrate into their natural life.

In "Song for the Turtles in the Gulf" , Linda has beautifully crafted a song for turtles and other creatures that were killed through oil spills in the gulf. The poem veers towards a prayer too, seeking forgiveness for being thrown off true

This is how Linda Hogan developed the theme of "Song for the Turtles in the Gulf".

To learn more about Linda Hogan from the given link


Which of the following quotations is most representative of Emerson's views on following traditional values and virtues as represented in "Self-Reliance"?

A. "I suppose no man can violate his nature."

B. "Do not think the youth has no force, because he cannot speak to you and me. Hark! in the next room his voice is sufficiently clear and emphatic."

C. "The voyage of the best ship is a zigzag line of a hundred tacks."

D. "The doctrine of hatred must be preached as the counteraction of the doctrine of love when that pules and whines."


"The doctrine of hatred must be preached as the counteraction of the doctrine of love when that pules and whines."  is the most representative of Emerson's views on following traditional values and virtues as represented in "Self-Reliance". Hence Option D is the answer.

What does Emerson say about self-reliance?

Emerson asserts firmly that society, and particularly the politically correct climate of today has a detrimental impact on a person's development in his or her "Self-Reliance" essay. According to Emerson, being self-sufficient allows a person in society the ability to find their actual selves and achieve true independence.

Emerson held that for a society to flourish, there must be individualism, accountability, and nonconformity. Emerson was aware that in order to reach this level of individualism, each person had to work on themselves. Today, we witness social breakdowns on a daily basis and wonder how we got to this point. One need only consider how little emphasis has been placed on the fundamental ideas of self-trust, self-awareness, and self-acceptance.

To learn more about Emerson's "Self-Reliance", refer to:


HELP ILL GIVE YOU BRAINLIST!!!. Describe an effect of alliteration in Gwendolyn Brooks's poem "Truth."

2. Explain how the connotation of a word in Emily ickinson's "A Book" adds to the poem's message.

3. Langston Hughes's poem "Mother to Son" uses an extended metaphor of a stair to say that life has been a difficult journey. Would the extended metaphor be more effective or less effective if it were a long path through the woods? Explain your answer.

4. Identify one example of an allusion in Phillis Wheatley's poem "An Hymn to the Morning." As a group, do some quick research on what the allusion references. Then, discuss the effect the allusion has on the poem.


A description of the effect of alliteration in Gwendolyn Brooks's poem "Truth." is the use of a firm beat as certain words alliterate such as:  "greet him", "dread him", "fear him", etc

The explanation of how the connotation of a word in Emily D1ckinson's "A Book" adds to the poem's message is given below:

She writes the line “hope is the thing with feathers”. and this use of connotation shows and adds to the message because it signifies the human soul.

The extended metaphor would have been more effective if there were a long path through the woods and this is because it gives more information and explanation as to why life is never perfect and should always be difficult to navigate.

What is an Alliteration?

This refers to the term that is used to describe the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the start of a word.

Hence, it can be seen that one example of an allusion in Phillis Wheatley's poem "An Hymn to the Morning" is "For bright Aurora now demands my song". This shows that there is a calling to mind of Aurora, the Roman goddess of dawn.

Read more about alliterations here:


Why are jíbaros
confusing to Esmeralda?


Esmeralda confuses jibaros as she raises the idea of numerous distinct Puerto Rican identities. However, Negi notes the verbal irony of living like jíbaros. They live off the land in a shack in a barrio, or poor neighborhood. A self-sufficient farmer, the jbaro is a well-known representation of Puerto Ricans and an iconic reflection of the Puerto Rican people. This passage must also be considered in light of the fact that the idea of a jbara identity is such a crucial component of the narrative approach and of the ideological message of the book.

What is the When I Was Puerto Rican historical setting?

Although When I Was Puerto Rican does defamiliarize American imperial culture, it never seeks to dismiss the mainstream. Santiago's text first appeared as Puerto Ricans started to recognize their bilingualism. As a result, the narrative raises the idea of numerous distinct Puerto Rican identities, indicating a developing sense of cultural hybridity that existed prior to the traumatic experience of moving to the United States.

As Puerto Ricans started to accept their multilingual, post-national "borderland" identity as the norm, Santiago's text came into existence. Early in the nineteenth century, Puerto Ricans started to want independence, which prompted Spain to encourage non-Spanish Europeans to immigrate to the island in an effort to quell the uprising by displacing the dissident communities. In Puerto Rico, the term "jibaro" is used to describe the rural residents who still cultivate their land the old-fashioned method.

To learn more about Puerto Rico, visit


What is one theme found in Walt Whitman's "I Hear America Singing"?


The poem examines a number of subjects, including patriotism, the worth of the individual in American culture, and the dignity of labor.

The contributions of many ethnic and racial groups to the creation of America are discussed in Walt Whitman's poem "I Hear America Singing." Whitman describes and includes the numerous working-class people making contributions to the country in their own unique ways. He highlights those hidden employees who all contribute in their own unique ways to the formation of our country while also honoring the average American worker. Despite their seeming insignificance, each person contributed greatly by singing their own songs and doing their bit. Each person's contribution was distinct and equal. The contribution of many people to the identity of the nation is one of the themes of this poem.

Thus this is one theme found in Walt Whitman's "I Hear America Singing."

Refer here to learn more about I Hear America Singing:


The use of chemical products to control insects and weeds has long been opposed by those who worry about dangers to the environment. Gifford Pinchot National Forest in Washington State may have an answer to this controversy. There, managers have been controlling weeds and insects in their tree nursery with flocks of geese. A small flock of geese controlled insects and weeds in an area of 300 acres. The geese are inexpensive and require no further care once placed in the forest growing area.

What is the author's attitude toward the use of geese to protect young forests?





Since the author is states that the product is inexpensive and does not need further care once used is directing us to positive attitudes. In addition, the author also states that small quantities can cover large range which also directs positive attitude.

8. At what point in a short story does the action reach its highest point?
resolution exposition climax rising action


Answer: climax


Purple hibiscus

Chapter 16

The phone rings. What is the news and what happens next?


In chapter 16, when the phone rings, everyone learns that the autopsy of Papa's body found signs of poisoning. What happens next is Mama assumes that she was poisoning Papa.

Why did Mama decide to poison Papa?Because he was abusive and violent towards her.Because she felt very oppressed and afraid of him.Because she had no one to help her and had few options on how to defend herself.

Papa was a very abusive and violent man towards everyone in the family. Everyone felt very uncomfortable and frightened in their presence and everyone fell victim to their violence.

Mama was one of the people who suffered the most from this and as a way to save herself and her children from Papa's oppression, she started putting small doses of poison in the tea he drank every day.

When Papa died, the autopsy found signs of poisoning on his body and Mama assumed that she was the person who poisoned him. Although everyone in the family was shocked by the revelation, they knew Mama did it as a form of defense.

Learn more about "Purple hibiscus:"


1. There is too much GORE in bullfighting. GORE is synonymous to:


The answer is bloodshed!!

GORE is synonymous with bloodshed. Thus option A is correct.

What is synonymous?

A term, morpheme, or phrase that in a particular language has the exact same meaning as yet another word, combination of words, or phrase is said to be a synonym. For instance, the words commence, beginning, commence, & initiate are all synonyms for each other within the English language; they are interchangeable.

When you claim something is synonym with that other, you're implying that in most public views, the two are already so closely related that one implies one another.

It describes a bloody, violent scenario with both human plus animal body parts. The gore in the horror film was abundant (or was "very gory" as an adjective). The bullfighter was gored by the bull, which is also a verb. Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about synonymous, Here:


What impact does the use of dashes have on the rhythmic structure of this poem?

The dashes create imperfect rhyme that confuses the reader.

The dashes create a slow rhythm that is pleasant for the reader.

The dashes create a quick rhythm that confuses the reader.

The dashes create a heightened rhythm that excites the reader.


Answer: The dashes create a slow rhythm that is pleasant for the reader

Explanation: so the reader knows when to stop or slow down in a certain story, hope this helped, have a blessed day

Will give brainlest!!

Use the claims about banning plastic bags to complete the activity.

Claim 1

What do you think about when you toss a plastic bag into the garbage? If you’re like most people, then you probably do not think about much at all. We don’t think about the fact that plastic bags take centuries to decay. We do not think about how many bags end up in lakes, rivers, and oceans, harming wildlife and even causing death. However, we should think about all this. Better yet, we should do something about it: ban the use of plastic bags. If this happens, then we will all feel better knowing that we are not contributing to pollution and harming wildlife. And besides, plastic bags are not a necessity. Paper bags are an alternative, and so are reusable cloth bags.

Claim 2

It seems like we are drowning in plastic bags, but before you decide to ban them, you should remember some of the reasons companies started using plastic back in the 1970s. Before there was plastic, there was paper and cardboard, which are made from trees. So, switching from paper to plastic saved some trees. Plastic also saved people money because it kept food fresher for longer. Also, it is lighter than cardboard or glass, so it was cheaper to ship things wrapped in plastic. Plus, plastic is safer than glass, which tends to break. So, yes, we should be using less plastic, but it does not make sense to ban it until we find a better solution.

Which paragraph provides more sound arguments? Why or why not? Write 3-5 sentences supporting your answer.(4 points)



Claim 1 gives more arguments with points backing the arguments. Claim 1 states that we should ban plastic and use paper or cloth bags, Claim 2 says that we shouldn't ban them until we find a better solution as paper comes from trees, however cloth does not and Claim 2 gives no argument on the subject. Claim 2 claims we shouldn't use cardboard or glass because plastic is lighter and safer however Claim 1 gives other options that are just as safe such as the cloth bags mentioned before.

How does Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels comment on the ties that bind together a family, community, or nation?

Swift implies that the ties that bind us only lead to hatred and war.

Swift explains how national and religious identities are formed through war.

Swift comments on the ever-increasing importance of religion in forming a close-knit family, community, or nation.

Swift implies that religious and national identities inform the actions and thoughts of a people.


In the Gulliver's travels, Jonathan Swift comments on the ever-increasing importance of religion in forming a close-knit family, community, or nation.

What is Gulliver's travels?

Three centuries after its initial publication in 1726, Gulliver's Travels is still in full effect. This well-known satirical book combines an action plot with a cunning philosophical analysis of the structure of contemporary society.

In the Gulliver's travels, He discusses how a country's religion is closely related to war and how religious conflicts can drive people to act violently out of all proportion. He makes a comment regarding the growing significance of religion in creating a close-knit family, community, or country. He makes the implication that people's religious beliefs typically guide their views and makes a comment on how people appear to require religion to serve as a moral compass.

His remarks were intended to be critical of the minor battles that frequently broke out in Europe over religious issues and resulted in countless fatalities. According to Swift, religious disagreements inevitably lead to death and destruction because they are based on immaterial, abstract ideas that can never be reconciled with their material, life-and-death repercussions.

To know more about Gulliver's Travel, go to link


Select the correct answer.
Which of the following is included in a summary?
O A.
key points
personal opinions
background information
minor examples





12.) Which of these skills is most assessed by level 5 questions?
O A compare two or more trends
OB locate information
O C identify the next steps in a process
OD make an inference


The most assessed skill among Level 5 questions is make an inference to know if the given set of task has been able to be comprehended.

What do critical thinking abilities entail?

The capacity for factual analysis and opinion formation is known as critical thinking. A type of emotional intelligence, it. When the occasion calls for it, a person with critical thinking abilities can think clearly and logically. They are able to make decisions and solve problems more effectively as a result. You can focus more on your strengths and prevent any form of restrictive or negative beliefs by using critical thinking to help you understand yourself. Your quality of life may go up if you can express your ideas.

To know more about critical thinking click on the link below:


Which two statements from the passage best support the idea that Cara's health is improving?


Dr. Morrisfield said, "I think the fact that you were able to ascend those steps without incident shows how powerful your heart has gotten."

A few months ago, I wouldn't have been able to climb those steps, Cara stated.

What is about Cara's health ?In the excerpt provided, it is said that Cara and her mother ascended the steps to the eighth floor because the elevator was broken, and that they were both exhausted when they arrived at the doctor's office.The doctor, however, pronounced that because she was able to ascend eight flights of stairs, her condition was 100% improved.The passage's opening lines, "I think that you were able to climb up those stairs without incident demonstrates how strong your heart has become," and "I think that you were able to climb up those stairs without incident," are the two that lend the most credence to the idea that Cara's health is getting better.A few months ago, I wouldn't have been able to climb those steps, Cara stated.

To learn more about Cara's health refer to:


Archetypes are repeated patterns. Offer 3 pilgrims that are archetypes and explain why they
are archetypes
From The Wife of Bath by Geoffrey Chaucer


Three pilgrims that are archetypes in the story are Chaucer, The wife of bath and the monk. There characters are recurring in nature that's why they can be called as archetypes.

About Archetypes

Instincts and archetypes are quite similar since, even before any consciousness arises, it is the impersonal, inherited features of humans that present and guide behaviour. They also still have an impact on emotions and actions decades after some form of consciousness emerged.

Utilizing archetypes in particular writing is indeed a holistic strategy that can aid in the writing's acceptance by all readers. This is due to the readers' ability to socially and culturally relate to and empathise with both the protagonists and the circumstance. A writer strives to instill reality in their work by strategically using popular archetypes.

To know more about archetypes:


Elearning vs traditional class essay 450 words


Essay of traditional and internet that The internet serves as the primary medium for online classes. As a result, regular student-teacher interaction, which characterises traditional learning, is absent from online classes.

Many college students increasingly prefer taking online classes over attending traditional regular sessions as a result of modern technology's penetration of the education industry. This is due to the convenience of online learning for these students, especially for those who must balance employment and school.

Online education therefore provides them with the necessary flexibility. Online education also offers professionals and students the chance to get the required credentials even if they otherwise wouldn't have gone back to school. The one-on-one engagement with peers and teachers, however, is not advantageous for students who have chosen to take their classes online. The essay will attempt to compare the differences between traditional classes and online courses, with a preference for the later.

The internet serves as the primary medium for online classes. As a result, regular student-teacher interaction, which characterises traditional learning, is absent from online classes. Contrarily, learning in traditional schools necessitates face-to-face communication between the students and the teachers (Donovan, Mader and Shinsky 286).

Because of their ability to bond, this is advantageous to both the learner and the educators. Additionally, students who attend traditional classes frequently have to follow rigid rules that have been established by the educational institution. Students must therefore follow the set time schedules. On the other hand, students who take classes online can study at their own speed.

To know more about Essay visit:


What type of writing is the following example?
A expository
B persuasive
C technical


The following example of a type of writing is technical

What is technical writing?

To enhance your technical documentation, check out the courses and learning materials below. Learn to organize and create technical documents.

Technical writing is generally understood to be the practice of documenting procedures, such as in software manuals or educational materials.

Writing or creating technical communication is known as technical writing. It is utilized in technical and vocational domains such computer hardware and software, architecture, engineering, chemistry, robotics, finance, medicine, consumer electronics, biotechnology, and forestry. The largest subfield of technical communication is technical writing.

Thus, the option C is correct.

Learn more about Technical writing, here:

Though the narrator's point of view in "The Gift of the Magi" is 3rd person omniscient, which character does the narrator mostly follow and report on? A. Madame Sofronie B. Jim C. Della​



C. Della


Third Person

It's told in the third-person, and only follows Della. We don't see what Jim is doing during the story, and once he does show up, we don't know what his reaction to Della's hair is any more than Della does.

C. Della there Yall go


Complete these sentences with when, while, before, ofter, until or as soon as. More than one answer may be possible in each case.


Whilst, after, earlier than, until, due to the fact, whilst, as soon as, as, and as quickly as are subordinating conjunctions that may be used to attach an emotion or an event to a point in time.

Conjunctions are used to connect words or sentences. The phrases earlier than, after, as, while, at the same time as, until, and when we consider that, also are conjunctions. We use from with till or until to speak about whilst something begins and when it ends: I worked out at the health club from 6 pm till 7.30 pm. the street outdoor our residence might be closed from 6 am until 6 pm tomorrow.

As soon as and no faster are similar in meaning but match otherwise right into a sentence. As soon as is sort of continually followed without delay by means of a noun or adjective. As soon as you finish dinner, join us outdoors. Come go as quickly as viable.

Learn more about conjunctions here


In completion of this cause you should be able to articulate and provide evidence of meaning. The course outcomes review the car syllabus and tracking counter, and list all the course outcomes for this course.


Learning outcomes are clear descriptions of what students will be able to perform after completing a learning experience (whether it's a project, course, or program). They are always written in a simple, insightful, and doable manner that is student-centered and measurable.

What is example of course outcome?

Students' comprehension will be shown by their ability to "explain" or "discuss" a subject (lower level), while their analytical and evaluative skills will be shown by their ability to "calculate" or "justify" (higher-level).

Five Essential Elements of a Successful Online Course

choosing the best platform for an effective online course. Without an effective course platform, your institution cannot

deliver effective online courses.high caliber involvement.Course materials are easily accessible.Safe attendance monitoring.Online working hours.

In addition to assisting teachers in directing their teaching-learning in the desired manner, the learning outcomes for each class also encourage other stakeholders, particularly parents or guardians, members of the School Management Committee (SMC), members of the community, and state functionaries, to take responsibility for and be aware of their roles.

To learn more about course outcome refer to:


Why was Julius Caesar's rule of the Roman Empire cut short?



He was assassinated.


His opponents were threatened by his rising power and opted to have him assassinated.

Why is document design important to your audience?


Choosing effective document design enhances the readability or usability of your document so that the target audience is more likely to get the message you want them to receive, and your document is more likely to achieve your intended purpose.

Based on the text "The Cruelest Sport", explain why Oates finds the sport of boxing paradoxical. Give examples to support your answer.


According to Oates that brings us back to the paradox of boxing, its obsessional allure for those who see in it not just a spectacle including amazing displays of physical prowess but also an emotional experience that is difficult to describe; an art form without a natural equivalent in the arts.

Oates examines the mess after recognising it. She compares boxers to dancers, noting how their physical attributes and weight categories help to identify them.

Because boxing is such an intimate sport, she argues, "to enter the ring nearly without clothes and risk one's life is to make of one's audience voyeurs of a type."

Due to its extremely violent character, boxing is a risky and sometimes lethal activity that shouldn't even be categorised as a sport. Boxing is criticised by the author for being overly violent and for exemplifying how racism and poverty play a part in the sport's culture.

To know more about 'boxing' related questions



what descriptive language is in the passage hanging fire


The descriptive language that is used in the poem "Hanging Fire by Audre Lorde" is called "Stream of Consciousness".

What is Stream of Consciousness?

It is to be noted that Stream of consciousness is a storytelling technique that attempts to realistically represent a character's cognitive process. It's an internal monologue, but it's also more.

Stream-of-consciousness writing is used by writers to emulate the way people's ideas flow. We seldom think in a flawless, straight sequence. The stream-of-consciousness style illustrates how a character thinks by using unconventional, often grammatically wrong, phrase structures full of unfinished thoughts and tangents.

Learn more about Stream of Consciousness:

Part C

Which of the following is a key idea present in Zitkala-Sa's "School Days of an Indian Girl"?

Question 3 options:

Zitkala-Sa struggles to find balance living in two worlds, neither of which feels entirely comfortable.

Because she pursues a college education, Zitkala-Sa's relationship with her family is irreparably damaged.

At school in the East, Zitkala-Sa learns to appreciate the structure that was lacking in her life at home.

Zitkala-Sa strives to become a skilled orator to gain acceptance and respect in her college community.



Zitkala-sa struggles to find balance living in two worlds, neither of which feels entirely comfortable.


Question 1 = D. Acts of resistance against the rules at the school help Zitkala-Sa maintain her pride in who she is as a person and as a member of the Dakota nation.

Question 2= B. "At these gatherings they talked English. I could speak English almost as well as my brother, but I was not properly dressed to be taken along."


C. "Within a week I was again actively testing the chains which tightly bound my individuality like a mummy for burial."

Question 3= C. Zitkala-Sa struggles to find balance living in two worlds, neither of which feels entirely comfortable.

Question 4= "[My mother's few words hinted that I had better give up my slow attempt to learn the white man's ways, and be content to roam over the prairies and find my living upon wild roots."


"My mother had never gone inside of a schoolhouse, and so she was not capable of comforting her daughter who could read and write."

Question 5 =B. She has been treated as though she were not human.


I took the test and got these correct. Be sure to read my answer carefully to not get mixed up because it is a lot to take in. Sorry if this was late hope this helps. Good luck

Read the dictionary definition for the word awe.
awe \ o \ noun: a strong feeling of fear, respect, or wonder
Based on this definition, what is most likely a definition of awesome?
Ocausing feelings of indifference
O lacking enough courage
O inspiring great admiration
causing feelings of weakness


Inspiring great admiration causing feelings of weakness

Awe means " a strong feeling of fear, respect, or wonder "

Great admiration is respect.

Jeremiah is writing a summary about this fable. In which line from his paragraph does Jeremiah seem to add his own point of view?





I believe it was C, as smart can be an opinionated word

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at work one day, erica recieved 18 packages. speed delivery delivered three times as many as ralphs express, while ralphs express delivered two more than send quick service. how many packages did each service deliver to erica Spongebob was trying to fill up Gary's bath with water. He noticed the tub filled up 1 gallon per minute.AContinuousBDiscrete CAN SOMEONE PLS HELP W THE ANSWERS I DONT EVEN NEED A STEP BY STEP BUT PLS HELPPPP What is the name of the molecule below?HHOA. MethaneOB. MetheneO C. EthyneOD. EtheneC=CHH The sketch below shows part of the graph of y = ab",where a and b are constants.YA(0,8)Work out the values of a, b and k.(1.5, k)(1, 18) Would lines 4x+3y=52 and 3x-4y=44 be perpendicular parallel or neither? I just need a brief explanation with the answer PLEASE HELP IF YOURE GOOD AT GEOMETRY. TYSM. DUE TODAY (3x-3)[6(x - 10)] What is the value of x? What are electrolytes and why are they important? (1 pt)Unit 4 lesson 4-6 Bradley rolls two fair 6-sided dice with faces numbered 1 through 6. What is the probability that the sum of her two rolls has an odd number of factors? Solve the system: y = 12 + 4x y = -33 - 5x This lesson discussed three reasons that reading systems are successful in helping students read effectively. Which of the following isNOT one of those reasons?O They create steps to make you aware of the organization of the chapter or text.O They ask you to view your chapter or text in sections.O They demonstrate a system for drawing graphics.O They prompt you to create and answer questions. I need help solving this problem any help is appreciated the number of employees Forrester company of vindication each year by 4% of the company currently k670 employees and this rate continues from the number of employees in 16 years which expression is equivalent to 7y + 7y? Express the difference in medians as a multiple of the IQR of EACH dataset.Class A.Class B440506070Height (inches) 8 and 7 are like terms true or false What is the inverse operation for addition?additionsubtractiondivisionmultiplication 1.question The preimage was(-3, 4) and after the rotation the image was (3, -4). What many degrees counterclockwise did the point rotate?a) 90b) 270c) none aboved) 1802. question Janet and Wade Smith are members of a two-income family. Together they make enough money to afford a house in a low-crime neighborhood with good schools. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the Smiths have fulfilled their need foresteem.self-actualization.physical