Find a logarithmic function to model the dataf(x) = 60.73(0.95)xf(x) = 0.93(60.73)xf(x) = 60.04 – 8.25 ln xf(x) = 8.25 – 60.04 ln x

Find A Logarithmic Function To Model The Dataf(x) = 60.73(0.95)xf(x) = 0.93(60.73)xf(x) = 60.04 8.25


Answer 1

Evaluate the logarithmic functions provided at different values of x to see which matches better the data from the y column:

1) f(x)= 60.04 - 8.25 * ln(x)

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(1)=60.04-8.25\ln (1) \\ =60.04 \\ \\ f(2)=60.04-8.25\ln (2) \\ =54.32\ldots \\ \\ f(3)=60.04-8.25\ln (3) \\ =50.97\ldots \\ \\ f(4)=60.04-8.25\ln (4) \\ =48.60 \\ \\ f(5)=60.04-8.25\ln (5) \\ =46.76 \\ \\ f(6)=60.04-8.25\ln (6) \\ =45.26\ldots \\ \\ f(7)=60.04-8.25\ln (7) \\ =43.98\ldots \end{gathered}[/tex]

2) f(x) = 8.25 - 60.04 * ln(x)

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(1)=8.25-60.04\ln (1) \\ =8.25 \\ \\ f(2)=8.25-60.04\ln (2) \\ =-33.36\ldots \\ \\ f(3)=8.25-60.04\ln (3) \\ =-57.71\ldots \\ \\ f(4)=8.25-60.04\ln (4) \\ =-74.98\ldots \\ \\ f(5)=8.25-60.04\ln (5) \\ =-88.38\ldots \\ \\ f(6)=8.25-60.04\ln (6) \\ =-99.32\ldots \\ \\ f(7)=8.25-60.04\ln (7) \\ =-108.58\ldots \end{gathered}[/tex]

The rest of the given functions are not logarithmic.

We can see from the computed values for the given logarithmic functions, that the one which best fits the data, is: f(x)=60.04-8.25*ln(x).

Therefore, the answer is:

[tex]f(x)=60.04-8.25\ln (x)[/tex]

Related Questions

Find the circumference with a diameter of 10 feet long. I missed the notes for this section, so I don't know what I'm doing.


We need to find the circumference using the diameter.

The equation for the circumference is given by:

[tex]C=\pi d[/tex]

Where d represents the diameter.

Replace d=10 ft

[tex]\begin{gathered} C=\pi10ft \\ \text{Then, the circumference is:} \\ C=10\pi\text{ }ft \end{gathered}[/tex]

Jessica furniture store is trying to figure out if she bought a couch at wholesale price for $113 and she mark up by 45%. what price should she sell the couch


original price = $113

MArkup = 45% = 45/100 = 0.45 ( decimal form)

Sell price = 113 (1 + 0.45) = 113 * 1.45 = $163.85

I really need help with number 6find the value of x that makes abcd a parallelogram.



The adjacent angles of the parallelogram are,

[tex]28,\text{ and }3x[/tex]

To find:

The value of x.


We know that,

The sum of the two adjacent angles between the parallel lines is supplementary.

So, we write,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 28+3x=180 \\ 3x=180-28 \\ 3x=152 \\ x=50.66 \\ x\approx50.7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the value of x is 50.7.

Final answer:

The value of x is 50.7.

Which of the following are possible sidelengths for a triangle?A. 16, 8, 10B. 4, 12,6C. 6, 9, 17


Step-by-step explanation:

Triangle rule

a + b > c

This implies that the summation of first and second leg must be greaterthan the third leg

For Option A

a = 16, b = 8, and c = 10

16 + 8 > 10

y=1/2x what is the b, or y-intercept in this equation


The given equation is


The slope-intercept form is


The given equation can be written as follows.


Comparing this equation with slope-intercept form, we get b=0.

Hence the value of b or y-intercept in the given equation is 0.

Find the equation of the line in standard form that passes through the following points simplify your answer


Given: Two points

[tex]\begin{gathered} Point1:(10,11) \\ Point2:(10,7) \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} Point1:(10,11) \\ Point2:(10,7) \end{gathered}[/tex]

To Determine: The equation of the line in standard form that passes through the given points


The equation of a line passing through two different points is given as

[tex]\begin{gathered} Point1:(x_1,y_1) \\ Point2:(x_2,y_2) \\ \frac{y-y_1}{x-x_1}=\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitte the given coordinates of the points given into the formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{y-11}{x-10}=\frac{7-11}{10-10} \\ \frac{y-11}{x-10}=\frac{-4}{0} \\ cross-multiply \\ Since\text{ the slope is undefine} \\ The\text{ equation of the line is } \\ x=10 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The standard form of a line is given as


But since the x-coordinates of the points are equal, then the formula for slope is not applicable (the denominator equals 0).

In this case, we say that the slope is undefined (the line is vertical).

This means that the equation of the line doesn't contain y.

Thus, the equation of the line is x=10.

Answer: the slope is undefined.

The equation of the line is x = 10.

F(x) = x^3 + x^2 + 9x + 9 Find all zeros including irrational and/ or complexFactor f completely into linear factors Part of it completed: The zeros are -1, 3i, and -3i




To find:

The zeros


Factorizing by grouping method,

[tex]\begin{gathered} F\left(x\right)=x^3+x^2+9x+9 \\ =x^2(x+1)+9(x+1) \\ =(x+1)(x^2+9) \end{gathered}[/tex]

The zeros are found by equating the factors with zero.

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+1=0 \\ x=-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

And we have,

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2+9=0 \\ x^2=-9 \\ x=\pm\sqrt{-9} \\ x=\pm3i \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the zeros are,


Final answer:

The zeros are,


At Orangefield Junior High 40% ofthe seventh graders participate in extra-curricular activities a such as athletics, band, and drama. If there are 80 seventh graders participating in extra-curricular activities how many seventh graders are in the class.





To know the total number of graders, we will use the rule of three. Where we know that 40% is equivalent to 80 graders and we want to know how many graders are equivalent to 100%. Then:

40% -------- 80 seventh graders

100% -------- x

Where x is the number of seventh graders in the class.

So, solving for x, we get:

[tex]x=\frac{100\text{ \% }\cdot\text{ 80}}{40\text{ \%}}=200\text{ seventh graders}[/tex]

Then, there are 200 seventh graders in the class.

1. Use the image below to find the midpoint of segments BD and AC B 5 С D -5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 2. Classify triangle ABC as either equilateral, right, isosceles, or none. 5 C B 2 A -3 -2 -1 2 3 4 5 6 -2


1. We have that B (-2,4) and D (2,1), then the midpoint has coordinates

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\frac{-2+2}{2}=0 \\ y=\frac{4+1}{2}=\frac{5}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

and the midpoint is (0,5/2).

On the other hand A (-4,1) and C (4,4), so the midpoint has coordinates

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\frac{-4+4}{2}=0 \\ y=\frac{1+4}{2}=\frac{5}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

and the midpoint is (0, 5/2).

In conclusion, the midpoint of segments BD and AC is (0,5/2).

2. To classify the triangle we need to know the length of its sides

[tex]\begin{gathered} \bar{AB}=\sqrt[]{(3-(-2))^2+\mleft(0+2\mright)^2}=\sqrt[]{25+4}=\sqrt[]{29} \\ \bar{BC}=\sqrt[]{(2-(-2))^2+(4-2)^2}=\sqrt[]{16+4}=\sqrt[]{20} \\ \bar{AC}=\sqrt[]{(3-2)^2+(4-0)^2}=\sqrt[]{1+16}=\sqrt[]{17} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since neither of its sides has equal length, then it is not equilateral os isosceles. Besides,


Then it is not a right triangle.

In conclusion the answer is none of the options

perimeter of a square must be greater than 118 inches but less than 156 inches .find the range of the possible side lengths that satisfy these conditions . formula p= 4sput answer in interval notation.


the perimeter of a square must be greater than 118 inches but less than 156 inches.

Perimeter = 4 side lenght

P = 4 s

118 < 4s < 156

Divide by 4

29.5 < s < 39

(29.5 , 39 )

If D is the midpoint of AB and AD = 2x + 6 and AB = 32, then find AD. Draw thepicture.AD =


The diagram representing the line AB and midpoint D is shown bel;ow.

Therefore, 16=2x+6.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x=10 \\ x=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, the magnitude of AD will be,

[tex]\begin{gathered} AD=(2\times5)+6 \\ AD=16 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the answer is 16.

I need help in math can you please help me please


Trigonometric Equations


[tex]9\tan ^3x=3\tan x[/tex]

In the interval [0,2pi)

We have to find all the values of x that make equality stand. First, divide by 3:

[tex]3\tan ^3x=\tan x[/tex]

Subtract tan x

[tex]3\tan ^3x-\tan x=0[/tex]

Factor tan x out:

[tex]\tan x(3\tan ^2x-1)=0[/tex]

One solution comes immediately:

tan x = 0

There are two angles whose tangent is 0:

[tex]x=0\text{ , x=}\pi[/tex]

The other solutions come when equating:

[tex]3\tan ^2x-1=0[/tex]

Adding 1, and dividing by 3:

[tex]\tan ^2x=\frac{1}{3}[/tex]

Taking the square root:

[tex]\tan x=\sqrt[\square]{\frac{1}{3}}=\pm\frac{\sqrt[]{3}}{3}[/tex]

The positive answer gives us two solutions:

[tex]\tan x=\frac{\sqrt[]{3}}{3}[/tex]

x=pi/6 and x=7pi/6

The negative answer also gives us two solutions:

[tex]\tan x=-\frac{\sqrt[]{3}}{3}[/tex]

x=5pi/6, 11pi/6

Summarizing the solutions are:


A real estate agent believes that most of the home prices are low with few homes have very high prices in a certain area in his county. If his description on home prices in this area is accurate, which of the following shape best describe the distribution of home prices in this area?SymmetricalNormalNegatively skewedPositively skewe



We are told that a real estate agent believes that most of the home prices are low with very few homes having very high prices in a certain area.


If his description is accurate, which shape best describes the distribution of home prices in this area?


For data distribution, the graph can take on different shapes dpending on how the data is distributed. In this particular instance, most of the data is lying on the left side of the graph. In other words, the curve is more elevated on the left side while its very low towards the right side.

The following picture is an illustration of this scenario;

This is "Positively skewed data distribution."


Positively skewed.

Consider the equation. y=1/4(x-5)^2-3Vertex (5,-3)The next step in graphing a parabola is to find points that will determine the shape of the curve. Find the point on the graph of this parabola that has the X-coordinates X=3.


We have the equation:


This is a parabola expressed in vertex form, where the vertex is (h,k) = (5,-3).

We have to graph the parabola. To do that we need another point, as we already know the vertex and, therefore, the axis of symmetry (x = 5).

We can find another point by giving a value to x and calculating y.

For example, with x = 3 we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y(3)=\frac{1}{4}(3-5)^2-3 \\ y(3)=\frac{1}{4}(-2)^2-3 \\ y(3)=\frac{1}{4}\cdot4-3 \\ y(3)=1-3 \\ y(3)=-2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The point that belongs to the parabola when x = 3 is (3, -2).

Then, we can graph the two points and draw the parabola as:

Because of the symmetry at x = 5, we also know that two units to the right, at x = 7, we will have the same value of y that we have for x = 3.

With at least 3 points, we can graph a parabola.

The actual graph is:

If we want to add more precision to our graph, we can calculate more points that belong to the parabola.

For example, at the other side of the vertex, we can calculate the value of y for x = 6:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y(6)=\frac{1}{4}(6-5)^2-3 \\ y(6)=\frac{1}{4}(1)^2-3^{} \\ y(6)=\frac{1}{4}-3 \\ y(6)=\frac{1}{4}-\frac{12}{4}^{} \\ y(6)=-\frac{11}{4}=-2.75 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We can add this to the plot as:

We have to aproximate the position of y as the grid only shows integers and y = -2.75.


The points in the parabola are (5,-3), (3,-2) and (6,-2.75). We need at least 3 points to plot a parabola.

• An ice cube is slowly melting, losing 3cm^3 of water each hour. If it is always a perfect cube, (V=s^3), what is the rate of change of its side length when it has 8 cm^3 of ice left?



The volume is decreasing at the rate of 3 cm^3 per hour.

The volume of the left ice is 8 cm^3.


We need to find the rate of change of the side of the cube.


Let the length of the cube is denoted as s.

Consider the volume of the cube.


Since the volume is decreasing at the rate of 3 cm^3 per hour. we can write,


where t represents time and the negative sign represents decreasing.

Differentiate the volume with respect to s.


To find the rate of change of the side length, we use the chain rule.


[tex]\text{ Substitute }\frac{dV}{dt}=-3\text{ and }\frac{dV}{ds}=3s^2\text{ in the equation.}[/tex]




Since the left ice is 8 cm ^3.



[tex]Substitute\text{ s =2 in the equation}-\frac{1}{s^2}=\frac{ds}{dt}.[/tex]



[tex]\frac{ds}{dt}=-0.25cm\text{ per hour}[/tex]


Let s =2 cm, then the volume is 8cm^3.

Let s =1.75cm, the volume is

You invested $9000 between two accounts paying 4% and 7% annual interest. If the total interest earned for the year was $510, how much was invested at each rate?


Let x represent the amount invested at 7%.

Then 9000-x is the amount invested at 4%

total interest earned is:

0.07x + 0.04(9000-x) = 510

0.07x + 360 - 0.04x = 510

0.03x = 150

x = 5000 the amount invested at 7%

9000 - 5000 = 4000 the amount invested at 4%

Hello I just need the answer for “What is the inverse for the equation y=x^2+16”



The given equation is



We need to find the inverse for the equation.


[tex]\text{ Let y=f\lparen x\rparen and }x=f^{-1}(y)\text{ and substitute }x=f^{-1}(y)\text{ in the given equation.}[/tex][tex]y=(f^{-1}(y))^2+16[/tex]

Substract 16 from both sides of the equation.


Take square root on both sides of the equation.


Replace y=x in the equation.


Final answer:


Solve this equation:-36q = 18





To solve the given equation.




Divide 36 on both side, we get

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{36q}{36}=\frac{18}{36} \\ \\ q=\frac{18}{36} \\ \\ q=\frac{1}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final Answer:


The graph in the figure shows the Smith family's driving plan for their vacation. If they want to stop and eat lunch after they've driven for 4 hours, how far will they have driven by lunchtime?Question 17 options:A) 120 milesB) 90 milesC) 60 milesD) 180 miles



A) 120 miles


We can determine at a distance through the graph, just like this:

This means that at 4 hours they have driven 120 miles.

Therefore, the correct answer is: A) 120 miles

What is the solution to the equation?3+√3x- 5 = x A. -2 and -7B.2 and 7C. -2D. 7


Given the equation:


Isolating the square root:


3С21In the similaritytransformation of AABCto ADEF, AABC was dilated bya scale factor of [? ], reflectedacross the J, and movedthrough the translation [ ].BА-7-6-5-4m, 002-1 0.12.39ShoesDA. 2B. 1/2C. 3D. 1/3


Scale factor is the ratio of corresponding sides in two(2) similar geometric figures.

Taking one similar side of the two(2) figures, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{DF}{CA}=\frac{2}{1}=2 \\ \text{Thus, scale factor is 2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the correct option is option A

It is reflected across the x-axis and moved through the translation (3, 1)

determine the length of the unknown side of the right angle


We are given the right-angle triangle with two known sides and one unknown side.

We can use the Pythagoras theorem to find the length of the unknown side.

Recall that Pythagoras theorem is given by


Where c is the side opposite to the 90° angle.

Let us substitute the given values into the above equation


Simplify the equation

[tex]\begin{gathered} a^2+81=225^{} \\ a^2=225-81 \\ a^2=144 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Take the square root on both sides

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[]{a^2}=\sqrt[]{144} \\ a=12 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the length of the third side of the right angle tri

How do I relation in amplitude compared to parent function of sine?How do I describe the relation in period compared to parent function of sine?


[tex]\begin{gathered} y1=sin(x) \\ y2=1.5sin(4x) \\ The\text{ amplitud of y2 is 1.5 times of y1} \\ The\text{ period of y2 is 4 times less of y1} \end{gathered}[/tex]

A mattress with a list price of $2300 will be discounted 30% at the time of purchase. What is the sale price before taxes?



30% of $2300 is:


So that's the amount that will be discounted. Therefore, the sale price before taxes is $2300 - $690 = $1610

At his new job, Manuel expects to make about $37,850 per year. He is paid bi-weekly. 15% of his gross pay will be withheld for federal income tax, 4% for state income tax and 7.65% for Social Security and Medicare taxes. Calculate his net pay, and how much he will pay in taxes each paycheck. a. Convert the Annual Pay to Biweekly Pay b. How much money will he pay in taxes each paycheck? c. What is the Net Pay (take-home pay)?







(a)Manuel's proposed annual income = $37,850

There are 52 weeks in a year, this means that if he is paid bi-weekly (every two weeks), he will receive his salary 26 times a year.

His Biweekly pay will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} =\frac{37,850}{26} \\ =\$1455.77 \end{gathered}[/tex]


Federal Income Tax = 15% of his gross pay

[tex]\begin{gathered} =\frac{15}{100}\times1455.77 \\ Federal\; Income\; Tax=\$218.37 \end{gathered}[/tex]

State Income Tax = 4% of his gross pay

[tex]\begin{gathered} =\frac{4}{100}\times1455.77 \\ State\; Income\; Tax=\$58.23 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Social Security and Medicare taxes = 7.65% of his gross pay

[tex]\begin{gathered} =\frac{7.65}{100}\times1455.77 \\ =\$111.37 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The total taxes paid will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Taxes=218.37+58.23+111.37 \\ =\$387.97 \end{gathered}[/tex]


Therefore, his net pay (take-home pay) will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Net Pay==}1455.77-387.97 \\ =\$1067.80 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The Hudson family is saving for a
family vacation to Disney World.
They determine that the trip will
cost $3,200. Mr. and Mrs.
Hudson have already set aside
$1,500 for the trip. If they leave
in 16 weeks, then how much
will they need to save
each week?


As per the unitary method, they need to save $106.25 each week.

Unitary method:

Basically, the unitary method is a way of finding out the solution of a problem by initially finding out the value of a single unit, and then finding out the essential value by multiplying the single unit value.


The Hudson family is saving for a family vacation to Disney World. They determine that the trip will cost $3,200. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson have already set aside $1,500 for the trip.

Here we need to find the amount they need to save for each week if they leave in 16 weeks.

While we looking into the given question,

Total amount of Saving = $3,200.

Amount in hand = $1,500

So, the amount need is calculated as,

=> 3200 - 1500

=> 1700

Here we have the 16 week time,

So, the saving for each week is calculated as,

=> 1700/16

=> 106.25

Therefore, the family have to save $106.25 for each week.

To know more about Unitary method here.


Find the range of the function for the given domain. {-5, -1, 0, 2, 10}


A. 2

B. -23

C. 3

D. 1

E. 102

F. 27

G. 6


The range of the function g(x) = x² + 2 for the given domain is found to be {27,3,25,6,102}.

What is the difference between domain and range in function?

The domain of a function is the set of values that may be plugged into it. This set contains the x values in a function like f. (x). A function's range is the set of values that the function can take. This is the collection of values that the function returns when we enter an x value.

How do you find domain and range in the absence of numbers?

To determine the domain of a function, f(x), determine which values of x cause f(x) to be undefined/not real. The usual procedure for determining range is to find x in terms of f(x) and then locate values of f(x) for which x is not defined.


g(x) = x² + 2

Domain of the function:  {-5, -1, 0, 2, 10}

We need to find the range.

Let us substitute x = -5 in g(x)

g(-5) = (-5)² + 2

        = 27

g(-1) = (-1)² + 2

       = 3

g(0) = (0)² +(-5)²

       = 25

g(2) = (2)² + 2


g(10) = (10)² + 2

        = 102

Therefore, the range of the given function g(x) = x² + 2 for a given domain is found to be {27,3,25,6,102}.

Learn more about domain of function here:


A quadrilateral is formed by the points A(1,-1), B(0,3), C(5,5), and D(6, 1). Plot the points and use the distance formula to find the lengths of all 4 sides. What type of quadrilateral is this?


If we have the given points on a cartesian point, the result would be:

It is not difficult to see that these points will form a rhombus. In this case, we do expect that the opposite sides have the same size. To verify it, we will use the following formula to calculate the distance among the given points:


Substituting each pair, we have:


[tex]\begin{gathered} d_{AB}=\sqrt[]{(1-0)^2+(-1-3)^2}=\sqrt[]{1^2+(-4)^2}=\sqrt[]{1+16}_{} \\ d_{AB}=\sqrt[]{17} \end{gathered}[/tex]



60 is what % of 150? Can you help?



There are given that the final number is 150.


According to the question:

We need to find the percentage number.


Suppose the percentage number is x.


The equation will be:

[tex]150\times x\%=60[/tex]


We need to solve the above equation for the value of x.


Divide by 150 on both sides of the equation:

[tex]\frac{150}{150}\times x\operatorname{\%}=\frac{60}{150}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} x\%=\frac{60}{150} \\ x\operatorname{\%}=\frac{6}{15} \\ x\operatorname{\%}=0.4 \\ x=0.4\times100 \\ x=40 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final answer:

Hence, the percentage is 40%.

Hello can you assist me with number 11Find the midpoint



(-3, 2.5)


The midpoint of two points of coordinates (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) has the following coordinates


Then, the midpoint can be calculated replacing (x1, y1) = (3, 3) and (x2, y2) = (-9, 2), so


Therefore, the midpoint is (-3, 2.5)

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