Fill in the price and the total, marginal, and average revenue zoomba earns when it rents 0, 1, 2, or 3 trucks during move-in week.


Answer 1

The price and the total, marginal and average revenue Zoomba earns during moving-in week are:

Quantity    Price   Total Revenue    Marginal Revenue    Average Revenue

(trucks)    (Dollar         (Dollars)                (Dollars)                     (Dollars

             per turck)                                                                      per truck)

    0           $100             $0

    1            $90              $90                       $90                          $90

    2           $80              $160                      $70                          $80

    3           $70              $210                      $50                          $70

Based on the given graph, the price Zoomba must take as given is $50 per truck.

The demand curve faced by Zoomba is identical to both marginal revenue curve and average revenue curve.

Total revenue is the total amount of money earned by a company from the sale of a product.

Marginal revenue represents the increase in revenue occured when there is one additional unit product sold.

Average revenue is the amount of money earned by individual unit of product.

To fill the table, we will take the given price from the demand curve for each unit of product sold.

The price and the total, marginal and average revenue Zoomba earns during moving-in week are:

Quantity    Price   Total Revenue    Marginal Revenue    Average Revenue

(trucks)    (Dollar         (Dollars)                (Dollars)                     (Dollars

             per turck)                                                                      per truck)

    0           $100             $0

    1            $90              $90                       $90                          $90

    2           $80              $160                      $70                          $80

    3           $70              $210                      $50                          $70

Learn more about Marginal Revenue here:


Complete Question:

the following graph illustrates the market for small moving truchs in Flagstaff, AZ, during Northern Arizona's fall move-in week.

(Please refer to the graph attached below)

Suppose that Zoomba is one of over a dozen competitive firm in Flagstaff area that offers moving trucks rentals.

Based on the proceeding graph showing the weekly market demand and supply curves, the price Zoomba must take as given is ___.

Fill in the price and the total, marginal, and average revenue Zoomba earns when it rents 0, 1, 2, or 3 trucks during move-in week.

(The given table is also attached below)

The demand curve faced by Zoomba is identical to which of its other curves? Check all that apply.

Supply curveMarginal cost curveMarginal revenue curveAverage revenue curve
Fill In The Price And The Total, Marginal, And Average Revenue Zoomba Earns When It Rents 0, 1, 2, Or
Fill In The Price And The Total, Marginal, And Average Revenue Zoomba Earns When It Rents 0, 1, 2, Or

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leadership is the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals. t or f


False, Leadership is the capacity to persuade subordinates to actively pursue organizational objectives.

What's a good way to define leadership?

"The process of taking control of a team or organization." The Oxford Dictionary characterizes lead in this way. Simply defined, being a leader entails taking risks and challenging the status quo. Leaders inspire their followers to take on bigger and more challenging tasks.

Why is leadership crucial?

They are essential attributes to have because a capable leader can motivate his or her company to collaborate toward a shared goal by nurturing talent in each individual IN order to prevent delays, a capable leader maintains the team motivated and engaged.

To know more about leadership visit:


implicit costs can be defined as a) accounting profit minus explicit cost. b) the non-monetary opportunity cost of using the firm's own resources. c) the deferred cost of production. d) total cost minus fixed costs.


Implicit costs can be defined as  b) the non-monetary opportunity cost of using the firm's own resources.

Implicit costs are a special kind of opportunity cost: they represent the cost of the company's existing resources that could have been used in another way. An entrepreneur who runs a firm, for instance, could use her labor to pay the bills at a job.

An implicit cost, also known as an imputed cost, implied cost, or notional cost in economics, is the opportunity cost equal to what a company must forgo in order to employ a piece of production that it already owns and is thus not subject to rental payments. It contrasts with an explicit expense, which is paid for up front.

To know more about Implicit costs, refer:


transactions that don’t increase or decrease cash, but that result in significant investing and financing activities, are reported either directly after the cash flow statement or in a separate note to the financial statements as noncash activities. t or f


The statement, transactions that don’t increase or decrease cash, but that result in significant investing and financing activities, are reported either directly after the cash flow statement or in a separate note to the financial statements as noncash activities is True .

Agreements formed by a business with its owners and lenders to obtain or recover resources are referred to as financing operations. In other words, financial activities provide the business with funding, enable debt repayment, and profit for the owners. Financing activities include giving and receiving equity.

The financing activity in the cash flow statement focuses on how a firm raises capital and distributes it to investors via capital markets. These acts include, among others, paying cash dividends, increasing or decreasing indebtedness, issuing and reselling additional stock.

To know more about financing activities visit :


which is an example of a demand-oriented approach to setting an approximate price? multiple choice question. skimming pricing loss leader experience curve target return on sales


These approaches, which are particularly "psychological" in nature, prioritise expected client likes and preferences over criteria like cost, revenue, and competition when determining a price level.

What does profit mean?

The money that remains after paying your business expenses is your profit. Gross profit, operating profit, and net profit are the three primary types of profit. The largest profit is gross. The balance left over after paying for the sold goods and services is shown.

What is a business example of profit?

Its simplest definition is the sum that remains after deducting all expenses from all revenues. The remaining funds, or your earnings, can either be retained by the company and reinvested to fund future expansion, or they can be given as a drawing or dividends to shareholders.

To know more about profit visit:


Does rapid growth reduce poverty?


Yes, Rapid growth reduce poverty but in some of the stable situation with respect to GDP and other nation financial aspects.

The Rapid growth occur when there is a rise in the production of goods and services for a certain period as compared with a previous one. It is generally measured in terms of GDP and is an indicator of the economic health of a country.

The poverty reduction can be achieved by sustaining a high level of economic growth. This outcome can also be facilitated by a reduction in inequality of opportunities and a relatively low level of inflation.

To know more about Rapid growth here,


__________ is the policy of reducing or eliminating regulatory constraints on the conduct of individuals or private institutions.


Deregulation is the practice of decreasing or removing regulatory restrictions on how people or private organisations may act.

What is an illustration of regulation?

Limits on environmental pollution, regulations against child workers or other employment restrictions, minimum wage laws, regulations requiring accurate labeling of the ingredients found in foods and drugs, and regulatory requirements trying to establish minimum standards of testing for food and drug safety are common examples of regulations.

Why is regulation crucial?

For economies and society to run smoothly, regulations are essential. They establish the "game rules" for people, organizations, the state, and civil society. They support markets, safeguard citizens' rights and safety, and guarantee the provision of public services and goods.

To know more about regulatory visit:


Suppose the exchange rate is 90 yen per u.s. dollar and the united states wants to keep the exchange rate at a target rate of 90 yen per u.s. dollar. if the demand for u.s. dollars ​, the fed​ ______.


Suppose the exchange rate is 90 yen per u.s. dollar and the united states wants to keep the exchange rate at a target rate of 90 yen per u.s. dollar. if the demand for u.s. dollars ​, the fed​ buys dollars to raise the exchange rate.

An change rate is the fee at which one forex may be exchanged for every other among nations or monetary zones. it's miles used to decide the price of diverse currencies on the subject of every different and is essential in determining exchange and capital flow dynamics.

The exchange rate offers the relative cost of 1 currency against every other currency. An change charge GBP/USD of two, for example, shows that one pound will purchase U.S. dollars.

The exchange rate plays an vital role in a rustic's alternate overall performance. whether determined by way of exogenous shocks or by means of coverage, the relative valuations of currencies and their volatility often have vital repercussions on global trade, the balance of payments and typical financial overall performance.

Learn more about exchange rate here :


average total cost is increasing whenever group of answer choices total cost is increasing. marginal cost is increasing. marginal cost is less than average total cost. marginal cost is greater than average total cost.


Average total cost is increasing whenever marginal cost is greater than average total cost.

Average total cost is the sum of all production costs divided by the quantity of units produced. The result is regarded the most thorough costing compilation for a manufacturing run because it combines all fixed expenses and variable costs incurred to generate the units.

Setting a price point's minimum value is frequently done using this information. Any price below the average total cost prevents a company from recouping its expenses, which results in losses. To show how this cost is changing over time, it is also helpful to track it on a trend line.

When there is some excess capacity available to fulfill a few more client orders, the minimal price that can be paid to sell one more unit of output is set using marginal cost information.

To know more about average cost:


what best describes the state of south asia and southeast asia at the point at which the various east india companies made transformative inroads into their politics and economy? choose one. group of answer choices environmental crises and famines centralized imperial states managing diverse populations local conflict, competing polities, and environmental disruptions diverse polities managing international access to major trading hubs


Environmental disruptions diverse polities managing international access to major trading hubs. (Option D)

What one governmental system in South or Southeast Asia remained constant between 1750 and 1900?

The fact that Europeans continued to question the authority of indigenous monarchs was one constant in South and Southeast Asian politics. The Mughal emperor continued to rule India as the symbolic head of state until he was overthrown by the British, which was one example of continuity in South Asia.

What carries people from South Asia to Southeast Asia?

In its capacity as the land bridge connecting the two regions, Myanmar is examined in this research with regard to its infrastructure requirements, trade patterns, and trade facilitation difficulties.

To know more about Southeast Asian politics, visit:


Which part of the close-out report would describe how he would plan and manage projects in the future?.



All else equal, the higher the debt to equity ratio, the higher the risk of bankruptcy.


The statement 'All else equal, the higher the debt to equity ratio, the higher the risk of bankruptcy' is true.

In the field of business, the debt to equity ratio can be described as the ability of a company to pay off its debt and to bring its revenue to an equal value that had been invested into the business.

The higher the debt to equity ratio means that the business has a greater amount of debt that has to be paid in order to reach the equity value, hence the bankruptcy chances or risk for such a business will be higher as an increased amount of debt will be harder to pay. Thus, the statement above is true.

Although a part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this question:

All else equal, the higher the debt to equity ratio, the higher the risk of bankruptcy. True or False

To learn more about debt, click here:


what is the amount of time an activity may be delayed without delaying a succeeding activity or the project finish date? group of answer choices project charter. dependency. slack. kill switch.


The amount of time an activity may be delayed without delaying a succeeding activity or the project finish date is slack. The correct option is (c).

What do you understand by the slack?

Slack is a business communicate platform that links users to the data they require. Slack changes how businesses communicate by uniting employees to work as a single cohesive team.

Projects have been undertaken since the beginning of recorded human activity. Our  predecessors' hunting parties were endeavors.

The amount of float, commonly referred to as slack, determines how much time can be added to an activity's start date without affecting the project's completion date. Each assignment will have the start and finish times listed below.

Therefore, the amount of time an activity may be delayed without delaying a succeeding activity or the project finish date is slack.

To know more about the slack, visit:


monopolistically competitive firms are likely to have ______________ prices in the long run than will occur in a perfectly competitive industry producing similar goods.


Long-term prices for items produced by firms with the monopolistic competition are likely to be the same as those in perfectly competitive markets.

A monopoly is a type of imperfect competition where a seller or producer controls the majority of the market's customers due to the absence of alternatives or rivals. A monopolistic competition is a type of imperfect competition in which numerous vendors compete to capture market share by distinguishing their goods. When just one company dominates an entire industry or even a sizable portion of it, that company is considered to have a monopoly. Monopolies historically have benefited the firms who own them because they can increase costs and decrease services without repercussions.

To know more about Monopolistic competition visit:


An employer can eliminate a worker’s medical, optical, or dental insurance coverage on the voluntary termination of the worker’s employment.


Employers have to take other options into account before terminating employees, such as retraining, transfers, demotions, suspensions, and signing last-chance contracts.

difficulties associated to insubordination, such as dishonesty or violating business policies. difficulties with attendance, such as persistent tardiness or frequent absenteeism. theft or other illegal activity, such as disclosing trade secrets. workplace sexual harassment and other forms of discrimination.

There are two different ways that an employee's employment can be terminated: first, by the employer, and second, by the employee voluntarily leaving. Employers have the right to fire an employee for legitimate and equitable reasons.

Either party may end a contract with the other's approval or agreement, or both parties may do so.

Learn more about to terminating employees visit here;


What is the purpose of an interest group AP Gov?


Interest Group is a collection of people who share a common interest or attitude and seek to influence government for specific ends. They usually work within the framework of government, and try to achieve their goals through tactics such as lobbying.

Interest groups, otherwise called specific Interest groups, support gatherings, or tension gatherings, are relationship of individuals or associations that are normally officially comprised and that expect to influence public arrangement in support of themselves in light of at least one shared concerns. All Interest groups share the longing to impact administrative arrangement to propel their causes or themselves. Their goal might be a strategy that main advantages a particular arrangement of individuals or a specific area of society (like government sponsorships for ranchers) or an approach that encourages a bigger cultural objective (e.g., further developing air quality). By applying strain on chiefs to change strategy results in support of themselves, they attempt to campaign to accomplish their objectives.

Know more about Interest Groups -


unions can take a variety of forms. companies can be required to hire workers who belong to a particular union prior to employment in what is called a(n)


Unions can take a variety of forms. Companies can be required to hire workers who belong to a particular union prior to employment in what is called a Closed Shop

What is employment ?Employment  generally means the state of having a paid job, i.e. being employed. Hiring someone means paying them for their workers. Employers provide employment to their employees. Employment can also refer to the employment of  people, such as  workers to increase the employment of women. There are  eight types of employment: full-time, part-time, temporary employment, labor contract, apprenticeship, internship, fixed-term employment, and probationary period. Employment is the relationship between two parties who manage the performance of their workers for their benefit. Usually, one party, the employer, which may be a corporation, non-profit organization, cooperative, or  other organization, provides labor to the other party under the contract in return for performing assigned workers pay the person.

To learn more about employment  from the given link :


How do I figure in 6% sales tax?


Sales tax calculation for a good or service is simple: Just multiply the price of the good or service by the applicable tax rate. For instance, if you sell chairs for $100 each and run your business in a state with a 6% sales tax.

The entire amount of sales tax would be $6, which is calculated by multiplying $100 by 6%. One chair will cost $106 when the sales tax is added to the sale price. The majority of point-of-sale (POS) software solutions can perform these calculations for you at the register or via a mobile app, even if it is possible to do so manually or with a calculator. Nevertheless, it is a good idea to give your staff calculators and receipt pads to use in the event that your POS system or mobile connection fails. The tax rates applicable to the goods and services you offer should also be disclosed to your employees.

learn more about sales tax here:


because practically all marketers provide some services, typically do not exist in today's business environment. a. pure services b. customer services c. pure goods d. tangible-dominant products e. service products


The Correct option is C. Because practically all marketers provide some services, Pure goods typically do not exist in today's business environment.

The environment may be defined as a sum total of all of the residing and non-residing factors and their consequences that impact human life. whilst all dwelling or biotic factors are animals, plants, forests, fisheries, and birds, non-residing or abiotic factors encompass water, land, sunlight, rocks, and air.

The environment offers us limitless blessings that we cannot repay our complete lifestyles. As they're linked with the wooded area, timber, animals, water, and air. The forest and trees filter out the air and soak up harmful gases. flora purify water, lessen the possibilities of flood hold herbal stability, and lots of others. The surrounding is everything this is around us, which includes both residing and nonliving matters along with soil, water, animals, and flowers, which adapt themselves to their environment. it is nature's presence that helps in nourishing life on this planet.

To learn more about The Environment visit here:


if firms are earning zero profits, this means that they must be producing at an output level at which:


If firms are earning zero profits, this means that they must be producing at an output level at price equals average total cost.

When a company's total income equals the sum of its explicit and hidden costs, there is no economic profit

In other words, it happens when a company's revenue is equal to zero after subtracting all of its costs, both explicit and implicit.

It implies that the company is only paying all of its expenses, such as the cost of maintaining owners and capital.

If the market price equals the average cost at the output level that maximizes profits, the firm is operating at a loss.

The zero profit point is when the average cost curve intersects the marginal cost curve, at the minimum of the average cost curve.

To know more about output, visit:


refers to the process through which new employees learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to function effectively within an organization.
-socialize new employees into becoming organizational insiders
-new employees feel confident regarding their ability to perform, sense that they will feel accepted by their peers, and understand and share the assumptions, norms, and values that are part of the organization's culture.


Socialize new employees into becoming organizational insiders refers to the process through which new employees learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to function effectively within an organization.

An acquired ability to move with conscious intent and effective execution, typically within a set window of time or energy or both, is referred to as a skill. Skills fall into two primary categories: domain-general and domain-specific.

In the workplace, for instance, general skills like time management, teamwork and leadership, self-motivation, and others are helpful in all positions, whereas position-specific talents are only relevant in a certain role. It is frequently necessary to use particular contextual triggers and scenarios in order to assess the level of talent being demonstrated and used.

To know more about Skills visit:


What does it mean when an economy is in transition?


Economies in transition are considered countries that are undertaking macroeconomic reforms with the aim of changing the way their economies operate.

This has traditionally involved the country making structural adjustments from a state-run economy to a more market-oriented system. A transition economy is an economy that moves from centrally planned to free market. Since the fall of communism in the late 1980s, the countries of the former Soviet Union and its satellite states, including Poland, Hungary, and Bulgaria, have sought to embrace market capitalism. school and abandoned centralized planning. Key aspects of the transition are liberalization, macroeconomic stability, privatization, and legal and institutional reforms.

To learn more about economy, click here.


a. are expensed as costs are incurred for direct labor, direct materials, and factory overhead b. appear on both the income statement and balance sheet c. appear only on the balance sheet d. appear only on the income statement


Correct answer is A. Product costs are expensed as costs are incurred for direct labor, direct material, and factory overhead.

Product costs are the costs which is straightforwardly credited to the item. It incorporates the immediate material, direct work and distributed plant above. These expenses are absolutely brought about for the assembling of item. Pay proclamation presents all expenses brought about by business which included item expenses and period costs too. Accounting report conveys no expenses. Product costs are costs that are incurred to create a product that is intended for sale to customers. Product costs include direct material (DM), direct labor (DL), and manufacturing overhead (MOH)

Know more on Product Cost -


you have just completed a successful interview for a management position. you need to contact your references and inform them that they might be asked for a recommendation. what information should you give your references so that they can provide the best possible recommendation? the salary expectations and work hours a description of the position and the name of company the contact information of your prospective coworkers


Keep the identical font and layout as your resume and cowl letter to make it effortless to read. For each reference, provide their name, title, organization, telephone number, email, and a sentence temporarily explaining your working relationship with them.

How do you inform your references that they will be contacted?

Provide them with beneficial details

Thank you once more for being a reference for me. I wanted to let you comprehend that I've done my interviews for the [job title you interviewed for], and Company XYZ may also be contacting you soon.

A reference test generally means a hiring manager is near-ready to prolong an offer to a candidate, and they prefer one remaining confirmation that you are the right fit for their team, Foss says.

Learn more about reference check here:

During a presentation, promptly complying with requests raised by audience members
a. True
b. False


During a presentation, promptly complying with requests raised by audience members establishes your reputation as being responsive.

What is the primary goal of the presentation?

Information-giving, action-suggestion, and goodwill-building are the three basic goals of presentations. An effective presentation should have a solid subject, align with the aim, best suit the audience, and be well-organized.

During a presentation, promptly complying with requests raised by audience members establishes your reputation as being responsive. When students design inventive and captivating slides to accompany their talks, presentation skills foster the development of novel ideas.

Therefore, Responding right away to requests made by viewers during a presentation.

Learn more about Presentation skills from the given link.


ash company reported sales of $590,000 for year 1, $640,000 for year 2, and $690,000 for year 3. using year 1 as the base year, what is the revenue trend percent for years 2 and 3?


The revenue percentage trend for year 2 and 3 is 108.5% and 116.9%  respectively.

How to calculate the revenue trend percent for year 2 and 3?

The detail calculation is given below,

By using year 1 as the base year:

590,000 + 50,000 = 640,000

640,000 + 50,000 = 690000

To find the percent change, write a proportion using 2 of the years.

To solve for x, cross multiply the numerator with the denominator of each fraction.

640000(100) = 590,000(x)

64000,000 = 590,000x

108.5% = x

Therefore, the revenue percentage trend for year 2 is 108.5% and 116.9% for year 3.

Learn more about revenue, here:


which of the following statements regarding term life insurance is incorrect? question 19 options: annual renewable term needs to be purchased yearly. term life insurance is intended to provide life-time insurance protection. level term is purchased for periods ranging from 5 to 30 or more years. term life insurance is much less expensive than cash value life insurance.


Level term is bought for durations of 5 to 30 years or longer, this statement is incorrect as it ranges from 10 to 30 years.

What purpose does term life insurance serve?

Term life insurance policies provide coverage for a predetermined period of time, usually between one and thirty years. A death benefit is provided by term life insurance, and it is meant to assist your beneficiaries in replacing your income in the event that you pass away.

What is term life insurance's biggest drawback?

While term insurance is frequently the least expensive kind, purchasing protection has drawbacks. The policy has no surrender value, no cancellation benefit, and, if you need to renew, your premium is determined by your current age and health, which could result in significantly higher premiums.

To know more about Term Life Insurance visit:


with respect to expanding opportunities for ict environmental contributions, what term is associated with the issues such as leed certified buildings, smart motors, and industrial robots?


The term that is associated with the issues such as LEED-certified buildings, smart motors, and industrial robots with respect to expanding opportunities for ICT environmental contributions is automation. 

What is Automation?

Automation is a form of application of technology to machines that are usually used in homes, industries, and also manufacturing companies. Automation can have a very positive impact on environmental sustainability because with this automation, machines can have a scheduling system that regulates the start time and stop time of the machine. Apart from that, there is also an idle feature on a machine that already has automation so that it can reduce the electrical power used when it is idle. This automation is usually used in smart motors, industrial robots, and also in LEED-certified buildings.

Learn more about automation at


which of the following controls can minimize the threat of theft of inventory? group of answer choices the use of innovative performance metrics. the use of encryption the use of periodic physical counts of inventory and reconciliation of those counts to recorded quantities. the use of production planning systems.


The use of periodic physical counts of inventory and reconciliation of those counts to recorded quantities controls can minimize the threat of theft of inventory.

The threats that are connected to data theft in an organization include the following: Intellectual property is used within an organization, which lowers its economic value. Copyright and trademarks fall under intellectual property. Data theft can also be accomplished through data extortion. This technique is typically used to share payment information by first encrypting the user's computer system and then exchanging the decryption key. All businesses maintain consumers' personal information and data. Therefore, it results in the theft of consumer data or information. Name, address, and occasionally bank information were included in the consumers' personal data.

Learn more about threat  from


If the economy is currently in short-run equilibrium at point a, what type of monetary policy would be most effective to bring the economy back to long-run equilibrium?
a) expansionary monetary policy to shift AD to the right
b) expansionary monetary policy to shift SRAS to the right
c) contractionary monetary policy to shift AD to the right
d) contractionary monetary policy to shift SRAS to the right


The price level and real GDP are determined by buyers and sellers of all output. Thus, aggregate demand (AD) and short-run aggregate supply (SRAS) define short-run equilibrium output and price. We can determine our business cycle position by comparing short-run equilibrium output to full employment production.

Recessions occur when real GDP is below full employment output. Booms occur when real GDP exceeds full employment output. In long-run equilibrium, current output equals full employment output. Output is normal.

A graphical model of economic fluctuations that include aggregate demand (AD), short-run aggregate supply (SRAS), and long-run aggregate supply (LRAS) is known as the AD-AS model.

To know more about economic equilibrium:


both lloyd and harry are claiming patent protection for the same invention that each independently created. the rights to protection will be awarded to


Lloyd or Harry are separately seeking patent rights for the identical independently developed technology. The first person to finish an innovation will receive the rights to protection.

Describe the patent.

A government-granted property right to an invention is a patent. This grant confers temporary exclusivity on the inventor over the patented invention in consideration for a full disclosure of the invention.

What is a patent example?

Examples are the drought-resistant corn and the Gentle Angel rose. Anyone who develops or discovers "any innovative and useful methodology, instrument, product of industry, or composition of matter, or even a new and valuable adaptation thereof" is eligible to submit a request for a utility patent.

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EXERCICE 1 : crivez la phrase en transformant les expressions soulignes avec un pronom complment. 1. Jai achet ce livre ce week-end. 2. Tu accompagneras ta mre et ta sur laroport. 3. Le mdecin a donn les rsultats son patient. (Replace both pronouns)4. Vous avez rpondu Xavier et son frre pour la soire ? 5. Ils ont tlphon ta sur toute la soire. 6. Est-ce quil a crit maman et moi ? 7. Nous avons salu toi ? EXERCICE 2 : Remplacez les mots souligns par les pronoms adquats : 1. Il a emprunt une cravate Paul. 2. Je n'ai pas mis la lettre sur la table. 3. Il montre son amie les lettres qu'il a reues. (Replace both pronouns)4. Tu as envoy la lettre ton amie. (Replace both pronouns)5. Tu demanderas son adresse ses parents. (Replace both pronouns)6. Il a offert quelques places ses amis. (Replace both pronouns) 7. Elle n'a pas parl de cela ses collgues. 8. Il a parl de son problme son amie. 7. Elle a donn tous ses bijoux son amie. (Replace both pronouns)9. J'ai dpos Pierre et Paul la gare. EXERCICE 3: Remplacez par le pronom adquat 1. J'ai pris cette route. 2. Tu as remis la cl en place. 3. Ils ont dcouvert ces rgions. 4. Elle a crit cette lettre. 5. Il a fait la vaisselle. 6. Vous avez ouvert la porte. 7. J'ai rejoint Nathalie. 8. Il a peint cette maison en vert. 9. Elle a produit cette srie. 10. Il a appris sa leon. How can local materials influence the output of artwork? if a pigeon working on two concurrent schedules allocates more of its time to the task that provides the greater relative rate of reinforcement than would be predicted by the empirical matching law, we call this... a new nurse is speaking to a client during a mental-health interview. which technique(s) would indicate that the new nurse requires further teaching about therapeutic communication techniques? select all the apply. 1. How do you think IQ tests can be helpful? How do you think they can be misused? How do you determine a words meaning in context? Which of the following sentences contains a bolded word that has a positive connotation? Parisians protested vehemently against the pyramid's design. The dog's pungent breath wafted up from the floor. The trash can's acrid smell wafted into the open window. Through the lens of Leah's camera, the world's vibrant colors shine through. two bowling balls, a and b, each having a mass of 7.00 kilograms, are placed 3.00 meters apart. what is the magnitude of the gravitational force exerted by ball a on ball b? Part A-RNA interactions with MRNA and the ribosome th mHNA and the ribosome Ribosomes provide the scaffolding on which tRNAs interact with mRNA during translation of an mRNA sequence to a chain of amino acids. A ribosome has three binding sites, each of which has a distinct function in the tRNA-mRNA interactions. Drag the appropriate tRNAs to the binding sites on the ribosome to show the configuration immediately before a new peptide bond forms. Note that one of the binding sites should be left empty find the equation of the straight line passing through the point (3, 5) which is perpendicular to the line y=3x+2what is y A surveyor determines that the angle of elevation to the top of a building from a point on the ground is 31.3. He then moves back 57.9 feet and determines that the angle of elevation is 23.5. What is the height ofthe building?Round your answer to four decimal places Mick is a restaurant manager who, in McClelland's terms, has a greater need for power than for affiliation. But Mick is open to social interaction. According to McClelland, Mick is a(n) _____ manager. A) institutional B) personal-powerC) affiliationD) perquisite A shoe store sells sneakers, loafers, and boots in narrow, medium, and wide widths. They are available in sides 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, and 10.5. Find the number of pairs of shoes available. Then find the probability of selecting a size 8 in medium width sneakers. Is it likely or unlikely that the size would be chosen? which of the stages is Hans Selye's stress model is also known as the "coping stage"? How did Marshall McLuhan believe that the world will turn into a global village ? the nurse is caring for a client who states that he is suddenly having severe pain at a leg fracture site. the nurse notes increased swelling in the limb and difficulty palpating a pulse. the nurse suspects that the client may have: answer answer answer In which state of matter has the LEAST kinetic energy? A gasgas B liquidliquid C solidsolid D plasma 1. describe what happens at the e, p, a sites of ribosomes during translational initiation, elongation, and termination. There are 24 members of a kayaking club this summer. Next year, Owen hopes the number of members will be 125% of this number.Write a percent equation in the form part = percent whole that can be used to find 125% of 24. Use p to represent the part and represent the percent as a decimal.