Features of Elements
Use the periodic table on the next page to complete the following
table. The number in the name indicates the isotope and therefore
the nuclide number
Element and Chemicol Atomic Mass
Number Number
profons neutrons
2 4 나
Oxygen 10
Phosphorus 32
Potassium 39
Lead 90


Answer 1
I agree nuclide number of atomic mass

Related Questions

What force is necessary to give a 1000 kg rocket an acceleration of 150







Mass of the rocket=1000Kg

Acceleration=150 m/s²


8. Where does ½ to ⅓ of the ocean pollution come from?



The majority of pollutants that make their way into the ocean come from human activities along the coastlines and far inland. One of the biggest sources of pollution is nonpoint source pollution, which occurs as a result of runoff.

What happens to the force between charged and uncharged objects as the distance between them decreases?


Answer:Thus, if each of the charges were reduced by one-half, the repulsion would be reduced to one-quarter of its former value. Also In electrostatics, the electrical force between two charged objects is inversely related to the distance of separation between the two objects. ... And decreasing the separation distance between objects increases the force of attraction or repulsion between the objects.

Hope this helps have a awesome night/day❤️✨


Nothing, until those two objects physically touch each other; contact aligns polarity among the now single shared mass.

(Your question never states if both objects are unique or similar polar charges, so I just assumed they were both neutral objects existing within an electric field.)

So a better question would then be, what is gravity’s relationship with an electric field?

You could solve this with the following: confine the electric field’s volume to a set variable (never increasing nor decreasing in size or shape); density is variable and easily definable. This creates the limit to build upon. This density has to be fluid and has electron mass (full of electrons at rest mass, so with substance but no movement). Within, create a closed system (the hard part in this equation; outside interference like ambient light will eschew results) where each variable of kinetic energy then is accounted for or measurable (including heat and light, and the physical movement of the two objects)

Determine the mass for both objects, calculate gravity for both and each body’s inertia on the other as a sum over distance. record results. Polarity is shared across the masses until there is no longer inertia (one mass or contact).



the answer is 24 atoms.

The engine of a 550kg car is producing a net force of 11,000N. What is its acceleration?





yshyei5rexwu drift hai used thakare I exam rest watu testing reddy




(correct me if im wrong)

F = m×a

11000 = 550 × a

11000/550 = a

Acceleration =20

What is the limiting factor of speed for an object falling through the air?


Air Resistance is the factor, which limits the speed of an object falling through the air...⭐


<Judge It Yourself...>

Hope it helps you! ヅ

✪ Be Brainly ✪

Please physics brainlist !

29. A wave source approaches your location, describe
the shift in wavelength and frequency you will



The waves travel at the same speed, but the observed frequency depends on any relative motion between the observer and source. When the observed frequency changes, so does the wavelength. If the observer and source are moving toward each other, then the frequency increases and the wavelength decreases.

which material would you select to replace broken handle of electric kettle

please will mark as brainlist​



hot glue


-insert the hot melt cylinder into the gun and wait until it heats up;

-gently apply a layer of substance to the crack;

-spread the hot glue in a thin layer over the surface;

-wait until it freezes.

The current in the wires of a circuit is 180.0 milliAmps. If the
voltage impressed across the ends of the circuit was doubled
and the resistance was one-third the original value, then its
new current would be _____milliAmps.



ls xgfmc!hchlvb! jt?bjgchfb j

Consider an alien on a planet with an acceleration of gravity equal to 20 m/sec^2. If the alien's mass is 10 kg, how much does the alien weigh?



the weight of alien is 200 newtons


The computation of the alien weight is shown below:

Given that

Acceleration = 20m/sec^2

And, the mass is 10 kg

So, the weight of alien is

= 20 × 10

= 200 newtons

hence, the weight of alien is 200 newtons

An automobile of mass 1.46 E3 kg rounds a curve of radius 25.0 m with a velocity of 15.0 m/s. The
centripetal force exerted on the automobile while rounding the curve is:



Centripetal force = 13140 Newton.


Given the following data;

Mass = 1.46 E3 kg = 1.46*10³ = 1460 kg

Velocity = 15m/s

Radius, r = 25m

To find the centripetal force, we would use the following formula:

Centripetal force = mv²/r

Substituting into the equation, we have;

Centripetal force = (1460*15²)/25

Centripetal force = (1460 * 225)/25

Centripetal force = 328500/25

Centripetal force = 13140 Newton.

1 point
Question 11
A swimmer feels cold after leaving warm water on a warm, windy day.
Why does she feel cold even though the air is warm?
A. The less energetic water molecules on her skin escape quickly.
B. The more energetic water molecules on her skin do not escape quickly.
С The water on her skin does not evaporate quickly enough to keep her warm.
D. The water on her skin evaporates quickly and cools her skin.



D. The water on her skin evaporates quickly and cools her skin.


When Maria rubbed her solid graphite pencil against paper, it easily left a clear streak on the paper. Which model could represent graphite?






Option B is the correct answer.

Graphite has a layered structure, every layered structure has rings which consists of six carbon atom.

What is Graphite and what are its characteristics?

   Graphite can be also known as black lead. As it can be structured with hexagonal shape it was also made as octahedral and tetrahedral which is known to be as diamond. Graphite is formed by carbonaceous compound, which can be solidified as magmatic carbon. Graphite can be taken from several ancient rocks, marbles, quartzite, under the soil, etc..  The graphite can be found easily by seeing the honeycomb shape, hexagonal structure, a molecule with six carbon atoms. These were also used in pencil leads, batteries, nuclear reactors, polishes, etc..

So, when Maria rubbed her solid graphite pencil against paper, it easily left a clear streak on the paper because of the atom presence and it hexagonal honeycomb structure.

Learn more about graphite,



I can fly but have no wings. I can cry but I have no eyes. Wherever I go, darkness follows me. What am I?


cloud?? thats prob wrong lol


a shadow a cloud i dont really know

What is the difference between thermal energy and heat?



One transfer's and the other doesn't


Thermal energy doesn't transfer, but remain a part of the internal energy of the system.Heat transfer's it's energy, like when you sit in a cold chair, then becomes warm.That's because the energy was transferred from your body to the chair.


Thermal energy is the random movement of atoms or molecules present in an object or a system while heat energy is the measure of the degree of hotness or coldness due to the temperature difference between two objects. So, in a nutshell, heat energy is the flow of thermal energy in a system.


Have a great day!

What is the net force acting on a jet that has a mass of 130,000kg and it accelerates at a rate of 6m/s as it takes off



Which of the following describes a change in energy that occurs as an acorn falls from a tree toward the ground


the last one which is D

As an acorn falls from a tree toward the ground, gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.

To find the correct option among all the options, we need to know about the conversation of energy.

How are the gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy defined near the earth surface?Near the earth surface, the gravitational potential energy is given as mass×g×height from the earth surface.Kinetic energy is given as 1/2×mass×velocity².How are the gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy converted when acorn falls from a tree?When an acorn is going to fall, it is at maximum height of its journey, so it has maximum gravitational potential energy.Also, at that time, its kinetic energy is zero as it's at rest.But when it moves down, its potential energy decreases as the height decreases and kinetic energy increases due to increasing velocity. So that its total mechanical energy is conserved.

Thus, we can conclude that option (d) is correct.

Learn more about the conversation of gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy here:



Clothes in a dryer rub together and begin clinging to each other

A. Friction
B. Conduction
C. Induction​





Because they touch lol




Because induction is the pass of electricity without contact and conduction is the complete opposite

does uranium use steam?





Reactors use uranium for nuclear fuel. The uranium is processed into small ceramic pellets and stacked together onto sealed metal tubes called fuel rods. The heat created by fission turns the water into steam.

Helppp!!!!! Please!!
A 0.144 kg baseball approaches a batter with a speed of 20m/s . The batter lines the ball directly back to the pitcher with a speed of 30m/s . Find the impulse exerted on the ball . If the bat and ball were in contact for 0.012 sec , find the average force exerted on the ball by the bat????



Can you help me in mathematics

A washing machine spin dries clothes. It starts spinning at 20 rad/s and slows down to 8 rad/s while turning through 500 revolutions.
a. What is the angular acceleration?
b. How much time does it take to slow down?



i do not know man



The angular acceleration of the washing machine spin is 53.5 x 10⁻³.

What is meant by angular acceleration ?

Angular acceleration is defined as the time rate of change of angular velocity in a circular motion.


Initial angular velocity, ω₁ = 20 rad/s

Final angular velocity, ω₂ = 8 rad/s

Angular displacement, θ = 2[tex]\pi[/tex] x no. of revolutions

θ = 2[tex]\pi[/tex] x 500 = 1000[tex]\pi[/tex]

a) Using the equation of circular motion,

ω₂² - ω₁² = 2αθ

Therefore, the angular acceleration,

α = (ω₂² - ω₁²)/2θ

α = (20² - 8²)/2 x 1000[tex]\pi[/tex]

α = 53.5 x 10⁻³ rad/s²

b) Time taken by the machine spin to slow down,

t = (ω₂ - ω₁)/α

t = (20 - 8)/53.5 x 10⁻³

t = 224.2 s


a) The angular acceleration of the washing machine spin is 53.5 x 10⁻³.

b) Time taken by the washing machine spin to slow down is 224.2 s.

To learn more about angular acceleration, click:



What has more kinetic energy 15 kg ball rolling north at 15 m/s or a 15 kg ball rolling backwards at 7m/s



15 kg ball


Hurry up i need help.
The average kinetic energy of the particles of two pieces of iron at the same temperature and mass would be __________.

Question 1 options:


The same

Not equivilent

With in 500 degrees of eachother



The answer would be B) The Same


Not gonna lie I checked my class notes but I figured this would help :)

Good luck!!!

I’m a god, a planet, and I measure heat. What am I?


mercury??????? my only guess

Mercury is that it?                        

14. Saeed is pulling a 6 kg heavy rock with an upward force of 40 N but does not succeed to lift it up. What is the magnitude of the normal force on the rock?



58.8 N


The normal force is calculated as equal to the perpendicular component of the gravitational force.

Thus; N = mg

We are given m = 6 kg


N = 6 × 9.8

N = 58.8 N

Thus, magnitude of normal force on the rock = 58.8 N

The average kinetic energy of the particles of two pieces of iron at the same temperature and mass would be __________.

Question 1 options:


The same

Not equivilent

With in 500 degrees of eachother



the answer is different


i took the test


Two kids are roller skating. Amy, with a mass of 55 kg, is traveling forward at 3 m/s. Jenny, who has a mass of 40 kg, is traveling in the opposite direction at 5 m/s. They crash into each other and hold onto each other so that they move as one mass. How fast are they traveling? How would you find your answer?



They traveling at  along the direction of 55 kg kid.

Step-by-step explanation:

Conservation of momentum-

Momentum of a system is constant if there are no external forces acting on the system.

As they crash into each other and hold onto each other so that they move as one mass and no other force is acting on them, so conservation of momentum can be applied here.

The final direction of velocity will be opposite to the assumed direction of the mass of 40 kg.

This is a conservation of momentum problem. The equation relevant here is

[tex]\[m_1v_1+m_2v_2=\left ( m_1+m_2 \right )v_f\][/tex]

where m is the mass and v is the velocity. Because Amy and Jenny move as one mass after crashing (or colliding) with each other, this is an inelastic collision. What we to find is the final velocity, [tex]v_f[/tex], of both Amy and Jenny as a single body.

[tex]v_f=\frac{m_1v_1+m_2v_2}{\left ( m_1+m_2 \right )} = \frac{(55)(3)+(40)(5)}{(55+40)} = \text{3.84 m/s}.[/tex]

Independent practice
Calculate the density p (in kg/m) for each of the following:
m = 10 kg and V=10 m3
b. m = 160 kg and V = 0.1 m3
C. m = 220 kg and V = 0.02 m3
A wooden post has a volume of 0.025 m' and a mass of 20 kg. Calculate its
density in kg/m
Challenge. A rectangular concrete slab is 0.80 m long, 0.60 m wide and 0.04
m thick. |
Calculate its volume in m?,
b. The mass of the concrete slab is 180 kg. Calculate its density in kg/m.



formula: Mass

Density x volume

2a) m=10kg v=0.3m³

10÷0.3=33.3 kg/m

2b) m = 160 kg V=0.1m³

160÷0.1=1600 kg/m

2c) m = 220 kg V = 0.02m³

220÷0.02=11000 kg/m

A wooden post has a volume of 0.025 and a mass of 20kg. Calculate its density in kg/m.

density = volume ÷ mass

20÷ 0.025=800 kg/m

Challenge: A rectangular concrete slab is 0.80m long, 0.60 m wide and 0.04m thick. Calculate its volume in .

Formula : Length x width x height = Volume

0.80 x 0.60 x 0.04 = 0.0192m³

B) The mass of the concrete slab is 180 kg. Calculate its density in kg/m.

density = volume ÷ mass

180 ÷ 0.0192 = 9375 kg/m

The box in the right diagram takes 1.1 sec to strike the floor after being released from rest. Find the landing speed of the 0.3-kg box, the tension of the rope, and moment of inertia of the pulley.





hours rbergrehebbeb3j3

nsiz. hs aj. he zj xuw x

Excessive washing of the skin disrupts the natural growth of bacteria on the skin's surface, increasing the
chances of:


Can cause dryness of the face of you excessively wash it it needs oils to keep it not dry


c infections


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