Express the confidence interval 0.555 < p < 0.999 in the form p+E

Express The Confidence Interval 0.555 &lt; P &lt; 0.999 In The Form P+E


Answer 1

In order to express the confidence interval in the form p ± E, first we have to determine the midpoint of the interval, like this:


The value of the error, E, can be calculated by taking the difference between p and the end of the interval, like this:


Then, we can express 0.555 < p < 0.999 in p + E notation as 0.777 ± 0.222

Answer 2

The confidence interval can be written as 0.777 ± 0.222.

The confidence interval 0.555 < p < 0.999 can be expressed in the form of p ± E.

To find the margin of error (E), we can subtract the lower limit (0.555) from the upper limit (0.999) and divide it by 2:

E = (0.999 - 0.555) / 2

E = 0.222

Therefore, the confidence interval 0.555 < p < 0.999 can be expressed as:

p ± E

where p is the point estimate and E is the margin of error. In this case, the point estimate would be the midpoint of the interval, which is the average of the lower and upper limits:

p = (0.555 + 0.999) / 2

p = 0.777

Hence, the confidence interval can be written as 0.777 ± 0.222.

To learn more about the confidence interval;


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what is 60 rounded to the nearest whole number


Answer: I suppose it is still 60

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

becaus eit the whole nimber

The tallest tree in the United States
Coast Redwood in Jedidiah Smith State
Park in California. It is 321 feet tall.
Suppose you are 5 feet 8 inches tall and
cast a shadow that is 2 feet at a certain
time of day. About how long is the tree's
shadow at the same time of day? (convert
5 ft 8 inches to feet)


x = 113.2941  is the approximate length of the tree's shadow at the same time of a day.

What is a length?

A unit of length is any arbitrarily chosen and widely accepted reference standard for measuring length. The most common units in modern use are metric units, which are used in every country on the planet. In the United States, customary units are also used. British Imperial units are still used in the United Kingdom and other countries for a variety of purposes. SI and non-SI units are subsets of the metric system.

5 feet + 8 inches is equal to 5 feet.

5 feet 8 inches is equal to 5 feet plus (8 inches) * (1 foot 12 inches).

5 feet 8 inches plus (8/12) feet equals 6 feet.

5 feet 8 inches equals 5 feet plus 2/3 feet.

5 feet 8 inches = (5 + (2/3)) feet

5 feet 8 inches = ((15/3) + (2/3)) feet

5 feet 8 inches = ((15+2)/3) feet

5 feet 8 inches = (17/3) feet

5 feet 8 inches = 5.667 feet

A/B = C/D


A = height of person

B = length of shadow of person

C = height of tree

D = length of shadow of tree

So we have

A = 17/3

B = 2

C = 321

D = x

A/B = C/D

(17/3)/2 = 321/x

(17/3)*x = 2*321

(17/3)*x = 642

(3/17)*(17/3)*x = (3/17)*642

x = 1926/17 the precise length of the tree's shadow

The approximate length of the tree's shadow is x = 113.2941.

To know more about length, visit:


Write the slope-intercept form for an equation of a line that is perpendicular to the graph of y=6x - 6 and passes through the x-intercept of that line.



Step-by-step explanation:

ur mom

if a/ b+1 = 2, what does 2b equal?



What is the equation of this line line PLS help


Answer: y=2x

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of the line is y=2x.

The opposite of a number and sometimes negative true or false?


The given statement "Negative is the opposite of an integer" is FALSE.

What is an integer?A number that may be expressed without a fractional component is called an integer. For instance, while 9.75, 5+1/2, and 2 are not numbers, 21 and 4 and 2048 are.

So, on the number line, opposite values are those that are equally spaced apart from zero.

Nevertheless, the values' signs will differ.Since both negative and positive numbers can be found in an integer. As a result, an integer's opposite is not always a negative. Take the numbers 3 and 8 as an example.

These numbers' opposites are:

3 is the reciprocal of -3.8's polar opposite is -8.

Therefore, the given statement "Negative is the opposite of an integer" is FALSE.

Know more about integers here:


Six more than three times a number is negative thirty-six.


x = 10 is the value of x as per given in the question.

What is linear equation ?A linear equation is an equation in which the greatest power of a variable is always 1. Also called the 1 degree equation. where x is a variable, A is a coefficient, and B is a constant. The standard form of  linear equations in two variables is of the form Ax + By = C. where x and y are variables and A and B are: Equations with the highest degree of 1 are called linear equations. This means that the exponent of the variable in the linear equation is greater than 1. The graph of a linear equation is always  a straight line. A linear equation is an algebraic equation in which each term has  exponent 1, and the graph of  this equation is  always  a straight line. There is a linear equation in one variable and a linear equation in two variables.Calculation

3x + 6  = 36

3x = 30

x = 10

learn more about linear equation here :


Please Help! Parallel Lines and Transversals!


no they are not parallel because 50 and 133 are same side exterior angles and those are supplementary. However 50+133=183 and not 180.

Answer: No they are not parallel

is (x-3) a factor of 2x^3-4x^2-6
A. yes
B. No

What is the remainder?
(no answer choice just type the answer!)
right answers only!


(x-3) is not a factor of [tex]2x^3-4x^2-6[/tex]

and the Remainder is 32 .

Using the remainder theorem, which asserts that if x is a factor in a polynomial p(x), then p(a) = 0, we may say that.

Therefore, p(x) = 2x3 - 4x2 - 6 p(3) = 0 if x - 3 is a factor.

So, p(x) = 2x³ - 4x² - 6 If x - 3 is a factor, then

p(3) = 0

So, substituting x = 3 into the equation, we have

p(3) = 2x³ - 4x² - 6

= 2(3)³ - 4(2)² - 6

= 2(27) - 4(4) - 6

= 54 - 16 - 6

= 54 - 22

= 32

Since p(3) ≠ 0.

x - 3 is not a factor

2. Since p(3) = 32,

Thus the required remainder is 32.

To know more about factors of polynomial you may visit the link which is mentioned below:



107% of 700m




Step-by-step explanation:


107% of 700m is 749 meters

List the transformations.


The transformation of the equation [y = 4 - 1/2 √x + 3] is shown on the graph where the curve touched the x-axis on (61, 0).

What is a graph?

To develop a graph is to make a diagram that depicts the relationship between two or more objects.

Make a sequence of bars on graph paper as an example of a graph.

Bar graphs, circle graphs, and line graphs are the three most often used types of graphs.

Different types of data can be displayed using different types of graphs.

So, plotting the equation on the graph as follows:

The equation: y = 4 - 1/2 √x + 3

Plot the equation on the graph:

(Refer to the graph attached below)

The curve touches the x-axis on the coordinate (61, 0).

Therefore, the transformation of the equation [y = 4 - 1/2 √x + 3] is shown on the graph where the curve touched the x-axis on (61, 0).

Know more about the graph here:


Hello! Need a little help on this functions question. Thanks!





The range of the graph is:

[tex][-1,\infty)[/tex][tex]The\text{ range of f\lparen x\rparen=}\sqrt[\placeholder{⬚}]{x+1}-3\text{ is \lbrack-3,}\infty)[/tex]

Therefore the difference is;


The Arnold Inn offers two plans for wedding parties. Under plan A, the inn charges $30 for each person in attendance. Under plan B, the inn charges $1300 plus $20 for each person in excess of the first 25 who attend. For what size parties will plan B cost less? I do not understand how for Plan b: 1300+20(p-25). I do not understand the part p-25



81 people


Let p be the number of people that attend the party.

Under plan A, the inn charges $30 for each person, so the value y of a party for p people is,


Then, under plan B, the cost is $1300 for a maximum of 25 people - this means that if 1 to 25 people attend the party, the cost is the same, $1300. For each person in excess of the first 25 - this means for 26, 27, 28, etc, the inn charges $20 each. The cost for plan B is,


The last part, (p - 25), is the part of the equation that separates the first 25 attendees. This equation works for 25 people or more, but it is okay to solve this problem. Note that for p = 25, the cost for plan A is,


Which is less than the cost of plan B ($1300).

We have to find for what number of people attending the party, the cost of plan B is less than the cost of plan A,

[tex]y_BThis is,[tex]1300+20(p-25)<30p[/tex]

We have to solve this for p. First, apply the distributive property of multiplication over addition/subtract4ion to the 20,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1300+20p-20\cdot25<30p \\ 1300+20p-500<30p \end{gathered}[/tex]

Add like terms,

[tex]\begin{gathered} (1300-500)+20p<30p \\ 800+20p<30p \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, subtract 20p from both sides,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 800+20p-20p<30p-20p \\ 800<10p \end{gathered}[/tex]

And divide both sides by 10,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{800}{10}<\frac{10p}{10} \\ 80

For 80 people, the costs of the plans are,

[tex]\begin{gathered} y_A=30\cdot80=2400 \\ y_B=1300+20(80-25)=1300+20\cdot55=1300+1100=2400 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Both have the same cost. The solution to the inequation was the number of people, p, is more than 80. This means that for 81 people the cost of plan B should be less than the cost of plan A,

[tex]\begin{gathered} y_A=30\cdot81=2430 \\ y_B=1300+20(81-25)=2420 \end{gathered}[/tex]

For 81 people, plan B costs $10 less than plan A.

A baker can bake 20 cupcakes in two hours, 30 cupcakes in three hours, and 40 cupcakes in four hours. What is the constant rate of change?


A baker can bake 20 cupcakes in two hours, 30 cupcakes in three hours, and 40 cupcakes in four hours.

so, the rate can be calculated as following:

number of cupcakes over the number of hours


[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{20}{2}=10 \\ or,\frac{30}{3}=10 \\ or,\frac{40}{4}=10 \end{gathered}[/tex]

>)How many people were surveyed about their favorite pets?A) 46B) 34C36D) 44



From the bar diagram,

Number of people own rabbit as pet = 4

Number of people own dog as pet = 8

Number of people own cat as pet = 11

Number of people own goldfish as pet = 6

Number of people own hamster as pet = 5

So, the number of people surveyed about their favorite pets equals the sum of number of people own rabbit, dog, cat, goldfish or hamster as pet.

Number of people surveyed about their favorite pets

[tex]\begin{gathered} =4+8+11+6+5 \\ =34 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence 34 people surveyed about their favorite pets.

Option B is correct.

GCF for 4y + xy2 + 6y


The greatest common factor or GCF in the expression  4y + xy² + 6y is y.

The given expression is 4y + xy2 + 6y

GCF stands for greatest common factor

Among these three numbers ;

the variable y is common in all three of them

The factors of 4 y = 4 and y

the factors of xy² are x and y

and the factors of 6y are 6 and y

This can also be simply written by taking y common in this

for example; y ( 4 + xy + 6 )

From the above mentioned proof we can establish the fact that the variable y is common in all three of them

Thus the greatest common factor among them is y

To know more about greatest common factor or related problems you may visit the link which is mentioned below;


The population of a mosquito population obeys the law of uninhibited growth.If there are 500 mosquito initially and there are 800 after 1 day. How long is it until there are 7000 mosquito?Round your answer to the nearest tenth.


The law of uninhibited growth is express as:


where N(t) is the population at time t, N0 is the initial population, k is the growth rate and t is the time. In this case we know that after one day, t=1, the population is 800 and that the initial population was 500; plugging these values and solving for k we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 800=500e^k \\ e^k=\frac{800}{500} \\ \ln e^k=\ln\frac{8}{5} \\ k=\ln\frac{8}{5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now that we have the growth rate, we know that the population growth in this case can be express as:


We want to know the time it takes for the population to be 7000, to find it we equate our expression to this value and solve for t:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 7000=500e^{(\ln\frac{8}{5})t} \\ e^{(\ln\frac{8}{5})t}=\frac{7000}{500} \\ \ln e^{(\ln\frac{8}{5})t}=\ln14 \\ (\ln\frac{8}{5})t=\ln14 \\ t=\frac{\ln14}{\ln\frac{8}{5}} \\ t=5.6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, it takes 5.6 days for the population to reach 7000 individuals.

Given 3 and one-tenth times negative 6 times seven-twelfths, determine the product.
eighteen and one sixtieth
negative eighteen and 7 over 120
ten and 17 over 20
negative 10 and 17 over 20
Question 2(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(One-Step Inequalities MC)

Write the statement "the sum of a number and 18.4 is at least −3.8" as an inequality.

−3.8 + b > 18.4
b + 18.4 ≥ −3.8
b + 18.4 ≤ −3.8
−3.8 + b < 18.4
Question 3(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers MC)

Simplify negative 3 and two-thirds minus 6 and three-fourths.

3 and one-half
negative 10 and one-twelfth
negative 10 and five-twelfths
negative 18 and one-half
Question 4(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(Writing Two-Step Equations MC)

A new gaming chair costs $455.95. You have already saved $155.95 and earn $37.50 each week babysitting. Write and solve an equation to determine how many weeks, w, you must babysit to earn enough money to buy the new gaming chair.

37.5 + 155.95w = 455.95; w = 8
37.5w + 155.95 = 455.95; w = 8
37.5w − 155.95 = 455.95; w = 16
37.5w − 455.95 = 155.95; w = 16
Question 5(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(Dividing Rational Numbers MC)

Divide negative 3 and one-sixth ÷ negative 8 and two-fifths.

252 over 95
95 over 252
51 over 30
30 over 51
Question 6(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(Solving Two-Step Equations MC)

Solve one eighth times quantity x plus 32 end quantity equals negative 7.

x = 56
x = 7
x = −88
x = −24
Question 7(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(Rewriting Rational Numbers LC)

Which number is equal to four and one-sixth?

four and sixteen hundredths with the six repeating
six twenty-fifths
Question 8(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(Laws of Exponents with Whole Number Exponents LC)

Which expression is equivalent to 2 and one tenth raised to the fifth power divided by nine tenths raised to the fourth power, all raised to the fifth power?

2 and one tenth raised to the twenty fifth power divided by nine tenths raised to the twentieth power
2 and one tenth raised to the tenth power divided by nine tenths raised to the ninth power
Question 9(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers MC)

Julie wanted to match Lisa's obstacle course record of 68.2 seconds. She has already spent thirty-nine and one fourth seconds on wall climbing and 12.84 seconds on the ropes. How much time did she have left to match the record?

12.24 seconds
16.11 seconds
26.41 seconds
28.95 seconds
Question 10(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(Writing Two-Step Equations MC)

Write the math sentence as an equation: Negative nine times the sum of a number and 12.3 is 30.8

−9(r − 12.3) = 30.8
−9r + 12.3 = 30.8
−9r − 12.3 = 30.8
−9(r + 12.3) = 30.8
Question 11(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(Laws of Exponents with Whole Number Exponents MC)

Evaluate two and two tenths raised to the sixth power divided by two and two tenths raised to the fifth power, all raised to the second power.

Question 12(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(Adding and Subtracting Linear Expressions MC)

Write the expression in simplest form.

the quantity negative three fifths x minus 8 end quantity minus the quantity negative 14 plus three tenths x end quantity

negative nine tenths x plus 6
negative nine tenths x minus 6
negative three tenths x minus 6
negative three tenths x plus 6
Question 13(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(Order of Operations MC)

Simplify the expression.

negative 15 plus the quantity negative 1 and six tenths plus 9 and 34 hundredths end quantity divided by 6 all times 3 squared minus 5 and 7 tenths

Question 14(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(Equivalent Linear Expressions LC)

Which expression is equivalent to −4(b − 5)?

−4b − 20
4b + 5
−4b + 20
−4b − 5
Question 15(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(Solving Two-Step Equations MC)

Solve the equation for x.

−0.24x − 16.4 = 1.96

x = −60.2
x = 60.2
x = −76.5
x = 76.5


To solve the multiple questions performed, a process is being followed to get accurate results which are mentioned after the respective questions.

What are different operations in mathematics?

Addition is the process of joining two or more numbers to determine their total. The result of adding the numbers 3 and 4 is 3 + 4 = 7, for instance. Any sort of number, including whole integers, fractions, decimals, and even negative values, can be added to.

The process of subtracting involves calculating the difference between two numbers. For example, subtracting 4 from 7 yields 7 - 4 = 3. Any sort of number, including whole integers, fractions, decimals, and negative values, can be subtracted.

Multiplication is the process of combining two or more numbers to determine their product. The result of multiplying the numbers 3 and 4 is 3 * 4 = 12, for instance. such as addition. Any kind of number may be used for addition, subtraction, and multiplication.

The act of dividing two integers involves determining their quotient. For example, dividing 12 by 4 yields 12 / 4 = 3. Any sort of value could be divided, although some combinations of numbers, such dividing by zero, are not described as division.

How to solve?

1) 3 * (-6) * (7/12) which is -7.5. So, the answer is -18 and 7/120 or negative 18 and 7 over 120.

2) -3.8 + b - 18.4 ≥ 0

-22.2 + b >= 0

∵sum of a number and 18.4 is at least -3.8, we can say that b is greater than or equal to -22.2.

∴b + 18.4 ≥ −3.8.

3) (-3/3) - (6/4) = (-9/3) - (6/4)

(-9/3) - (6/4) = (-9/3) * (4/4) - (6/4) * (3/3)

= (-36/12) - (18/12)

(-36/12) - (18/12) = -54/12 = -9/2 = -4 and 1/2

The correct answer is negative 18 and one-half.

4) 37.50w = $300

w = 8

37.5w + 155.95 = 455.95; w = 8.

5) (-7/6) / (-17/5) = (-7/6) * (5/17)

= (-35/102)

(-35/102) / (35/35) = (-1/3) / 1

= -1/3

6)x/8 + 32 = -7

x/8 = -39

x = -8 * -39

x = 8 * 39

x = 312

7)x = 56

x = 7

x = −88

x = −24

8)= [(2 and one tenth)^5] / [(9 tenths)^4]^5

= [2^5 * (1/10)^5] / [9^4 * (1/10)^4]^5

= [2^5 * (1/10)^5] / [9^4 * (1/10)^4]^5

= 2^5 * (1/10)^5 / (9^4 * (1/10)^4)^5

= 2^5 * (1/10)^5 / 9^4 * (1/10)^4 * 5

= 2^5 * (1/10)^5 / 9^4 * (1/10)^4 * 5

= 2^5 / 10^5 / 9^4 / 10^4 * 5

= 2^5 / (10^5 * 9^4) / 10^4 * 5

= 2^5 / (10^5 * 9^4) / 10^4 * 5

= 32 / (10^9 * 6561) * 5

= 32 / (10^9 * 6561) * 5

= 32 / 65610000 * 5

= 32 / 65610000 * 5

= 32 / 3285050000

= 32 / 3285050000

= 0.0000977077

To learn more about different operations in mathematics, visit:


In a certain​ country, 9/50 of college freshmen major in chemistry. A community college in a region of the country has a freshman enrollment of approximately 900 students. How many of these freshmen might we project are majoring in chemistry


AS per the unitary method, the number of freshmen majoring in chemistry are 162.

Unitary method:

Unitary method defied as a process of finding the value of a single unit, and based on the known values.


In a certain​ country, 9/50 of college freshmen major in chemistry. A community college in a region of the country has a freshman enrollment of approximately 900 students.

Here we need to find the the number of freshmen majoring in chemistry.

As per the concept of unitary method, let us consider x be the number of freshmen majoring in chemistry.

So, we know that, 9/50 of college freshmen major in chemistry.

The total number of students in the community colleges is 900.

Therefore, the number of freshmen in it is calculated as

x = 900 x 9/50

x = 18 x 9

x = 162

Therefore, there are 162 freshmen in chemistry.

To know more about Unitary method here.


Please help now asap !!!




step-by-step explanation:

dividing the largest number by the smallest number will allow for the greatest quotient. hope that helps!

help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeee


Answer: 2.5, 5.4

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]-16t^2 +126t=213\\\\16t^2 -126t+213=0\\\\t =\frac{-(-126) \pm \sqrt{(-126)^2 -4(16)(213)}}{2(16)}\\\\t \approx 2.5, 5.4[/tex]

For a certain company, the cost function for producing x items is C(x)=50x+250 and the revenuefunction for selling x items is R(x)=-0.5(x-90)2+4,050. The maximum capacity of the company is 110items.The profit function P(x) is the revenue function R(x) (how much it takes in) minus the cost functionC(x) (how much it spends). In economic models, one typically assumes that a company wants tomaximize its profit, or at least make a profit!Assuming that the company sells all that it produces, what is the profit function?====P(x)=Hint: Profit = Revenue - CostWhat is the domain of P(x)?Hint: Does calculating P(x) make sense when x-10 or x-1,000?The company can choose to produce either 40 or 50 items. What is their profit for each case, andwhich level of production should they choose?Profit when producing 40 items=Profit when producing 50 items=Can you explain, from our model, why the company makes less profit when producing 10 more units?


First, let's calculate the Profit functions which is P(x)=R(x)-C(x)

Let's continue simplifying the function

The profit function is a polynomial function, so the domain is all the real numbers which means x can be any real number


Calculating x=-10 doesn't make sense because x in all the functions is the number of items, and doesn't make sense to have -10 items, so x shouldn't be negative numbers.

And Calculating x=1000 doesn't make sense either because the problem says "The maximum capacity of the company is 110 items" so if we have x=1000 we are exceeding the limit of items that the company can handle.

Now let's calculate the profit when producing 40 and 50 items (we just need to evaluate those values in the function):

The profit when the company produces 50 items is 500 and the profit when the company produces 40 items is 550.

The company should choose to produce 40 items because is a higher profit in contrast to making 50 items.

According to the function, when we replace the values in X we can see that the term (X^2) grows more than the term X and as you can see the term X^2 is negative which decreases the final result of the profit. Another way to see this is by drawing the function

As you can see the function is a parable and when the number of items "X" is very high the function tends to decrease. The function starts to grow in profit until 40 items (when you find the maximum value of profit) and then the profit function decreases.

Find 8th term for 10,-20,40




Step-by-step explanation:

So, as we can see just by loooing at this geometric sequence, the factor is -2. Let's double check this.

10 * -2 = -20 * -2 = 40

We can just keep multiplying to find the 8th term!

40 * -2 = -80 * -2 = 160 *-2 = -320 * -2 = 640 * -2 = -1280

Sometimes with a short sequence, it is better to just multiply it out. You could also do it like this, though:

[tex]a_{n}=a_{1} *r^{n-1}[/tex]

Here, r = -2. We are looking for the 8th term, which would be 8

Plug in our values:




That is the same answer we got before. I would suggest doing it mathematically if you have a long sequence (15, 100, 300 terms)

Hope this helped!

20 POINTSSS!!! Graph the ellipse.
Name the coordinates of the center, endpoints of major axis, endpoints of minor axis, and foci of the ellipse.


The coordinates of the center, endpoints of major axis, endpoints of minor axis, and foci of the ellipse. is (2,-1+3√3) & (2,-1 -3√3).


[tex]\sqrt{1-\frac{a^{2} }{b^{2} } } =\sqrt{1-\frac{9}{36} } =\sqrt{\frac{36-9}{36} }[/tex]

= [tex]\sqrt{\frac{27}{36} } = \frac{\sqrt{3} }{2}[/tex]

=( b,H ± be) = (2, -1 ± 6x [tex]\frac{\sqrt{3} }{2}[/tex])

(2,-1+3√3) & (2,-1 -3√3).

The long axis is called the major axis and the short axis is called the minor axis. Each major axis endpoint is an ellipse vertex, and each minor axis endpoint is an ellipse vertex. The center of the ellipse is the center of both the major and minor axes. The endpoints of the principal axis are called vertices.

The midpoint of focus is the center of the ellipse. The minor axis is a line segment perpendicular to the major axis, passing through the center, and having ellipses at both ends. Ellipse focal points are two reference points that help draw the ellipse. The foci of the ellipse are on the major axis of the ellipse, equidistant from the origin. An ellipse represents the location of a point that is a constant distance from two fixed points.

Learn more about The ellipse here:-


Which number is IRRATIONAL?A)V12B)136C)V64D)V144


An irrational number is a number that cannot be written as a fraction - the decimal goes on forever without repeating. Therefore:


in this case it cannot be expressed as a fraction and it is decimal, this is the correct option. So,

answer A.

what are like terms
63 + 54



There are 3 common factors of 63 and 54, that are 1, 3, and 9. Therefore, the greatest common factor of 63 and 54 is 9.

Step-by-step explanation:

In algebra, like terms are terms that have the same variables and powers. The coefficients do not need to match.

Hope this helped:)

Got It? Do this problem to find out.c. The number of games won in the American Football Conferencein a recent year is displayed below. Find the median and themeasures of variability. Then describe the data.American Football Conference Wins+10 11 12 131 2 3456 7 8 9




The median is the value corresponding to the line inside the box. Looking at the box plot, the line is between 8 and 9. Thus,

Median = 8.5

To find the measure of variability, we would find the interquartile range, IQR

IQR = third quartile(Q3) - first quartile(Q1)

The first quartile is the value corresponding to the left end of the box. From the box plot, it is between 5 and 6. Thus,

Q1 = 5.5

The third quartile is the value corresponding to the right end of the box. From the box plot,

Q3 = 11


IQR = 11 - 5.5

IQR = 5.5

The range is the difference between the minimum and maximum values. On the box plot,

maximum value = 13

minimum value = 1

Range = 13 - 1

Range = 12

find the coordinates of the ends of each latus rectum and equations of asymptotes.


For conic section of the form:


The Ends of the Lactus Rectum is given as:


The e in the equation above is the Eccentricity of the Hyperbola.

This can be obtained by the formula:


Thus, comparing the standard form of the conic with the given equation, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{(y+8)^2}{16}-\frac{(x-3)^2}{9}=1 \\ \text{This can be further expressed in the form:} \\ \frac{(y+8)^2}{4^2}-\frac{(x-3)^2}{3^2}=1 \\ By\text{ comparing this with:} \\ \frac{x^2}{a^2}-\frac{y^2}{b^2}=1 \\ We\text{ can deduce that:} \\ a=4;b=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, we need to obtain the value of the Eccentiricity, e.

[tex]\begin{gathered} e=\frac{\sqrt[]{a^2+b^2}}{a} \\ e=\frac{\sqrt[]{4^2+3^2}}{4} \\ e=\frac{\sqrt[]{16+9}}{4} \\ e=\frac{\sqrt[]{25}}{4}=\frac{5}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the coordinate of the ends of the each lactus rectum is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} L=(ae,\frac{b^2}{a}),L=(ae,\frac{-b^2}{a}_{}) \\ L=(4\times\frac{5}{4},\frac{3^2}{4}),L=(4\times\frac{5}{4},\frac{-3^2}{4}) \\ L=(5,\frac{9}{4}),L=(5,\frac{9}{4}) \end{gathered}[/tex]

4x^4 - 3x^3 + 2x^2 - 5x +6 divided by (x-2)what is the remainder of this question



The remainder is 44


The given polynomial is:

[tex]4x^4-3x^3+2x^2-5x\text{ + 6}[/tex]

The function is to be divided by x - 2

The remainder of the division will be calculated using the remainder theorem

The remainder theorem states that " If a function g(x) is divided by x - a, the remainder of the division will be g(a)"

[tex]\text{Let g(x) = 4x}^4-3x^3+2x^2-5x+6[/tex]

The remainder when g(x) is divided by x -2 is g(2)

[tex]\begin{gathered} g(2)=4(2)^4-3(2)^3+2(2)^2-\text{ 5(2) + 6} \\ g(2)\text{ = 4(16) - 3(8) + 2(4) -5(2) + 6} \\ g(2)\text{ = 64 - 24 + 8 - 10 + 6} \\ g(2)\text{ = 44} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Find the equation of line containing given points. Write the equation in slope- intercept form (0,2)(2,-3)



[tex]y=\frac{-5x}{2}\text{ + 2}[/tex]


Here, we want to get the equation of the line

The general equation of a line in slope-intercept form is:

[tex]y\text{ = mx + b}[/tex]

where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept

We can get the equation through the following:

[tex]\frac{y-y_1}{x-x_1}\text{ = }\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}[/tex]

where (x1,y1) is (0,2) and (x2,y2) is (2,-3)

Substituting the values, we have it that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{y-2}{x-0}\text{ = }\frac{-3-2}{2-0} \\ \\ \frac{y-2}{x}\text{ = }\frac{-5}{2} \\ \\ \left(y-2\right)\text{ = }\frac{-5x}{2} \\ \\ y\text{ = }\frac{-5x}{2}\text{ + 2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

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