Explain why the Bosque Redondo plan failed.


Answer 1


Bosque Redondo plan failed because the plan was poorly-planned there was diseases everywhere, crop infestation and general poor conditions and crops.

Related Questions

Identify the climate zone shaded in pink on the map.

(A. Equator
(B. Polar
(C. Temperate
(D. tropical



D. Tropical


That’s the equator but the climate zone is tropical !

Which groups opposed the spread of slavery during the 1860 presidential election?
the Southern Democratic Party
the Republican Party
the Constitutional Union Party
the Democratic Party



The republican party


I love you and you are swag

The Republican Party opposed the spread of slavery during the 1860 presidential election. Hence, option B is appropriate.

What is the meaning of the Republican Party?

One of the two main modern political parties in the United States is the Republican Party, usually known as the GOP. The GOP was established in 1854 by abolitionists who opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which could have permitted chattel slavery to spread into the western territories.

On March 20, 1854, the Little White Schoolhouse in Ripon, Wisconsin, hosted the first public gathering of the overall anti-Nebraska campaign, where the name Republican was floated. The Democratic-Republican Party, founded by Thomas Jefferson, was honored in part by the name selection.

Trumpist and anti-Trumpist factions emerged within the Republican Party during and after Donald Trump's presidency. Over time, the Republican Party's stances have changed.

Hence, option B is correct.

Learn more about the Republican Party here:



What is Anti-Slavery?


to be against slavery

Answer Anti-slavery is basically people against slavery or they protest against it.


what is the level of stress of districts court judge?


Very high, one mistake can ruin a life or even end one so they have to make sure they get everything right.

European ships were able to withstand the trans-Atlantic journeys in the Age of Exploration PRIMARILY to


Explanation: European were able to stand voyages in Atlantic during the Age of Exploration because of ships like Caravel that provided a stronger hull and sleeker lines. The Caravel vessels were lightweight and could sail with the wind

Do you think that American schools are still segregated?



Legally no American schools are still segregated but socially there is still a seperation


While America has stopped the policy of separate but equal we still see the effects of that policy today. Many US schools that were apart of separate but equal still see that the ones that used to be "white schools" still carry a predominately white population and schools that used to be "colored schools" still carry a predominately black population.

What is a contribution that classical Greece made to modern Western civilization?

belief in one deity

election of political leaders

scientific theory of relativity

graphic novel in literature



Ancient Greeks made many influential contributions to western civilization such as in the areas of philosophy, art and architecture, math and science. The majority of modern-day society owes its very existence to Greece and its founders.


A contribution that classical Greece made to modern Western civilization is an election of political leaders. The correct option is (B).

What do you mean by Western civilization?

Western civilization refers to the art, literature, culture, and lasting concepts that arose from the eastern Mediterranean region in the centuries preceding the common era grew in a variety of forms during the Middle Ages, and eventually acquired modern form after the Renaissance.

The Greeks contributed significantly to philosophy, mathematics, science, and health. The importance of literature and theatre in Greek society impacted contemporary drama. The Greeks were well-known for their refined art and building.

Therefore, a  contribution that classical Greece made to modern Western civilization is an election of political leaders.

To know more about Western civilization, visit:



¿Quién decide qué fuentes y voces quedarán grabadas en la conciencia colectiva como parte de la historia?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta correcta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se incluyeron opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

¿Quién decide qué fuentes y voces quedarán grabadas en la conciencia colectiva como parte de la historia?

Por su puesto que no es ninguna persona en particular, aunque comúnmente se dice que "los ganadores son los que escriben la historia."

Existe un concepto entre los historiadores que se llama "la memoria colectiva" o la "conciencia colectiva." Es precisamente este concepto el que define lo que permanece en la memoria histórica de las personas después de un acontecimiento.

Este concepto es el resultado de las memorias y recuerdos compartidos de uno o varios grupos sociales, que al final resultan ser las creencias compartidas que se quedan como el sello característico de un evento histórico en particular, y es el que trasciende al paso del tiempo.  

8. Which level provides licenses and education?



Regulated professions in the United States are generally licensed at the state level, and most licensed professions require some formal postsecondary education or training as a prerequisite for entry.


Which core democratic value was violated when the Supreme Court ruled in 1857 that enslaved people were not citizens?


the democratic value that was violated was equality

Please help which one is it?





which is not a restriction for jewish people during WW2 ​



Were there any choices?

do you believe U.S. immigration policies in the early 1900s were fair ? explain why or why not





Because the way people were treated differently and making some

what was treaty of constaninopole ?​


Answer: Ok The Treaty of Constantinople (Treaty of İstanbul) was a treaty between the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Bulgaria signed on 29 September 1913 after the Second Balkan War at the Ottoman capital Constantinople. The signed treaty was an important strategic achievement which provided for Russia the access to Azov Sea and facilitated the preparation for the war with Sweden. The Treaty of Constantinople, concluded for 30 years, was observed up to November 1710, when Turkish sultan declared war to Russia.Hope this helps have a awesome day/night❤️✨


What does the government control under totalitarianism?

Please choose the correct answer.

A. As many aspects of life as possible

B. Political life only

C. Economic and social life but not political ideas


The answer is A because totalitarianism is complete control of government and as much as possible

Identify and explain a significant decision made by George Washington as president that continues to have consequences for the United States of America today.

will mark brainliest need help quickly



One specific decision he made was to step down after two terms.  The two term step down was standard for all Presidents up until Roosevelt (Franklin).  When FDR died, a Constitutional Amendment was passed mandating that all future Presidents step down after two terms. This has a significant impact today, because it continues to ensure that dictatorships do not form in America (hopefully).


Good luck

3.Why did most Texans favor joining the Confederate States of America?
A. They supported the Republican idea of the abolition of slavery.
B. Texans feared abolitionist legislation would destroy the Southern economy.
C. Most Texans believed slavery was wrong and wanted to end it.
D. Texans supported the ideas of high protective tariffs to protect industries


B. Texans feared abolitionist legislation would destroy the Southern economy.

3. Why do you think Mrs. Emerson didn't give the Scotts their freedom herself?


Maybe she couldn't afford it. The root issue of the tensions resulting from the Dred Scott decision was the rights of the individual.

What is Anne longing for in her relationship with her father?
Anne frank



Though she absolutely adores her father, Anne sometimes feels that he doesn't see her as a real person in her own right—that he doesn't see the real Anne beneath the charming exterior of a sweet little girl.


Anne states," I model myself after Father, and there's no one in the world I love more. . . . But I have a right to be taken seriously too. . . . It's just that I'd like to feel that Father really loves me, not because I'm his child, but because I'm me, Anne."

The purpose of Thomas Paine's Common Sense was to encourage colonists to?



In January 1776, Thomas Paine (1737–1809) penned his famous pamphlet Common Sense, in which he urged the American Colonies to declare independence and immediately sever all ties with the British monarchy.


i think

Explain one way the prevention of illness was different between 1500-1700 and 1700-1900. 4 marks
I will give brainiest and reward you with 20 coins but if you need more you can contact me


Because from 1700-1900 they knew a lot more about how diseases were spread and how they could be cured so less and less people were getting sick and more were recovering

Read the following sentence from the section "Paving Way For Hitler. lf the European civil war is to end with France and Italy abusing their momentary victorious power to destroy Germany and Austria- Hungary now prostrate, they invite their own destruction also, being so deeply and inextricably intertwined with their victims by hidden psychic and economic bonds. What is the meaning of the phrase "inextricably intertwined" as it is used in the selection above? A separate but equal B inseparably connected C temporarily linked D closely related​





According to the phrase "inextricably intertwined" as it is used in the passage, the meaning is inseparably connected. The correct option is (B).

Who was Hitler?

German politician Adolf Hitler, who was born in Austria, ruled Germany as its dictator from 1933 until his death in 1945.

He became the chancellor in 1933 and the Führer und Reichskanzler in 1934 when the Nazi Party's leader grew to prominence.

When he came to power, Hitler destroyed the democratic institutions of the country and turned it into a war state that sought to annex Europe for the benefit of the so-called Aryan race. On September 1, 1939, he invaded Poland, starting the European theatre of World War II.

Beginning in 1933, Hitler used the country's economic problems, public unrest, and parliamentary squabbling as his excuse to seize total control.

Therefore, according to the phrase "inextricably intertwined" as it is used in the passage, the meaning is inseparably connected.

To know more about the Hitler, visit:



Most drug lords to gain protection and political influence/leverage use money for corrupting who?


The police officers that live in their city or town.

The influential Greek astronomer who lived between 85-165 A.D., had a geocentric view of the universe and used elaborate mathematical explanations to support his ideas was_______.

A) Aristotle
B) Galileo
C) Copernicus
D) Ptolemy

I know the answer i just want to make sure it is right.


The answer is D Ptolemy

Define the word democracy



a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.


Sorry off topic but I loveee your pfp! have a great day my friend

Help! what's the answer ​



in 1492 it was spain and portugal then it was french and england in the 15th century




During the 1500's, the Spanish and Portuguese spread out over the southern part of the Western Hemisphere in search of gold and other riches. ... In 1565, the Spanish founded St. Augustine, Florida, the oldest permanent settlement by Europeans in what is now the United States.

Can someone please help!!! I will mark brainliest!!!!


it’s a blank image sorry

How did democracy expand during Jackson's Presidency?



This expansion of the franchise has been dubbed Jacksonian Democracy, as the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 became symbolic of the new “politics of the common man.” The older generation of politicians looked on in horror when Jackson’s inauguration turned into a stampede, breaking china and furniture in the White House.


ight cuz imma give yall a couple of few points slime god bless watch ya back pew pew pew west side



thanks iggg.

What type of grass grows naturally on the Great Plains?



Buffalo grass


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