explain the term.evapouration​


Answer 1


the process of turning from liquid into vapour

Answer 2


Evaporation is a surface phenomenon, which implies that the process only occurs at the surface of the liquid. During evaporation, the molecules of the liquid that are present at its surface overcome the intermolecular forces of attraction to break away from the liquid and escape into the atmosphere as a gas (or vapour).


The process of turning from liquid into vapour

This is the Answer for your question :3

I hope you are having a great day❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Related Questions

1. Each branching point represents a point in evolutionary history where an ancestral evolutionary lineage gave rise to a new lineage. The most recent common ancestor shared by all lineages in this cladogram is

represented by the number

Enter... The most

recent common ancestor shared only by gymnosperms and angiosperms is represented by Enter..


Hello. You did not present the cladogram to which the question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.

A cladogram is the representation of the evolutionary relationships between living beings, showing ancestry and the genetic relationship between them. The cladogram is represented by lines and dots. The lines represent the evolutionary time and the dot between them represents the ancestor of a new species. In this case, to answer your first question, we can consider that the most recent ancestor of all species is the ancestor of the central line. However, the most recent ancestor, shared only by gymnosperms and angiosperms, is the one that is in the dot closest to the lines that represent gymnosperms and angiosperms.


a. 1

b. 4


4. A disease kills all the rabbits in the ecosystem shown in the food web. What
population will be most harmed by the loss of this species? (S7L4c)


Answer: hares

Explanation: don’t be so sure tho i only think so

What type of pollution may result from a volcanic eruption or landslide? (Please don’t put any links!!)

A) Microbiological pollution

B) Nutrient pollution

C) Suspended particle pollution



suspended particle pollution


Volcanic eruptions and landslides cause excess soil and rocks fall into waterways.

The type of pollution may result from a volcanic eruption or landslide is suspended particle pollution, i.e., option C.

What is suspended particle pollution?

Particulate matter in suspended form is microscopic solid or liquid matter suspended in the Earth's atmosphere.

It is also known as particulate matter or particulates. Particulate matter is the accumulation of all solid and liquid particles suspended in air, many of which are dangerous.

This is the type of pollution may result from a volcanic eruption or landslide is suspended particle pollution.

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding suspended particle pollution, visit:



 please answer quick and correctly

The rest of teh choices for number 3 is blood and carbon dioxide and for 6 the choices are to transport gases to protect internal organs to control movement or to transport fats



Yes, you are right for both.

Which of the following is important to generating heat?
Chemical reactions
All of the above




without sunlight we can't live. sunlight is very important in our daily life.

Sunlight we need sunlight

Describe two negative ways that the animals living in the area have been affected by the
changes shown in the diagram.



less space, and less food because of the houses

why are owls considered keystone predator



Keystone species are animals that help manage other animal species by controlling population numbers and biodiversity within an ecosystem. The impacts of keystone species are usually greater than their numbers. 

owls can be a great benefit to places where rodent populations are high. Dense urban areas often suffer from an abundance of rats and mice spreading disease, and rural agricultural communities have their crops consumed and soil eroded from burrowing voles and field mice. Without owls, and other top predators, rodent populations could explode and exacerbate the effects they produce.


the owl is a keystone species, as many other birds. and it gives them the nutrients they need when they eat the bird and it mangeges the population of the other species:)

Population Growth
Project: Analyzing Factors That Affect Carrying Capacity and Biodiversity
In this assignment, you will use simulations to analyze how climate, resources, and habitat size affect
carrying capacity. You will then look at another simulation to analyze the effects of certain factors that
affect biodiversity and populations. Finally, you will write and revise a conclusion on how human activity
affects biodiversity.
Background Information
Population growth is the change in size of a group of organisms of the same species over time. It is
affected by four factors: birth rate, death rate, immigration, and emigration.
Carrying capacity is the maximum total population that an area can support. Carrying capacity limits
population growth and is affected by competition for food, water, shelter, or mates, and threat of
predators, disease, and parasites. Carrying capacity may be affected by one or a combination of these
Biodiversity is the total variety of organisms that live in the biosphere. Biodiversity is affected by the loss
of habitat, introduction of invasive species, pollution, and/or human activities.



Question 1: How does increasing the size of the habitat affect carrying capacity? Explain your answer. Recall the scenarios: 0–15 years, Little land; 15–30 years, Moderate land; 30–45 years, Ample land.

Population numbers self-regulate to some extent since mortality rise when a population exceeds its carrying capacity. Carrying capacity is affected by disease, competition, predator-prey interactions, resource usage, and the number of populations in an ecosystem.


Question 2: How and why did changes in the environmental conditions affect carrying capacity in this scenario? Recall the scenarios: 0–15 years, Harsh winter; 15–30 years, Harsh winter and Cold spring; 30–45 years, Harsh winter, Cold spring, and Hot summer.

The carrying capacity of an environment is also affected by conditions within or adjacent to it. If the environment is adjacent to a human population, for example, this may have an impact on its carrying capacity. Pollution can also have an impact on the carrying capacity of an environment.

Question 3: If there were no other changes in the habitat, would the value under “Larger Than Ample” be correct? Why or why not

Climate change isn't only about global warming. While it is true that temperatures would rise during the summer months, it is also feasible that the winter months would be even colder. As a result of this effect, the winters will be exceptionally cold from year 0 to 15.

Question 4: Suppose there were changes in the habitat that caused this actual value. What might a combination of those changes be

Assume that the climate in a habitat shifts. The amount of precipitation reduces by 20% over time. It will have an impact on the habitat because species that have adapted to drier climates will supplant those that are less suited to the new climate. This best circumstance explains the cause for adaptation, and those that adapted rapidly will replace those who found it difficult to adapt, resulting in the extinction of species as those who can thrive will be able to cope with the rapid shift in the environment. The most fittest survive in the new environment, according to Charle's Darwin thesis.

Question 5: How would you describe the effect of a 1°C increase of temperature on the biodiversity of the habitat in terms of number of populations and number of individuals in the populations? Use evidence from your graph and table to support your answer

The graph and table in the supplied question were not provided, nor could they be found anywhere, hence the question was answered based on prior knowledge. Earth's species can adapt to their surroundings, however adaptation in organisms can take thousands to tens of thousands of years. However, for the last 200 years, a consistent rise in temperature has been recorded.

The thermal limits of species residing in the tropics, equator, and poles have already been altered. If the global average temperature rises by one degree Celsius, the number of people on the globe will drop. The population of a species will decline as the number of individuals decreases.

Explain why it is incorrect to state the individuals can "adapt” to their environments


Populations evolve, individuals do not. It is incorrect to say that individuals adapt to their environment because adaptation occurs as a result of random mutations. Changes in the individual during its lifetime, such as phenotypic plasticity, is not adaptation.

Evolution does not occur when an organism adapts to its surroundings.A sexually reproducing creature must mate with other members of its species even though an individual organism may be more adapted to its environment. Therefore, by definition, it is not a new species.

What would happen if living things didn't evolve or adapt to their surroundings?

However, extinction is likely to occur if conditions change faster than a species can adapt and if individuals from that species lack the characteristics necessary to live in the new environment. To be able to survive, all species must be able to adapt to their environment.This entails adapting in order to survive the ecosystem's climatic conditions, predators, and other species that compete with them for resources like food and habitat. Natural selection is the process that results in this.Natural selection causes a species' nature to progressively change so that it can fit into the niche.A species can persist for a very long time before going extinct if it becomes extremely well adapted to its habitat and if the environment does not change.Each environment that an organism inhabits is distinct from the others.Its natural habitat is inside this environment.Here, an organism can find everything it needs to exist, including food, water, refuge from the elements, and a location to reproduce its young.To be able to survive, all species must be able to adapt to their environment.This entails adapting in order to survive the ecosystem's climatic conditions, predators, and other species that compete with them for resources like food and habitat.An adaptation is a modification or behavior change that an organism makes to aid in its survival.To learn more about habitats and how various plants and animals function, click on the links provided here.A creature may change how it interacts with its environment.Similar to how bird limbs have evolved into wings or how the cheetah is built for swift running, it might be a physical or structural adaptation.

       To learn more about environment adoption refer



1 pts
Question 36
Which of the following is a phenotype?
red hair
0 Аа


Answer: Red hair

Explanation: Phenotypes are the physical characteristics or traits of an organism.

1. Even after you eat a sweet dessert, the level of glucose in your blood stays relatively constant. This is an example of , the maintenance of relatively constant internal conditions despite fluctuations in the external environment. 2. The maintenance of internal water and solute concentrations within a narrow range is called . 3. The maintenance of internal temperature within a narrow range is called . 4. A(n) , such as a pigeon, is an organism that gains body heat primarily from its own metabolism. 5. A(n) , such as a salamander, is an organism that gains body heat primarily by absorbing it from the environment. 6. The disposal of nitrogen-containing wastes, as through urination, is called .



1. Homeostasis.

2. Osmoregulation.

3. Thermoregulation.

4. Endotherm.

5. Ectotherm.

6. Excretion.


1. The level of glucose in a person's blood stays relatively constant even after he or she eats a sweet dessert. This is an example of homeostasis, which is the maintenance of relatively constant internal conditions despite fluctuations in the external environment. Homeostasis can be defined as a process through which a living organism maintains a steady or stable physical, internal and chemical environment that is ideal to enhance life and proper functionality.

2. The maintenance of internal water and solute concentrations within a narrow range is called: osmoregulation. Normovolemic describes the situation in which a living organism maintains a normal volume or amount of blood in the body.

3. The maintenance of internal temperature within a narrow range is called: thermoregulation. Temperature can be defined as a measure of the degree of coldness or hotness of a physical object. It is measured with a thermometer and its units are Celsius (°C), Kelvin (K) and Fahrenheit (°F).

4. An endotherm, such as a pigeon, is an organism that gains body heat primarily from its own metabolism. It is also referred to as homotherm and it involves maintaining a constant body temperature.

5. An ectotherm, such as a salamander, is an organism that gains body heat primarily by absorbing it from the environment. Thus, an ectotherm have limited abilities with respect to regulating its body temperature.

6. The disposal of nitrogen-containing wastes, as through urination, is called: excretion. Glomerular capsule is also referred to as Bowman's capsule and it can be defined as a cuplike sac (structure) with a double wall, which makes up the tubular part of a nephron within the kidney of mammals. It is saddled with the responsibility of first filtering blood (ultrafiltration) under pressure to generate urine in the mammalian kidney.

I need help in writing an essay about the rise of global temperatures over the past century



Essay about the rise of global temperatures over the past century.


The rise of global temperatures over the past century is the major issue which occurs due to human activities. The use of fossil fuels in vehicles releases huge amount of carbondioxide gas in the air while burning. Carbondioxide gas is a green house gas which blocks the reflected solar radiation to go away in the space. These solar radiation remains in the surface which increases the surface temperature of the earth. This rising in the surface temperature is responsible for the melting of glaciers that leads to the rise of sea level which is a threat for coastal regions. This melting of glaciers also causes floods in the regions so that's why the it is a major issue.

Explain the basic process of transcription. Include a description of the major intracellular structures involved.



Transcription is the cellular process of RNA synthesis by decoding the information contained in a DNA fragment  


Transcription is the process by which the genetic information contained in a fragment of DNA called 'gene' is used as a template to synthesize an RNA molecule, usually, a messenger RNA (mRNA), which is subsequently used to synthesize a protein by the process of translation. In eukaryotic organisms, transcription involves a DNA template strand, which contains both non-coding (i.e., promoter, introns) and conding (i.e, exons) regions, and an RNA polymerase that adds nucleotides to the growing RNA strand using as a template a DNA strand. Both in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, transcription occurs in three basic steps: 1-initiation, where DNA strands separate, 2- elongation, where the RNA polymerase moves on the DNA sequence to synthesize an RNA molecule, and 3-termination, where transcription terminates depending on the sequence in the RNA (eukaryotic transcription has an additional step known as RNA processing).

What is an ion in your own words but be more detailed about what you say.


An ion is a tiny particle or molecule with a positive or negative charge, meaning that it has either lost or gained electron(s)

How are organisms grouped together in a hierarchy?



They are grouped together by species-genus-family-order-class-phylum-kingdom-domain.


Four different blood types are found in human populations because of _______________ and _______________.



of your body's natural defences and presence or absence of certain antigens


mark me as brainliest if it helped you

Suggest why having only very few leaves could be both an advantage and a disadvantage to a plant​


Plants make their food in their leaves. And need sun for this process, so smaller and fewer leaves means less sun for photosynthesis, and it also means less food to nourish the plant.

There are 46 chromosomes in a human skin cell. How many chromosomes in a human egg cell?

A. 92

B. 23

C. 46



A maybe


Which of the following codes would you expect to
see in the web address of a scientific journal that
was published by a nonprofit organization?
A. .edu
C. .org


You would expect to see .org because it was published by an “org”anization

hello please help i’ll give brainliest





abiotic - nonliving components of an ecosystem that can affect the living organisms.

Temperature is a nonliving component and it affects the organisms that live within a certain environment.

Therefore the answer is Abiotic

Reasons its not the other answers:

Biotic factors must be living things

Temperature is not a living thing therefore Biotic cannot be the answer

Same with living, temperature is not living therefore the answer cannot be living.

Temperature plays a huge role in an ecosystem therefore it is considered an important component and the answer cannot be unimportant.

My family has an orange and white female cat, which is uncommon. Please describe her possible inheritance. (You may need to research this!)



That orange and white cat next door could be an American Bobtail, a Persian, a Munchkin or even a Maine Coon! Their orange color comes from a predominance of a pigment called pheomelanin. This is the same pigment that makes some humans “redheads”.

A bar graph titled Global Trade (Percent of G D P). The x-axis is labeled Year from 1988 to 2013. The y-axis is labeled Percent of G D P from 0 to 70. 1988 and 1993 were under 40 percent. 1998 and 2003 were over 40 percent. 2008 and 2013 were almost 60 percent. Which statement is supported by information in the graph? Trade between nations steadily decreased between 1988 and 2013. Trade between nations steadily increased between 1988 and 2013. Trade between nations increased between 1988 and 2003, and then decreased. Trade between nations decreased between 1988 and 2003, and then increased.




have a nice day luv u <3

The statement which is supported by the information in the bar graph is that: B. trade between nations steadily increased between 1988 and 2013.

What is a bar graph?

A bar graph can be defined as a type of chart that is used to graphically represent data (information), especially by using rectangular bars or vertical columns.

Based on this bar graph titled Global Trade (Percent of GDP), we can infer and logically conclude that trade between nations increased steadily between 1988 and 2013, which was from over 40 percent (40%) to almost 60 percent (60%).

Read more on bar graph here: https://brainly.com/question/24741444


Which of the graphics best represents an animal cell?





b is a plant cell. animal cells do not contain a cell wall.




Plant cells are green due to chlorphyll. They also have more box-like structures in order to be stable. Animal cells do not have these characteristics, so the answer is A.

what are chromosomes? how are they different between eukaryotes and prokaryotes?


Answer: A chromosome is a long DNA molecule with part or all of the genetic material of an organism. The primary distinction between these two types of organisms is that eukaryotic cells have a membrane-bound nucleus and prokaryotic cells do not.


How does carbon enter the food chain?



Carbon is in almost everything. Carbon can come into the food chain from what animals eat and drink. Carbon can also come into plants from the soil absorbing dead animals.

Carbon enters the food chain through the work of plants and other photosynthetic organisms, like plants for an example, they can take in carbon dioxide from the air, and fix it. Life on Earth is carbon based. All of the organic molecules we use contain the element carbon. It is incredibly versatile and important to living things. Carbon is found in carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Without carbon, life on Earth would probably not exist. Hope this helps!

What proteins are involved to produce eyes color?






The protein produced from the OCA2 gene, known as the P protein, is involved in the maturation of melanosomes, which are cellular structures that produce and store melanin. The P protein therefore plays a crucial role in the amount and quality of melanin that is present in the iris.


three Importantees of sustainable development​



sustainable development is important as it saves national budget,fulfill the needs of people , help in the coordination between the natural resources and people and conserve natural resources for future generations.

What are the weather conditions in an area of low pressure?

Dry weather

Sunny weather

Cloudy with precipitation


Answer:  Cloudy with Precipitation

Explanation: Winds blow towards the low pressure, and the air rises in the atmosphere where they meet. As the air rises, the water vapor within it condenses, forming clouds and often precipitation.

HELP!!!! ASAP!!!

What is an important function of mitochondria?

A. converting energy from sunlight into chemical energy in ATP

B. converting chemical energy from ATP into chemical energy in glucose products

C. converting energy from sunlight into chemical energy in glucose products

D. converting chemical energy from glucose into chemical energy in ATP


the answer is B! please give brainliest:) have a nice day

Question 4
Mitosis maintains complex organisms by which of the following processes?
A The removal of waste from the body
B The exchange of gas with the environment
C The formation of sperm and egg
D The healing of a cut after an injury



option c is the correct as mitosis helps to create baby .

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