Explain the tenets of the Control Paradigm using at least one Control Theory we
discussed in class. Where applicable, provide examples to help illustrate your answer.


Answer 1

In this regard, we consider the control paradigm to be highly beneficial. Due to the empirical emptiness of the concept of control.

What is Control Theory?

The foundation of control theory is the idea that absent certain privately held social restrictions, people will engage in illegal behavior. A strong commitment to traditional, lawful activities or the conviction that illegal activity is ethically wrong are examples of personally held social restrictions. The focus of control theory is on the elements that ban an individual from committing a crime.

There are numerous controls over each individual, according to early control theorists. Through reflection and imitating pro-social normative behavior, personal controls are applied. Social institutions including families, schools, and religious practices serve as the foundation for social controls.

To learn more about Control Theory follow the link.



Related Questions

I need help with this two question urgently, please help me and I will appreciate it but please don't copy and paste off the internet! Thank you so much in advanced, by the way this is a Criminology class.​


Answer: Positivism- it's a philosophy of every justifiable assertion can be backed up by science and mathematical proof.

Rational theory- Refers to the theory of why humans behave as they might what causes certain behaviours.


Most environmental lawsuits are ____. a. civil suits b. criminal suits c. administrative suits d. statutory suits e. regulatory suits


Most environmental lawsuits are civil suits.

In general terms, a civil lawsuit is the court-based process through which Person A can seek to hold Person B liable for some type of harm or wrongful act. Usually, if Person A is successful, he or she will usually be awarded compensation for the harm that resulted from Person B's action or inaction.

In the United States, a citizen suit is a lawsuit by a private citizen to enforce a statute. Citizen suits are particularly common in the field of environmental law. Environmental laws regulate environmental protection, from air and water quality to waste management, pollution, chemical safety and hunting and fishing. Every year, legal cases arise that change the physical and political landscape of the environment.

To know more about Civil lawsuits visit:https://brainly.com/question/22810654


don one decides to use his personal name for a line of clothing he is developing. in this instance, don one will receive trademark protection under the law when:


The correct option is b. Don One will receive trademark protection under the law when customers begin to associate the name with the source of the product.

A trademark is a form of intellectual property that consists of a recognisable sign, design, or expression used to identify goods or services as coming from a specific source and set them apart from those offered by other parties. The owner of a trademark may be an individual, a company, or another legal body. A trademark could be found on the product itself, on a label, a voucher, or a box. Service marks are another name for trademarks that distinguish services. A trademark's owner has the right to file a lawsuit to prevent infringement. For this kind of action to be pursued, official trademark registration is typically a need.

Don One decides to use his personal name for a line of clothing he is developing. In this circumstance, Don One will receive trademark protection under the law when a. Don begins to market his line of clothing. b. customers begin to associate the name with the source of the product. c. Don begins to make his line of clothing. d. all of the choices.

Learn more about trademark here:



What does the u. S. Constitution have to say about the size of the supreme court?.



It does not indicate how large the Court should be.


How does the young man justify the group Citizens for Strength
Big sky, big money


By including youth in the design, implementation, monitoring, reporting, and evaluation of instruments, strategies, and programs, participation can be enhanced. There are a variety of strategies for increasing youth participation, such as education and capacity building.

Why is it important for young people to participate?

Positive mental health can benefit from a young person's increased sense of connectedness, belonging, and value through meaningful participation.

How can a youth group contribute to effective local governance?

The following eight major pillars should play a role in good governance: full participation, the rule of law, openness, equity based on consensus, efficiency, effectiveness, accountability, and responsiveness.

Learn more about youth here:



Paralegals may perform all of the following tasks except

represent clients in court
interview witnesses
draft legal documents
conduct investigations


Tasks that can be performed by paralegals include writing legal documents, conducting legal research, and speaking with clients and witnesses.

What are the three typical responsibilities of paralegals?

The paralegal (PL) contributes to the planning, development, and management of cases, conducts legal research, conducts client interviews, collects facts and information, drafts and analyzes legal documents, and gathers, compiles, and makes use of technical information in order to provide advice to an attorney.

Are motions drafted by paralegals?

Motions, deposition notices, pleadings, and other documents are drafted by paralegals. Paralegals set up process servers, electronically file court documents, and figure out allocation formulas.

Learn more about paralegal here:



Select all of the positive features of bureaucracy according to max weber. (choose every correct answer. ).


Bureaucracy is a form of government that relies on a professionalized staff to manage the affairs of state.

This essay will discuss the role of bureaucracy in modern government, its advantages and disadvantages, and its impact on public policy. There are also several disadvantages to bureaucracy. First, bureaucracy can be inefficient and slow to respond to change. This is due to the fact that bureaucracies tend to be large and bureaucratic procedures can be inflexible.

Second, bureaucracy can be corrupt. This is because bureaucracies are often controlled by a small group of people who can abuse their power. Finally, bureaucracy can be used to control and oppress people. This is because bureaucracies often have a lot of power and can be used to control people by making them follow rules and regulations.

Learn more about bureaucracy at : https://brainly.com/question/15192256


clearly defined rules and procedures

-chain of command and hierarchy

-division of labor -impersonal relationships

-objectivity Efficient





6. What is the goal of social policy? Name some programs and state how they help communities.​


The goal of social policy is in order to identify and find ways of reducing inequalities in access to services and as well as support between social groups.

The main goal of social policies is in order to ensure that everyone in the society lives in peace and harmony and also away from the conflicts. With the social policies, it is aimed to ensure that social development, social integration, social justice, social balance, and social peace to the social groups.

Social policy aims to improve human welfare and also to meet human needs for health, education, housing and also economic security. For instance, in the United States, a few programs are: Medicare- Health insurance for individuals over 65 and those with certain illnesses or disabilities.

Hence, important areas of social policy are welfare, social security, poverty reduction, justice, etc.

To learn more about social policy here:



Causes of transnational in greater lake region


The Great Lakes Region is defined within the context of the regional organization known as the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), despite the fact that the name "Great Lakes Region" comes from the freshwater lakes and river basins in the central and eastern parts of Africa.

The Great Lakes region is comprised of the following four nations: Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (D.R.C.)

How many nations can be found in the Great Lakes region?

A common geographical area is shared by the three countries in the region—Rwanda, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). These communities are connected to one another through language, culture, trade, and family ties.

Who are Cepgl's members?

The CEPGL is a group of governments from Burundi, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).It was established in 1976 to develop public interest activities that encourage trade and the free movement of people and to guarantee the peace and security of the three member states.

Learn more about D.R.C. here:



Maddie wants to offer a small, positive, and impactful gesture to her recent job interviewer that might help set her apart from the competition. what would be an appropriate follow-up gesture?

send a handwritten thank-you note.

ask to take the interviewer out to dinner.

buy the interviewer a gift.

send a singing telegram.


a. sending a handwritten thank-you note would be an appropriate follow-up gesture.

A gesture is a form nonverbal communication ornon-vocal communication in which visible fleshly conduct communicate particular dispatches, either in place of, or in confluence with, speech. Gestures include movement of the hands, face, or another corridor of the body. When you relate, you make broad and agitated movements with your hands when speaking. Someone describing a scary auto accident might relate hectically. The verb gesticulate is related to the noun gesture.

The gesture has stress on the first syllable, and relate has stress on the alternate syllable.

Learn more about gesture here: https://brainly.com/question/27031953


There was a recent fire that took place at the famous Main Street bakery. Caleb happened to be walking by the bakery at the same time the fire broke out. Several people said they saw Caleb set the building ablaze, but Caleb was prevented from questioning the witnesses in open trial. Which amendment may have been violated?


As several people said they saw Caleb set the building ablaze, but Caleb was prevented from questioning the witnesses in open trial, so the amendment which may have been violated in Sixth Amendment.

The Sixth Amendment to the US Constitution sets forth rights associated with criminal prosecutions. it absolutely was sanctioned in 1791 as a part of the us Bill of Rights. The Supreme Court has applied the protections of this modification to the states through the due process of law Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The Sixth Amendment provides that an individual defendant of a criminal offense has the correct to confront a witness against him or her in an exceedingly criminal action. This includes his right to be present at the trial.

To learn more about Sixth Amendment  here



I need help with this two question urgently, please help me and I will appreciate it but please don't copy and paste off the internet! Thank you so much in advanced, by the way this is a Criminology class.​


A theory stands as a soundly based explanation of some aspect of the real world that is backed by empirical data and has been looked into repeatedly, with both observation and experimentation used to validate it. It establishes a system of understanding which explains how and why things function, providing insight into the latent rules that regulate in phenomena.

How to explain the theory

The typical elements involved in a theory might comprise of:

Hypotheses: Generally, theories are initiated with one or more hypotheses that serve as provisional elucidations for observed events. These hypotheses are drawn from examining, earlier knowledge synthesis, as well as intuition.

Predictions: Theories make forecasts regarding what should happen under particular predicaments. These predictions can be evaluated through testing via observation and experimentation.

Principles: On this foundation are formed principles or axioms offering comprehension on the concealed fundamentals governing a phenomenon. These tenets can be then exploited to determine hypothesis and predictions.

Observations: The theoretic tenet is constructed upon groundwork laid by observing the reality that provides proof either affirming or disputing their corresponding predictions and hypotheses.

Experiments: A theory is subject to trials using manipulation of factors inside a controlled environment so as to brook contemplation of the results instigated. Such testing advances proofs accepted or dismissed the specified hypothesis and estimates.

Explanation: In the same manner a theory offers clarity towards discerned phenomenon, showing up the workings regulating them. This interpretation can point future investigation and decision making.

Learn more about theory on




District Courts can only hear cases involving _____ , _____ , and litigants from different states.

A. activist law

B. municipal law

C. appeals

D. state law

E. the Constitution

F. federal law





How did the Twenty-fourth Amendment affect the voting rights of African Americans?

It expanded the vote to include all citizens 18 and older, providing voting rights for soldiers, who were predominantly African American.

It required equal protection under the law for all citizens, extending all voting rights to African Americans.

It prohibited state legislatures from selecting senators, giving African Americans a greater voice in the government.

It eliminated poll taxes in all national elections, allowing many African Americans a chance to vote because they could now afford it.


Answer:  prohibited the use of poll taxes.

Explanation: In 1964 the Twenty-fourth Amendment prohibited the use of poll taxes. In 1965, the Voting Rights Act directed the Attorney General to enforce the right to vote for African Americans. The 1965 Voting Rights Act created a significant change in the status of African Americans throughout the South.

Agency-sponsored law enforcement academies often provide an additional training component that most
college programs cannot. What is this component?

field training during which students work directly with police officers on the streets

O ability to carry service weapons upon completion of the firearms component of the academy

O there is no advantage agency academies provide over college or university training programs

O opportunities to make arrests and testify in court as police officers


The Basic course at the Academy includes more than 600 hours of instruction in a range of subjects for brand-new police officers. Some of the main topics covered in this training are criminal and traffic law, guns, emergency vehicle operations, physical tactics, EMS awareness, and human behavior.

For the majority of police officers, obtaining a high school certificate or GED is the minimal level of formal education. A bachelor's degree, an associate's degree, or a particular amount of postsecondary education credits may be required or preferred by many law enforcement groups.

The laws governing search, seizure, arrest, and interrogation are the two main topics covered in police officer training in the United States. when to utilize them and how. the unwritten laws of policing.

There are three main types of police training, though there are variations across the nation:

(1) basic training,

(2) field training, and

(3) in-service training.

Learn more about law enforcement here:



Use your understanding of realism, considerations of morality, and the issue of domestic determinants of u. S. Foreign policy, and describe how the united states should deal with iran?.


The United States should deal with Iran in a realistic and moral manner. The United States should take into consideration the domestic determinants of its foreign policy when dealing with Iran.

Realism, as an approach to understanding the world, focuses on the observation and scientific study of the world around us. This means that realists consider the world to be knowable and comprehensible, and that our morality is based on our understanding of the world. However, this pragmatism does not mean that realists are amoral. They still believe in the importance of acting in accordance with our moral values, and in fact often see this as the only way to achieve our goals.

Learn more about pragmatism : https://brainly.com/question/28269607


The supreme court formerly used the lemon test to check for constitutional violations of religious liberties according to which clause?.


In the past, the supreme court applied the "lemon test" to determine whether the establishment clause's protection of religious freedom had been violated.

Under those guidelines, the Court might look at the proposed resource to the non secular entity and make certain that it had a clean secular purpose. The Court additionally might decide if the number one impact of the resource might increase or inhibit religion. For the 0.33 prong, brought withinside the Walz case, the Court might look at whether or not the resource might create an immoderate governmental entanglement with religion.

To byskip this test, thereby permitting the show or motto to remain, the authorities conduct (1) need to have a mundane purpose, (2) need to have a primary or number one impact that doesn't increase or inhibit religion, and (3) can not foster an immoderate authorities entanglement with religion. Category: Freedom of religion.

Learn more about supreme court visit : brainly.com/question/18228641


The local bank was robbed by two masked men. They pointed guns at
the tellers, but when one of the tellers hesitated, one of the robbers shot the
teller dead. The robbers then ran out of the bank with bags of money.
The next day, a local police officer was behind a car and, while pacing
it with his squad car (neither gaining nor losing distance between cars), the
officer looked at his speedometer and noticed they were going 49 miles per
hour. The officer then saw a sign post that set the speed limit at 35 miles per
hour. Next, the officersaw that the car slowed and turned left at a side street,
but did not signal the turn in any way. When the car did not come to a full
stop at the stop sign at the next block, the officer decided to activate the
emergency lights on the squad car and pull the car over.
The officer walked up to the driver’s side door, and asked for the driver
for his driver’s license, car registration, and proof of insurance. The driver
said, “What did I do?” When the officer again asked for the driver’s license,
car registration, and proof of insurance, the driver stated, “I don’t have it.”
The officer told the driver to stay put, returned to the squad car, and used his
onboard computer to type in the driver’s name, DOB, and social security
number. The computer processed the request and found that (1) the driver
has a prior felony conviction for a narcotics offense in 2015, and (2) the driver
has a suspended driver’s license for prior unpaid traffic offenses. Knowing
that driving with a suspended license is an arrestable offense, the officer
walked back to the car, asked the driver to get out, and placed him under
The officerthen searched the car and found a gun underneath the front
of the driver’s seat. The officer seized the gun.
Noticing that the driver was sweating profusely, the officer began to
suspect that the driver might have been involved in the bank robbery. The
officer placed the driver in the back of the squad car and drove him to the
station. The officer, however, took a detour and made sure to drive past the
bank on the way to the station. The officer looked into the mirror and saw
the driver was staring at the bank with a tear in his eye. The officer then
decided to drive past the teller’s house, which had dark ribbons on the trees,
flowers, and signs mourning the teller’s death. They then saw family
members embracing on the porch. The officer said to himself out loud, “That
is such a shame. I heard that he had a newborn baby at home.” The officer
then played a song on his iPad, “I Fought the Law and The Law Won.”
The officer’s plan worked. The driver started thinking that he’s going
to do some serious time for what he did. The driver blurts out, “Ok, you got
me! I helped my friend do the bank job, but he was the one who shot the
teller. I’ll tell you everything if you promise me that I won’t spend the rest of
my life in prison!” When the officer said he could not make such promises,
the driver slumped back and stopped talking.

You are now the judge presiding over the driver’s criminal case, alleging that
he committed a bank robbery and felony murder for the death of the teller. The
prosecution wants to use the statement the driver made in the back of the squad
car as evidence that he was involved in the offense. Before trial, the defense
attorney moves to suppress that statement, arguing that (1) the officer had not
given his client the Miranda warnings before the driver made the statement, and
(2) the police unlawfully coerced the driver into making the statement. What is
your ruling with respect to each of the defendant’s arguments? Will you GRANT or
DENY the defendant’s Motion to Suppress Statement? Explain your reasoning.


Answer: im no jugde but he did commit a crime so i say deny


When AI generate me a picture, who owns it?



By default, the creator of the work is automatically given this protection. However, there are basic exceptions to the default, such as those of work that has been commissioned. In this instance, the individual who commissioned the work, not the creator, becomes the owner of the copyright.


In the case of a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work which is computer-generated, the author shall be taken to be the person by whom the arrangements necessary for the creation of the work are undertaken.

are there two types of addiction, psychological
and physical.



this is true√


yes , they are both types of addiction

how do latino immigrants affect the us


Latinos immigrants are driving the U.S. economy thanks to a rise in population, workforce participation, entrepreneurship, and economic contributions.

Although immigration histories vary widely, many Mexican and Central American families face tremendous stress and trauma in their home countries, including poverty, drug-related violence, and limited educational opportunities.

Most Mexicans were economic migrants trying to improve their lives. During times of civil war, such as the Mexican Revolution (1910-1917) and the Cristello Rebellion (1926-1929), many fled to the United States to escape religious and political persecution. Contributing over $1 trillion in annual income, including taxes, over $252 billion, Hispanics not only contribute significantly to the U.S. economy but ultimately benefit all Americans. It supports and funds social services and infrastructure.

Learn more about immigrants here: https://brainly.com/question/24475673


The government of saudi arabia can be classified as an autocratic monarchy. This means that when citizens of saudi arabia vote.


Saudi Arabia's government fits the definition of an autocratic monarchy. This means that when citizens of Saudi Arabia vote for their Municipality.

The absolute monarchy in Saudi Arabia bans practically all political and civic rights. There are no elected national officials. In order to stay in power, the regime uses widespread monitoring, the criminalization of dissent, appeals to sectarianism and ethnicity, and public spending financed by oil profits. Religious minorities and women both experience severe discrimination under the law and in daily life. The vast foreign worker force frequently faces exploitative working conditions.

The Allegiance Council, a body of prominent princes, must provide their approval before the current monarch of Saudi Arabia can be chosen from among the male descendants of the nation's founder. The king has eternal power. In 2017, Mohammed bin Salman, the son of King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, succeeded Mohammed bin Nayef, the prince's older cousin, who had been deposed from all positions of authority. In 2020, Bin Nayef and King Salman's brother were arrested on treason charges related to an alleged conspiracy to assassinate both the monarch and the crown prince.

The king appoints the cabinet, which passes laws that, if approved by royal proclamation, become law. Mohammed bin Salman is the deputy prime minister and the minister of defence, and King Salman is the prime minister as well.

To learn more about Saudi Arabia, tap here:



What is a concealed fingerprint made visible through the use of powders or forensic techniques?.



Latent fingerprints are made of the sweat and oil on the skin's surface. This processing can include basic powder techniques or the use of chemicals.

married people are turning to a , a legal document that specifies how a couple's assets will be divided if they divorce, but it is entered into after the couple is married.


Even After Marriage Contract will be valid and that contract for diving assets is known as prenuptial agreement

A prenuptial agreement catalogues each person's property, assets and debts, and specifies each person's rights to that property if the marriage dissolves or if someone dies. While prenups are best known for dividing assets at divorce, they can also be used as a type of will.

A prenuptial agreement isn't just for wealthy people, though it's often used to protect a person’s wealth from a partner if there is a divorce. Those who are just starting their careers might also execute a prenup; it can help clarify financial and property issues, including debt repayment, should the union end. That can help make a divorce process less expensive and less painful for both parties.

What is a prenup?

A prenup contract may include:

How to divide property if the marriage endsSpousal support agreement for payment amounts upon marriage dissolutionTerms for what triggers certain payments (such as violations of lifestyle clauses that are added to the document — although a court may ultimately deem things like infidelity clauses unenforceable)Sunset clause allowing the agreement to expire after a specific period of time, such as after seven years of marriageLanguage that allows a person’s premarital debt to continue with him or her after the divorce

To learn more about prenup visit here ; https://brainly.com/question/26030510?referrer=searchResults


Which law states that a company cannot use aggressive tactics to force consumers to make payments?.


Antitrust laws state that a company cannot use aggressive tactics to force consumers to make payments.

A company, also known as co., is a legal designation for a group of people with a particular goal who are either naturally occurring, legally created, or a combination of both. Members of the company collaborate to accomplish clearly stated objectives. Although there has been much discussion regarding the exact definition of law, it is generally agreed upon that it is a system of rules developed and enforced by social or governmental institutions to control behavior. Both the science and the art of justice have been used to describe it. There are seven different categories of law: the constitution, which is the supreme body of law; statutes; common or case law; civil; criminal; equity; and administrative.

Learn more about law here :


What is the automatic extension period for certain deadlines in the case of federally declared disasters?.



The mandatory 60-day postponement period begins on the earliest incident date specified in a disaster declaration for a federally declared disaster and ends on the date that is 60 days after the latest incident date specified in the disaster declaration.


Which of these is legal conduct?

Reproducing a copyrighted song and selling it for profit
Patenting a white painted version of a red painted tool
Copyrighting a modification to an existing online game
Using a work computer to order lunch delivery


Using a work computer to order lunch delivery is a legal conduct

What is legal Conduct?

Members of the legal profession are expected to uphold certain ethical standards in their work. They are a result of the growth of the legal field itself.

It should be noted that legality is different from ethics, legality is the state of being in compliance with the law. Concepts of right and wrong behavior are central to ethics.

Even though they may be legal, some people may not consider them to be moral. For instance, it is acceptable to test medications on animals in many nations, despite some people's ethical objections.

Learn more about legal Conduct here:



Based on legal concepts and the available option, the statement that describes the legal conduct is Copyrighting a modification to an existing online game.

What is a Legal Conduct?

Legal conduct is a term that is used to describe the principles of conducting activities that are bounded by law and if breached can result in a penalty.

Legal Conduct can be done in many ways, in as much as it follows the rules and regulations postulated by the law of the land or the government.

Given the available options, the statement that describes the legal conduct is the Copyrighting of a modification to an existing online game.

This is because the modification to an existing online game is a different work entirely, that can be protected through copyright. And with copyrights, registered businesses are protected. by law.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is Option C. "copyrighting a modification to an existing online game."

Learn more about Legal Conduct here: https://brainly.com/question/13969108


Which amendment prohibits the government from denying a citizen the right to vote based on their race, color, or previous condition of servitude?.


The government is prohibited from denying a citizen the right to vote based on their race, color, or prior condition of slavery under the 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution.

What is government?

The term government refers that the system which was governed by a state or a country in it, we see there are different governments are being there in states the government is made by the people and govern for the people also in it. There is a system being made and under the system, the government is being run.

All individuals born in the United States are considered citizens under the 1868-adopted Fourteenth Amendment, which also mandates equal protection under the law and due process. The Fifteenth Amendment, which was passed in 1870, prohibits the exclusion of a citizen's right to vote on the grounds of race, color, or previous servitude.

Therefore,  government is prohibited from denying a citizen

Learn more about the government here:



What prompts an EMT to use a defibrillator? (Check all that apply.)

when CPR does not seem to be working

when the EMT reaches the medical staff at the hospital

when the individual suffers a sudden cardiac arrest

only when the patient’s history shows arrhythmia


The situations that prompts an EMT to use a defibrillator include the following:

A. when CPR does not seem to be working.

C. when the individual suffers a sudden cardiac arrest.

What is EMT?

EMT is an abbreviation for Emergency Medical Technician and it simply refers to a specially trained and certified medical technician who provides basic emergency medical services (EMS).

What is a defibrillator?

A defibrillator is sometimes referred to as an automated external defibrillator (AED) and it can be defined as an electronic device that is designed and developed to produce a high energy electric shock to the heart of any patient who is suffering from cardiac arrest.

Additionally, an automated external defibrillator (AED) can be used by an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) when a patient is not responding to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

Read more on defibrillator here: https://brainly.com/question/25112547


What is the mock trial rule for rational based perception?


Rule 601 : A witness if forced to testify to their Rational based perception
It’s 601 because it’s similar to the federal rules of evidence
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