Explain the causes of British colonization in North America, and how it benefited England.


Answer 1

Answer:England benefited financially from the relationship with its North American colonies.


happened because Britain encouraged these settlements, benefiting from the vast array of raw materials the colonies found and cultivated

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Martin is a sixth-grade teacher who feels he is not able to connect with some of his students. Several of them have had academic problems in the past and although Martin feels that they can do the work, he believes that these students have given up. Explain how Martin could use each of these concepts to learn how best to help his students succeed.
External locus of control
Learned helplessness
Intrinsic motivation


In the case of Martins, External locus of control -Those with an external locus of control are more likely to think they have the ability to shape their own future. Martin could talk to his students about their own strength and encourage them to have more self-confidence.

What about self control?

Self-control is the capacity to restrain impulses and postpone immediate gratification in favor of longer-term benefits. It calls for focus and effort. Martin could instruct the students on how to improve and fortify their willpower.

Learned helplessness- There's a chance that Martin's students have learned helplessness. The students might think that no matter how hard they work, they will never succeed. Martin might let the students pick the courses they want to take in order to give them a sense of control.

Therefore, in  Intrinsic motivation- Martin could assist his students in developing intrinsic motivation by emphasizing personal pride and inner fulfillment over academic performance. He might assign the kids interesting projects.

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Using the following schedules, graph a supply and demand curve for hybrid vehicles. Label all the important parts of the graph, including the axes, the supply and demand curves, and the market equilibrium point. Now, suppose that the government puts a price ceiling on hybrid vehicles, declaring that standard-sized models can cost no more than $15,000. Using your graph, add in and label the price ceiling. What problem will eventually result from this governmental action? What is the market solution to the problem? Please explain.


The supply and demand curves and their respective schedules for the Hybrid Car are labeled and attached accordingly.

The price ceiling is also indicated Due to the governmental action, it is clearly shown on the graph that there is a drop in the equilibrium quantity Supplied (leftwards) and an upward spiral in the equilibrium quantity demanded.

The market solution is simply to lift the ceiling. Another alternative solution would be for the government to subsidize production so that suppliers can find it profitable and more attractive to supply at the price ceiling.

What is a price ceiling?

A price ceiling is a price limitation, or limit, established by the government or a group on how much a product, commodity, or service costs. Price limitations are reportedly used by governments to safeguard consumers against situations that may make items too expensive.

In general, price caps are intended to make it less expensive for consumers to partake in the market. Rent limits, for example, are set to guarantee that each person has a reasonable place to live and rent.

Learn more about Price Ceiling:

What are two of the reasons certain parts of the earth have cold and warm seasons? (


On Earth, we have four seasons in a year. The four seasons are Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring. We have a warm climate in Spring and Summer and a cold climate in Winter and Fall. Generally, Spring comes in March, April and May, Summer in June, July and August, Autumn or Fall in September, October and November and Winter in December, January February.

The two main reasons that the earth has cold and warm seasons are listed below:

Earth spins on an axis giving us day and night. The Earth's axis is tilted at the beginning of each season. This tilt in the axis causes different seasons in different parts of the Earth.The Earth's orbit around the sun is also one of the reasons that Earth has seasons.

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Country X wants to increase GDP by $100 via consumer spending. To achieve this how much should they cut taxes by if MPC= .8


If the income in the country X rises by $100 million and the MPC is 0.8, consumption in the country rises by $80 million.

What is MPC?The marginal propensity to consume (MPC) is a measure of how much extra income is spent on consumption. In economics, the marginal propensity to consume (MPC) is defined as the proportion of a pay increase that a consumer spends on goods and services rather than saving.

Here the company increases GDP  = $100 .

Also given MCP = 0.8

To find tax cut off = GDP X MPC.

                              = 100 X .8

                              = $80

If the income in the country X increases by $100 million and the MPC is 0.8, consumption in the country increases by $80 million.

To learn more about MPC refer to :



A man is carrying a Turkey Sandwich from Subway all while he is dodging the dog toys on the floor and being careful not to step on the two 75 pound dogs sleeping on the carpet. As he is making his way to his Lazy Boy, he accidently stubs his toe on the coffee table. Immediately, he begins to jump up and down on one foot to avoid stepping on the injured toe, throwing his sandwhich in the air, subseqiently scaring the dogs.
Explain the neural transmission of the pain signal using the following terms:

Sensory Neuron
Peripheral Nervous System
Motor Neuron
Action Potential


When a person stubs their toe, sensory neurons in the brain convey information to the processing region via the Peripheral Nervous System - PNS. Sensory neurons carry data from the senses to the brain.

The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) connects sensory and motor neurons to the brain (brain and spinal cord). These sensory neurons travel this path to the brain's processing center after perceiving an action potential.

When the neuron receives enough excitatory inputs to reach the threshold, the cell produces a chemical/electrical signal. This signal communicates with adjacent neurons via the synapses that link them. This action potential will continue to spread until it reaches the brain.

The region of the brain responsible for information processing creates a signal using interneurons, which are neurons that govern the communication between sensory and motor neurons and sends it to motor neurons.

In the motor neurons, an action potential is formed, which transmits information telling us to jump up and down in pain. Endorphins, our bodies' natural pain relievers, are produced in the brain as a response of receiving a signal from sensory neurons, allowing the sense of pain to lessen.

Endorphins are our body's natural pain relievers, which, upon receiving signals from sensory neurons, release neurotransmitters in the brain, thereby reducing the sensation of pain.

What is Peripheral Nervous System?

The peripheral nervous system is one of two elements of bilateral animals' nervous systems, the other being the central nervous system. The PNS is made up of nerves and ganglia that are located outside of the brain and spinal cord.

Peripheral nerve problems cause information delivered between the brain and the rest of the organs to be distorted or interrupted. This can lead to:

Cramps that hurtNumbnessMuscle fatigue (most common symptom)Tingling or scorching sensations

Peripheral nerves, unlike the brain and spinal cord, may regenerate after damage. However, surgery is frequently necessary to reconnect the peripheral nerves and restore mobility and feeling.

Learn more about Synapse:

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