explain how the relevant strategy can be helpful if you are grieving a loss of a loved one ​


Answer 1


Here are some strategies to help cope with grief.

Don't be afraid to ask for help. Grief can be isolating, as you might feel like you are the only person in the world feeling the way you are. ...

Talk to friends and family. ...

Do things you enjoy. ...

Take care of your physical health. ...

Don't “should” on yourself.


Here are some ways you can give support to someone who is grieving:

Be a good listener. ...

Respect the person's way of grieving. ...

Accept mood swings. ...

Avoid giving advice. ...

Refrain from trying to explain the loss. ...

Help out with practical tasks. ...

Stay connected and available. ...

Offer words that touch the heart.

Answer 2

Relevant strategies that can be useful during the grieving process are:

Get as much help as you can.Have friends and family around you

What is the grieving process?

This is the process of extreme sadness that people feel due to the death of a loved one.

This is a period that the person would need to have as much support as they can in  order to heal.

Read more on grief here: https://brainly.com/question/16877564

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CANT SOME FINE 4 CAUSE PLS on this Paragraph
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for weeks and I had the whole dance memorized. When I got to the
performance hall, I put on my new shoes and hat. I checked my
reflection in the mirror. "I look good!" I thought with a grin. It was
almost my turn to perform, so I peeked out from behind the curtain.
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nervous. But then I saw my parents smiling in the front row. "I can do
this!" I thought to myself. When the curtain opened and the music
started, I felt my confidence grow as I remembered all the steps I had
First, I heard the beat get fast, so I did a quick spin and tipped my hat.
When the beat slowed down, I did a shuffle and twist. I was almost
finished dancing, when suddenly, I saw that there was a loose board
at the front of the stage. But it was too late, I tripped over it and
almost fell off stage! I caught myself just in time and jumped
backward, pretending like it was just part of my dance. The music
ended and I bowed. Everyone in the audience jumped to their feet and
clapped. My parents were cheering loudest of all. I was so happy that I
did a little jig and smiled before walking off stage. After the
performance was over, my coach gave me a pat on the back and said,
"Nice job, Marcus!” My parents were so proud of me, they took me to
get ice cream!




for weeks and I had the whole dance memorized. When I got to the

performance hall, I put on my new shoes and hat. I checked my

reflection in the mirror. "I look good!" I thought with a grin. It was

almost my turn to perform, so I peeked out from behind the curtain.

There were so many people in the audience! I began to feel a little

nervous. But then I saw my parents smiling in the front row. "I can do


how has poetry transformed into the " spoken word ? "​



Vachel Lindsay helped maintain the tradition of poetry as spoken art in the early twentieth century.

Explanation: ... Some American spoken-word poetry originated from the poetry of the Harlem Renaissance, blues, and the Beat Generation of 1960s. Spoken word in African-American culture drew on a rich literary and musical heritage.

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After the baseball game, the mayor of the town went under the fence to receive his pizza.

When Fallon is on the stage at the White House, his persona is:
A. serious and formal.
B. silly and outgoing.
C. humble and shy.
D. calm and grateful.


Answer: B


Hope this helped

You are out shopping and lost track of time. It is 11:50, and you are supposed to pick up your dog at the vet by noon. You know it’s going to take at least 20 minutes to get there.



Most everyone Carries a cell phone, the polite gesture is to call while in route to inform the vet.

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Select all that apply.

join the military



join the military, work, or travel


got it right on odyssey :)




join the military




Edge 2021-2022 :)

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C. Entertain


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The Answer to this 84x-16y-10.6


Write an argumentative essay for or against maintaining traditional coming-of-age ceremonies, such as a bar mitzvah or a q



People should maintain traditional Coming-of-age ceremonies. They have relevant aspects for a person, a culture, or community. Traditional coming-of-age ceremonies are crucial to signify stages in life. They mark the beginning of a new era, like the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood, which might be very significant for someone raised with those kinds of traditions and beliefs. These ceremonies are of high importance for the protagonist and their community or society since it is part of their heritage. Discontinuing them will signify the loss of a significant part of a community's or society's culture. Due to the reasons mentioned above, I consider that traditional coming-of-age ceremonies must continue throughout the years.


In an argumentative essay, in the first part, we write an introduction where we state our point of view. Then, we develop the reasons that support our belief. In the last section, we write our point of view again and conclude.

In this case, the essay was in favor of maintaining traditional coming-of-age ceremonies and the reasons were that they mark stages in our life and are part of the culture of a country or community.

Question 20
When they went to the fields together, Gary's mother reminded him not to lose his
O pants
O balance
O jug of water





Gary's mother told them to not lose his Balance

Combine the two ideas into a single sentence. ​






Simon's frozen yogurt did look cool, creamy perfection, 'yet' Jasmine handed him a bag of snack mix and accepted a cup of yogurt in return.


I believe yet makes the most sense in this sentence.

Why might the author of this article be considered reliable?



What article


What is the author’s MAIN purpose for writing Cell Description #1?

to inform the reader about the parts of cells and the roles those different parts play

to explain how the Golgi apparatus impacts the endoplasmic reticulum

to persuade the reader that cells are an important part of our world

to compare the parts and function of plant cells to living cells





Answer : lucky letter A
Hope this helps ya

(1) Oliver's students were pretty bad off. (2) Some of the
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Others fought drug problems. (4) Many of them had lost
How should the underlined words be written so that
sentence 1 has the right tone?
A. Had all kinds of troubles
B. Had not had easy lives
C. Were in a world of hurt
D. Were totally messed up


Answer: Difinintely B


There have been several accidents in your school recently. The principal ask you to write a report on these accidents. In your report suggest how to improve the safety of school



This report aims to inform about the accidents in our school during the past months along with suggestions on how to avoid them.

A recurrent accident is people slipping on the stairs due to the lack of an anti-slip surface on the steps. The injuries have been minimum, but they could be worse depending on how the student falls, the number of people on the stairs, and the height. To prevent this accident, the school should put an anti-slip surface on the stairs. Also, the steps' edges should be yellow to make them noticeable.

The second most common accident is related to doors. These close too fast and hit students that have their hands occupied to grab them. Also, many students have hurt their fingers because they tried to stop the door from closing. As a result, their fingers got between the door and the frame. A change that the school could do to prevent these accidents is to install a door closer that makes the door move slowly and swiftly.

Another accident that has happened is people falling from their seats since they are broken or have loose screws. Students now check their chairs before using them, which leads to a delay in the class's start since the student has to find a new chair or is thoroughly checking it.  The school's staff should check, and replaced the seats.

In conclusion, the accidents in our school have not been fatal, but they still represent a risk for our safety. By doing the suggested changes and repairs, the school would become a much safer place.


In this report, we describe the accidents that took place in our school. In the first paragraph, we introduce the topic. Then, we proceed to write an accident per section, describing them in detail and suggest how to avoid them.  Lastly, we make a conclusion where we give a personal opinion regarding the situation in our school.

What is the main purpose of the book Year-Round Education?​


Answer: A concept designed to minimize three-month summer learning losses, year-round education maximizes the use of public facilities by dividing the school attendance days into rotating instruction and vacation segments.

Pls help me I’m to s t u p i d -cries-






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infinitive phrase
gerund phrase
participial phrase.
prepositional phrase





Write an essay stating your opinion on whether a person can choose to be happy.


First start off with your answer. Do you agree if a person can be happy?
Example: I think without any other emotions, happiness would be nothing. A person can choose to be happy. (Insert a sentences as to why you think so) you will then take that and make two- three paragraphs including three situations as to how a person can choose to be happy. Include reasoning.
Example: I believe a person can choose to be happy. Yes, happiness is an emotion that will sometimes show itself wether it’s our true emotion or not. However, in some situations, happiness is something we choose. If for example someone you love has great news for themselves, you can choose to be happy with them for their achievements. After, you’ll create one-two more situations. After, conclude your whole statement. Hope this helps

Write a crime story-and a detective solving the case- state how he/she solves it!

-mArKiNg As brAiNlIEsT-





Jensen walked into the crime scene, under the police tape, to face a crowded group of police crowded around a solitary body on the ground, with 3 distinct gun shots in the shape of a triangle around her heart. The victim was identified as Natalie Stack man, a 24 year old from New York City. She had a pale complexion with fair hair and perfectly shaped red lips. There was no sign of any marks on her body to indicate a struggle; she was placed in a perfect position on the ground, her hands resting perfectly on her stomach, as if the murderer had placed her in that position on purpose. Members of the CSI team had estimated her time of death to be around 2am that same day. It was time they caught this killer before he struck again.

Jensen kicked with all his might as the door which flew open. All three of his man stood at the door faced with two men, bearing snipers. The men knew they didn’t stand a chance and lowered their guns. Jensen quickly located Kevin and quickly walked up to him and handcuffed him.

Jensen took Kevin back to the station where he confessed to everything. Kevin wanted revenge on Natalie, he wanted his money back, so he followed her back to her apartment.

Similes, metaphors, and personification are examples of which type of language?




Figurative language


Hope this helps.

those are figurative languages

600 word essay about jack from the lord of the files​



In the 1990 film adaptation, Jack is portrayed by Chris Furrh. He is sixteen, two years older than Ralph, and has blond hair. Like all the other boys in this version of the story, Jack is American and attends an unnamed American military boarding school. He wears the rank insignia for cadet first lieutenant, making him the third-ranked cadet on the island, after Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Ralph and Cadet Captain Roger.

Jack in this version speaks faster than his British counterpart in the 1963 film does, and more often. He swears violently, more than anyone else in the film. He is vain, arrogant, and immature, but as he becomes leader of the Hunters and then ousts Ralph as the Chief, he quickly adopts a brutal and authoritarian style of leadership. In this version of the story, several boys leave with Jack immediately when he declares he will form his own camp. Jack relies on Roger throughout the film as a right-hand-man and enforcer.

Jack is visibly shocked when Roger kills Piggy, but does nothing about it. Instead, he drives Ralph away and soon sets most of the island on fire in an effort to force Ralph out of hiding. When U.S. Marines land just as the boys are about to kill Ralph, Jack, like the others, is completely surprised and unsure of what to do.

Jack's last name is never said in the 1990 film, or is his cadet rank actually referred to. He quickly dispenses with his uniform and any formalities of military rank, in any case, and all the boys simply refer to and address him as "Jack", or as "Chief" once he has overthrown Ralph and taken charge as the new leader.



Choose a novel with a character who you find fascinating. With reference to the text show how the writer made the character fascinating.

William Golding’s The Lord of the Flies is a novel in which Jack is a fascinating character. In the book a group of boys are stranded on a desert island and must work out how to survive. Golding makes Jack a fascinating character as he makes him change from a darling little boy into a terrifying and reckless young man. We can explore how this change takes place.

At the start of the book Jack is clearly still confined by society’s rules and still wants to be seen as good. We know this as in the scene where he catches a pig he struggles to kill it and we’re told ““he hadn’t because of the enormity of the knife descending and cutting into living flesh”. Here, the word choice of ‘enormity’ tells us that Jack finds killing the pig a big deal, he struggles to murder a living thing as he’s never done this before. The description of the knife ‘descending’ reinforces this as even though the knife is traveling a short distance to Jack it feels like an eternity as he tries to commit a big act of killing. The words ‘living flesh’ shows Jack still empathises with the pig and doesn’t want to kill it. At this point it is clear Jack still wants to follow normal rules and thinks that hurting things is wrong.

Jack begins to change slowly and develops a crazy and violent side. We see this when his hunting job starts to take over his mind and we are told Jack had a “compulsion to track down and kill things that was swallowing him up”. The word ‘compulsion’ suggests that this feeling is not something Jack has any control over; it is almost instinctive for him or a crazy addiction. This is reinforced by the idea that this feeling was ‘swallowing’ him up, it was a feeling or thought that was taking over his life and killing a pig became the only thing he could think about. There’s a possibility that Jack became so fixated as he felt like a failure and less masculine for failing to kill the pig in the first place and now wants to kill one to prove he is a man. This makes Jack fascinating as it is difficult to understand how someone could want to kill something, or be so fixated on that, unless they were going crazy in some way.


Please give me brainlist

Due at 10pm!!!!!!!!!!

Read the following sentences from the passage.

When people report that stray dogs need help. The Paw Dog Rescue Center team arrives to help.

What is the most effective way to combine these two sentences?
When stray dogs are spotted the Paw Dog Rescue Center team arrives to help.
When people report that stray dogs need help the Paw Dog Rescue Center, team arrives to help.
When people report that stray dogs need help, the Paw Dog Rescue Center team arrives.
The Paw Dog Rescue Center team arrives to help, when people report that stray dogs need help.





Makes more sense and is gramatically correct

I’ve been sitting here for 10 minutes rereading this, I believe the answer is “When people report that stray dogs need help, the Paw Dog Rescue Center team arrives”

Roses are red violets are blue



we like you but not your mom :(


Yeah,,,, kanskeneiene

Which statement is NOT true about the theme of Holes?

Fate - Stanley's great-great-grandfather was "cursed"
Hopeful - Stanley and Zero think they have found Big Thumb.
Friendship - Stanley forms a special friendship with Zero
Revenge X-Ray and Armpit place a rattlesnake





Can somebody please help me write a narrative writing essay it’s got to be made up it can’t be paraphrased and the prompt is you show up too school and all the teachers are zombies PLEASE HELP ME due by tomorrow



well today I went into school and went to my favorite teachers class room and seen random blood splatters on the wall and when I went to go sit down I smelt the nasty smell of decaying flesh looked and seen my favorite teacher was a zombie I ran out of the class and heard some growling seen another zombie!! I am freaking out I pull out a stick I forgot about in my bag I start slowly approaching the zombie and peirce the brain and the zombie dies then I run out of the school to live to fight another day


            Well it started as a wierd day my clock would not go off, but that aside what I found out later that day was what really shocked. Suddenly my clock not going off was the least of my of my worries well it turs out that there was this really wierd explosion last night.Beacuse some one spilt water all of this really high tech gear and well it let of this detonation that effected every technilogially advanced object the whole city.Now mind you the city thehy lived  in was New York City one of the BIGGEST CITIES IN THE WORLD.

        The whole city was pich black.It did not bother Nick because he was sleeping but that is why his clock did not go off well after he was ready he met up with some of his friends while he was walking to school when he came in everyone was moper then usaul. Nick thought hey It is a monday I know how you feel but later he realized it was not because it was a monday it was because of the detonation. He realized that when he was almost bitten  by the teacher he lost his friends because they were bitten and they had turned .

Explanation: sorry I ran out of Ideas but that is a solid two paragraphs can you give me a little more details on how long it has to be

Question 5 of 10
Based on the root enni, what is the meaning of the word biennial?
A. Happens every two years
B. Happens daily
C. Happens once a year
D. Happens twice a month


A. Happens every two years


A. Happens every two years

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

Which line of dialogue best reveals Nina's character in The Fan?

"Yes, she has pity on the poor orphan. But alas! I am subjected to my brother, who embitters my life"; this reveals that Nina is controlling.

"Spinning does not make me deaf"; this shows that Nina feels bitter.

"Where is the fan?"; this shows Nina is easily bewildered.

"Have I not told you to command? I am not deaf. If my spindle disturbs you, I will throw it aside"; this reveals that Nina is reactive.


she has pity on the orphan so A,..

The dialogue that most successfully discloses the character of Nina:

A). "Yes, she has pity...is controlling.

Nina's character

The dialogue that discloses the character of Nina in the text possessing the title "The Fan" is provided above.

This shows that she carries generosity yet her brother's control over her mars her from taking required actions that she aspires to take in her life.

This validates or establishes the claim that her character is under the control of her brother.

Thus, the apt answer is option A

Learn more about "Character" here:


Which of the following choices is a figure of speech?

A) an idiom
B) a euphemism
C) an oxymoron
D) all of the choices are correct


Answer: The answer is D

The correct answer is D :)
Have a great day

Which is a characteristic of Greek myths?
A. The hero is perfect.
B. The hero has a flaw.
C. The characters are only humans.
D. The characters are only gods.


usually it would be B, in lots of greek myths the hero ends up having 1 or some fatal flaws.




did test

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