Explain Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal.
What did it entail?


Answer 1


The New Deal included new constraints and safeguards on the banking industry and efforts to re-inflate the economy after prices had fallen sharply. ... New Deal programs included both laws passed by Congress as well as presidential executive orders during the first term of the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt.


Related Questions

3. Mohandas Gandhi's tolerance for what religious group led to his assassination in 1948?
a. hindus
b. christians
c. taoists
d. muslims





I do the Quiz






I’ll Mark you Brainiest!! Only if An Accurate and correct answer .



Ghana rose as a result of a good economy and fell as a result of losing its monopoly on profitable trade routes. Mali rose as a result of strong military leadership and fell when the empire became too large for a weak king to rule. History repeated itself when the same happened to Songhai.


Which of the following is true regarding women and work during WWI?
Select one:
Female factory workers earned more than male factory workers during the war,
Women worked only as volunteers and did not get paid during WWI.
The number of women in labor unions increased during the war,
Women only worked outside of the home if their husband was killed in the war,


It should be the third choice

What might happen if the federal government makes cuts to health care spending?
O There would be fewer hospital services, and research would decline.
There would be more hospital services, and research projects would increase.
There would be higher costs for patients, and research would stay the same.
O There would be lower costs for patients, and research projects would drop.



The correct answer is A. There would be fewer hospital services, and research would decline.


Many medical institutes (and thereby practicioners) receive a significant amount of money from the federal government. They would have less funds at their disposal and therefore offer less services, and less research would be conducted.

If the federal government makes cuts to health care spending there would be fewer hospital services, and research would decline. Option (a) is correct.

With the Canada Health Act, the federal government is in charge of establishing and overseeing the national standards for the healthcare system. financing the provision of health care services in the provinces and territories. aiding in the provision of health care services to a certain population.

Because the market cannot by itself guarantee that all Americans have access to high-quality healthcare, the government must protect the interests of its citizens by filling in any gaps in the market and regulating it where it is ineffective or unfair.

Therefore, Option (a) is correct.

Learn more about research, here;



hey! i’ll give brainliest please help.


Alexander the Great followed the customs of the lands from the former Persian Empire. This gave great stability to his vast empire and got hi, into good graces with the local towns and people’s.

How did the war affect the Democratic Party in the North? What new political positions emerged?



Northern Democrats generally opposed slavery's expansion while many Southern Democrats believed that slavery should exist across the United States.


Hopes this helps. Mark as brainlest plz!

What does Lomonosov see as Peter's virtues or qualities?



They include;

Kindness, Gentleness, Graciousness, Humility, Approachability, Hardwork, and Empathy


Peter the Great a former leader in Russia was extolled by many for the wonderful innovations that he brought to Russia. These innovations were spurred from the several trips he made to Europe. Michael Lomonosov, a historian in Russia especially praised him for changing Russia so much so that someone who knew Russia before his ascension will not recognize Russia after his reign. He positively changed the arts, architecture, military, arts and customs of Russia.

He praised his virtues which included kindness, graciousness, humility, hardwork, empathy, etc. Both old and young, rich and poor could relate freely with him. He even joined the laborers in exercising their crafts. To Lomonosov, Peter was a great leader.

After the Civil War, work contracts for African Americans required them to work:
6 days per week
0 40 hours per week



6 days per week hope this helps you

what do you think are the benefits of a democratic system? In what ways did democracy serve Greece and Rome? Has there been a time when democracy didn’t serve Greece or Rome in a way that was beneficial? What circumstances contributed to the failures of democracy you learned about in the lessons on ancient Greece and ancient Rome? Are there any potentially negative aspects of democracy? Why or why not?


Answer: Democracy was having an important role in history, because the Greeks had an important role (political), which led them to developed democracy. Also, Romans had an important role by adding a representative government. As you know people lived under the rule of kings and other rulers who held the power.Mar 23, 2015

sry if wrong don’t be mad pls :)

The benefits of a democracy is the fact that it gives citizens a voice and the rights that they deserve without impositions.

How democracy served Rome and Greece

The way that democracy served these places was that:

Citizens could vote.There were public debates.Laws were made for the people.People could serve in juries.

Through out the tme that they practiced democracy back in the days, it was beneficial to all in the nations.

The circumstances that led to the failures of democracy in these states was invasion and outside influences.

Democracy is known to have bigger positives. There are no known negatives to me.

Read more on democracy here: https://brainly.com/question/3710021

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Capital of inland empire whose name means ""great stone buildings""


Answer: Great Zimbabwe


Great Zimbabwe was the capital of an ancient empire in modern day Zimbabwe. There is a lot that is unknown about the empire that this city was the capital of but the city itself is a testament to the architectural prowess of its people and at its height, the city is said to have housed 18,000 people.

The name Zimbabwe is derived from the local Shona language and it means "stone buildings". The "Great" is added to signify that this city is the largest of the various other stone buildings that have been discovered.

it's okay were hunting Communist

1 . describe the author opinion. cite evidence from the cartoon to support your interpretation

2. what could you use the cartoon as evidence to show? is it reliable evidence for this explain ​



I am sorry I could not answer this.


But, I love Chenle and NCT!

The cartoon shows the Committee on Un-American Activities driving recklessly through the streets, obviously not bothering to care that they were running over people.

What does the cartoon portray?

The cartoon depicts the Committee on Un-American Activities driving recklessly through the streets, obviously unconcerned about running over people.

Chaos is evident, with all papers flying all over, parking meters falling over, and general looks of terror on the faces of people. Block was trying to show that Joseph McCarthy's committee was wreaking havoc on the American populace and would not stop for anything. McCarthy began to subpoena individuals in Hollywood. The Cold War revived the anti-communist hysteria that had gripped the United States after World War I. In 1947 Congress revived the House Committee on Un-American Activities, opposed by Herb Block since its inception in the 1930s and declared by President Truman to be itself the most un-American activity.

Some producers, directors and screenwriters refused to testify or to play the 'name game' in which the committee demanded the names of associates, who could then be called on to name others thus providing an ever-expanding list of suspects to be summoned.

Learn more about cartoon, here:



please help will give brainliest instantly.



i believe it's A.

Is A
Hope this helps

Just like you and me, bacteria cells are under constant attack by
A. antiseptics
B. white blood cells
C. viruses
D. all the above


D all of the above

i am not fully sure so im sorry if im wrong  

have a good day

Which part of the Legislative branch must approve all presidential nominees?
The Senate
The Supreme Court
The Vice President
The House of Representatives



The Senate


The senate I did this in my civics class

origin name of mercury



The Romans



Mercury is named after the messenger for their gods. The Roman Mercury had wings on his helmet and shoes. He could travel quite quickly from place to place.

Hope this helps!

4. Explain what effect the Great Migration had during the Harlem Renaissance.


After the Civil War and the Reconstruction era, white supremacy was largely restored across the South in the 1870s, and the segregationist policies known as “Jim Crow” soon became the law of the land.

Southern Black people were forced to make their living working the land due to Black codes and the sharecropping system, which offered little in the way of economic opportunity, especially after a boll weevil epidemic in 1898 caused massive crop damage across the South. As a result of housing tensions, many Black residents ended up creating their own cities within big cities, fostering the growth of a new urban, African American culture. The most prominent example was Harlem in New York City, a formerly all-white neighborhood that by the 1920s housed some 200,000 African Americans.

The Black experience during the Great Migration became an important theme in the artistic movement known first as the New Negro Movement and later as the Harlem Renaissance, which would have an enormous impact on the culture of the era.

The Great Migration also began a new era of increasing political activism among African Americans, who after being disenfranchised in the South found a new place for themselves in public life in the cities of the North and West. The civil rights movement directly benefited from this activism.

Black migration slowed considerably in the 1930s, when the country sank into the Great Depression, but picked up again with the coming of World War II and the need for wartime production. But returning Black soldiers found that the GI Bill didn’t always promise the same postwar benefits for all.

By 1970, when the Great Migration ended, its demographic impact was unmistakable: Whereas in 1900, nine out of every 10 Black Americans lived in the South, and three out of every four lived on farms, by 1970 the South was home to less than half of the country’s African Americans, with only 25 percent living in the region’s rural areas. The Great Migration was famously captured in Isabel Wilkerson’s The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration.

How did the Mongol invasion influence Christianity?
The end of the Eastern Orthodox Church empowered the Roman Catholic Church.
The Russian Orthodox Church formed after Russia was cut off from Constantinople.
Kublai Khan and many Chinese converted to Christianity.
Christian missionaries fled China, taking Christ's teachings to Australia.


answer : Kublai Khan and many Chinese converted to Christianity.


How did the Mongols react to Christianity? They became devout Christians. They gave up their traditional deities. They prayed to the Christian God while continuing to worship their traditional deities.

(I will give brainlist.)
Which statement best completes this diagram?
White Resistance to
Police refused to enforce
laws protecting African
American rights.
Mobs lynched African
Americans accused of
A. Southern politicians refused to vote for the black codes.
O B. The Freedmen's Bureau stopped African Americans from working.
C. Plantation owners captured American Indians for slave labor.
O D. Members of the Ku Klux Klan attacked African Americans.


Members of the ku klux Klan attacked African Americans

The members of the Ku Klux Klan attacked the African Americans. Thus, Option D is the correct statement.

Who is known as Ku Klux Klan?

In 1866, through former Confederate squads and several Southerners, they opposed the post-Civil War Reconstruction known as the Ku Klux Klan.

The Klan is an American white supremacist terrorist and hate organization whose number one goal had been minorities.

Thus, The members of the Ku Klux Klan attacked the African Americans. Option D is the correct statement.

learn more about Ku Klux Klan here:



How did the beating of Senator Sumner further divided the united states?

(do not copy and paste or links ) Plz and ty (will give brainest)



because he was being a good person to the union


and the confederacy hated the union (brainliest)

Why might it be a good idea to support a natural monopoly?



Why Natural Monopolies Are Allowed

Natural monopolies are allowed when a single company can supply a product or service at a lower cost than any potential competitor, and at a volume that can service an entire market.


Hope this helps you

Natural monopolies are allowed when a single company can supply a product or service at a lower cost than any potential competitor, and at a volume that can service an entire market.

They can charge higher prices and make more profit than in a competitive market.

The can benefit from economies of scale – by increasing size they can experience lower average costs – important for industries with high fixed costs and scope for specialisation.

One of the most promising ways in which competition can sometimes be efficiently introduced into industries that are characterized by natural monopoly is for competing firms to be allowed to provide goods or services via the same infrastructure, i.e., a form of common carriage.

Sometimes a monopoly is necessary. It ensures consistent delivery of a product or service that has a very high up-front cost. An example is electric and water utilities. It's very expensive to build new electric plants or dams, so it makes economic sense to allow monopolies to control prices to pay for these costs.

A natural monopoly occurs when the most efficient number of firms in the industry is one. A natural monopoly will typically have very high fixed costs meaning that it is impractical to have more than one firm producing the good.

3. After examining the data, what region(s) of the country appear to be “toss-up” regions (areas where both Biden and Trump won)?


I feel like the tossup states were probably Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, Texas maybe (demographic shifts is why), Arizona, Nevada, Iowa, Ohio. (The characterization for these states differed among sources though)

What was the primary goal of the Virginia Company?
to build the infrastructure necessary for the Virginia Colony to flourish
to obtain for England valuable natural resources from the American
to improve relationships between colonists and American Indians
to acquire laborers from the colonies to work in British factories





if wrong sorry if right brainliest

what did Lincoln want to see?​


Abraham Lincoln wanted to see a united America, he wanted to unite the North and South. at the time there was a lot of segregation, that is one of the reason why there was a Civil War between the states.

Apartheid represented the reaction of the National Afrikaner Party to which of the following: A) Their failure to achieve a majority in parliament. B) Faith in the existing segregationist policies. C) The refusal of South Africans to register by race. OD) Demands for equality by black South Africans.​



national party or nationalist party

What were the three reasons why the African American wanted to fight in the war for independence?


They were hoping that they would get freedom or at least gain some recognition and rights, which was something that they didn’t have, because a majority of them were enslaved and not treated equally.
Freedom they wanted to be free & not feel too slaved

PLzzzzzzzz help What was the target of "First
A. The target was Nagasaki in Japan.
B. The target was a small Soviet village with under
1,000 citizens.
C. The target was an uninhabited United States island
in the Pacific Ocean.
D. The target was a fake town completely constructed
in the USSR for the test.



A. The target was Nagasaki in Japan.


Benjamin and Erick are good friends, but they are having a dispute over who should pay for a video game they want to rent. Benjamin thinks Erick should pay for it because the game will stay at Erick's house. Erick thinks Benjamin should share the cost of the rental since they both will be using it. As they discuss it, they become more upset. What is the best way for Benjamin and Erick to settle this dispute peacefully and among themselves? They could ask an adult or parent to help them. They could take turns listening to each other. They could ask their friends to vote on who is right. They could argue each other's points until someone gives up.



I believe it is A


Who was Desmond Tutu? Why was he significant?



Desmond Tutu was a South African Anglican archbishop known for his opposition to apartheid in South Africa, for which he received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1984. In 1995 he was named head of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which investigated allegations of human rights abuses during the apartheid era.


True or False: In the United States, Liberals tend to affiliate with the Democratic Party and Conservatives tend to align with the Republican Party.


Answer: The answer is True. The democratic party is mostly affiliated with liberal-based ideas while the republican party (GOP) mostly correlate with conservative ideas.

The correct answer is true

who suffered the most during slavery



The slaves !!



African Americans


Hopes this helps. Mark as brainlest plz!
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