explain and discuss the divine command theory. do you think this view is a sound account of moral right and wrong? why or why not? quora


Answer 1

The Divine Command Theory includes the assertion that morality is ultimately based on the commandments or qualities of God, and that morally correct behavior is what God commands or requires.

The Ten Commandments are a set of biblical principles related to ethics and worship that play a fundamental role in Judaism and Christianity. The text of the Ten Commandments appears twice in his Hebrew Scriptures: Exodus 20:2–17 and Deuteronomy

According to Torah's Exodus, the Ten Commandments were revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai, Engraved with the finger of Moses. God on his two slabs kept in the Ark of the Covenant.

The Ten Commandments teach us to honor God, be honest, honor our parents, keep the Sabbath day holy, and be a good neighbor. These rules are as important today as they were thousands of years ago.

Learn more about Commandments  https://brainly.com/question/8290171


Related Questions

there is a series of anti-drug tv ads that are part of a larger crime-prevention campaign. which policy is that campaign associated with?


There is a chain of anti-drug T.V. ads that are a part of a larger crime-prevention marketing campaign . Social policy is marketing campaign related .

The anti-drug activities consist of writing prose and poetry, drawing, sketching, drafting, track, artwork, education, own family and buddies, images, and group sports.

The social policy addresses how states and societies reply to worldwide challenges of social, demographic, and financial exchange, and of poverty, migration, and globalization to speak usually, the social policy makes a specialty of regions of presidency movement traditionally related to the welfare state. Examples are social housing, family and child advantage, kingdom healthcare, and unemployment support.

Learn more about anti-drugs here



T/F Assessing phonological skills is almost never appropriate after a child has completed first grade.


False Assessing phonological skills is almost never appropriate after a child has completed first grade.

What is meant by  phonological skills?

Strong word reading abilities require phonological skills, which involve hearing and controlling sounds in spoken language (such as phonemes and syllables). Children with strong phonological foundations are better able to comprehend how letters and letter combinations represent language in print.

The foundation for decoding, blending, and ultimately word reading is laid by phonological awareness, or the knowledge of and aptitude for working with sounds in spoken language. Before formal schooling ever starts, children begin to build their phonological awareness, which continues into third grade and beyond.

Word awareness is one of four developmental levels that fall under the general term "phonological awareness."

Sense of syllables

Early-onset awareness.

knowledge of phonetics.

Read more on phonological skills here:https://brainly.com/question/14824414


givers are typically less ambitious than takers or matchers since they are so outwardly focused. givers are typically less ambitious than takers or matchers since they are so outwardly focused. true false


False: because they care about benefitting others and they match that focus with ambitious goals to advance their own interests. Despite being conscious of their own interests, people are nonetheless eager to give more than they get.

The choice of whether to act as givers or takers is one that employees make every day. When givers are giving, they help others without expecting anything in return. They may help, provide expertise, or provide useful introductions. When they behave like takers, they jealously defend their own knowledge and time while attempting to use others to further their own goals. Fostering a giving culture is very important to organizations. Effective cooperation, creativity, quality enhancement, and service excellence all start with a commitment to assist others reach their goals. The advantages soon increase in companies where this conduct becomes standard.

learn more about givers and takers  here:



According to the latest research on overtraining, if the source of the stressor is psychological, then recovery strategy should focus on?
a. nutrition
b. thought management strategies
c. active rest
d. rest
e. hydration


The recovery strategy that should focus on overtraining cases where the source of the stressor is psychological is thought management strategies. Option b is correct.

What are thought management strategies?

It corresponds to self-analysis of your own thoughts, that is, seeking to think critically about a type of thinking that can be negative or self-sabotaging, and consciously replace it with positive and motivating thinking.

Therefore, managing one's own thoughts will be positive for the individual to reduce stress and increase self-awareness, having a more positive perspective on life and on oneself.

Find out more about thought management on:



viewed from which sociological perspective does the unprecedented attention given to downsizing in the mid-1990s and 2000s reflect the continuing importance of social class in the united states?


The continuing importance of social class in the united states- conflict

Sociology is the take a look at of human social hobby, relationships, and social structures. In our more and more diverse international, the observe of sociology gives you the skills twenty first century workers need: important and analytical thinking, writing ability, cultural competence, and self-recognition.

Primary topics in sociological questioning consist of the interaction among the person and society, how society is both strong and converting, the reasons and effects of social inequality, and the social construction of human life.

Auguste Comte, in complete Isidore-Auguste-Marie-François-Xavier Comte, (born January 19, 1798, Montpellier, France—died September 5, 1857, Paris), French philosopher known as the founding father of sociology and of positivism.

Learn more about sociology here:- https://brainly.com/question/14363783


How does Stalin justify the elimination of the kulaks as a class?


On December 27, 1929, Joseph Stalin declared the liquidation of the kulaks as a class. Stalin stated, "Now we have the opportunity to carry out a resolute offensive against the kulaks, break their resistance, eliminate them as a class, and replace their production with the production of kolkhozes and sovkhozes."

The All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) Politburo formalized the decision in All kulaks were classified into one of three groups:

Those who will be shot or imprisoned at the discretion of the local secret political police.Those who will be deported to Siberia, the North, the Urals, or Kazakhstan after their property has been confiscated.Those would be evicted from their homes and placed in labor colonies within their respective districts.

To learn more about Joseph Stalin and kulaks, please refer:



what is the term for a special type of study designed to investigate all the studies that currently exist on a topic?


Meta-Analysis is the term for a special type of study designed to investigate all the studies that currently exist on a topic.

A statistical analysis known as a meta-analysis integrates the findings of various scientific investigations. When there are numerous scientific studies that address the same issue and each one reports measures that are anticipated to have some degree of error, meta-analyses can be conducted. The objective is then to utilize statistical methods to determine the pooled estimate that is the closest to the unobserved shared reality based on how this inaccuracy is perceived. The literature on evidence-based medicine views meta-analytic data as the most reliable source of evidence.

Meta-analyses not only have the ability to estimate the unknown impact size, but they also have the potential to compare data from other research and spot trends, areas of disagreement, or other intriguing associations that may emerge from a large number of investigations.

Learn more about Meta-analyses visit :



what reasons do the authors give to support the claim that social media both helps and threatens smaller media outlets? select two options.


According to the authors, information is occasionally disseminated on social media before traditional media report it. To reach audiences, news institutions must compete with one another and social media

What is the allegation made about social media in this excerpt?

The passage's allegation is supported by the author's assertion about how social media during the Arab upheavals covered developments in other parts of the world. Social media was frequently utilized as a means of avoiding causality. It led to uprisings in a number of Arab countries.

What advantages can social media platforms offer to small businesses?

The main benefits of social networking for small businesses are:

It's a simple technique to make your brand more well-known.

It's affordable

To know more about social media visit:



agnes is convinced that she has one or more serious illnesses. she has a preoccupation with diseases and misinterpret her normal bodily symptoms or functions as serious health problems. her doctors say she is perfectly healthy and that her various symptoms are probably due to her imagination. which of these psychological disorders does agnes most likely have?


In a case whereby agnes is convinced that she has one or more serious illnesses. she has a preoccupation with diseases and misinterpret her normal bodily symptoms or functions as serious health problems the psychological disorders that agnes most likely have is hypochondriasis.

What is psychological disorder?

A psychological disorder can be described as the ongoing dysfunctional pattern of thought, emotion, as well as behaviour  which can bring about the significant distress and that is considered deviant in that person's culture or society.

From the case above it can be established that she had Hypochondria which is a disoder with the symptoms long-term and intense fear of having a serious condition as ell as worry that minor symptoms however the person may frequently visit for Counselling as well as medication

Learn more about disorders at:



the dramatic increase in global migration among women has helped create what new occupational niche?


The enormous growth in female global mobility has aided in the creation of caregiving. Hence, the correct answer is caregiving.

What is considered caregiving?

A person who provides care to persons who require assistance in taking care of themselves. Children, the elderly, and people with chronic illnesses or disabilities are all examples. Caregivers might be medical professionals, family members, friends, social workers, or clergy.

The family hires an independent caregiver directly. There is no middleman between the care receiver and the caregiver. A private duty caregiver may help with anything from medical and nursing care to bill payments and transportation.

To learn more about caregiving, click



What year did adolph hitler become the leader of the national socialist nazi party?


Answer: July 29, 1921,


george is getting ready to participate in a local 5k winter wonderland race. his buddies are all taking a couple of shots of whiskey prior to the race because they said it warms the body. what should george do?


George Prior to the race, all of his friends are drinking whiskey since, according to them, it heats the body. What ought George to do? Alcohol

shouldn't be consumed by George because it may promote vasodilation and lower his core temperature. Bring in the 2022 holiday season with a brisk 5K Run or Walk as you take in the sparkling lights of lovely Winter Wonderland. At Reynolds Lodge on Tinman Circle, where the race starts and finishes. Strollers and animals are allowed because this is a family-friendly event. The race will be chip-timed.

learn more about 5k winter wonderland here:



what does backbone mean?



the series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the pelvis (the spine).





Which ethnic group of immigrant adolescents showed the highest level of depression and the lowest self-esteem in a recent study?


The Asian ethnic group of immigrant adolescents showed the highest level of depression and the lowest self-esteem in a recent study.

What is meant by low self esteem?

The way we view and regard ourselves is what we refer to as having self-esteem. Everyone occasionally criticizes themselves, but if you do this frequently or consistently assess oneself poorly, you may be low self-esteem.

Lack of boundaries, pleasing others, speaking poorly of oneself, and feeling inadequate are a few examples. You might have poor self-esteem if you can identify with any of these. But there's no need to feel worse about it if you already have a terrible sense of yourself.

Read more on self esteem here: https://brainly.com/question/8992294


in which disorder does a person seem to experience at least two or more distinct personalities existing in one body?


In dissociative identity disorder, a person seems to experience at least two or more distinct personalities existing in the one body.

What is dissociative identity disorder?

Multiple personality disorder (MPD), also referred to as multiple personality syndrome or dissociative identity disorder (DID), is a psychiatric condition that is defined by the existence of at least two separate and largely stable personality states. Memory lapses that are worse than those caused by regular forgetfulness are a symptom of the illness. The disease can express itself in a variety of ways, but the personality states alternately manifest in a person's behavior. Post-traumatic stress disorder, personality disorders, especially borderline and avoidant disorders, depression, conversion disorder, somatic symptom disorder, disordered eating, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and sleep disorders are additional conditions that frequently affect people with DID. Anxiety disorders, sui-cidality, self-harm, non-epileptic seizures, memories with amnesia for their contents, and self-harm are also frequent.

To learn more about personality disorder, visit:



Two or more peer passengers more than triple the risk of a fatal crash with a teen behind the wheel. Select one: True or False?


Two or more peer passengers more than triple the risk of a fatal crash with a teen behind the wheel. True

There have been two passengers within the vehicle in addition to the cause force. there is no room for passengers in this assignment; everybody has to do his proportion of the paintings.

As a passenger in an automobile, it's far your duty to keep a responsibility of care to guard yourself. while a passenger isn't accountable or predicted to assume each choice of the driving pressure, the passenger needs to be privy to his or her surroundings.

At the bottom are physiological needs (food, drink, sleep, secure haven). Above the ones are safety goals; above the ones, feel of region and belonging; above the ones, significance.

Learn more about passengers here:



What are the most important considerations for you in accepting your next position?


There is no context given, but it is likely that this type of question is part of a job interview. The things that we might consider most important in the next position, such as a cooperative, team-oriented culture, chances to develop and grow our technical skills, and the opportunity to develop our leadership capabilities over time, etc.

The first step in responding to this question is to have a clear notion of the challenges we're looking for or the kind of learning opportunity we'd like to discover next in our career. We need to be able to communicate it to them succinctly and simply while coming off as driven and willing to learn.

So that we can hear how this might sound in a genuine interview, let's now take a look at an example interview response as follows:

"A collaborative, team-focused workplace is what I'm looking for in my future job because I enjoy being part of a team. Based on my study of your organization and examination of the job description, it appears like it is the sort of work culture you foster here, therefore I'm looking forward to learning more information about the opportunity today".

Learn more about interviews here: brainly.com/question/8846894


without a strong moral and ethical code, correctional officers may find themselves justifying mistreatment of inmates even though it has a long-term negative effect on them and their duty. psychologically, this is known as .


Correctional guards may find themselves excusing inmate abuse in the absence of a clear moral and ethical code, despite the long-term harm it does to them and their job. This is referred to as relativistic egoism in psychology.

Egotism is the idea that people act out of self-interest and is characterized by excessive arrogance, self-absorption, and selfishness. As was previously noted, ethical relativism ideals can vary depending on the individual or the culture. The idea that morality is based on cultural standards is known as ethical relativism. In other words, the moral standards of the culture in which a behavior is engaged determine whether it is right or bad.

The same behavior could be morally acceptable in one community but unethical in another. According to Ethics Position Theory, relativism refers to a person's level of conviction that universal moral principles do not always need to be followed without exception. Given their apparent self-interested "anything goes" attitude, researchers frequently expect that highly relativistic individuals exhibit dubious ethics.

Learn more about psychologically visit: brainly.com/question/2264149


Correct Question:

Without a strong moral and ethical code, correctional officers can find themselves justifying mistreatment of inmates even though it has a long-term negative effect on them and their duty. Psychologically, this is known as _______.

a. borderline personality disorder

b. narcissistic personality disorder

c. relativistic egoism

d. static altruism

Why is it called resident alien?


The term resident alien means any person, not a citizen of that country but, who lives in that country.

Who is a resident alien of a country?

A resident alien is defined as a person who does not hold citizenship in that country, but, is a permanent resident of a country.

A person must either have had one in the previous calendar year to fall into this category in the United States or have a recent residence permit.

A person who wants to shift to some other country for work or school is not covered under the definition of a resident alien.

Learn more about resident aliens:



joshua, a member of your dorm council, has been a very disruptive group member— speaking out of turn, dominating discussions, making inappropriate remarks, and quarreling with other council members. what steps should be taken to deal effectively with joshua?


Confront Joshua about his disruptive behavior after the council meeting to deal effectively with him.

Council hearings are not included in the definition of a "council meeting," which refers to a regular or special meeting of the council.

Council meetings are where or how all decisions are made by the council. They are either created during the meeting or when authority is assigned to others. If a quorum is present, council decisions are taken by a majority of the council members present voting in favor.

Disruptive team members frequently engage in behaviors like forming cliques and causing issues among the employees. slandering the team captain while pretending to be innocent. being unflinchingly negative, especially in the face of change, and spreading unhappiness and discontent among the group.

Learn more about Disruptive team members here:



who or what exerts the least influence on the national security policies of the united states of america?


Public Opinion exerts the least influence on the national security policies of the United States.

Who shapes foreign policy?

A nation's foreign policy is influenced by its political structures and modes of governing. In a democracy, a nation's foreign policy is influenced by both popular opinion and the means of political representation. Additionally, it is thought that democratic nations are less prone to engage in armed confrontation with one another.

Who are the main actors in international affairs?

The president's name must be used in the formulation and execution of all foreign policy decisions. The secretaries of State, Defense, and Treasury, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (particularly the chair), and the director of the Central Intelligence Agency are the main decision-makers in the bureaucracy when it comes to foreign policy.

To know more about national security, visit:



What rumors do Mr Frederick and Mr Pilkington spread about Animal Farm?


The rumor that the animals were fighting among themselves and starved to death was propagated by Frederick and Pilkington. When it became clear that was not taking place,

they started spreading reports about cannibalism and torture on the farm. Nobody actually gave those tales any credence. Over the following year, word of the uprising spread at an astounding rate. Animals started to rebel against their owners across the nation. Beasts of England was being sung by animals everywhere. Animals were beaten by humans when they heard them singing that song, but Man was unable to stop it.It was only a matter of time before animals in other parts of the nation learned about the liberation the disobedient creatures at Animal Farm were experiencing. Animalism

learn more about animals   here:



which is not a criticism of the categorical approach that is used in dsm-5-tr for the diagnosis of personality disorders?


In this, incorporating new research into the new edition is  not a criticism of the categorical approach that is used in DSM-5 for the diagnosis of personality disorders.

What do you mean by the personality disorders?

If you have a rigid and unhealthy habit of thinking, acting, and behaving, you may have a personality disorder. A personality disorder makes it difficult for the sufferer to perceive and relate to others.

Although the specific causation of personality disorders is unknown, it is believed that a person's genes and early environmental effects work in concert to create them.

The most common form of treatment for personality disorders is psychotherapy, usually known as talk therapy.

Therefore, incorporating new research into the new edition is  not a criticism of the categorical approach that is used in DSM-5 for the diagnosis of personality disorders.

To know more about the personality disorders, visit:



sometimes during a psychoanalysis session, patients will displace feelings for people in their lives onto the therapist. what is this process called?


on occasion at some point of a psychoanalysis session, patients will displace emotions for people in their lives onto the therapist. This is method called Transference.

What does transference suggest in psychology?

Transference is when anybody redirects their feelings about one man or woman onto any individual else. During a remedy session, it commonly refers to a man or woman transferring their feelings about someone else onto their therapist. Counter transference is when a therapist transfers feelings onto the patient.

What is transference trauma?

This variety of post-trauma reaction is referred to as annoying transference, an unconscious dynamic that takes place when anyone has been traumatized and is later in a scenario that reminds him or her of that trauma.

Learn more about  transference here:


What obstacles do skyscrapers face as they get taller how do designers avoid these obstacles brainly.


High water pressure and the difficulty of managing external air are two challenges faced by skyscrapers. Additionally, towering buildings need more sophisticated mechanical and plumbing systems.

It necessitates a bigger, more costly foundation and lateral resistance system. One of the main issues with the building of high-rise constructions is safety. Along with environmental safety, it also addresses worker safety. This technique results in many worker deaths.

People desirability, commercial viability, and technological feasibility are the three most typical innovation issues in design thinking.

The structures must be able to hold their own weight, withstand wind and earthquakes, and safeguard inhabitants from fire. However, they must also be easily accessible, even on higher floors, and must offer the residents utilities and a comfortable environment.

To learn more about skyscrapers



roy cohn refuses to be known as someone with aids. he threatens his doctor by saying that he is going to tell everyone he has what instead?


In this case the Ron Cohn is dealing with various issues including Hiding his real identity.

"Angels in America," which won the 1993 Pulitzer Prize for Drama and the Tony Award for Best Play, explores the themes of change and grief while addressing political issues and the AIDS epidemic.In the movie Angel in America, the angel stands for opportunity and the potential for atonement as well as judgment.A heterosexual male who "plays about with other men" is Roy Cohn. The ingrained homophobia of 1980s America is reflected in Cohn's twisted thinking, and the Reagan Administration's silence during the AIDS epidemic's seven-year span is reflected in Cohn's refusal to acknowledge that he is homosexual or that he has AIDS.

To know more about AIDS here



a teacher at a local elementary school was interested to know if students who had been pushed on a playground were more likely to push others. he watched the students playing every day and noted when one of them had been pushed. over a few weeks, he found that students who had been pushed at least once were much more likely to push other students on future days. was this an observational study or an experiment?


That was an observational study, because the teacher watched the students playing every day and noted when one of them had been pushed.

What is an observational study?

Observational studies are ones in which researchers observe the effect of a risk factor, diagnostic test, treatment or other intervention without trying to interfere who is or isn't exposed to it. Cohort studies and case control studies are two types of observational studies.

In an observational study, we measure or survey members of a sample without trying to affect them. This is what makes it different from an experiment. In a controlled experiment, we assign people or things to groups and apply some treatment to one of the groups, when the other group does not receive the treatment.

Learn more about observational study at: https://brainly.com/question/15938198


frank has been struggling with some personal issues and has decided to seek help at a mental health clinic. unfortunately, he was put on a waiting list and told he would likely have to wait a few weeks before seeing a therapist. according to eysenck's findings, what do you predict will happen to frank?


The chances about the frank are chances are good that he will improve during this waiting period.

An insured must wait a certain amount of time before any or all of their coverage kicks in. For claims made within the waiting period, the insured may not be eligible for compensation. Waiting periods are also sometimes referred to as qualifying and elimination periods. Simply put, the waiting period in health insurance plans refers to the time you must wait before receiving insurance benefits, thus the term. The insured is prohibited from utilising health insurance benefits during this time period, which starts on the day the coverage started. A waiting period is the interval of time between a request or specified action and its execution.

learn more about health insurance here



why do u think stereotypes of aging americans as conservative persist?


Even though multiple actual research demonstrate political beliefs are consistent over time, stereotypes of aging Americans as conservative still exist because people tend to become more politically conservative as they age.

What is a stereotype?

A stereotype is a fixed general conception or set of traits that many people think characterize a specific sort of person or item.

Stereotypes are traits that society automatically ascribes to particular groups of individuals in order to categorize them according to factors like age, weight, profession, skin tone, gender, etc.

To learn more about stereotype



What are the 4 components to the OSHA standard?


Seven fundamental components of a safety and health programme are suggested by OSHA: leadership from management, employee involvement, hazard detection, and assessment.

In addition to communication and coordination for host employers, contractors, and staffing agencies, these areas also include hazard prevention and control, education, and training, programme assessment, and improvement. At today's National Safety Council Congress in Anaheim, California, Dr. Michaels announced the publication of a new document. In his remarks, he requested that business associations and professionals in safety and health assist spread the news through a campaign that promotes the development of a safety and health programme using OSHA or other programme guidelines that may be more suitable for their companies. The guidelines are solely advisory and do not change or add to any current legal duties established by OSHA standards or regulations.

learn more about OSHA here:



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