Exercise 2: Subject and verb agreement: Circle the correct form of the verb "to be" in parenth 1. Six miles (is, are) a long way to walk to school. 2. Louisa (has, have) two jobs. 3. Giovanni and Maria (has, have) a small apartment and three dogs. 4. The group (is, are) very large. 5. The jacket and the gloves (is, are) on the table. 6. Mr. Izaguerra (arrive, arrives) at work early every day. 7. The beer (is, are ) very good. 8. Nine hundred dollars (is, are) a very high rent for that old building. 9. Mr. Iwasaki (dance, dances) very well. 10. Fifty percent of the book (is, are ) about the Vice-President.​


Answer 1

The correct Subject and verb agreement are:

1. is

2. has

3. have

4. is

5. are

6. arrives

7. is

8. is

9. dances

10. are

If the subject is singular, so must the verb. If the subject is multiple, then the verb must also be. Remember that the verb still agrees with the subject and not the noun or pronoun in the phrase that follows after the subject of the sentence when a phrase is placed between the subject and the verb.Use a plural verb when the sentence's subject consists of two or more nouns or pronouns joined by and. Example: The committee members and the doctorate student both write every day. When a sentence has more than one verb but only one subject, all of the verbs in the sentence must agree with the subject. As an instance, conducting interviews is one method of gathering data and enabling researchers to fully comprehend people.

Thus this is the subject verb agreement.

Refer here to learn more about subject verb agreement: https://brainly.com/question/1835508


Related Questions

What type of sentence is: The cat came round the corner, swishing its tail.


"The cat came round the corner, swishing its tail" is a type of Declarative sentence.

A declarative sentence is a sentence that takes the important details of a sentence and puts minor details to it. The given sentence is make statement that 'the cat' came round the corner and is also making sure to detail that it was swishing its tail.

A declarative sentence is usually a sentence that is used to provide some details or facts about a sentence. It is a sentence that makes a statement, provides a fact, offers an explanation.

To know about declarative sentence visit:



find the error with Subject verb agreement. select the incorrect verb and type it correctly. the number of tests administered to students throughout the year are excessive, in my opinion, Mrs. shepherd told the assessment review committee at their monthly meeting.


The error in the Subject-verb agreement is "tests." Instead of "tests", it would be Test.

You must use the singular form of an action verb for your sentence if the subject is singular. Similar to this, whenever you employ a plural topic in a sentence, you must pair it with a plural version of an action word to prevent a subject-verb agreement mistake.A verb must accept the quality and amount of its subject. The verb must accept the subject when it consists of two or more pronouns and nouns joined by "and." When two singular verbs are connected by "or" or "nor," a singular verb is necessary.Only single verbs are required for several terms, like "every, neither, everyone, many, etc." The verb takes the subject closest to it when two subjects are connected by "or" or "nor."

Thus this is about Subject-verb agreement.

Refer here to learn more about Subject-verb agreement: https://brainly.com/question/1835508


New inventions has led to new challenges. Cell phones, in particular, have created problems.


Is this a true or false question? If so it’s True

Which aspect of industrialized Britain does Charles Dickens criticize in this excerpt from Oliver Twist? Mr. Gamfield's countenance brightened, as, with a quick step, he returned to the table, and said, "What'll you give, gen'l'men? Come! Don't be too hard on a poor man. What'll you give?" "I should say, three pound ten was plenty," said Mr. Limbkins. "Ten shillings too much," said the gentleman in the white waistcoat. "Come!" said Gamfield; "say four pound, gen'l'men. Say four pound, and you've got rid of him for good and all. There!" "Three pound ten,'"repeated Mr. Limbkins, firmly. "Come! I'll split the diff'erence, gen'l'men," urged Gamfield. "Three pound fifteen." "Not a farthing more," was the firm reply of Mr. Limbkins. "You're desperate hard upon me, gen'l'men," said Gamfield, wavering. "Pooh! pooh! nonsense!" said the gentleman in the white waistcoat. "He'd be cheap with nothing at all, as a premium. Take him, you silly fellow! He's just the boy for you. He wants the stick, now and then: it'll do him good; and his board needn't come very expensive, for he hasn't been overfed since he was born. Ha! ha! ha!" A. the miserly nature of officials in parish and charitable institutions B. a lack of honesty in transactions between the rich and other classes C. complications in official or legal matters due to bureaucracy D. a lack of compassion of all classes toward the suffering of the poor E. the growing economic gap between the rich and the poor


The correct answer is as follows: Option D.

In an excerpt from "Oliver Twist," Charles Dickens criticizes the lack of compassion shown by all classes toward the plight of the poor, a feature of industrialized Britain.

What is the theme of Oliver twist ?One of the central themes of all of Charles Dickens' novels was how society treated the poorest people the worst. This is one of the key themes in Oliver Twist, where we see the failure of the workhouse system in caring for the poor and lonely orphans in their care.Significant conflict despite the fact that Oliver is fundamentally good, the social environment in which he is raised encourages thievery and prostitution. Oliver is struggling to find his identity and rise above the squalor of the lower classes.

To learn more about Oliver twist refer to :



At the time of its publication, a dictionary of the English language was unique because of its blank


A dictionary of the English language was unique because of its  quotations. Since there were no true definitions of words in any of these dictionaries up to that point, it was the first English dictionary to employ quotations  to explain a word's meaning.

You may increase your vocabulary and reading and writing skills by using dictionaries. A English definition can be found by consulting a dictionary. A dictionary can be used to verify a word's spelling as well. Additionally, dictionaries may include details about a word's kind and provenance. By ensuring that you are using words correctly, a decent dictionary may help you comprehend your subject matter better, improve your communication, and improve your grades.

To learn more about dictionary, click here.



Answer: D quotations on edge


Business writers appreciate messages that are clear and understandable. Proofreading and evaluating your work will help you compose messages that are clear, concise, and direct. Revise for clarity by eliminating trite phrases, avoiding jargon and slang, and dropping.


1-Clear and intelligible messages are valued by business writers.

Instead of writing explicitly, they do so to impress.

2. Absence and rash expenditure of money

Three-think beyond the box and last but not least are also clichés, but these options are not provided, so avoid choosing this if it is. If it is provided, choose this.

the principal choices available are:Pass with flying colours in true formLightning fastJump to conclusionsKeep our ground.

4-Managers should be available when needed.

Learn more about messages https://brainly.com/question/28529665


In act IV of Hamlet, Claudius's interaction with Laertes suggests that Claudius is


Answering the question, In Act IV of Hamlet, Claudius’s interaction with Laertes suggests that Claudius is manipulative. The correct answer is Manipulative. While Horatio was discussing with the sailors, Claudius and Laertes were having conservation about Polonius’ death.

Jonathan was always helping his friends with their math work in school. He was excellent in math and found it rewarding to explain math problems to others. Choose the correct answer that describes Jonathan. *
Allusion - famous person from history
Archetype - a kind of character who is a tutor/teacher
Allusion - famous location in history
Archetype - a kind of character who is a villain


Answer: Archetype - a kind of character who is a tutor/teacher


Allusion - famous location in history

Archetype - a kind of character who is a villain


Read the passage.

This jungle presented a new challenge for Enid. Sure, she had been on many safaris before. Yes, she had spent hours unsupervised with large animals in her position as a head zookeeper. Her resume listed her qualifications. But something felt different. This day would likely not be smooth sailing. She would have to rely on her finely tuned set of survival skills, but she knew she’d succeed.

Which stylistic element most contributes to the informal tone of this passage?

the reference to her qualifications in “Her resume”
the use of short words and commas at the beginning of sentences
the alliteration in “set,” “survival,” and “skills”
the alternation of short and long sentences in the passage


The use of short words and commas at the beginning of sentences contributes to the informal tone of this passage.

Informal writing is often characterized by stylistic elements that lend it a conversational tone. It tends to reflect how one would communicate freely with friends, family, or casual acquaintances. The use of slang, colloquial language, contractions, and figures of speech contributes a more personal tone to the writing. The structure is simple, and a direct way of addressing the audience is common in informal writing. In the passage provided, the addition of words like "sure" and "yes" at the beginning of sentences makes the writing informal.

Thus, the second option is the correct answer.

To read more about informal and formal writing, refer to:






Describe some of the challenges Ha and her family face on the ship as they flee Vietnam.


The challenges that Ha and her family face on the ship as they flee Vietnam are:

The linguistic barrier that Ha and her family face is difficult because they hardly understand English. Ha will face numerous challenges along the way and will need to learn how to adapt. Ha and her family had to flee Saigon because the communists had taken control, detonated bombs throughout the city, and started a war.

What obstacles must ha overcome in order to leave home?

Ha and her family flee during the battle, taking only what is required. Challenges come with her relocating to America. All refugees encounter difficulties such as racism, bullying, and language barriers.

The challenges of dealing with the death of family and adjusting to a new culture turn the lives of refugees on their heads, making them yearn to return to their native land.

Therefore, Inside Out and Back Again presents Ha and her family with a number of difficulties, including a perilous journey, rejection in their new neighborhood, and having to accept the loss of their father.

Learn more about Vietnam from


What does the narrator find at the shaftway located at address that Herr Wolf gives him?


The narrator has been mentioned the seraphic melody to Herr Wolf, as his face clouds over and he warns the narrator to forget the story,  Based on this information, you conclude about Herr Wolf is Herr Wolf has no interest in the seraphic melody. Thus the correct option is A.

What is the conclusion?

The term conclusion has been defined as topic's conclusion gives information about the subject, including the major point, which aids the reader in evaluating the topic's advantages and disadvantages and formulating a conclusion as a result.

The information from the excerpt has that when the narrator mentions the melody to Herr Wolf his face is full of Cold expressions which indicates that he has no interest in listening to the story.

Therefore, The narrator has been mentioned the seraphic melody to Herr Wolf, as his face clouds over and he warns the narrator to forget the story,  Based on this information, you conclude about Herr Wolf is Herr Wolf has no interest in the seraphic melody. Thus the correct option is A.

Learn more about Conclusion on:



Select the correct answer.
Which scenario is
an example of plagiarism?
• A.
Paul is composing a summary of his history research project. He identifies five good sources to use in his summary and lists them all
in his Works Cited page.
O B. Josie is making a poster to present her argument against school uniforms. She finds a study that describes the negative effects of
school uniforms and paraphrases it, including the author's name in parentheses at the end of her sentence.
• C. Steven is preparing a presentation on emperor penguins. He finds a book on penguin behavior and quotes
his slideshow, with the
author's name in parentheses.
• D Erin is writing an essay about Emily Dickinson's poetry. In one of her body paragraphs, she uses the ideas from a poetry analysis she
found in a literary journal but puts them in her own words. in


Answer: D

Explanation: Erin does not cite her sources or the author's name.

Ask a question using (why)



Down below


Why is my dog afraid of paper?

Hope this helps!  :)

They have a boat in passive voice​



What do you mean


Collecting old coins and paper notes (is, are, was, were) one of my father's hobbies when he retired.​



Hey! The correct answer is was.



Answer:i cant read ittt


I’m pretty sure it would be that he uses a metaphor, everything else doesn’t make sense.

summary of “the friday everything changed” by Anne Hart


In the short story, The Friday Everything Changed, Anne Hart wrote about a school, sometime in the 1950s in rural Canada. The story was written in the view of one of the female students, who observed a week in the school where controversy occurred. Every Friday, two students were chosen to bring a water bucket to the train station where they subsequently filled up the bucket and brought it back to class. This job was deemed as something ‘real’ by all the students, they were able to leave class for half and hour and visit a few shops along the way. This particular Friday, Miss Ralston, the 17 year old teacher, chose the students who would be refilling the water. Like every week, 2 male students were chosen. Suddenly, one of the female students asked why a female couldn’t carry the water. To everyone’s surprise Mrs. Ralston actually considered the questions, and said she would decide next week. This led to all the girls being picked on and banned from playing Softball. The story ends with Mrs. Ralston picking two female students to carry the bucket for the next week.

The idea that you determine which three things are most important to finish today and then complete them is called _______.

The Pomodoro Technique

Daily Top Three

Eat the Frog

Bullet Journal


the answer is b. Daily top three

1. A biology class designed a study to see whether coffee drinkers or non-coffee
drinkers remember names better. 50 teachers were randomly selected. Some of the
Ceachers who were selected drink coffee and some do not. They were given the
same list of student names to study and asked to recall as many as possible.
Part A. Is this an observational study or an experiment? Explain.
(2 points: 1 point for correct identification, 1 point for appropriate explanation)


Is this an observational study.

In an observational study, researchers study how participants perform certain manners or actions without telling them what methods or conducts to choose

What is the difference between observational study and experimental study?In an observational study researchers watch what happens naturally rather of interloping with distinguishing antidotes. In an experimental study researchers maintain the study by controlling as many variables as likely.The key dissimilarity between observational studies and experimental techniques is that a well-done observational study does not impact the reactions of participants, while experiments do have some sort of treatment necessity applied to at least some participants by random selection.In an observational study, researchers study how participants perform certain manners or actions without telling them what methods or conducts to choose. For example, if a scientist wants to study how the amount of water humans drink involves their diets, they might choose an observational study.

To learn more about : Observational study

Ref : https://brainly.com/question/4758113


Antithesis in who swims with the tuna


yes, that’s grammatically correct

What new information about western gulls did Larry discover after years of following the tagged birds?

Western gulls don’t feel threatened by people, even people close to their nests.

Western gulls wearing small leg bands can live and function normally.

Western gulls defend their nests by screaming and dive-bombing predators.

Western gulls return to nest near the place where
they hatched.


western gulls did Larry discover after years of  the tagged birds is gulls wearing small leg bands can live and function normally.

Although feeding gulls may be entertaining and seem to benefit the birds, doing so poses a risk to both their health and the availability of drinking water.

What eats a seagull?Raccoons, minks, foxes, cats, and birds of prey frequently hunt on young seagulls and the eggs. Although adult gulls are less likely to be eaten, occasionally very large and dangerous predators will prey on them.has a diverse diet that includes fish, crabs, squid, clams, and sea urchins. consumes the eggs, young, and occasionally adults of other birds. Scavenges deceased pups and afterbirth in the vicinity of sea lion colonies. Additionally consumes other carrion and forages for trash in dumps and around docks.This week, video of the incident emerged, showing the little shark wriggling as a big bird pecked at it from above. The bird then consumes the majority of its prey while another opportunistic enemy draws near.

To learn more about seagull refer to:



Western gulls did Larry discover after years of  the tagged birds is gulls wearing small leg bands can live and function normally.

What eats a seagull?Raccoons, minks, foxes, cats, and birds of prey frequently hunt on young seagulls and the eggs. Although adult gulls are less likely to be eaten, occasionally very large and dangerous predators will prey on them.has a diverse diet that includes fish, crabs, squid, clams, and sea urchins. consumes the eggs, young, and occasionally adults of other birds. Scavenges deceased pups and afterbirth in the vicinity of sea lion colonies. Additionally consumes other carrion and forages for trash in dumps and around docks.This week, video of the incident emerged, showing the little shark wriggling as a big bird pecked at it from above. The bird then consumes the majority of its prey while another opportunistic enemy draws near.

To learn more about seagull refer to:



Songs with analogy in them


the way by ariana and max
All to Well by Taylor Swift
The lyric, “Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place.”

According to the text, how did the men use the camels? *
for protection
for food
for friendship
for heat



for protection


ur question is from the book "The Oasis"

About the book;

Quick Info. - McCarthy describes this, her second novel, as a "conte philosophique". It tells the story of a group of embattled intellectuals, their quest to establish a Utopian community in the mountains of New England, and their failure to surmount ideological and personal differences for the greater good of the commune.


Their camp wiped away, Alif and the others find themselves lost on the sands, seemingly doomed ... until they find the oasis. It has everything they need: food, water, and shade―and mysterious ruins that hide a deadly secret. As reality begins to shift around them, they question what's real and what's a mirage.

Argumentative essays.
Select one:
Describe places and events
Ob. Refute or defend a claim with evidence
Explain events
Od. Recounts events
Next page


definitely ob. refute or defend a claim with evidence

by Anonymous

Raindrops keep falling
To clean up the earth—
They wash away grime
So the earth can give birth
To flowers and seedlings
All around its great girth.

Tears wash away troubles
From way deep inside—
They cleanse our body
So no hurt can hide—
And help us adjust
To whate'er may betide.

Using the figurative language in this poem, identify the mood the author intends the reader to feel?




a) comforted


Throughout the poem, the author uses colorful images and detailed words to identify the mood. The reader can imagine the soft raindrops falling and understand how shedding tears can help you feel better.

This link between nature and how people feel gives the reader a sense of comfort in the end.

Find out the difference between literal and figurative language at: https://brainly.com/question/2569664

how big is the giants eye



................................. maybe 12feet long

What is the definition of surrealism? Explain why the paintings by Max Ernst and Paul Nash are examples of surrealism.



Surrealism is like a style in art and literature in which ideas, images, and objects are combined in a strange way, like in a dream. (try to put in own words) Max Earnest and Paul Nash's paintings were the kind you had to pay attention to in order to understand the meaning. They weren't in order not like a photo you would take on your phone.


How does the narrator's third-person point of view affect readers?


The narrator's third-person point of view affect readers because it allows the readers to make their own opinions about the characters.

Third-person narratives can focus on many characters and have a larger narrative scope than their first- and second-person counterparts.

These several perspectives provide the reader with a 360-degree picture of the action, and they each add details that one character doesn't, resulting in a rich, complicated story.

Hence the correct option is B

To know more about Third-person point of view here



which conclusion is best supported by the information in this graph. people with less than a high school diploma can expect to earn less that $40,000 a year


The correct statement is that: . People without a high school degree tend to earn less than people with a high school degree

Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs.
The poet seeks to draw a contrast between the permanence of Nature and the changeableness of men. As the poet returns to the rivulet over the course of his life, he is acutely aware of certain truths. Match these truths, or themes, to the lines from the poem that represent them.
People have dreams that
remain unfulfilled.
People cannot stay the same—
people must age and pass away.
People have pleasant life
experiences worth recalling.
Lines from Poem
And, singing down thy narrow glen,
Shalt mock the fading race of men.
And the grave stranger, come to see
The play-place of his infancy,
I've tried the world— it wears no more
The colouring of romance it wore.


The themes, truths matching the line are as follows:

People have dreams that

remain unfulfilled = And the grave stranger, come to see

The play-place of his infancy,

People have pleasant life

experiences worth recalling = I've tried the world-- it wears no more

The coloring of romance it wore.

People cannot stay the same

people must age and pass away = And, singing down thy narrow glen,

Shalt mock the fading race of men.

These facts, or ideas, or themes have been linked by me to the words in the poem that best capture them.

The first indication that the grave is a stranger and that unrealized dreams are there.

The second shows that people can remember colorful (happy) experiences that happened in the world.

Men won't live forever, according to the third revelation. They disappear (fade).

To learn more about Theme here:



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