Excerpt from Atomic Theory
Clark Benson
Atoms in the Islamic Golden Age
4 A few hundred years later, in the eleventh century, the Islamic world was experiencing
its "Golden Age." During this time, the Islamic world made great advances in science,
medicine, and early technology. Many of the advances were further developments of
theories and ideas taken from ancient Greek and Indian civilizations, including atomic
theory. As the ancient Indian culture had done, the early Islamic world also tied religion to
thoughts on the nature of matter. The ties to religion led to theological schools
conducting research of their own on the subject. Al-Gazali, a notable theologian from the
time, was one of the earliest ancient thinkers to propose the idea that there was the
possibility of particles smaller than an atom.
Which of these is the BEST description of the main idea of paragraph four?


Answer 1

Answer: on the test it would be D


I did the test and got it correct

Related Questions

2. Mark the figurative language technique used: "The ten-dollar Founding
Father without a father / Got a lot farther by working a lot harder"
(Alexander Hamilton', Hamilton, 2015) *
a) Metaphor
b) Simile
c) Alliteration
d) Rhyme


The answer is D) rhyme

What does the fact that Mr. Henry Baker has no interest in the crop of the goose he lost suggest about him in Part 2 of "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle"?

A.He is foolish and short-sighted.
B.He was not the true owner of the goose.
C.He has no idea that it held a precious jewel.
D.He realizes that Holmes is trying to trick him.


The fact that Mr. Henry Baker has no interest in the crop of the goose he lost suggest about him that he has no idea that it held a precious jewel.

What is "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle" about?

"It is the seventh story of twelve in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. The story was first published in The Strand Magazine in January 1892. In the story, on Christmas Eve, Sherlock Holmes and Dr John Watson try to determine how a fabulous blue carbuncle found its way down the gullet of a goose."

Holmes found out from the hat that was left with the goose that the goose belonged to Mr. Henry Baker. Later, when Baker was called it was revealed that he had no idea about the blue carbuncle that was stuck in the goose's throat.

To learn more about "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle" here



Which sentence uses parentheses correctly?
(Generally) I don't like it when people whisper in class.
Geoffrey Chaucer (the Father of English poetry also was a member of
In the film, Michael Clayton (George Clooney) is a lawyer who takes down
an evil corporation.
When I was a little girl possibly it was when I was only 10 or so) a
cottonmouth snake bit me.


i believe the answer is C
I think it’s C
I hope it’s help

Why fit in and you can stand out ?



because standing out sounds like a lot of work




True, unless you are so into being different that people start being like you or when you start bragging.

Question 19 of 22
What is the most accurate definition of media bias?
*A. A journalist's or reporter's viewpoints affect the way the facts of a
news story is presented.
B. The lower half of the brain and upper portion of the spinal cord
control human motor functions.
C. A relatively small group of people tend to create most of the
stories that appear on the news.
D. Vehicles as newspapers, TV, and the Internet, present ideas and
information to the public.


The most accurate definition of media bias is A. A journalist's or reporter's viewpoints affect the way the facts of a news story is presented.

What is media bias?

Media bias refers to the tendency of journalists, reporters, or news organizations to present news in a way that reflects their personal views or beliefs. This can result in a skewed representation of events or issues, which may favor one perspective over another.

Media bias can be intentional or unintentional, and it can occur in different forms, such as omission, framing, or selection of sources. It is important for consumers of news to be aware of media bias, as it can affect their understanding and interpretation of current events.

Read more on media bias here:https://brainly.com/question/9467162


Which of the following causes Mechanical Weathering? *
1 point



Water seeping through rocks is responsible for two types of mechanical weathering: frost wedging and crystal growth.

Where do you watch television?
a. With my family.
b. For entertainment.
c. In my bedroom.
d. With my sister.



I watch television in my bedroom

Why can’t you just use all of the details in your research report as details for your oral report?
Some of the details are more convincing in writing than in a speech.
It’s not fair to use information that you already researched for a different assignment.
You may not have time to include them all and go into enough detail about each one.



You may not have time to include them all and go into enough detail about each one.


Before presenting an oral report, a research report which is an extensive inquiry into a subject matter is first made. A research requires consultations from different authorities on a subject to obtain their opinions. Sometimes, the research report in a text form might be voluminous because of all the resources gathered.

It might then not be possible to transmit all of the information orally because of time constraints. Therefore, only the main points should be conveyed during an oral report presentation.

An independent clause expresses a complete thought, can stand alone as a sentence without any other support, or can be connected to another independent clause using semicolon





Which Event during the capsules party in scene 5 takes place first ?


The second answer: Tybalt recognizes Romeo

"This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining, on the cushions velvet lining" from "The Raven" contains
which literary device?
A. Refrain
B. Internal rhyme
C. Alliteration
D. Onomatopoeia


The literal device contained above is an internal rhyme.

An internal rhyme refers to when there is a rhyme within a sentence or phrase rather than across different sentences. For instance, "I missed the mark on the tree bark". The words, "mark" and "bark" rhyme but are in the same sentence.

In the sentence above, the words, "divining," "reclining," and "lining" all rhyme and yet are in the same sentence which means that this is an internal rhyme.

A very good example of an internal rhyme is shown here https://brainly.com/question/994573

Help plsssss ☑️☑️☑️☑️



aaa it s a


Revise the sentence below to avoid ending the sentence with a preposition:

Who did you give the flowers to?


To who did you give the flowers?

hopefully that's right ><

I know that's one way to write it


According to the rule, you should avoid ending a sentence with a preposition by removing the preposition or changing its position in a sentence. For example, you supposedly should not write, "I have a dishwasher that I want to get rid of." You could write, “I want to get rid of my dishwasher.”

Explanation: edmentum

can someone help me understand what TS eliot means by 'historical sense' in his essay Tradition and the individual Talent? pleaaase my paper is due tomorrow​



"Historical sense" refers to how historical events influenced literature and the art of the past, shaping the forms of writing and creating of the present.


The "historical sense" for T.S Eliot refers to fidelity to the ways in which poetry and other forms of art and literature were portrayed in the past and how this was the basis for creating the art and literature forms of his present. In a more explained way, we can affirm that the "historical sense" refers to the importance of ancient works, how they were written and the historical context to which they are related. According to "Tradition and the individual Talent," Eliot cared very much how events in the past had the ability to shape art and literature and this was important to influence and create the works of the present, as a tradition that passes from generations to generations without being forgotten and adding great value to any type of work created.

Is revenge worth the reward?


no bc hurting someone never helps you in the end
Sometimes for me it is. If I don’t get revenge on something it’s like my life won’t be complete.

Someone help me we are reading The boy in the striped pajamas 1-3 for Brainless



lol brainless??


When I came to the stile, I stopped a minute, looked round and listened, with an idea that a horse's hoofs might ring on the causeway again, and that a rider in a cloak, and a . . . Newfoundland dog, might be again apparent: I saw only the hedge and a pollard willow before me, rising up still and straight to meet the moonbeams; I heard only the faintest waft of wind roaming fitful among the trees round Thornfield, a mile distant; and when I glanced down in the direction of the murmur, my eye, traversing the hall-front, caught a light kindling in a window: it reminded me that I was late, and I hurried on.
I did not like re-entering Thornfield. To pass its threshold was to return to stagnation; to cross the silent hall, to ascend the darksome staircase, to seek my own lonely little room, and then to meet tranquil Mrs. Fairfax, and spend the long winter evening with her, and her only, was to quell wholly the faint excitement wakened by my walk,—to slip again over my faculties the viewless fetters of an uniform and too still existence; of an existence whose very privileges of security and ease I was becoming incapable of appreciating. What good it would have done me at that time to have been tossed in the storms of an uncertain struggling life, and to have been taught by rough and bitter experience to long for the calm amidst which I now repined! Yes, just as much good as it would do a man tired of sitting still in a "too easy chair" to take a long walk: and just as natural was the wish to stir, under my circumstances, as it would be under his.

Which sentence best describes how Jane feels about returning to Thornfield?

Answer options with 4 options
Jane feels nervous about being late and worries that she will be scolded.

Jane feels overwhelmed by the long walk she must make to get back to the house.

The sight of the house makes Jane feel guilty for the privileged and leisurely life she leads.

The thought of going indoors makes Jane feel lonely and depressed by the monotony of her life.


The correct answer would have to be D

Is information on the internet likely to be as reliable as that of print media? why or why not?​



It is likely, within certain situations.


Many people consider the information presented in print media vehicles to be more reliable than the information covered on the internet. This is because, according to these people, the information on the internet is posted without verification. This is true in some situations, however, it is possible that the information presented on the internet is as reliable as the information presented in the printed media. This is because many platforms and websites present information verified and disseminated by experts and people committed to the truth. Many print media outlets have been replaced by the internet because of this possibility of disseminating true information online.

My brother is a great coach.
A. Simple present
B. Simple past
c. Present perfect
D. Subjunctive



A. Simple Present


When is it important to assess your knowledge of an issue? Check all that apply. 0.0/1.0 point (graded) When is it important to assess your knowledge of an issue? Check all that apply. A. When you are a student in a beginning level class B. When you are an expert on that topic C. When you have done previous research on the topic unanswered



All options are correct.


In a nutshell, we can say that it is important to evaluate your knowledge on a given subject in all situations in which that subject will be used, even if you are an expert. That's because your knowledge on a given subject can always be updated and deepened, regardless of how much you know about it. In this case, we can say that all the answer options presented in the questions above are examples of situations where your knowledge about something should be evaluated.

Why does Percy feel different from others

Please help me



He doesn't feel like anyone is staring at him anymore. He feels at home.

A. Complete each sentences by changing the verb
into past tense.
1. Jorge(forget)
to clean his room, and
now his mother is angry at him.
2. I wish that(know)________ what I know now!
3. Josh(ride)___his bicycle all the way here last
night, in the pouring rain.
4. Julie(sing) ____ in her church choir for three
years before she ever did a solo performance.
5.Paul's money was(spend) _______before he even
earned it.​



1. forgot

2. I wish that I knew

3. rode

4. sang

5. spent

Plagiarism is when_____________________________________.

you copy someone’s ideas, and pass them off as your own.
you rearrange words and phrases to change a sentence.
you close the book you were reading, and remember what it said
you reword something that you read, using synonyms.




You copy someone’s ideas and pass them off as your own.

Hope this helps :)

Which of the following uses hyphens correctly?
A. The two tone cars at the auto show have zero-chance of winning best-in-show.
B. The two-tone cars at the auto show have zero chance of winning best-in-show.
C. The two-tone cars at the auto show have zero-chance of winning best in show.
D. The two-tone cars at the auto show have zero chance of winning best in show.


Answer: Hello, adarliane! I'd say that B is the best answer to this question.

Explanation: I'm not very sure how to explain why this is the answer, but only "two-tone" and "best-in-show" should have hyphens. Some words in the English language just happen to be like this, especially if they are adjectives with short syllables.

I hope this was helpful to you!

Informational books are not...

A biography
A joke book
A text with characters
All of the above


I think all above sorry if I’m wrong

Precipitation that falls to Earth sometimes soaks into the soil and becomes
A. groundwater
B. polluted water
C. fresh water
D. salt water







C) Freshwater

Fresh water comes from precipitation that falls to the Earth as rain, snow, or ice.

Young people who need a love potion very seldom have five thousand dollars.
Otherwise they would not need a love potion."

What does the old man mean by the sentence?


Answer:wealth can buy love and affection


Select two reasons why the National Mall is a good place to learn about America's history.
Group of answer choices

It is in Washington, DC.

It is near the White House.

It has many famous monuments.

It is open to everyone all year round.

It has many museums and galleries.


I believe it is the last 2. Someone please check my work.

Exploring Point of View in Literature - Quiz - Level F
Which of these statements is true of a third-person
The narrator reveals the thoughts and feelings of just
one character.
The narrator is a character in the story.
The narrator uses pronouns like "L" "me," and "my."
The narrator can reveal the thoughts and feelings of
more than one character.



The narrator can reveal the thoughts and feelings of

more than one character.


Read these lines from the excerpt again:

And such a luxury to him was this petting of his sorrows, that he could not bear to have any worldly cheeriness or any grating delight intrude upon it; it was too sacred for such contact; and so, presently, when his cousin Mary danced in, all alive with the joy of seeing home again after an age-long visit of one week to the country, he got up and moved in clouds and darkness out at one door as she brought song and sunshine in at the other.

These lines from the excerpt explicitly or directly state that Tom

is happy his cousin has returned

thinks his aunt likes his cousin more

feels upset that his cousin is happy

wants to continue feeling sorry for himself


He feels upset that his cousin is happy
Other Questions
How is the federal budget created? The president sends a budget message that lays out plans for spending and taxes to Congress, which then passes budget resolutions and appropriations bills that officially approve spending and taxation levels for the coming year, and the president approves or vetoes them. Congress passes a continuing resolution, which raises both spending and taxation levels from the previous years budget in order to stay in line with inflation, and then transmits a budget message to the president, who signs the budget into law or vetoes it. The president sends a budget inquiry to all federal departments to create a record of the previous years revenues and expenditures; Congress then uses the completed budget inquiry to write appropriations bills that must be deemed constitutional by the Supreme Court. Congress develops budget resolutions that the president approves or vetoes before sending them back to Congress, where they are turned into appropriations bills and voted into law by a two-thirds majority of both houses. Logic puzzle ANSWER AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE PLS! The ABCD Partnership has the following balance sheet at January 1, 2017, prior to the admission of new partner, Eden. Cash and current assets $ 39,000 Liabilities $ 52,000 Land 234,000 Adams, capital 26,000 Building and equipment 130,000 Barnes, capital 52,000 Cordas, capital 117,000 Davis, capital 156,000 Total $ 403,000 Total $ 403,000 Eden acquired a 20% interest in the partnership by contributing a total of $71,500 directly to the other four partners. Goodwill is to be recorded. Profits and losses have previously been split according to the following percentages: Adams, 15%; Barnes, 35%; Cordas, 30%; and Davis, 20%. After Eden made his investment, what were the individual capital balances good luck on finals week :) 880 feet is what fraction of a mile? given the radian measure of angle KJH is 11/8 find the measure in degrees. NO LINKSA. 114.54B. 245.4C. 114.54D. 245.5E. 128 What event was reported in newspapers around the country as an "act of hostility on part of the Georgia legislators."? A The removal of Black Legislators from the Georgia General Assembly. B The removal of Radical Republicans from the Georgia General Assembly The passing of the Ku Klux Klan Act D The addition of Black legislators to the Georgia General Assembly. 76 m =cm?????? Pls help I cant figure it out!!! i n the notatation,5N2 what is the number of nitogen atoms favorite sports team this is for data x - 4 - 5 = 7do you know for sure? what are preconditions for planting tree The graphs here show the distribution of beak depths for the groundfinches on Daphne Major, an island in the Galapagos. The bird beaks weremeasured over a multi-year study, including a time period before and aftera drought. The drought reduced the supply of seeds and left most of theseeds as thick-walled nuts that survived the drought. Analyze the data andselect the claim about natural selection and genetic diversity that issupported by the data. Natural selection tends to reduce genetic variation, as there was a smaller distributionof beak depths, but it tends to select for the most fit phenotypes, as there was anincrease in average beak depth after the drought.Natural selection tends to increase genetic variation, as there were more groundfinches after the drought, and it tends to select for the most fit phenotypes, as therewas an increase in average beak depth after the drought.Natural selection tends to reduce genetic variation, as there was a smaller distributionof beak depths, but it tends to select against the most fit phenotypes, as there was anincrease in average beak depth after the drought.Natural selection tends to increase genetic variation, as the average beak sizeincreased after the drought, but it tends to select against the most fit phenotypes, asthere was a decrease in population size for the finches after the drought NEED HELP short answer plz What were the three effects of the end of world war || on American society ? please help meBased on your preview of the texts features below, what do you predict it will be about? Explain how you made this prediction. Title: Fearless in Fur,Fins, and Feathers: The Story of Animals in the Armed ForcesPicture of carrierpigeon transportcourtesy of Photosof the Great War project. You spin a spinner labeled 1-10 evenly. what are the chances you will get an odd number? Why does Matt call his dog?A)He wants to give his dog a hug.B) He wants to take his dog for a walk.C) He wants to give his dinner to the dog.D) He wants his dog to go into the kitchen. I need help! would appreciate it 1/5(6+3+1){2answer the question No link bru kuz if you put a link u gon make me mad on B'DWhere do you get your energy from?(10 Points)A. the sunB. plantsC. meatD. something else