Examples of Derision


Answer 1

Answer: His mouth twisted in derision.

He snorted in derision.

The speech was greeted with derision by opposition leaders.

The statement was met with hoots of derision.

Explanation: Just did it

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farmers can best reduce negative effects on the water quality of nearby streams and lakes by planting crops that


Farmers can plant trees, bushes, and grasses along the edges of their fields, which is especially significant if the land borders a body of water.

By absorbing or filtering nutrients before they reach a water body, planted buffers can assist limit fertilizer loss from fields.

Farmers can lessen the frequency and intensity with which their fields are tilled. This can help to improve soil health by reducing erosion, runoff, and soil compaction, as well as the likelihood of nutrients reaching streams through runoff.

Farmers and ranchers can erect fence around streams, rivers, and lakes to prevent animals from entering the water and assist restore stream banks.

learn more about " Farming" here https://brainly.com/question/9780034


What are the 5 themes in English?


Identity, experiences, human creativity, social structure, and sharing the world are the five topics that must be covered.

Through the study of language, topics, and texts, students better their communication skills. Identity, experiences, human creativity, social structure, and sharing the world are the five topics that must be covered.

Students of language B at the SL and HL levels gain the ability to communicate in the target language in both familiar and foreign settings.

The degree of proficiency the learner is expected to gain in receptive, productive, and interactive skills can be used to distinguish between language B SL and HL.

Two literary works originally written in the target language are being studied at HL. Students are expected to increase the complexity and breadth of the language they use and comprehend because it is necessary.

Learn more about to themes  visit here;



Explain how Holden tries to be a "catcher" for the following people.

- Little Kids (Museum, Roller Skater Girl, etc.)
- Sunny
- Phoebe
- Jane
- The nuns
- Other Students (Ackley, James Castel, etc.)
- Any other examples?


Holden imagines himself preserving youthful innocence as he fantasises of becoming "the catcher in the rye."

Why does Holden aspire to become a "catcher in the rye"?

Holden imagines himself as a sort of rescuer who can spare younger children from the hardships of growing up in the middle of his own struggles with the transition to young adulthood. Holden has a strong attraction to kids. Holden is instantly lifted when he spots a young boy singing to himself while going down the street: "It made me feel better. I no longer felt as depressed as I had before.

The boy is belting out the song "If a Body Catch a Body Coming Through the Rye," which gives Holden the idea to save kids from jumping off a cliff by standing in a rye field where they are playing. The song's actual words, however, are "If a body meet a body coming through the rye," Phoebe tells Holden afterwards.

To know more about Holden, click here



human communication is the process of making sense out of the world and sharing that sense with others by creating meaning through _____________.


Human communication is the process of making sense out of the world and sharing that sense with others by creating meaning through verbal and nonverbal messages.

Human communication is making sense out of symbols. These symbols can be words, gestures, or even sounds. We use these symbols to interact with others, and to convey our thoughts and feelings. Communication is a complex process, and it is essential to our survival.

Without communication, we would be unable to form relationships, to share our ideas, or to understand the world around us. We use communication to build bridges between people, and to connect with others.

To know more about communication, click here.



Are mashed potatoes healthy?


They have only 150 calories per potato/serving and are low in fat and high in potassium. These calories are also not worthless.

Those calories provide excellent vitamins and nutrients. So potatoes are an excellent food to include in your diet both in terms of nutrition and calories.

In addition to helping you lose weight, mashed potatoes can give you a variety of essential vitamins, minerals, and complex carbohydrates.

The true winner was mashed potatoes, which resulted in meals for kids having 30–40% fewer calories. Out of all the starches examined, fried French fries (as opposed to baked French fries) resulted in the lowest meal and post-meal glucose and insulin levels. Potatoes also provide fibre, vitamins, and minerals in addition to carbs. They contain a lot of vitamin C. This serves as an antioxidant. Because the vitamin C in potatoes warded against scurvy, they were a life-saving food supply in earlier times. Rice has fewer vitamins and nutrients overall than potatoes, but baked potatoes have a lot more calories and fat when you add toppings like butter, sour cream, gravy, bacon bits, and salt.

To learn more about   antioxidant please click on below link



Identify the type of logical fallacy used in the following conversation:
"Max, I just got a notice from the city about six unpaid parking tickets."
"That reminds me, Dad, the last time I drove the car, the brakes felt a little soft. We'd better get that checked out to be
on the safe side."
ad hominem
circular reasoning
red herring
Hasty generalization


The type of logical fallacy that has been used in the given conversation is a Hasty generalisation. Hence, Option D is correct.

What is the meaning of logical fallacy?

False, misleading, or incorrect arguments are referred to as logical fallacies and can be refuted through logic. An argument with a weak premise and weak conclusion is known as a formal fallacy.

In college and intellectual discourse, arguments and debates play a significant role. But not all arguments are flawless. Some can be dissected because they use flawed logic and hyperbole. These are known as "logical fallacies," and they are frequently used.

Therefore, Option D is correct.

Learn more about logical fallacy from here:



Which of these is the main theme of the passage?
A discovering that you can make a difference by taking actiondiscovering that you can make a difference by taking action
B finding new business opportunitiesfinding new business opportunities
C the importance of working togetherthe importance of working together
D learning how to please people


Answer: I think the most reasonable answer is C, but im not sure because you gave no context


What are the 6 types of creative non fiction?


The first of the six forms of creative nonfiction is the braided essay. 2. A disjointed essay. 3. Visual essay. 4. Essay on hermit crabs. 5. A song essay; 6. A personal report.

Literary nonfiction, narrative nonfiction, literary journalism, and verfabula are other terms for creative nonfiction, a type of writing that employs literary methods and styles to produce factually accurate tales. Other nonfiction, such academic, technical, or journalistic writing, which is likewise based on true truth but not meant to amuse readers due to prose style, contrasts with creative nonfiction. Many authors believe that essays and creative nonfiction are similar. A piece must be factually correct and crafted with consideration for literary technique and style in order to qualify as creative nonfiction.

To know more about creative nonfiction:



The lottery by Shirley Jackson


After reading the story "The Lottery" and learning that the winner of the lottery is stoned to death as a form of sacrifice, we can answer as follows:

The lottery was not ethical since murder should never be seen as something ethical, unless in self-defense. No one should be forced to sacrifice themselves for the sake of tradition. In the story, the winner is clearly upset. She does not wish to be killed, and she does not think the whole process was fair.The process was not fair. At first, it was the husband who drew the piece of paper with the black dot. However, in the end, the wife was killed.

What happens in "The Lottery"?

In the short story "The Lottery," the villagers of a small town gather to play a lottery game, but the winner does not get a nice price. They get to be stoned to death by the other villagers. Apparently, this is a ritual sacrifice to better harvest.

The winner in the story is Mrs. Hutchinson, but she does not accept her fate. As explained in the answers provided above, she does not think the process and method of the lottery are fair.

Learn more about "The Lottery" here:



How did BTS influence the youth?


BTS was called to speak before the UN not once, not twice, but three times due to its importance and impact on young people.

SEOUL - Along with being a global phenomenon with numerous number-one songs, BTS has also had a significant impact on the world with its inspirational messages for young people and those fighting Asian hate crimes. The press and financial markets have paid a great deal of attention to BTS's commercial impact on the Korean economy as well as its charitable and other business endeavors. As a parent, it is comforting to know that BTS is actively involved in supporting charitable organizations like UNICEF if you look at their projects. This indicates that they are sincere and truly wonderful people. wonderful example for their followers. BTS has a lot of charms. Genre-less good music is merely the cherry on top. In addition to being incredibly skilled performers, they also convey positive themes through their music, speak out against pressing causes, and develop genuine relationships with their audience.

To learn more about relationships  please click on below link



How did Islam spread so quickly with trade?


Islam began spreading to eastern countries through commerce once it arrived in the Arabian Peninsula inside the 7th century, helped along by the growth of the maritime Silk Roads. Muslims were renowned to be skilled sailors and to possess a commercial talent that was especially promoted by Islam.

Over a period of roughly 1,400 years, Islam has spread. Following the death of Muhammad, Muslim conquests resulted in the establishment of the caliphates, which covered a sizable portion of the globe. As Arab Muslim troops gradually expanded their empire by capturing large lands and erecting imperial buildings, Islam's spread was aided. The majority of the important expansion took place between 632 and 661 CE, during the Rashidun era, which included Muhammad's first four successors.

To know more about Islam:



Who did the Republicans run against Wilson in 1916?


Answer: Evans Hughes


Evans Hughes was a Republican presidential candidate. He was a former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court


The 1916 United States presidential election was the 33rd quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 7, 1916. Incumbent Democratic President Woodrow Wilson narrowly defeated former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Charles Evans Hughes, the Republican candidate.

hope this helps brainliest plsss first answer : ) <33

Which of the following statements are true?
Select two.


Shaw denounced radical ideas of any kind.
Shaw’s only successful plays were dark, pessimistic tragedies.
Shaw often concealed political issues of his day in his witty farces.
Shaw enjoyed poking fun at English conservatism.


Shaw often concealed political issues of his day in his witty farces and Shaw enjoyed poking fun at English conservatism are two statements which are true about George Shaw .

What was George Bernard Shaw famous for ?

Irish comedic playwright, literary critic, and socialist propagandist George Bernard Shaw (born July 26, 1856, in Dublin, Ireland—died November 2, 1950, in Ayot St. Lawrence, Hertfordshire, England) won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1925.

George Carr Shaw and Lucinda Elizabeth Gurly Shaw had one son, George Bernard Shaw, the third and youngest child. Technically speaking, George Bernard was a member of the Protestant "ascendancy"—the landed Irish gentry—but because of his unpractical father, who was first a sinecured civil servant and then a failed grain merchant, he grew up in a genteel poverty that, to him, was more humiliating than being poor. Shaw was initially mentored by an office worker uncle, and he essentially disapproved of the schools he later attended. By the age of 16, Shaw was working in a land agent's office.

To learn more about Bernard Shaw checkout the link below :



Pls help asap What challenges does Percy face in chapter 4? And how does he respond ?


In chapter 4 of The Lightning Thief, Percy faces physical challenges on top of dealing with an onset of emotional turmoil. He now knows that the people around him have been lying to him and there are monsters trying to end his life. He has a lot of questions but the immediate danger of the Minotaur makes answering them now impossible. All the group can really do is run, because this is one of the tougher monsters that could have come after them.
While Percy is ready to run at first, Grover and his mother being in danger quickly changes his flight response to a fight response. It is ultimately his mother's heroic sacrifice that enrages Percy to the point of being able to kill the Minotaur. Granted, it was ultimately as much luck as planning that saved him.
Percy gets injured during this fight, and as soon as it's over, he breaks emotionally. His mother is gone. All he can do at this point is cry and drag Grover to safety, which he barely manages to do before his head injury catches up with him and he passes out.

Pride, not compassion, leads Mr. Zuckerman to keep Wilbur alive.
Topic Sentence
Mr. Zuckerman spares Wilbur's life to protect the farm's reputation.
Weak: Not a Claim
Weak: Redundant
Weak: Off Topic


Pinchas Zukerman, (born July 16, 1948, Tel Aviv, Israel), Israeli American violinist, violist, and conductor who earned widespread acclaim in a career that spanned more than five decades.

Who was Zukerman?

Zukerman began playing at about the age of seven; when he was eight he entered the Tel Aviv Academy of Music. In 1962, sponsored by violinist Isaac Stern, he went to New York City to study at the Juilliard School, remaining there until 1967.

Thereafter he appeared as a soloist throughout North America, and after his New York debut in 1969 he toured frequently in Europe. Among his recordings are the complete Beethoven violin sonatas (with Daniel Barenboim) and piano trios (with Barenboim and Jacqueline du Pré).

Zukerman served as musical director of the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra (1980–87) in Minnesota and of the National Arts Centre Orchestra (1999–2015) in Canada.

Therefore, Pinchas Zukerman, (born July 16, 1948, Tel Aviv, Israel), Israeli American violinist, violist, and conductor who earned widespread acclaim in a career that spanned more than five decades.

To learn more about Zukerman, refer to the link:



What are the 5 stages of essay writing?


The basic process of essay writing includes the following steps: investigation, pre-writing, drafting, revision, and editing.

When writing any type of material, there are five fundamental phases that might help our essay:

Pre-writing: You must conduct the necessary research and decide precisely what you will write about before you begin.

Planning and outlining: It's crucial to employ a logical structure in academic writing to properly convey information. It's much easier to organize things beforehand than to scramble to figure out our framework once we've started writing.

Writing the first draft: Once we are certain of our framework, it is time to write the first draft in its entirety. We use our outline as a framework to offer our writing organisation.

Redrafting and revising: It's time to assess our initial draft critically and seek for potential areas for development. Redrafting entails significantly changing the content, whereas revising entails altering the structure and reframing the arguments.

Editing and proofreading: Editing concentrates on specific issues like sentence structure and clarity. Proofreading entails carefully examining the material to weed out errors and guarantee stylistic coherence.

To know more about essay, visit:



Can someone write me a 500 word Essay about maturity please.



Maturity is not a matter of age, the older you get, the wiser you will be. But how you choose to respond and react to various life situations. It is essentially a level of mental development or wisdom that has a bearing on all areas of an individual's life, right from their conduct to their relationship with others.

There are four types of maturity: Physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional maturity. For example, an emotionally mature person has reached (and continues to work at reaching) a level of self-understanding with regard to their thoughts and behaviors and then decides how to best approach and cope with situations that might otherwise be trying or challenging. Physical maturation is the physical growth and development that humans go through till old age. Emotional maturity not only means having awareness and control over one's own emotions, prejudices, biases, and privileges it also means showing empathy and compassion to the feelings and reactions of those around us.

In summary, maturity improves the ability to make good decisions. And with wise choices comes more stability in your life overall. Gone is the flurry of bad relationships, iffy decisions, wild nights out, and horrible jobs.


Maturity comes in many shapes and forms. I am versed in it, considering I'm an 8th grader, but I don't know a lot. Even so, I hope this satisfies you :).

True or false? Passive transport requires energy while active transport does not.


This claim is untrue. Active travel uses energy, while passive transport doesn't. Transport proteins are used in both passive and active transport to carry molecules across a cell membrane.

There are two main strategies to transfer molecules across a membrane, and the difference is related to the usage of cell energy. Active transport needs energy to operate, whereas passive systems like diffusion don't.

Transport that is active takes energy. One may liken it to a ball rolling up a hill. Active transport is the movement of molecules across the cell membrane with the assistance of an energy-storing substance called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This claim is untrue. The term "passive transport"

To learn more about Transport please click on below link



What is a satirical character?


Satire is generally clever, sardonic, and exaggerated. It employs extremes to raise the audience's awareness of its ethical and spiritual risk.

Here are some satirical examples: They would make voting illegal if it affected anything. (Sarcasm is used to subvert democracy.)

Ninety percent of politicians have a negative opinion of the other ten percent. (This employs hyperbole to show politicians' flaws.)

Because most students are familiar with the elements of fairy tales, the film Shrek, which satirizes fairy tale customs, provides as an introduction to satirical approaches.

Ironic, sarcastic, and sardonic are some synonyms for satiric. While all of these phrases indicate "characterized by bitterness and a power or intention to cut or sting," the word satiric suggests that the purpose is to cut or sting.

Learn more about to satirical character visit here;



What makes Korean music unique?


Korean music is unique in its use of traditional instruments, and its emphasis on vocal harmony. Korean music also incorporates a great variety of genres, from traditional folk to modern pop, rock, and jazz. Additionally, Korean music is often characterized by its emotional intensity, and its ability to tell stories and convey messages through song.

Answer: the same reason spanish music is so popular among americans or the same reason anime is popular among americans

Explanation: you have to understand not everyone in korea listens to KPOP like not everyone in the south listens to country music. Sure it is popular? Yes. But not everyone listens to it and not everyone has to listen to it. Another thing americans love other cultures. It may just be because we are curious. That is why we try new foods. The sound itself from korean music is also unique. The fact that it includes some hip hop aspects plus the bubblegum POP type of music. They also present a world as "perfect"

How do you open mind and open heart?


We open minds and open hearts by removing fear.

Being open with one's feelings and those of others is about understanding that you are not merely your emotions or convictions. They may move you but they are not who you are.

An open mind is needed to learn who you are. It is important in learning and personal and emotional growth. It is impossible to learn something without proper feedback. But, with an open mind, you don't need feedback.

An open heart does not mean being over sensitive, it is all about valuing your emotions and welcoming others. To have an open mind, you need to believe in yourself but without an open heart, and no fear nothing else matters.

To learn more about Open mind and Open heart,




What term is a word expression that has a precise meaning?


Choosing the words that best communicate a message requires conveying writing. Thus, choice (B) is the right one.

Describe a convey.

To act as a conduit or medium and to direct or conduct; convey To transfer; bear; carry, bring, or take from one location to another to convey, transmit, or make known: to express a wish The singer was taken from her hotel to the airport in a limousine. Ships were used to convey the goods. conveying the pipelines, water is sent to the fields.

A crucial element of accurate and clear writing is the use of language that properly communicates the desired message. A writer must use exact words, phrasing, and sentence structures to prevent creating potential for misinterpretation.

Learn more about conveying here:



What are 3 reasons to explain genetic variations in meiosis ?


The 3 predominant sources of genetic version springing up from duplicate are:

1. Crossing over (in prophase I)

2. Random assortment of chromosomes (in metaphase I)

3. Random fusion of gametes from exceptional dad and mom.

Genetics is the scientific have a look at of genes and heredity—of the way positive features or traits are exceeded from parents to offspring as a result of adjustments in DNA sequence. A gene is a phase of DNA that consists of commands for building one or extra molecules that assist the frame paintings.

DNA is the information molecule. It stores instructions for making other large molecules, called proteins. These instructions are stored inside each of your cells, distributed among 46 long structures called chromosomes. These chromosomes are made up of thousands of shorter segments of DNA, called genes.

Learn more about genetics here :-



mark henry had many challenges in his young life. which of these are not one of his challenges


Mark henry had many challenges in his young life. Ernest, Henry's father, passed away from diabetes-related problems when he was 12 years old. Henry was given a dyslexia diagnosis when he was 14 years old.

He loved wrestling a lot as a kid, while André the Giant remained his favourite wrestler. Young Henry attempted to touch André as he was heading down the aisle during a wrestling event in Beaumont, Texas, but he stumbled over the barrier. He was taken out of the throng by André, who then placed him back in behind barrier.

The question is incomplete and I have answered it generally.

To know more about Mark henry:



What is the main theme of the play?


The fundamental concept or underlying meaning that a writer explores in a book, short story, or other literary work is known as a literary theme.

Characters, setting, dialogue, storyline, or a combination of these aspects can all be used to convey a story's theme. In less complex stories, the major topic is frequently a more open-ended investigation of some basic aspect of society or humanity. In simpler stories, the theme may simply be a moral or lesson, such as "Don't judge a book by its cover." The best literary subjects investigate universal human nature. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that several works may have the same main topic.

To know more about Theme, refer to this link:



How is satire used in Shrek?


As a satire the movie, Shrek is extremely enchanting and successfully adds a sense of realism to the “fairy-tale” characters that we have all come to know and love.

As a satire the movie, Shrek is extremely enchanting and successfully adds a sense of realism to the “fairy-tale” characters that we have all come to know and love. This realism created by the film flips the way the audience perceives each character. Though due to its animation it may be hard for one to simply accept all that is happening, but Shrek has the ability to encapsulate the viewer and place them on an adventure into the land of faerie, up until the end of the movie when the viewer returns to the primary world.

Along with the sense of realness created by the movie, it is easy to identify one-self which the prominent characters found throughout the movie. For example, Shrek is the protagonist of the movie, but he is also an outcast. Throughout the movie Shrek goes on a journey to find the one thing he finds comfort in, solitude, something that everyone in the primary world has at one point in his or her life experienced.

To know more about Satire visit:




shrek's aweosme dude


Water Power Corporation wants to begin operations that include the discharge of waste into navigable waters. Under the Clean Water Act, the company must install certain equipment a. with all deliberate speed after beginning operations. b. before beginning operations. c. only on a voluntary basis. d. only if a regulatory agency challenges the discharge.


Under the Clean Water Act, the Water Power Corporation must install the discharge of waste into navigable water equipment before beginning operations.

Thus, the correct answer is B.

The Cleаn Wаter Аct (CWА) estаblishes the bаsic structure for regulаting dischаrges of pollutаnts into the wаters of the United Stаtes аnd regulаting quаlity stаndаrds for surfаce wаters.

The Cleаn Аir Аct (CАА) requires mаjor stаtionаry sources to instаll pollution control equipment, such as the discharge of waste into navigable waters equipment аnd to meet specific emissions limitаtions. In аddition, under the 1990 CАА аmendments, mаjor stаtionаry sources must obtаin operаting permits.

For more information about the Clean Water Act refer to the link:



What is the most common form of satire?


Perhaps the most typical form of satire is horatian satire. Horatian satire often employs humor to mock a subject or situation in a lighthearted way. Additionally, the satire's intention is to be humorous and serve as a catalyst for change in the subject matter.

Also common in this kind is the usage of parody. Satirical writing frequently serves as a vehicle for societal criticism, especially when it comes to contentious topics. To be effective, satire in writing often requires the use of irony, sarcasm, and hyperbolic parody. In satire, social issues are frequently exaggerated. Literature has a specific genre known as satire. Since the beginning of time, whenever people have spoken, they have made fun of what they have to say or what others have said.

To learn more about satire's please click on below link



What is a split order sentence?




Split order of a sentence divides the predicate into two parts with the subject coming in the middle: In California oranges grow.

What is importance of using wiki Brainly?


To help us find the meanings and definitions of certain things or to understand more about something.

First and foremost, wikis enable true collaboration given that the pages within them may be jointly authored by groups of children. Unlike blogs and forums where the author's posts may not be edited by others, the whole purpose of a wiki is for the initial post to be edited, improved and updated by successive authors.

Educators and teachers are using Wikis as an effective teaching and learning tool to enhance the learning process. Collaboration is an important part of teaching and learning. And Wikis can facilitate collaboration. Wikis can be used to engage learners in learning with others.

Learn more about wiki to visit this link



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Match the problem-solving strategies with their examples. In a binary-star system that produces a nova, the white dwarf pulls matter from the companion star. the matter forms an accretion disk that orbits the white dwarf. then a specific sequence of events must take place for a nova event to occur.1. Material accumulates onto the white dwarf's surface, increasing in temperature and density. 2. At a temperature of 10 million K, the accumulated surface hydrogen begins nuclear fusion. 3. Nuclear fusion reactions cause an enormous but temporary increase in luminosity. 4. As nuclear fuel is burned up or blown into space, fusion ceases and the star dims. (Answer both please will give a brainlest )To find the distance across a small lake, a surveyor has taken the measurements shown. Find the distance across the lake using this information. (Assume points A and B are exactly along theshoreline, and that a-2.92 miles and b-3.91 miles. Round your answer to two decimal places)A parallelogram has sides of lengths 5 and 4, and one angle is 60. Find the lengths of the diagonals. (Round your answers to two decimal places. Enter your answers as a comma-separated list Why is common salt or calcium chloride is scattered on the roads to melt ice in cold countries where it snows heavily? 34.9 which etching process produces the more anisotropic etch in ic fabrication: (a) plasma etching or (b) wet chemical etching? The display summarizes grades on a World History exam.10095908580757065605550World History ExamsWhich of the following describes the data set?The data is univariate and categorical.O The data is univariate and numerical.O The data is bivariate and categorical.O The data is bivariate and numerical. in addition to withholding sex from their husbands, what else do the women of athens do in an effort to bring about the end of the war? What happens if I don't patent my idea? What will be the consequences if we do not educate people with visual impairment? What is the kinetic energy of a 1400 kg sports car Travelling down the road with a speed of 30 m s? The Abbasids improved agriculture by using new ideas including. (name three major practices) Plsss~Thank you an open-end fund has a net asset value of $11.20 per share. it is sold with a front-end load of 5%. what is the offering price? (round your answer to 2 decimal places.) research on age and job performance shows that older workers are typically better in which regard than are younger workers? Some historians have argued that united states foreign policy has more often been motivated by economic interests than by the desire to spread democratic and humanitarian ideals around the world. To what extent is this argument convincing with regard to united states foreign policy between 1890 and 1919?. Revenues are:a. The same as net income.b. The excess of expenses over assets.c. Resources owned or controlled by a company.d. The increase in equity from a company's earning activities. e. The costs of assets or services used. How do I enlarge my screen? #560 Internal server error go back to main page brainly.statuspage.io a magnetic field near the ceiling points down and is increasing. looking up at the ceiling, does the non-coulomb electric field curl clockwise or counter-clockwise? It is commonly understood that every inventionhas its own story of discovery and development.often involved a parade of characters and firms.has a unique story that develops over years or decades.often results in new technology and all of the above. what is the equations and how do you calculate speed?