Every second, the Sun converts about 600 million tons of hydrogen into 596 million tons of helium. The remaining 4 million tons of mass is _________.
a. converted to an amount of energy equal to 4 million tons times the speed of light squared
b. ejected into space in a solar wind
c. reabsorbed as molecular hydrogen
d. ejected into space by solar flares


Answer 1

The correct answer is A. Every second, the Sun converts about 600 million tons of hydrogen into 596 million tons of helium. The remaining 4 million tons of mass is converted to an amount of energy equal to 4 million tons times the speed of light squared.

The sun is the big name at the center of the solar device. it's by far nearly the best ball of warm plasma, heated to incandescence by nuclear fusion reactions in its center. The sun radiates this electricity, particularly as light, ultraviolet, and infrared radiation, and is the maximum essential source of strength for existence in the world. The huge effect of the sun on the planet has been diagnosed considering prehistoric instances. The sun became the concept in some cultures as a deity. The synodic rotation of Earth and its orbit across the sun are the basis of some sun calendars.

each 2d, the sun's core fuses about six hundred million lots of hydrogen into helium, and within the process converts four million tons of count into power. This electricity, which may take between 10,000 and one hundred seventy,000 years to escape the middle, is the source of the solar's mild warmth. whilst hydrogen fusion in its center has dwindled to the factor at which the sun is not in hydrostatic equilibrium, its core will go through a marked growth in density and temperature while its outer layers expand, ultimately reworking the sun right into a red giant.

To learn more about the Solar System visit here:



Related Questions

a 0.10 kg mass is attached to a string 0.75 m long and swings in a horizontal circle, revolving once every 0.80 s.how much tension is in the string?


The tension in the string is 4.62N

What is tension in a spring system?

When an external force operates at one of the ends of a rope or string, tension, a form of force (pulling force), emerges down the length of the string or rope. The string's tension has an opposing effect to the external force. One type of force is the tension in a rope. Therefore, the units of tension are equivalent to the units of force.As a result, the CGS unit is dyne while the SI unit of tension is Newton (N).Using the three tension force formulas mentioned above, it is simple to determine a rope's tension at mechanical equilibrium.


m = 0.10

l = 0.75

t = 0.80

v = 2πr/t

tension, T = mv^2/t = 4.62 N

To know more about tension in a string refer:



In what ways is the wireless signal between the cell phones similar to the light that travels from the cell phone to your eyes?.


Mobile phones transmit and receive signals using electromagnetic waves, that is, wireless signal are electromagnetic waves which can travel through a vacuum, they do not need a medium or matter.

They are generated by electrical and magnetic particles moving at the same time (oscillating).

Characteristics of electromagnetic waves

Network waves are electromagnetic waves.

A mobile phone has coverage when it receives electromagnetic waves from at least one base station.

They do not necessarily require a material medium for their propagation.

Therefore, we can conclude that electromagnetic waves are those that do not need a material medium to propagate and include, among others, radio, television and telephone waves.

To know more about Electromagnetic Waves:



Unpolarized light of intensity I0 is incident on three polarizing filters. The axis of the first is vertical, that of the second is 35.0 ∘ from vertical, and that of the third is horizontal.


Light is added in waves, and mild waves that vibrate in multiple aircraft are called unpolarized mild. Polarized mild waves, on the opposite hand, are mild waves wherein the vibrations arise in a single aircraft.

This mild travels in each vertical and horizontal directionsThe sum of the randomly orientated wave trains outcomes in a wave whose route of polarization modifications unexpectedly and randomly.

Such a wave is stated to be unpolarized. All not unusualplace reassets of mild, such as the Sun, incandescent and fluorescent lights, and flames, produce unpolarized mild.The unpolarized mild of Intensity I 0 is incident on a polarizer then a polarized mild at depth I 0 /2 comes out.Intensity of transmitted beamI t =I 0 /2cos 2 forty five from the system I=I 0 cos 2 θI t = 2I 0 × 21 = 4I 0.

Read more about light:



what is the magnitude of the acceleration of a skydiver at the instant she is falling at one-half her terminal speed?


a = 7.35 m/s ²

Terminal velocity is highest velocity which is attained by the object when it is falling through air.

we know that at terminal velocity


here g = 9.8m/s

The formula,

ma = mg - m(1/2)²g

a = g (1 - 1/4)

a = 3/4 g

a = 3/4 X 9.8

a= 7.35 m/s ²

To know more about terminal speed,



an electon in a box absorbs light. the longest wavelength in the absorbtion spectrum is 500 nmnm . how long is the box? for general problem-solving tips and strategies for this topic, you may want to view a video tutor solution of spectrum of dye.


The length of the box that absorbs the light is;

L =6.74 × 10^(-10) m


Longest wavelength of spectrum; λ = 500 nm = 500 × 10^(-9) m

The formula for energy of quantization is;

E = h²n²/8mL²

Also, Energy of a photon is;

E = hc/λ


hc/λ = h²n²/8mL²

h will cancel out to give;

c/λ = hn²/8mL²


h is Planck's constant = 6.626 × 10^(-34) m².kg/s

c is speed of light = 3 × 10^(8) m/s

λ is wavelength = 500 × 10^(-9) m

L is length of box

m is mass of electron = 9.11 × 10^(-31) kg

n² is difference in energy levels = (2² - 1²) = 3

Making L the subject gives;

L = √(hn²λ/8mc)


L = √((6.626 × 10^(-34) × 3 × 500 × 10^(-9))/(8 × 9.11 × 10^(-31) × 3 × 10^(8))

L = √(4.5458287596 × 10^(-19))

L = 6.74 × 10^(-10) m

The electron is a subatomic  particle with a bad one standard electric charge. Electrons belong to the primary technology of the lepton particle own family, and are typically thought to be fundamental particles because they have no recognized additives or substructure.

For most realistic purposes, an electron is a structureless particle with an intrinsic angular momentum, or spin. simply two numbers — the electron's mass and its electric price — gasoline the equations that describe its behaviour. From this 'sensible electron' version, physicists constructed present day microelectronics.

By using the best values for the wave-length and the scattering by matter of tough X-rays and ?-rays, the radius of the electron is anticipated as approximately 2 × 10^-10 cm.

Read more at; brainly.com/question/13405242


The correct answer is, length = 6.74 × 10⁻¹⁰ m

Data given to us;

Longest wavelength of spectrum; λ = 500 nm = 500 × 10⁻⁹ m

The formula for energy of quantization is;

E = h²n²/8mL²

Energy of the proton can be calculated by

E = hc/λ

hc/λ = h²n²/8mL²

c/λ = hn²/8mL²


h = Planck's constant = 6.626 × 10⁻³⁴ m².kg/s

c = speed of light = 3 × 10⁸ m/s

λ = wavelength = 500 × 10⁻⁹ m

L = length of box

m = mass of electron = 9.11 × 10⁻³¹ kg

n² = difference in energy levels = (2² - 1²) = 3

We can find the length easily by the above formula,

L = √(hn²λ/8mc)

L = √((6.626 × 10⁻³⁴ × 3 × 500 × 10⁻⁹)/(8 × 9.11 × 10⁻³¹× 3 × 10⁸)

L = √(4.5458287596 × 10⁻¹⁹

L = 6.74 × 10⁻¹⁰ m

Therefore, the length of the box is 6.74 × 10⁻¹⁰ m.

To know more about the length, refer: https://brainly.com/question/17197203


light of wavelength 3.19 mm strikes and is absorbed by a molecule. is this process most likely to alter the rotational, vibrational, or atomic energy levels of the molecule?


light of wavelength 3.19 mm strikes and is absorbed by a molecule this will alter the atomic energy of the molecule.

Rotational strength: kinetic strength related to the rotational movement of molecules. Vibrational strength: the oscillatory movement of atoms or agencies of atoms inside a molecule (capacity strength ↔ kinetic strength exchange).

Electronic strength: strength saved as capacity strength in excited digital configurations .A molecular vibration is worked up whilst the molecule absorbs strength, ΔE, similar to the vibration's frequency, ν, in line with the relation ΔE = hν, wherein h is Planck's constant. A essential vibration is evoked whilst one such quantum of strength is absorbed through the molecule in its floor state.

The first strength degree is likewise referred to as degree 'K'. The 2d degree is referred to as degree L, 1/3 strength degree as M, and so on. Electrons withinside the outermost strength degree also are referred to as Valence electrons. Various residences of atoms are primarily based totally on those valence electrons.

Learn more about atomic energy here https://brainly.com/question/1370081


given the force field f​, find the work required to move an object on the given orientated curve. on the parabola from to


the effort necessary to move a object along the designated oriented curve. regarding the parabola from it to 16

What do energy and work mean?

Work is the process of transmitting energy into a target item to cause some displacement. The definition of energy is the capacity for work. The work produced is consistent. There are many different types of energy, including kinetic energy and potential energy.

What are the different kinds of work?

There are three different types of job that can be categorized. They are productive work, productive work, and productive work. The relationship among force and displacement has an impact on the type of job. Positive work is the kind of work that occurs when an applied force moves an object in that direction.

To know more about work visit:



Electrical energy is used to turn the blades of a fan. The amount of energy transformed is seen here: 750 j electrical energy is transformed into 400 j kinetic or mechanical energy. What happened to the remaining 350 j of energy?.


Here is the energy that is left after the quantity of energy is transformed: 750 j of electrical energy is changed into 400 j of kinetic or mechanical energy, which is then turned into 0.32 j of efficient energy.

To run the fan, electrical energy is utilized.

Here, under the specified circumstances, 750 J of electrical energy is utilized to operate the fan, which is transformed into 400 J of kinetic energy. As a result, 350 J of energy is wasted due to various frictional and resistive losses.

Therefore, we may conclude that only 400 J of the 750 J available energy is used to power the fan, with the remaining energy being wasted as a result of friction.

Additionally, we can state that this fan's effectiveness will be

n = Useful ÷ Total

n = 400 ÷ 750

n = 8 ÷ 25

n = 0.32

Learn more about energy at



in the activator stage of physical activity you are active but participate inconsistently.


True, in the activator stage of physical activity you are active but participate inconsistently.

What is physical activity?

Physical activity is described as any voluntary bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure which encompasses all activities, at any intensity, performed during any time of day or night.

The stages of physical activity includes :

Active exerciser- Active on a regular basis. Can overcome obstacles that may discourage others Activator- Active but participates inconsistently Planner- Has taken steps to get ready to be active, such as buying special clothing or equipmentContemplation- Not active but thinking about becoming active Precontemplation- Sedentary living; does no regular activity

Learn more about physical activity at:  https://brainly.com/question/1963437


Complete question:

In the activator stage of physical activity you are active but participate inconsistently.

True or False?

An object has a mass of 100 kg moving at 5 m/s. What is the linear momentum of the object?.


The linear momentum of the object has a mass of 100 kg moving at 5 m/s = 500 kg m/s.

The linear momentum

Momentum is a quantity that shows the size of the difficulty to stop the motion of an object. If the object is stopped, it requires work equal to the change in mechanical energy.

Linear momentum is related to straight motion and is the product of the mass of the system times its velocity.

The linear momentum equation is:

p = mv


p is the linear momentum

m is the mass of the object in motion, and

v is the velocity of the object.

We have,

Mass of the object = 100 kg

The velocity of the object = 5 m/s

So, the linear momentum of the object is:

P = (100) (5)

= 500 kgm/s

Learn more about momentum here: https://brainly.com/question/2193212


a 12 h inductor carries a current of 2.0 a. at what rate must the current be changed to produce a 60 v emf in the inductor?


The current changed to produce a 60 v emf in the inductor is 5.0 A/s

ε=−L(di/dt), we may obtain the desired induced emf by setting

(di/dt) = -ε/L = 5.0

An inductor is a passive electronic component that temporarily stores energy in a magnetic field when electric current flows through the inductor's coil.An inductor is defined as a passive component that is used in most electrical circuits to store energy in the form of magnetic energy when electric current flows through it. It is also known as the coil, choke, or reactor. It is a two-terminal electrical component that is characterized by its inductance.

To know more about Inductor :



a ball is thrown from point x and follows path xyz. air resistance is negligible. which quantity is zero when the ball is at the highest point y of the path?


The quantity which is zero when the ball is at the highest point y of the path is The horizontal component of the ball's acceleration.

This is the question of simple oblique projectile as the air resistance is zero it becomes a very ideal case. In a projectile the acceleration due to gravity is always acting downwards so, vertical component can never be zero, if we talk about the velocity if it becomes zero, the ball should fall on the spot so the horizontal acceleration which would be zero at the highest point as now the ball will travel only with the velocity it has acquired till now and there qould be zero acceleration.

To know more about Projectile :



push a cart along a track so twice as much net force acts upon it. if the acceleration remains the same, what is a reasonable explanation?


It makes sense to assume further that greater net force has improved the cart's ability to transmit energy, thereby permitting it to travel with the alike speed.

This may be the result of less resistance among the cart and even the track or better track construction which enables to achieve a more seamless transmission of energy.

It makes sense to assume that the cart's mass has decreased. This implies further that carts with both the smaller mass could now experience nearly identical resultant force, and this is equivalent towards the object's mass x its speed

An explanation in detail:

1. The net pressure applied on an item is proportional to the object's mass x its speed.

2. Reducing the mass of such a cart will boost the net force pressing upon that cart.

3. When the cart's mass is decreased, relatively similar number of net force could then be applied to the carts including a lower weight.

4. Consequently, despite the cart's lower mass, identical acceleration can somehow be attained.

To know more about Force click here



During most of its lifetime, a star maintains an equilibrium size in which the inward force of gravity on each atom is balanced by an outward pressure force due to the heat of the nuclear reactions in the core. but after all the hydrogen fuel is consumed by nuclear fusion, the pressure force drops and the star undergoes a gravitational collapse until it becomes a neutron star. in a neutron star, the electrons and protons of the atoms are squeezed together by gravity until they fuse into neutrons. neutron stars spin very rapidly and emit intense pulses of radio and light waves, one pulse per rotation. these pulsing stars were discovered in the 1960s and are called pulsars.A star with the mass (M=2.0×10^30kg) and size (R=3.5×10^8m) of our sun rotates once every 35.0 days. After undergoing gravitational collapse, the star forms a pulsar that is observed by astronomers to emit radio pulses every 0.200 s. By treating the neutron star as a solid sphere, deduce its radius.


The radius is 180020 m and the velocity of the star is 5652628 m/s.

Mass of star = m = 2 X 10³⁰ Kg

Radius of star = 3.5 X 10⁸ m

The star rotates around the sun every 35 days.

Time period = t = 35 X 24 X 60 X 60 = 3024000 s

The final time t' = 2 s

Since, angular momentum L is conserved in this process. We can use the formula =

= L = ωI

Here, I = moment of inertia

= I = (2mr²)/5


= L = ω X (2mr²)/5

= L = (2mr²)/5 X (2π/t)

= L = (4πmr) / 5t

Now, since L (initial) = L' (final),

= (4πmr) / 5t = (4πmr) / 5t'


= (r²/t²) = (r'²/t'²)

Which means,

= r' = r X √(t'/t)

= 7 X 10⁸ X √(0.2/3024000)

= 1.80020 X 10⁵

= 180020 m

And we calculate the velocity of a point on the equator by dividing the final circumference over the final period:

= v = c/t

= v = 2πr'/t'

= v = 2π X 180020/0.2

= v = 5652628 m/s

To know more about Neutron star:



The complete question:

During most of its lifetime, s star maintains an equilibrium size in which the inward force of gravity on each atom is balanced by an outward pressure force due to the heat of the nuclear reactions in the core. But after all the hydrogen fuel is consumed by the nuclear fusion, the pressure force drops and the star undergoes a gravitational collapse until it becomes a neutron star. In a neutron star, the electrons and protons of the atoms are squeezed together by gravity until they fuse into neutrons. Neutron stars spin very rapidly and emit intense pulses of radio and light waves, one pulse per rotation. These pulsing stars were discovered in the 1960's and are called pulsars.a) A star with the mass (M=2.0x10^30 Kg) and size (R=7.0x10^8 m) of our sun rotates once every 35 days. After undergoing gravitational collapse, the star forms a pulsar that is observed by astronomers to emit radio pulses every 0.10 s. By treating the neutron star as a solid sphere, deduce its radius.b) What is the speed of a point on the equator of the neutron star? Your answer will be somewhat too large because a star cannot be accurately modeled as a solid sphere. Even so, you will be able to show that a star, whose mass is 10^6 larger than the earth's, can be compressed by gravitational forces to a size smaller than a typical state in the United States!

the waves represented by the data pass by the buoy with a speed of 5 m/s. what is the wavelength of these waves?


The wavelength of a wave is equal to the speed of the wave divided by its frequency. Since the frequency of the wave is not given, we cannot calculate the wavelength.

The wavelength of a wave is the distance between two successive peaks or troughs of the wave. In order to calculate the wavelength of the waves represented by the data, we need to know the frequency of the waves. Frequency is the number of waves that pass a given point in a given period of time, usually measured in hertz (Hz).

Once we know the frequency of the waves, we can use the following equation to calculate the wavelength:

Wavelength = Speed of Wave / Frequency

For example, if the frequency of the waves is 0.2 Hz, then the wavelength would be:

Wavelength = 5 m/s / 0.2 Hz = 25 m

Therefore, the wavelength of the waves represented by the data will depend on the frequency of the waves.

to know more about frequency click here:



if there is another objective that can be used, having magnification of -400, what other total magnification is possible?


The other total magnification possible is 2000.

What is magnification in compound microscope?

The use of many lenses in a microscope is referred to as compounding. Another form of optical microscope is the compound microscope. Simple microscopes are the other kind of optical microscope. Simple and complex microscopes vary in that a simple microscope only requires one lens, but a compound microscope requires many lenses.

An tool used to see magnified pictures of tiny objects, such as cell structures on a glass slide, is a compound microscope or high-power microscope. Enlarging the apparent size is the process of magnification. This expansion is quantified by a mathematical quantity sometimes known as "magnification." Magnification often refers to scaling up graphics to view more detail and raise resolution.

When using a compound light microscope, the power of the objective lens, which can be 4x, 10x, or 40x, must be multiplied by the power of the eyepiece, which is commonly 10x, to determine the overall magnification.Consequently, a 10x eyepiece combined with a 40X objective lens will result in a 400X magnification. Now that the specimen can be seen with the unaided eye at a 400-fold higher magnification, minute features are made visible.


m = +750

mo = +150

a) total magnification, m  = mo.me

me = m/mo = 750/150 = 5

Thus magnification of eyepiece is 5.

b) Total magnification = mo.me = 400 x 5 = 2000

Thus total magnification of objects having magnification 150 and 400 is 2000.

To know more about magnification visit:



The complete question is:

A simple compound microscope with an overall magnification of -750 has an objective that magnifies by -150.

Part (a) What is the magnification of the eyepiece?

Part (b) If there is another objective that can be used, having magnification of -400, what other total magnification is possible?

An element of atomic number 88 decays radioactively to anelement of atomic number 82.Which of the following emissions achieve this result?a.one alpha particle and one beta particleb. three alpha particlesc. one alpha particled. six beta particles


Three alpha particles are lost.

The process by which unstable nuclei emit radiation and lose energy  is called radioactive decay. If a material contains an unstable core, it is considered radioactive.

There are three basic types of radioactive decay, Decay of alpha, beta and gamma. Radioactivity can be measured by counting decays per second.


Six protons are lost when atomic number 88 decays to atomic number 82.

The following explains whether the radioactive decay process leads to the loss of six protons.

1. One Alpha and  one beta particles: Alpha particles have two protons and beta particles have one electron. So this is not a loss of 6 protons.

2. Three alpha particles: Alpha particles have two protons. So when 3 alpha particles decay, 6 protons are lost.

3. One Alpha particle: An alpha particle has two protons, so six protons are never lost.

4. Six Beta Particles: A beta particle has 1 electron, therefore 6 protons will be gained during the decay.

Therefore, three alpha particles is correct because when three of them are lost, six protons are lost.

Read more about radioactive decay at:



the gold foil experiment led to the conclusion that each atom in the foil was composed mostly of empty space because most alpha particles directed at the foil


Rutherford’s experiment with gold foil is known as gold foil experiment.

Gold-foil experiment:

Gold-foil experiment was given by Rutherford.In his experiment, the α-particles were made to come down on a thin gold foil.Many of the α-particles passed linearly through the gold foil.Some of the particles deviated at small angles.One out of every 12000 particles appeared to bounce.

Conclusion of Rutherford's model of an atom:

The space inside an atom is almost empty as most of the α-particles passed without deflection through the gold foil.The positive charge occupies a minimum space which indicates that very few particles were diverted from their path.A very small proportion of α-particles were diverted by 180o, indicating that all the positive charge and mass of the gold atom were concentrated in a very small volume within the atom.

To know more about atoms visit;



A 512 Hz tuning fork was sounded at the same time as another tuning fork which has been damaged. Over the course of 10 seconds, 30 beats were heard. What are the possible frequencies of the second fork?


The possible frequency of the second fork is 508.988 Hz or 509Hz approximately.

What is beat frequency ?

When two sounds are played simultaneously, they will conflict with one another. Beats are secondary waves that can be heard when the frequencies of these sounds are sufficiently close to one another. The difference between the two frequencies determines the frequency of these beats:

[tex]f_{beats} = f_{1}-f_{2}[/tex]


[tex]f_{beats}[/tex] = Beat frequency

[tex]f_{1}[/tex] = Frequency of 1st tuning fork

[tex]f_{2}[/tex] = Frequency of 2nd tuning fork


1 hertz = 60 Beats per minute.


Number of beats = 30

time taken = 10 seconds = 0.166 minutes.

Hence, 60 beats per minute = 1 Hz

180.72 beats per minute = 3.012 Hz.


Beat frequency = 3.012Hz

Frequency of 1st tuning fork = 512Hz


[tex]f_{beats} = f_{1}-f_{2}[/tex]

[tex]f_{2}= f_{1}-f_{beats}[/tex]

  = 512 - 3.012

  = 508.988 Hz

Hence, the possible frequency of the second fork is 508.988 Hz or 509Hz approximately.

To know more about frequency please click here https://brainly.com/question/254161


Light waves are electromagnetic waves that travel at 3.00 x 10^8 m/s. the eye is most sensitive to light having a wavelength of 5.50 x10^-7 m.(a) Find the frequency of this light wave. (b) Find its period.


The frequency and the period of light waves with wavelength of  5.50 x10⁻⁷ m is 5.45 x 10¹⁴ Hz and 1.83 x 10⁻¹⁵ second, respectively.

The relation between the speed of an electromagnetic wave, its frequency, and wavelength is given by:

c = λ · f


c = speed of the electromagnetic wave =  3.00 x 10⁸ m/s

λ = wavelength

f = the frequency of the  electromagnetic wave

In the given problem:

λ = 5.50 x10⁻⁷ m.


a) its frequency:

   f = c / λ

     = 3.00 x 10⁸ / 5.50 x10⁻⁷ = 5.45 x 10¹⁴ Hz

b) its period

   T = 1/f = 1.83 x 10⁻¹⁵ second

Learn more about electromagnetic wave here:



Need help asap! I’m unsure of how to do this!


The distance between the two balls of mass 0.872 kg is 0.76 m.

What is distance?

Distance is the total length between two point.

To calculate the distance between the twp balls, we use the formula below.


r = √(GMm/F).................. Equation 1


r = Distance between the two ballsm, M = Mass of the first and second ball respectivelyF = Force of attraction between the two ballsG = Universal constant

From the question,


M = m = 0.872 kgF = 8.84×10⁻¹¹ NG = 6.673×10⁻¹¹ Nm²/kg²

Substitute these values into equation 1

r = √(0.872×0.872×6.673×10⁻¹¹/8.84×10⁻¹¹)r = √(0.574)r = 0.76 m

Hence, the distance between the two balls is 0.76 m.

Learn more about distance here:  https://brainly.com/question/26046491


a 2.00 kg metal object requires 1.00*104 j of heat to raise its temperature from 20.0c to 40.0c what is the specific heat capacity of the metal


The specific heat capacity is 250 J/kg.°C

What is specific heat capacity?

The amount required to increase a temperature per unit of mass is known as specific heat capacity. It is a constant having various values depending on the substance.

Using the formula for heat capacity:

ΔQ = mcΔT

ΔQ is the heat capacity, unit is in Joules (J)

m  is the mass, unit is in kg

c  is the specific heat capacity, unit is in J/kg.°C

ΔT is the change in temperature, unit is in °C

ΔT = T₂ - T₁


T₂ final temperature, unit is in °C

-T₁ initial temperature, unit is in °C

For the given information:

ΔQ =  1.00*10^4 Joules (J)

m = 2 kg

c  = c J/kg.°C

ΔT is the change in temperature, unit is in °C

ΔT = T₂ - T₁ = 40 - 20 = 20 °C

Thus from ΔQ = mcΔT

1.00*10^4  = 2 x c x 20

c =  1.00*10^4  / 40 =  250 J/kg.°C

For more information related to specific heat capacity, just click on the following link:



a hockey puck is accelerated using a hockey stick over a smooth level ice surface the puck has a mass of 0.400kg and is moved by the stick for a distance of 0.800m what was the average forcr applied to the puck if the final speed is 25.0m/s


The average force applied to the puck of mass 0.4 kg is 156.25 N.

What is force?

Force is the product of mass and acceleration.

To calculate the average force applied to the puck, we use the formula below.


F = mv²/2s.............................. Equation 1


F = Average forcem = Mass of the puck = 0.4 kgv = Final speed = 25 m/ss = Distance = 0.8 m

Substitute these values into equation 1

F = (0.4×25²)/(2×0.8)F = 156.25 N

Hence, the average force applied is 156.25 N.

Learn more about force here: https://brainly.com/question/25239010


3.)slight misalignment between the rotor field and the stator field in a synchronous motor is called the


Torque Angle is the misalignment of synchronous motor in the stator field and  the rotor field

Torque  Angle: the force used to tighten a bolt or nut. the degree of rotational movement of a bolt or nut. Between the pivot point and the location where the force is applied, measure the distance, r. Calculate the angle between the vector connecting the force's application point and the pivot point and the direction of the applied force. You may calculate the torque by multiplying r by F and sin. Angle refers to the amount of rotation a fastener makes while being tightened and measured for torque.

For example, if a Torque Wrench was to turn and tighten a bolt in one full rotation, this would be 360 degrees. For the d.c. machine, a torque angle of 90° is the normal condition, with field and armature m.m.f.s maintained in quadrature by the angular-position switching action of brushes and commutator.

To learn more about Torque Angle click here



for an electromagnetic wave moving through vacuum, what is the ratio of the magnitude of the electric field to the magnetic field equal to?


The velocity of light, defined as c = 3.00 108 m/s, is the proportion of the strength of something like the electrostatic potential towards the magnetism of such an electromagnetic field travelling through with a suction.

As an electromagnetic radiation traveling out via a suction, this electrical course's amplitude divided either by magnetism field's intensity equals the velocity of light, c.

Two distinct elements make up an electromagnetic wave are really the electromagnetic current and indeed the magnetosphere. In the same way in which the gravitational flux is an unit vector that represents the pressure the waves exerts on ferromagnetic materials, the electrostatic force is an unit vector that represents the pressure the waves exerts on energetic particles.

The rate of a wave's movement throughout a vacuum is directly proportional to the speed of lights, or c. This is equivalent to the proportion of the magnetism field's to electrical field's rate of transmission. These two fields should proceed at exactly the same velocity, or the rate of light, in order to travel as electromagnetic fields simultaneously.

As a result, the electrostatic force to strong magnetic ratio for something like an electromagnetic radiation traveling across suction is equal to the velocity of lights, c.

To know more about electromagnetic click here



the heaviest invertebrate is the giant squid, which is estimated to have a weight of about 0.34 tons spread out over its length of 33 feet. what is its weight in newtons?


The heaviest invertebrate is the giant squid, which is estimated to have a weight of about 0.34 tons spread out over its length of 33 feet has the weight of 3332N.

What is weight?

While mass is the most fundamental characteristic of matter and one of the fundamental quantities in physics. Mass is a term used to describe how much matter is there in a body. The kilogram is the SI unit of mass (kg).A body's mass does not alter at any point in time. only in rare instances where a significant quantity of energy is supplied to or taken away from a body. A nuclear reaction, for instance, results in the mass of the substance being reduced as a very little amount of matter is transformed into a very large amount of energy.

Weight gauges how much gravity is pulling on a body.W = mg is the weight formula. Since weight is a force, it has the same SI unit as a force, which is the Newton (N). When we look at how weight is expressed, we can see that it depends on both mass and the acceleration caused by gravity; while the mass may not vary from one location to another, the acceleration caused by gravity does.

Use the following conversion factors

1 ton = 1000 kg

mass = 0.34 tons = 0.34 x 1000 kg = 340 kg

We know w  = mg = 340 x 9.8 = 3332 N

To know more about weight visit:



Suppose that the coefficient of kinetic friction between zak's feet and the floor, while wearing socks, is 0. 250. Knowing this, zak decides to get a running start and then slide across the floor.


The distance travelled by Zak before stopping was 1.84 m.

The force that resists the sliding or rolling of one solid object over another. Frictional forces, such as the traction needed to walk without slipping, may be beneficial, but they also present a great measure of opposition to motion.

Coefficient of Friction = k = 0.250

Zak's speed = v = 3 m/s

Acceleration due to gravity = g = 9.8 m/s²

Work done by frictional force is given by,

= W = ΔKE

= kmgd = (1/2)mv²

= d = v² / 2gk

= d = 3² / 2 X 9.8 X 0.250

= d = 1.84 m

To know more about Friction:



Racing on a flat track, a car going 32m/s rounds a curve 56m in radius. What is
the car's centripetal acceleration?



a = 32^2 / 56 = 2.29 m/s^2.


To find the car's centripetal acceleration, we need to use the formula a = v^2 / r, where a is the centripetal acceleration, v is the speed of the car, and r is the radius of the curve.

In this case, the car's speed is 32 m/s and the radius of the curve is 56 m, so the centripetal acceleration would be a = 32^2 / 56 = 2.29 m/s^2.

a 4.50-v battery is connected across the primary coil of a transformer having 20 turns. if the secondary coil of the transformer has 40 turns, what voltage appears across the secondary?


A constant flux travels through the secondary coil as a result of the battery's production of a constant current in the first coil. There is no induced voltage across the secondary coil if the flux through the secondary coil remains unchanged.

The value of induced current depends on the change in the flux which is produced due to the change in current in the primary coil, since the voltage is constant the current across the coil is also constant which results in 0 change in flux across the secondary coil which will result in no voltage.

To know more about the Induced Current :



How do you solve for dilation?


Answer: Scale factor = Dimension of the new shape divided Dimension of the original shape.  


I hope this helps

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