Every December, Miami Beach hosts one of the largest events of its kind in the world. What are people coming to see?• Manatees• Auto racing• Art


Answer 1

Every December, Miami Beach hosts one of the largest events of its kind in the world, where the people come to see art.

Every December, Miami Beach holds the annual Art Basel Miami Beach where art enthusiasts from across the globe see and buy millions in art from the world's top modern and contemporary galleries. Art Basel is a for-profit, privately owned and managed, international art fair which is staged annually in Miami Beach as well as in other locations such as Basel, Switzerland, Hong Kong, and Paris. Art Basel Miami Beach is considered to be North America's most comprehensive international contemporary art fair. The Art Basel caters to the international crowd as people come annually from all over the world. The art galleries features are the most famous and art is absolutely wonderful.

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What do you call the type of beat pattern in which scott joplin placed the emphasis off the beat or in between beats?


The type of beat pattern in which Scott Joplin placed the emphasis off the beat or in between beats is called a syncopation or another name is a syncopated rhythm.

Any rhythm that emphasizes a beat or division of a beat that is not typically stressed is said to have syncopation or to be syncopated. A powerful, constant beat that is easily divided equally into measures is one of the most blatant characteristics of Western music, present in practically everything from Bach to blues.

In other words, each measure contains the same amount of beats, and the first beat of each measure is the most prominent, so you can hear the measures in the music. For more information, go to Time Signature and Meter. You can easily dance or clap your hands in time to the music because of this. However, repetitive music with the same rhythm can get quite monotonous.

To learn more about syncopation, visit the link below:



beyoncé’s 2003 hit crazy in love was co-written and co-recorded with rap artist __________, who later became her husband.


Hi !


beyoncé’s 2003 hit crazy in love was co-written and co-recorded with rap artist Jay-Z who later became her husband.

What is the role of the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments?


To review statutory instruments created in the execution of legislative authority, the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments is constituted.

The Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) is a standing joint committee of the United Kingdom Parliament. It is responsible for reviewing and reporting on statutory instruments, which are documents that give legal effect to Acts of Parliament. The JCSI examines the content, format, and presentation of statutory instruments to ensure that they are easy to understand, and are consistent with the underlying Act of Parliament.

The committee also considers any representations or objections that are made in relation to a particular statutory instrument. The JCSI has the power to recommend that a statutory instrument be amended or withdrawn if it is deemed to be unclear, inconsistent, or otherwise defective. The committee's recommendations are not binding, but they are considered by the government and can influence the final form of the statutory instrument.

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What is the benefit of making art using local materials?


To foster a feeling of community and establish an emotional connection between our people and our environments, it is crucial to employ locally produced materials and goods. The amount of involvement that encourages comfort at work has an effect on people's well-being.

Using local materials has many benefits and advantages to a community and local people. Such benefits includes:  

There is only little efforts and money involves in transporting local materials to several production sites. Since the cost is only little, it gives more profits to the business owners.Since the materials can be found locally, people can have the sense of belongings in these materials making them proud and more attached to the products they are making.Producing products and arts using local materials helps to reduce pollutions and environment hazards.

Learn more about  making art to visit this link



The manager of a symphony in a large city wants to investigate music preferences for adults and students in the city. Let pa represent the population proportion of adults who live in the city who prefer pop music. Let ps represent the population proportion of students who live in the city who prefer pop music. Random samples of 200 adults from the city and 200 students from the city will be selected.


The interpretation of the given expression is "the difference between the population proportion of adults and the population proportion of students who prefer pop music is approximately 0.022".

Given :

pA is the population proportion of adults.

pS is the population proportion of students.

The total number of adults is 200 and the total number of students is also 200.Random samples of 200 adults from the city and 200 students from the city will be selected.

The following steps can be used in order to determine the best interpretation of the given expression:

Step 1 - According to the given data, pA is the population proportion of adults who live in the city who prefer pop music.

Step 2 - Also given that pS is the population proportion of students who live in the city who prefer pop music.

Step 3 - So, the interpretation of the given expression is "the difference between the population proportion of adults and the population proportion of students who prefer pop music is approximately 0.022".

Learn about random sample;



Who does Hecuba represent in Hamlet?


Hecuba in Hamlet represents the contrast between the depth of emotions required on the death of Hamlet's father and the actual lack of emotions suffered by Hamlet.

The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is a play written by Renaissance playwright and poet Shakespeare between 1599 to 1601. It is the longest play of Shakespeare out of his 38 plays.

Hecuba is the queen of the Trojan king Priam who saw the destruction of Troy and her children in the Trojan war. Hecuba's speech comes in Act two scene two where the player is showing his emotional side while talking about Hecuba.

Hamlet laments his lack of emotion at the death of his father while the player presents exceptional pain in his emotions for a classical figure he never knew personally. The Player's speech on Hecuba moved Hamlet emotionally as well as intellectually. He thinks about his "dull, muddy-mettled" stage and thinks about how he needs to change his course in investigating his father's killer.

Learn more about Hamlet here https://brainly.com/question/806658


What message does Kennedy try to get in his inaugural address ?


In his inauguration address, President John F. Kennedy urged all countries to work together to ensure global security.

The Inaugural Address was intended for the American people as well as anyone else who needed assurance that their country had not been completely devastated during the Cold War. John F. Kennedy's inaugural address was given in the year 1961. It called on all nations to work together to achieve world peace and security.

In his speech, Kennedy emphasized the need for international cooperation and collective action to address global challenges, such as the spread of communism and the threat of nuclear war.  He also called on Americans to play their part in building a better future for all people, saying, Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

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how would you characterize the representational convention used in david's oath of the horatii and michelangelo's david?


David's The Oath of Horatii represents the style and subject matter used in Neoclassicism and it exemplifies patriotism while Michelangelo's David is a lifelike anatomy and is a symbol of the Renaissance and a representation of the city itself.

Why is Michelangelo's David famous?

Michelangelo's David statue has captivated the world for centuries. Considered one of art history's major masterpieces, the marble sculpture showcases both the artist's skill and the fine art focus that defines the Renaissance.

Since its debut in the early 16th century, artists and art connoisseurs alike have admired the piece. Esteemed artist, writer, and historian Giorgio Vasari noted that no other artwork is equal to it in any respect, with such just proportion, beauty and excellence did Michelangelo finish it.

To understand why the sculpture has garnered such praise, one must first understand the context in which it was created.

Learn more about David, here:



stimulate the economy during the Great Depression and preserve the skills and self-respect of unemployed persons by providing them useful work. Provided jobs building bridges, roads, etc. Also provided jobs to artists and writers documenting the Depression.


President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the expansive Works Progress Administration (WPA) in 1935, at the height of the worst of the Great Depression.

Between 1929 and 1939, there was a global economic crisis known as the Great Depression. After a significant decline in American stock prices, the Depression became clearly visible. The Wall Street stock market crash of October 24 was caused by an economic epidemic that started about September 1929.It lasted for about ten years (from late 1929 to around 1939), affected almost every nation on earth, and was characterized by rapid drops in industrial production and prices (deflation), mass unemployment, bank panics, and sharp rises in poverty and homelessness rates.

To know more about Great depression here



How can techniques in arts be influenced by the elements and principles of arts?


The visual tools an artist use to build a composition are known as art components. Line, shape, color, value, form, texture, and space are some of them. The fundamentals of art show how a creator use the medium's components to produce a desired result and communicate their intention.

The Elements of Art

If elements are the ingredients of art and principles are the techniques for combining them, then obviously we need to start with the ingredients. There are six basic elements that make up the basis for all great art. We'll be looking at paintings here, but you can apply these ideas to other types of art, like sculpture, too.

Line refers to the ingredient of art created from a point in motion through space (which is what a line actually is). Lines are one of the fundamental components of art, and can be thick or thin, two-dimensional or three-dimensional, and even physical or implied.

Shape is the next element of art, describing the outline of an object or color within physical space. The word 'shape' is generally used for two-dimensional objects (like in a painting), while the physical dimension of three-dimensional objects is known as form.

Color is a very important ingredient of visual art, describing the way that various parts of the composition interact with the visible spectrum of light. Colors range from white to black, and include all the hues in between.

Value is the lightness and darkness of parts of the composition in relation to each other.

learn more about elements of arts to visit this link



What elements principles techniques and materials used by the artist?


Balance, emphasis, movement, proportion, rhythm, unity, and variety; the means an artist uses to organize elements within a work of art.

The components of an artwork are known as the elements of art, and they include color, line, shape, form, value, texture, and space. They are the instruments that artists employ while producing a work of art. These building pieces are placed according to the design principles of contrast, rhythm, proportion, balance, unity, emphasis, movement, and variation.

Why is element in art important for an artist?

They serve as the foundation upon which an artistic creation is built. Students will be better able to comprehend an artist's decisions if they can recognize the components of a work of art and assess how they contribute to its composition. They will be prepared to discuss if and why a piece of art is successful.

Learn more about techniques and materials of art to visit  this link



the piano has always been solidly anchored in every style of jazz. today, who carries on the tradition of jelly roll morton, james p. johnson, and art tatum?


Today Keith Jarrett, Herbie Hancock, and Ahmad Jamal carries on the tradition of jelly roll morton, james p. johnson, and art tatum

Jazz has joined classical music as a functioning art form. It was the music of the dancing, the street and the church. Jazz music can be defined as an American style of music. Improvisation in jazz music is depicted through the changing of melodies rhythmically, and the role of solos in the time of playing. The use of rhythmic point must also be mentioned within the jazz music definition. Rhythmic point means the fastest, quick, or improvised use of rhythm.

To learn more about Jazz Music, here



the term describes an abnormal, high-pitched, musical breathing sound that is heard during inspiration.


Stridor is an unnaturally musical, high-pitched breathing sound. It is brought on by a blockage in the vocal chords or throat (larynx). When breathing in, it can be heard the most frequently.

What does "pitched" mean in terms of a particular thing?

When you pitch anything, you normally aim deliberately and hurl it with a little force. Simon threw the empty bottle into the lake. Alternatives: cast, fling, launch, toss More opposition to Pitch. verb in motion In baseball, the ball is handed to the bat so they can strike it.

What term is similar to pitched?

Other names for pitch include cast, hurl, fling, hurl, and toss. While the meaning of these words when combined is "to

To know more about pitched visit:



How technology affects the practice of all artists?


The arts have been tremendously touched by technology. It has increased the amount of techniques available to artists and offered up a vast array of options for them. A paintbrush and paint may now be used by artists to "paint" on an iPad just as well as they can on a canvas.

Basically, technology limits the issues that artists could face while simultaneously expanding their creative options. It significantly reduces the workload associated with creating art, giving creators more time to reflect and hone their creative abilities.

What role does technology play in honing artistic abilities?

Students now have new artistic avenues thanks to technology. Utilizing technology in the art studio is a fantastic method to encourage your students to use a variety of media. With the use of several applications, students may both make their own original art and edit the conventional art they have already created.

Learn more about technology to visit this link



what ritual are justinian and theodora shown participating in the mosaic program at san vitale, ravenna?


Ravenna, formerly an important component of the Byzantine Empire, has 1,500-year-old buildings glistening with mosaics glorifying Christ in heaven and Emperor Justinian's dominion on earth, such as the Basilica di San Vitale.

In what way is Justinian shown in this mosaic?

Justinian is shown frontally in the chancel mosaic. He is haloed and dressed in a purple royal gown and crown. On his left, he is surrounded by members of the clergy, the most notable of whom, Bishop Maximianus of Ravenna, is inscribed. They were used for ornamentation and to demonstrate how wealthy you were. Roman mosaics were also exceptionally durable walking surfaces that were occasionally utilized as signs or for advertising. Waterproof and simple to maintain Roman mosaics Mosaics were particularly popular in public buildings and Roman bathhouses as a result of this.

To learn more about Byzantine Empire, click



Who helped with the architectural design of this dome?
da Vinci


Michelangelo was know for the design of the dome

Why did graffiti start?


Graffiti began as a way of expressing self.

Graffiti is a visual art where a painting is often done on a wall or other public space. Some individuals perceive graffiti as vandalism, while others see it as a valid form of self-expression. The origins of graffiti can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where people used graffiti as a way to communicate and express themselves. In ancient Rome, for example, graffiti was used to announce the names of political candidates, advertise businesses, and express opinions on various subjects.

In other parts of the world, graffiti has also been used as a form of protest or resistance against political or social injustices. In modern times, graffiti has continued to evolve and take on new forms. Some people use graffiti as a way to express their creativity or to make political or social statements. Despite its controversial nature, graffiti remains a popular and widely recognized form of expression.

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from the brief scene that opens act iv of the crucible, choose the statement that is most likely true of tituba and sarah good.


From the brief scene that opens Act IV of the Crucible, the statement that is most likely true of Tituba and Sarah Good is that they have come to believe the accusations against them.

What occurs to Sarah Good and Tituba in Crucible?

Sarah Good and Tituba will be hanged. Instead of having the accused hanged, Reverend Hale tries to convince him to confess. We discover that Abigail stole Parris' money and fled. Rumors of revolt against the trials are circulating. When the Devil grants them feathers and wings, they have plans to fly to Barbados.

What function does Tituba serve in the crucible?

Tituba was a Barbadian slave owned by the Reverend Parris. She is important to the plot since she is the first to be charged with witchcraft and the first to identify other witches. She identifies Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne as being witches.

To know more about Crucible, visit:



All of the following composers worked in the early years of the twentieth century except a. claude debussy b. arnold schoenberg c. igor stravinsky d. hector berlioz


All of the following composers worked in the early years of the twentieth century except Hector Berlioz.

Who used to be viewed the most influential composer of the 20th-century?

Karlheinz Stockhausen (22 August 1928 – 5 December 2007) used to be a German composer, extensively acknowledged as one of the most important composers of the twentieth and early 21st centuries. He is known for his groundbreaking work in digital and aleatoric music, and spatialization.

What is the most important have an impact on on 20th-century music?

Unquestionably, the primary new influence on 20th-century song overall performance was electronics. Broadcasting and recording widened even in addition the manageable target audience for concert artists, at the same time as they tended to minimize the bodily necessity for massive new public overall performance arenas.

Learn more about twentieth century composers here:


Beyoncé’s 2003 hit crazy in love was co-written and co-recorded with rap artist __________, who later became her husband.



Beyoncé later married Jay-Z

Jay-z co-writer later became her husband

which public site includes a performance space, the crown fountain, the lurie garden, and the cloud gate by artist anish kapoor?



The polished, highly reflective texture of Anish Kapoor's sculpture "Cloud Gate" is appealing for viewers to touch, made of 168 polished stainless steel plates, which are seemed together invisibly, the structure sits as the centrepiece of AT&T Plaza at Millenium Park in Chicago, Illinois, floating like a reflective cloud mirror.

The AT&T Plaza at Millennium Park is public site which includes a performance space, the crown fountain, the Lurie Garden and also the cloud gate by Indian artist Anish Kapoor.

The sleek and highly reflective texture of Anish Kapoor's "Cloud Gate" sculpture is captivating for viewers, made up of one sixty-eight polished stainless-steel plates welded together, with highly polished exterior and no visible seams. This is the centrepiece of AT&T Plaza at Millennium Park in Chicago, Illinois, where it stands floating like a mirror in a cloud.

Kapoor's designs are inspired by liquid mercury, with the sculptural surfaces distorted to reflect the city's skyline. Visitors can roam under the 12-foot (3.7 m) high arches of Cloud. His Gate on the underside is a concave chamber called an "omphalos" that distorts and amplifies reflections. The sculpture incorporates many of Kapoor's artistic themes, and its unique reflective properties make it a popular photo opportunity for tourists.

To learn more about cloud gate by artist Anish Kapoor, click here:



Why is it important to know the different materials or medium in drawing?


It important to know the different materials or medium in drawing because the medium used in artwork decides its meaning and success of the artwork when it is finished.

Medium in an art refers to the materials used in creating that specific artwork. It may also be referred as many things for various artists, schools of thought. Medium or materials can be seen in extremely different ways and completely depends on the context of the artwork. We can understand 'medium' in art as a mode of expression, as raw material, the things required to make it a complete artwork.

To learn more about Medium of art, here



What did Hecuba dream she gave birth to before the actual birth of Paris?


Before Hecuba gave birth to Paris, she dreamed about giving birth to a flaming Torch.

What is the Meaning of Hecuba's Dream?

Hecuba is one of the queens in Greek mythology and is also the second wife of King Priam of Troy. Hecuba is also the mother of several children, starting with Polydorus, Cassandra, Hector, and also Paris. When Hecuba was pregnant with Paris, Hecuba dreamed that she gave birth to a flaming torch. This flaming torch is thought by Hecuba that she will give birth to a child which will be the beginning of the destruction of Troy. This also resulted in Paris being banished and abandoned as an infant.

Learn more about Hecuba’s dream at https://brainly.com/question/6390341


Why did Hecuba bring a cup of honey wine to Priam before he left Troy?


Before Priam left Troy, the reason that Hecuba brought him a cup of honey wine was to urge Priam to pour out a sacrifice for Zeus and offer a prayer.

Why Hecuba Brings Priam A Cup of Wine?

One of the events in Homer's story entitled The Iliad is the event that Priam wants to go to the Achaean Camp to get the body of Hector, son of Priam and Hecuba. Before he left for the Achaean Camp, Hecuba gave Priam a cup of honey wine and suggested that Priam has to pour out a sacrifice for Zeus and offer a prayer. Priam did this and Zeus basically answered his prayer by sending an eagle as an omen of his favor.

Learn more about Priam’s opinion about Achilles at https://brainly.com/question/11844847


What is the name of the branch that contains both the House of Representatives and the Senate?


Legislative branch is the name of the branch that contains both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The House of Representatives and the Senate, which together make up the United States Congress, comprise the Legislative Branch, which was established by Article I of the Constitution.

According to the Constitution, only Congress has the power to pass laws and declare war, confirm or reject many presidential nominations, and conduct extensive investigations.

There are 435 elected members of the House of Representatives, who are distributed among the 50 states in proportion to their populations.

Two senators represent each state in the Senate, which has 100 members. Before the 17th Amendment was adopted in 1913, state legislatures rather than the general public chose the senators.

To know more about legislative branch:



Musician christine mcvie has died at 79. which rock band was she a longtime member of?


Christine McVie, a British-American band, was one of the member of the best-selling rock bands of all time Fleetwood Mac. She passed away on Wednesday. She was 79, when she died.

Fleetwood Mac is a British-American rock band that was founded in London in 1967.

Christine McVie allegedly became a permanent member of Fleetwood Mac in 1971, following the exits of guitarist-singer-songwriters Jeremy Spencer and Danny Kirwan and the ascension of American guitarist-singer-songwriter Bob Welch.

Fleetwood Mac was founded by guitarists Peter Green, Jeremy Spencer, and Mick Fleetwood before bassist John McVie joined them for their self-titled debut album. Danny Kirwan, a third guitarist, joined in 1968.

To learn more about Fleetwood Mac, refer



What are local materials that helpful for our contemporary artist today?


Local materials useful for today's contemporary artists are:

Wood.Bamboo.Cement blocks.Adobe.What are local materials?

They are all those elements that were formerly used for construction and architecture, that is to say, they are all those materials that have been used for the construction of walls that are responsible for separating spaces.

However, nowadays these elements are still important for architecture, but it should be noted that technological advances have provided the world of architecture with new elements that make it easier to create a structure, for example cement.

Learn more about local materials in: brainly.com/question/7635851


How has Johnson highlighted the innocence of his 5 year old niece in li'l sis?


William H. Johnson on the painting titled Li'l Sis, from 1944 which was done on a paper board depicts the innocence of the 5-year-old niece as she tried to keep flies away from a baby.

What more details does the painting contain?

His niece, represented in Li'L Sis, is one of several paintings Johnson made of family and friends during his visit. These paintings, which appear to be basic, repudiate Johnson's previous scholarly approach.

Their two-dimensionality and clashing hues represent the artist's changing beliefs and emotional condition as he strove to depict the mysticism of African American life.

The little girl in this photograph is holding a flyswatter, ready to swat any flies away from the infant in her care.

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what is it called when a sound editor mixes sounds from multiple sources, including diverse quality, levels, and placement?


The point when a sound supervisor blends sound from different sources, including different quality, levels, and positions are called montage.

What is montage?

Sound Montage is a non-horrendous multi-track altering climate that permits you to organize, alter, playback, and record soundtracks. Non-horrendous implies that when you erase or adjust a piece of a sound record, that sound won't be forever erased or changed. All things considered, a bunch of pointers monitors all changes so they can be effectively scattered.

Non-disastrous altering highlights incorporate both track and clasp impacts, volume and dish robotization, and blur in and become dull capabilities. Sound Altering is an incredible instrument for sound Disc creation, dominating, mixed media work, and radio creation, and that's just the beginning.

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What value does the 6 represent in the number 485,671? its 600



hundreds spot


it represents the hundreds spot. You are also right that the six is 600 in the number.

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