Evaluate the extent to which U.S. participation in World War 1 marked a turning point in the nation's role in world affairs. In developing your answer, explain what changed and what stayed the same from the period immediately before the war to the period immediately following.


Answer 1

The US made the decision to shift from isolationism to interventionism during the First World War. We had previously refrained from becoming engaged in international matters, but after developing faith in our military and administration, we made the decision to join this conflict.

What was World War 1?

There is still debate on the causes of World War I. Beginning in the Balkans on July 28, 1914, hostilities in World War I came to a close on November 11, 1918, with 17 million people killed and 25 million people injured. The Russian Civil War and other battles that occurred immediately after 1918 may also be seen as continuations of World War I in many respects.

More than a million American soldiers were dispatched to Europe, where they met a conflict unlike any other, fought in trenches and in the air, and characterized by the development of military innovations like the tank, the field telephone, and poison gas. The conflict also had an impact on American culture.

The postwar years witnessed a wave of civil rights advocacy for equal rights for African Americans, the ratification of an amendment safeguarding women's ability to vote, and a bigger involvement in foreign affairs for the United States after an Armistice accord ended the conflict on November 11, 1918.

To learn more about World War I  follow the link.



Related Questions

three laws you would advise in the constitution.


There are three primary parts of the Constitution that we use today. The Preamble comes first, then the Articles (the core of the Constitution), and finally the Amendments.

What do you mean by US Constitution.

The supreme law of the United States of America is found in its Constitution. In 1789, it replaced the Articles of Confederation, which served as the country's original constitution. It defines the framework of national government and originally had seven articles.The Constitution outlines the three main federal government branches and their respective responsibilities. It also specifies the fundamental legislation of the United States federal government. It is the oldest written national constitution still in use and has come to represent Western legal precedent.

To know more about USA constitution here



George Washington what did he believe


He believed religious freedom was a natural right of all citizens.

How did gangsters and organized crime influence society?



they shape the way that society thinks and their ideals

this happens due to the way people this days think and what they want.

I mean must people this days always want the easy way out as opposed to the previous era where hardwork was the core value being promoted but due to the weak or small mindedness of youths and adults alike they refuse to look for proper jobs instead due to desiring quick money people eventually go into crime syndicates or become involved with drugs, illegal armed possesion, cyber crimes, kidnapping and endless list of crime and this all happen due to this gangster or crime boss flaunting the dirty money gotten from their criminal lifestyle which ends up inspiring people to join in such business and then increases the rate of crime in the society. Hence, negatively impacting society

Identification Of Terms

Bering Strait
The Maya
Eagle and Serpent


The terms are related because they refer to the development of human communities in America from their arrival through the Bering Strait, until the establishment of great empires such as the Maya.

How did the first settlers come to America?

According to several historians, the first settlers of America arrived from Asia. They were nomadic communities that crossed the Bering Strait in search of new natural resources for their survival.

Later, when they arrived in the territory of America, they developed complex forms of agriculture and urbanization that allowed them to form the first communities such as the Olmeca.

Later, other communities were formed in which mythical beliefs such as the Mayans were included. They believed in a founding myth that according to historians a community should form in the place where an eagle was battling a snake. There they formed their empire, with great cities like Teotihuacan, Aztlan and Tenochtitlan.

Note: This question is incomplete because there is some information missing. Here is the complete information:


Make a paragraph in which you include the largest number of terms and make relationships between them.

Learn more about The Mayans in: https://brainly.com/question/28183146


summarize the economic impact of production efficiencies, such as the assembly line


The economic impact of production efficiencies, such as assembly reduces labor costs because unskilled workers are trained to perform specific tasks rather than build an entire production unit.

Anything consumers needed or desired could be made in larger quantities. Mass production resulted in lower prices of consumer goods. Eventually, economies of scale resulted in the most affordable price of any product for the consumer without the manufacturer having to sacrifice profits.

With productivity growth, an economy can produce and consume increasingly more goods and services for the same amount of work. Productivity is important to individuals like workers and consumers, business leaders, and analysts such as policymakers and government statisticians.

The Advantages of Assembly Line Automation:

Speed – Automated assembly lines are much faster than manual linesAccuracy – Automated assembly lines are more accurate than manual linesLess Labor – Automated assembly lines require less manpower than manual linesSafety – Automated assembly lines are safe to use.

to learn more about Assembly line:


The Department of Insurance and Safety is led by what official? commissioner of health commissioner of insurance O governor attorney general​


The Department of Insurance and Safety is led by commissioner of insurance.

What is Department of Insurance?

The 1868-founded California Department of Insurance is the body tasked with regulating the insurance industry, upholding legislation requiring consumer protections, educating customers, and promoting stability in the state's insurance markets.

What is the role of the insurance department in Georgia?

The Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner issues licences to insurance providers, oversees compliance with state laws on insurance prices, rules, and forms, looks into allegations of insurance fraud, and inspects homes and structures to prevent the spread of fire.

To know more about insurance, click here- brainly.com/question/25855858


The Department of Insurance and Safety is led by commissioner of insurance.

What is Department of Insurance?

The 1868-founded California Department of Insurance is the body tasked with regulating the insurance industry, upholding legislation requiring consumer protections, educating customers, and promoting stability in the state's insurance markets.

What is the role of the insurance department in Georgia?

The Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner issues licences to insurance providers, oversees compliance with state laws on insurance prices, rules, and forms, looks into allegations of insurance fraud, and inspects homes and structures to prevent the spread of fire.

To know more about insurance, click here- brainly.com/question/25855858


Question 1 of 10
How did social Darwinism affect European imperialism?
A. It provided a reason for sending missionaries.
B. It provided a justification for colonizing "lesser" people.
C. It provided a reason for building railroads.
D. It provided a reason for trade.


Social Darwinism affect European imperialism as It provided a justification for colonizing "lesser" people. The appropriate response is option B.

What is Social Darwinism ?

The term "social Darwinism" is used to describe a variety of social theories and practices that claim to apply the biological concepts of natural selection and the survival of the strongest to sociology, economics, and politics. It was largely developed in the 1870s by academics in Western Europe and North America.

Social Darwinists and Imperialists held that since the society with the strongest and most capable members was the fittest, it was necessary to expand the society with the strong members at the expense of the weak members.

To learn more about social Darwinism



do you feel the KKK is a serious threat? If so what can we as a society do about it? If not why don’t you consider it as a threat? Can the KKK be totally silenced? What about the fact that we have free-speech in America? 


Ku Klux Klan was a serious threat, especially during reconstruction because its direct its hatred and violence against the African Americans, Catholics, Jews, and immigrants.

What did the Ku Klux Klan do in U.S.?

The Ku Klux Klan was a racist and white supremacist organization that first arose in the South after the end of the Civil War. The members of KKK opposed dismantling of slavery and sought to keep African Americans in a permanent state of subjugation to whites.

Its first arose in the South during Reconstruction Era, but experienced a resurgence in the period immediately following the end of the First World War. Although all of KKK’s savagery was aimed at African Americans, their hatred extended to immigrants, Catholics, Jews, liberals, and progressives.

Read more about Ku Klux Klan



What did workers do when they signed yellow-dog contracts?
a agreed to work for reduced wages
b agreed to work only eight hours a day
c promised they would not join a union
d promised they would not go out on strike



the answer is C. agreed not to join or remain a member of a labor organization and to quit his job if he joined one.

Educational opportunities increased for women in the 1800s, which allowed
more women to:

A. take good care of their families and their homes.

O B. find jobs outside the home and have careers.

O C. be given the same job opportunities as men.

D. receive the same pay for their work as men.



b. Find jobs outside the home and have careers


short-lived west coast republic proclaimed by american rebels against mexican rule just before the arrival of u.s. troops in the province.


The short-lived West Coast Republic proclaimed by American rebels against Mexican rule just before the arrival of the U.S. troop in the province is the California Republic

What is California Republic?

California Republic or Bear Flag Republic, was an unrecognized secession state in which, in 1846, he exercised military control over what is now Sonoma County, California, and the surrounding area north of San Francisco for 25 days.

In June 1846, his 33 American immigrants from Alta California entered without official permission and revolted against the Mexican ministry. Their complaints included being banned from buying or leasing land and threatened with deportation. Mexican officials were concerned about an impending war with the United States and an increasing influx of Americans to California. The mutiny was led by U.S. Army Honorary Captain John C. It contributed to the difficulties of Fremont and the recent outbreak of the Mexican-American War.

Learn more about California Bear Flag Republic https://brainly.com/question/13905189


Compose an Essay
Your essay will describe the relationship between the U.S. government and Native American groups over time. Please include at least four paragraphs.
one paragraph on the relationship during the colonialism period,
one paragraph on the relationship in the Constitution time period,
one paragraph on the relationship during the period of spreading U.S. settlements, and
one paragraph on the current relationships between Native Americans and the U.S. government.
Feel free to use the work you did in your History Journal to help with your essay. Review the lesson content. In your essay you should support your points using evidence from the lesson and the material you just read.


It should be noted that the above essay is an expository essay. An expository essay is one that analyses an event or an idea. See the sample required as per the above prompt.

What is the relationship between the U. S. Government and the Native American Groups over time?

Note that the relationship between the U.S. government and Native American groups has evolved over time. During the colonialism period, Native American lands were often seized by European settlers. The U.S. Constitution did not originally recognize Native American groups as sovereign nations, treating them instead as dependent nations.

As the U.S. expanded its settlements westward, Native American lands were increasingly threatened. Many Native American tribes were forcibly relocated to reservations. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the U.S. government sought to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream American society through programs such as the Indian boarding school system.

Currently, the U.S. government has a complex relationship with Native American tribes. Native American tribes are considered sovereign nations and have the right to self-governance. However, they must also adhere to federal laws and regulations. The U.S. government also provides funding for the improvement of Native American communities.

Overall, the relationship between the U.S. government and Native American groups has been fraught with conflict and mistreatment. While the current relationship is improved, Native American tribes still face challenges in asserting their sovereignty and improving their communities.

Learn more about expository essays:


Explain the rise and fall of either Greece or Rome. Your essay should focus on origins, periods of expansion, and periods of decline.
Respond to the prompt in a 500–700 word essay. Cite all outside sources using proper MLA formatting.



worth 30 points stop the cap

Undocumented immigrants

failed to participate in the U.S. economy by spending money and paying taxes.

mostly arrived from eastern Europe.

chose to live in California.

lowered wages at the bottom of the economic ladder.

are no longer a problematic issue.



Only the last statement is false. The other statements are all true.

Undocumented immigrants, also known as illegal immigrants, are immigrants who do not have the legal right to live and work in the United States. They often arrive from eastern Europe and other regions, and many choose to live in California and other states.

One of the main concerns about undocumented immigrants is that they often fail to participate in the U.S. economy by spending money and paying taxes. This can have negative effects on the economy, particularly for low-wage workers who may face competition from undocumented immigrants who are willing to work for lower wages.

Therefore, undocumented immigrants are still a problematic issue in the United States, and their presence continues to raise concerns about economic and social impacts.


Frank Ghery's architecture is often thought of as belonging to the Art Nouveau movement
True or false


The notion that Frank Ghery's building is typically associated with the Art Nouveau movement is untrue. Due to his use of unusual materials, he has been compared to the deconstructivist movement; nonetheless, postmodernism has been associated with him because of his unique vision for architectural forms.

What is art Nouveau?

Between roughly 1890 and 1910, both in Europe and the United States, the ornate Art Nouveau style of art was in vogue. The most popular applications of Art Nouveau, which are architecture, jewelry interior design, glass design, posters, and illustration, are these. Art Nouveau is distinguished by its use of a long, sinuous, organic line.

The natural world served as the inspiration for the Art Nouveau style, which is distinguished by sinuous, organic shapes, sculptural, arches, bending lines, and sensual decoration. Common themes include stylized representations of leaves, vines, flowers, insects, animals, and other natural objects.

Learn more about art Nouveau architecture, from:



Which of the following best describes the response made by the US government to the events depicted in the image

The federal government raised an army to put down the rebellion.
The federal government repealed the tax on whiskey that caused the rebellion.
The federal government passed the Sedition Act to punish people who criticized the government.
The federal government raised a militia to put down the rebellion.


The one that best describes the response made by the US government to the events depicted in the image is option B. The federal government repealed the tax on whiskey that caused the rebellion.

What is Whiskey Rebellion?

The Whiskey Rebellion was a tensed tax protest in the United States commencing in 1791 and ending in 1794 at the period of the presidency of George Washington. The said "whiskey tax" was the first tax placed on a domestic product by the newly formed federal government.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about whiskey tax: https://brainly.com/question/5428850


The statement that best describes the response made by the US government to the events depicted in the image is that the federal government raised a militia to put down the rebellion. The Option D is correct.

What was use of the militia by Federal government?

This is contained in the U.S. Constitution that The Federal Government may call out the militia in case of civil war as its authority hold to suppress rebellion is found in the power to suppress insurrection and to carry on war.  The Militia Act of February 28, 1795 and 1786 which delegated to the President the power to call out the militia, was held constitutional in law.

Read more about Militia Act



when considering opportunities costs you have to make a _______________ and deal with the ________________

(high school economics)



Business plan and deal with corporate


What are some of the ways heavy metal and rap each represented some disenfranchised segment of American or British culture?


The ways that some of the ways heavy metal and rap each represented some disenfranchised segment of American or British culture is that  it came about through the underground style that emerged in the 1980s such as the Grunge is an alternative rock subgenre that originated in Seattle in the late 1980s.

What is the heavy metal about?

The image of the new underground styles is one that is a representative of a disenfranchised segment of society

The Blues and 1960s Hard Rock, as filtered through the music of early Rock musicians like Link Wray and The Kinks, as well as later bands like Led Zeppelin and Cream, are the musical forebears of Heavy Metal.

One example of heavy metal are:

1. "Headbangers."

2. Jokes about heavy metal music and fans

3. preserving the current situation

Therefore, the U.K. (British) heavy metal are:

1. Guitar-based

2. a focus on showy soloing

3. loud drumbeats

4. An effort to return to an older look

Learn more about music from


Which battle helped to disprove the assumption made by many in the Union that Black soldiers could not fight as well as white soldiers?

OA. Battle of Fredericksburg
OB. Battle of Port Royal
OC. Battle of Fort Wagner
OD. Battle of Fort Sumter


The battle that helped to disprove the assumption made by many in the Union that Black soldiers could not fight as well as white soldiers is option C. Fort Wagner.

What transpired at the Battle of Fort Wagner?

After suffering significant losses, Gillmore realized that a direct assault on Fort Wagner was impossible. Gillmore started a land and sea siege on the fort instead. The Confederates abandoned adjacent Fort Wagner and Fort Gregg on September 7, 1863, after 60 days of bombardment and siege.

Therefore, It was the battle that encouraged more African-American to enlist in the army. The battle showed the bravery and valor of Aftican-American and disproved the belief by Union that the white soldiers is superior to the African-American soldiers.

Learn more about battle of Fort Wagner



Answer:C fort wagner


Its obvious

What did the Nineteenth Amendment allow?

A. African American emancipation
B. black male suffrage
C.women's suffrage
D.racial integration on public transportation



The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.


C or the third option

During James Polk's 1844 presidential campaign, he promised to:

OA. fund infrastructure.

OB. preserve slavery.

OC. raise the tariff.

OD. reduce unemployment.


During James Polk's 1844 presidential election campaign, he promised to preserve slavery. Hence, option (B) will be considered as the relevant option.

Give a brief account on James Knox Polk.

The 11th president of the United States, James Knox Polk, presided from 1845 to 1849. He served as Tennessee's ninth governor and the House of Representatives' 13th speaker, respectively. He was a supporter of Jacksonian democracy and an Andrew Jackson protege. Additionally, he belonged to the Democratic Party. Polk is best remembered for enlarging the United States' territory through the Mexican-American War; under his administration, the country grew considerably as a result of the annexation of the Republic of Texas, the Oregon Territory, and the Mexican Cession following American victory in the war.

Polk was elected to Tennessee's state legislature in 1823 and then to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1825 after developing a thriving legal practice there. Polk was a fervent Andrew Jackson supporter during this time. He was the only person to hold the offices of both Speaker and President of the United States after serving as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. In 1835, he was elected Speaker of the House. Polk resigned from Congress to run for governor of Tennessee. He was successful in 1839, but he was unsuccessful in 1841 and 1843.

To know more about, James Knox Polk, visit :



According to this document, “Thoughts on American Imperialism,” by Carl Schurz

does Schurz believe that strong nations should stay out of international affairs?


Carl Schurz was an anti-imperialist politician who felt that the country needed to defend its interests, and believed strong nations should stay out of international affairs, as stated in his document.

Who was Carl Schurz and what did he do?

Carl Schurz was a soldier, politician, and author who is most well-known for his ardent advocacy of liberal democracy. He participated in the Civil War, served as a senator for the United States, and spoke out against the Republican Party's turn to conservatism in the late 19th century. He also contributed to the election of President Lincoln. He believed that U.S. foreign policy should advance peace rather than conquest. He also understood

Schurz was chosen as the Secretary of the Interior by Republican Rutherford B. Hayes after he won the 1876 presidential election. By working to prevent the transfer of the Bureau of Indian Affairs to the War Department, Schurz aimed to replace political and party connections with a merit-based system for civil service. Senator Schurz assisted in thwarting an 1869 treaty-based attempt by the United States to seize Santo Domingo.

To learn more about Carl Schurz, visit:



Which phrase best completes the diagram

Ramses ||

A. Destroyed the Nubian civilization

B. Signed the first known peace treaty

C. Ended slavery in Egypt

D. Ruled Egypt during its weakest period


Answer: D

Explanation he did save it from collapsing

How long did the Apollo 13 mission last?



Mission duration 5 days, 22 hours, 54 minutes, 41 seconds

Not 100% sure but I hope I helped

How did Obama use “human rights” as a political weapon?

He threatened to send more ground troops to Iraq unless the government passed legislation to protect “human rights.”

He threatened to withdraw aid from Israel if it did not end its occupation of the West Bank.

He temporarily moved the American Fifth Fleet out of its base in Bahrain until the government there agreed to stop jailing peaceful political dissenters.

He accused congressional Republicans of aiding the rise of ISIS with their refusal to fund additional ground troops in Iraq.

He condemned China, but said virtually nothing about human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia and other nations that were U.S. allies in the war on terror.



Obama used "human rights" as a political weapon by threatening to withdraw aid from Israel if it did not end its occupation of the West Bank.


In the late 1700s, New Jersey was the only state to
but by 1807 it had?


In the late 1700s, New Jersey was the only state to give women the right to vote but by 1807 it had rescinded the right to vote.

Why was New Jersey special as regards voting rights ?

In the late 1700s, the State of New Jersey was special because it had amended its constitution in 1790 to allow for women to be able to vote. This was momentous in a country that would only allow women to vote more than 100 years later.

Sadly, by the year 1807, things changed as New Jersey then removed the right of women to vote. They also removed the right of African Americans to vote as well.

Find out more on New Jersey at https://brainly.com/question/15114540



have universal suffrage and limited voting rights to white men


Which of the following could Charles Darwin truthfully have listed as statements of experience on a resume he might have submitted to the Captain of the HMS Beagle?attended divinity school at Cambridgespent summer of 1831 conducting geology fieldwork at CambridgeDedicated student of nature and collector of insectsattended many lectures in biology and geology while at Cambridge


He suggested that natural selection is how evolution occurs. Numerous biologists had argued that species might evolve through time, but none had offered a solid method by which this might happen.

What was the discovery of Charles Darwin?

Darwin enjoys a prestigious position in Western intellectual history and is rightfully credited with developing the idea of evolution. He outlined the facts proving that organisms evolve in The Origin of Species, which was published in 1859 (1).

What is Charles Darwin known best for?

Darwin began to wonder about the formation and evolution of species after studying the plants and animals he had collected. This work persuaded him of the understanding for which he is most well-known.

To know more about Charles Darwin visit:



How do economists list quantities that suppliers offer in the market at certain prices:


Economists  list quantities that suppliers offer in the market at certain price  into an equation called the supply curve. The higher the price, the more suppliers are likely to produce. Conversely, buyers tend to purchase more of a product the lower its price.

What is Quantity Supplied?

The quantity supplied of a good or service is the quantity sellers are willing to sell at a particular price during a particular period, all other things unchanged. Ceteris paribus, the receipt of a higher price increases profits and induces sellers to increase the quantity they supply.

The relationship between price and quantity supplied is suggested in a supply schedule, a table that shows quantities supplied at different prices during a particular period, all other things unchanged.

Learn more about the Quantity Supplied here:



why was constitution criticized?



the Constitution's critics would simply deny that our contemporary politics produces the public good often enough.


What new technologies
helped people in the late
1800s get to and from work?



Horse cars, electric trolley lines, elevated railroads, and cable cars.


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