Essay on George Washington

Essay On George Washington


Answer 1
By any standards, George Washington was a great man and a great president, especially by the kind of diminished standards we have today. Born into what passed for the middle class in plantation Virginia in 1732, Washington was always an ambitious try-hard who made money, glory, and history as naturally as he breathed. Colonial Virginia was not what we would call an upwardly mobile society. With an economy built on
Though his family was hardly rich, Washington inherited one plantation

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identify two reasons why the right to assemble is important to preserve in a democracy and two reasons it can be limited


Answer:  it allows political parties and interest groups to exist, as well as organized dissent against the government; to limit: local governments may require permits for organized parades and demonstrations, and restrictions may be set if the right of assembly clashes with the rights of other people.


With which of the following nations would it be easiest to exchange currency?

a nation in the midst of a civil conflict

a nation that has recently become democratic

a nation whose government is composed of competing ethnic groups

a nation that has operated under the same government for thirty years



I would think the answer is either C or D.


The other two don't make any sense. If option B was true, we would only be able to exchange currency with half of the countries. Option A is obviously wrong, because any nation in a civil conflict wouldn't put that aside to trade money with you, or anyone else.

Which of the following is both a right and a responsibility.
A. Celebrating a religious holiday
B. Obeying the law
C. Voting in an election
D. Getting good grades in school.​


D I think the others are obligations you are responsible for getting good grades


I think it's C because voting can be a right. You are aloud to choose wether you vote or not. And it can be a responsibility because it is your responsibility for choosing who you did

In order to satisfy an increased demand for a good or service, more __________ often appear in the market.





Answer:the answer is B producers


Please help i don’t understand?



From top to bottom, the blanks should be:

government record

organizational record

personal record

business record


Each type of record can be figured out based on who or what is keeping it.

in his book, The Battle of Hastings 1066, published in 2003, historian M.K. Lawson argued that William was able to win the Battle of Hastings because of considerable luck.' How far do you agree with this view of William's victory in 10667




England, is the right answer.


The Battle of Hastings was fought between the Duke of Normandy, the Norman-French militia of William, and King Harold Godwinson's English Army on 14th October 1066. This battle began because the king of England,  King Edward, died with appointing his successor. Accordingly, Harold Godwinson, who initially came to the throne of England, had to face two side struggle from Harald Hardrada and William of Normandy. However, William finally conquered the battle and the throne of England.

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the four possibilities for that Bill?
O Veto, Pocket Veto, Signing or Not Signing
Veto, Pocket Veto, Pigeonhole, or Signing
Filibuster, Pigeonhole, Veto, or Quorum
Veto, Filibuster, Pigeonhole, or Signing


I have no clue I just need to answer something so I can ask my questions lol sorry


Veto, Pocket Veto, Signing or Not Signing


That is the answer because the president is not allowed to Filibuster or a pigeonhole only congress can do that stuff.

According to the text, what was the meaning of "enemy of the people” under Stalin’s rule?

those who repressed others cruelly
those who disagreed with Stalin’s ideology
those who violated revolutionary ideals
those who had practical views on issues



B. those who disagreed with Stalin’s ideology


I just did the assignment on EDGE2020 and it's 200% correct!

Also, heart and rate if you found this answer helpful!! :) (P.S It makes me feel good to know I helped someone today!!)  :)


answer its B



(ancient china)
6. A clerk could lose his job if the ___________
found him sleeping at his desk.





A clerk could lose his job if the ____________ found him sleeping at his desk.


censor is the correct answer


hope it will help you

Which of the following is NOT one of the rationales for imperialism? A.Culture B.Nationalism C.Militarism D.Economics



C.Militarism because?




Not sure on this one, but I hope you get it right!

4. Why does Friar Laurence agree to marry Romeo and Juliet so hastily?

A. He is a hopeless romantic

B. He has a grudge against Lord Capulet and knows the marriage will upset him

C. Romeo has promised him money

D. He wants to put and end to the war between the feuding families​



d. He wants to put and end to the war between the feuding families​


When Romeo asks Friar Lawrence to marry him and Juliet, Friar Lawrence agrees because he thinks their marriage might bring about the end of the feud between their two families. He states, “For this alliance may so happy prove / To turn your households' rancor to pure love” (2.3. 91–92).

Friar Laurence agree to marry Romeo and Juliet so hastily because he wants to put and end to the war between the feuding families. Thus option (D) is correct.

What is the theme of Romeo and Juliet?

The Novel of the Romeo and Juliet is written by William Shakespeare. The theme of the Romeo and Juliet is the about the love which ended due to the disputes among the family. It is a tragic love story.

Friar Laurence believes that Romeo and Juliet's marriage would put an end to the conflict between their two families, Friar Lawrence consents when Romeo begs him to marry him and Juliet.

Therefore, it can be concluded that Friar Laurence agree to marry Romeo and Juliet because he wanted to end the disputes between the two families.

Hence, option (D) is correct.

Learn more about  Romeo and Juliet here:


So I want to start on my spiritual journey. Is there any tips that can help me start? Like what should I do? There has been an overwhelming feeling that I need to do something about it but i dont know what.


Don’t get overwhelmed.
Surround yourself with people that are good

Who good in history and can help me with #1 & #2? Free Brainliest and points...



1. He said they were insecure and scared of the West.

2. Containment is just a policy to stop communism.  








I'm pretty sure it's B.


It shows the graph going higher and higher on the years that people were more leanient on the government. I could be wrong. but i think that's what the correct answer is.

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Referendum allows non-Navajo speaker to be president TWEET SHARE ... Navajo Nation voters passed a referendum last month that allows for the first time for ... When one elder passes a piece of that puzzle is gone forever.


Who was the first woman (born on March 5th) to pass qualifying exams for astronaut training in 1959, but not allowed to train because of her gender?



Pilot Jerrie Cobb, she was the first woman to pass NASA's astronuat testing, and she was born on March 5th 1931

Answer: Geraldyn “Jerrie” Cobb


List two things that limited royal power in England.?

Help please bc I need this short answer quick !!


Answer: Magna Carta of 1215 (received into law only in 1297)

Parliamentary sovereignty arising out of the English Civil War (1642–51)

But let’s not discount a third factor, which is also important in the grand scheme of things:—

The monarch’s willingness to have royal power reduced

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Ok this is goood to know!

After the Industrial Revolution goods were produced by_____________






Machines, we’re learning about this in class right now.




Remember, the industrial revolution marked the beginning of large-scale factories like the Ford assembly line in Detroit. People increasingly relied on machines to do work at a rapid pace.

what did fascists believe was the role of women
A. to be mothers and raise soldiers for the nation
B. to supervise men in factories
C. to serve in the army
D. to work in the fields alongside men.
plz answer this right


Answer: The Answer Would Be:

~A. To Be Mothers And Raise Soldiers For The Nation.

sorry if its wrong


have a nice day

Which phrase best completes this list


I think it’s financial success
financial success best completes this list

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Answer:n 1790, Alexander Hamilton proposed the creation of a national bank.



Are there choices?

Within 3 months after D Day how many troops and vechicles had the allies landed in France?



By the end of June, the Allies had seized the vital port of Cherbourg, landed approximately 850,000 men and 150,000 vehicles in Normandy, and were poised to continue their march across France.


What did Special Treatment mean to the NAZI's and the Jews?


Answer: They called it the "Final Solution"


The term “Final Solution” (Die Enclosing) was a euphemism. Himmler was fully prepared to talk about killing to his immediate subordinates, but much of the Nazi killing machine was shrouded in bureaucratic euphemism. The doctors and administrators charged with murdering ‘incurables’ were the ‘Public Ambulance Service Ltd’ (Gemeinnützige Krankentransport GmbH); the motorized death squads which first went into action in Poland in 1939 were ‘task forces’ (Einsatzgruppen); the massacre of nearly 34,000 Jews in the ravine of Babi-Yar after the capture of Kiev in September 1941 was a ‘major operation’ (Gross-Aktiori). People identified for extermination in official Nazi documents were listed as those to be given ‘special treatment’ (Sonderbehandlung), sometimes abbreviated to ‘SB’, and from roughly mid-1943 the term ‘special lodging’ (Sonderunterbringung) was also used.

i used an app that is very helpful with my work so I hope its helpful if its not im sorry

What is the name of the movement that starts in 1830s to try and end slavery?



The abolitionist movement???

describe how the Quran was revealed to holy prophet between 610-632 AD? 10,



The Revelation of the Qur'an to the Prophet between the years 610 and 632: The Prophet replied that he could not read since he had not received any formal education. The angel then hugged him tightly and asked him again to read.


Which of the following was not a contributor to Roosevelt brining the country hope?
A.) Roosevelt's determination
B.)Roosevelt's speeches
C.)supportive Supreme Court
D.)The First Hundred Days program






It's A


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EP's memory loss?
a head injury
a brain disease
a side effect of old age
O a mistake during surgery



the answer to your question is a brain disease

Which section of the farm bill has a program for schools to replace “junk” food with fresh fruit and vegetables?

Title XIV: Miscellaneous

Title IX: Energy

Title IV: Nutrition

Title V: Credit



Title IV:Nutrition


5 point 1. Why does Romeo visit Friar Laurence in Act 2, Scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet?

O A. To ask for passage to Sicily

O B. To tell the Friar he no longer loves Rosaline and wants to be released from his promise to her

O C. To ask the Friar if he will marry Romeo and Juliet later that day

O D. To help the Friar in his garden that monin​



O A. To ask for passage to Sicily


O ok

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