Enzymes in your body act as a catalyst. Thus the role of enzymes is to
O inhibit chemical reactions
o increase the rate of chemical reactions
O help you breathe
decrease the rate of chemical reactions


Answer 1
Increase the rate of chemical reactions. Enzymes act as catalyst which, by definition, speeds up a reaction. Enzymes help just a little more :)

Related Questions

how would I solve this problem?





The goal in this set up is to make sure all units cancel each other.

Since we need to go from grams to atoms, our final unit should be atoms.

Using method of elimination, let's see why other options are wrong.

A - Although 'g' is cancelled out, we are left with moles^2 / atoms

B - Although 'g' is cancelled out, we are left with moles^2 / atoms

C - Although 'mol' is cancelled out, we are left with g^2 / atoms

Measurements show that unknown compound X has the following composition:
element mass %
carbon 74.8%
hydrogen 25.1%
Write the empirical chemical formula of X. please help


X is carbon and Jess

the empirical chemical formula of X is CH4

Explanation:Step 1: Imagine you have a sample of compound weighing exactly . Multiply the mass of this sample by the mass percents to find the mass of each element in the sample

Step 2: Divide the mass of each element by the element's molar mass to find the moles of each element in the sample. Remember to round your answers to the correct number of significant digits.  

Step 3: Divide the moles of each element by the the smallest number of moles of any element to find the mole ratio of elements in the sample.  

Step 4: Multiply the mole ratio by the smallest whole number that changes it into a whole number ratio to find the atom ratio of elements in the sample.

Note that the result of each multiplication must equal a whole number only within measurement uncertainty.  

The measurement uncertainty in this calculation comes from the measurement uncertainty of the mass percents given in the question. The mass percents each have significant digits. That means each mass percent has some measurement uncertainty in the third significant digit, and only the first two significant digits can be considered completely reliable.  

In Step 1 you multiplied each mass percent by something with zero uncertainty (the exactly you assumed your sample weighed), in Step 2 you divided by a measurement with more than significant digits (the molar mass of the elements), and in Step 3 you divided by a measurement with the same number of significant digits (the least number of moles of any element in the compound). None of these steps added to the measurement uncertainty of your calculation.  

Therefore, the measurement uncertainty in the final result of all your calculations is determined by the measurement uncertainty in the original mass percents and will be in the third significant digit. That means the result of each of the final multiplication steps must equal a whole number only to within the first two significant digits.  

The whole numbers in the last column of the table are and .  

Difference between Solute and solvet​



When one substance dissolves into another, a solution is formed. The solute is the substance that is being dissolved, while the solvent is the dissolving medium. Solutions can be formed with many different types and forms of solutes and solvents.

what are the elements found in The human body?​



The elements found in the human body would be the following:

1. hydrogen,

2. oxygen,

3. carbon

4. nitrogen


They are found throughout your body, mostly as water but also as components of biomolecules such as proteins, fats, DNA, and carbohydrates.

Note to you:

Hope this helped and correct me if I am wrong, I did some outside research. Have a good one!

Which om sled below is amplo dl an abelis laeler in an evünment?
B. droganty
C. ar temperatura
D. cation




i got D

It’s D!
Hope this helped, please make me brainliest if it was useful! Have a good day/night

The Moon is always half lit and half dark.
True or
(i know this isn’t chemistry theres no science one.)





Just like the Earth, half of the Moon is lit by the Sun while the other half is in darkness.


Pretty sure it's true.

On Earth, we only see part of the moon that is illuminated or not, since it revolves around the Earth. However, the sun is stationary and doesn't move, meaning that one side of the moon is always lit by the sun as it revolves around the Earth.

Under each photo,
write an example of where you
might find water in that state of




water vapor:in a cloud or when you breath out once it's cold.Ice: in your freezer or on a frozen lake.liquid water:at a stream

A tank 20.0cm by 50.0cm by 30.0cm will hold how many liters of water?



30,000 cm^3


volume for rectangular prism is v=l×w×h

plug in known values and solve.


A velocity-time graph shows how what changes over time?



A velocity-time graph shows how velocity changes over time. The sprinter's velocity increases for the first 4 seconds of the race, it remains constant for the next 3 seconds, and it decreases during the last 3 seconds after she crosses the finish line.

The reaction 2NoBr(g) ---> 2NO(g)+Br2(g) is a second order reaction with a rate constant of 0.80M^-1 s^-1 at 11 C. If the initial concentration of NOBr is 0.0440 M, the concentration of NOBr after 12 seconds is _________.



noe  sory opwqkfj



word equation for Na2O+H2O → NaOH



Sodium oxide + Water - - - > Sodium Hydroxide.

Give the products of this neutralisation reaction: Sulfuric acid + magnesium hydroxide


Magnesium combined with sulfuric acid produces magnesium sulfate and hydrogen gas.

How many moles of carbon dioxide are produced when 5.12 moles of glucose undergoes a combustion reaction?


Answer: 30.72 moles of [tex]CO_2[/tex] will be produced from 5.12 moles of glucose.


The balanced chemical equation for combustion of glucose is:

[tex]C_6H_{12}O_6+6O_2\rightarrow 6CO_2+6H_2O[/tex]  

According to stoichiometry :

1 moles of glucose produce =  6 moles of [tex]CO_2[/tex]

Thus 5.12 moles of glucose produce =[tex]\frac{6}{1}\times 5.12=30.72moles[/tex]  of [tex]CO_2[/tex]

Thus 30.72 moles of [tex]CO_2[/tex] will be produced from 5.12 moles of glucose.

Chlorine atom
10. What does the following equation represent; 2KMnO4 -> K2MnO4 + MnO2(s)
+ O2(g) ?*
A. Oxygen turned in to carbon dioxide
B. Sulphate and lithium boiled
C. Decomposition of potassium permanganate(Heating)
D. None of the above​



C. Decomposition of potassium permanganate(Heating)


The equation of the reaction is given as;

2KMnO4 -> K2MnO4 + MnO2(s)  + O2(g)

Reactant = 2KMnO4

Products = K2MnO4 + MnO2(s)  + O2(g)

A. Oxygen turned in to carbon dioxide

Incorrect option - Oxygen is not the reactant

B. Sulphate and lithium boiled

Incorrect option -  Sulphate and lithium are not part of this reaction

C. Decomposition of potassium permanganate(Heating)

Correct option - potassium permanganate decomposed to form K2MnO4 + MnO2(s)  + O2(g)

D. None of the above

Incorrect option

identify NaOH (aq) + HNO3(aq) → NaNO3(aq) + H2O(1)



this is called acid base reaction

Please help pretty please


Answer: Its is a field generated by any two objects touching each other.


Answer: Its is a field generated by any object with any mass.

Explanation: I AM SOOOO SORRY if i get it wrong i pretty sure the first one is right i mean like My first ansewr i typed in......... :/ :/

The answer is B it has to be !

Which statement is not
A. The troposphere is responsible for nearly
all of Earth’s weather.
B. The exosphere reaches deep into space
and is the least dense layer.
C. The thermosphere typically breaks up
meteors before they hit Earth.
D. The stratosphere allows commercial
airlines to fly with less turbulence because
of fewer convection currents.


answer: C
explanation: to make C correct, the sphere that breaks up meteors is the mesosphere.

The atmosphere of the earth is layered and each layer of the atmosphere has its own properties. The atmosphere of the earth is divided into four layers. The thermosphere typically breaks up meteors before they hit Earth is not correct. The correct option is C.

What is mesosphere?

The four important layers of atmosphere are troposphere, stratosphere, thermosphere and mesosphere. The layer of the atmosphere which is found above the stratosphere is defined as the mesosphere. It is the coldest layer of the atmosphere.

A meteor is known as a celestial object which is made up of rocks and minerals which enters the atmosphere of the earth and burns out completely before reaching the surface of the earth. It is known as the shooting star or falling star.

The temperature of mesosphere drops with altitude. By 80 km it reaches 100 degree celsius. The meteors burn up in this layer not in thermosphere.

Thus the correct option is C.

To know more about earth layers, visit;



A reaction rate is the change in of a reactant or product with



the rate of reaction is the speed at which a chemical reaction takes place

A sample of oxide iron weighing 2.40g was heated in a stream of hydrogen until it was completely converted to the metal. If the metal weighed 1.68g. What is the formula of the iron oxide? (Fe=56, O=16)





To solve this question we must find the moles of Iron in 1.68g. With the difference of the masses we can find the moles of oxygen. The formula will be obtained with the ratio of both amount of moles:

Moles Fe:

1.68g * (1mol / 56g)  =0.03moles

Moles O:

2.40g-1.68g = 0.72g * (1mol/16g) = 0.045moles

The ratio O/Fe is:

0.045moles / 0.03moles = 1.5 moles. this ratio is obtained if the formula is:


how does reactants in photosynthesis combine to make atoms molecules



hope this helps




Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that, through cellular respiration, can later be released to fuel the organism's metabolic activities. This chemical energy is stored in carbohydrate molecules, such as sugars, which are synthesized from carbon dioxide and water – hence the name photosynthesis, from the Greek phos, "light", and sunthesis "putting together". In most cases, oxygen is also released as a waste product. Most plants, algae, and cyanobacteria perform photosynthesis; such organisms are called photoautotrophs. Photosynthesis is largely responsible for producing and maintaining the oxygen content of the Earth's atmosphere, and supplies most of the energy necessary for life on Earth.

i really need help, this is important to me, if not i get my harry styles tickets taken away and if that happens my life is over lol, i’m not saying it for sympathy i just REALLY need help



First Question

Group 18 elements. This is because the noble elements do not conduct electricity.

Second Question

Chewing in the mouth breaks food into small pieces

Third Question

How many atoms of each element are present in the molecule?

7 carbon atoms, 14 Hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom

6. Three ice cubes are placed inside a glass of hot chocolate. Which of the following best
explains the heat transfer occurring inside the glass?
bat abanslate


It’s the first 1 M yea it’s the first one

how much heat is released as 5.00G of PB cool from 75.0° C to 25.0° C



32.25 J


Heat, H = ?

Mass, m = 5g = 5 / 1000 = 0.005 Kg

Initial Temperature = 75.0° C

Final Temperature = 25.0° C

Temperature change, ΔT = Final - Initial = 50° C

Specific heat capacity of lead, C = 129 (J/kg°C)

The relationship between these quantities is given by the equation

H = mCΔT

H = 0.005 * 129 * 50

H = 32.25 J

What are two methods used to help identify the species of insect from the eggs on
human remains? Describe the methods.



The two different methods to help identify the species of insects from the eggs on human remains are by using a small paint brush dipped in water and the other way is by using forceps.


mark as brainliest

The insects have been defined as the most successful arthropods. There are far more species in the class Insecta than in any other group of animals. The insects are the only invertebrates with wings.

What are insects?

The insects play a very important role in the web of the life in every environment. Their jobs include pollinating flowering plants, since it is the source of food for insectivorous animals and it assist in the decomposition of plants and animals.

The two different methods which help to identify the species of the insects from the eggs on human remains are by using a small paint brush dipped in water and the other way is by using the forceps.

The study of insects and their life cycle are found to be important for the forensic entomologist. This is because it could set a timeline on when the crime is happened. The life cycle of a blowfly starts as an egg and then goes to be maggots.

To know more about insects, visit;



word equation for HgO → Hg +O2


I hope this one is helping you

How many kilograms of water must be added to 6.07 grams of oxalic acid (H2C2O4) to make a 0.025 m solution?


This dilution problem uses the equation

= 6.77M - the initial molarity (concentration)
= 15.00 mL - the initial volume
= 1.50 M - the desired molarity (concentration)
= (15.00 + x mL) - the volume of the desired solution
(6.77 M) (15.00 mL) = (1.50 M)(15.00 mL + x )
101.55 M mL= 22.5 M mL + 1.50x M
101.55 M mL - 22.5 M mL = 1.50x M
79.05 M mL = 1.50 M
79.05 M mL / 1.50 M = x
52.7 mL = x
59.7 mL needs to be added to the original 15.00 mL solution in order to dilute it from 6.77 M to 1.50 M.
I hope this was helpful.

Which of the following best describes a solution?
a heterogenous compound
a homogenous compound
a homogenous mixture
O O a heterogenous mixture



homogeneous mixture

The answer would be C) Homogeneous mixture

100 grams of liquid iron is put in liquid water when is equilibrium reached



when the water heats up i believe



What is an equilibrium constant?

A. A constant relating the effects of activation energy and temperature on the reaction rate

B. The value of the rate of the forward and reverse reactions at equilibrium

C. The amount of energy required for the collision of two molecules to result in a reaction

D. The ratio of equilibrium concentrations of products to concentrations of reactants​



Explanation:well first you gotta animalize in your brain what you think would happen in this case D would explain what an equilibrium constant is

Answer: D


The ratio of equilibrium concentrations of products to concentrations of reactants​

How many grams of Sulfur are there in 2.05 x 10^25 molecules of Calcium Sulfate?



1090 grams Sulfur (3 sig-figs)


Given 2.05 x 10²⁵ molecules CaSO₄ => 2.05 x 10²⁵ Sulfur atoms (subscript = 1 mole).

Converting 2.05 x 10²⁵ sulfur atoms to moles, divide by Avogadro's Number

(= 6.023 x 10²³ sulfur atoms / mole sulfur) => 2.05 x 10²⁵ sulfur atoms/6.023 x 10²³ sulfur atoms/mole sulfur atoms = 34.036 moles sulfur atoms.

Converting 34.036 moles sulfur to grams sulfur multiply by formula wt. of sulfur (=32g/mole S)

=> 34.036moles S x 32g/mole S = 1089.158 grams S ≅ 1090 g S (3 sig-figs)

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