Entropy never decreases in a spontaneous process. give an example to support this statement.


Answer 1

The entropy of the system of bodies increases during the spontaneous process of heat being transferred from colder to hotter bodies.

Entropy-Entropy is a measure for energy quality, with a lower value indicating higher quality. Lower entropy energy is energy that has been precisely organized. Chaotic energy storage results in high entropy.

Since every particle and atomic structure accelerates through time and space, entropy is constantly increasing. The second law of thermodynamics results in expressions with inequalities. Entropy cannot be destroyed by any means, at any scale, and thus cannot decrease overall.Entropy is created everywhere and always, increasing overall entropy at any scale, including life processes, open systems, micro-fluctuations, gravity, and entanglement.




Related Questions

the amino acids whose carbon skeleton are degraded in to precursors for the formation of glucose are called .


The amino acids whose carbon skeleton are degraded in to precursors for the formation of glucose are called is Glucogenic amino acids.

What is amino acids?

Proteins are made of substances called amino acids. The components of life are amino acids and proteins. Amino acids are what remain after proteins have been digested or broken down. In order to benefit the body: Food should be broken down.

What is glucose ?

The molecular formula of this monosaccharide is C6H12O6. It is also referred to as dextrose. Aldohexose is the name given to it since it has 6 carbon atoms and an aldehyde group. It comes in two varieties: open-chain and ring construction.

Amino acids that cause glucose production. The carbon skeletons are transformed into pyruvate, 2-oxoglutarate, succinyl-CoA, fumarate, and oxaloacetate, which serve as precursors to glucose.

Therefore, the amino acids whose carbon skeleton are degraded in to precursors for the formation of glucose are called is Glucogenic amino acids.

Learn more about amino acid from the given link.



One of a class of elements having properties intermediate to metals and nonmetals are called?


Metalloids are one of a class of elements having properties intermediate to metals and nonmetals.


Metalloids are the smallest class of elements consisting of only seven elements from the entire periodic table of elements. The periodic table is built with periodic properties in mind. Metalloids, which are transitional elements, form the boundary between metallic and non-metallic elements in the periodic table.

Elements belonging to the metalloid elements are: Boron (B), Silicon (Si), Germanium (Ge), Arsenic (As), Antimony (Sb), Tellurium (Te), and Polonium (Po).

Metalloid elements are generally semiconductors, so they are widely used as materials for electronic components such as transistors, ICs, and diodes.

Learn more about metalloids here: https://brainly.com/question/6007181


How many covalent bonds can phosphorus form?


In the case of phosphorus, 5 covalent bonds are possible - as in PCl5.

A covalent bond is formed when two atoms exchange one or more pairs of electrons. The two atomic nuclei are concurrently drawing these electrons to them. When the difference between the electronegativities of two atoms is too tiny for an electron transfer to take place to create ions, a covalent bond is formed. Bonding electrons are collectively referred to as the electrons that are present between the two nuclei. The "glue" that holds the atoms in molecular units together is the bound pair. The simplest material with a covalent link is the hydrogen molecule.

To know more about covalent bonds, visit;



The movement of water and electrolytes between fluid compartments is regulated primarily by?


The movement of water and electrolytes between fluid compartments is regulated primarily by hydrostatic pressure and osmotic pressure.

Define electrolytes.

When dissolved in water, substances known as electrolytes acquire a natural positive or negative electrical charge.

The force that a fluid applies against a wall—hydrostatic pressure—is essentially moves fluid between compartments. The pressure that blood applies to the blood vessel walls as a result of the heart's pumping motion is known as the hydrostatic pressure of blood. The opposing "colloid osmotic pressure" in capillaries is greater than the blood's "constant" pressure, which is principally created by the circulation of albumin at the capillary's arteriolar end. This pressure pushes plasma and nutrients into the surrounding tissues from the capillaries.

Therefore, the movement of water and electrolytes between fluid compartments is regulated primarily by hydrostatic pressure and osmotic pressure.

To learn more about electrolytes from the given link.



consider the following reaction at equilibrium. what effect will increasing the volume of the reaction mixture have on the system? 2 h2s(g) 3 o2(g) 2 h2o(g) 2 so2(g) a) the reaction will shift to the right in the direction of products. b) no effect will be observed. c) the reaction will shift to the left in the direction of reactants. d) the equilibrium constant will decrease. e) the equilibrium constant will increase.


Option (a) is correct. If a reaction is at equilibrium and we will increase the volume of the reaction then the Reaction will shift to the right in the direction of product.

The Reaction is,

2H2S(g) + 3O2(g) ----> 2H2O(g) + 2SO2(g) a)

According to Le Chatelier's principle, if a dynamic equilibrium is disturbed by changing the conditions the position of equilibrium shifts to counteract the change to reestablish an equilibrium. If a chemical reaction is at equilibrium and experiences a change in pressure, temperature or concentration of products or reactants, the equilibrium shifts in the opposite direction to offset the change. A change in one of the variables that describe a system at equilibrium produces a shift in the position of the equilibrium that counteracts the effect of this change.

We are increasing pressure here. Reaction will try to decrease the pressure. Hence it will move in a direction which have lesser gaseous molecules. Here product has less gaseous molecule. So equilibrium will move to right. Equilibrium moves to product side.

To learn more about Le chatelier's principle please visit:





A dilute solution has ___ of solute in the solvent


Walter, hank, skyler , Marie , Jesse

In which type of chemical reaction do the positive ions switch between two compounds and form two brand new compounds?


In double displacement type of reaction the positive ions switch between two compounds and form two brand new compounds.

A double displacement is defined as a reaction in which the positive and negative ions of two ionic compounds exchange places to form two new compounds.

The double-displacement reaction generally represented in the form of AB + CD → AD + CB where A and C are positively-charged cations, while B and D are negatively-charged anions.

Some of the examples of double displacement reaction are given as,

NaOH + NH₄Cl ⇄ NaCl + NH₄OH

AgNO₃ + NaCl ⇄ AgCl + NaNO₃

Learn more about double displacement reaction from the link given below.



What forces are in CH2O?


The formaldehyde CH₂O atom contain the forces of covalent bond.

The carbon atom has 4 valence electron.

It cannot directly gain or loose for electron that is why it shares the electrons with other atoms to form bonds with it.

In the formaldehyde CH₂O atom the carbon present at the center forms Bond with the oxygen and the hydrogen atom.

The hydrogen atom requires one electron each while the oxygen item requires to electrons for a stable electronic configuration.

When these of hydrogen and oxygen shares electrons with the central carbon atom they experience is a force created due to the covalent bonds.

To know more about covalent bond, visit



Nutritionists express energy in calories, which are in fact 1000 real calories. one real calorie is equivalent to 4.18 joules, the universal energy unit. thus, one nutrition calorie is equivalent to:____.


Nutritionists express energy in calories, which are in fact 1000 real calories. one real calorie is equivalent to 4.18 joules, the universal energy unit. thus, one nutrition calorie is equivalent to 4.18 kilojoules.

Joule is the fundamental energy unit of the metric system, or the International System of Units in a later, more thorough version (SI). In the end, the meter, kilogram, and second are used to characterize it.

Calorie (cal) (cal): In the past, the definition of a calorie included the heating of water. Consequently, according to a conventional definition, one calorie is the quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius, from 14.5 to 15.5 degrees.

The "calorie" measured for other temperature ranges differs slightly from this, which is frequently referred to as the 15 °C calorie. The calorie has more recently been defined in terms of the joule; historically, the calorie and joule have been equivalent to mechanical heat.

For more information on calorie kindly visit to



a 0.300 g sample of an unknown compound occupies 203 ml at 298k and 2.32 atm. what is the molar mass of the unknown compound?


The molar mass of the unknown compound is 15.57 g/mol.

Describe a molar mass.

A substance's molar mass is defined as its molecular weight in grams. By adding the molar masses of a substance's constituent atoms, we can determine the substance's molar mass. Then, to convert between mass and the quantity of moles of the substance, we can use the calculated molar mass.

molecular mass A substance's molar mass, measured in grams, is what makes up one mole of a substance. There is only one molar mass for each element. For instance, the molar masses of magnesium are 24.3050 g/mol and 12.011 g/mol, respectively, for carbon.

Use the Ideal Gas Law,

PV = nRT

n = m/Mr

Mr is the relative molar mass

PV = (m/Mr)RT

Mr = mRT/PV

Mr = 0.3×0.08206×298/2.32×0.203

Mr = 7.336/0.4709

Mr = 15.57g/mol.

Therefore, the molar mass of the unknown compound is 15.57g/mol.

To know more about molar mass visit:



What type of reaction is CH o2 co2 H2O?


The reaction CH₄ + O₂→ CO₂ + H₂O is a combustion reaction.

The balanced chemical equation of the reaction of Methane with Oxygen gas to produce carbon dioxide and water as a product is,

CH₄ + O₂→ CO₂ + H₂O

As you can see from the above reaction Methane is getting combusted because of the presence of the Oxygen gas. Methane is producing carbon dioxide as a product along with water.

So, we can conclude here that the above reaction is a combustion reaction. Also, it can be noted that it is also a kind of combination reaction because new products are forming because of the combination of two different reactants.

To know more about combustion reaction, visit,



a compound is found to have an empirical formula of ch2o. what is the molecular formula when the molecular weight is 180.0 grams?


The compound's empirical formula is CH2O, which contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom for every carbon atom.CH2O has a mass of 30 (=12+2*1+16).The molecule has a molecular weight of about 180.As a result, the supplied molecule has the molecular formula C6H12O6.

What is the chemical structure of the equation for water, CH2O?

Therefore, a substance that is organic and has a molar mass pf 60 grams / mole as well as an empirical formula of CH2O also has a molecular formula or C2H4O2.

How much CH2O is in a mole?

A mol of CH2O has a molar mass of 30.026 g.The periodic chart must first be used to estimate its atomic mass of the each element in the compound.

To know more about  ch2o visit:



9. Calculate the percent error for a lab when the students determined the actual yield to be 66.89
theoretical yield is 74.65. SHOW ALL WORK, Box Final Answer!




[tex]Percent Error = \frac{Actual - Theoretical}{Actual} (100)\\[/tex]

[tex]Percent Error = \frac{74.65-66.89}{66.89} (100) = 11.60%[/tex]%

A 1200 kg car runs head on into a 2500 kg truck, both traveling at 12m/s


The common velocity of the car and the truck after the collision is 12 m/s

How do I determine the common velocity?

From conservation of linear momentum, we understood that momentum before collision is equal to momentum after collision ie

Momentum before = Momentum after

m₁u₁ + m₂u₂ = v(m₁ + m₂)


m₁u₁ are the mass and speed of the 1st object before collisionm₂u₂ are the mass and speed of the 2nd object before collisionv is the velocity of both object after collision.

Using the above formula, we can obtain the common velocity of the car and truck. This is shown below:

Mass of car (m₁) = 1200 KgMass of truck (m₂) = 2500 KgVelocity of car (u₁) = 12Velocity of truck (u₂) = 12 m/sCommon velocity (v) = ?

m₁u₁ + m₂u₂ = v(m₁ + m₂)

Divide both sides by (m₁ + m₂)

v = [m₁u₁ + m₂u₂] / (m₁ + m₂)

v = [(1200 × 12) + (2500 × 12)] / (1200 + 2500)

v = [14400 + 30000] / 3700

v = 44400 / 3700

v = 12 m/s

Thus, the common velocity is 12 m/s

Learn more about velocity:




Complete question:

A 1200 kg car runs head on into a 2500 kg truck, both traveling at 12m/s. What is their common velocity after the collision?

why is El nino considered to be a trouble maker?
a. because scientists have to use satellites to chart its progress
b. because it occurs every year late in december
c. because it can cause droughtsflooding and other extreme or unusual weahter events
d. because it prevents a la nina from occuring


The correct answer is C. Hope this helps. Please mark brainliest

How do you predict if a chloride is ionic or covalent?


If a compound is made from a metal and a non-metal, its bonding will be ionic. If a compound is made from two non-metals, its bonding will be covalent.

Ionic bonds, also known as electrovalent bonds, are a type of linkage created in a chemical molecule by the electrostatic attraction of ions with opposing charges. When the valence (outermost) electrons of one atom are permanently transferred to another atom, a bond of this kind is created. If an atom receives electrons, it becomes a negatively charged ion (cation), but if it loses them, it becomes a positively charged ion (cation) (anion). A basic study of ionic bonding follows. To learn more, go to chemical bonding: the ionic bonding process. Ionic or electrovalent compounds are produced via ionic bonding, and the compounds generated between nonmetals and alkali and alkaline-earth metals serve as the best examples of this type of compound.

To know more about Ionic bond, visit;



The inner planets are terrestrial and the outer planets are Jovian. Why?


The terrestrial planets originated near to the Sun, where the temperature was ideal for the condensing of rock and metal. Outside of the so-called frost line, where temperatures were low enough for ice condensation, the jovian planets formed.

Terrestrial Planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are examples of the terrestrial planets, which derive from the Latin word "terra," which means "land."

The remaining planets in the solar system (apart from Pluto)—Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus—are collectively referred to as the jovian planets. They were given this moniker because of their likeness to Jupiter.

Planets that are terrestrial have solid surfaces, a slower rotation, and less dense metal cores.

Jovian planets have non-solid surfaces, rapid rotation, and cores made of significantly denser hydrogen and metal.

For more information on planets kindly visit to



What is density of argon gas in g ml at STP?


1.78 g/L is density of argon gas in g ml at STP

To comparing various gas characteristics, standard temperature and pressure (STP) is a helpful set of reference conditions. Gases have a volume of 22.4 L per mole at STP. The ideal gas law may be used to calculate gas densities. The ideal gas law equation's variable "R" is referred to as the "gas constant." A constant number is always equal to the product of the pressure times the volume of a gas divided by the number of moles and the gas's temperature. The units that the temperature, pressure, and volume are expressed in determine the constant's numerical value.

Learn more about STP here:





Answer: D


Assuming this is a diagram to show how different substances react with each other, each number is representing a different substance.

Therefore, for example, substance 2 reacts with substance 1 to create a new substance. Or substance 4 reacts with substance 3 to create a new substance.

You can think about it like this:

Orange + water --> orange juice


Apple + orange --> a rather depressing fruit salad

However, what do you get when you add water + water?

Water + water --> surprise... WATER!!!

Therefore between the same substances, there will no reaction.

Hoped this helped! :)

the following is the predicted 1h-nmr spectrum for an unknown compound with molecular formula . this compound is a liquid at room temperature, is slightly soluble in water, and reacts with sodium metal with the evolution of a gas.


The following is the predicted 1h-nmr spectrum for an unknown compound with molecular formula C₆H₄O is as follows :

CH₃ - CH₂ - CH - CH - CH₃

                     |        |

                   OH    CH₃

The  1h-nmr spectrum for an unknown compound with molecular formula . this compound is a liquid at room temperature, is slightly soluble in the water, and reacts with the sodium metal with the evolution of a gas is given as below :

                                           CH₃ - CH₂ - CH - CH - CH₃

                                                                  |        |

                                                                OH    CH₃

The 1 h nmr spectrum means the proton nuclear magnetic resonance. it helps to identify the organic compound an the structure of the organic compound.

To learn more about nmr spectrum here



A sample of gas weighs 4.84 g and occupies a volume of 0.918 l at 35 °c and 850 torr. identify the gas sample.
a. NH3 (molar = Mass 17,03 B/moll
b. CHCI3 (molar mass 119 4 B/mol)
c. SO2 (molar mass 64.07 g/mol)
d. Cl2 (molar mass 70.90 5 g/mol)
e. N2O (molar mass 44.02 g/moll)


The gas sample is CHCl₃ having molar mass of 119.135 g/mol.

Calculate the molar mass of the gas, by using the equation given by Ideal gas equation,

PV = nRT

PV = w/M RT


P = Pressure of the gas = 850 torr

V = Volume of the gas = 0.918 L

w = Weight of the gas = 4.84 g

M = Molar mass of gas = ?

R = Gas constant = 62.36 L

T = Temperature of the gas = [35 + 273] K = 308 K

Substituting the values we get,

850 torr × 0.918 L = 4.84 g/ M × 62.36 L × 308 K

⇒ M = (4.84 g× 62.36 L × 308 K) / (850 torr × 0.918 L)

⇒ M = 119.135 g/mol

Hence, the gas sample is CHCl₃ having molar mass of 119.135 g/mol.

Learn more about molar mass from the link given below.



A sample of gas weighs 4.84 g and occupies a volume of 0.918 l at 35 °c and 850 torr. identify the gas sample.
a. NH3 (molar = Mass 17,03 B/moll
b. CHCI3 (molar mass 119 4 B/mol)
c. SO2 (molar mass 64.07 g/mol)
d. Cl2 (molar mass 70.90 5 g/mol)
e. N2O (molar mass 44.02 g/moll)


Ideal gas law is valid only for ideal gas not for vanderwaal gas. Therefore, correct option is option B that is CHCl[tex]_3[/tex].  Ideal gas is a hypothetical gas.

What is ideal gas equation?

Ideal gas equation is the mathematical expression that relates pressure volume and temperature. There is no force of attraction between the particles.

Mathematically the relation between Pressure, volume and temperature can be given as



P = pressure of gas sample = 850 torr=1.11atm

V= volume of gas sample =0.918 L

n =number of moles of gas sample=?

T =temperature of gas =308K

R = Gas constant = 0.0821 L.atm/K.mol

Substituting all the given values, we get

1.11atm×0.918 L =n× 0.0821×308

On calculation we get



Molar mass =mass/moles

Molar mass = 4.84 g/0.04

                   =119. 4g/mol

Therefore, correct option is option B.

To learn more about ideal gas equation, here:



determine the wavelength of the light emitted when the electron in a hydrogen atom undergoes a transition from n


The wavelength of light emitted when the electron in a hydrogen atom undergoes a transition from n is 486 nm.

What is wavelength?

Forms of electromagnetic radiation, such as radio waves, light waves, and infrared (thermal) waves, create unique patterns as they travel through space. Each wave has a specific shape and length. The distance between peaks (high points) is called the wavelength.

Therefore, The wavelength of light emitted when the electron in a hydrogen atom undergoes a transition from n is 486 nm. Forms of electromagnetic radiation, such as radio waves, light waves, and infrared (thermal) waves, create unique patterns as they travel through space. Each wave has a specific shape and length.

To learn more about wavelength refer the given link:-



What type of reaction involves a single compound producing two or more simpler substances?


A decomposition reaction is one in which a single chemical disintegrates into less complex elements.

What kind of reaction produces just one component as the end result?

One material is created from several reactants in a composition reaction. Multiple products are created from a single reactant in a decomposition process. When a chemical and oxygen are combined, the result is a combustion reaction that produces oxides of other elements as a byproduct (although nitrogen atoms react to make N 2).

when does a chemical split into two or more different substances?

Decomposition reactions - These processes take place when a complex substance disintegrates into two or simpler ones. One illustration is the electrolysis of water, which produces hydrogen and oxygen gas when an electric current is conducted through the water.

to know more about Decomposition reactions here:



to prepare a 200.0 ml solution of 5.0 m nacl, how many grams of nacl would be added to the volumetric flask?


To prepare a 200.0 ml aqueous solution of 5.0M NaCl, grams of nacl is 10g.

(w/v) % = 5

Volume = 200 mL

Hence, mass of NaCl=200×5/100 = 10g

What is an aqueous solution?

An aqueous solution is an answer in which the solvent is water. it's far commonly shown in chemical equations with the aid of appending (aq) to the relevant chemical system. for instance, an answer of desk salt, or sodium chloride (NaCl), in water could be represented as Na+(aq) + Cl−(aq). The word aqueous (which comes from aqua) way concerning, associated with, just like, or dissolved in, water. As water is an first-rate solvent and is also evidently ample, it's miles a ubiquitous solvent in chemistry. Because water is frequently used as the solvent in experiments, the word answer refers to an aqueous solution, unless the solvent is detailed.

To know more about aqueous solutions, click the link given below:



What are 4 things to consider when storing chemicals?


The 4 things to consider when storing chemicals is flammable and oxidizing chemical store separately , label the chemical , volatile chemicals in ventilated area and chemicals should be placed in the closed containers.

The chemicals should be stored in the closed container to keep it safe. the flammable and the oxidizing chemical should be store separately because they are incompatible to each other. the chemical should be placed sperate from the any kind of the ignition source. the volatile chemicals should be placed in the ventilated cabinets.

Thus, it very important to store the chemicals very safely so that it can not be hazardous to anyone.

To learn more about chemicals here



How much heat is absorbed/released when 25. 00 g of nh3(g) reacts in the presence of excess o2(g) to produce no(g) and h2o(l) according to the following chemical equation?.


The heat 428.7 kJ is required for the of warmth are absorbed while 25.00 g of NH4 (g) reacts withinside the presence of extra O2(g) to provide NO(g) and H2O(l) .

Let's recollect the subsequent thermochemical equation.

4Nh3g) + 5O_(g) -> 4NO(g) + 6 H2O(l) triangle H deg = 1168kJThe widespread enthalpy of the response is positive, this means that that the response is endothermic, that is, warmness is absorbed.We will convert 25.00 g of NH3 to moles the usage of its molar mass (17.03 g/mol).25g * (1mol)/(17.03g) = 1.468mol1168 kJ of warmth are absorbed while four moles of NH3 react. The warmness absorbed while 1.468 moles of NH react is:1.468mol * (1168kJ)/(4mol) = 428.7kJ428.7 kJ of warmth are absorbed while 25.00 g of NH3(g) reacts withinside the presence of extra O2(g) to provideNO(g) and H2O(l)

Learn more about heat:



What is the molarity of 40g of NaOH dissolved in 1.25 Litre of water?


0.8 M is the molarity of 40g of NaOH dissolved in 1.25 Litre of water

To find the molarity of solution we will use following expression ;

Molarity (M) = n/V(ml)×1000

Where, n = number of moles of solute

            V = volume of solution in ml.

In the given problem,

NaOH is Solute in solution

Given mass of sodium hydroxide = 40 grams

Molar mass of NaOH = 40 g/mol

Total volume of the solution = 1.25 L

Number of moles of sodium hydroxide(n):-

n = mass of NaOH/molar mass of NaOH            

n = 40g/(40g/mo)l

n = 1 mole of NaOH

Substitute the values of volume and number of moles of solution in the molarity formula,

Molarity (M) = 1mole/1.25 L

              M  = 0.8 M

Hence, The Molarity of NaOH is 0.8 M.

To know more about molarity visit here ; https://brainly.com/question/16587536?referrer=searchResults


the text describes the first three reactions of a metabolic pathway. complete the sentences. not all the terms will be placed.a. FAD
b. Citrate
c. Isomerization
d. Alpha-ketagluterate
e. Isocitrate
f. Oxaloacetate
g. Succinate
h. NAD+
i. Intermediate
j. Product h. Condensationi. trycarboxylic acid1. In reaction 1 of the Krebs cycle, acetyl-CoA formed in the pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction condenses with the four-carbon compound____to form____with the elimination of coenzyme A. 2. Since the product has three carboxyl groups, this pathway is referred to as the____cycle. In reaction 2 of the Krebs cycle, this product then undergoes____to form_____. The enzyme is called aconitase because the compound cis-aconitate is the____of the reaction Reaction 3. eliminates Co, to form the five-carbon dicarboxylic acid____. Oxidation also occurs, with electrons transferred from the substrate to______. Consequently, this reaction is an oxidative decarboxylation.


In the first reaction of Krebs cycle (f)Oxaloacetate, (b)Citrate, (k)Tricarboxylic acid. in the second reaction (c)Isomerization, (e)isocitrate, (i)intermediate. and in the third reaction (d)alpha-ketoglutarate, (h)NAD+ .

In reaction 1 of the Krebs cycle, acetyl-CoA formed in the pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction condenses with the four-carbon compound Oxaloacetate to form citrate the elimination of coenzyme A. Since the product has three carboxyl groups, this pathway is referred to as tricarboxylic acid cycle.  In reaction 2 of the Krebs cycle, this product then undergoes isomerization to form Isocitrate.  The enzyme is called aconitase because the compound cis-aconitate is the intermediate of the reaction Reaction 3. eliminates Co, to form Alpha-ketoglutarate the five-carbon dicarboxylic acid. Oxidation also occurs, with electrons transferred from the substrate to NAD+. Consequently, this reaction is an oxidative decarboxylation.

To learn more about Krebs cycle please visit:



If you weigh out 0.205 g of salicylic acid, what is the theoretical yield for aspirin? 0.157g 0.267g 0.134g 0.0786g none of the above choices


If you weigh out 0.205 g of salicylic acid,  the theoretical yield for aspirin is the 0.267 g.

given that :

the mass of the salicylic acid = 0.205 g

the molar mass of the salicylic acid = 138.12 g /mol

the number of moles of salicylic acid acid = mass / mola mass

                                                                    =  0.205 / 138.12

                                                                    = 0.001484 mol

1 mole of salicylic acid = 1 mole of the aspirin

0.001484 mol of the salicylic acid = 0.001484 mol of aspirin

the molas mass of aspirin = 180 g /mol

the mass of aspirin = moles × molar mass

                                 = 0.001484 × 180

                                 = 0.267 g

Thus the theoretical yield = 0.267 g.

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