Emily earns $15 for each car she washes. Create an equation to represent the relationship between the number of cars washed, C, and the amount, in dollars, Emily earns, m.​


Answer 1


An equation is c = 15m

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

What is the intermediate step in the form (x + a)2 = b as a result of completing the
square for the following equation?
x^2 – 3x = 7x - 30



( x - 5 )² = 75

Step-by-step explanation:

We need to convert the given equation in

(x + a)² = b form .

So for that , let's complete the square of the given quadratic equation .

=> x² - 3x = 7x - 30

=> x² -3x - 7x + 30 = 0

=> x² - 10x + 30 = 0

=> x² - 2(5)x + 30 = 0

=> x² - 2(5)x +5² -30 = 5²

=> x² - 2(5)x + 5² = 25 +30

=> ( x - 5 )² = 75

Hence wrt the given form , the value of a is (-5) and b is 75 .

Hence the required answer is ( x - 5)² = 75

Find the value of AB.
AB = [?]



AB = 16

Step-by-step explanation:

The radius of the circle = 10

From the center of the circle to B = 10 (radius)

Since a right angle is formed at point E, we can apply Pythagorean theorem to find EB.


EB² = 10² - 6²

EB² = 100 - 36

EB² = 64

EB = √64

EB = 8

EB = AE = 8


AB = AE + EB = 8 + 8

AB = 16


Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter of a semicircle is 15.42 inches. What is the semicircle's diameter?




Simplified: 6

Step-by-step explanation:

Express the following percentages
as Fractions:



Step-by-step explanation:

hope it is helpful to you

Step-by-step explanation:







An equation is shown below: 1 over 2 multiplied by x plus 3 over 2 equals 2 to the power of x What is the solution to the equation? (4 points) x = 1 x = 2 x = 4 x = 8


Answer: x = 1!

Step-by-step explanation:

February has 28 days. It rained on [tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex] of the days in February. What was the total number of rainy days during this month?




Step-by-step explanation:


21 because if you find half of 28 which is 14 and that is 2/4 and 1/4 equals 7 so just add 14 plus 7.

what are the zeros of f(x)=(x-2)(3x+1)​


[tex] 2,- \frac{1}{3} [/tex]


( x-2) ( 3x+1)

3x^2 + x - 6x - 2

x( 3x + 1 ) -2( 3x + 1 )

( 3x + 1 ) ( x - 2 )


3x + 1 = 0

3x = -1

x = -1/3


x - 2 = 0

x = 2

( -1/3 , 2 )

The following is a geometric series.
O True
Ő False
Explain why for brainliest


Answer: false

Step-by-step explanation:


False because a sequence is geometric if common ratio of all terms of sequence is same.

here 8/6 is not equal 11/8.

Eg: the sequence 3,6,12,… is geometric because 6/3 = 12/6.

The pentagon below has been reduced by a scale of 0.5.

A pentagon with an area of 120 inches squared.

What is the area of the reduced pentagon?
30 in.²
60 in.²
90 in.²
120 in.²


Answer:60 inches squared

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

bc i got it right on edg test/ exam 2021

A study of traffic violations on a busy highway finds that the number of tickets for speeding written by officers tends to decrease on rainy days. A police sergeant explains that driver behavior could be a confounding variable.

Which statement best explains the confounding variable in this study?

On sunny days, more tickets for speeding are written than on rainy days.
Officers are less likely to want to leave their police cars to write tickets on rainy days.
Drivers may drive more carefully on rainy days, so the number of speeding tickets decreases.
Drivers are more likely to speed on rainy days to get to their destination faster.




Step-by-step explanation:

The statement which explains the given options will be Drivers may drive more carefully on rainy days, so the number of speeding tickets decreases. Hence, option C is correct.

What are traffic rules?

According to the Traffic Ordinance, disobeying a rule or following a piece of advice inside the Road Users' Code is not in and of itself an offense, but any such rejection may be looked into in any deliberations (as to if civil or criminal, including litigation for an offense underneath the Road Traffic Ordinance), and may also be relied upon for establishing or negating any liability.

However, it should be emphasized that several of the guidelines in the Car Drivers' Code exactly mirror the law, and anyone who violates these guidelines may be breaking the law.

It means that on rainy days, divers drive very carefully as compared to other days.

To know more about traffic rules:



d = 4.4 mm.

Calculate the area of the circle


Area= 60.82, the formula is A = Pi x r ^2


15.1976 mm²

Step-by-step explanation:

A = πr²

A = 3.14 · 2.2²

A = 15.1976

solve the inequality 1 - 2x + - 7​


Answer: x = -3 or if not solving for x then -2x -6

Step-by-step explanation:

1 - 2x - 7 = 0

-6 - 2x = 0

add 2x on both sides

-6 = 2x

divide 2 on both sides

-6/2 = x

x = -3

what is the vertex of -(x+2)^2-3




Step-by-step explanation:

plz help 5th grade work



81 , 24 AND 108

Step-by-step explanation:

3x² + 2x² +4= -6x

no math apps please


What do you want be to answer what are you looking for

Rearrange the equation by subtracting what is to the right of the equal sign from both sides of the equation :


Step by step solution :




Equation at the end of step 1

(((3 • (x2)) + 2x2) + 4) - -6x = 0




Equation at the end of step



((3x2 + 2x2) + 4) - -6x = 0




Trying to factor by splitting the middle term

3.1 Factoring 5x2+6x+4

The first term is, 5x2 its coefficient is 5 .

The middle term is, +6x its coefficient is 6 .

The last term, "the constant", is +4

Step-1 : Multiply the coefficient of the first term by the constant 5 • 4 = 20

Step-2 : Find two factors of 20 whose sum equals the coefficient of the middle term, which is 6 .

-20 + -1 = -21

-10 + -2 = -12

-5 + -4 = -9

-4 + -5 = -9

-2 + -10 = -12

-1 + -20 = -21

1 + 20 = 21

2 + 10 = 12

4 + 5 = 9

5 + 4 = 9

10 + 2 = 12

20 + 1 = 21

Equation at the end of step



5x2 + 6x + 4 = 0




Parabola, Finding the Vertex:

4.1 Find the Vertex of y = 5x2+6x+4

Parabolas have a highest or a lowest point called the Vertex . Our parabola opens up and accordingly has a lowest point (AKA absolute minimum) . We know this even before plotting "y" because the coefficient of the first term, 5 , is positive (greater than zero).

Each parabola has a vertical line of symmetry that passes through its vertex. Because of this symmetry, the line of symmetry would, for example, pass through the midpoint of the two x -intercepts (roots or solutions) of the parabola. That is, if the parabola has indeed two real solutions.

Parabolas can model many real life situations, such as the height above ground, of an object thrown upward, after some period of time. The vertex of the parabola can provide us with information, such as the maximum height that object, thrown upwards, can reach. For this reason we want to be able to find the coordinates of the vertex.

For any parabola,Ax2+Bx+C,the x -coordinate of the vertex is given by -B/(2A) . In our case the x coordinate is -0.6000

Plugging into the parabola formula -0.6000 for x we can calculate the y -coordinate :

y = 5.0 * -0.60 * -0.60 + 6.0 * -0.60 + 4.0

or y = 2.200

Solve Quadratic Equation by Completing The Square

4.2 Solving 5x2+6x+4 = 0 by Completing The Square .

Divide both sides of the equation by 5 to have 1 as the coefficient of the first term :

x2+(6/5)x+(4/5) = 0

Subtract 4/5 from both side of the equation :

x2+(6/5)x = -4/5

Now the clever bit: Take the coefficient of x , which is 6/5 , divide by two, giving 3/5 , and finally square it giving 9/25

Add 9/25 to both sides of the equation :

On the right hand side we have :

-4/5 + 9/25 The common denominator of the two fractions is 25 Adding (-20/25)+(9/25) gives -11/25

So adding to both sides we finally get :

x2+(6/5)x+(9/25) = -11/25

Adding 9/25 has completed the left hand side into a perfect square :

x2+(6/5)x+(9/25) =

(x+(3/5)) • (x+(3/5)) =


Things which are equal to the same thing are also equal to one another. Since

x2+(6/5)x+(9/25) = -11/25 and

x2+(6/5)x+(9/25) = (x+(3/5))2

then, according to the law of transitivity,

(x+(3/5))2 = -11/25

We'll refer to this Equation as Eq. #4.2.1

The Square Root Principle says that When two things are equal, their square roots are equal.

Note that the square root of

(x+(3/5))2 is

(x+(3/5))2/2 =

(x+(3/5))1 =


Now, applying the Square Root Principle to Eq. #4.2.1 we get:

x+(3/5) = √ -11/25

Subtract 3/5 from both sides to obtain:

x = -3/5 + √ -11/25

In Math, i is called the imaginary unit. It satisfies i2 =-1. Both i and -i are the square roots of -1

Since a square root has two values, one positive and the other negative

x2 + (6/5)x + (4/5) = 0

has two solutions:

x = -3/5 + √ 11/25 • i


x = -3/5 - √ 11/25 • i

Note that √ 11/25 can be written as

√ 11 / √ 25 which is √ 11 / 5

What is the range of the data set below?

56, 42, 48, 32, 17, 26, 92



edit: 92-17=75

Step-by-step explanation:

when using range you subtract the highest number with the lowest

Which of the following would be in the solution set for x < 4

Group of answer choices







- 4

Step-by-step explanation:

The set of all possible value that would make the above statement true must be less than 4.

Therefore the only option we have is -4

An object travels 8 miles in 20 minutes at a constant speed. What is the object's
speed in miles per hour?
A. 32
B. 28
C. 24
An object travels 8 miles in 20 minutes what is the objects speed in miles per hour


It would be 24 miles per hour

The mechanic does 6 oil changes in 2 hours. How many oil changes can the mechanic do in 8 hours?????​



I think it’s 24 oil changes

Step-by-step explanation:

If he can do 6 oil changes in 2 hours
8 divided by 2 is 4
And 4 x 6 is 24

Need help answering this question


the answer to your question is unlikely

An amusement park studied methods for decreasing the waiting time (minutes) for rides by loading and unloading riders more efficiently. Two alternative loading/ unloading methods have been proposed. To account for potential differences due to the type of ride and the possible interaction between the method of loading and unloading and the type of ride, a factorial experiment was designed. Use the following data to test for any significant effect due to the loading and unloading method, the type of ride, and interaction. Use α = .05. Use both p-Value and Critical-Value approaches.
Type of Ride
Roller Coaster Screaming Demon Log Flume
Method 1 41 52 50
43 44 46
49 46 48
Method 2 49 50 48
51 46 44
47 48 46


Answer:49.... yep

Step-by-step explanation: 49,,,

Find lim f(x) as x->2- and lim f(x) as x->2+



2x the correct answer okay

Anyone know the answer is ​



648π cm³

Step-by-step explanation:

Hi there!

The formula to find the volume of a cylinder is r²πh, where r is the radius, π is pi, and h is the height

first, let's find the area of the circle (r²π)

we are given that the radius is 9 cm

so we can square the 9, which is the same as multiplying it by itself


Your answers leave everything in pi, so we can leave the area of the circle as is :)

now, multiply 81π by the height, which is given as 8 cm


therefore the answer is 648π cm³

Hope this helps!

BEEN ASKING FOR AN HOUR NOW!! the following two triangles are similar to each other. find the length of the missing side. ​


Answer: just multiply the same sides that same number and that add the answers all together

Step-by-step explanation:

Please solve this for me. I will mark you branliest if you gave me the best explanation to your answer.

For every $6 spent at a shop, the owner will donate $2 to charity. The
total amount of money donated to the charity was $56. What is the
least possible amount of money that was spent at the shop?​




Step-by-step explanation:

Divide $56 by $2

$56 ÷ $2 = 28

Thus $2 was donated 28 times

He donated $2 every time $6 was spent, then

money spent = 28 × $6 = $168



Step-by-step explanation:

We have the following ratio

Spent at shop : donated to charity


we know that


To solve this we just mulitply 6 by 28 (28 because this is what we mulitplied the two in our original ratio to reach 56)


Please help me fast!

Find the surface area of this cone. Show your work.



The answer is 628 meters.

Step-by-step explanation:

The area for surface of a cone is pi times the radius (radius plus the square root of the height squared plus the radius squared).

Lol, i know this is really confusing, just look up surface area of a cone formula.

Height squared = 15 * 15 = 225

Radius squared = 8 * 8 = 64

225 + 64 = 289

The square root of 289 is 17

17 + 8 = 25

3.14 * 8 = 25.12

25.12 * 25 = 628 meters.

Could I get Brainliest please?!?!

what is the twelfth term in the sequence 13,26,39, ...?




Step-by-step explanation:

Brainliest and a thanks??

Term 1: 13

Term 2: 26

Term 3: 39

Term 4: 52

Term 5: 65

Term 6: 78

term 7 : 91

Term 8: 104

Term 9: 117

Term 10: 130

Term 11: 143

Term 12: 156

OR 13*12=156

Add 13 every time until you add it 12 times you will get 156. Or you can mulitply 13*12 you will get 156. Multiply is much easier though!!

Hope this helps!


Have a great day!

- Hailey!

(nothing is copied or pasted!!!)

PLSSS ASAPP HELPP!!!!!!!!!Determine the perimeter of the rectangle shown below.

D) There is not info given to this question
E)None of these answers are correct




Step-by-step explanation:

Add up all of the sides, dont bother with negatives and positives because that does not matter when finding area or perimeter on a coordinate plane

Dilation by scale factor 5



is there supposed to be a picture here?

Step-by-step explanation:

Volume is calculated in units squared.





Step-by-step explanation: Volume is calculated in units cubed.

I think the answer is false
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