earnings per share is most useful in comparing earnings performance of one company with another.a. trueb. false


Answer 1

Option b. False is the correct answer. Earning per share is not useful in comparing the earnings performance of one company with another.

Earnings per share (EPS) measures a firm's profitability on a per-share basis and is a number investors frequently use to appraise a stock or company. A company's net income is subtracted from any preferred dividends before being divided by the number of outstanding shares to arrive at its earnings per share (EPS). A company's profit for the period is equal to net income less preferred dividends, which is the amount of money left over in a reporting period after all cash and non-cash costs are subtracted. Hence, EPS is a financial ratio to evaluate the business performance in terms of profitability.

Learn more about shares:



Related Questions

a building with an appraisal value of $134,495 is made available at an offer price of $159,882. the purchaser acquires the property for $30,575 in cash, a 90-day note payable for $28,314, and a mortgage amounting to $56,449. the cost of the building to be reported on the balance sheet is


The cost of the building to be reported in the balance sheet is $115,338 as per the given appraisal value, mortgage and note payables

The cost basis of an investment or asset is the total purchase price which is used for tax purposes. The cost basic value is used to determine the capital gain tax which is the difference between its market value and cost basis.

The cost basis recorded in the buyer's accounting records to recognize this purchase will be:

Cost basis = Appraisal value + Note payable + Mortgage

Cost basis = $30,575 + $28,314 + $56,449

Cost basis = $1,15,338

So the cost bases that will be recognised for this purchase will be $115,338

Learn more about cost basis:



starting at a price of $30, if earthscience were to increase the price by 6%, will the quantity demanded decrease by more than 6%, by less than 6%, or by exactly 6%? explain.


As per the elasticity in demand, the price of the product is increased as 180%

Elasticity of demand:

In economics, elasticity of demand refers the change in demand due to the change in one or more of the variable factors that it depends on.


Here we have the starting at a price of $30, if earth science were to increase the price by 6%, will the quantity demanded decrease by more than 6%, by less than 6%, or by exactly 6%.

And we need to find the price of the product.

As per the given situation, the quantity demand will increase by

=> (30 x 0.06 = 1.8)

Then there must be 180% when the price elasticity of demand is 30 and the price increases by 5%.

Which state that when demand is inelastic (less than 1), an increase in the price will result in an increase in total revenue because the price increase more than offsets the decrease in quantity demanded.

To know more about Elasticity of demand here.



In order to assess the performance of their firms and their supply chains, what do managers need to do to determine the needs of those customers?


In order to assess the performance of their firms and their supply chains,  managers need to do performance measurement system to determine the needs of those customers.

A performance measurement system gives the necessary data to the monitor, control, asses, and feedback functions on operations management and offers to integrate strategic planning and operational control of an organization.

Managers must implement performance measurement systems to identify these clients' needs in order to evaluate the effectiveness of their companies and supply chains.

Which management is essential for building an effective supply chain?

Supply chain management is crucial since it may aid firms in achieving a number of goals. Controlling production procedures, for instance, can enhance product quality while lowering the likelihood of recalls and legal action and assisting in the development of a powerful consumer brand.

Learn more about supply chain management: brainly.com/question/28170749


a person who changes jobs frequently, moves often, and always seems happier because of such changes is likely to be high in:


A person who moves frequently, changes jobs frequently, and always appears happier as a result is likely to be high in openness.

A person who moves frequently, changes jobs frequently, and always appears happier as a result is likely to be high in openness. It is where an individual is open-minded in different scenarios, they tend to receive or perceive things in the most positive way possible than accepting it negatively. They are the ones who welcomes new ideas and situations. It could be seen in the scenario above as the man seems happy despite of the changes in his life in which it shows that he accepts them in a positive way.

To know more about openness, visit:-



In the absence of externalities, the perfectly competitive market maximizes economic surplus when?


In the absence of externalities, the perfectly competitive market maximizes economic surplus when The market is at equilibrium.

What is the perfectly competitive market?

A perfect market, also known as an atomistic market, is defined by various idealizing conditions, which are together referred to as perfect competition, or atomistic competition, in economics, specifically general equilibrium theory.

According to economic theory, perfect competition arises when all businesses sell the same goods, market share has no bearing on prices, businesses can enter or quit the market without any obstacles, consumers have perfect or complete information, and businesses are unable to set prices. The typical farmers' market is possibly the most realistic illustration of ideal competition.

Read more on the  perfectly competitive market here: https://brainly.com/question/1748396


what would you do if you had a job and didn’t receive a w-2 form from your employer by the deadline?


If you didn't receive a w-2 form from your employer within the deadline then contact the Internal Revenue Service.

A w-2 form can be described as such a form that includes wages and taxes. This form is mandatory by the government of a country for every person that is employed.

A w-2 form has to be requested from the employer for which you are working. However, if the employer fails to provide you with a w-2 form, then you should contact the Internal Revenue Service as they deal with such matters. The internal revenue Service will ask for the w-2 form from the employer on your behalf.

To learn more about employer, click here:



a couple has decided to purchase a $200000 house using a down payment of $12000. they can amortize the balance at 11% over 20 years. a) what is their monthly payment? payment


A couple has decided to purchase a $200000 house using a down payment of $12000. they can amortize the balance at 11% over 20 years. Their monthly payment is $1962.403

The payment P is required to payoff a loan of V dollars borrowed for n payment periods of a rate of Interest i per payment period is :


The loan is for $200,000 - $12,000 = $183,000

At i = 10/(100×12) = 0.00833 ≈ 0.0083%

for n = 15×12 = 180

P = 183,000 [ 0.0083/1-(1+0.0083)^-180 ]

P = 183,000 [ 0.0083/1-(1.0083)^-180 ]

P = 183,000 [0.0083/1-0.226]

P = $1962.40310077 ≈ $1962.403

Therefore, Their monthly payment is $1962.403

In order to maintain good standing with a credit card issuer, a borrower must make at least the minimum monthly payment on a revolving credit account each month.When compared to consumers who make more than the minimum payment each month, those who just make the minimum payment each month will end up paying more interest and taking longer to pay off their loans.As long as they are in good standing and have no delinquencies, revolving credit accounts let customers keep their balances open indefinitely.

Learn more about Monthly payment, here



profit-seeking multinational companies shift their production from countries with strong environmental standards to countries with weak standards, thus reducing their costs and increasing their profits. this phenomenon is called


Profit-seeking multinational companies shift their production from countries with strong environmental standards to countries with weak ones. This phenomenon is called race to the bottom.

The phrase "race to the bottom" describes a situation in which a corporation, state or country tries to undercut the prices of its rivals by compromising quality standards, worker safety or lowering labor expenses. Governments may engage in a race to the bottom in an effort to entice business or raise tax revenues. In an effort to draw investment, such as the construction of a new factory or corporate office, a jurisdiction could loosen rules or decrease taxes while compromising the interests of the general public.

Race to the bottom is a word used to describe unethical rivalry that has crossed ethical limits and may be harmful to the parties involved, even though there are appropriate ways to fight for financing and industry funds.

To read about MNCs refer:



Match the best definition to the term


Answer: 1. fees - d

2. books and supplies - c

3. room and board - a

4. tuition - b


when a retailer's advertising message shows how its products fit in with the consumer's everyday style of living, the retailer is said to be using a(n) approach.


When a retailer's advertising message shows how its products fit in with the consumer's everyday style of living, the retailer is said to be using a lifestyle approach.

What exactly do you mean by advertising?

A marketing strategy known as advertising involves purchasing real estate to advertise a good, bad, or intangible idea. Ads, as they are commonly known, are the real advertising messaging. Reaching the demographics most likely to be interested in purchasing a company's goods or services is the aim of advertising.

The primary objective of advertising is to increase the number of consumers who purchase your goods. To do this, you can utilise advertising to persuade consumers that your product is excellent, practical, or attractive.

To know more about advertising, click here- brainly.com/question/1658517


servers in restaurants typically get paid an hourly wage (from the company) plus tips (from various customers). this type of compensation plan would be a combination of


Servers in restaurants typically get paid an hourly wage (from the company) plus tips (from various customers). this type of compensation plan would be a combination of fixed-ratio and variable-interval reinforcement.

What is compensation?

The entire amount of cash and non-monetary benefits you provide an employee in exchange for the job they perform for your company is known as compensation. It's often one of the highest costs for companies that employ people. Compensation goes beyond a worker's usual paycheck. It also contains a wide variety of additional pay and perks.

You must pay your employees if you have any. Thus, you decide on an hourly wage or compensation. However, you may also pay your staff in various ways. If so, you must ascertain if those additional wages qualify as compensation. Why? A crucial step in creating your compensation packages is understanding what constitutes compensation.

To study more about compensation



what two taxes will you not receive a refund for, even if you file a tax return?


An imperfect return, an erroneous return, a revised return, tax evasion, claiming credit, owing certain dues that the government may withhold part or all of ones refund, or sending ones refund to the incorrect bank because of a wrong routing number all are reasons why a tax refund may be delayed.

What does tax return mean?

The tax return is one or even more documents that are filed to a taxation authority and contain information on incomes, expenses, and other significant tax information. Tax returns allow taxpayers the opportunity to ascertain their tax liability, schedule their tax payments, and request refunds for any overpaid taxes. The filing of a tax return is indeed the documentation used to calculate the amount of income earned by an organization or person as well as the tax that need to be paid to back to the taxpayer, the government, or one of its agencies. Taxation is one of the main ways that the government makes money.

Why do we do tax returns and what is the maximum tax refund you can get?

Telling the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) how much money you made the previous year is the objective. Whether you owe the government money or they owe you because you paid too much in taxes during the year can be determined by filling out tax forms. Income tax is the tax that must be paid on income, and income tax returns are the annual records of income and tax information that must be provided by the assessee to the appropriate tax authorities.

The size of your tax refund is not restricted. High-value tax refunds, however, could occasionally be sent via physical check rather than direct transfer. The IRS only allows three direct deposits per account, but it does not disclose the level at which a check is issued instead of a direct deposit.

To know more about Tax Return visit:



bonds that require payment of the full principal at a single maturity date are known as term_____bonds.


Bonds that require payment of the full principal at a single maturity date are known as term bonds.

How will you describe term bonds?

An expiry date is a feature of a term bond. Due to their set maturity dates and lesser risk than traditional bonds, they provide you with the chance to invest in bonds at lower interest rates. Term bonds are often issued by state or municipal governments, although some businesses also do so for retirement savings schemes for their employees.

How Are Term Bonds Operated?

There are typically two methods to purchase bonds issued by businesses and governments: face value and market value (also known as "par"). Bond prices are intimately correlated with interest rates, so as rates rise, bonds sell for less money, and vice versa. Investors have the option of reselling their normal bonds on the market. Term bonds may be the ideal option if you're seeking for a secure investment because they feature lower interest rates than conventional bonds. Investing in high-quality bonds with little risk is also possible with term bonds.

To know more about Term Bonds visit



1. Describe two rights and two responsibilities that you have as an employee.

2. Assume that you have been newly hired to a great company and you would like to keep your job. what are some of the strategies that you can demonstrate in order to keep your job in a competitive job market? In a paragraph or two, describe at least three of these strategies and give reasons why you believe they are important.


Employees have the following rights: Not to experience harassment or be treated unfavorably due to their race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation.

What do you mean by Compensation?

You have the right to get paid as an employee, but you also have a responsibility to do the job that your manager asks of you.As an employee, you have the right to work safely, but you also have a responsibility to act in a responsible and respectful manner so that you can simultaneously save your own life and the lives of others.The right to confer with others regarding job safety. workers' compensation rights. the appropriate to a just and fair workplace. a claim to equal remuneration and working conditions.The strategies for a job are as followsCompetitive compensation.Company culture. Community. Trust.

To know more about Employee here



true or false: any efforts to create first-time customers through social media posting will likely require some form of paid distribution to supplement free posting.


The answer is true. Craigslist can be an easy way to find a few customers when you're just starting out. You create an ad and post it in your area. This way, local businesses looking for help will find you and get in touch with you.

For business accounts, include things like post, brands, trailers, and product or service features. This way, based on your first post, customers will have a good idea of ​​your brand or product and how they can buy it. Listening more shows that you are paying attention and makes the other person feel heard. As Ann Demarais, founder of First Impressions, points out, people always remember how you made them feel.

To learn more about customers, click here.



When calculating cash flow, why is depreciation first subtracted but then added back in?a. Because it is not a real cash outflow but does create a tax deductible expenseb. Because it is an expense that can be immediately and fully deducted from the revenues of the firmc. Because it changes from negative to positive as the project moves forwardd. Because it serves to increase the amount of tax the firm will have to pay to the tax authoritiese. Because it has the unusual characteristic of switching signs in the middle of most projects


Depreciation is initially deducted from the cash flow calculation before being brought back because it doesn't actually result in a cash outflow but rather a tax deduction. The answer is (a).

Depreciation must be added back to net income to get the after-tax cash flow. Depreciation is a non-cash expense that simulates the loss of an asset's economic worth but does not include a cash outflow. It's easy. Depreciation is a non-cash item, hence it must be included in the operational activities portion of the cash flow statement along with other costs like amortization and depletion.

Depreciation is a non-cash expense that has been subtracted from revenue, so it must be added back to net income in order to calculate the cash flow from operations. Since depreciation is merely a continuous charge to a fixed asset's carrying value intended to lower the reported cost of the asset over its useful life, it is seen as a non-cash expense.

Learn more about depreciation visit this link : brainly.com/question/1203926


Correct Question:

When calculating cash flow, why is depreciation first subtracted but then added back in?

a. Because it is not a real cash outflow but does create a tax deductible expense.

b. Because it is an expense that can be immediately and fully deducted from the revenues of the firm.

c. Because it changes from negative to positive as the project moves forward

d. Because it serves to increase the amount of tax the firm will have to pay to the tax authoritiese. Because it has the unusual characteristic of switching signs in the m

government deficit spending is a good thing because it lowers the amount of taxes that need to be collected.


Government expenditure that increases deficits will eventually require more taxes to cover interest costs. On the other hand, when there is a surplus in the budget, taxes eventually need to be reduced.

What occurs when the federal government adopts a deficit spending strategy?

In deficit spending, the government uses borrowed funds to pay for relief and other initiatives that are typically intended to enhance the general economy rather than increasing taxes.

Why is spending by the government beneficial?

Spending is frequently thought of as a tool to increase economic growth through the Fiscal Multiplier. According to this multiplier, an increase in government spending causes some indicators of overall economic output, like GDP, to rise.

To know more about government spending visit:-



the following question asks you to analyze the monopolistically competitive market structure, which has some characteristics of both a monopoly and a competitive market.


When numerous businesses engage in a same industry and make comparable but different products, monopolistic competition, a type of market structure, takes place.

The monopolistically competitive market structure combines elements of monopolies and competitive markets. It is simple to enter and quit marketplaces that are both competitive and monopolistically competitive.

In contrast to competitive markets, where products are homogenous, monopolistically competitive marketplaces have slightly varying products or product differentiation.

An explanation of monopolistic competition

A type of market structure known as monopolistic competition occurs when many companies operate in a single industry and produce products that are similar but different.

None of the companies has a monopoly, and they all manage their own operations without considering what other companies are doing.

To know more about monopolistic competition here



bond p is a premium bond with a coupon of 7.2 percent, a ytm of 5.95 percent, and 15 years to maturity. bond d is a discount bond with a coupon of 7.2 percent, a ytm of 8.95 percent, and also has 15 years to maturity. if interest rates remain unchanged, what do you expect the price of these bonds to be 1 year from now? in 5 years? in 10 years? in 14 years? in 15 years? (do not round intermediate calculations. input all amounts as positive values. round your answers to 2 decimal places.)


The price of the bond P is $518.42 and bond D is $363.38

How do you calculate the bond price?

Bond Price = ∑(C1(1 + YTM)1 + C15(1 + YTM)15 + P(1 + YTM)15)

=∑($1,000 × 7.2%( 1 + 0.0595)1) + ($1,000 × 7.2%(1 + 0.0595)15) + ($1,000(1 + 0.0595)15)


Bond Price = ∑(C1(1 + YTM)1 + C15(1 + YTM)15 + P(1 + YTM)15)

=∑($1,000 × 7.2%( 1 + 0.0895)1) + ($1,000 × 7.2%(1 + 0.0895)15) + ($1,000(1 + 0.0895)15)


What does "bond price" mean?

The price of a bond is the amount that investors are willing to spend on an existing bond. The pricing of bonds are expressed as a percentage of face (par) value in the online offering table and statements you get. You're thinking about purchasing a business bond, for instance.

To know more about Bond Price, visit:



You are recognizing expenses for supplies used during a month. You started with $4,800 of supplies, debited the account $5,000 and now have a $2,100 balance. How much did you use?.


You started with $4,800 of supplies, debited the account $5,000 and now have a $2,100 balance. The amount of supplies you used is $7,700.

A debit is an accounting entry that either adds or decreases the value of an asset or expense account. In an accounting entry, it is to the left.

A credit is an accounting item that either adds or decreases the value of a liability or equity account. In an accounting entry, it is to the right.

In the given problem,    

Started supplies (debit) = $4,800

Direct debit                    = $5,000

Balance                         = $2,100

Hence, the amount of supplies used is:

$4,800 + $5,000 - $2,100 = $7,700

Learn more about accounting here:



illegal acts by either employers or unions are called: a. discrimination complaints b. violation and resolve charges c. unfair labor practices d. representation charges


Illegal acts by either employers or unions are called unfair labor practices.

What are illegal acts?

Something that is illegal violates the law or the rules. These include activities including the creation and distribution of illicit commodities and fake goods, the creation of illicit services, the manufacturing of normally legal things that become illicit when produced by unlicensed producers, the theft and resale of illicit goods, bribery, extortion, and money. also known as illicit or illegal. It might be used to describe a criminal offense like assault, arson, or murder.

The term "illegal activity" refers to any activity that is prohibited by applicable legislation, including but not limited to major human rights abuses, transgressions of international humanitarian law, financing of conflicts, money laundering, tax evasion, bribery, etc.

To learn more about illegal acts click on the given link:



what are the main positive and negative impacts of mergers? decreased market power and higher prices lower prices and more companies increased competition and higher costs lower costs and increased market power


The main positive and negative impacts of mergers are lower costs and increased market power.

Mergers can have both positive and negative impacts on a variety of stakeholders, including customers, employees, shareholders, and the broader economy. Some potential positive impacts of mergers include increased efficiency and cost savings, increased market power and competitiveness, and the ability to invest in new technologies and innovations.

Further, a company can have a larger market share and reduced competition in the industry. This can result in the company having more bargaining power and the ability to set prices at a higher level than would be possible if there were more competitors in the market, However, mergers can also have negative impacts, like reduced competition and higher prices for consumers, job losses, and decreased innovation. It's important to carefully consider the potential impacts of a merger before moving forward with the transaction.

Read more about mergers on:



4) compared to a perfectly competitive industry, a monopolist: group of answer choices a) charges a higher price b) earns less profit in the long run c) increases consumer surplus d) produces a large quantity


Compared to a perfectly competitive industry, a monopolist charges a higher price. So option a. is correct.

A monopolist refers to an individual, group, or company that dominates and controls the market for a specific good or service. This lack of competition and lack of substitute goods or services means the monopolist wields enough power in the marketplace to charge high prices. The United States government regulates unfair competition by enforcing antitrust laws, which restrict monopolies and protect consumers from predatory business practices.

Some monopolies are legal and sanctioned by the government, such as companies in the utilities sector.

Learn more about the monopolistic business here:



Rachel has drafted a plan for her firm that explicitly analyzes the marketing and advertising situation, identifies the objectives of the advertising campaign, clarifies a specific strategy for accomplishing those objectives, and indicates how the firm can assess whether the campaign was successful. this subsection of the firm’s overall marketing plan is called its?


Rachel has drafted a plan for her firm that explicitly analyzes the marketing and advertising situation. This subsection of the firm’s overall marketing plan is called its general marketing plan.

What is the meaning of a Marketing Plan?

An overall business strategy could include a marketing plan. A very well marketing plan must have a strong foundation in marketing strategy to fulfill its objectives. A marketing strategy may consist of a list of tasks, but without a solid strategic base, it provides little service to a company.

The strategy a business will employ to promote its products to clients is described in the marketing plan. The target market, the brand's or product's value proposition, the campaigns to launch, and the metrics to be applied to judge the success of marketing initiatives are all identified in the plan.

Learn more about the marketing plan here:



which is an invisible barrier based on the prejudicial beliefs that underlie organizational decisions that prevent women from moving beyond certain levels within a company?


The glass ceiling is an invisible barrier based on the prejudicial beliefs that underlie organizational decisions that prevent women from moving beyond certain levels within a company.

What is a glass ceiling?

A glass ceiling refers to a metaphor usually applied to women, used to represent an invisible barrier that prevents a given demographic from rising beyond a certain level in a hierarchy. No matter how invisible the glass ceiling is expressed, it is a difficult obstacle to overcome. The metaphor was first used by feminists about barriers in the careers of high-achieving women.

It was coined by Marilyn Loden during a speech in 1978.

Learn more about ceiling, here:



A grill assembly takes 20 washers. instead of listing these washers​ separately, they are grouped into a single kit for production. how is the bill of material for the washers​ classified?


The bill of material for the washers​ classified as pseudo and planning as grill assembly takes 20 washers instead of listing these washers​.

What does planning serve as a vehicle for?

Setting goals and figuring out a plan of action to reach those goals is the responsibility of planning, a management function. It is necessary for managers to foresee future situations and be aware of current environmental factors affecting their firm.

In management, what does the term "planning" mean?

To achieve the desired result, management planning is determining the measures to follow to get there, anticipating changes and obstacles, and figuring out how to make the most of available resources and possibilities.

To know more about Planning visit:



which step in personal selling refers to identifying potential buyers who have the need, willingness, ability, and authority to buy?


Finding prospective customers who have the need, desire, capability, and authority to purchase qualified leads is referred to as personal selling.

A salesman will use personal selling, a face-to-face sales method, to influence a customer to purchase a certain product by utilizing the abilities of their audience. To convince the buyer that the purchase will only be beneficial, the salesperson emphasizes each of the product's distinctive qualities.

However, persuading a customer to buy a product isn't always the aim of personal selling. Businesses commonly employ this tactic to let customers know about new products.

The company promotes its products through personal interactions. Salespeople are better at presenting a product to a potential customer because selling requires a human touch. Personal selling can be done through retail channels or direct-to-consumer methods.

To know more about personal selling click here,



The demand that women should receive equal pay relative to men for work that is similarly demanding, involves similar responsibilities, and requires similar levels of education and training is the basis of the concept of?


The concept of equal value is based on the assumption that women should be paid equally to men for work that is equally challenging, involves comparable tasks.

What are examples responsibilities?

The obligation to complete a task is one example of a responsibility. It's indeed your job to clean your teeth every day since it is "a responsibility" to do so. One illustration is that your teacher anticipates you to complete your homework promptly and to the best of your ability.

What is your personal responsibility?

Personal responsibility is the readiness to put up significant personal effort to live up to the standards that society sets for individual behavior as well as the importance of such norms.

To know more about responsibilities visit:



A clothing manufacturer checks one pair of pants out of every shipment to ensure the quality of its product. this process is known as quality: _________


A clothing manufacturer checks one pair of pants out of every shipment to ensure the quality of its product. this process is known as quality inspection.

The quality inspection is an activity or process of checking, measuring or testing of  one or more goods or services and comparing the results with the specific requirements to confirm the compliance.

There are four types of quality inspection: pre-production inspection, pre-shipment inspection, production inspection and container loading/unloading inspection.

It is the basic quality inspection like measuring and testing in  clothing manufacturer checks one pair of pants out of every shipment to ensure the quality of its product.

To know more about quality inspection here,



17. the way all jobs in modern society are connected to other jobs is called a. the money supply. b. division of labor. c. economic regulations.


Division of labor is the term used to describe the relationship between all employment in contemporary society.

In any economic system or organisation, the division of labour refers to the separation of tasks to allow participants to specialise. People, organisations, and nations are given or acquire specialised capabilities and either form alliances or engage in trade to benefit from one another's skills in addition to their own. Equipment, natural resources, and skills are all examples of specialised capabilities. Training, as well as combinations of these assets working together, is frequently crucial. For instance, just as an organisation can specialise by obtaining specialised equipment and recruiting or training expert operators, an individual can specialise by acquiring the tools and the skills necessary to use them effectively. Trade is prompted by the division of labour, which also gives rise to interdependence in the economy.

Learn more about labor from



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