during recess what did rowley do that bugged greg


Answer 1

Rowley's behavior bothered Greg at school because He began missing classes. American author Jeff Kinney's sixth installment in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever, is a best-selling and award-winning children's book from 2011.

What is "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever all about"?The author discusses young children and their interactions with one another as well as the actions of a bully who torments his classmates in Diary of a Wimpy Kid, according to the specifics in the children's book.Because of this, it is clear that Rowley and Greg had a falling out after Rowley started skipping during a critical moment in class.American author Jeff Kinney's sixth installment in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever, is a best-selling and award-winning children's book from 2011. Prior to Christmas, Greg Heffley wants to act appropriately in order to receive absolutely great presents.In addition, his mother buys a doll that she calls "Santa's Scout" to monitor his conduct and help him become a better person. Because Greg believes that this doll might genuinely communicate with Santa, he is terrified of it.

To learn more about children's book from the given link



Related Questions

Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

Reading from a book each night before bed according to Jang encourages the brain to remember the text

Which of the following reflects the proper punctuation of the above sentence?

Reading from a book each night before bed, “according to Jang,” encourages the brain to remember the text.
“Reading from a book each night before bed,” according to Jang, “encourages the brain to remember the text.”
. . . [R]eading from a book each night before bed according to Jang encourages the brain to remember the text?
“Reading from a book each night before bed (according to Jang) encourages the brain to remember the text”.


We can see here that the option that reflects the proper punctuation of the given sentence is: “Reading from a book each night before bed,” according to Jang, “encourages the brain to remember the text.”

What is punctuation?

Punctuation is actually known to be the use of conventional signs and symbols and typographical devices in writing. The use of punctuation in writing helps to eliminate clumsiness when one is reading a text aloud. Punctuation marks are usually used in order to make writing simple and easy to comprehend.

We see here that the above option is correct. Punctuation actually helps to make writing easily and reading enjoyable. It gives better understand of what Jang said as well.

Learn more about punctuation on https://brainly.com/question/28814342


2) Which two statements would function as an argument in favor of the
mandated wearing of school uniforms?(Remember to choose two.)
School uniforms are a controversial topic.
School uniforms bring a sense of community to a
School uniforms are mandatory in some schools, but
not in others.
Some teachers are in favor of school uniforms, but
most students are opposed.
School uniforms tend to strengthen a feeling of
attachment to a particular student body.


School uniforms may improve student safety and reduce crime.Students are kept from becoming distracted by their clothing by wearing uniforms to school.

Why is school uniforms a controversial topic?Mandatory uniforms are debatable despite their alleged advantages since many parents and students object to the idea of making kids wear uniforms, which they believe restricts their right to express themselves. Students are kept from becoming distracted by their clothing by wearing uniforms to school.By leveling the playing field for all kids, school uniforms help to prevent bullying and peer pressure.The wearing of uniforms fosters community spirit, unity, and school pride.School uniforms might enhance behavior and attendance. The rationale for American schools not requiring uniforms is to limit conformity and give students greater "freedom" to express themselves, a concept that gained more traction during the rebellious 1970s and 1980s.

To learn more about  school uniforms refer



ln at least 4 sentences, first explain Edwin's stick metaphor. Then, respond to it. Do you agree with Edwin's ideas about happiness and anger? Why or why not? Consider using your own experience to explain your thoughts.


What is Edwin's Stick Metaphor?

Edwin's stick metaphor is a way of explaining how happiness and anger can be two sides of the same coin. He says that when we are happy, we are like a stick that is being held up by a string. The string represents our happiness, and the stick represents our anger. If the string is cut, the stick will fall and anger will be released. On the other hand, if the string is not cut, the stick will remain upright and happiness will continue.

Why Do I Agree with Edwin's Ideas About Happiness and Anger?

I agree with Edwin's ideas about happiness and anger. I think that they are two sides of the same coin because they both come from a place of emotional intensity. When we are happy, we are often so excited that we can't help but express our joy. On the flip side, when we are angry, we are typically so upset that we can't help but express our frustration. I think that both emotions are valid and relevant, but I also think that it's helpful to be aware of how they can affect our behavior.

Write: During their conversation, Mary says to Sam, "Patrick's
decided he's tired and doesn't want to eat out tonight""
(Paragraph 59). What do Mary and the reader know that Sam
does not?


Sam is claiming that it is impossible that Mary Maloney murdered him, but she actually did. This creates a dramatic irony. Unlike Sam and the police, who are unaware that she killed Patrick, the reader is.

After receiving the news, Mary Maloney does not handle it well and ends up murdering her husband Patrick. By deceiving the cops, she avoids being found guilty of her husband Patrick's death. She adores him and considers his arrival a "blissful time of day" every time. She anticipates the stillness because she is aware that he won't talk to her for some time. She appreciates being able to sip whiskey with him.Dahl uses dramatic irony throughout the narrative to highlight Mary Maloney's and other characters' actions. The lamb's leg is swung by Mary Maloney to her husband's head behind.

Thus this is what readers and Mary know but Sam doesn't.

Refer here to learn more about Mary: https://brainly.com/question/29376728


The wrapped gift begged to be opened.






giving non living things human characteristics, because the gift cannot actually beg

Directions read the sentences. information my sister is the captain of her college swim team. consequently, she spends a lot of time training and encouraging her teammates. question which is the correct way to combine the two sentences? answer options with 4 options 1. my sister is the captain of her college swim team; consequently, she spends a lot of time training and encouraging her teammates. 2. my sister is the captain of her college swim team consequently, she spends a lot of time training and encouraging her teammates. 3. my sister is the captain of her college swim team, consequently, she spends a lot of time training and encouraging her teammates. 4. my sister is the captain of her college swim team: consequently, she spends a lot of time training and encouraging her teammates.


The sentences. information my sister is the captain of her college swim team, and my sister, is the captain of her college swim team; consequently, she spends a lot of time training and encouraging her teammates.

“A” is used earlier than words beginning with consonant sentences and “an” is used earlier than words starting with vowel sounds. It does not remember if the word is an adjective, a noun, an adverb, or something else; the rule of thumb is precisely the same.

Examples of two-phase sentences that everyone might agree are "whole sentences" are "puppies bark" (concern Verb), "I slept" (concern Verb), and "We left" (difficulty Verb). If "sentence" approach "utterance" or "flip at speaking," the answer is also "sure". we can even have one-word utterances, like "yes" or "goodbye."

There are four types of sentences: simple, compound, complicated, and compound-complex. each sentence is described by means of the usage of unbiased and dependent clauses, conjunctions, and subordinators. A sentence is a grammatically complete concept. All sentences have a noun or pronoun issue known as the issue, and a verb part known as the predicate.

Learn more about sentence  here:



Tommy is mischievous at times, but she doesn't mind when he tags along on her trips to town with her friends. What type of sentence is this?



this is a compound sentence.


2) Which two statements would function as an argument in favor of the
mandated wearing of school uniforms?(Remember to choose two.)
School uniforms are a controversial topic.
School uniforms bring a sense of community to a
School uniforms are mandatory in some schools, but
not in others.
Some teachers are in favor of school uniforms, but
most students are opposed.
School uniforms tend to strengthen a feeling of
attachment to a particular student body.



B) School uniforms bring a sense of community to a school.

E) School uniforms tend to strengthen a feeling of attachment to a particular student body.


These options are the only ones that show positive statistics of mandated school uniforms.

Which two of Mikhail's actions bring about the resolution of the story?



The correct answer are B. Mikhail decides to let go of the bike first to allow Candice to win, and E. Mikhail suddenly rushes off to use the restroom


A resolution is a term used to refer to the action of solving the central problem of a story, which is solved by the action of the characters to end it. In the story of the question, the author tells the story of Mikhail, who had prepared for a competition in which he had a chance to win a new mountain bike. Additionally, in this competition, he was going to face his best friend Candice, who has her bike stolen days before. Therefore, when they were both very tired after many hours of competition, Mikhail thought that his friend Candice was the one who needed the new bicycle the most, since she had been the victim of a robbery while he, despite having an old and beaten bicycle, had a bicycle. This caused Mikhail to drop the bike and run to the bathroom to allow Candice to win the bike. So, the two Mikhail's actions that bring about the resolution of the story are B. Mikhail decides to let go of the bike first to allow Candice to win, and E. Mikhail suddenly rushes off to use the restroom.

Answer:B. Mikhail decides to let go of the bike first to allow Candice to win, and E. Mikhail suddenly rushes off to use the restroom


A resolution is a term used to refer to the action of solving the central problem of a story, which is solved by the action of the characters to end it. In the story of the question, the author tells the story of Mikhail, who had prepared for a competition in which he had a chance to win a new mountain bike. Additionally, in this competition, he was going to face his best friend Candice, who has her bike stolen days before. Therefore, when they were both very tired after many hours of competition, Mikhail thought that his friend Candice was the one who needed the new bicycle the most, since she had been the victim of a robbery while he, despite having an old and beaten bicycle, had a bicycle. This caused Mikhail to drop the bike and run to the bathroom to allow Candice to win the bike. So, the two Mikhail's actions that bring about the resolution of the story are B. Mikhail decides to let go of the bike first to allow Candice to win, and E. Mikhail suddenly rushes off to use the restroom.

Examine the village in which Herot was built. What can you tell about the village? What can you tell about Herot?

Story: Beowulf


The village in which Herot was built was constructed because he wanted the people to see the way his royal palace was built.

Who is Herot?

The Woodford and central location of Beowulf poetry by the Anglo-Saxons is Heorot. A fabled Dan-ish king named King Hrothgar rules from this hall. The Gilgamesh hero Beowulf guards the golden hall before slaying the dragon after he starts killing the inmates of the hall.

Heorot represents human cultural beliefs and values or the power of the Dan-ish monarchs, or, to put it another way, all that is admirable in Beowulf's universe.

Learn more about Herot, here:



jobs are better then business​



Explanation: a job is more secure

Find the subordinate clause in the following sentence:
Because she was confident of her win, she overestimated
her power over him.
A. She overestimated
B. Because she was confident of her win
C. Him
D. Her power


The subordinate clause in the following sentence is because she was confident of her win. Hence option B is correct.

What is sentence?

Sentence is defined as an expression that expresses an independent statement, inquiry, request, command, exclamation, etc. by one or more words. A basic sentence typically consists of a subject, a verb, and maybe an object and modifiers.

Subordinate clause is defined as a clause that does not function as a complete sentence on its own but rather completes the main clause of a sentence by adding to the meaning of the entire sentence as a whole.

Thus, the subordinate clause in the following sentence is because she was confident of her win. Hence option B is correct.

To learn more about sentence, refer to the link below:



Which statement is an example of onomatopoeia?
O The cooking instructor screeched at the students to get their soufflés right.
O Unfortunately, Desiree's soufflé collapsed like a deflated balloon.
The misshapen soufflé sat on its tray, mocking her, laughing at her.
O Desiree was still determined to prove her superb soufflé-making skills.


The cooking teacher screeched at the students
An onomatopoeia is a sound that someone/something makes

The statement which is an example of onomatopoeia is "The cooking instructor screeched at the students to get their soufflés right." Thus, Option A is correct.

What is "Onomatopoeia"?

"Onomatopoeia" has been described as the literary device in which there is a usage of a word that gives the similar sound which it describes. The authors employ this to describe a particular thing and its sound more effectively to the readers in a sensory manner.

This helps in communicating the idea more visually to the readers and promotes efficient comprehension among them and evokes the required response. The word "boom" is the onomatopoeia. The word "boom" sounds like the sound that is being made.

Therefore, The statement which is an example of onomatopoeia is "The cooking instructor screeched at the students to get their soufflés right." Thus, Option A is correct.

Learn more about onomatopoeia on:



Why are memoirs almost always subjective?
A story automatically aligns with the writer’s personal feelings once they become a character in it.
A story that is based on the writer’s own memories cannot qualify as nonfiction.
A memoir is, by definition, an alteration of facts and events that really happened to the writer.
Writing can only qualify as a memoir if it reflects the memories of more than one individual.


The correct answer is A that is memoirs are almost always subjective because a story automatically aligns with the writer’s personal feelings once they become a character in it.

A memoir is an opinion. It's personal. It derives its authority and power from there. A memoir, at its best, combines thorough research, a compelling story, the intimacy of lyric poetry, and the consideration of an essay.

Memoirs are always written in the first person and use the pronouns I, me, and my. As a result, the experiences are arbitrary and the story is individualised.

In fact, as the story is mediated through the author's or subject's perspective, impartiality is challenging to attain in memoirs.

Reliance on memoirs would result in a skewed viewpoint because they are personal, especially when several memoirs are used with diverse perspectives. Memoirs are only recordings of the events that the author deems significant.

To know more about 'memoir' related questions



this is kinda due now





As you heard in her speech(comma for a full thought) She has progressive ideas.

can a immoral person live a happy life? No then why?​


Answer: Yes, an immoral person can in fact be happy.

Explanation: Being immoral is simply a lifestyle, there simply is no answer to WHY a person should be 'moral' in the first place. You can certainly be happy and be a non-ethical person. Morality is literally pertaining to one's purpose and beliefs in life, we can view ethical behavior as a pathway to achieve a moral life; hence, a happy life. Simply, people who are immoral have come to terms with being immoral, they can in fact be happy.

URGENT HELP NEEDED!!! For the song "Hey Brother" by Avicii.
Why do you think this song was written? What is the purpose? (To express or show something, to inspire, etc.)



To express


"Oh, if the sky comes falling down

For you

There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do"

I believe it is to express love for siblings(?) or something of the sort

alphabetical order for peace,pare,peddle,role,roll,stare,waste and stake





I hope this helps! good luck!

How does beneatha explore her identity and heritage in act 2



Beneatha puts on one of the Nigerian records that Asagai gave her and begins dancing and singing along with the African melody. With her costume and music choice, Beneatha embraces her African heritage. Nonetheless, her mistakenly “oriental” fan signifies that Beneatha still lacks a fully developed sense or understanding of true African identity.

Vince had to put his sunglasses on because the rays of the sun were so brilliant.
What is the Definition of brilliant?
What clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?


Answer: brilliant means strong


if Vince needed to put his sunglasses on it means the sun is strong because you normally don't put sunglasses on when the sun is weak

How can comparing points of view help you to become a better reader?

It can help you with your decoding skills.

It won't help you become a better reader.

It can help you make predictions.

It can help you understand the characters better.


It can help you understand the characters better, since you can hear the story from various perspectives


It can help you understand the characters better.


You can learn about charater by what he\she think about the things that happend, and know them better.

Look at the picture


Answer: The answer would be a semicolon.



Good luck!!!

In paragragh 2, crane's personification of "the voices of the cannon" provides infomation about
A. theme
B. cultural setting
C. historical setting
D. genre


The personification of "the voices of the cannon" by Crane  provided information about C. historical setting.

How did Crane use personification?

In the book, The Red Badge of Courage, by Stephen Crane, there was the use of figurative language such as personification. One such instance was when Stephen Crane used the phrase, "the voices of the cannon" to describe the use of cannons by the parties fighting in the war against each other.

The reason this personification was used was to show the historical setting of the book. This is because canons were military technology that were used in a specific period of human history which means that we can narrow down the setting of the book, thanks to the use of cannons. In this case, we know that the historical setting is the American Civil War as canons were still n use then.

Find out more on personification at https://brainly.com/question/24772036


What is ironic about Elizabeth’s denial of John’s affair?


Dramatic Irony: Elizabeth denies her husband's adultery in an effort to shield John’s, but she is unaware that he has already admitted to it.

She is then dragged out of court because she lied, and as she is being brought out, John informs her he has already admitted. When Elizabeth is called to the stand to give a testimony, there is an instance of dramatic irony. Elizabeth is at a loss for words when Judge Danforth asks her why she fired Abigail Williams since she is unaware that John has already admitted to having an affair with Abigail to the courts.

To learn more about Elizabeth, click here.



Which phrases from the passage establish a cheerful mood? Choose four answers.

“their way led them”
“air of invitation”
“rows of smiling saleswomen”
“even on Sunday”
“gaiety of note”
“pleased the eye”


That thoroughfare with an air of invitation, like rows of smiling saleswomen. ... gaiety of note, instantly caught and pleased the eye of the passenger. The scene and the weather at the beginning of chapter 8 add to the ominous tone and spooky atmosphere.

What aspect of the setting defines Gothic literature?The home is deterioratingThe scene and the weather at the beginning of chapter 8 add to the ominous tone and spooky atmosphere. We anticipate a negative outcome. The wind is blowing, and the night is quiet and chilly. We believe that something is lurking somewhere, ready to pounce on Poole and Utterson.Hyde naturally lends itself to a gloomy, menacing tone that gives the text a nervous, scared sensation. You could consider the book to be written in a minor key. The enigma surrounding Hyde's presence and Jekyll's absence hangs over the entire narrative. As a result, the tone is scared and tense, fitting for its Gothic origins.

To learn more about Gothic literature refer to:



In Act III, Mercutio gets stabbed and is about to die. He speaks of his wound to Romeo. Mercutio's lines in bold below is an example of what figurative language device?

MERCUTIO: No, 'tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church-door; but 'tis enough,

b.situational irony


In Act III, Mercutio gets stabbed and is about to die. He speaks of his wound to Romeo. Mercutio's lines in bold below is an example of what figurative language device?

MERCUTIO: No, 'tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church-door; but 'tis enough,

b.situational irony
c.antithesis ✅

Directions: Add in commas to them when needed.If the sentence does not need a comma, please write "(no comma)" at the end of the sentence.

1.When life gives you lemons make lemonade.

2.During the tornado the family hid in the bunker.

3.Once upon a time there was a lovely princess.

4. By the water the frogs sit and wait.

5. The frogs sit by the water and wait.

6.Around midnight every night I transform into a terrible monster that terrorizes the town.

7.Around midnight I transform into a terrible monster that terrorizes the town.

8. In the early evening there's a beautiful sound that can be heard from the deck of a ship.

9.Down by the sea in the early morning after breakfast is a good time to find beached jellyfish.

10.Without hesitation she waited patiently.


When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

During the tornado, the family hid in the bunker.

Once upon a time, there was a lovely princess

By the water, the frogs sit and wait.

The frogs sit by the water and wait.

Select any quote from a movie, television show, book, short story, poem, or song that is either meaningful to you or stands out to you in some way. Share the quote by integrating it smoothly into your sentences. Explain the quote's significance to you.
plsss help



“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”-Oscar Wilde.

Oscar Wilde in search of those few beings who really life in their life

This also relates with the Quote #1 as both philosophies are fundamentally same but presented with different point of views.

Oscar said by comparing “life” and “existence” of people whereas Miley related the real life by having a good time.

To take the practical benefit of this quote one should be continuously improving the way he or she lives in life.

Night by Elie Wiesel- chapter 1 questions with 3 sentences about for each!


With his father in the Nazi German death camps at Auschwitz and Buchenwald in 1944–1945, during the conclusion of the Second World War in Europe, Elie Wiesel wrote Night, a memoir published in 1960.

What is a short summary of Night by Elie Wiesel ?

Elie Wiesel released Night in 1956, following a self-imposed 10-year ban on discussing his experiences. Despite being written in Yiddish at first, the novel was swiftly translated into French and finally English. Before Wiesel passed away in 2016, he was well known for his conviction that one individual could make a significant difference and went on to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to promote peace.

Night is typically regarded as a memoir, a nonfiction work based on the author's own experiences. The protagonist of the novel, Eliezer Wiesel, and the author, Elie Wiesel, have some distinctions.

To learn more about Elie Wiesel checkout the link below :



As the video said, Poe's stories were
usually more psychologically scary rather
than explicitly violent. Today, society
enjoys slasher movies and gore (like in the
Halloween movie that came out last
week). What do you think is more scary:
psychological horror or physical horror?



Psychological horror films sometimes frighten or unsettle by relying on the viewer's or character's own imagination or the anticipation of a threat rather than an actual threat or a material source of fear portrayed onscreen.

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