During an employee’s leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act, an employer must continue to compensate the employee to avoid the potential negative effect of unpaid leave on interstate commerce.


Answer 1

This statement is False because Employers are required to continue paying their employees while they are on leave so under Family Medical Leave Act in order to prevent the possible impact of absence.

Who is called employer?

An organization, company, government body, agency, business, consultant, nonprofit organization, small business, retailer, or individual who hires or places someone known as an employee or indeed a female employee to work is an employer.

What might an employer look like?

An employer is, more particularly, a corporation, institution, government body, agency, consulting firm, non profit, small business, retailer, or individual who hires or otherwise places people who may be referred to as employees or staff members to work.

To know more about Employer visit:



Related Questions

types of witness examination typically performed in an arbitration case include all of the following except: a. direct examination b. physical examination c. redirect examination d. cross examination


Types of witness examination typically performed in an arbitration case include all of the following except redirect examination.

By mutual consent of the parties, a disagreement is presented to one or more arbitrators through the arbitration process, who then render an official ruling on the matter. Instead of going to court, the parties decide to resolve their differences privately through arbitration.

Parties are only required to produce evidence in the arbitration processes that would support their claims. The arbitrator will not consider irrelevant evidence. Electronic evidence is a possibility for the evidence. Labeling the provided evidence in a certain sequence is required.

Hence the correct option is C

To know more about Arbitration here



what is lean construction? group of answer choices none of the above similar like reducing costs by value engineering. fast tracking the construction project to finish faster. philosophy that focuses on adding value with more work and the addition of waste in the building process.


Option D is correct, lean construction is a philosophy that focuses on adding value with more work and the addition of waste in the building process.

Lean construction is an aggregate of operational research and sensible development in design and production with the adoption of lean production ideas and practices to the stop-to-cease design and production procedure. unlike manufacturing, construction is a challenge-primarily based production manner. Lean production is worried about the alignment and holistic pursuit of concurrent and non-stop improvements in all dimensions of the constructed and natural surroundings.

The public grasped this inside the dramatic shape of the shifting meeting line, however from the viewpoint of the producing engineer the breakthroughs genuinely went a whole lot in addition. Lean creation acknowledges that favored ends affect the way to acquire those ends and that the available approach will affect realized ends.

To learn more about lean construction visit here:



the difference between the actual demand for a period and the forecasted demand for that period is known as the


The variance between the predicted and actual demand for a given period is known as the forecast error.

Utilizing predictive analysis of historical data, demand forecasting is a strategy for evaluating and predicting future consumer demand for a commodity or service. Demand forecasting helps the business make better-informed supply decisions by projecting future sales and revenue.

Demand forecasting enables businesses to optimize inventories by foreseeing future sales. Demand managers can use prior sales data to make well-informed business decisions about anything from inventory planning and storage needs to running flash deals and meeting customer expectations.

If there is no demand, there is no business. Without a clear grasp of demand, businesses are also unable to decide how much money to spend on marketing, how much to produce, how many staff to hire, and other issues.

To know more about Demand forecasting click here,



which institution assists individuals in buying and selling securities among investors?


Trading Agencies A brokerage firm aids people and organizations in purchasing and selling stocks from potential buyers.

Which bank is in charge of the sale of securities?

When a business decides to go public and needs equity funding, investment banks offer underwriting services for new stock issues. In essence, underwriting entails the investment bank buying a predetermined number of shares of the new stock, which it subsequently resells on a stock exchange.

Who is in charge of purchasing and displacing government securities?

One strategy used by the Federal Reserve (the Fed) to regulate the movement of money is the sale of government bonds. By selling bonds, they lower the amount of money in circulation and raise interest rates.

To know more about selling visit:-



given a 25% tax bracket, the after-tax cost of a house mortgage interest payment of $1,000 would be:


According to the question, a house mortgage after tax is $750. The payment of interest is made by the mortgage loan holder.

What do you mean by the mortgage loan?

A mortgage loan is a secured loan that enables you to access money by giving the lender collateral in the form of an immovable asset, like a home or commercial property. Until you pay back the loan, the lender retains the asset.

In India, there are six main forms of mortgages, including simple mortgages, usufructuary mortgages, English mortgages, mortgages obtained through conditional sales, mortgages obtained by the deposit of title deeds, and anomalous mortgages.

To purchase a property or borrow money against the value of a home you currently own, you can use a mortgage loan.


Tax rate = 25%

Interest = 1000

After tax Mortgage payment = Interest × 1 - rate

After tax Mortgage payment = 1000 × 1 - 25%

After tax Mortgage payment = $ 750

Therefore, according  to the question, a house mortgage after tax is $750. The payment of interest is made by the mortgage loan holder.

To know more about the mortgage loan, visit:



What is the iterative process in project management?


Building, modifying, and improving a project, product, or effort is known as the iterative process. Iterative development teams produce, test, and revise until they are happy with the final product.

An iterative process is an approach that involves trial and error and moves your project closer to its eventual goal. Lean approaches and Agile project management both depend heavily on iterative processes, but any team, not just an Agile one, can use these techniques. Up until you and your team are content with the project's final deliverable, you will iteratively enhance your design, product, or project. You and your team would collaborate to create a final product in a non-iterative approach without necessarily testing out new concepts along the way. Non-iterative methods typically take longer throughout the conceptualization and development stages to ensure that everything functions as planned during the testing stage.

learn more about iterative process here:



what might be required of a job candidate today that would not have been necessary 20 years ago?


Required for today's job applicants, that would not have been required 20 years ago, is video interview at your own pace.

What does required mean in a job description?

Job requirements refer to the skills or qualifications required to properly perform a job. Your employer can detail these needs in your job description and discuss them with you during your interview.

What are most important things in good job?

A good job is a position that meets basic needs like housing and security while providing the tools and resources to do your best work. These jobs can motivate you to do your job efficiently, encourage employers to stay longer, and boost morale in the workplace

There are three important things of an employer that a job seeker should look for in an employment relationship: Reputation, Career Advancement and Work Balance.

To learn more about Job visit:



unemployment, being separated, divorced, or widowed, earning less than $20,000 per year, and living in ________ are associated with greater risks of depression.


Greater chances of depression are linked to unemployment, getting separated, divorced, or widower, making less than $20,000 a year, and residing in urban areas.

What Is unemployment?

Unemployment is the state in which a person finds a job actively but is unable to keep it. The unemployment rate is a significant economic statistic. The metric of unemployment that is most frequently used appears to be rate of unemployment.

Which factors are the main causes of unemployment?

These include technological advancements in education and training, labor unionization, industry mergers, demography, structure and cyclical variables, and economic growth. The likelihood of unemployment is influenced by identification characteristics in as well as economic & firm-specific factors.

To know more about unemployment visit:



purchasing activities include a. choosing suppliers. b. negotiating contracts. c. managing buyer-supplier relationships. d. all of these choices are correct.


All of these choices, which are included in purchase activities, are accurate.

The organised procurement of products and services on behalf of the buying entity is known as purchasing. To guarantee that necessary materials are obtained quickly and affordably, purchasing actions are required. Direct, indirect, and service procurement are the three basic categories of procurement activity. Buying is the act of investing in products or services. A buy is something that has been made. A sell is the opposite of a purchase. When buying, the shorter word "buy" is frequently used instead of the longer term "purchase." Introduction and Background of Buying. One of the fundamental tasks carried out by every organisation is purchasing. It is the process of getting products, services, and equipment from another business in a morally and legally correct way.

Learn more about activities from



The rate of interest specified in a bond contract as the interest rate to be paid by the company to investors in the bond is known as the market rate.
a. True
b. False


The statement " The rate of interest specified in a bond contract as the interest rate to be paid by the company to investors in the bond is known as the market rate" is true.

The bonds would be offered at a discount when the market rate at the time of sale is greater than the advertised rate. The bonds would be offered at a premium if indeed the market price at the time of sale is lower than the specified rate.

Selling a bond before it matures is referred to as interest-rate risk as well as market risk. The realisation of a capital loss as a result of the bond selling for less than it cost to buy will be caused by an increase in interest rates. Wide margin, the biggest risk a bond market investor faces is interest-rate risk.

Therefore, the correct answer will be option (a)

To know more about interest



an organization has a system in place that allows one salesperson to update contact information for a client, simultaneously updating the same information for all other employees.


One salesperson can update client contact information while also updating the same information for all other employees thanks to a management information system in place at the company.

How do you define a management information system?

Management information systems are the study of people, technology, organizations, and their interactions (MIS). MIS experts help firms make the most of their investments in personnel, technology, and administrative processes.

Who is in charge of managing information?

Information management is primarily the owner's job, followed by that of any additional stakeholders who may have a stake in the information, or the data owner.

To know more about salesperson visit:-



why do you think people spend so much money on their wants despite the financial costs?


People spend so much money on their wants despite the financial costs because many people think there wants are there needs.

As a means of economic exchange, money is a good that is widely acknowledged. It serves as the medium through which values and prices are represented. It facilitates trade by moving from person to person and country to country, and it serves as the primary indicator of wealth.

Money serves as a medium of exchange, which makes it an advantageous item to own since it spares the holder the time and effort required to synchronize market trades (i.e. by barter). Convenience is a luxury, especially when it entails time savings.

To know more about Money here



22) by producing less, a firm can reduce: group of answer choices a) its variable costs but not its fixed costs b) its fixed costs and its variable costs c) its fixed costs but not its variable costs d) neither its variable costs nor its fixed costs


A). Fixed costs are expenses that do not vary with the volume of production. Thus, producing less does not reduce fixed costs. Variable costs are expenses that increase with the volume of production.

In mathematics, a variable (from Latin variabilis, "changeable") is a image and placeholder for any mathematical item. specifically, a variable may additionally represent a number of, a vector, a matrix, a characteristic, the argument of a characteristic, a fixed, or an element of a set. Algebraic computations with variables as if they have been specific numbers remedy various issues in a unmarried computation. for example, the quadratic method solves any quadratic equation by means of substituting the numeric values of the coefficients of that equation for the variables that represent them within the quadratic system.

Learn more about Variable here



the ability of a monopoly to charge a price that exceeds marginal cost depends on the question 3 options: a) price elasticity of supply. b) shape of the marginal cost curve. c) price elasticity of demand. d) slope of the demand curve.


The correct answer to the given question of Ability of Monopoly to charge is option c) Price elasticity of demand.

The proportion of a product's quantity demand change to price change is known as price elasticity of demand. When a product's price changes, economists use it to understand how supply and demand are affected. A product is said to be elastic if a change in price results in a significant alteration of either its supply or demand. Generally speaking, it denotes that the product is replaceable with adequate alternatives. Cookies, high-end vehicles, and coffee are a few examples. An individual selling a good can choose pricing strategies with confidence if they are aware of the price elasticity of demand of the good. Sellers can learn more about the sensitivity of consumers to price by using this indicator. The development of manufacturing strategies is crucial for product manufacturers.

To learn more about price elasticity of demand click here



transactions that don’t increase or decrease cash, but that result in significant investing and financing activities, are reported either directly after the cash flow statement or in a separate note to the financial statements as noncash activities.


Transactions that don’t increase or decrease cash, but that result in significant investing and financing activities and has separate note to the financial statements as noncash activities is true.

What are financing activities?

Transactions between a business and its lenders and owners to obtain or repay resources are referred to as financing operations. In other words, financial activities finance the business, pay back loans, and give owners a profit. Offering and buying back equity are examples of financing activity.

What does cash flow financing entail?

The cash flow statement's financing activity focuses on how a company obtains capital and returns it to investors via capital markets. Along from paying cash dividends, adding or altering debts, and issuing and reselling more stock, these actions also include these.

To know more about financing activities, click here- brainly.com/question/28149323


when revenue is greater than total expenses, resulting in a net income, the income summary account has a:_______


When revenue is greater than total expenses, resulting in a net income, the income summary account has a credit balance

What's the significance here when income is more prominent than the absolute costs?

The total compensation definition is an organization's benefit in a given financial period. It comprises of complete incomes acquired in the period less absolute costs brought about to create the incomes in the period. At the point when incomes surpass costs, the organization has a net benefit. At the point when costs surpass incomes, the organization has an overal deficit.

What is Net gain?

Net gain is the abundance of incomes over costs. This estimation is one of the critical signs of organization productivity, alongside gross edge and before-charge pay. There are a few issues with total compensation that can yield deluding results, as verified beneath.

When the income is more than the expense and costs the thing that matters is called overal deficit?

An overal deficit happens when the whole of costs surpasses the complete pay or income produced by a business, task, exchange, or speculation. Organizations would report a total deficit on the pay proclamation, really as a negative net benefit.

Learn more about credit balance here:



to measure cole's level of interest in the products offered at a particular website, the online metric that should be used is:


The online metric that should be utilized to gauge Cole's level of interest in the goods available at a specific website is the length of interaction.

In order to persuade clients to buy goods and services and check their level of engagement market research is a crucial first step. In order to build products and services that will satisfy the demands of potential clients, market research entails acquiring information about those needs.

Business managers can gather data on a range of issues using market research techniques like written surveys and telephone surveys. Businesses can find a certain customer segment that is particularly interested in purchasing a particular good or service by conducting market research. Then, managers may focus their upcoming marketing campaigns on engaging that demographic.

To know more about online metrics click here,



a monetary policy that reduces both real and nominal income: multiple choice must be expansionary. must be contractionary. cannot be expansionary or contractionary. could be expansionary or contractionary.


A monetary policy that reduces both real and nominal income must be contradictory.

Hence, Option B is correct.

Inflation control strategies that are more prevalent today include contractionary monetary policy. By raising interest rates, a contractionary policy seeks to reduce the amount of money in an economy. 5 Credit becomes more expensive as a result, which lowers consumer and company expenditure and slows economic growth.

The monetary authority of a country adopts monetary policy to control the interest rate charged on borrowing that is taken out for extremely short periods of time.

To know more about Monetary policy here



Cash inflows and outflows involving stockholders and creditors are classified on the statement of cash flows as ________ activities.


Cash inflows and outflows involving stockholders and creditors are classified on the statement of cash flows as financing activities.

Financing is the manner of offering budget for enterprise activities, making purchases, or making an investment. financial establishments, together with banks, are within the enterprise of offering capital to corporations, purchasers, and traders to help them obtain their dreams. Finance is the have a look at and area of money, currency and capital belongings. it's miles related to, but not synonymous with economics, the study of production, distribution, and consumption of cash, assets, goods and offerings.

Finance, of financing, is the manner of elevating finances or capital for any sort of expenditure. it is the system of channeling numerous funds inside the shape of credit score, loans, or invested capital to those financial entities that most want them or can positioned them to the most productive use.

Learn more about financing here: https://brainly.com/question/735261


westco company issued 10-year bonds a year ago at a coupon rate of 7 percent. the bonds make semiannual payments and have a par value of $1,000. if the ytm on these bonds is 5.3 percent, what is the current bond price in dollars? (do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.)


The current bond price in dollars is  $1120.44

Given Data

Step 1

Face value = $1,000

Annual coupon rate = 7%

Annual yield to maturity (YTM) = 5.3%

Semiannual coupon rate = annual coupon rate/2 = 7/2 = 3.50%

Hence, the semi-annual coupon rate =3.5%      

Semi-annual yield to maturity = Annual YTM/2 = 5.3/2 = 2.65%

Step 2

The current Price of the bond is the present value of all future interests plus the present value of redeemable value.

Interest = Face value of a bond x semi-annual coupon rate

             = $1000 x 3.5%

             = $35

Westco company issued 10-year bonds a year ago hence 9 years left to maturity.

Periods to mature = years to mature x semiannual periods per year

                             = 9 x 2 = 18

Present bond price =  Interest x PVIFA ( 2.65%, 18) + Face Value PVIF (          2.65%, 18) = ($ 35 x 14. 16947) + ($ 1000 x 0.62451) = $1,120.44

As Current Price of Bond is equal to Present bond price

therefore , Current Price of Bond is $1120.44

Step 3

Present Value of $1 Annuity factor at 2.65% for 18 periods

n = 18, r = 2.65% or 0.0265

PVIFA(2.65%, 18) =  [{1- (1 / (1 + r)n } / r]  =  [{1- (1 / (1 + 0.0265)18 } /0.0265]  = 14.16947

Present Value of $1 factor at 2.65% for 18 periods

n = 18, r = 2.65% or 0.0265

PVIF(2.65%, 18) = 1 /(1+r)n = 1/(1+0.265)18 = 0.62451

To learn more about the current price of bonds



__________ are a part of big data analytics that allow a company the opportunity to analyze location data from mobile phones of employees.


Big data analytics includes location analytics, which gives businesses the chance to examine employee mobile phone location data.

Location analytics combines spatial data on assets, infrastructure, transportation, and the environment with data on a company's operations and customers in order to provide practical solutions to any business challenge and share those insights with the rest of the organization.

Location analytics can provide information on the performance and potential of firms fast and precisely. By integrating the appropriate data (which might be anything from retail sales figures to customer service ratings) with incredibly precise geographical information, you may pinpoint exactly where would profit from your limited resources.

To know more about Location analytics: brainly.com/question/25557103


the marketing control statement is a valuable statement for marketers because it only utilizes costs that the marketer can control. group of answer choices true false


The statement is accurate. Marketing control is the measurement of a marketing and sales efficiency in terms of cost control produced, sales volume acquired, or profitability gained.

In order to identify any deviations and make the necessary corrections, the outcome in this case is determined by the norm set.

Because fixed costs are disregarded and adjustable and those other costs are handled, the advertising made aware should be advantageous to advertisers. As either a result, revenue ought to rise.

Which four sorts of marketing control are there?

Commercial controls come in four varieties: operating budget controls, income controls, economy controls, and conceptual controls.

To know more about Marketing control click here



hutter corporation declared a $0.50 per share cash dividend on its common shares. the company has 39,000 shares authorized, 20,400 shares issued, and 15,600 shares of common stock outstanding. the journal entry to record the dividend declaration is:


Total cash dividend is $7,800.

Cash dividend = 0.50  x  15,600

= $7,800

A dividend is a fee that a enterprise makes to its shareholders. The agency will claim an quantity per proportion that it'll pay to buyers who very own its stocks as of a specific factor in time.

Stable, regular, and residual are the three styles of dividend policy. despite the fact that traders recognize businesses aren't required to pay dividends, many recollect it a bellwether of that specific company's financial fitness.

A business enterprise can proportion a part of its income with four exceptional forms of dividends. Your month-to-month brokerage announcement would possibly show a coins dividend, a stock dividend, a HYBRID dividend or a assets dividend.

Learn more about dividend here : https://brainly.com/question/2960815


firms that are unfamiliar with overseas marketing and firms that produce industrial goods orient their pricing solely on the basis of question 2 options: 1) cultural differences in perceptions of pricing. 2) market segmentation from market to market. 3) the costs of production of the goods. 4) market segmentation from country to country. 5) competitive pricing in the market.


Industrial goods producers and businesses that lack experience in international marketing base their pricing decisions primarily on the cost of producing the product. As a result, choice (C) is the best way to respond.

What are industrial goods?

The demand for the consumer items they assist in producing determines the price of industrial goods. Production goods and support goods are the two categories under which industrial commodities fall.

While support goods, such as machinery and equipment, aid in the creation of consumer goods, production goods are utilized to create a finished good or product.

Consumer goods are items that consumers buy, such as clothing, food, and beverages, as opposed to industrial products, which are produced by machinery, plants, and raw materials.

Hence, option (C) is accurate.

Learn more about industrial goods, from:



David beckham was paid how much by qatar to serve as an ambassador for the 2022 world cup?


The initial reports of the Qatar agreement in October 2021 stated that it would be worth £150 million to David Beckham over ten years, but The Athletic has learned that the actual sum is lower. According to sources, he will really get an initial three-year salary of about £12 million, with possibilities for extensions.

In a video message shown to attendees at the Supreme Committee's "Generation Amazing" youth festival in Doha, Beckham, who is reportedly earning £150 million from the Qataris, delivered his cheerful evaluation and said that "today is your day to dream."

Last week, Lycett gave Beckham an ultimatum on social media: either he would forfeit his $12 million (£10 million) contract and Lycett would donate the money to LGBTQ+ charity, or he would keep it and Lycett would shred the money instead, erasing Beckham's reputation as a "gay icon" in the process.

To learn more about David Beckham



arin company makes several products, including canoes. the company reports a loss from its canoe segment (see below). all its variable costs are avoidable, and $300,000 of its fixed costs are avoidable. segment income (loss) sales $ 980,000 variable costs 700,000 contribution margin 280,000 fixed costs 340,000 income (loss) $ (60,000) (a) compute the income increase or decrease from eliminating this segment. (b) should the segment be continued or eliminated?


Current segment revenue (loss) = ($60,000) Calculate the income gain or loss as a result of removing this segment.

What does the word "segment" mean?

any of the components that make up a thing's division or natural separation: division; a portion. 2.: a portion of a geometric figure that is divided by a line. especially: the region of a circle that is bounded by an arc and a chord.

What use does segment serve?

Describe segment. Segment is a service that makes it easier to acquire and use data from users of your dmls because it is a customer information platform (CDP) (websites, apps, etc). Your next customer data may be gathered, transformed, sent, and archived using Segment.

to know more about segment visit:



What is the largest expense at the state level of government?


Public welfare is the largest expense at the state level of government.

Government typically consists of the legislative, the executive branch.

An organized community is governed by a system or collection of people known as a government, which is typically a state.

Government typically consists of the legislative, the executive branch, and the judiciary, according to its broad associative meaning. Government is both a tool for deciding policy and a way to implement organizational policies. A constitution is a statement of a government's guiding ideas and ideology that is present in many nations.

Although all organizations have a governance structure, the term "government" is frequently used to refer more precisely to the roughly 200 autonomous national governments and subsidiary organizations.

Democracies, monarchies, and authoritarian and totalitarian regimes are the main categories of political structures in the contemporary.

[1] Monarchy, aristocracy, timocracy, oligarchy, democracy, theocracy, and tyranny are examples of historically common types of government.

Learn more about government here



When government spending results in higher interest rates due to rising debt, what happens to consumption and investment according to a monetarist economist?


investment according to a monetarist economist will increase due to the crowding out effect .

Crowding out occurs when rising interest rates limit the initial growth in overall expenditure investment. Because government spending increases consumption and investment, while higher interest rates decrease initial overall investments.

If the economy is in short-run equilibrium at point 'a,' it might be achieved at point 'e' by implementing expansionary monetary policy, which will move AD from AD1 to AD2.

An expansionary monetary policy will cause the LM curve to move to the right, either through open market operations or by changing the discount rate. A movement in the LM curve causes a shift in the AD curve to the right, bringing the economy to the "e" long term level of equilibrium.

learn more about crowding out effect at https://brainly.com/question/25589179


suppose that both firms start off by deciding not to advertise. if the firms act independently, what strategies will they end up choosing?


Totally independent functioning businesses would ultimately determine regarding advertising.

What methods of advertising are there?

Traditional types of advertising include newspapers, TV and radio programs, direct marketing, banners, flyers, or other media. In the 21st century, marketers have used technology to increase awareness of their brands and causes.

How is advertising so important?

Advertising is a potent marketing technique that may help you draw clients, inform them about your goods, and gain their trust. The majority of organizations employ some form of advertising to market their goods and services. A sponsored type of media that promotes a product, service, or brand is known as advertising. Marketing professionals utilize advertisements as a tool to help companies meet their objectives and increase revenue.

To know more about advertising visit:



noncash items, nonoperating items, and changes in current assets and liabilities are necessary adjustments to


Noncash items, nonoperating items, and changes in current assets and liabilities are necessary adjustments to net income

In accounting, noncash objects are monetary gadgets which include depreciation and amortization which can be protected inside the enterprise' internet profits, but which do now not have an effect on the coins go with the flow.

Those non-coins sports may additionally include depreciation and amortization, in addition to obsolescence. Property, plant and gadget resides on the balance sheet. Those items are taken at the earnings assertion in small increments called depreciation or amortization.

They ought to be incorporated within the assertion of coins flows in a phase classified, "Significant Noncash Transactions."

Learn more about Noncash items here:- https://brainly.com/question/14008987


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What is the summary of Do not go gentle into that night? PLEASE ANSWER ASAP!There is a popular type of doll in Japan called daruma. These round, hollow dolls have a purpose. The dolls are usually purchased as part of a New Year's resolution. First, the buyer writes what he or she hopes to achieve on the daruma's back. At that point, the eyes have not been painted. After writing on the doll, one eye is painted on. The buyer puts the doll where it can be seen often. It is a reminder of the resolution. When the resolution has been achieved, the other eye is painted. This practice encourages people to make positive changes in their lives.Do It!The dolls represent people's _________.A. ancestorsB. goalsC. friendshipsD. emotions students with adhd receive special education services under the individuals with disabilities education act (idea) in which category? The diamond-water paradox holds that often things that have high __________ have a __________ price and things that have a low __________ have a __________ price.A) relative price; low absolute; relative price; high absoluteB) value in use; low; value in use; highC) value in exchange; high; value in use; lowD) absolute price; low relative; relative price; low absoluteE) exchange value; high; exchange value; low solving linear equations: joanne has job offers at two companies. one company offers a starting salary of 28,000 with a raise of 3,000 each year. the other offers a starting salary of 36,000 with a raise of 2,000 each year. after how many years would joanne's salary be the same with the both companies? How do you find Q1 and Q3? What are the effects of government expenditures? Does bromine react with calcium? Suppose the expected value for the length of a meter stick is exactly one meter. A lab group checked the length of their meter stick and made the following measurements:0.995 m, 0.998 m, 1.001 m, 1.000 m, 0.999 mWhich answer choice BEST describes these measurements? Debbie rides her bike to school every day. On monday, she rode 1. 5 miles to school in 10 minutes. On her way home, she took a different route through a park, and rode 3 miles in 15 minutes. On which route did debbie ride at a faster pace? going to school going home submit. The graphs of f(x)= x + x - 6x and g(x) = e^x-3-1 have which of the following features in common?A. Range B. X-interceptC. Y-interceptD. End behavior How did newspaper headlines like this help start the Spanish-American War? refer to question 2 from homework 8. if arnie, barney and carny agree to always bid $l, then on any given day, what is the probability that barney gets the car for $l when it is actually worth $l to him? What kind of reaction is also commonly called burning? test anxiety is an example of which stressor? a. personal circumstances b. college environment c. thoughts d. body Which molecular orbital has zero nodes, contributes to bonding, and has nonzero electron density directly along the internuclear axis? List the cell organelles and describe their functions how many guests received a mysterious invite to the inn in time for us to come home for christmas? HELP!!!! What type of scale uses the pattern W W H W W W H? A. a major scale B. a minor scale C. a chromatic scale D. a textured scaleWhat scale uses the pattern W H W W H W W?A. a major scale B. a minor scale C. a chromatic scale D. a textured scale if individuals ii-3 and ii-4 have a child, what is the probability that the child is not affected by the disorder?