draw the structure of the carbocation intermediate that leads to the indicated products in this reaction.


Answer 1

carb is the structure of the carbocation intermediate that leads to the indicated products.

Carbocation: It is an organic molecule, an intermediate, that has a carbon atom bearing a positive charge and three bonds instead of four

The reaction given in the question is shown below.


Given reaction

The reaction starts with the removal of the bromide ion to generate the carbocation. The carbocation is generated near the four-membered ring.

The methylene shift occurs to rearrange the carbocation by forming a five-membered ring.


Bromide ion removal

This carbocation accounts for the formation of the products given in the question. Two alkenes are formed by the elimination reaction and the ether is formed by the substitution reaction.


Elimination and substitution of products

Thus, the carbocation formed in the reaction is shown below.


Fig (4) shows the final Structure of the carbocation intermediate.

To know more about carbocation intermediate:



Draw The Structure Of The Carbocation Intermediate That Leads To The Indicated Products In This Reaction.
Draw The Structure Of The Carbocation Intermediate That Leads To The Indicated Products In This Reaction.
Draw The Structure Of The Carbocation Intermediate That Leads To The Indicated Products In This Reaction.
Draw The Structure Of The Carbocation Intermediate That Leads To The Indicated Products In This Reaction.

Related Questions

Which solution of salt nacl or CaCl2 is better to salt the roads?


Calcium chloride is a better solution of salt to salt the roads.

In the countries where the climate is very cold, the solution of calcium chloride and water is mixed and used for clearing the ice on the road.

The mixture of calcium chloride CaCl₂ and water is called eutectic mixture.

This mixture has a very low freezing point in comparison to sodium chloride.

Sodium chloride NaCl, is also a good substitute for clearing ice but it has a much higher freezing point in comparison to calcium chloride.

This is why calcium chloride is always preferred over sodium chloride because it becomes easier for us to clean the roads.

To know more about calcium chloride, visit,



Three students are asked to discuss the sources of error that might have affected the outcome of the lab. Select the student that employs correct scientific reasoning.
Student 1: If the spot was placed below the solvent level, this would cause the sample to be dissolved into the solvent pool before traveling up the plate.
Student 2: If the solvent used has the opposite polarity of the stationary phase this will cause unequal movement of the sample.
Student 3: If the developing chamber was closed too quickly than the sample wouldn't be able to travel on the TLC plate.


Student 1 is correct. He discovered the mistake as;

If the spot was placed below the solvent level, this would cause the sample to be dissolved into the solvent pool before traveling up the plate.

TLC should be positioned so that just the lowest edge of the plate touches the solvent.

Differential affinities (strength of adhesion) of the analyte components towards the stationary and mobile phases result in differential separation of the components. Affinity, in turn, is determined by two molecular properties: adsorption and solubility.

Adsorption is the property of how well a component of a mixture clings to the stationary phase, whereas solubility is the quality of how well a component of a mixture dissolves in the mobile phase.

The greater the adsorption to the stationary phase, the slower the molecule will move across the column.

The more the molecule adsorbs to the stationary phase, the slower it moves across the column.

The greater the molecule's solubility in the mobile phase, the faster it will travel across the column.

Thus, Student 1 is correct. He detected the error by placing the area below the solvent level, which caused the sample to disintegrate into the solvent pool before migrating up the plate.

To learn more about TLC plate, Here :



How do you calculate the half-life of an isotope?


The half-life of an isotope t1/2 = 0.693 × No of atoms/no of decays

A quantity (of substance half-life )'s (symbol t12) is the amount of time needed for it to decrease to half of its original value. The phrase is frequently used in nuclear physics to refer to how long stable atoms last or how quickly unstable atoms decay radioactively. In a broader sense, the phrase is used to describe any exponential decay (or, very rarely, a non-exponential decay). For instance, the biological half-life of medications and other substances in the human body is discussed in the medical sciences. In exponential growth, doubling time is the opposite of half-life. A characteristic unit for the exponential decay equation, half-life is constant during the course of an exponentially decaying quantity's lifetime. The table below illustrates how a quantity decreases in relation to the number.

Learn  more about half-life here:



A colorimeter is an instrument used to measure the amount of _____ absorbed by a solution. This absorbance is proportional to the______of the solute in soli Theat light sound absorbed by a solution. This absorbance is A colorimeter is an instrument used to measure the amount of ______ proportional to the ______of the solute in solution. concentration purity molecular weight


A colorimeter is a device used to determine the concentration of known solutes present in a solution.

A colorimeter measures the amount of light transmitted through a sample at a user-selected wavelength. You can choose from her four wavelengths:430 nm, 470 nm, 565 nm, 635 nm Features such as automatic sensor recognition and one-step calibration make this sensor easy to use. It is used in chemical and other industries such as color printing, textile manufacturing and paint manufacturing.

A colorimeter measures the intensity of light transmitted through a colored solution and the intensity of light transmitted through the solution. It is based on Lambert's Beer's Law, which states that the absorbance of a substance is directly proportional to its concentration.

Read more about calorimeter;



Describe how a magnesium atom becomes an ion with a 2+ charge



magnesium is a 2A group metal and one of the characteristics of this group is that it has 2valence electrons, magnesium is a metal and a metal gives electrons to another element when creating a compound

since magnesium gives 2electrons the number of electrons and protons is in disbalance

Mg Z=12










so there would be 2 more protons than electrons since protons have a positive charge that is presented as 2+

Is a mole of gas always 22.4 L?


Yes, At Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP), 1 mole of any gas will occupy a volume of 22.4 L.

At STP, one mole (6.02×1023 representative particles) of any gas occupies a volume of 22.4L,  A mole of any gas occupies 22.4L at standard temperature and pressure (0oC and 1atm).


The standard temperature is equal to: 273.15 K = 0°C = 32°F

The standard pressure is equal to: 1 atm = 760 Torr = 760 mm Hg = 101.35 kPa.

1 mol of ideal gas in these conditions has a volume of 22.4 Liters.

The question is incomplete, complete question is

Does 1 mole of gas always occupy 22.4 liters?

To know more about Ideal gas here



Element x is in group 2, and element y in group 7, of the periodic table. Which ions will be present in the compound formed when x and y react together?.


The reaction of elements x from group 2 with elements from group 7 of the periodic table will produce a compound where both cations and anions are present.

Group 2 elements

This group makes up the so-called alkaline earth metals and is made up of: beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium and radium.

Elements of group 7

These elements make up what is called the manganese family and have the particularity of being metals with 7 valence electrons.

The valence electrons of manganese and its family of elements are distributed 2 in the last shell and 5 in the penultimate shell.

Compounds formed by manganese and alkaline earth

An example of a compound formed by manganese and alkaline earth is calcium permanganate. It is an oxidizing agent that is formed by a metallic cation of calcium and two anions of permanganate.

These compounds formed are powerful oxidants, which, even when they do not produce combustion, can accelerate that of other materials, leading to the formation of explosive mixtures.

Learn more about ions of alkaline compounds at brainly.com/question/18722874


The molar mass of o2 is 32. 00 g/mol. How many moles of hgo are needed to produce 250. 0 g of o2? 3. 906 moles 7. 813 moles 15. 63 moles 73. 87 moles.


15.63 moles of HgO are needed to produce 250.0 grams of oxygen.

From the decomposition of HgO, we get mercury and oxygen:

            HgO  → 2Hg + O₂ ---- It is a decomposition reaction.

Now, we need to find moles of HgO needed to produce 250.0 grams of oxygen.

So, the Mass of O₂ = 250.0 grams

Number of moles of the oxygen = Mass of Oxygen/Molar mass

= n(O₂) = m/M

= 250/32

= 7.81 moles

moles of HgO = 2 times of moles of Oxygen

n(HgO) = 2 × n(O₂)

            = 2 × 7.81 moles

            = 15.62 Moles of HgO

What is a Decomposition Reaction?

A chemical reaction known as a decomposition reaction occurs when one reactant splits into two or more products.

Find more moles-related problems at : brainly.com/question/15356425


a pure substance which can only be separated into two or more simpler substances using chemical changes is called


A pure substance that can only be separated into two or more simpler substances using chemical changes is called a chemical compound.

A chemical compound is a type of pure substance that is made up of two or more elements that are chemically combined in a fixed ratio. The elements in a chemical compound are bonded together by chemical bonds, which are the forces that hold the atoms together in a compound. Examples of chemical compounds include water (H2O), table salt (Nacl), and carbon dioxide (CO2). These compounds are made up of two or more elements that are chemically bonded together in a fixed ratio, and they cannot be separated into their constituent elements using physical methods such as filtration or distillation. Instead, chemical reactions are required to separate the elements in a chemical compound.In contrast, a pure substance that can be separated into simpler substances using physical methods without undergoing a chemical change is called a mixture. Examples of mixtures include air and seawater. These substances are made up of two or more substances that are not chemically bonded together, and they can be separated into their constituent substances using physical methods such as filtration or distillation.

To know more about elements-



100.0 ml of a 0.50 m aqueous nh3 solution is mixed with 200.0 ml of 0.25 m aqueous hi. at 25 ºc the mixture will have a ph of


100.0 mL of a 0.50 M aqueous NH3 solution is mixed with 200.0 mL of 0.25 M aqueous HI. At 25 ºC the mixture will have a pH of <7

If the choices for pH are 7, greater than 7 or less than 7, then the answer would be less than 7 since this is a titration of a weak base (NH3) with a strong acid HI.  And since the moles of NH3 = moles HI, you are at the equivalence point, so the pH will be acidic.  

What is titration?

Titration, a process of chemical analysis in which the amount of a sample component is determined by adding to the measured sample a precisely known amount of another substance with which the desired component reacts in a certain, known ratio.

To know more about titration, click the link given below:



What is a protons particle charge



A proton is one of three main particles that make up the atom. Protons are found in the nucleus of the atom. This is a tiny, dense region at the center of the atom. Protons have a positive electrical charge of one (+1) and a mass of 1 atomic mass unit (amu), which is about 1.67×10−27 kilograms


Dalton's Atomic Theory explained a lot about matter, chemicals, and chemical reactions. Nevertheless, it was not entirely accurate, because contrary to what Dalton believed, atoms can, in fact, be broken apart into smaller subunits or subatomic particles. We have been talking about the electron in great detail, but there are two other particles of interest to us: protons and neutrons. We already learned that J. J. Thomson discovered a negatively charged particle, called the electron. Rutherford proposed that these electrons orbit a positive nucleus. In subsequent experiments, he found that there is a smaller positively charged particle in the nucleus, called a proton. There is also a third subatomic particle, known as a neutron.

what is the volume (in liters) of this air sample if the pressure is changed to 0.960 atm at a constant temperature? do not include the unit of measure in your answer.


According to Boyle's law, in any ideal gas, the pressure exerted by the gas and its volume is inversely proportional to one another, considering it to be at a constant temperature.

This law is applicable in case of respiration also. When the air is inhaled, the diaphragm is raised, as a result of which the pressure exerted on the lungs increases and eventually allows the air to flow into the lungs.

We use Boyle Mariotte's formula: for a given mass of gas at constant temperature, the pressure and volume vary inversely proportionally.

We convert the unit volume in ml into

L: 200 / 1000 = 0.2  and 50 / 1000=0.05


V₂= (P₁xV₁)/P₂

= (0.96 atm x 0.2L) / 0.05

= 3.84 L

Therefore, using Boyle's law, we got the volume changed will be 3.84 L.

To know more about Boyle's Law, refer: https://brainly.com/question/1437490


Select all the statements that correctly describe what happens when a gas is heated in a flexible container at constant pressure.
a. The gas increases in volume because the particles increase in size.
b. The gas particles collide with the walls of the container with a greater force.
c. The surface area of the walls of the container decreases.
d. The volume of the gas container increases.
e. The gas particles move faster.


"The gas particles move faster", is the correct statement for a gas when it is heated in a flexible container at constant pressure.

The gas particles in the container collides with the walls of the container with a greater force. Due to this collision the volume of the gas container increases.

Properties of gas molecules

Gas molecules have neither definite shape nor definite volume. They expand to the size of their container.

Gas molecules are fluid, and flow easily inside or outside the container.

Gas molecules have low density, unless compressed.

Gas molecules diffuse (mix and spread out) and effuse (travel through small holes).

Learn more about gas molecules from the link given below.



how does kinetic molecular theory explain gas pressure inside a balloon? select the correct answer below: gas particles are large and only a few fit inside a balloon, inflating the walls. the atmospheric pressure is greater than the pressure of the gas inside the balloon, so the balloon expands gas particles are very small, and many will fill the inside of the balloon until they are all stationary and touching each other. the pressure exerted by a gas in the balloon results from collisions between the gas molecules and the balloon walls.



Therefore the answer is d) The pressure exerted by a gas in the balloon results from collisions between the gas molecules and the balloon walls.


how many electrons in a ground state argon atom have a magnetic quantum number (ml) equal to -2? g


The magnetic quantum range or ml describes the orientation in area of a specific orbital. It is SP2 hybridisation for Argon and the no. of electrons are 2.

The feasible values of ml may be decided in view that it is able to handiest be an integer withinside the range l±1. If ml is 0 then the price of l can handiest be same to 0. If the price of the azimuthal quantum range is 0, this corresponds to the s orbital.

Thus, you handiest want to matter the electrons which might be withinside the s orbitals of the argon atom. The electron configuration of Argon is given below. There are 6 electrons which have ml=0 in view that there are 6 electrons in s orbitals (1s, 2s and 3s)


Read more about the atom:



What is the Lewis structure for CH2O?


The Lewis structure of any compound is the representation of the valence electron shared by the atoms in the form of dots beside the chemical symbol of the atom.

The Lewis structure of formaldehyde is given below.

It has one carbon atom, one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.

All the atom are making covalent bond with the central carbon atom.

If we observe in the Lewis structure, We can see that on sharing the electrons with the adjustment items carbon is able to achieve a stable configuration.

As we can see there is one electron pair in sharing with the two hydrogen atom but there are two electron payers in sharing with the carbon atom.

This is the thing that is intended to be shown by a Lewis structure.

To know more about formaldehyde, visit,



What is the chemical formula for CH2O?


The chemical formula of formaldehyde is CH₂O.

Formaldehyde is a compound that is used in our daily use products like paint coatings and paper based products.

The chemical formula formaldehyde is CH₂O it contains 1 carbon atom one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atom the hydrogen atom and the oxygen atom are connected to the carbon atom by single bond and double bond.

Both the hydrogen atom and the oxygen atom forms are covalent bond between carbon and themselves.

Formaldehyde is a very important and useful compound.

To know more about formaldehyde, visit,



according to the collision theory of chemical reactions: group of answer choices high energy collisions result in few successful reactions as there isn't sufficient time for the products to react. high energy collisions lead to the successful formation of products. low energy collisions do not occur in the gas phase. low energy collisions result in many successful reactions as there is sufficient time for the reactants to form products. all of the above


Only collisions that are energetic enough and cross the threshold energy level are considered effective collisions, according to the collision theory.

What exactly does the collision theory entail?

Collision theory is a hypothesis that is used to forecast chemical reaction rates, notably for gases. The foundation of the collision theory is the idea that in order for a reaction to take place, the reacting species (atoms or molecules) must come into contact or crash with one another.

What is the equation for the collision theory?

Collision theory postulates. Reaction rates are inversely correlated with the frequency of reactant collisions, or reaction rate.

To know more about collision theory visit:-



Suppose we completely stopped burning fossil fuels immediately. How many years would it take to return to atmospheric co2 levels from the year 1800, about 600 gtc?.


Observations show that it may take 50 years for atmospheric CO₂ levels to decline from the 1800s.

Soils and terrestrial plants do not increase the amount of CO₂ in ecosystems every year. Coal may also be the answer.

How much CO₂?

Since 2000, global atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased by 43.5 ppm due to use. This is an increase of 12%. Today's record of atmospheric carbon dioxide began with observations recorded at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii.

Note that atmospheric CO₂ is constantly increasing, contributing to global warming. Recent studies show an average increase of about 50% between 1750 and 1800.

Learn more about atmospheric CO₂  from



When solid sodium hydroxide dissolves in water, the δh for the solution process is −44.4 kj/mol. if a 13.9 g sample of naoh dissolves in 250.0 g of water in a coffee-cup calorimeter initially at 23.0 °c. what is the final temperature of the solution? assume that the solution has the same specific heat as liquid water, i.e., 4.18 j/g·k.


When solid sodium hydroxide dissolves in water, δh for solution process is −44.4 kj/mol  then final temperature of the solution is 23.758  °C



T2= -44/13.9×4.18+23

T2=23.758  °C

Temperature is the unit used to describe heat or cold. It illustrates the natural flow of heat energy from a hotter to a cooler body and can be expressed in terms of a variety of arbitrary scales (one at a lower temperature). An iceberg has a much higher total heat energy than a match, despite the fact that a match burns at a much higher temperature. Temperature and a thermodynamic system's energy are not the same thing. In contrast to extensive features like mass or volume, such as temperature is referred to as an intense property—one that is independent of the amount of material being addressed—along with pressure, density, and other similar qualities.

To know more about  temperatures  visit : https://brainly.com/question/10576021


Question 4
What happens during a controlled experiment?
O A factor called a prediction is changed.
O No observations are made.
O Many variables are changed at once.
O The results of changing the independent variable are observed.
Question 5
10 pts
10 nts


Controlled experiments are scientific experiments or observations that are designed to minimize the effects of variables other than the independent variable. In a controlled experiment only one variable should be changing at a time. The results of changing the independent variable would be observed.

Calculate the mass of oxygen needed to react 10g of calcium to form calcium oxide.


The mass of oxygen needed to react 10.0g of calcium to form calcium oxide is 4 g.

The data given in the question is;

mass of the calcium = 10 g

As we know that

atomic mass of oxygen = 16 g/mol

atomic mass of calcium = 40 g/mol

The given chemical reaction;

2Ca + O2 → 2 CaO

from the reaction above we can deduce the following;

80 g of calcium : 32 g of oxygen

10 g of calcium :   ?

10 × 32 / 80 = 4g

Thus, the mass of oxygen needed to react 10.0g of calcium to form calcium oxide is 4 g.

To look more about calcium oxide click here



calculate the mass percent of hoch2ch2oh in a solution made by dissolving 3.2 g of hoch2ch2oh in 43.5g of water.


TheThe mass percent of HOCH2CH2OH is 6.85%

Mass of solute (ethylene glycol) = 3.2 g

Mass of solvent (water) = 43.5 g

Mass of solution = Mass of solute + Mass of solvent = 3.2 + 43.5 = 46.7 g.

Mass%= mass of solute×100/mass of solution

Mass%=3.2×100/43.5 = 6.85%

What is the relationship between solute and solvent?

A solute is a substance this is dissolved in a solution. The quantity of solvent in a fluid solution is extra than the amount of solute. The solvent is the fabric that commonly comes to a decision the solution’s bodily nation (stable, liquid or gasoline). A solution of liquid and water, for example, has water because the solvent and salt because the solute. Water is also known as the “prevalent solvent” because it can dissolve almost any material better than some other liquid.

To know more about solute and solvent, click the link given below:



Glycolysis, which provides energy by breaking down carbohydrates like glucose, relates to activities lasting generally less than 3 minutes 20-30 minutes 3-4 hours all day


Glycolysis that provides energy by breaking down carbohydrates like glucose, relates to activities lasting : generally less than 3 minutes .

What do you mean by glycolysis?

Glycolysis is a series of reactions that withdraw energy from the glucose by splitting it into two or three-carbon molecules which are called pyruvates.

The metabolic pathway that converts glucose into pyruvate is known as glycolysis. The free energy generated in the process is used to form high-energy molecules adenosine triphosphate and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.

The basic aim of glycolysis is to synthesize thousands of ATP molecules that are used for various cellular metabolism.

To know more about glycolysis, refer



The gradual increase in the temperature of the atmosphere is known as_______?

A.Greenhouse effect

B.Greenhouse gases

C.Global warming

D.Carbon dioxide



Global warming


It is known as "Global warming" is a condition wherein the Earth's temperature increases in a gradual manner.

So the answer is "Global warming"


C Global


in the reaction between cyclohexene and osmium tetroxide, what did the stereochemical outcome of the reaction suggest about the type of mechanism involved in the addition? choose the answer that fits best.


In the reaction between cyclohexene and osmium tetroxide(OsO4) leads to the formation of cis-diols.

Osmium tetroxide (OsO4) is a volatile liquid that is most useful for the synthesis of 1,2-diols  from alkenes.When we react Cyclohexene in presence of Osmium tetroxide (OsO4) and NaHSO3 (Sodium bisulfite) it leads to formation of cis-1,2-cyclopentanediol.

Two osmium oxygens interact with one face of the double bond in a coordinated procedure that drives the reaction. As a result, a 5-membered ring—known as an osmate ester—is created, producing syn stereochemistry. By using an aqueous solution of a reducing agent such sodium bisulfite, the osmate ester is split into the 1,2-diol (NaHSo3).

Dihydroxylation of alkenes can also be performed with cold, dilute potassium permanganate (KMnO4).

To learn more about Dihydroxylation of Alkenes visit:



What happens to the kinetic energy of its molecules as ice melts into water?


As ice melts into water, kinetic energy is being added to the particles. This causes them to be 'excited' and they break the bonds that hold them together as a solid, resulting in a change of state: solid -> liquid.

Entropy never decreases in a spontaneous process. give an example to support this statement.


The transfer of energy by heat from colder bodies to hotter bodies is the perfect example for entropy of a spontaneous reaction.

Spontaneous reactions are described as those chemical or biological reactions that usually take place without the influence of external factors. Non- Spontaneous reactions are described as those chemical reactions that generally requires an energy input to proceed or that cannot take place without the influence of external factors.

The transfer of energy by heat from colder bodies to hotter bodies is an example of spontaneous process in which the entropy of the system of bodies increases. The melting of the ice cube placed in a room causes an increase in the entropy of the room.

Learn more about spontaneous reaction from the link given below.



what mass of methanol, ch3oh, must be dissolved in 313.0 ml of ethanol to prepare a 0.750 m solution? the density of ethanol is 0.7893 g/ml.


7,493.1 g of methanol must be dissolved in 313.0 mL of ethanol to prepare a 0.750 M solution.

What is dissolved?

Dissolved is a term used to describe when a solid material has been completely broken down into particles small enough to be suspended in a liquid. This process is known as dissolution, and can be achieved through a variety of different methods. One of the most commonly used methods is mechanical agitation, which involves using mechanical force such as stirring or shaking to cause the solid particles to break down and become suspended in the liquid. This process can be used to dissolve a wide range of different compounds such as salts, sugars, and acids. Other methods of dissolution include chemical reactions, heating, and the use of solvents. Dissolution is a key part of many chemical processes, and its importance in chemistry cannot be overstated.

Molar mass of methanol (CH3OH): 32.04 g/mol
Molarity of solution: 0.750 mol/L
Volume of solution: 313.0 mL
Therefore, the number of moles of methanol required in solution = 0.750 mol/L × 313.0 mL = 234.75 moles
Mass of methanol required = 234.75 moles × 32.04 g/mol = 7,493.1 g
Therefore, 7,493.1 g of methanol must be dissolved in 313.0 mL of ethanol to prepare a 0.750 M solution.

To learn more about dissolved

the use of a specialized mixture of gases for breathing, an apparatus for the delivery of the gases, protective clothing, and gear to increase visibility for underwater diving is an example of a(n)


The use of a specialized mixture of gases for breathing, an apparatus for the delivery of the gases,, This is an example of behavioral adjustment .

The use of a specialized mixture of gases for breathing apparatus for the delivery of the gases, protective clothing, and gear to increase visibility for underwater diving is an example of the behavioral adjustment. T he behavioral adjustment is the individuals quality to adjust one's  behavior to environment. this above example is the example of the behavioral adjustment.

the behavioral adjustment is the adjustment such as adopting the sleeping postures, walk at all times, use manners,  become a good listener and allow other to learn, gives respect to other, keep a space neat and clean.

To learn more about breathing apparatus here



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