Dos masas con valores de 8kg y 12kg cada una se encuentran separadas por una distancia de 1m. Determinar la fuerza de atraccion gravitacional entre ellas si se compara con el valor de sus pesos Como es este valor?


Answer 1

The question is: Two masses with values ​​of 8kg and 12kg each are separated by a distance of 1m. Determine the force of gravitational attraction between them if compared with the value of their weights. What is this value?

Answer: The force of gravitational attraction between them if compared with the value of their weights is [tex]640.704 \times 10^{-11} N[/tex].


Given: [tex]m_{1}[/tex] = 8 kg,       [tex]m_{2}[/tex] = 12 kg

Distance = 1 m

Formula used is as follows.

[tex]F = \frac{G \times m_{1} \times m_{2}}{r^{2}}[/tex]


F = force of gravitational attraction

G = gravitational constant = [tex]6.674 \times 10^{-11} N m^{2}/kg^{2}[/tex]

[tex]m_{1}[/tex] = mass of object 1

[tex]m_{2}[/tex] = mass of object 2

r = distance between the centers of these two objects

Substitute the values into above formula as follows.

[tex]F = \frac{G \times m_{1} \times m_{2}}{r^{2}}\\= \frac{6.674 \times 10^{-11} Nm^{2}/kg^{2} \times 8 kg \times 12 kg}{(1 m)^{2}}\\= 640.704 \times 10^{-11} N[/tex]

Thus, we can conclude that the force of gravitational attraction between them if compared with the value of their weights is [tex]640.704 \times 10^{-11} N[/tex].

Related Questions

help yo if u can answer quicly



maybe c

I think its c

hope it helped

1. This force keeps an object floating _______________________ 2. When the force of gravity is stronger then the buoyant force an object will ___________ 3. When the buoyant force is the same as the force of gravity an object will ____________ 4. When the buoyant force is greater than the force of gravity an object will ____________ 5. Why does an aircraft carrier float



1) Buoyant force, 2) sinks, 3) equilibrium, 4) fleet , 5) LIFT force


A body in a fluid is subjected to two forces, its weight and the thrust

           sun F = B - W

the em

bid is always vertical and contrary to weight, let's analyze and complete the different situations presented

1) Buoyant force

2) sinks           B <W

3) equilibrium B = W

4) fleet             B> W

5) by the sum of two forces:

* Thrust, but the density of air is much less than the density of water, therefore the thrust in the air is less.

* The other force in airplanes the lift force given by the difference in the path of the air when the plane moves, which translates into a pressure difference between the upper part of the wing and the lower part, it is force is called   LIFT force

Two trucks have the same mass. Which truck will have a greater amount of kinetic energy? b. The truck with less mass d. The trucks will have the same kinetic energy c. The truck with greater speed a. The truck with more mass​



c. The truck with greater speed


Energy can be defined as the ability (capacity) to do work. The two (2) main types of energy are;

a. Gravitational potential energy (GPE): it is an energy possessed by an object or body due to its position above the earth.

b. Kinetic energy (KE): it is an energy possessed by an object or body due to its motion.

Mathematically, kinetic energy is given by the formula;

[tex] K.E = \frac{1}{2}MV^{2}[/tex]


K.E represents kinetic energy measured in Joules.

M represents mass measured in kilograms.

V represents speed or velocity measured in metres per seconds square.

From the above formula, we can deduce that the kinetic energy of an object is directly proportional to the square of the value of its velocity or speed.

Hence, the truck with greater speed would have a greater amount of kinetic energy.


The trucks will have the same kinetic energy.


Both of the trucks have the same mass, so they have the same kinetic energy. Hope this helps!

If the wavelength of an s-wave is 23,000 m, and its speed 4500 m/s, what is its frequency?



5 metre.


Wavelength = Velocity / Frequency

= 23,000/ 4,500

= 5 metre.

A worker leaves home at 9:00 AM, travels 40 km to the office, and then returns home at 5:00 PM. What is the magnitude of the worker's displacement during this 8-hour span of time?



The answer is 0km


Atoms have the same number of electrons as what other particle?
A. Protons
B. Neutrons
C. Photons
D. Atomic mass


The answer is
A. Protons

Se dea caer una pelota de basquetbol desde una altura de 90 metros.Calcular: El tiempo en que demorara en caer y a velcidad con la que llega al suelo



1. t = 4.24 s

2. [tex]v_{f} = 42.43 m/s [/tex]


Podemos encontrar el tiempo de caída con la siguiente ecuación:

[tex] v_{f} = v_{0} + gt [/tex]   (1)

En donde:

[tex] v_{f}[/tex]: es la velocidad final de la pelota  

[tex] v_{0}[/tex]: es la velocidad inicial = 0 (se deja caer)

g: es la aceleración debida a la gravedad = 10 m/s²

Debemos hallar primero la velocidad final. Podemos usar la ecuación:

[tex] v_{f}^{2} = v_{0}^{2} + 2gh [/tex]  (2)

En donde:

h: es la altura = 90 m

[tex] v_{f} = \sqrt{2gh} = \sqrt{2*10 m/s^{2}*90 m} = 42.43 m/s [/tex]

Entonces, la velocidad con la que la pelota llega al suelo es 42.43 m/s.

Ahora podemos encontar el tiempo que tarda en caer la pelota resolviendo la ecuación (1) para "t":

[tex] t = \frac{v_{f}}{g} = \frac{42.43 m/s}{10 m/s^{2}} = 4.24 s [/tex]

Por lo tanto, la pelota tarda 4.24 segundos en caer.

Espero que te sea de utilidad!

Explain why does the bowling ball decelerate as it travels along the lane.



Due to the force of friction


Whenever an object comes in contact with a surface the force of friction comes into play

Which slows down the object (in this case the bowling ball)


Suppose a force F, = (1/3)x acts on an
object. Assume at x = 0 the force pushes
the object and it starts moving to the right.
What happens to the magnitude of the work
done as the object moves to the right?

A. More work is done

B. Less work is done

C. A constant amount of work Is done.

D. It is impossible to predict


Answer:constant amount of work is done

A Normal force of 16N is distributed uniformly on top surface of a cube of edge 6cm. The
pressure on this surface is Rx104Pa. Find the value of R​



approx. 0.43


Area of the side of the cube is 36 cm or 0.36 m, P= F/A, so R*104=16/0.36, R*104≅44.44, R≅0.43

How are wave properties and energy related?



The higher the amplitude, the higher the energy. To summarise, waves carry energy. The amount of energy they carry is related to their frequency and their amplitude. The higher the frequency, the more energy, and the higher the amplitude, the more energy.

Un vehiculo se desplaza con movimiento rectilio uniforme. Sabiendo que recorre 90 km en 3 horas. Averiguo la velocidad en m/s.



Velocidad = 500 m/s


Dados los siguientes datos;

Distancia = 90 km

Tiempo = 3 horas


Por distancia:

1 kilómetro = 1000 metros

90 kilómetros = 90 * 1000 = 90,000 metros

Para el tiempo:

1 hora = 60 segundos

3 horas = 60 * 3 = 180 segundos

Para encontrar la velocidad en m/s;

Matemáticamente, la velocidad viene dada por la ecuación;

[tex] Velocidad = \frac {distancia} {tiempo} [/tex]

Sustituyendo en la fórmula, tenemos;

Velocidad = 90000/180

Velocidad = 500 m/s

Heat can be transferred in several ways. Which of the following is an example of conduction? (DOK 2) A The sun is shining on a metal chair. B A fire in the fireplace is heating a room C Someone touching a hot metal pan DA hair dryer blowing your hair​




G yvyvybybybububunununu

If two balls have the same amount of mass and the red ball is resting at a height of 2m and the blue ball is resting at a height of 4m, which has more potential energy?
A) red ball
B) blue ball


I think it would be the blue ball so B)

Identify the relationship between the two quantities in the given question as causation or
1. The number of cold, snowy days and the amount of hot chocolate sold at a ski
2. The number of miles driven and the amount of gas used.
3. The number of additional calories consumed and the amount of weight gained.
4. The age of a child and his/her shoe size.
5. The amount of cars a salesperson sells and how much commission he makes.
6. The number of cars traveling over a busy holiday weekend and the number of
accidents reported.
7. The number of homework assignments turned in and how well an individual does in
8. The annual salary and blood pressure for men ages 20-60


Answer:2. The number of miles driven and the amount of gas used.


Explain how the light behaves with light through a
plastic bulb



It's red


Blue light has a shorter distance between wave crests than orange light. Red light has a longer distance between wave crests than blue light.

El potencial electrico debido a una carga en un punto P es de 45 000 V. Si la magnitud de la carga es 4x10-6C. A que distancia esta el punto P de la cartga



0,8 m


Recordemos que el potencial eléctrico V se da como

V = q / 4πεod


q = cantidad de carga

εo = permitividad del espacio libre

d = polvo de separación


1 / 4πεo = 9 * 10 ^ 9


V = 45 000 V

q = 4x10-6C

 45.000 = 9 * 10 ^ 9 * 4x10-6 / d

d = 9 * 10 ^ 9 * 4x10-6 / 45,000

d = 0,8 m

what is an echo?
give me an short answer



Echo..... when the sound reflects back

what forms of energy best describes the energy stored in food



probably potentially energy


hopefully this helps

An increase in the atomic number____the atomic radius moving from
left to right across a period.
Answer here





A positive charge of 8.0 × 10-4 C is in an electric field that exerts a force of 3.5 × 10-4 N on it. What is the strength of the electric field?



E = 0.437 N/C


Given that,

Charge, [tex]q=8\times 10^{-4}\ C[/tex]

Electric force, [tex]F=3.5\times 10^{-4}\ N[/tex]

Let the strength of the electric field is E. We know that, the electric force is given by :

F = qE


E is the electric field strength

[tex]E=\dfrac{F}{q}\\\\E=\dfrac{3.5\times 10^{-4}}{8\times 10^{-4}}\\E=0.437\ N/C[/tex]

So, the strength of the electric field is equal to 0.437 N/C.

which instrument measure the intensity of sound​



Decibel Meter

A decibel meter is a measuring instrument used to assess noise or sound levels by measuring sound pressure. Often referred to as a sound pressure level (SPL) meter, decibel (dB) meter, noise meter or noise dosimeter, a sound level meter uses a microphone to capture sound.


Decibel Meter


A decibel meter is a measuring instrument used to assess noise or sound levels by measuring sound pressure.

differences between weightlessness in space and weightlessness in earth​



it depends on a person's own weight


The gravity is roughly the same. The inverse square law applies to gravity and that means that being 60 miles above Earth is about the same as being on Earth. The thing is, they are going really fast in an orbit and thus falling around the Earth. The weightlessness comes from a sort of cancellation of gravity pulling them down and their going perpendicular to that force. The forces are cancelling and making them relatively “weightless”. It’s not really weightlessness but just an equilibrium reached between the two accelerations of gravity and their motion against the pull of the Earth.


Can sugar molecules produced from photosynthesis be rearranged into different compounds carry out life process



Yes, the sugar molecules produced from photosynthesis can be rearranged into different compounds to carry out life processes such energy producing compounds, energy storage compounds, body building compounds, and compounds of other types of food


a) The sugar can be broken down in a plant cell to produce ATP and then energy through cellular respiration as follows;

C₆H₁₂O₆ + O₂ 6CO₂ + 6H₂O + ATP

The produced energy can be used as power for cellular activities, such as the synthesis of protein and cell division

b) The produced sugar can be linked together by enzymes to form starch which is a form of chemical storage of energy as follows;

Sugar C₆H₁₂O₆ transformed into starch (C₆H₁₀O₅)ₙ

c) The sugar can be used in building the plant body by forming cellulose which is a form of starch

d) The sugar can be transformed into proteins and fat which are other types of food such as compounds containing sugar produces compounds containing fat based compounds

Hi, I'm stuck on the problem: Consider a resistor (R=1000 kΩ) and a capacitor (C=1μF) connected in series. This configuration is connected in series to a battery with an emf of 10 V. Find the maximum voltage in [V] across the capacitor. Find the maximum charge on the capacitor in [µC]. How long will it take until the capacitor has a potential difference of 5 V?



Following are the responses to the given choices:


The maximum pressure is 10 V from across condenser.

The highest charge mostly on condenser.

[tex]vc = 10\times 1\ mf\\\\[/tex]

    [tex]= 10^{-5}\ C[/tex]

The time it takes for the condenser to be 5 V different.

[tex]time = ln_2 \times 1000 \times 1mf[/tex]

        [tex]=0 .69 \times 10^{-3}\ sec[/tex]

There is a fixed voltage across a resistor, and you measure a current of c1 A. If you replace the resistor with one that has twice the resistance value, how much current will you measure? a) 0.2 A b) 0.5 A c) 0.8 A d) 1.1 A



Option B



The current flowing through the circuit = 1 Ampere

As we know

I is inversely proportional to resistance.

I α 1/r

or I = k/r

If the resistor "r" is replaced by any resistor "R" with resistance = 2r, then the current will be

I = 1/2 of 1 ampere

I = 0.5 Ampere

Hence, option B is correct

Uhm? I listen in class but I can remember all of that wat is this omg?



The side with the same length would be D.) QT


The problem is asking for the side with the same length, and the shapes are congruent so the correct one would be the same side on the other shape. Which is D.) QT

this is known as the -------of light.​



rectilinear propagation of light

reflection of light

refraction of light

The process of generating an electric current from the motion of a conductor in a magnetic field is


Magnetism is the answer

Which of the following are true about electrons? a.) They are positively charged b.) They are negatively charged c.) They are found inside the nucleus d.) a & c



A and C






The answer is b.. because the charge of electrons is opposite to that of protons.. the combination of the equal number of protons and electrons has a total charge of zero(0)....

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