don knows that drinking too much liquor is a costly habit that is bad for his health, but yet he continues to drink large amounts of liquor. don feels some psychological discomfort from this contradiction, which is also called . aggressive discord cognitive dissonance perceptive deception peripheral dissension


Answer 1

When a person continues to consume significant amounts of alcohol despite knowing that it is an expensive and unhealthy habit, he or she experiences a little psychological discomfort known as cognitive dissonance. The right response in this case is option B.

People who suffer from cognitive dissonance exhibit inconsistent behavior, and this internal conflict and uncertainty change how they feel and behave.

They put through a lot of strain in order to stabilize this scenario. Smoking is one of many instances of cognitive dissonance; despite knowing how bad it is for their health, many individuals continue to smoke. People who place a high priority on their health will experience dissonance to a greater extent.

Having to choose between conflicting options, putting effort into the aim, and being required to comply with something against one's convictions are all examples of cognitive dissonance triggers.

To learn more about cognitive dissonance


Related Questions

identify whether the given items are examples of imports, exports, or neither. assume the united states is considered the domestic country.


Assuming the united states is considered the domestic country the given items are examples of imports.

An import is a superb or carrier bought in a single united states that became produced in every other. Imports and exports are the additives of global change. If the fee of a country's imports exceeds the fee of its exports, the united states has a negative balance of change, additionally referred to as an alternate deficit.

Imports can be completed merchandise, like automobiles, television sets, computer systems, or footwear, or they may be uncooked substances, including zinc, oil, wooden, or grains. They can also be offerings, like economic offerings, journey services, and insurance. Imports are a crucial part of the U.S. and international financial system.

Exporting refers back to the selling of products and offerings from the home u . s . to an overseas country. whereas, importing refers to the acquisition of foreign products and bringing them into one's home usa.

Learn more about imports here:


a number of techniques have been developed that allow us to examine the moment-by-moment activity levels of specifically defined brain areas. these techniques are called


A number of techniques have been developed that allow us to examine the moment by moment activity levels of specifically defined brain areas these techniques are called neuroimaging techniques.

There are three most commonly used neuroimaging techniques they are:


magnetic resonance imaging

positron emission photography

They directly or indirectly image the structure or function.

To know more about neuroimaging techniques click on the link below:


people tend to overestimate group of answer choices what positive and negative feelings will occur following a decision to the same degree. what positive feelings will occur following a decision more so than negative feelings. what negative feelings will occur following a decision more so than positive feelings. subjective utility values following a decision.


More often than not, people overestimate the unpleasant emotions that will arise from a decision.

A cognitive bias is a weakness in your logic that causes you to perceive information from your environment incorrectly and draw the wrong conclusions. Your brain creates ranking algorithms to determine which information deserves your attention and which information is significant enough to preserve in memory because you are constantly bombarded with data from millions of sources. Additionally, it develops shortcuts to speed up the pace at which you digest information.

Repetitive negative thoughts and sentiments are brought on by the fear of the consequences that the mind bears, wondering what if the decision being made does not go in our favor.The mind naturally has a tendency to consider the potential losses that could result from a poor decision before making one.This is due to the fact that the medication secreted when feeling good is never as strong as the drug secreted when feeling fear.

To learn more about  cognitive bias please click on the given link:


why was tilted arc controversial?a.because some people believed it was a safety hazardb.because some people thought it was uglyc.because some people thought it would encourage criminal activityd.because some people thought it could attract terroristse.all of the other answers


Tilted arc was controversial because some people believed it was a safety hazard, some people thought it was uglyc, some people thought it would encourage criminal activityd, some people thought it could attract terroristse. all of these was controversial.

Richard Serra was given the commission to make the sculpture Tilted Arc by the GSA Art in Architecture Program. This sculpture's politics, context, and aesthetics were hotly debated, and the piece was ultimately disassembled and stored. The activities that resulted in the sculpture's removal are outlined on this page. The U.S. Customs Court and Federal Building, located at 26 Federal Plaza on lower Broadway in New York City, was built by GSA in 1968. No art for the building was sponsored at the time of construction due to prohibitive inflation and altering agency policies.

learn more about tilted arc here:


what are some reasons given in the video to explain why people pay more attention to the presidential rather than congressional elections?


It occurs due to many reasons

Important role played by PresidentMass awarenessMore trust and empathy

Voter turnout in midterm elections has typically been lower than in presidential elections. In contrast to presidential elections, where turnout has averaged between 50 and 60 percent over the previous 60 years, only approximately 40 percent of eligible voters cast ballots in midterm elections.It is crucial because without it, voters would not have the ability to select the leaders of their nation.It comes with a sizable duty. Voters are not fulfilling their civic duty by not casting a ballot. Additionally, they are ceding political influence to ideas they may find disagreeable.

To know more about Presidential election here


what type of agency is formed when it appears an agency relationship exists based on the conduct of the parties?


Fiduciary relationship is formed when it appears an agency relationship exists based on the conduct of the parties.

The fiduciary relationship that develops when one person expresses their agreement to another person to act on their behalf and under their direction, and the other person gives their consent. In other words, one person (the agent) undertakes to carry out an action on behalf of another person (the principle), subject to the latter's control, and the principal likewise accepts the arrangement. Since the agent behaves as though the principle were there, it also implies that the principal is (mostly) bound by what the agent does. When one person acts on behalf of another, there is a fiduciary and mutually agreed-upon relationship between the two parties, and the agent may enter into legal contracts.

To know more about fiduciary relationship:


Repetitive, intrusive, and unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors that the individual feels driven to perform are characteristic of?


Repetitive, intrusive, unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors are characteristics of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

What is obsessive-compulsive disorder?It's a psychological disorder.It is an anxiety disorder.It is a disorder treated with therapy and medication.

The obsessive-compulsive disorder also known as OCD is a psychiatric problem that stimulates compulsions and obsessions.

This disorder causes intrusive thoughts created for no reason and promotes ideas that keep filling the individual's mind, even creating anxiety attacks and repetitive and negative behaviors.

This is a disorder that needs psychological treatment and the use of medication is often necessary. It is essential that the treatment is not interrupted, as the disease can cause depression, eating disorders, phobias, panic disorder, and chemical dependency, among other problems.

Learn more about the obsessive-compulsive disorder:


true or false: the chief functions of the parietal lobe include voluntary motor functions, memory, mood, emotion, social judgment and aggression.


False. The chief functions of the parietal lobe does not include voluntary motor functions, memory, mood, emotion, social judgment and aggression.

This is one of the larger brain lobes. The parietal lobe is usually situated in the upper region of the skull. It processes the sensations of touch, taste, and temperature that it picks up from the environment. Damage to the parietal lobe may cause sensory impairment. Damage to the parietal lobe is linked to a few other medical disorders. One of the four primary lobes of the human cerebral cortex is the parietal lobe. In close proximity to the parietal bone, it is located near the upper back region of the skull. The parietal lobe of the brain is situated behind the frontal lobe.

Learn more about parietal lobe here:


the idea that our tastes, dispositions, and sensibilities are determined not be individual choices, but by a lifetime of exposure to cultural institutions is known as .


the idea that our tastes, dispositions, and sensibilities are determined not be individual choices, but by a lifetime of exposure to cultural institutions is known as Habitus.

Institutions with a recognized mission to preserve, interpret, and disseminate knowledge related to the arts, sciences, and environment are considered cultural institutions. They also support initiatives aimed at educating and informing the public about related facets of culture, history, science, and the environment. Museums, libraries, historical or botanical organizations, and community cultural centers are a few examples of cultural institutions. The upkeep, conservation, revitalization, interpretation, and documentation of heritage, as well as the facilitation of public contact and engagement with heritage, are all crucial functions performed by cultural organizations. As a result, cultural institutions play a significant role in the transmission of culture between generations as well as in the development of cultural understanding, intercultural dialogue, and cultural diversity.

learn more about cultural institutions here:


The united states federal government should increase its diplomatic efforts to peacefully resolve internal armed conflicts in west asia.
a. true
b. false


Preventing wars before they start is the most efficient strategy to reduce suffering and the enormous economic cost of wars and their aftermath.

What exactly does the term "government" mean?

A government is the governing structure of a state or community. The Columbia Encyclopedia defines government as "a mechanism of social management where the right to make laws and the right to enforce them is placed inside a distinctive group in society."

What three types of governments exist?

The U.S. Federal Government is broken down into three branches: the legislative, executive, and judicial. This arrangement promotes the separation of powers. Each part of the government has its own authority and duties, including collaborating with other branches to ensure the administration is successful and people' rights are respected.

To know more about government visit:


in research using surveillance camera footage of public places, researchers observed actual fighting behavior and found that third parties


In research using surveillance camera footage of public places, researchers observed actual fighting behavior and found that third parties were more likely to intervene when the number of bystanders was larger.

What is camera footage in research?

Generally, Participants in the study are asked to record videos of themselves discussing issues related to the research, including how they behave, what they think about those topics, and how they feel about those topics. This may be done using video diaries or through mobile ethnography. Both of these methods are possible.

The fields of ophthalmology, pathology, biomedical research, and other medical specialties also make use of cameras. Cameras look for the presence of biological samples and verify that needles are not fractured by determining whether or not they contain liquid.

These audio-visual recordings provide the social scientist conducting the study with the opportunity to reflect on their own subjectivities throughout the course of the study and to use the video as a microscope that "allows actions to be observed in a detail not even accessible to the actors themselves" (Knoblauch & Tuma, 2011, p. 417).

Read more about camera footage


caresa has a somewhat irregular menstrual cycle ranging from 21 to 35 days. are caresha and her partner good candidates for the standard days method of birth control?


No, because it is very difficult to accurately predict when she ovulates and therefore which days are "safe" from pregnancy.

Preventing pregnancy is the act of using birth control. Medication, procedures, technology, and behavior are examples of methods.The IUD and implant are the most user-friendly and reliable forms of birth control, and they also work the best at preventing conception. If used properly, other birth control methods, such as the pill, ring, patch, and injection, are also quite effective at preventing pregnancy.The most frequent adverse effects are headaches, nausea, aching breasts, and spotting or bleeding between periods (this is more frequent with progestin-only pills). However, symptoms often disappear within two to three months and don't affect everyone who takes the medication. You shouldn't feel ill or unpleasant while using birth control.

To know more about Birth Control here


What are four ways animals can be identified?


Animals can be identified by four basic characteristics: their distinctive markings, the sounds they make, the way they move, and their group behavior.

what is an obstacle that ethnographers will likely need to overcome in their own personal lives while conducting long-term fieldwork?


Stepping back from ethnocentric attitudes about cultural superiority is an obstacle that ethnographers will likely need to overcome in their own personal lives while conducting long-term fieldwork.

Ethnography, which derives from the Greek words ethnos, which means "folk, people, or nation," and grapho, which means "I write," is the scientific study of particular civilizations. Ethnography investigates cultural phenomena from the viewpoint of the research subject. Another form of social research called ethnography looks at how people behave in certain social situations and how the group members themselves interpret that behaviour. Simply described, ethnography is a sort of qualitative research in which an individual immerses oneself in a particular community or organisation in an effort to understand their cultures from a first-person perspective.

To know more about Ethnography:


angelina is suffering from depression. once a week she sees a therapist and, with the therapist's help, she has begun to explore her past experiences and how they might have contributed to her depression. in addition, angelina's therapist has angelina begin to adopt new ways of thinking about the current events in her life. angelina's therapist is most likely using:


Angelina suffers from depression and once a week she sees a therapist. With the help of a therapist, she began to explore experiences in her past that might have contributed to her depression. In addition, at this time Angelina began to adopt a new way of thinking about her life. Most likely Angelina's therapist uses psychoanalytic and psychodynamic therapy.

What is depression?

Depression or in medical terms known as major depressive disorder is a mental disorder that affects a person's feelings, ways of thinking, and acting. Individuals who are depressed tend to feel sad and lose interest in their usual activities. This condition can then cause various emotional and physical problems to reduce the sufferer's performance so therapy is needed to cure it.

There are several types of therapy of them. Psychoanalytic and psychodynamic therapy. This therapy helps the patient to explore various events or problems that have been hidden and unconscious.

In this way, the patient can understand the meaning of every event he experiences.

Learn more about the symptoms of depression here :


what is the driving force behind european imperialism in africa, according to these two sources?


The driving force behind european imperialism in africa, according to these two sources is economics; the need for resources and technological advances.

African history was permanently altered in 1800 when Europe began its imperialism so-called "Scramble for Africa" to conquer the continent. In order to demonstrate their racial supremacy and take use of its abundant natural resources, Europeans who thought they were superior were on a mission to civilize the world. Controlling more remote lands to secure raw materials and a market for one's goods became a matter of prestige for industrializing European states.

These nations desired to expand across Africa in quest of raw materials for their industries due to the economic rise of England, France, the Kingdom of Italy, and the German Empire. In a lucrative trade in which England, Spain, France, and Denmark engaged, they used Africa as a source of slave labor.

Learn more about Imperialism in africa at


which of the following statements is true of silence? group of answer choices it functions differently from other forms of nonverbal communication. it communicates neutrality and non-commitment. it can be a weapon to hurt others. it is golden and desirable in arguments.


The correct option is C ; It can be a weapon to hurt others. The adage "words have more power than weapons" simply indicates that what you say has the potential to cause more hurt than weapons.

Facial expressions, eye movements, gestures, touch behaviors, voice behaviors, use of scent, use of space, physical appearance, use of time, use of objects

Nonverbal communication is used to supplement (replace) verbal communication. If someone asks you a question, instead of saying "yes" and nodding your head, you can simply nod your head without saying anything.

As the second part of nonverbal conduct, paralinguistics, or paralanguage, supplements body language. Non-lexical (beyond words) components of speech include pitch, tone, inflection, rhythm, intonation, loudness, pauses, timbre, and so on.

Learn more about to true of silence visit here;


Full Question ;

Which of the following statements is true of silence? group of answer choices

A it functions differently from other forms of nonverbal communication.

B it communicates neutrality and non-commitment.

C it can be a weapon to hurt others.

D it is golden and desirable in arguments.

In research using surveillance camera footage of public places, researchers observed actual fighting behavior and found that third parties


Researchers analyzed actual fighting behavior using security camera footage of public locations and discovered that as the number of witnesses increased, third parties became less likely to step in and stop the fight.

Security cameras or surveillance cameras are used to record video in a specific area. They are frequently connected to a recording device or IP network, where they can be watched by a security guard or law enforcement officer.

Unlike CCTV cameras, security cameras transmit video feed as a digital data stream to an NVR (Network Video Recorder) using a single cable installation and PoE (Power over Ethernet), which eliminates the need for additional power cables because it draws its power from the cable itself.

To know more about surveillance camera:


cultural competence is a process of becoming culturally competent; it is not the state of being culturally competent. t or f


It is true to say that cultural competence is the process of becoming culturally competent; it is not the state of being culturally competent.

What are cultural competence?

It corresponds to the abilities that an individual develops to learn more about cultures different from their own, using ethics and respect as the basis of cultural interaction.

Therefore, cultural skills are extremely important for a globalized and multicultural environment, where there are individuals from different cultures interacting together in order to achieve the same goals.

Find out more about cultural competence on:


1. there are systematic risks and idiosyncratic risks. which risks can be mitigated by whom and how?


The inherent risk of investing in a particular asset, such as a stock, is known as idiosyncratic risk, and it is also sometimes referred to as unsystematic risk.

The inherent risk of investing in a particular asset, such as a stock, is known as idiosyncratic risk, and it is also sometimes referred to as unsystematic risk. Quirky gamble is the gamble that is specific to a particular speculation - rather than risk that influences the whole market or a whole venture portfolio. Systemic risk, on the other hand, affects all investments in an asset class. Things like inflation or shifting interest rates are examples of systemic risks.

Irregular risks have their origins in specific businesses (or investments). By diversifying their investment portfolios, investors can reduce idiosyncratic risks.

Quirky gamble, likewise once in a while alluded to as unsystematic gamble, is the intrinsic gamble eidiosyncratic ngaged with putting resources into a particular resource, like a stock. In contrast to risks that affect the entire market or an investment portfolio, idiosyncratic risk is a risk that is unique to a single investment. Systemic risk, on the other hand, affects all investments in an asset class. Things like inflation or shifting interest rates are examples of systemic risks.

Irregular risks have their origins in specific businesses (or investments). By diversifying their investment portfolios, investors can reduce risks.

Fundamental gamble, then again, includes macroeconomic elements that influence one speculation, yet the general market and economy overall. Systemic risk cannot be mitigated by diversifying a portfolio or adding more assets to it.

To know more about systematic risks and idiosyncratic risks, visit:-


you recognize how your behavior impacts others. which component of ethical leadership does this demonstrate?


You recognize how your behavior impacts others. This demonstrate moral sensitivity component of ethical leadership.

Individuals who practice ethical leadership adhere to a set of values and principles that are widely accepted as providing a solid foundation for the general good. Integrity, regard, confidence, fairness, openness, and honesty are a few of these.

Being an ethical leader means acting morally even when it's difficult or unpopular to do so. Trust your gut, show courage, and make decisions as an ethical leader by using reasoning rather than emotion, even if your decision could hurt the people you work with.

Honesty, justice, respect, community, and integrity are among the ethical leadership principles. Example of ethical leadership is to treat everyone with respect and on an equal footing inside the team and company.

To know more about ethical leadership:


daniel is part of a group and has a different opinion from the rest of the group. daniel can successfully influence the majority group through:


Daniel is part of a group and has a different opinion from the rest of the group. daniel can successfully influence the majority group through more muscular.

The study of how the presence and behavior of others influences individual or group behavior is known as social psychology. The main question that social psychologists consider is how and why environmental factors, such as social interaction, influence people's perceptions and actions.

The study of how the presence and behavior of others influences individual or group behavior is known as social psychology. The main question that social psychologists consider is how and why environmental factors, such as social interaction, influence people's perceptions and actions.

The study of social psychology is divided into three parts: social thinking, social influence, and social behavior. Figure 1.1 depicts each of these overlapping areas of research. Because these three forces interact in our daily lives, the circles overlap.

Learn more about Social psychology to visit this link


malia had chicken pox as a child, so when she was exposed to it as an adult, she was immune. what type of immunity is malia exhibiting?


Malia had chicken pox as a child, so when she was exposed to it as an adult, she was immune. Adaptive immunity type of immunity is malia exhibiting.

In biology, immunity is the functionality of multicellular organisms to withstand dangerous microorganisms. Immunity entails each unique and nonspecific component. The nonspecific additives act as barriers or eliminators of a wide variety of pathogens irrespective of their antigenic makeup.

Immunity is your frame's potential to understand germs to prevent them from causing illness. The immune gadget's activity is to help become aware of and remove dangerous germs that enter the body earlier than they are able to reason sickness or damage. There are two styles of immunity: innate and attention to pronunciation. (ih-MYOO-nih-tee) In medicine, the immune machine's way of shielding the body against infectious disease. The 3 styles of immunity are innate, adaptive, and passive.

Learn more about immunity here:


What increases voter turnout ?


Divide the population into categories based on their behavior and engage each group separately to increase voter turnout. An individualized strategy can be everything.

You may reach more voters by making your voter registration list more effective. By doing this, non-registered voters and others who wouldn't ordinarily cast a ballot can participate in the election. increase Voters who are reminded about the election are more likely to cast ballots. You can easily and conveniently reach your electorate with an online election. Give voters a sense of community. The desire to participate and bring about change is sparked by messages like "everyone votes," which boosts turnout. Even small changes in your approach can increase voter turnout. To increase your voter turnout, you should refer to the electorate as "voters" and address them directly.

learn more about increases voter here:


amazonians shone bright during another record-breaking turkey 5. once again,, customers around the world turned to amazon to deliver holiday cheer. what was one of the best-selling items?


142k kilos of turkey donated Monday morning breaking Guinness world record. PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WLNE) — A Guinness world record used to be broken nowadays for the most turkeys donated in 24 hours.

Best-selling digital merchandise on Amazon in 2022:

Photography and cameras.

The time period "video game" is often used.

Books, particularly e-books distributed thru the Kindle shop, are perennial best-sellers.

Clothes, footwear, and accessories.


Pet Stuff.

Domestic & Cooking.

What is a true turkey score?

Tally your score by using adding the weight, spur length and beard length. By comparison, a 20-pound Tom with one-inch spurs and an eight-inch beard will have a blended rating of 56 By NWTF standards, this is a very decent turkey.

The world's heaviest turkey on document weighed 86 pounds — about the size of a large German Shepherd — and used to be grown more than three centuries later in England, in accordance to Dr. Sarah Birkhold, poultry expert with the Texas Agricultural Extension Service.

Learn more about turkey here:

a psychologist believes that increased tv watching by young children is responsible for increased neuroticism when these children enter elementary school. to explore her hypothesis, she records the tv viewing habits of toddlers in a suburban community. she examines these habits again when the children enter kindergarten and again every year until the children enter the sixth grade. which research strategy is the investigator using?


A psychologist believes that increased tv watching by young children is responsible for increased neuroticism when these children enter elementary school. To explore her hypothesis, she records the tv viewing habits of toddlers in a suburban community. She examines these habits again when the children enter kindergarten and again every year until the children enter the sixth grade. The research strategy that the investigator using is Longitudinal study.

A longitudinal study is a form of research study in which a sample of people is the subject of research at regular intervals to ascertain the impact of development and changes that take place over time. With this methodology, researchers are able to compare results from numerous studies of the same sample of participants. As a result, both money and time were spent.

example of this research stategy is a psycologist keeps track of the toddlers' television viewing patterns in a suburban neighborhood to test her hypothesis. When the kids start kindergarten and every year until they start sixth grade, she looks at these habits once again. The researcher is employing a longitudinal study as their research method.

Learn more about Longitudinal study at


a philosophical movement in the 18th century marked by the belief in science and logic over religion and tradition.


The Enlightenment, commonly referred to as the Age of Reason, was an intellectual and cultural movement in the eighteenth century that placed a greater emphasis on science than blind faith and reason over superstition.

What was a movement in philosophy in the eighteenth century?

The 'long' 18th century, which stretched from the late 17th century to the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815, is referred to as the Enlightenment, the great 'Age of Reason,' and is defined as the period of rigorous scientific, political, and philosophical discourse that characterized European society during that time.

What did the intellectual movement of the 18th century look like in terms of philosophy?

Intellectuals who were preoccupied with the concept of reason and immensely impressed by the accomplishments of the Scientific Revolution made up the Enlightenment, a philosophical movement in the eighteenth century.

To Know more about  accomplishments


if mother spanks jessica each time she pesters her for a cookie and her rate of pestering doesn't change, then the use of spanking would be an example of what behavioral procedure? .


Then the use of spanking would be an example of Punishment behavioral procedure.

Any behavioral procedure which is based totally on the ideas and strategies proposed by using the behavior concept. The process may be used in simple terms for fundamental medical reasearch, o it is able to be applied as a technology in the evaluation of conduct.

The procedure will define things like what activities are to be performed, who performs them, what's the purpose, how it is executed after which who is answerable for the process. once worked thru, it offers an green manner of performing the undertaking and in a constant way.

Molecular and ethical conduct. Molecular behavior: it is an unexpected behavior that takes place with out questioning.

Learn more about behavioral procedure here :


The_____is a universal version of the personal unconscious, holding mental patterns, or memory traces, which are common to all of us.


The collective unconscious is a universal version of the personal unconscious, holding mental patterns, or memory traces, which are common to all of us.

What is The Collective Unconscious?

The collective unconscious is one of the theories developed by Carl Jung in 1875. The collective unconscious is a universal version of the mental patterns, memory traces, and also personal unconscious. Here are the key concepts of the collective unconscious:

Archetypes: signs, patterns, and symbols of thinking are the archetypes used to express the unconscious.Phobias: collective unconscious also happened because of social phobias and fears.Complex beliefs: there is universality and similarity of world religions as a manifestation of the unconscious.Dreams: a person's dream can be interpreted to analyze that person's character.

Learn more about the collective unconscious at


______of sample that proportionately reflects the relevant diversity of opinions in the population from which it is drawn.


Representative of the sample that proportionately reflects the relevant diversity of opinions in the population from which it is drawn.

What is the population?

The population is the total number of people living in a specific geographical area. Population growth is largely driven by factors such as increased access to healthcare, improved nutrition and sanitation, and reduced infant mortality. However, population growth can also have negative impacts on the environment and resources, leading to increased pressures on food and water availability, waste management, and air and water pollution. All countries have a responsibility to manage their population growth sustainably.

A representative sample is proportionately reflective of the diversity of opinion in the population from which it is drawn. It is used to accurately represent the views and opinions of the entire population in a survey or study. It is important to select a representative sample to ensure that the results of the survey or study accurately reflect the views and opinions of the entire population. If the sample is not representative, it could lead to skewed results and conclusions that are not reflective of the population as a whole.

It can be concluded that the representative of the sample proportionately reflects the relevant diversity of opinions in the population from which it is drawn.

To know more about the population, click this link:


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