Does rapid growth reduce poverty?


Answer 1

Yes, Rapid growth reduce poverty but in some of the stable situation with respect to GDP and other nation financial aspects.

The Rapid growth occur when there is a rise in the production of goods and services for a certain period as compared with a previous one. It is generally measured in terms of GDP and is an indicator of the economic health of a country.

The poverty reduction can be achieved by sustaining a high level of economic growth. This outcome can also be facilitated by a reduction in inequality of opportunities and a relatively low level of inflation.

To know more about Rapid growth here,


Related Questions

Which of these describe groups or pairs of projects where you canaccept one but not all?
Mutually exclusive
Mutually dependent


These describe groups or pairs of projects where you can accept one but not all Mutually exclusive.

With the above example, what is mutually exclusive?

Events that don't happen simultaneously are referred to as mutually exclusive events. The outcome of a coin flip, for instance, will either be head or tail; we cannot obtain both outcomes. Since these events do not occur simultaneously, they are also known as discontinuous events.

In what way can you tell if they are mutually exclusive?

If two events cannot happen at the same moment, they are said to be mutually exclusive in probability and statistics. A coin toss serves as the simplest illustration of two events that cannot coexist. Heads or tails are the possible results of tossing a coin, however neither possibility can happen at the same time.

To Know more about Mutually exclusive.


what is supposed to be one of the most sought after black friday deals this year?


The Apple AirPods Pro ($199, down from $249) and an annual Hulu subscription ($0.99 per month for 12 months, down from $8 per month), according to Insider readers, were the two most sought-after deals from last year's Black Friday.

Why is Black Friday celebrated, and what does it mean ?

It has become one of the busiest shopping days of the year in the United States to take place the day after Thanksgiving, also known as Black Friday. In an effort to draw customers into their stores, national chain stores typically offer a limited number of money-saving specials on a wide range of products while also offering comparable offers online.

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An agency relationship can arise by ratification, which involves a determination of intent expressed by words or conduct. True O False


The given statement "An agency relationship can arise by ratification, which involves a determination of intent expressed by words or conduct." is true.

What is meant by Agency?

The agency defines the relationship that exists when one person or party engages another to act for him for example to do his work, to sell his goods, to manage his business.

Here we need to find the given statement "An agency relationship can arise by ratification, which involves a determination of intent expressed by words or conduct." is true or not.

As per the definition of agency, we know that the determination of words or conduct is expressed, then the confirmation arise on the agency relationship.

Therefore, the given statement id true.

To know more about Agency here.


what will be the total deduction for social security and medicare taxes on rony's next semimonthly paycheck of $3,960.00, if she has already earned $42,560.00 this year? (social security tax is 6.2% of gross wages up to $117,00. medicare tax is 1.45% of all gross wages.)


The total deductions for social security tax and medicare tax are $302.94

Payroll tax: This is the tax which is withheld by an employer from the pay of the employee and remits the same to the government on behalf of the employee. The payroll taxes are used by the government for special programs like social security, health care, unemployment compensation and worker’s compensation.

Social security tax: It is the tax levied by the federal government for funding the retirement, disability, and survival benefits for unemployed persons. Both the employer and employee pay the social security tax at a prescribed rate by the federal government.

Medicare tax: It is the tax levied by the federal government for funding the Medicare hospital insurance program. Both the employee and employer pay the Medicare tax at a prescribed rate by the federal government.

Computing the total deductions for social security and Medicare taxes:

Social security tax (3960*6.2%) = $245.52

Medicare tax (3960*1.45%) = $57.42

Total deductions = $302.94

Learn more about deductions:


stormer company reports the following amounts on its statement of cash flow: net cash provided by operating activities was $30,000; net cash used in investing activities was $10,800 and net cash used in financing activities was $13,200. if the beginning cash balance is $5,400, what is the ending cash balance?


If there is a $5,400 starting cash amount, there will be a $12,800 ending cash balance.

This issue involves addition and subtraction. We start off with a $6,800 cash balance. Next, $37,000 in cash is "given" to us through a variety of activities. We may infer from the wording used that we must add this to our starting balance in the following manner:

6800 + 37000 = 43800

We are now at $43,000. Next, we are informed that $13,600 of Net Cash was "used" for investment activities and $17,400 was "used" for financing operations. This term indicates that this money is being deducted from our account.

43000 - 13600 - 17400 = 12800

The closing cash amount is $12,800, as we can see.

To learn more about ending cash balance


an economy is producing at a level of output that is equal to the full-employment level of output. prices of a fundamental resource, such as oil, decrease significantly. what would be the best monetary policy?


An economy is producing at a level of output that is equal to the full-employment level of output. Prices of a fundamental resource, such as oil, decrease significantly. No monetary policy would be required.

In order to ensure price stability and public confidence in the value and stability of the country's currency, the monetary authority of a country adopts a policy known as monetary policy. This policy aims to control either the money supply or the interest rate payable for very short-term borrowing, which refers to borrowing by banks from one another to meet their short-term needs.

The best monetary policy may be created with the help of monetary economics. Monetary policy and fiscal policy are often determined independently in modern nations.

To know more about Monetary Policy here


if a paper mill shuts down its operations for three months so that it produces nothing, its will be reduced to zero? variable costs fixed costs opportunity costs total cost


if a paper mill shuts down its operations for three months so that it produces nothing, its variable costs  will be reduced to zero.

A variable cost is a company fee that adjustments in proportion to how lots a company produces or sells. Variable prices increase or decrease depending on a enterprise's production or sales extent—they upward thrust as manufacturing increases and fall as production decreases.

Variable costs are fees that alternate as the amount of the best or service that a enterprise produces modifications. Variable expenses are the sum of marginal expenses over all gadgets produced. They also can be considered everyday fees. fixed costs and variable costs make up the two components of total fee.

Variable costs are the sum of all labor and substances required to supply a unit of your product. Your total variable value is equal to the variable value according to unit, multiplied by using the range of devices produced. Your common variable cost is same in your overall variable fee, divided via the variety of devices produced.

Learn more about variable costs here :


andrea was physically present in the united states for 150 days in 2023, 120 days in 2022, and 90 days in 2021. under the substantial presence test formula, how many days is andrea deemed physically present in the united states in 2023?


Under the substantial presence test formula, Andrea is deemed physically present in the United States for 183 days in 2023.

This is calculated by adding the 150 days of physical presence in 2023 to the 1/3 of the 120 days physical presence in 2022, plus 1/6 of the 90 days of physical presence in 2021 (which is 40 days).

Therefore, the total is calculated as: 150 + (1/3 * 120) + (1/6 * 90) = 183 days.

Physical Presence refers to the precise period during which the parent was physically present in the country. This implies that any trips outside of the country, even vacations, should be avoided.

To know more about formula here


ethan buys a video game on sale. if the video game usually costs $39.99, and it was on sale for 20% off, how much did ethan pay? round to the nearest cent.


Ethan should pay $31.99 for the video game he bought on discount sale.

Discount is a pricing strategy to encourage more sales by cutting of some part of price and offer a lower price of a product that its original price. The ultimate goal of discount pricing is to increase the sales immediately.

Discount strategy can come in variety of different discount, such:

Quantity discount (the higher quantity purchased, the lower the price) Loss discount (discount leads to a loss of profits)Cash discount (special discount on specific dates)Location discount (lower delivery costs)Trade discount (trade-in old products to get new product at lower price)Loyalty product (member-only discount, high-spending customers, loyalty programme)

In Ethan's case, we could see that he experiences a cash discount, where he could purchase a video game on a lower price. We know that:

Original price = $39.99

Discount sale = 20%

Price paid ?

To find the price Ethan paid, we have to find the discounted price first. Discounted price is the price cut caused by discount.

Discounted price = discount sale x original price

Discounted price = 20% x $39.99

Discounted price = $8.00

The price Ethan paid should be the remaining price after the original price discounted.

Price paid = original price - discounted price

Price paid = $39.99 - $8.00

Price paid = $31.99

Learn more about Discount here:


a nurse-manager is participating in negotiations around the allocation of resources in the organization. during the negotiations, the manager should:


A nurse manager is participating in negotiations around the allocation of resources in the organization. During the negotiations, the manager should use open-ended questions rather than yes-no questions.

What an open-ended question?

An open-ended question is a question that cannot be answered with a yes or no response, or with a static response. Open-ended questions are phrased as a statement which requires a longer response. The response can be compared to information that is already known to the questioner. Open-ended questions prompt a conversation because they can't be answered with one-word answers.

An example of an open-ended question is, Where do you want to be in five years?

Learn more about open-ended, here:


economic development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations is called:_____.


Sustainable development is defined as economic growth that satisfies present needs without jeopardizing those of future generations.

What does economic sustainable development mean?

"Sustainable development," a method of economic planning, attempts to foster economic growth while preserving the environment's quality for future generations. Sustainable development techniques help a nation adapt its growth to the issues brought on by climate change, safeguarding essential natural resources for both the present and the future.

Give three reasons why sustainable development is important for the economy.

utilizing the resources at hand wisely and attempting to keep the ecological balance. 2.To prevent degradation of the environment and focusing emphasis on conserving the environment. 3. To stop the overuse of resources.

To know more about Sustainable development visit:-


which of the following statements is correct? group of answer choices the pure monopolist maximizes profits by producing that output at which the differential between price and average cost is the greatest. purely monopolistic sellers earn only normal profits in the long run. the pure monopolist will maximize profit by producing at that point on the demand curve where elasticity is zero. in seeking the profit-maximizing output, the pure monopolist underallocates resources to its production.f


The pure monopolist underinvests in its production in order to produce the most profitable output.

What results from a monopolist seeking to maximize profits?

The ability to maximize profits is a major trait of monopolist businesses. Because there is no competition in a monopolistic market, the monopolist has control over both the quantity and price of goods sold. When the marginal cost and marginal income are identical, the level of output that maximizes a monopoly's profit is reached.

Where does a monopolist make the most money?

By producing until marginal income and marginal cost are equal, a monopolist optimizes its profits. When consumers are prepared to pay the highest price for a given quantity of production, the monopolist will set that price as his maximum output price.

To learn more about Monopolist here:


which one of the generic competitive strategies most closely approximates the competitive approach that coke is employing in the milk marketplace?


The correct response is A) Best value. Best value out of the general descriptive description, most closely approximating the descriptive approach that Coke Milk is planning to market

Best Value was a British government initiative that impacted the delivery of public services in England and Wales. Wales Programme for Improvement is the Welsh name for Best Value. In Scotland, the responsibility of best value is a legal requirement. The best balance of price, quality, and sustainability to satisfy customer needs is referred to as best value for money. Cost in this context refers to taking into account total cost of ownership. A comparison of costs and benefits can be used to sum up the value of bought goods or services in a best value system. Before creating a thorough project plan, a contractor or vendor is chosen through a process of research on the vendors or contractors.

Learn more about Best value here


which one of the generic competitive strategies most closely approximates the competitive approach that coke is employing in the milk marketplace?

A) Best value

B) Focused Low cost

C) stuck in the middle

D) focused differentiation

E) Broad low cost

suppose there are no barriers to entry in the market for facial tissues, where two brands dominate the industry. according to the theory of contestable markets, the price charged for facial tissues will be:


According to the theory of contestable markets, the price charged for facial tissues will be roughly equal to the cost of producing a box of facial tissue.

In the field of economics, the term "contestable" refers to a business's vulnerability to challenge or competition from aspiring competitors. In other words, a contestable market is one where businesses have little sunk costs and can enter and exit at will. Low-cost airlines, internet service providers, gas and electricity suppliers, etc. are a few examples of markets that are very competitive. No market is completely contestable in reality since there are always some sunk costs.

Markets that are competitive drive businesses to cut expenses, boosting both allocative and productive efficiency. Economies of scale: Since it is easy to enter and depart a market, a contestable market doesn't necessarily need a huge number of businesses to force costs down.

The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

9. Suppose there are no barriers to entry in the market for facial tissue, where two brands dominate the industry. According to the theory of contestable markets, the price charged for facial tissue will be:

1. far below the cost of producing a box of facial tissue.

2. far above the cost of producing a box of facial tissue.

3. roughly equal to the cost of producing a box of facial tissue.

4. much higher for the number-one-selling brand than it is for the number-two-selling brand.

To know more about Contestable Market here


a zero-based budget is a budget that is continuously updated so that the next 12 months of operations are always budgeted. True or False


A zero-based budget is a budget that is continuously updated so that the next 12 months of operations are always budgeted.

The given statement is False.

With zero-based budgeting (ZBB), instead of starting with the prior budget and making adjustments as needed, all expenses must be justified for a new period or year starting from zero.When your income minus your expenses is zero, you are using a zero-based budget.The zero-based budgeting (ZBB) methodology helps companies match their spending to their strategic objectives. According to this methodology, firms must create their yearly budget from scratch each year in order to ensure that all of its components are affordable, pertinent, and capable of generating increased savings.

To know more about Zero-based Budget here


suppose economists observe that an increase in government spending of $11 billion raises the total demand for goods and services by $44 billion. if these economists ignore the possibility of crowding out, they would estimate the marginal propensity to consume (mpc) to be


Suppose economists observe that an increase in government spending of $11 billion raises the total demand for goods and services by $44 billion. if these economists ignore the possibility of crowding out, they would estimate the marginal propensity to consume (mpc) to be 3/4

Crowding out can be described as the resulting effect of government involvement in economic markets, leading to lower private consumption or investment and business due to higher interest rates and lower capital accumulation.

In the question above, if crowding out is ignored, The marginal propensity to consume(MPC) will be:

Multiplier = $44 billion ÷ $11 billion =4

Multiplier = 1÷ (1 - MPC)

4 = 1 ÷ (1 - MPC)

4(1 - MPC) = 1

4 - 4MPC = 1

-4MPC = 1-4

-4MPC = - 3

MPC = 3/4

learn more about MPC at


When goods are imported from one country and sold to another country then it is called?


When goods are imported from one country and sold to another country then it is called entrepot trade.

A port, city, or trading post known as an entrepôt or transshipment port allows for the importation, storage, or dealing of goods with the goal of later exporting them. Due to the growth and spread of long-distance trade, such cities frequently appeared and developed into commercial cities. A country is said to have a favorable balance of trade, or a trade surplus if its exports surpass its imports. Conversely, a negative trade balance, or trade deficit, develops if imports outpace exports.

A favorable trade balance was required, in accordance with the mercantilist economic theory, to finance a nation's purchase of imports throughout the 16th to 18th centuries in Europe.

Learn more about entrepot trade here:


the coefficients of the variables in the constraint equations that represent the amount of resources needed to produce one unit of the variable are called group of answer choices technological coefficients. shadow prices. dual prices. objective coefficients.


The coefficients of the variables in the constraint equations that represent the number of resources needed to produce one unit of the variable are called technological coefficients.

A coefficient is a multiplicative aspect in some term of a polynomial, a series, or an expression; it's also a number of, but can be any expression. when the coefficients are themselves variables, they will additionally be called parameters.

A number is used to multiply a variable. instance: 6z method 6 times z, and "z" is a variable, so 6 is a coefficient. Variables without a wide variety have a coefficient of one. It facilitates comparison records units on the idea of the diploma of variation. The coefficient of version can be decided for each sample as well as a populace. In industries consisting of finance, the coefficient of version is used to assist buyers to determine the chance to praise ratio.

Learn more about coefficients here:


Which factors can affect a stock's price check all that app?


Elements influencing stock prices-Supply & Demand. The most basic economic principle, demand and supply, is what determines the price of the majority of stocks, Fundamental elements The fundamentals, economy, government policies, and dividend declarations refer to a company's financial information.

Businesses in the same industry will move in lockstep with one another in terms of their stock values. Congestion in the market often has an effect on businesses in the same sector. similar to how stock prices may be affected by a company's financial health. When overall profits are higher, shareholders receive more dividends. Thus, this is what affects stock prices. The quantity of items produced might have a detrimental effect on share values. according to this source, stock prices are determined by earnings and profits rather than the quantity of items produced.the company's profits and dividend payments will increase if a product's price is high and profits increase. As a result, whenever something has an effect on dividend payments, stock values are also affected.

Learn more about  stock prices from


the final report should include an assessment of the effectiveness of the project team, not only in terms of actual performance on the project, but also with regard to:


The final report should include an assessment of the effectiveness of the project team, not only in terms of actual performance on the project, but also with regard to team building and staffing policies.

The continual process of discovering, choosing, assessing, and establishing a working rapport with present or potential employees is referred to as staffing. Finding qualified applicants to fill the various positions inside the firm is the major purpose of staffing.

Staffing is the process of finding, vetting, and hiring new employees inside a company or organization to fill unfilled positions. A staffing department may also be responsible for handling other aspects of employment, such as orientation, training, retention, and termination.

To know more about Staffing Policy here


The city of Seattle limits each household to one can of free garbage collection per week. There are fees for any extra garbage collected from the curb. This type of quota policy is ___________ efficient way of reducing waste than charging a set price per can because:


This type of quota policy is less efficient way of reducing waste than charging a set price per can because the marginal benefit of having a can of garbage collected varies among households.

The experts' simple waste reduction techniques include utilizing both sides of a sheet of paper, buying in bulk rather than individually, and switching to ceramic mugs from disposable ones.

You may help to reduce pollution and preserve the environment by creating less garbage. Additionally, you reduce the quantity of rubbish thrown in landfills, save natural resources, and save money.

Avoiding the disposal of usable items, trash reduction, recycling, and reuse all help reduce the amount of landfill area needed. Compared to the production or collection of raw materials, the manufacturing of the product uses fewer natural resources and energy.

To know more about Reducing Waste here


suppose that both firms start off by deciding not to advertise. if the firms act independently, what strategies will they end up choosing?


Suppose that both firms start off not advertising. If firms act independently, what strategies will they end up choosing (option B) - Both firms will advertise)

An advert is a mass or public media message with is designed to convince people to but into a product, service or an idea.

Both businesses will decide to run ads. This is so that regardless of what the other company does, both businesses benefit more from advertising.

Both businesses will decide against advertising. This is due to the Nash equilibrium of 9,9 where both companies promote being better than 11 million profit.

This is justified by the fact that neither business needs to market because doing so increases expenses and decreases revenue.

Hence, it is correct to state rival firms will end up advertising.

Learn more about advertising at:


Full Question:

Suppose that both firms start off not advertising. If firms act independently, what strategies will they end up choosing?

A) fizzo will choose not to advertise and Pop Hop will choose to advertise.

B) Both firms will advertise

C) Both firms will choose NOT to advertise

D) Fizzo will chose to advertise and Pop will choosenot to advertise.

a common difficulty that traders face when exporting goods or services to other countries is that


When exporting goods many clients demand in-person discussions on their own property.

What is the main obstacle to exporting?

The basic ignorance of the prospects present in other nations is a major barrier to exporting. The Output Bank is a UN organization whose goal is to advance world trade.

Why is exporting difficult?

The payment system is more challenging to understand because you have to cope with many currencies, institutions, types of documents, and financing structures. Customer risk and trustworthiness are other factors that must be taken into account.

What difficulties does exporting face?

A review of conformity with local laws and regulations, unexpected levies, and customs clearance are just a few of the issues that could arise before the products even reach the market.

To know more about UN visit:


true or false: the liabilities for not complying with the securities and exchange act of 1934can result in fines, criminal proceedings, and civil lawsuits.


It is true that violations of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 may result in penalties, legal action, and civil litigation.

What does the SEC do, and how does that affect the economy?The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was founded by the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 to oversee the securities industry and safeguard investors.A federal statute establishes a regulated market for the trading of securities and mandates that publicly traded corporations report specific financial information to the public.Companies that violate the Act's rules could be subject to civil or criminal fines. Fines and the forfeiture of earnings are two examples of civil sanctions.For each offence, the law allows for a maximum 20-year sentence in jail. Additionally, persons who have broken the Act may be sued in civil court by people, businesses, and other organisations.

To learn more about The Securities and Exchange Act refer to:


john uses the va home loan to purchase property. his mortgage is $200,000. then, two years later, john defaults on his loan. how much will the va reimburse the lender?


John uses the VA home loan to purchase property. his mortgage is $200,000. then, two years later, john defaults on his loan.  The VA will reimburse the lender $200,000.

What is a Loan?

A loan is a form of debt incurred by an individual or other entitry. The lender-usually a corporation, financial institution or government- advances a sum of money to the borrower.

In return the  borrower agrees to a certain set of terms including any finance charges, interest, repayment dates, and other conditions.

In some cases, the lender may require collateral to secure the loan and ensure repayment.

Learn more about loan here:


a monopolist that chooses price a) produces the same amount as a monopolist that chooses quantity. b) can set price higher than the demand curve and earn additional profits, whereas a firm that chooses quantity cannot. c) necessarily produces less than a monopolist that chooses quantity, hence the laws against price fixing. d) produces more than a monopolist that chooses quantity, thus the irony of laws against price fixing.


Option (A) produces the same amount as a monopolist that chooses quantity.

What do you mean by Monopolist person?

A monopolist is an individual, group, or company that controls and controls the market for a particular good or service. This lack of competition and lack of alternative goods or services means that monopolists have enough power  to charge high prices in the market.

What's an Example of Monopolist ?

To this day, the most famous U.S. monopolies are best known  for their historical importance and include Andrew Carnegie's Steel Company (now U.S. Steel), John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company, and  American Tobacco Company.

What's an Monopolist in economics?

A monopolist market is a market in which a particular product or service is offered by only one company. A monopolistic market structure is characterized by a pure monopoly, in which a single firm has complete control over the market and determines the supply and price of the product or service.

To know more about Monopolist visit here:


what is the short-run effect on output and the price level of the fed pursuing expansionary monetary policy?


Both will increase. Considering that the curve will shift to the right.

Short-term interest rates are lowered or the money supply is increased more quickly than usual as a result of expansionary monetary policy. It is implemented by central banks and accomplished through interest rate setting, reserve requirements, and open market activities.

When the benchmark federal funds rate or discount rate is lowered, the minimum reserves required of banks are lowered, or Treasury bonds are purchased on the open market, the U.S. Federal Reserve is implementing expansionary policies. An additional example of an expansionary monetary policy is quantitative easing, or QE.

To know more about Expansionary policies visit:


there has been an opening on the unit for several weeks and the nurse-manager has proposed recruiting externally. what possible advantage of this strategy should the manager cite?


The company is open to fresh perspectives and vitality.The RN periodically checks in with the team members during the day to see if they are having any trouble executing their assigned tasks.

When assisting in the assignment of a task to a subordinate group of answer options, what should the nursing manager do? The company may receive fresh perspectives and vigor.Organizational energy takes into account the dynamics and interactions that take place among people. As a result, they can become more synchronized and share the same energy more intensely, both positively and negatively.The RN periodically checks in with the team members during the day to see if they are struggling to finish the duties that have been given to them.A more stringent policy than the federal one has been implemented by the state.The registered nurse must be familiar with the delegatee's job description and training history prior to assigning a task.The manager confirms a client's scheduled transfer by contacting the client's doctor.

To learn more about nursing manager refer


what is the benefit of claiming 0 or 1 withholding allowances on the w-4 form you receive when you start your job?


If you claim 0 or 1, that means more money will be kept from your paycheck. You will most likely receive a tax refund when you file taxes.

If you are single and have only one job, it is generally recommended that you apply for one benefit. If you are married and applying together, you must apply for one benefit. If you apply as head of household, she also claims one allowance. It is highly likely that you will be refunded after tax.

The more claim benefits you apply for the more money you will receive on each paycheck as your income tax will be reduced. Zero deduction means you have deducted most of your salary for income tax. If you claim a federal withholding allowance of 0 instead of 1 on your W-4 tax form, you will receive less on each paycheck.

Learn more about Withholding allowances here:-


nicola just made a huge sale and she is thrilled because she knows she will receive a percentage of the sales revenue. this percentage is known as a


Nicola just made a huge sale and she is thrilled because she knows she will receive a percentage of the sales revenue. this percentage is known as a Profit Margin.

Net sales, as used in bookkeeping, accounting, and financial accounting, refer to operating revenues received by a business from the sale of its goods or provision of its services. They are directly recorded as Sales or Net sales on the income statement and are also referred to as revenue. "Sales" refers to net sales, not gross sales, in financial ratios that employ income statement sales numbers. Sales are the special transactions that take place during marketing campaigns or when professionals are selling. When products are delivered or services are provided, revenue is generated. In marketing, advertising, or general commercial contexts, the term "sales" frequently refers to a free in which a buyer has consented to buy some things at a predetermined point in the future. From a financial perspective,

Learn more about sales from


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