does horses Paddock or do they run?​


Answer 1


Often referred to as the parade ring, the horse paddock is where the runners in the forthcoming race are paraded for racegoers to get a proper look at them. The parade also gets the horses moving and relaxed.


Please follow me and give brainlist

Answer 2




have a good day!

Related Questions

Describe your ideal future it could be words such as social, independent outdoor, urban, (city based), or rural (country side based). Full sentences are not necessary it’s a choice. HELP ASAP



I'd like a future where I can live comfortably and work hard to achieve my goal.



Based on its use in the sentence, what is the meaning of the word desolate?

After the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, the Ukrainian city of Pripyat became a desolate wasteland.










Desolate means deserted.

Deserted, Replace desolate with every available answer, only Deserted makes sense.

Read this sonnet, and then complete the sentences that follow.
Sonnet 4
by Edmund Spenser
Be not dismayed that her unmoved mind
Doth still persist in her rebellious pride:
And love not like to lusts of baser kind,
The harder won, the firmer will abide.
The durefull Oak, whose sap is not yet dried,
is long ere it conceive the kindling fire;
But when it once doth burn, it doth divide,
Great heat, and makes his flames to heaven aspire.
So hard it is to kindle new desire,
In gentle breast that shall endure for ever:
Deep is the wound, that dints the parts entire
With chaste affects, that naught but death can sever.
Then think not long in taking little pain,
To knit the knot, that ever shall remain.
The sonnet is written in the
form. The rhyme scheme is
The main idea of the poem is
V The poet has used the
v of burning an oak to emphasize how patient one needs to be when trying to
He also uses the metaphor of the
to emphasize the depth of love.



the rhyme scheme is ababbcbccdcdeeabbacddceffegeabcabcdcddcdee

the main idea lasting love hope madness

this is written in the Petrarchan English italian form

The poet has used the metaphor simile personification of burning an oak to emphasize how patient one needs to be when trying to win the love of a lady. He also uses the metaphor of the knot wound pain to emphasize the depth of love.




3-lasting love



J.T. wants to use a more appropriate transition in sentence 11. Which of the following can best replace
Furthermore in this sentence?

a. for example
b. in conclusion
c. overall
d. instead





The one that will most adequately replace 'furthermore' would be:

a). For example.

What are transition words?

"Transition words" are described as words that function to act in the form of a bridge to ensure a smooth shift from one idea to another.

These words help prevent the breaking of ideas and enhance the clarity and comprehension of the content.

In the given sentence, the most adequate replacement of 'furthermore' would be 'for example' to display an illustration to elaborate the idea more effectively.

Thus, option a is the correct answer.

Learn more about "Transition" here:

Lynn you're going to jump for the ball.
Lynn, you're going to jump for the
Lynn, you're going to jump for the
Lynn, you're going to jump, for the



what's the problem asking

o save time and characters, when cell phone users want to say "bye," they type ____.






What saves time and characters, when cell phone users want to say "bye," they type "DND."

This is because DND in texting means "DO NOT DISTURB" This shows the conversation has ended for the moment and the other party or recipient of the message should not disturb the messenger with additional text.

A3 in texting means: Anywhere, Any Time, Anyplace. This is not the correct answer

A2 in texting means Alpha 2

TMB in texting means: Text Me Back.

You are playing your favorite video game and suddenly you get transported inside the game. What do you see? What is happening inside your game? Write a short story about what happens next. can you make it among us theme and can you make it exciting and. fun and make it a story dont make a short story make it a little longer story. : ) plsss help me i will give brainless someone write a strory​



"A story"


ur welcome <3


I see 3D people and animals. I am playing with the 3D animals. The 3D people want me to help theme with a dog contest.


3D animal game

write few lines about the picture​


This picture is illuminating a boy and a girl in a garden with a dog in its dog house . There are also beautiful flowers in the background to portray the happiness vibe .

The sun sank reluctantly. What type of figurative language is this





its giving human qualities to something that isn't human

A probiotic is a substance ___
beneficial microorganisms.
A contain
B. contained
C. that is contained
D. that contains​



i believe it's d that contains, if this was helpful can you brainliest me i just need 1 to rank


3. Convent the following into Indirect Speech :
HOB-Now where is your husband, mistress ?
MARY: In his bed. He is sick, and weary. You would not harm him !
HOB: We are going to smash his evil work to pieces. Where is the machine ?



Hob asked Mary where her husband was.

Mary replied that he was in his bed, sick and weary and Hob would not dare harm him.

Hob replied and told Mary that her husband's evil work would be smashed to pieces, then asked where the machine was.


Direct speech is done when words of a speaker are directly quoted, while in indirect speech, (also known as reported speech), the words are repeated, but from a third person point of view.

In 1984 by George Orwell, before reading chapter 7, predict whether Winston and Julie will be successful members of the Brotherhood? why or why not?


Cause I need 5 points

Choose the BEST sentence:

The soft, pulpy fruit of the passion fruit possesses a flavor at once tart and sweet, and the flavor captivated many prominent chefs, among them Alice Waters.
The soft, pulpy fruit of the passion fruit possesses a flavor at once tart and sweet that has captivated many prominent chefs, among them Alice Waters.
The soft, pulpy fruit of the passion fruit possesses a flavor at once tart and sweet, the flavor captivated many prominent chefs, among them Alice Waters.
The soft, pulpy fruit of the passion fruit possesses a flavor at once tart and sweet that have captivated many prominent chefs, among them Alice Waters.


I would say the second option.

Which of the following is not a question typically asked at a job interview?
O What skills do you feel are your strongest?
O How would you handle a problem client?
O What did you dislike about your previous employer?
O What consultation questions would you ask a client?


C) what did you dislike about your previous employer?
i think
I think it's C
The last one

Complete the analogy
sure is to ambivalent as permanent is to
a) lasting
b) chronic
c) belated
d) temporary


(A) lastly is the answer

Sure is to ambivalent as permanent is to temporary. Therefore, option (D) is correct.

What is an analogy?

An analogy is a comparison between two things that are different but share some similarities, often used to clarify or explain a complex concept. Analogies can be used in various contexts, including literature, science, and everyday conversation. For example, "life is like a box of chocolates" is an analogy from the movie Forrest Gump, which compares life to a box of chocolates, where you never know what you're going to get until you try it.

Analogies can help make abstract or complex ideas more understandable by relating them to more familiar concepts. They can also be used as a tool for problem-solving or decision-making by drawing parallels between different situations or objects. Overall, analogies can be a powerful and effective way of communicating ideas and understanding complex concepts.

Learn more bout analogy, here:


What is a question or statement designed to provoke the reader into doing, supporting, or participating in something?
O A call to action
A conclusion
O Reasoning


a call to action is a question or statement designed to provoke the reader into doing, supporting, or participating in something.

Long line of people on ATMs makes me so irritated.


i dont use atms lol, but that does sound annoying


Same, like.. go somewhere else


Macbeth says that he envies Duncan, who sleeps peacefully in his grave.








Write a full paragraph (4-6 sentences) that answers this question: How do these items shape the character’s perspective and reveal his/her connection to the tiger?


Hello. You did not say what text this question refers to, which makes it impossible for it to be answered accurately. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.

The items to which the question refers must be able to allow the character to modify his interpretation of the tiger, allowing him to observe the tiger differently and to be able, then, to develop new conclusions that modify the perspective that he or she presented before.

which of the following is a run on sentence?​


The answer is b. Hope this helps

"Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present" is a run-on sentence. Therefore option B is correct.

A run-on sentence occurs when two independent clauses are joined without proper punctuation or coordinating conjunction.

In option B, there is no punctuation or coordinating conjunction between the two independent clauses "Tomorrow would be Christmas Day" and "she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present."

The clauses are simply separated by a comma, which is insufficient to separate them adequately. This results in a run-on sentence, which can confuse the reader and disrupt the flow and clarity of the writing.

Therefore option B Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present is correct.

Know more about punctuation:


Your question is incomplete, but most probably your full question was.

A. Tomorrow would be Christmas Day. She had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present.

B. Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present.

C. Tomorrow would be Christmas Day; she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present.

D. Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present.

When you read the source you should annotate it (underlining or highlighting)
with relevant pieces of information.
Which of the following statements is not a reason why you should annotate the
To find quotations.
To help you write your response.
To identify language devices.
To identify structure devices.



The correct answer to the question is "to find quotations

Which of the following sentences is correctly written?
a. Next summer we are climbing the majesticest peak.
b. That is the most scariest climb I have ever been on.
c. Mt. Washington is much more majestic than Mt. Chocorua.
d. Gupta keeps his mountain equipment more cleanlier than Aron.

I'm pretty sure it's C but I just wanted to make sure.


You're correct, it is C.


A. majesticest - most majestic

B. most scariest - scariest

D. more cleanlier - cleaner

yes, the answer is the third option, C)

Which sentences correctly use commas? Select two options.


For example, the dog ran over the fence, tripped and fell.

What is a sequence of events in a narrative?

the order in which events occur

a series of events that lead to a conflict in a story

the events that take place in a story

dialogue connected to events in a story



I think it's the first one, " the order in which events occur. :)

Sue Lewis was an accountant in 1943 and earned $12,000 that year. Her son is an accountant too and he earned $220,000 this year. Suppose the price index was 18.9 in 1943 and 20.5 in the current year. Sue's 1943 income in current year dollars is


Answer 15,000


Sue's 1943 income in the current year dollars is $13,016.

The price index reflects the average level of prices and can be used to compute the relative differences in the prices of the same basket of goods between some periods.

Data and Calculations:

Sue's 1943 income = $12,000

Son's income in the current year = $220,000

Price index in 1943 = 18.9

Price index in the current year = 20.5

Sue's 1943 income in current year dollars = $13,016 ($12,000 x 20.5/18.9)

Thus, Sue's earnings in 1943 is $13,016 in current year dollars.

Read more:

Which statement best explains Kennedy’s message in this excerpt?

American citizens must be prepared for war.
The United States is prepared to protect freedom.
The United States is the greatest country in the world.
American citizens have a history of protecting democracy.



The United States is prepared to protect freedom.


The best statement that actually explains Kennedy’s message in this excerpt is: The United States is prepared to protect freedom.

What is message?

Message is actually known to be the lesson that the speaker or author is trying to communicate to an audience. Message has to do with informing, inspiring and/or motivating the listeners or readers.

We can see that Kennedy's message in the given excerpt is actually to reveal that the United States is prepared to protect freedom.

Learn more about message on

6. Which type of figurative language does the poet use in lines 9–12 to describe the spring wind?




6 minutes ago Write a short story (1-3 pages in length) using at least 5 different types of figurative language. 6 minutes ago Which best describes how the last paragraph, which begins at the bottom ofhope ths help D:


Match each expression to its exponential form.


Answers are in attached photo
(3+2)*5= 5^2

3+2= 5

5*5= 25


5^3= 125

5*5*5= 125

—- = 50

10*10= 100


Hope this helps!

Read this excerpt from "The Beautiful Girl of the Moon Tower” in The People Could Fly

"Ai, ai! Make of me an ant

That goes where nobody knows."

The ant went under the father's bed.

The girl came there to her father. She asked him, "My father, where is your life?"

Her father said, "Why do you ask me? It is for some bedevilment."

"No, I only want to know," she said.

"Well," he said to her, "my life is inside the belly of a hog in my garden. Inside the hog's belly is an egg. Inside the egg is my life."

The ant that was Anton had been listening, and he said,

"Ai, ai! Make of me a boy."

How does Manuel behave similarly in "Manuel Had a Riddle”?

Manuel hides from his enemies to discover their intentions.
Manuel tricks his enemies with magic and cunning.
Manuel defeats his enemies by destroying their lives.
Manuel becomes friends with his enemy’s daughter.





Manuel behave similarly in "Manuel Had a Riddle” as Manuel defeats his enemies by destroying their lives.

What is the theme of "The Beautiful Girl of the Moon Tower”?

The theme of the story is that by helping someone you may not even know, they will return the favor.

Both Anton and Manuel defeat their enemies. Both characters try to outwit their opponents by using cunning strategies. In both stories, the antagonists make an effort to keep what they have and  succeeds in their mission.

To learn more about "Manuel Had a Riddle” and "The Beautiful Girl of the Moon Tower” here


Read the excerpt from President Ronald Reagan’s speech on the night before the 1980 presidential election.

I know that tonight the fate of America’s 52 hostages is very much on the minds of all of us. Like you, there is nothing I want more than their safe return—that they be reunited with their families after this long year of imprisonment.

When they have returned, all of us will be turning to the concerns that will determine the course of America in the next four years.

A child born this year will begin his or her adult life in what will be the 21st century. What kind of country, what kind of legacy will we leave to these young men and women who will live out America’s third century as a nation?

Which techniques does President Reagan use in this excerpt? Select three options.



Understandment shift pathos
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