Do you think the treaty of versailles was fair or why not or why


Answer 1


The Treaty was fair in the sense that it could be justified by the Allied powers. It was not wise in that the harsh conditions of the treaty set the stage for world war II. Germany had declared war on France Russia and England after Russia declared war on the Austrian Hungarian Empire.

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compare two ways in which destructive relationships influence your well being as opposed to constructive relationships.​





Destructive relationships make you feel bad and make you sad and deppressed so if you are a girl, most girls love "bad boys" when really tey are just mean and hurtful. And if you are a Male most women that act destructive just do it to flirt;)

Compared to constructive relationships, destructive relationship would

Cause you mental stress.Make you full of negativity.

What is a destructive relationship?

This is a type of relationship that is usually full of negative energy as well as great conflicts and disagreement.

This kind of relationship is one that has no friendship and people in them lack excitement and connection being around themselves.

Read more on destructive relationships here:

what is universe made up of?

I will mark u the brainliest.​



Composition. The universe is composed almost completely of dark energy, dark matter, and ordinary matter. Other contents are electromagnetic radiation (estimated to constitute from 0.005% to close to 0.01% of the total mass-energy of the universe) and antimatter.

Main contents: Ordinary (baryonic) matter  

Diameter: Unknown. Diameter of the observable  

Mass (ordinary matter): At least 1053 kg


hope it will help and u won't forget to mark brainiest!

The SEC enforces stock market regulations in order to protect __________.
stock exchanges
fincial institutions



The answer is a


because its a i got it right on edg

Answer: Answer is indeed A.


how do rites of passage help people to cope with change​



Many rites help people appreciate their new social positions. It can also motivate others to learn new ways to approach people after they experience certain rites of passage. Also rites enable people to acknowledge and move on, letting go of a past which has had an emotional tie which could have been holding them back.


your brother has just graduated from highschool and joined the marines. All of his friends who joined with him have received orders of deployment. He wants to know if he too will be deployed . What level of government handles this type of decision?
Could you please help me?


Branches of service

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In Content Of a dead Mans Pocket



2. What were Greek schools called? What subjects did Greek boys study? How
did they do their lessons? What did Greek girls study?




2. Children were trained in music, art, literature, science, math, and politics. In Athens, for example, boys were taught at home until they were about six years old. Then boys went to school, where they learned to read and write. They learned to play a musical instrument, usually the flute or the lyre.

3. Boys started school at the age of seven. They were taught how to read, write and learned a lot of poetry by heart. In places such as Athens laws were carved into stone , so citizens had to be able to read to make sure they didn't break the law. (The second photograph here shows a Greek inscription in stone.)

4. Greek females didn't go to school


PLZ HELP ME!!! Why is it impossible for ships to sail from Africa's interior to the sea? A. Tributaries interrupt the river's flow. B. Mountains interrupt the river's flow. C. Waterfalls or rapids interrupt the river's flow. D. Rift Valley interrupt the river's flow.





6th grade social studies help me pleaseee





Articles of confederation were weak and the federal gov't had no power.

the answer is D) created a national government having three branches


Read the passage.

If you look at the stars, cutting off the rays (as may be done by looking through a very small hole made with the extreme point of a very fine needle, placed so as almost to touch the eye), you will see those stars so minute that it would seem as though nothing could be smaller; it is in fact their great distance which is the reason of their diminution, for many of them are very many times larger than the star which is the earth with water.

–"In Praise of the Sun,”
Leonardo da Vinci

What is da Vinci’s point of view in this passage?

-The largest stars are found closest to the Earth.
-Stars that appear bigger are larger than the Earth’ sun.
-Some stars are hard to see because they are not very bright.
-The size of a star cannot be determined by how it appears in the sky.



-The size of a star cannot be determined by how it appears in the sky.



The 4th one


Have A great day :))))

Explain what Germany feared the most and why.



Those living in Germany were too scared to disobey Nazi laws. Hitler used a number of organisations to uphold and extend his control of Germany.


Which religion did the Portuguese bring to Trinidad? ​



Roman Catholics:)

(I'm from trinidad)

What pace would you use to show a character was excited? Explain your answer in 1-2 sentences.


If writing a poem you could make pace quicker and then quickly go back to a slow once the character has peaked with excitement

when did France abolished slavery in French colonies? where did European countries grow Indigo in the 17th century ?​



In 1792

Hope it helps

Have a great day : )

When does a bill go to the governor for approval?

after it has been approved by one house
after it has been approved by both houses
after it has been discussed in a house committee
after it has been drafted by one of the two houses





Trust the way




Which historical event inspired The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara?



The Battle of Gettysburg

The Battle of Gettysburg, the bloodiest battle of the American Civil war, is the historical event that inspired The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara.


The battle of Gettysburg

According to O*NET, a career as a barber requires the following skills: active listening, speaking, monitoring, social perceptiveness, and service orientation. Based on skills, which of the following students is most likely to succeed as a barber?

(A) Chris, who has an interest in hairstyles.

(B )Anna, who runs the register at her mother’s salon

(C )Brad, an extrovert who is the life of any party

(D) Sophie, who started a student support hot line for students in crisis



(D) Sophie, who started a student support hot line for students in crisis


Although each of these students has interests, qualities, or knowledge that could be useful, Sophie’s social awareness and service orientation are skills that would help her succeed as a barber.

Based on the required skills, the student who is most likely to succeed as a barber is Chris, who has an interest in hairstyles. The correct option is A.

What are skills?

Skills are specific abilities or competencies that individuals acquire through training, education, or experience and that enable them to perform particular tasks or activities effectively.

They can be cognitive, such as problem-solving and critical thinking, or physical, such as manual dexterity and coordination. Other skills include social or interpersonal skills, such as communication and teamwork, and personal skills such as self-management and resilience.

Based on the required skills, Chris, who has an interest in hairstyles is the student who is most likely to succeed as a barber. Thus, the ideal selection is option A.

Learn more about skills here:


is a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.

a. Theocracy
b. Monarchy
c. Oligarchy
d. Democracy



A. theocracy


Someone rules under the name of God

The Transcontinental Railroad

The transcontinental railroad was built by the Central Pacific and Union Pacific Railroad Companies. Construction began in 1863. The two companies started on opposite ends of the country and built toward each other for seven years. During that time, both companies overcame many struggles. There were weather delays, and holes had to be cut through mountains. When finished, the railroad was 1,912 miles long and connected the country from coast to coast. Transporting passengers and goods was faster, easier, and less expensive by train.

Use the passage to answer the question.

Which conclusion does this text support?

A. Building the railroad was a difficult process.
B. People preferred riding in wagons to riding by train.
C. The railroad workers enjoyed building the railroad.
D. Building the railroad was an easy process.


Answer: A
C and D are wrong right off the bat because building a railroad during bad whether is not enjoyable or easy, plus it took seven years to build so it was not fun
It is not B because the passage does not state anything about people preferring to ride in wagons to riding by train
So it is A because truly it was a difficult process

which two european nations controlled land in southwest asia based on the partition



The Sykes-Picot Agreement, officially known as the Asia Minor Agreement, was a secret 1916 agreement between Great Britain and France, to which the Russian Empire assented. The agreement defined their mutually agreed spheres of influence and control in Southwestern Asia.

Where are the Great Plains Indians from.​



Plains Indians or Indigenous peoples of the Great Plains and Canadian Prairies are the Native American tribes and First Nation band governments who have historically lived on the Interior Plains (the Great Plains and Canadian Prairies) of North America.


what is the answer to question 4


Answer: it is 2 the second

Explanation: The Neolithic Revolution involved far more than the adoption of a limited set of food-producing techniques.

the second option

i just learned abt that

i dont understand this question can one of u help me
What belief did many reformers have in common


The church was not the ultimate source of religious authority

5 strategies can you employ to ensure that as a student you will not drop
out of university prematurely?



Create your own network of friends who can support and motivate you when college life becomes too much. Do not isolate yourself. Remember the benefits that you will get after earning a degree, such as that sense of achievement, high self-esteem and better chances of a successful career.


The 5 strategies to not drop out of university as a student are:

Adequate planning of activitiesCreate networkRemember the benefit of earning degrees.Participation in sports.Seek career counselling.

Plan your activities ahead not just for school but in other areas of your life. This means that if one works part-time, there should be arrangement of work schedule so as to have enough time for your studies.Create your own network of friends who can support and motivate you when college life becomes too much. Self isolation is not advisable.Remember the benefits that you will get after earning a degree, such as that sense of achievement, high self-esteem and better chances of a successful career.Active participation in sports so that one's environment become Stress free.Explore career options and be sure you’re in the program and subject area that you really want to be in.

Conclusively, there are several strategies to avoid dropping out of university prematurely.

Learn more about strategies to prevent drop out of university prematurely here :

If you saw someone getting bullied what would you do?
Why are so many people being bullied now?


Supporting Someone Who’s Being Bullied-If a close friend is being bullied, make arrangements, so you can be with them in situations where bullying typically happens. For example, you can plan to walk with them in-between classes or on the way to school


i would get a teacher or a parent. Because of the way that they are being raised.


What might happen to India farmers if the summer monsoons did not occur?



For example, in 2009 very little rain fell during the summer monsoon in India. In some areas rainfall was half of what is typical during the wet season and farmers could not plant their crops. ... But during years when there is less rainfall than usual, crops die in the fields or cannot be planted at all.


during years when there is less rainfall than usual, crops die in the fields or cannot be planted at all.

Giving brainliest!!!!

Why did Jim Bridger build a fort along the Oregon Trail?

A) Gave travelers a safe spot to hide from bears
B) Offered protection to explorers against the British
C) Rest stop and good spot for trading post
D) Shelter for Native Americans during snowstorms



D) Shelter for Native Americans during snowstorms.


Bridger and Vasquez established the fort on the Black's Fork of the Green River and planned to trade both with the American Indians they had befriended during their years in the fur trade and the westward-bound emigrants.  The Mormon Pioneer Company arrived at the fort on July 7, 1847.  




Please help I don’t understand what to do, give me answer please



Print Money-Federal Government Job

trade- federal government

borrow money-State government job

Issue bonds- state government(I am not sure about that one)

Banks- it depends(if national bank than federal, if other bank than state)

Collect taxes-Both

Spend on general welfare- federal(might be both)

Make treaties and foreign policy- Federal

Declare war- Federal


The first and longest article of the Constitution deals with the legislative, or ____ branch. ​


The answer is Article I Legislative branch

the________________ was a period of rapid growth in U.S manufacturing during the late 1800s​



Industrial Age .

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