Do injuries heal faster if rested?


Answer 1

Muscles and tissues rebuild and revitalize when we sleep, so if you don't get enough rest each night, it will be more difficult for your body to recover from an injury. If you truly want to recover, you must allow your body to heal.

Sleep is a wonderful instrument for assisting injuries in healing as quickly as possible. Healthy sleeping habits can help you get back to your activities faster and reduce your risk of another injury.

Indeed, current study indicates that when it comes to wound healing, our bodies recover substantially quicker if the injury occurs during the day rather than at night, due to the way circadian rhythms influence how cells work.

Learn more about to injuries  visit here;


Related Questions

In the activator stage of physical activity you are active but participate inconsistently. question 1 options: a. true b. false


In the activator stage of physical activity you are active but participate inconsistently. given statement are false.

According to the WHO, physical activity is any skeletal muscle-driven movement that involves the use of energy. All movement, whether done for recreation, transportation to go to and from locations, or as part of a person's job, is considered physical exercise. Both intense and moderate physical activity are beneficial to health.

Walking, cycling, wheeling, sports, active recreation, and play are all common methods to be active that anybody may do for fun and at any ability level.

It has been demonstrated that regular exercise helps control and prevent noncommunicable illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and a number of malignancies. Additionally, it lowers blood pressure, supports a healthy body weight, and enhances mental health, wellbeing, and quality of life.

Learn more about physical activity to visit this link


how to help a person who is suffering from shock, lift his or her legs about 12 inches?.


To help a person who is suffering from shock, lift his or her legs about 12 inches.

Define shock.

When the body does not receive adequate blood flow, shock, a potentially fatal condition, develops. The cells and organs need oxygen and nutrients to function properly, which is impossible if there is not enough blood flow. As a result, numerous organs may be harmed. Shock must be treated right away since it can get worse very quickly. In cases of shock, one in five persons will pass away.

If there are no injuries to the head, neck, or back, or if you don't suspect broken hips or legs, elevate the person's feet by about 12 inches.

Never lift the person's head.

If the person is bleeding from the mouth or is throwing up, turn them on their side.

Start CPR if the person is not breathing or if their breathing appears dangerously frail.

To know more about shock use link below:


Due to bullying, which consequence is more likely to occur among LGBTQ students than among their peers? O depression O low anxiety O delay of puberty O low-risk behaviors​


Due to bullying, depression is more likely to occur among LGBTQ students than among their peers.

What do you mean by LGBTQ?

A term used to refer to the community or individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning. The term "gay community" should not be used since it inaccurately captures the community's diversity.

Bullying contributes to the thoughts and actions of sexual minority adolescents who are more likely than non-LGBT youth to consider self destruction and make an attempt. Additional negative impacts of LGBT bullying on mental health include increased signs of despair and anxiety as well as poorer self-esteem.

Hence the correct answer is depression

To learn more about LGBTQ from the given link


about _____ percent of adolescents and young adults have reported being cyberbullied or cybervictims.


About 20 percent of adolescents and young adults have reported being cyber bullied or cyber victims.

What about cyber victims?The practice of victimizing people while exercising information and communication technology is known as cyber-victimization.Governments, companies, or people can be victims of cybercrime.In this chapter, the term"cyber-victimization" refers especially to victimization brought on by online felonious exertion.lower humane reactivity and an advanced position of moral detachment are displayed by cyber bullies and bully- victims than bynon-cyber bullies.On the other hand, cyber victims constantly employ both healthy and unhealthy styles of controlling their feelings.Malware attacks, word assaults, phishing attacks, and SQL injection attacks are the numerous kinds of cyber-attacks.Any hanging electronic communication conveyed to a third party.Any graphic images that are meant to offend someone differently.Also, laws against cyberbullying occasionally include sexting.Cyber kindness is the use of technology to encourage, serve, love, make someone's day more, or in any other way use digital media to make someone's life easier, emotionally stronger, or cognitively stronger.According to certain data, up to 50% of kiddies have been the victims of cyber bullying.Cyber bullying victims may have a variety of negative consequences, similar as internal health problems, crummy academic results, a desire to quit academy, and indeed self-murder studies.

Learn more about cyber victims here:


Why do people wake up at 3am?


Answer: some people have probably caught up on their sleep, or cant sleep, there are different and millions of reasons


With regards to health behavior, knowledge about positive behaviors like physical activity, nutrition, and mental health will instantly lead to individuals actually doing the behavior.a. True
b. False


With regards to health behavior, knowledge about positive behaviors like physical activity, nutrition, and mental health will instantly lead to individuals actually doing the behavior is True.

Physical and mental health are interdependent. What's excellent for the body is frequently also beneficial for the mind, I'm not kidding. Your day and your life will alter once you understand what you physically can do to have this effect.Numerous advantages of physical activity for mental health are widely known. These are detailed in the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans and include better sleep and overall quality of life, as well as enhanced brain health and cognitive function (or, to put it another way, the capacity to think). Increasing physical exercise immediately contributes to greater mental health as well as better physical and total health and wellbeing, while it is not a miracle cure.

To know more about health check the below link:


Jasmine is a healthy girl who is playing outside. her internal body temperature rises to 100.4°f (38°c). how does her body most likely respond to help her return to homeostasis? a. by shivering b. by sweating c. by producing goosebumps d. by making hair stand up


Sweating makes her body most likely respond to help her return to homeostasis, that means option b is correct.

Homeostasis has end up the important unifying idea of body structure and is described as a self-regulating procedure via way of means of which an organism can hold inner balance even as adjusting to converting outside conditions. Some examples of this includes thermoregulation, blood glucose regulation, baroreflex in blood pressure, calcium homeostasis, potassium homeostasis, and osmoregulation.

Thus, option b i.e., sweating is the correct choice.

To learn more about sweating check the link below:



B) by sweating


How late is too late nap?


Its all opinion wise but i say if you nap after 7 you are just sleeping at this point.

meditation and relaxation combined form the ________, which has been used effectively to treat those with high blood pressure.


The Relaxation Response Technique, which combines meditation and relaxation, has been used successfully to treat people with high blood pressure.

How does the relaxation reaction technique work? What are its four steps?

The Relaxation Response can be elicited by four different factors: a calm setting, a mantra (a mental tool used in most kinds of meditation), a quiet attitude, and just a comfortable position.

Which two relaxation response methods are the most common?

Self-Hypnosis: People who participate in self-hypnosis programs get the ability to trigger the relaxation response at the mention of a word or nonverbal cue known as their own "suggestion." Exercises for the Breath: Slow, deep breathing, also known as diaphragmatic breathing, may be the emphasis of your breathing exercises.

To know more about Relaxation Response Technique  visit:


if a person is having a seizure, make sure you place something in their mouth so that they don’t bite or swallow their tongue.


Don't put anything in the person's mouth. Still, a person may suck down, If their jaw and impertinence muscles tense up during a seizure.

What about seizures?A seizure can be brought on by anything that breaks the regular connections between the brain's whim-whams cells.Included in this are a high temperature, low blood sugar, alcohol or medicine pullout, a concussion, and high or low blood pressure.Still, epilepsy is linked when a person experiences two or further seizures without an honorable reason.period, missed drug, sleep privation, stress, alcohol, and other factors are only a many of the multitudinous causes.Though it happens far less constantly than you would suppose, some people might witness seizures when they see flashing lights.Children between the periods of 2 and 13 are most generally when seizures start.Benign Rolandic epilepsy- related seizures generally include shuddering, but they can also number impassiveness or a chinking sensation in the face or lingo, which can affect in muddled speech.They constantly are while a youth is waking up or falling asleep.The original seizure symptom, known as an air or warning, is included in the seizure itself.ambiences constantly have an indefinable sense.Other times, a seizure is egregious and may be accompanied by a harmonious shift in mood, sensation, thinking, or geste.

Learn more about seizure here:


help on this pls :)
Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.
Online Content: Site 1

Which of Erikson's eight psychosocial stages is the stage in which the healthy developing child begins to plan activities and make up games?


Answer: Stage three, Initiative vs. Guilt

(The answer in a complete sentence I think would be something like, "The stage in which a healthy developing child begins to plan activities and make up games is stage three.")


In stage two, children are starting to perform basic actions on their own and making simple decisions about what they prefer.

In the stage three is when children should be encouraged to be independant. They begin to assert their power and control over the world through directing play and other social interactions.

I hope this helps :)

How does interviewing a healthy patient differ from interviewing a patient with a health condition.


To begin with, it is not necessary to employ medical terminology when interrogating a healthy patient; in fact, because the patient has no past experience with this kind of communication, it may lead to  misunderstanding.

The most crucial part of this procedure is to provide relevant information in order to encourage a healthy lifestyle.

This will have a favorable impact not just on individual health but also on public health. Health promotion empowers people to take responsibility of their health and positively impact it.

To push the patient to deliver more in-depth and insightful replies, open-ended questioning is the ideal strategy to utilize during patient interviews.

Because open-ended inquiries do not require the patient to react with a yes or no, they encourage creativity.

Learn more about to healthy patient visit here;


Why do I wake up early no matter what time I go to bed?


Answer: it usually has a meaning that you have been caught up on your sleep, or ever since school your body is used to waking up earlier..



Your body has its schedule set.


you are probably used to waking up early, whether its for school or something else. Naturally, you will start waking up naturally at this time because your body had created a schedual for you.

Which therapy focuses heavily on creating an accepting and supportive environment for self-discovery?


Person-centered therapy focuses heavily on creating an accepting and supportive environment for self-discovery.

Humanistic and person-centered therapy, like psychoanalysis, consists primarily of an unorganized conversation between the therapist and the patient. In contrast to psychoanalysis, a psychologist using PCT appears to take a passive role, directing the patient toward self-discovery.

Client-centered therapy, also known as person-centered therapy, is a method of talk therapy that is non-directive. During each counselling session, the client must actively take the reins, while the therapist serves primarily as a guide or source of assistance for the client. In person-centered therapy, the client steers the ship.

For more information on person-centered therapy, visit :


what type of training does a technician in the field of diagnostics usually require



Those diagnostic technicians who do attend college, typically earn either medical technician degrees or automotive technology degrees. Less commonly earned degrees for diagnostic technicians include electrical engineering degrees or business degrees.

a two-year associate's degree, education in health science technology, or at least 3 to 4 hours of on-the-job-training.

The female athlete triad consists of three conditions, including low energy availability/level, low bone density, and __________.


The female athlete triad will have low energy levels, low bone density, and menstrual dysfunction.

A deficit can arise withinside the women athlete with musculoskeletal and reproductive dysfunction. Low strength (without or with an ingesting ailment) in aggregate with a menstrual ailment and changed mineral bone density is referred to as the female athlete triad. The female athlete triad changed diagnosed in 1992 and is described as a spectrum ailment of 3 interrelated components:

low strength availability because of disordered ingesting, ingesting ailment, or loss of vitamins relative to caloric expenditure; menstrual dysfunction; and occasional bone mineral density (BMD).

Learn more about the female athlete triad in


according to humanistic therapist carl rogers, which quality of effective therapy requires the therapist to share with the client how they are feeling instead of distorting or concealing their own feelings?


According to humanistic therapist Carl Rogers, the quality of effective therapy requires the therapist to share with the client how they are feeling instead of distorting or concealing their own feelings is referred to as genuineness.

What is Genuineness?

This is referred to as the quality of an individual being sincere and honest and is important in all the facets of life.

In a scenario where a therapist is genuine, he/she might share different emotional reactions to a clients' problems and experiences and improves the recovery rate as they get to know their faults and the need to effect a change.

Read more about Genuineness here


In class we have spoke about many possible barriers to people obtaining healthcare. For this assignment you will identify a barrier and provide three possible solutions. Your solutions must be based in the private sector, no governmental solutions. This will be submitted in a word document.

Some barrier examples:
Insufficient insurance coverage. A lack of insurance often contributes to a lack of healthcare.
Healthcare staffing shortages.
Stigma and bias among the medical community.
Transportation and work-related barriers.
Patient language barriers.

1. clearly defined barrier
2. 3 clear (possible) solutions
3. Solutions are based in the private sector - the government is not part of the solution.


Some of the barriers to people obtaining healthcare include the following:

Healthcare staffing shortages.Transportation and work-related barriers.Patient language barriers.

What is Healthcare?

This is referred to as the various services which are used for the prevention or treatment of illness and injuries.

The solution to the barriers mentioned above include:

Solution to Healthcare staffing shortagesRetention strategies should be adoptedIntegrate workforce planning.Employee satisfaction should be a priority.

Solution to Transportation and work-related barriersThere should be different transportation options by the healthcare system.There should be parking restriction to avoid road congestion.There should also be access to good roads.

Solution to Patient language barriersEmploy qualified professionals who are bicultural.The use of translators for effective communication.Sign language should be used where necessary.

Read more about Healthcare here


Is swimming is the best fat burning exercise for everyone?


It depends on your body

true/false ? alcohol and other drugs alter mood and affect the mind by interfering with central nervous system


Alcohol and other substances do indeed interfere with the central nervous system, which affects mood and the mind.

The statement is true

What what is a neurological system?

The brain, brain stem, and an intricate web of nerves make up the nervous system. The brain as well as the body communicate with one another through this system. All bodily processes are under the control of the brain. The spinal cord exits the brain through the back and descends.

What does the brain . the brain do in reality?

Our health and wellbeing are influenced by the neurological system in almost every way. It directs automatic functions like breathing, which occurs every time you wake up, as well as complicated ones like thinking, writing, remembering, and experiencing emotions. As a result of the nervous system: evolution of the brain

To know more about nervous system visit:


Why is it important for a cheerleader to be an excellent role model for their peers and younger students?


It is important for a cheerleader to be an excellent role model for their peers and younger students so that they could become more better performers and the benchmark set by the role model will keep the competitive skills high.

Cheerleading is a very enthusiastic form of gymnastic mixed with acrobatics and dance steps and requires high energy and stamina to keep performing with spirits high so that everyone in the audience keeps applauding. Being a good role model will ensure that the new comers are always ready to adapt to new skills, be more creative and energetic. The participative spirit also lives with this idea. The agility associated with cheerleading also keeps the person physically fit and healthy as it is also a form of cardio workout for many.

Learn more about cheerleading at:


A primary focus of screen format design in a health record computer application should be to ensure that::_______.


A primary focus of screen format design in a health record computer application should be to ensure that the user is capturing essential data elements.

A health record (also referred to as a medical record) is a record of a patient health history. It includes medications, treatments, tests, immunizations, and notes from visits to a health care supplier. in electronic type makes it simple for patients to update and share their records.

In computer terms, essential data elements are  objects which will be collected, used, and/or keep in clinical data systems and application programs, like patient name, gender, and ethnicity; diagnosis; medical care provider; laboratory results; date of every encounter; and every medication.

To learn more about health record here


A worker who has skills as both a nursing assistant and a medical assistant is an example of what trend in health care careers?


A worker who has skills as both a nursing assistant and a medical assistant is an example of a trend towards healthcare workers having multiple roles and skills.

The Trend of Combining Nursing and Medical Assistant Skills in Health Care Careers

Healthcare is becoming increasingly complex, leading to a need for employees who are able to handle multiple roles and tasks within a healthcare setting. These hybrid healthcare workers have the skills of both a nursing assistant and a medical assistant, allowing them to provide comprehensive care for patients.

This type of worker is a valuable asset to any healthcare team, as they are able to quickly assess a patient’s needs and provide the necessary care. They are also able to take on administrative tasks such as filing paperwork and scheduling appointments, meaning they can help to streamline the healthcare process.

Learn more about Healthcare:


Under sympathetic activation, the heart rate is increased by the release of the neurotransmitter.
a. True
b. False


Under sympathetic activation, the heart rate is increased by the release of the neurotransmitter. This statement is True

The heart's job is to contract and pump blood that is both oxygenated for the body and deoxygenated for the lungs. A typical human heart must beat consistently and continuously throughout the duration of one's life in order to do this. The sinoatrial (SA) node of the heart produces rhythmic pacing discharges that are the source of heartbeats. The SA node's pacing rate would be roughly 100 beats per minute in the absence of external neurological or hormonal effects. However, heart rate and cardiac output must change in response to the oxygen and nutritional requirements of the body's cells under various circumstances. The nervous system, hormones, and other factors control the heart rate and contractility so that it can react quickly to the body's tissues' changing needs. The autonomic nervous system, as well as the endocrine system, have a significant impact on how the cardiovascular system is managed and influenced.

To know more about neurotransmitter visit:

Even after passage of the affordable care act, the united states remains the only advanced industrial nation without universal access to health care.
a. True
b. False


It is true that even after passage of the affordable care act, the United States remains the only advanced industrial nation without universal access to health care.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, cited because the cheap Care Act or “ACA” for brief, is that the comprehensive health care reform law enacted in March 2010. The law has three primary goals: create cheap insurance obtainable to a lot of individuals.

The fundamental purpose of health care is to boost quality of life by enhancing health. industrial businesses specialize in making monetary profit to support their valuation and stay viable. Health care should specialize in making social profit to satisfy its promise to society.

To learn more about  health care here


Is 1 hour of sleep enough?


It is scientifically proven that the older you get your body is slowly deteriorating and you need more sleep as you age in order to rejuvenate and recover your body from daily wear and tear you inflict on your body when performing every day activities. Therefore the average minimum hours adults should sleep at night is at least eight hours. Getting one hour of sleep is only effective if you are taking a midday nap.

Hope this helps. Brainliest is appreciated!

Changing the level of effort you exert during an activity is an example of adjusting which training principle? (4 points)






The correct answer is intensity. Brainliest is appreciated

Is cycling good exercise?


Cycling is a great aerobic exercise. It can enhance the health of your heart and lungs, increase blood flow, strengthen your muscles, and reduce stress. Additionally, it can aid in weight loss by burning fat and calories.

Cycling often burns less calories per hour than swimming does. Although swimming doesn't need you to bear your weight, it is a full-body workout. Additionally, as water better transfers heat, heat is lost faster. Your body is compelled to produce greater heat as a result, burning calories. The most calories seem to be burned while running, then cycling, and then swimming. In spite of this, the length and intensity of your activity have a significant impact on how many calories you burn. The METs rise to 9.8 if you swim freestyle laps rapidly and vigorously. A 150-pound person would burn about 410 calories an hour while swimming idly, but 682 calories an hour while swimming laps vigorously. A 150-lb person may burn 682 calories per hour while bicycling at a speed between 14 and 15.9 mph, and this number increases to 1,091 at 20 mph.

Learn more about Cycling here


When the sebum plug of a ________ is exposed to air, it oxidizes and becomes a blackhead.
chloasma comedo macule pustule


When the sebum plug of a comedo is exposed to air, it oxidizes and becomes a blackhead which is therefore denoted as option B.

What is a Comedo?

This is referred to as a medical condition which is characterized by skin the pore or hair follicle being clogged with oil, dead skin cells and bacteria due to different types of underlying reasons and factors.

In a scenario whereby the sebum plug of a comedo is or has been exposed to air, it oxidizes and becomes a blackhead which is therefore the reason why option B was chosen as the correct choice

Read more about Sebum here


Pre-exposure prophylaxis although successful is not considered by the hiv/aids strategy 2020 as a critical tool in the war chest against hiv/aids.
a. True
b. False


Pre-exposure prophylaxis although successful is not considered by the hiv/aids strategy 2020 as a critical tool in the war chest against hiv/aids. The above statement is false.

PrEP is quite successful at preventing HIV. When taken as directed, PrEP reduces the risk of contracting HIV through intercourse by around 99%. Less is known regarding the effectiveness of PrEP pills in those who inject drugs, but we do know that when taken as directed, PrEP medications cut the chance of contracting HIV by at least 74%. Currently, injecting drug users are not advised to receive PrEP shots.

When PrEP is not taken as directed, it is less effective. For PrEP to be effective, it must be used consistently and kept under medical supervision. 8 It has been thoroughly established that raising PrEP knowledge and uptake are crucial first measures for successful PrEP deployment. Numerous studies have shown that for PrEP to be effective, adherence is essential. 9 PrEP persistence, or using PrEP correctly and consistently over time, is equally important but has up to this point gotten less scientific attention.

To know more about Pre-exposure prophylaxis visit:


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