disorders typically appear in childhood and are traced to genetic differences, atypical brain development, or prenatal exposure to substances that adversely affect development


Answer 1

The most prevalent mental illnesses in children include depression, ADHD, anxiety issues, and behavior issues.

Learning and developmental disorders, autism, and risk factors including substance abuse and self-harm are among the other ailments and issues that have an impact on children's learning, behavior, and emotions.

The following five ailments are the only ones covered in this chapter: autism, conduct disorder, childhood anxiety disorders, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (intellectual developmental disorder).

Your chance of acquiring a mental disorder may be impacted by a number of variables, including:

a blood relative, such as a parent or brother, has a history of mental illness.challenges in life that are stressful, such having money issues, losing a loved one, or being divorced.a persistent (chronic) illness, as diabetes.

Learn more about to  childhood  visit here;



Related Questions

if you analyze the neutral mutations from two groups and find there are few differences in their nucleotide sequences, you would logically conclude that


diverged from a common ancestor only recently.

The most recent individual from whom all members of a group are directly descended is known as the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) in genetic genealogy. An established pedigree can occasionally be used to ascertain the MRCA of a group of people.

An ancestor species radiates into a variety of successor species having both similar and dissimilar features, as seen in the case of Darwin's finches, which is a well-known and prominent example of divergent evolution.

The process of speciation results in the emergence of new species. An ancestor species that can no longer interbreed separates into two or more descendant species that are genetically distinct from one another during speciation. According to Darwin, speciation is a branching process.

Learn more about " neutral mutation " to visit here;



in the old days, milkmaids were exposed to cowpox from milking the cows, and this fortuitously gave them some protection from smallpox. what was happening in the milkmaids? a) they were receiving a dose of generic igg from the sick cows. b) they were effectively receiving a vaccination from a related virus. c) they were heightening their overall immune response due to exposure to the cowpox and other cow parasites. d) they had a stronger immune response from drinking the milk, which sent cow b cells circulating through their blood.


When examining the iconography of the painting, it appears that Vermeer was honoring the ideals of moderation, cleanliness, and diligence.

What jobs did milkmaids have?

At the time the painting was made, the woman would have been referred to as a "kitchen maid" or maid-of-all-work rather than a specialized "milkmaid": "milk maids" were women who milked cows; kitchen maids worked in kitchens.

How did cowpox infect milkmaids?

Milkmaids and dairy farmers frequently came into contact with cows, some of which occasionally acquired pustules on their udders, signs of the zoonotic disease known as cowpox. Cowpox typically only caused modest symptoms in people, such as pustules on the hands and arms.

To know more about Cowpox visit:-



if mrnas could be ligated and replicated within plasmids, what enzyme commonly used in recombinant dna technology would no longer be needed?


An enzyme called reverse transcriptase is employed to make complementary DNA (cDNA) from RNA. To create a single, intact DNA molecule, the enzyme DNA ligase binds the fragments with complementary ends.

What is recombinant DNA?

As a result, a recombinant plasmid containing the target gene is created. The process of fusing two or more DNA molecules to produce a hybrid is known as recombinant DNA. Restrictions endonucleases and ligases are two classes of enzymes that enable the technique. Restrictions enzymes, polymerases, and ligases are among the enzymes that aid in cutting, synthesis, and binding. The position at which the desired gene is inserted into the vector genome is greatly influenced by the restriction enzymes utilized in recombinant DNA technology.

To learn more about  Restrictions from given link



the cell bodies of sensory neurons are found in an enlarged area of the dorsal root called the gray commissure.a. trueb. false


The statement that the cell bodies of sensory neurons are found in an enlarged area of the dorsal root called the gray commissure is false because the cell body is called a DORSAL ROOT GANGLION.

From the peripheral nervous system, dorsal nerve roots provide sensory neural signals to the central nervous system. Anatomically, the dorsal root of the spinal nerves gives rise to a dorsal root ganglion. They transport sensory information from numerous peripheral receptors in order for the central nervous system to respond. The function of DRG in chronic pain is well known. Anesthesia infiltration of the DRG was first described in 1949. The dorsal root entry zone (DREZ), a nearby related neural target, dorsal rhizotomy or gangliectomy, conventional radiofrequency denervation, pulsed radiofrequency, and steroid injection have all been used to target the DRG.

Want to know more about neurons visit the link given below;



which of the following is not a biome: a. temperate rainforest b. taiga c. tropical rainforest d. tropical dry forest e. temperate dry forest


A biome is a large area characterized by flora, fauna, soil, and climate. Temperate dry forest is not a biome, though.

Biomes can be categorized as: Land biomes, often known as terrestrial biomes, include tundra, taiga, grasslands, savannas, deserts, tropical forests, etc.are examples of freshwater biomes. They are frequently referred to as various biomes. The distance between them and the poles and the equator is one of their significant disparities. The rainforest, temperate forest, and taiga forest are the three main types of forest biomes. Tropical dry forest, albeit less well recognized, is the third major biome in the lowland tropics. Forests, meadows, and chaparral are among the temperate biomes. In regions with continental temperate climates, temperate deciduous woods can be found, while in regions with coastal temperate climates, temperate rainforests.

To learn more about biome click here https://brainly.com/question/11491362


passage 1 is adapted from ancient dna tells story of giant eagle evolution, © 2005 by public library of science. passage 2 is adapted from tim heupink, et al. dodos and spotted green pigeons are descendants of an island hopping bird, © 2014 by biomed central.


The idea that the spotted green pigeon is descended from an island-hopping bird is presented in passage 2 of the essay, and throughout the piece.

How did species like the moa and giant eagle go extinct?

There is no question that these early settlers may have attempted to kill the eagle at every opportunity. Moa, which probably made up a large portion of the eagle's food, likely became extinct as a result of Mori hunting. The population of Haast's eagles rapidly decreased and eventually went extinct.

Which was the largest eagle to become extinct?

The largest extant eagle is 30–40% lighter than the extinct Haast's eagle (Harpagornis moorei). With a wingspan of 2.5 to 3 meters and a weight of 10 to 14 kilos, it must have been a terrifying sight for the first humans to arrive in New Zealand, almost 700 years ago.

To know more about  giant eagle visit:



Which most clearly shows evolutionary relationships between species?binomial nomenclaturephylogenetic treecommon namemorphological data.


The evolutionary relationships between species are shown by phylogenetic trees

Evolution is an inherited change in the body structure of living things that takes place slowly over a very long time. Traits that pass through natural selection will be passed on to their offspring and will vary within a population.

A chart that shows how living things evolved from a common ancestor is called a phylogenetic tree. A phylogenetic tree shows which species are more related to each other through evolution, and which are less related based on shared traits. The roots of the phylogenetic tree show the evolution of ancestors. The roots then form a tree which shows the lineage of these ancestors. The lineage continues to extend and form branches that show evolutionary relationships.

Learn more about phylogenetic tree at:



Of these events, the first to occur when a motor neuron stops sending an impulse to a muscle is _____.


The first to occur when a motor neuron stops sending an impulse to a muscle is the pumping of calcium ions out of the cytoplasm and back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

When a nervous impulse stops, these things happen:

The membrane of the sarcoplasmic reticulum is no longer permeable to calcium (the calcium gates closed). Therefore, no calcium diffuses out.The calcium pump in the membrane starts transporting the calcium BACK into the sarcoplasmic reticulum.Calcium ions leave the binding sites on toponin molecules, making the troponin returns to its original shape and position. So does the tropomyosin. That makes the myosin head no longer in contact with actin, which leads to the muscle stops contracting (relaxing).

Learn more about sarcoplasmic reticulum at https://brainly.com/question/1540451


Match each word or phrase to identify whether or not each word or phrase represents a
reason for the change in chimpanzee hands.
Crossbreeding between gorillas and
Mutations in chimpanzee DNA
Differences in the ways chimpanzees
use their hands
Sexual reproduction
[Choose ]
[Choose ]
[Choose ]


A reason for a change in the chimpanzee's hands include the following: Mutations in chimpanzee DNA and Crossbreeding between gorillas and chimpanzees; while the phrase that doesn't show a reason is Sexual reproduction and Differences in the ways chimpanzees

use their hands.

What is mutation?

Mutation is defined as the alteration in the genetic makeup of a living organism which may occur due to the following:

When there is spontaneous break down of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).Change in a single nucleotide of the DNA.when there is additions or deletions of nucleotide in a DNA strand.

A change can be noticed in an animal such as Chimpanzee when the following occurs:

Mutations in chimpanzee DNA: This can alter both that anatomy and the physiological features of the organism involved.

Crossbreeding between gorillas and chimpanzees: When there is cross breeding between a chimpanzee and a gorilla, it will lead to a genetic diversity which can be observed as a change in the hands of the chimpanzee.

Learn more about mutation here:



a clinical microbiologist makes serial dilutions of several antimicrobial drugs in broth and then incubates each drug dilution with a standard amount of a patient's isolated pathogen. what is this microbiologist setting up?


The Minimal inhibitory awareness (MIC) is the setting that microbiologist is setting up for the dilutions of several antimicrobial drugs.

It defines in vitro degrees of susceptibility or resistance of particular bacterial traces to implemented antibiotic. Reliable evaluation of MIC has a considerable effect on the selection of a healing strategy, which influences performance of an contamination therapy.

Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) are described as the bottom awareness of an antimicrobial on the way to inhibit the seen increase of a microorganism after in a single day incubation, and minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBCs) as the bottom awareness of antimicrobial on the way to save you the increase of an organism.

Read more about dilution:



Dna molecules separate into single strands, which are then used to construct two identical strands of dna. This process ensures genetic.


The DNA molecule separates into single strands, which are then used to build two identical DNA strands. This process ensures that the daughter cells are genetically identical to the parent cells.

DNA replication is the ability of DNA to multiply to produce new DNA. DNA replication is needed during mitotic division so that each cell resulting from division contains DNA identical to its parent.

If DNA does not replicate, then cell division cannot take place because each organism must duplicate DNA before each cell does cell division.

DNA replication is semi-destructive in that both single-stranded DNA acts as a template for the formation of new DNA strands, all single-stranded DNA is retained, and new strands are made from new nucleotides.

Learn more about purpose of DNA replication at https://brainly.com/question/18524852


parathyroid hormone release depends on blood levels of calcium. such an endocrine reflex is said to be initiated by


Parathyroid hormone release depends on blood levels of calcium and endocrine reflex such as hormonal stimulation.

The basic mechanism controlling parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels is a feedback loop between your blood calcium levels and your parathyroid glands. In other words, low calcium levels in the blood encourage the release of parathyroid hormone, whereas high calcium levels in the blood restrict the release of parathyroid hormone by your glands.

Humoral stimuli are the kind of stimuli that regulate parathyroid release. A hormone is released in reaction to a shift in the body's extracellular fluids, and this is known as a humoral stimulus. Low calcium levels in the parathyroid gland's case cause it to function.

For more information on parathyroid hormone kindly visit to



in the spinothalamic tract, the which order neurons decussate from the posterior horn of the spinal cord?


The second order neurons in the spinothalamic tract decussate from the posterior horn of the spinal cord.

In the spinothalamic tract, the second order neurons decussate from the posterior horn of the spinal cord. This occurs at the level of the spinal cord where the second order neurons of the spinothalamic tract cross from the contralateral side to the ipsilateral side of the cord. This decussation occurs in the anterior white commissure, which is a bundle of nerve fibers located in the anterior portion of the spinal cord. The axons of the second order neurons travel up the contralateral side of the spinal cord, forming the spinothalamic tract. This tract carries information from the body to the thalamus, where the information is further processed and sent to the cortex.

A neuron is a specialized cell that transmits information throughout the body. Neurons are found in the brain, spinal cord, and other parts of the nervous system. They are responsible for processing and transmitting signals between the body and the brain. Neurons are made up of dendrites, a cell body, and axons. Dendrites are branches of the neuron that receive signals from other neurons. The cell body contains the nucleus and is the control center of the neuron. Axons are the output of the neuron, sending signals to other neurons. Neurons communicate with each other through chemical and electrical signals. These signals are passed from one neuron to another through synapses.

To know more about spinal cord:



anthro which of the following likely explains the lack of neandertal bones and remains after 30,000 years ago? group of answer choices a measurable degree of genetic assimilation into modern human populations. rapid extinction due to climate change. migration into parts of asia where they were not well adapted, and thus, died out. isolation into small groups that eventually disappeared one by one.


According to one theory, habitat deterioration and fragmentation took place in the Neanderthal homeland long before modern people showed up, and as a result, Neanderthal populations were decimated and eventually exterminated.

What part of the world have Neandertal remains been found in?

All evidence of Neanderthals disappeared about 40,000 years ago. Western Europe and the Near East, which was likely the last known location for this early human species, are the regions where the most recent Neanderthal fossils have been discovered.

How many years did Neanderthals live?

Few adults over the age of 40 are found in Neanderthal paleodemographic mortality distributions by age, but the quasi-biological continuum of mammals suggests much higher potential longevity.

To know more about neandertal visit:-



when surgeons harvest a vein to reattach a broken artery, do they need to be concerned about the presence of valves?


Yes. Veins have valves, but arteries do not. Any valve in the vein piece that is used needs to be positioned so that blood can flow in the artery away from the heart.

All of the body's organs have veins that carry blood back to the heart. Away from the heart, arteries transport blood that is rich in nutrients and oxygen to the rest of the body.

The big veins and arteries run parallel to one another and frequently have the same name. In addition, several unidentified small veins join to the major veins in the form of asymmetrical networks.

One-way valves are present in many veins, especially those in the arms and legs. Two flaps (cusps or leaflets) with intersecting edges make up each valve. The flaps are pushed open like a pair of one-way swinging doors by blood flowing toward the heart. The flaps are pushed shut if blood starts to back up in a vein or if gravity or muscle contractions try to pull the blood backward.

Learn more about " presence of valves " to visit here;



Ponies which are mostly found in europe have an average height of 86-97 cm. If the ponies breed among themselves, is it possible that the offspring will have the normal height of a horse which is about 160 cm?.


Ponies may have the normal height of a horse, which is about 160 cm which can be caused by mutations resulting from natural selection.

Natural selection, forces living things to always adapt to changes in nature. Organisms that cannot adapt to natural changes will become extinct, while those that can adapt will survive and reproduce.

When a pony's height of 86-97 can no longer hold up, then it may mutate to survive. A mutation is a change in a gene from its original form. Individuals who have mutations are called mutants. Changes in the gene will cause changes in the protein synthesized. Given that enzymes are composed of protein, changes in genes can cause changes in metabolic processes. Changes in genes can cause changes in genotype traits. The combination of changes in genes, proteins, enzymes, and metabolism, allows for the emergence of phenotypic traits.

Learn more about pony mutation at https://brainly.com/question/1936179


tiny, one-celled organisms that are neither plants nor animals. they are involved in infectious disease and decay. they live nearly everywhere on planet earth, including in the human body.


Option a, "bacteria," is the correct selection. One-celled, microscopic organisms known as bacteria are neither plants nor animals. They play a role in the degradation and infectious disease.

Bacteria are classified as prokaryotic unicellular life because they lack a membrane-bound nucleus and other internal components. Some species can endure conditions with extreme temperatures and pressure. It's believed that there are more bacteria in the human body than there are in human cells. Its gel-like matrix, which also contains other cell components like ribosomes, chromosomes, and plasmids, is made up of water, enzymes, nutrients, waste products, and gases. The cell membrane encloses the cytoplasm and all of its constituent parts. Eukaryotic (true) cells that resemble membranes contain bacteria without nuclei.

Thus, we might conclude that tiny bacteria single-celled organisms are neither plants nor animals. They contribute to decay and infectious illness.




Your question is incomplete. Please find the complete question below.

Tiny, one-celled organisms that are neither plants nor animals. they are involved in infectious diseases and decay. they live nearly everywhere on planet earth, including in the human body.

a. bacteria

b. DNA

c. genome

d. immunity

When mt. st. helen erupted in 1980, all living organisms within the immediate blast zone were killed by the explosion and debris. what type of succession occurred in this area following this catastrophic disturbance?


The type of succession occurred in this area following this catastrophic disturbance is primary succession.

Fifty seven humans misplaced their lives and loads of homes, homes and systems had been destroyed. After the eruption, the summit of Mount St. Helens turned into gone, forests had been obliterated and rivers observed new courses. More than a hundred and fifty new lakes and ponds had been formed, and current lakes full of sediment, flooding their banks. A huge debris avalanche, an explosive, laterally direction "blast", lahars, and a Plinian eruption column. This powerful eruption had a profound impact on the Pacific Northwest – and on volcano studies as well.

To learn more about forests check the link below:



you walk outside on a crisp fall day in philadelphia. what cells in the eye allow you to take in all the colors of the trees?


That is a true statement. The receptors of our olfactory system are free nerve endings that are located in the Philadelphia nasal cavity and are open to the surroundings.

Cones help the eye recognize all the shades of the trees because they are highly active in brilliant light, which is present on a crisp fall day. Cones provide for photopic vision.

In contrast, because they are more active in low light, rodes have scotopic vision.

Since rods impair color vision, the nighttime environment appears to us in grayscale. The rod cells that make up the human eye number over 100 million.

Cones use much more light because they are used to see color. Cones are available in three distinct hues: blue, green, and red.

Learn more about to Philadelphia visit here;



What is the source of energy for deep sea organisms?


Chemosynthesis. It is a bacteria using chemicals as energy rather than the sun.

primary producers are present in every biome, including the deep sea. how can primary producers exist in the deep sea when sunlight does not penetrate to these depths?


Primary producers existing in the deep sea when sunlight is not penetrating as they use strength from chemical reactions to force the discount of CO2 to natural compounds.

The deep ocean, many masses of meters farfar from the sun's rays, some other procedure is taking place: chemosynthesis. Tiny microbes use chemical strength in preference to mild to mix water and carbon dioxide to make sugar.

Obviously, organisms who stay on the deep sea vents cannot rely upon the Sun; instead, a lot of them rely upon the chemical compounds that pop out of the vents—the procedure they use to create meals is known as chemosynthesis in preference to photosynthesis.

Read more about sunlight;



giraffes have a haploid chromosome number of 15. how many chromatids should be present in a diploid, somatic, giraffe cell at the end of prophase?


The giraffes have a haploid chromosome number of 15.

Chromosomes are duplicating and germ cells are expanding. It should be emphasized that germ cells are diploid at birth, with 46 chromosomes, or 23 pairs of homologues. The germ cells have 46 chromosomes (92 chromatids) following chromosomal replication.

What occurs at the prophase's conclusion?

The commencement of a group of fibers organizing to form a spindle and the dissolution of the nuclear membrane signal the end of prophase, respectively.

How does prophase affect an animal cell?

Chromatin gathers into chromosomes and the nuclear envelope, which is the membrane that encloses the nucleus, disintegrates during prophase. The centrioles in animal cells start to divide and travel to the opposing poles of the cell as they are close to the nucleus.

Learn more about  chromosome to visit this link



rna polymerase moves in which direction along the dna?rna polymerase moves in which direction along the dna?5' to 3' along the template strand


The DNA is moved by the RNA polymerase in the 5' to 3' direction. The RNA molecule initially develops its 3' end. At a "start codon," transcription always begins.

A promoter sequence must first be bound by the RNA polymerase. RNA polymerase produces a corresponding RNA transcript to the DNA template strand in the 5' to 3' orientation. The DNA double helix is opened as it advances down the template strand in the 3' to 5' direction. These neighboring genes' transcription factor jigsaw puzzles are mirror images of one another. Additionally, the RNA polymerase is instructed by the direction they point in which direction to begin reading.

learn more about polymerase here:



which of the following is the most common pattern of bone loss? group of answer choices a) vertical bone loss b) horizontal bone loss c) interproximal bone loss d) circumferential bone losswhich of the following is the most common pattern of bone loss? group of answer choices a) vertical bone loss b) horizontal bone loss c) interproximal bone loss d) circumferential bone loss



Option (B)


HORIZONTAL BONE LOSS: Most common pattern of bone loss in periodontal disease. ‘The bone is reduced in height, but the bone margins remain approximately perpendicular to the tooth surface’. The inter dental septa and facial and lingual plates are affected but not to equal degree around the same tooth.

put the components of the brainstem in order from the most rostral at the top to the most caudal.


One part of the central nervous system is the brain.

What part of the brainstem is most caudal?The brainstem's narrowest and most caudal region is known as the medulla oblongata or medulla.One part of the central nervous system is the brain. The cranium shields the brain, which lies inside the head. The cerebrum, which makes decisions based on information received and transmits commands to the body, is the largest portion of the brain.Movement coordination is carried out by the cerebellum, which is situated behind the cerebrum. The spinal cord, which is positioned in the vertebral canal and is the other component of the central nervous system, is connected to the brain by the brainstem.Put the components of the brainstem in order from the most rostral to the most caudal. Diencephalon Midbrain Pons Medulla oblongata

To learn more about the components of the brainstem refer to:



the most recently discovered phylum in the animal kingdom (1995) is the phylum cycliophora. it includes three species of tiny organisms that live in large numbers on the outsides of the mouthparts and appendages of lobsters. the feeding stage permanently attaches to the lobster via an adhesive disk, and collects scraps of food from its host's feeding by capturing the scraps in a current created by a ring of cilia. the body is sac-like and has a u-shaped intestine that brings the anus close to the mouth. cycliophorans are eucoelomate, do not molt (though their host does), and their embryos undergo spiral cleavage. on the basis of the cleavage pattern of cycliophoran embryos, which of these should be true?


Based on the cleavage pattern of cyclophore embryos, the real issue is that they are ectoderm.

A) ectoderm

What is Cycliophora?

Cycliophora are microscopic, metazoan animals, of which only the genus Symbion is described. They are obligatory commensals of arthropods.

Cycliophora are microscopic, metazoan animals, of which only the genus Symbion is described. They are obligatory eaters of arthropods, such as lobster. They are acoelomate organisms, with the region between the digestive system and the body wall filled with mesenchyme cells. The body is divided into the buccal funnel region, an oval trunk and a posterior adhesive disc through which it attaches to the host organism.

Learn more about Cycliophora in brainly.com/question/13849911


The most recently discovered phylum in the animal kingdom (1995) is the phylum Cycliophora. It includes three species of tiny organisms that live in large numbers on the outsides of the mouthparts and appendages of lobsters. The feeding stage permanently attaches to the lobster via an adhesive disk and collects scraps of food from its host's feeding by capturing the scraps in a current created by a ring of cilia. The body is sac-like and has a U-shaped intestine that brings the anus close to the mouth. Cycliophorans are coelomates, do not molt (though their host does), and their embryos undergo spiral cleavage.

Cycliophorans have two types of larvae. One type of larva is produced when the digestive system of a female is impregnated by a male. The digestive system then collapses and develops into a larva, which swims away in search of a new host after the surrounding female dies. Which is the embryonic tissue that is apparently most important in forming this type of larva?

A) ectoderm

B) mesoderm

C) endoderm

D) mesohyl

Explain the interrelationships between the Nervous system and the Respiratory system of human.
How does these system work together?





The nervous system and the respiratory system are closely interconnected and work together to regulate breathing and ensure that the body receives an adequate supply of oxygen. The respiratory system is responsible for inhaling oxygen from the air and exhaling carbon dioxide, while the nervous system helps to control and coordinate this process.

When the body senses a need for more oxygen, such as during exercise or other strenuous activity, the nervous system sends signals to the muscles that control breathing to increase the rate and depth of breathing. This allows more oxygen to be inhaled and delivered to the body's cells. At the same time, the nervous system also sends signals to the blood vessels to dilate, which allows more oxygen-rich blood to be delivered to the body's tissues.

Conversely, when the body has an excess of carbon dioxide, the nervous system sends signals to the respiratory system to slow down and decrease the rate of breathing. This allows the body to exhale more carbon dioxide and maintain a healthy balance of gases in the blood.

Overall, the interrelationship between the nervous system and the respiratory system is essential for maintaining proper breathing and ensuring that the body receives an adequate supply of oxygen. These two systems work together to regulate breathing and help the body function properly.

Examine the cross-sectional diagram of a cell.

What evidence indicates this cell is prokaryotic?


Prokaryotic cells, such as bacteria, have a free-floating chromosome that is circular and is not enclosed in a nuclear membrane.

Instead, DNA simply exists in a region of the cell called the nucleoid.

Prokaryotic cells only have small range of organelles, generally only plasma membrane and ribosomes.

Most prokaryotic cells have a rigid cell wall that surrounds plasma membrane and gives shape to the organism.

In eukaryotes, vertebrates don't have cell wall but plants do

Eukaryotic cells are cells containing membrane-bound organelles and are the basis for both unicellular and multicellular organisms. In contrast, prokaryotic cells do not have any membrane-bound organelles and are always part of unicellular organisms.

Ribosomes occur both as free particles in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and as particles attached to membranes of endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotic cells

learn more about prokaryotes at



What does a gene chip compare?



DNA microarrays are microscope slides that are printed with thousands of tiny spots in defined positions, with each spot containing a known DNA sequence or gene.


A female fish is homozygous dominant for both fancy fins (f) and shiny scales (s). She is crossed with a male who is heterozygous for both traits. What are the genotypes of these fish? (female; male).


These fish's genotypes are  female - FFSS ; male - FfSs

How many genotypes are there?

The four genotypes are denoted by the abbreviations XXF , XYF, XXM , and XYM since we define sex according to the kind of gonads.

How are the genotypes located?

In a single experiment, the genotypes of millions of sites in a genome can be determined using DNA sequencing as well as other techniques.Some genetics influence an individual's phenotype, or observable traits.

To know more about genotypes visit:



Other Questions
___________ is characterized by moods that alternate between the hopelessness and lethargy of depression and the euphoric, hyperactive state of mania. Aesop's Fable: "The Belly and the Members"One fine day it occurred to the Members of the Body that they were doing all the work and the Belly was having all the food. So, they held a meeting, and after a long discussion, decided to strike work till the Belly consented to take its proper share of the work. So, for a day or two, the Hands refused to take the food, the Mouth refused to receive it, and the Teeth had no work to do. But after a day or two the Members began to find that they themselves were not in a very active condition. The Hands could hardly move, and the Mouth was all parched and dry, while the Legs were unable to support the rest. So thus, they found that even the Belly in its dull quiet way was doing necessary work for the Body, and that all must work together or the Body will go to pieces.-What is the theme of this fable?A. The smallest among us has the greatest role.B. When we target and victimize one individual, we weaken the group, and all its members.C. Groups are destined to fail.D. Everyone must do the same work in order for everyone to succeed.-What evidence supports your answer in question 1?A. The body was doing all the work and the Belly was having all the food.B. But after a day or two the Members began to find that they themselves were not in a very active condition.C. (they) decided to strike work till the Belly consented to take its proper share of the work.D. "for a day or two, the Hands refused to take the food, the Mouth refused to receive it" How BTS influence your life? Which choice is an equation of the line written in point-slope form?HINT: Use the answer to help you with the next two questions. You will be using the same graph.A: y+1=12(x1)B: y1=12(x+1)C: y1=2(x+1)D: y+1=2(x1)D: the process of a neuron, its axon, conducts electrical impulses called___ ____towards the end of the axon that innervates a target cell. four charges q1, q2, q3 and q4, are placed at the corners of a square. charges q1 and q4 are located on opposite corners and have equal charges. both q2 and q3 have a charge of 1.0 c. if the force on q2 is zero, what is the charge on q1? The number of bacteria in a sample is increasing according to an exponential model. After 2 hours, the sample contained 200 bacteria; and after 6 hours, the sample contained 800 bacteria. Write an exponential growth model for the number of bacteria in the sample after x hours. a new nurse asks the charge nurse for assistance in interpreting arterial blood gases (abgs) for a client. what acid/base imbalance should the charge nurse tell the new nurse these abgs indicate in the client? Whats 20. Sickle-cell anemia results from a point mutation in the HBB gene. The mutation results in the replacement of an amino acid that has a hydrophilic R-group with an amino acid that has a hydrophobic R-group on the exterior of the hemoglobin protein. Such a mutationwould most likely result in altered.(A) properties of the molecule as a result of abnormal interactions between adjacent hemoglobin molecules (B) DNA structure as a result of abnormal hydrogen bonding between nitrogenous bases (C) fatty acid structure as a result of changes in ionic interactions between adjacent fatty acid chains (D) protein secondary structure as a result of abnormal hydrophobic interactions between R-groups in the backbone of the protein. solve the system of equations using elimination: -3x-4y=-54 and x+y=15. Use the image to answer the question. A vertical number line starting at negative 10 on the bottom of the line with tick marks every one unit up to positive 10 at the top. The point negative 4.5 is labeled. What does the absolute value of the point labeled in the image mean if the number line represents temperature change? There was no change in temperature. The temperature equals 4.5 degrees. The temperature decreased 4.5 degrees. The temperature increased 4.5 degrees. HURRY UP a patient who has suffered a crushing injury to his thumb and two fingers in an accident at a factory is relieved to be administered a local anesthetic prior to treatment. the drugs that were administered decrease the permeability of the nerve cell membrane to: 1. An animal shelter housesonly dogsand cats. The ratio of cats to dogs atthe shelter is 11:9. What is the ratioof the number of dogs to the totalnumber of animals at the shelter? Which of these aspects of help desk operation would not normally be covered in a user support mission statement? true or false: the methods used for valuing an acquisition candidate are different from those used to determine the value of a merger candidate. Is power equally shared by both houses of Congress? Explain your answer a firm has an roe of 4%, a debt/equity ratio of 0.4, and a tax rate of 35%, and pays an interest rate of 5% on its debt. what is its operating roa? Who is the tragic hero in a view from the bridge? How do whales survive in water? Derrick loves social interaction. If Derrick takes a personality he will likely score highly on: