Discuss what scientists have discovered about anger and a person's health.


Answer 1


Scientiats have learned that anger can affect a person's high blood pressure, headache, and anxiety

Answer 2


Studies have shown that anger can have both short-term and long-term effects on a person's health. Here are some key discoveries that scientists have made about anger and health:

Short-term effects:

- Increased heart rate and blood pressure: When a person experiences anger, their body's stress response is activated, causing an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.

- Tense muscles: Anger can cause the muscles in the body to tense up, which can lead to headaches, back pain, and other physical discomforts.

- Decreased immune function: The stress response triggered by anger can also suppress the immune system, making a person more susceptible to illnesses.

Long-term effects:

- Increased risk of cardiovascular disease: Chronic anger has been linked to an increased risk of developing heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular conditions.

- Mental health problems: People who experience chronic anger are more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders.

- Weakened relationships: Frequent outbursts of anger can strain relationships with family members, friends, and coworkers.

It is important to note that not all anger is unhealthy. It is a natural emotion that can motivate people to take action and make positive changes. However, chronic or excessive anger can have negative effects on a person's health and well-being.


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C. They make the other person feel respected.
D. They make the other person feel ashamed.


Answer:Validation is a communication skill that can help both parties in a conversation feel heard and understood. Validation shows that you are truly listening to understand the other person's feelings and point of view, even if you disagree.


pretty sure it’s c because it is important to make the other person feel respected and not make them feel like ashamed of what they are saying even if you disagree.

How do laws promote the health and safety of people?

A. By deterring people from breaking the law and receiving jail sentences.
B. By preventing the spread of communicable diseases through vaccinations.
C. By separating families and making communication difficult
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B is the correct answer

Preventing the spread of communicable diseases through vaccination laws promotes the health and safety of people. Therefore option B is correct.

Laws play a crucial role in promoting the health and safety of people by establishing regulations and measures that aim to protect individuals and prevent harm.

Some ways in which laws contribute to health and safety include:

1. Regulation and enforcement: Laws establish standards and regulations that govern various aspects of public health and safety. They provide guidelines for food safety, workplace safety, environmental protection, and product safety, among others.

2. Public health measures: Laws can mandate and regulate public health measures aimed at preventing the spread of diseases.

This includes the implementation of vaccination programs, quarantine measures during outbreaks, and the enforcement of health and safety protocols in healthcare facilities, schools, and public spaces.

Know more about laws:



Discuss what scientists have discovered about anger and a person's health.


Answer: anger has been linked to health issues such as high blood pressure, heart problems, headaches, skin disorders, and digestive problems.


Anger is a health issue, and can be controlled through therapy, doctors, medical drugs.

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It's a fact.

This is an example of a fact.

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they tend to develop & enforce laws because it is essential to social stability.
They do this because it is what governments need to do to make sure nothing bad happens in there community.

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A. With bias.
B. With a preconceived notion.
C. With contempt.
D. With respect.




golden rule bucko

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I cant really understand this
They felt that they were playing taxes to a government where they had no representation.

Please HURRY !!!!!!!!!!!!!
what is the steps in the juvenile justice system when a juvenile is first taken into custody




stages in the juvenile justice system-  delinquent behavior, referral, intake/​diversion, transfer/​waiver,  detention, adjudication, disposition,  juvenile corrections and aftercare

The first step in the juvenile justice system on a juvenile is first taken into custody is they see an intake officer, this person decide if there’s enough evidence to make a charge against them.

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Harriet Beecher Stowe

Dred Scott

John Brown

Martin Luther King Jr.

Abraham Lincoln

Walt Disney

George Washington


Answer:A B D


Harriet Beecher Stowe, Dred Scott, and Martin Luther King Jr.

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Answer: Canada’s history has been influenced by the colonization of this land by both France and Great Britain. For many years, France controlled much of the eastern part of Canada. The headquarters of the French empire in North America was in Quebec. As a result, French is spoken in Quebec, and many cities have French names.

Explanation: please brianliest if I'm right if not I'm sorry

State governments are modeled after the federal government and consist of three branches. List the three branches and describe the structure of each branch. Which branch do you think is the most important?


- 3 Branches -

Legislative √ - Correct

The executive

The Judicial

Among the branches, the most important is the legislative branch due to the powers given to them by the constitution and also the implied powers that congress has.

- Hope this helps! :)

Legislative Branch - Made up of the House and Senate; A short name for both is congress

Executive Branch - Provides and enforces Laws; otherwise known as the President, Vice President, The Cabinet.

Judicial Branch - Kinda Defines the meaning of laws. Determining how certain laws apply to real situations, The Supreme Court is apart of this branch.

Most Important I would say is the Legislative Branch for sure. It provides American Citizens with a civilized place that can be prosperous and grow.
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