disadvantage of economic system

*plz give me a few answer asap*​


Answer 1


Traditional Economy


1. This type of society is often very slow to change.

2. It does not take advantage of technological change.

3. There is relatively little promotion of intellectual and scientific development.

4. There is inefficient provision of goods and services.

5. There is inadequate use of skill in relation to the factors of production.

6. No upward movement of labor takes place.

Command Economies


1. No freedom of choice for consumers or producers

2. System is too rigid to adjust when changes occur, can result in shortages

3. Lack of incentive for workers results in low morale and efficiency. Managers

also are not motivated.

4. There are too many officials, and too much unnecessary procedure and

paperwork (red-tape or bureaucracy)

5. Conflicts of interests can arise because what the country needs may not be

what the people want.

6. There is wastage of manpower because large numbers of people are

required for central planning.

Free Market Economy


1. Since the making of profits is the dominant motive of the private sector, only goods

and services that yield the highest profit will be produced.

2. Since there is no government intervention in this type of system, consumer could be

exploited through the charging of high prices for essential goods and services.

3. This system leads to great inequalities as the few rich get richer and the many poor

get poorer.

4. There is much pollution associated with this system especially when industrialization

begins to develop.

5. There tends to be an over-consumption of demerit goods such as alcohol, cigarettes

and drugs

Mixed Economies


1. Too much government regulation may dampen the free enterprise spirit.

2. Some state-owned industries are allowed to operate inefficiently, thus wasting resources.

3. Where government intervenes in the market by setting maximum and minimum prices, this

may cause excess demand or supply, which may be difficult to regulate in the long-run.

4. Since the private sector helps to answer the economic questions, there can be the creation of


5. Inequitable distribution of wealth can also arise.

I hope this helps a little bit.

Disadvantage Of Economic System *plz Give Me A Few Answer Asap*

Related Questions

Please help quick! ill mark brainliest if correct


Answer: he wanted them to stop cheering cause they wanted to view them as countrymen





Grant wanted to bring the nation together again, his troops celebrating could make the Confederates upset.

help ASAP! I'll mark brainliest if correct





What was a result of the drafting of the Declaration of Independence?



Delegates from each of the Thirteen Colonies met in Philadelphia in the summer of 1776 to decide the case for liberty. The goal was to convince the States that the time had come for the United Colonies to declare their independence from Mother England.



It led to the American Revolution



. The source above describes the philosophy of the Renaissance called..
A. Predestination
B. Natural Law
C. Neo-Confucianism
D. Humanism




The Patriots feare wat British soldiers would arrest A. Samuel Adams B. Benjamin Franklin C. Thomas Jefferson D. George Washington​





he was the leader of all the operations

In excerpt from "President Barack Obama's State of the Union Address," what is President Obama's viewpoint on America?

America is better prepared for the twenty-first century than any other nation.

Inequality in American will worsen unless more of the federal budget goes to big business.

America must improve its economy dramatically to attract foreign investment.

Government leadership is responsible for the majority of progress in America over the past five years.



D Government leadership is responsible for the majority of progress in America over the past five years

President Obama's viewpoint on America was government leadership is responsible for the majority of progress in America over the past five years. Thus, option D is correct.

What is Barack Obama best known for?

He was the first African-American president of the United States and a member of the Democratic Party. Obama worked as a civil rights attorney prior to entering politics.

He previously represented Illinois as a U.S. senator from 2005 to 2008 as well as an Illinois state senator from 1997 to 2004. With his victory in the Senate primary in March, his well-received keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July, and his resounding victory in the Senate election in November, Obama gained widespread prominence in 2004. He was chosen by the Democratic Party for president in 2008 following a competitive primary fight against Hillary Clinton, and he selected Joe Biden to be his running partner.

Therefore, we can conclude that option D is correct.

Learn more about Barack Obama here:



6th grade social studies help me pleaseee



For question 2 I think the answer is B

For question 3 the answer is C: Federalist and antifederalists



i dont know question 2 but question 3 is Federalists and anti-federlist


Which statements describe the impacts of Agent Orange? Select three options. devastated crops and animals caused birth defects in children increased long-term illnesses in people made moving through the jungle difficult for troops prevented enemy troops from building underground trails



If you did not know what Agent Orange is, here's a recap:

"Agent Orange" was a widely-used herbicide in the Vietnam War that was dropped from airplanes to flush out troops from the jungles of Vietnam. As an herbicide, Agent Orange contains corrosive chemicals that can lead to mutations in DNA and physical deformities.

Based on this information, we know that Agent Orange was a herb -icide, meaning that it kills plants (and can also kill animals too).

As stated above, Agent Orange is an herbicide that has mutagenic (causing changes in DNA, mutations) effects, so it can also cause birth defects in children and long-term illnesses.

The herbicide melts the jungle cover that Vietnam soldiers used to hide, so Agent Orange made moving through the jungle more difficult for troops.

The herbicide was dropped from planes, so it primarily affected above-ground terrain. It would be implausible that an herbicide used in this way would prevent enemy troops from building underground trails.

The impacts of the chemical agent orange include, caused birth defects in children, increased long-term illnesses in people and devastated crops and animals.

What is agent orange ?

Agent Orange is a highly toxic herbicide that was used extensively by the United States military during the Vietnam War. It was used to defoliate forests and crops in order to deprive enemy soldiers of cover and food sources, and to clear areas around military bases and supply routes.

Agent Orange was a mixture of two herbicides, 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T, both of which contained the highly toxic chemical compound dioxin.

The three options that describe the impacts of Agent Orange are:

Caused birth defects in children: Exposure to Agent Orange has been linked to a range of health problems, including birth defects in the children of those who were exposed.

Increased long-term illnesses in people: Studies have shown that exposure to Agent Orange can lead to an increased risk of certain cancers, as well as other long-term illnesses such as diabetes and Parkinson's disease.

Devastated crops and animals: Agent Orange was designed to defoliate forests and crops, making it easier for troops to spot enemy soldiers.

Find more on agent orange :



T/F The purpose of a hypothesis is to predict the potential outcome of your research experiment.​





1. Name the protists fitting each of the following descriptions. Write down only the correct name next to the relevant question number. 1.1 A protozoan which moves using its pseudopodia. 1.2 A protozoan which moves using its flagellum. 1.3 A filamentous green alga. 1.4 A unicellular green alga. 1.5 Microscopic protists which appear as symmetrical, human-made, and glass-like ornaments. 1.6 Protists that look like fungi. ​



1.1 A protozoan which moves using its pseudopodia is an amoeba

1.2 A protozoan which moves using its flagellum is an euglena

1.3 A filamentous green alga is the spirogyra

1.4 A unicellular green algae is the Chlamydomonas

1.5 Microscopic protists which appear as symmetrical, human-made, and glass-like ornaments is the Diatom

1.6 Protist that look like fungi is a mold


1.1 An amoeba form pseudopods by pushing their cell membranes out

1.2 Euglena belong to the class of protozoans known as flagellates

1.3 Spirogyra has a slimy bright green color with spiral shaped pigments that bear the chlorophyll

1.4 Chlamydomonas is found in ponds, ditches and damp soil

1.5 Diatom have a siliceous jewel like covering

1.6 A mold is protist that is fungus like examples include Physarum polycephalum and Stemonitis


Which of the following was a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

A) Congress had the power to put together an army to defend the country.
B) Delegates from each state had the power to vote.
C) Congress was not given the power to levy taxes.
D) The states were unified under one government.





Congress was unable to regulate interstate and foreign commerce; some states refused to pay for goods they purchased from abroad. Congress was unable to impose taxes; it could only borrow money on credit. No national court system was established to protect the rights of U.S. citizens.


C) Congress was not given the power to levy taxes.


The other three options are clearly not weaknesses, as defense of the country, unity, and equal voting opportunities are part of America to this day.

In what ways did Japanese aristocrats build the national culture of Japan? Choose two correct answers.

They inspired clothing traditions.
They created dolls for everyone to enjoy.
They bought clothes for the lower classes.
They created a system of Japanese writing.
They made laws that gave Japan an identity.



A and D



a and d hope this helps bois and gorls


please help me i really need this grade !


Answer: B is the answer





Select all that apply. A narrative: _____. proves a point must be told from first-person POV does not require a narrator uses description tells a story



A narrative uses description and tells a story.


A narrative is any spoken or written account of something, be it a story or an actual event. It engages the listeners or readers by using all elements of storytelling.

When we say a narrative, then we most likely attribute that term to storytelling. It is the act of narrating events to others, be it fictional or non-fictional. And in that process, a narrator may use descriptive words to describe things. Also, narrative can be done from various points of view and need not necessarily be the first person.

Thus, the correct answers are the fourth and fifth options.

Why does Hamilton need votes to get the federal government to assume the debts of the states?



Hamilton proposed that the federal Treasury take over and pay off all the debt that states had incurred to pay for the American Revolution. The Treasury would issue bonds that rich people would buy, thereby giving the rich a tangible stake in the success of the national government.


The image shows a restaurant that has closed its doors to African Americans. It reflects a reaction to what Great Society legislation? (5 points)

Economic Opportunity Act
Omnibus Housing Act
Voting Rights Act
Civil Rights Act



Civil Rights act


The image reflects the reaction to the Civil Rights Act in which African-Americans were not allowed to enter restaurant. Hence, the last option is the correct answer.

What is the Civil Rights Act?

Discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin is illegal in the United States according to the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964. It forbids job discrimination, the unfair application of voter registration laws, and racial segregation in public places like schools.

One of the most significant legislative accomplishments in American history, the act "remains. This civil rights act's provisions prohibit discrimination in hiring, promoting, and firing on the basis of sex in addition to race.

Thus, discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin is illegal under the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

To learn more about Civil Rights Act, click here:



Plz give me a right answer!! if you don’t know it don’t message for points


D because it is the one that makes more since




I just positive it's A cuz the British would trade to expand its territory.

The Magna Carta, in establishing certain rights and protections of medieval barons against arbitrary rule by the English King, was a document important for establishing the doctrine of which of the following?
Select one:
A. free trade
B. divine right of kings
C. limited government
D. universal suffrage



A or D


Women did not have the right to vote, and people were dying and starving, one of the main reasons were to limit the kings power, not the government.

I'm sorry I don't have an answer but I limited your opinions.

please help ASAP! I'll mark you brainliest if correct please help


it kept the number of slave and free states even


It kept the number of slave and free states even.

Which statement best completes the diagram? Culture of eastern and central Africa. Widespread poverty is a major problem many different languages are spoken. A. Most people practice traditional religions B.nearly all people live in large urban areas C. Many people descended from the Bantu D. The cuisine is mostly meat with few grains



C .



C. Many people descended from Bantu.


This is the correct answer.

What are the basis of making states in federal system?​



Federalism in India refers to relations between the Centre and the States of the Union of India. The Constitution of India establishes the structure of the Indian government. Part XI of the Indian constitution specifies the distribution of legislative, administrative and executive powers between the union government and the States of India.[1] The legislative powers are categorised under a Union List, a State List and a Concurrent List, representing, respectively, the powers conferred upon the Union government, those conferred upon the State governments and powers shared among them.

This federalism is symmetrical in that the devolved powers of the constituent units are envisioned to be the same. Historically, the state of Jammu and Kashmir was accorded a status different from other States owing to an explicitly temporary provision of the Indian Constitution namely Article 370 (which was revoked by the Parliament in 2019).[1] Union territories are unitary type, directly governed by the Union government. Article 1 (1) of the constitution stipulates two tier-governance with an additional local elected government. Delhi and Puducherry were accorded legislatures under Article 239AA and 239A, respectively.[1]

Help quick please! ill mark brainliest if correct just please



freed African American slaves in the Confederate states


mark me brainliest pls! im not from the US so I had to do some research :)

What was Lenin’s Policy War Communism? How did war communism help the communists win the Civil War?



War communism included the following policies: Nationalization of all industries and the introduction of strict centralized management. State control of foreign trade. Strict discipline for workers, with strikes forbidden. What factors helped the Communists win the Russian civil war? Opposing forces were not organized around a common purpose; war communism kept the Army supplied; the Cheka destroyed all opposition; the presence of the Allies in Russia gave the Communists a rallying point.


Good Luck!

hi pls help quick??

Explain which type of direct-services intervention would be the most effective in the following scenario.

Situation: Scott has struggled since losing both of his parents to cancer. He is on his own, living in a small, two-room bachelor apartment. His depression has caused him to get back in touch with the wrong crowd, and his drinking and drug use have increased. He feels as if his life is spiraling out of control, but he feels helpless to stop it on his own.





therapy is a good way to release all of the negative emotions, because counselling won't help much,this type of people find it difficult to open up to people.

Which term refers to one country's ability to produce a certain product at a lower
cost or using fewer resources than it can produce another product, compared to
another country's production of those same products?
comparative advantage
comparable productivity
absolute advantage



Comparative advantage is the term refers to one country's ability to produce a certain product at a lower  cost or using fewer resources than it can produce another product, compared to  another country's production of those same products.

Hope this helps you. Do mark me as brainliest.


comparative advantage


just did the quiz

CHRISTIANS!! If your child came out as gay, would you accept it and kindly disagree? What would you do?​


Answer: You can accept but you can still like not support it yk what I’m saying. Like u still need to love your ki


What types of bills are introduced during fiscal sessions of the state legislature?

bills specifically related to the public education system
bills specifically related to money or public spending
bills specifically related to the state election process
bills specifically related to the protection of citizens



I think its the second one its the only choice related to money



–  Convene in odd-numbered years at noon the second Monday in April

–  Last no more than 45 legislative days

–  No matters shall be introduced or considered unless they relate to fiscal (money) matters or local or special laws


What types of bills are introduced during fiscal sessions of the state legislature?

bills specifically related to the public education system

bills specifically related to money or public spending

bills specifically related to the state election process

bills specifically related to the protection of citizens


PLEASE MARK BRAINLIEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oxygen and carbon dioxide that are recycled by the oxygen and carbon dioxide cycles are used in cellular respiration and photosynthesis.


Oxygen and carbon dioxide that are recycled by the oxygen and carbon dioxide cycles are used in cellular respiration and photosynthesis.

the answer is "true"

I need help ASAP plsssssss PANINI’S


Theocracy is the answer to the first one

doing love is not bad but u must know it's importance , u must be capable to understand each other, u much be capable to do love by heart then only it becomes natural which is scarce as people see physical appearance only​



yes correct


i too need like that


yes I do like, because she is my back bone.

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