determine δhvap for a compound that has a measured vapor pressure of 24.3 torr at 273 k and 135 torr at 325 k.


Answer 1

The enthalpy of vaporization as determined from the different temperatures is  23.6 kJ/mol.

What is  the enthalpy of vaporization?

The enthalpy of vaporization has to do  with the heat that is given out when a substances is converted from liquid to vapor under standard conditions.

We can use te formula;

ln(P2/P1) = -ΔHvap/R(1/T2 - 1/T1)

P2 = final pressure

P1 = initial pressure

ΔHvap = enthalpy of vaporization

T2 = final temperature

T1 = initial temperature


ln(135/24.3) = -ΔHvap/8.314 (1/325 - 1/273)

1.7 =  -ΔHvap/8.314 (0.0031 - 0.0037)

1.7 =  -ΔHvap/8.314 (-0.0006)

1.7 = 0.0006ΔHvap/8.314

To obtain the enthalpy of vaporization here;

ΔHvap = 1.7 * 8.314/0.0006

= 23.6 kJ/mol

Learn more about enthalpy of


Related Questions

Given that about 25% of the mammalian genome is associated with genes, including introns and regulatory sequence, what would be the approximate average length of DNA per gene, if the genome contained 20,000 genes?


If the genome contained 20,000 genes, the average length of DNA per gene will be 40,000 base pairs.

Only 2.5% of the human genome is protein-coding. Introns make up the remaining 97.5%. The male nuclear diploid genome is 6.27 Gigabase pairs (GBP), 205.00 cm (cm) long, and 6.41 picograms in weight (pg). Female measurements are 6.37 GBP, 208.23 cm, and 6.51 pg.

For a 25% mammalian genome with 20,000 genes, the total number of base pairs, which is the length of DNA per gene, will be approximately double the number of genes contained in the genome, in this case, 40,000.

To learn more about DNA, visit the link below:


What is the speed of a wave that has a wavelength of 0.5 m and a frequency of two waves per second?


The speed of wave is 1m/sec  if the wavelength of wave is 0.5 meters and the frequency of the wave is 2Hz.

Right when a wave goes through reflection, it essentially remains in the medium and simply switches its going of development. The smooth wave has traveled twofold its distance. This reflection characteristic of waves is consistently found in sound waves.

Right when you let out an uproarious cry inside a gorge, you regularly hear the resonation of the holler. The sound waves travel through the medium; for this present circumstance, the air and skip off the ravine wall and return to the start of the sound (you). The result is that you hear the resonation of your holler.

We know that when a electromagnetic wave is travelling through speed v passing in a medium, it contains certain speed and wavelength which is given by the formula

c=ν × λ

where c is defined as the speed of light in vacuum,

ν is  defined as the frequency of the wave and

λ is defined as the  wavelength of the wave.

Now, we have frequency(ν) = 2Hz, and wavelength(λ)=0.5meters.

So, using the above formula, we get



or c=1m/sec as 1Hz=1 /sec

Hence, wave speed is 1m/sec.

To know more about speed of wave, visit here:


Suppose you drop a rock into a dark well and, using precision equipment, you measure the time for the sound of a splash to return. Neglecting the time required for sound to travel up the well, calculate the distance to the water if the sound returns in 2. 00 s.



Approximately [tex]19.6\; {\rm m}[/tex] (assuming that [tex]g = 9.81\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-2}}[/tex] and that air resistance is negligible.)


Assume that the air resistance on the rock is negligible. During the descent, the acceleration [tex]a[/tex] of the rock will be constant: [tex]a = (-g) = (-9.81)\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-2}}[/tex].

It is given that the descent took [tex]t = 2.00\; {\rm s}[/tex]. Let [tex]x[/tex] denote the displacement (change in position) of the stone. Apply the SUVAT equation [tex]x = (1/2)\, a\, t^{2}[/tex] to find displacement [tex]x\![/tex]:

[tex]\begin{aligned}x &= \frac{1}{2}\, a\, t^{2} \\ &= \frac{1}{2}\, ((-9.81)\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-2}})\, (2.00\; {\rm s})^{2} \\ &\approx (-19.6)\; {\rm m}\end{aligned}[/tex].

Note that [tex]x[/tex] is negative since the water is below the initial position of the rock. Therefore, the distance to the water will be approximately [tex]19.6\; {\rm m}[/tex].

Write an algorithm that calculate the time a train need to arrive at a detination given peed and ditance


An algorithm that calculates the time a train needs to arrive at a destination given speed and distance [tex]Time=\frac{Distance}{Speed}[/tex].

What is Speed?

The amount of the shift in approach per unit of time or the size of the displacement over time for an object can be used to describe speed, which would be a scalar quantity in everyday language and kinematics.

The maximum speed that can be maintained when a period grows closer to zero is the starting speed.

By dividing the object's distance traveled by the duration of the interval, the mean pace of the object for the given period is calculated. Speed and velocity are not always the same thing.

The algorithm to calculate the time required will be,

Let the distance covered by the train is D and the speed of the train be S.

Then, the time taken by the train will be,

T = D/S

Here, D is the distance and S is the speed.

To know more about Speed:


Maria determines that the wavelength of a sound wave is 2. 50 meters and that the wave is traveling at 340 m/s.


Maria determines that the wavelength of a legitimate wave is 2.50 meters and that the wave is travelling at 340 m/s the frequency is mu = 136hz.

SO, the frequency of the sound wave is 136hz.Sound waves fall into 3 categories: longitudinal waves, mechanical waves, and strain waves. Keep studying to discover what qualifies them as such. Longitudinal Sound Waves - A longitudinal wave is a wave wherein the movement of the medium's debris is parallel to the path of the strength.

Here We have:

lambda = 2.5mV = 340m / smu =?FORMULA:-V = mu*lambdaNOW,→ 340 = mu * 2.5→ mu = 340/2.5mu = 136hz .

Read more about wavelength;


What part of the body detects infrared radiation?


The part of body detects infrared radiation is skin.

Infrared radiation is an integral part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The light we see is part of the same spectrum.

Rays such as gamma rays, alpha rays, and x-rays are also part of the spectrum.

It has direct source of sunlight.

It is invisible but experienced by sense of hotness. It is used for drying of chemical crystals and also has wide application in photography where atmospheric conditions like sunlight , rainfall  or adverse climate conditions are neglected and providing a good result for geospatial and geoinformatics.


To know about electromagnetic spectrum -


during the experiment, when you got a standing wave, the amplitude of the wave became much bigger than the amplitude of the oscillator. what was the reason for this?


Constructive interference caused the wave's amplitude to grow significantly in comparison to the oscillator's amplitude.

A wave superimposes itself on another when two or more waves arrive at the same location. The interference of waves, more particularly, is superimposed when they meet. This is called superposition.

when two identical waves with a perfect phase match arrive at the same location. Both the crests and troughs of the two waves are identically aligned. This superposition results in only constructive interference. Pure constructive interference creates a wave with double the amplitude of the constituent waves but the same wavelength since the disturbances add up.

To know more about superposition


Luis does 6 joules of work in 3 seconds, what is the power he exerted?



P=6/3=2W (Watt)

A battery provides a potential difference of 3v so that a current of 2. 5a flows through a bulb. What is the power of this bulb?.


The power of this bulb that is to the battery is found to be 7.5 Watts.

The battery is providing a potential difference of 3 volts and it produces a current of 2.5 ampere that flows through a bulb.

The power of this bulb can be given by the relation,

P = VI

Where P is the power of the bulb, V is the potential difference across the bulb and I is the current that is flowing through the bulb.

Now assigning all the values to the respective terms,

We get,

P =  3(2.5)

P = 7.5 W.

So, the power of this bulb is 7.5 watt.

To know more about the electrical power, visit,


a radio-controlled race car requires a force of 9.0 newtons to propel it at a speed of 5.0 m/sec. the power rating of the car is:


When requires a force of 9.0 newtons to propel it at a speed of 5.0 m/sec if the power rating of the car is 45.

What is force?

The term "force" has a specific meaning in science, at this level, calling a force a push or a pull is quite appropriate.

A force is not something an item "has in it" or that it "contains, one thing experiences a force from another. There are both living things and non-living objects in the concept of a force.

Therefore, the power rating of the car is 45.

Learn more about force, here:


so in a limit cycle attractor all behavior of the system goes towards the attractor but neutral oscillations have different behavior depending on different initial conditions?


These oscillations are robust and the final outcome does not depend on the initial condition, as the system will move to the limit cycle attractor.

What is the limit cycle attractor?An attractor of a dynamical system on the state space X is a set A contained in X such that for a neighborhood of initial conditions X₀, the trajectories going forward from X₀ all approach A, that is, the distanced (X(t), A) → 0 as t → ∞..It is an attractor that is a closed orbit and is stable(resilient toperturbations).If you perturb the system off the cycle, the behavior returns to the cycle.Such systems frequently behave in complicated nonlinear phenomena characterized by various slow–fast dynamic behaviors such as relaxation oscillations, canard phenomena, bursting oscillations and mixed-mode oscillations.

These oscillations are robust and the final outcome does not depend on the initial condition.

To know more about limit cycle attractor, visit:


the boy in the image below pushes a box across the floor by exerting a force of 140. n at an angle of 35.0o below the horizontal. what is the magnitude of the vertical component of the applied force (fay) ?


The boy pushes a box across the floor by exerting a force of 140 N at an angle of 35° below the horizontal. The magnitude of vertical component of the applied force is 80.36 N.

In two dimensional system, a force can be resolved into two mutually perpendicular components whose vector sum will be equal to the applied force. The resolved components are usually taken to be parallel to x and y axes.

A single force can be broken down into two component forces at right angles to each other.

Given that, Force = 140 N

θ = 35°

The magnitude of vertical component of force is F sin θ = 140* sin 35° = 140* 0.574 = 80.36 N

To know more about forces:


there are very large numbers of charged particles in most objects. why, then, don’t most objects exhibit static electric effects?


This is because the phenomenon of static electricity requires the separation of positive and negative charges. When two substances are in contact electrons are transferred from one to the other leaving one with an excess positive charge and the other with an equal negative charge.

There are equal numbers of positive and negative charges so an object is electrically neutral. Because the phenomenon of static electricity requires the separation of positive and negative charges. When two substances are in contact electrons are transferred from one to the other leaving one with an excess positive charge and the other with an equal negative charge.

The negative charge on the earth's surface is balanced by the same positive charge in the atmosphere. An atom has a net positive charge if the number of protons is greater than the number of electrons, and a net negative charge if the number of electrons is greater than the number of protons.

Learn more about Static electric effects here:-


A wave has a wavelength of 2.0 m and a frequency of 8.0 Hz. What is the
speed of the wave?
OA. 16 m/s
OB. 10 m/s
OC. 0.3 m/s
OD. 4.0 m/s


The speed of the wave is 16.0 m/s. Hence, option (A) is correct.

What is speed?

The distance an object travels in a unit of time is its speed. Speed is a scalar quantity since it has simply magnitude and no direction. SI unit is meters per second.

Given that the wave has a wavelength of 2.0 m and a frequency of 8.0 Hz.

Hence, the speed of the wave is = frequency × wavelength

= 8.0 × 2.0 m/s

= 16.0 m/s.

Learn more about speed here:


Your ear simultaneously hears waves from different sources, so it can hear beats from the two speakers. Suppose one speaker is driven at 586 Hz and the other at 560 Hz. Do you think the pitch of the waves sounds significantly different when both speakers are on?


The beat frequency from two speakers is as follows:

[tex]fbeat =586 Hz-560 Hz[/tex]

[tex]=26 Hz[/tex]

Thus, the average frequency is as follows:

[tex](586 Hz+560 Hz )/2= 573 Hz[/tex]

The average frequency lies between the frequencies of the speaker, thus, the answer is No.

And, if the speakers are misaligned then, the answer can be Yes.

Beat is the pulsing that two waves with slightly differing frequencies combine to create in physics. On a piano, press a white note and the neighboring black key at the bass end of the keyboard to explain the idea of beats for sound waves. The resulting sound alternates between being mild and loud, with distinctive pulsations or throbs known as beats. Because the difference in frequency between consecutive keys is bigger at the treble end of the keyboard than it is at the lower end, the beat frequency is higher there.

The beat frequency N is the difference between the two waves' respective frequencies, which in the figure are 24 and 30 vibrations per second (Hz).

To know more about Beats visit:


hich of the following best describes how Einstein contributed to the development of the concept of gravity?
He described the movement of balls allowed to roll down inclined planes at various angles.

He said that all bodies would fall at the same speed if they were in a vacuum.

He said that the gravitational force exerted by an object is directly related to its mass.

He described gravity as curved space-time as opposed to a force.


Correct answer is d. He described gravity as curved space time as opposed to force.

Einstein opposed Newton's law of motion saying, that if an object falls from a height, it doesn't experience any force. So, even though that path doesn’t look straight to us, the object experiences no force. This is what is meant by theory of relativity.

What is theory of relativity?

Einstein described thus concept in his theory of relativity, also called as a theory of gravity. The basic idea is that instead of being an invisible force that attracts objects to one another, gravity is a curving or warping of space. The more massive an object, the more it warps the space around it.

The Newton's first law of motion states an object remains in uniform motion unless acted by a force.

But einstein opposed this theory saying, that if an object falls from a height, it doesn't experience any force. Thus, einstein realized that massive things like Earth warp spacetime. A freefalling object then follows the straightest possible path in spacetime. So, even though that path doesn’t look straight to us, the object experiences no force. This is what is meant by theory of relativity.

Thus, the most famous equation in the world, E=mc², came into existence.

To know more about theory of relativity, click on


which method of measuring distances would you use if you wanted to measure the distance to stars in a nearby galaxy?


Trigonometric parallax, also known as star parallax, is a technique used by astronomers to calculate the distances of nearby celestial objects.

What is parallax?

The observed displacement of an object brought on by a shift in the observer's perspective is known as parallax. It is an indispensable instrument in astronomy for figuring out how far away stars are.

The night sky seems two-dimensional when viewed from Earth. But that is not the case. However, it took astronomers thousands of years to discover how to calculate the separations between stars and our planet and produce real three-dimensional maps that depicted the arrangement of galaxies and stars in the cosmos. The so-called parallax, which depends on the same effect as stereoscopic vision, is one of the main techniques they employ.

The procedure is as follows: extend your hand, close your right eye, and lay your thumb over a far-off item. Switch your eyes so that your right is open and your left is closed. In comparison to the background, your thumb will appear to move slightly. You may determine the distance to your thumb by counting this tiny shift and knowing the space between your eyes.

There are no two eyes that can accurately determine the distances to other stars. Instead, the starting point for these calculations is Earth's orbit around the sun.

To learn more about parallax visit:


if the old radiator is replaced with a new one that has longer tubes made of the same material and same thickness as those in the old unit, what should the total surface area available for heat exchange be in the new radiator to achieve the necessary heat exchange rate at the recommended temperature gradient?


The total surface area available for heat exchange in the new radiator should be equal to or greater than the surface area of the old radiator. The necessary heat exchange rate and temperature gradient will depend on the specific design of the radiator and the application in which it is used.

When replacing an old radiator with one that has longer tubes constructed of the same material and same thickness, the total surface area available for heat exchange should be calculated to ensure that the desired heat exchange rate is achieved. This value should be equal to or greater than the total surface area of the old radiator and should also be compared to the maximum allowable surface area for the given heat exchange rate to ensure that an efficient transfer of heat is achieved.

The surface area available for heat exchange in a radiator is a critical factor in its ability to efficiently transfer heat from a hot liquid or gas to a cooler environment. In order to achieve the desired heat exchange rate at a recommended temperature gradient, the total surface area of the new radiator should be equal to or greater than the total surface area of the old unit.The total surface area of the new radiator should also be compared to the maximum allowable surface area for the given heat exchange rate. This is because if the total surface area of the new radiator is greater than the maximum allowable surface area, too much heat may be transferred from the hot liquid or gas to the cooler environment, leading to an inefficient transfer of heat.

Learn more about surface area  :


Why did the big bang not produce a significant proportion of elements heavier than helium?


The big bang did not produce a significant proportion of elements heavier than helium because by the time helium could survive, the temperature had become too low for heavier elements to form.

In the field of physics, the big bang can be described as a theory that the universe was created when the hot mass of a ball was stretched enough due to collisions that the entire universe could be formed from it. After this mass of the ball cooled, life came into existence

It was due to the formation of the big bang that life came into existence. Elements that are lighter and do not have much nuclear radioactivity were easier to be formed. However, the formation of elements such as helium required high nuclear fusion reactions to occur. By the time helium became stable after various nuclear fusion reactions, the big bang had already cooled and hence no more heavier elements could be produced.

To learn more about big bang, click here:


A student holds a water balloon outside of an open window and lets go. The window is 10 meters above the ground, and the balloon is falling under the acceleration of gravity, which is 9.8 m/s2. There are two equations that can be used to describe its motion over time:

Would the balloon hit the ground before or after 1.0 s of falling? Which equation did you use to decide, and what comparison did you make to determine that it would or would not hit the ground by then?

explain in 3-5 sentences


A uniform accelerated linear motion happens, when a ball is dropped from a certain amount of height.

After solving, we come to know that the water balloon that is dropped by the student 10 meters above the ground, will hit the ground after 1.0s of falling (in 1.4 s).

Which equation is used to describe motion over time for a ball falling from a certain height?

To find the time we need to use the equation that is related the time with the height and the acceleration due to gravity, that is to say, the first equation from the two given, but in the vertical direction:

yf=y0+v0t+1/2at² (1)


yf : is the final height = 0

yo: is the initial height = 10 m

vo: is the initial velociy = 0 (it is dropped)          

a: is the acceleration due to gravity = -9.8 m/s² (it is negative because its direction of motion is downward)

t: is the time =?  

Solving equation (1) for t, we have:


t=√2×10m/9.8m/s =1.4s

Therefore, the balloon will hit the ground after 1.0s of falling.

Main answer is :

We used the first given equation but in the y-direction, because the equation x=x₀+v₀t+(1/2)at², considers a motion in the horizontal direction, and the ball is falling (y-direction).

We did not use the other equation (v = v₀ + at) because we do not know the final velocity of the ball before it hits the ground (v).

To know more about uniform linear motion, click on


What is the frequency of a wave if it has a wavelength of 3.0 m and a wave speed of 12m/s?


The frequency of a wave that propagates with speed 12m/s and wavelength 3m is 4Hz

At the Planck length, even gravity is quantized, there are no other particles or fields to explain it, and at this level all the rules of spacetime are broken.This means that at this level relative time can be measured as zero by the function and infinite by the function. Let's understand it differently. Imagine flying to the North Pole and ready to go further north. So it makes no sense to try to go further north.So just quantization takes place .Flux refers to the lines of force or field that intersect with the vector of the object.




12/3 =4Hz

To find about quantization -


A mass of sunken lead is resting against the bottom in a glass of water. You take this lead, put it in a small boat of negligible mass, and float the boat in the water. Which of the following statements are true? (There may be more than one correct choice.)A. The sunken lead displaces a volume of water equal to the lead's own volume.B. The floating lead displaces a volume of water equal to the lead's own volume.C. The sunken lead displaces a volume of water whose weight equals the lead's weight.D. The floating lead displaces a volume of water whose weight equals the lead's weight.


There will be two possibilities for this answer-

A) The sunken lead displaces a volume of water equal to the lead's own volume.

C) The sunken lead displaces a volume of water whose weight equals the lead's weight.

To understand the phenomenon, we should first know that the above concept is based on the principle of Archimedes.

⇒ Archimedes Principle states -

The concept of Archimedes is based on the first condition of equilibrium.An object floating in the water or placed in any fluid feels an upward force equal to the mass of the displaced water or fluid.The upward force exerted by the water or fluid is also called buoyant force.

Now according to the condition given in the question, we could say that firstly the lead was sunken in water completely then the lead was placed in a boat of negligible mass to float on the water. When the lead along with the boat is placed in the water it displaces the water or exerts pressure on the water due to its weight and in turn the water also exerts the same pressure on the lead to counter the force.

The boat along with the lead on it follows the Archimedes principle and therefore, we can say that the sunken lead displaces a volume of water equal to the lead's own volume and at the same time the part of the lead that is submerged in water also displaces a volume of water whose weight equals the lead's weight.

To learn more about Archimedes' Principles,


The floating lead moves a water volume with a weight equivalent to the lead's weight, whereas the submerged lead moves a water volume with a volume equal to a lead's own volume.

What does a definition of mass mean?

As a fundamental property of all matter, inertia can be quantified in physics as mass.In its simplest form, it describes a body of object's resistance to altering its speed or position in reaction to the load exerted to it.

What is the best way to define mass?

mass.[măs] A measurement of the volume of matter in or making up a physical body.In classical mechanics, an object's mass is crucial to Newton's motion laws because it influences the force needed to accelerate it and, consequently, how much inertia it has.

To know more about mass visit:


A wheel of diameter 40. 0 cm starts from rest and rotates with a constant angular acceleration of 3. 00 rad/s2. At the instant the wheel has computed its second revolution, calculate the radial acceleration.


The radial acceleration is 80.27 m/s2.

The angular acceleration of the wheel is 3.00 rad/s2. In order for the wheel to complete two revolutions, it must have an angular displacement of 2π radians. Using the equation a = ω²r, we can calculate the radial acceleration of the wheel. Here, ω is the angular velocity, which is equal to the product of angular acceleration and time, 3.00 rad/s2 × t. Since the wheel has completed two revolutions, the total time elapsed is 2π/3.00 s. Plugging in these values, we get a = 3.00 × (2π/3.00)2 × (40.0/2) = 80.27 m/s2. Therefore, the radial acceleration of the wheel is 80.27 m/s2.

To know more about radial acceleration refer to the link


generally, what article of the nec must be consulted to determine the allowable ampacity for conductors?


The basic specifications for conductors rated up to and including 2000 volts are covered in this article  310 of NEC, together with information on their types, insulations, markings, mechanical strengths, ampacity ratings, and uses.

The removal of all references to medium voltage (Type MV) wires and cables from Article 310 in favor of a new Article 311 was one of the more important revisions. The Type MV cable specifications have also been moved out of the former Article 328 and that article has been completely deleted in the new article. The use, installation, construction requirements, and capacities for medium voltage conductors and cables will all be covered in this article. By removing all but the general criteria for wires rated up to and including 2000 volts, this was an attempt to, in part, make Article 310 more usable. As a result of this effort, the requirements for medium voltage conductors and cables have been divided into two categories: those for 0 to 2000 volts (Article 311) and those for medium voltage (Article 3110).

learn more about conductors here;


Suppose you’re weighing yourself while standing next to the bathroom sink. Using the idea of action and reaction, explain why the scale reading will be less when you push down on the top of the sink. Why will the scale reading be more if you pull up on the bottom of the sink?


Answer: Because you're using your mass to push down on the sink, and vise versa.


a 5 kg ball and a 1 kg ball are dropped from the same height at the same time. which hits the ground first?


5 Kg will have a greater acclaration thus it will strike before 1 kg ball.

There are two cases

(Assuming same shape of both objects)

Without air

With air

Without air, In this case they will fall on ground at same exact time.

Because earth will give an equal acclaration to both the masses.

With air

In this case they will have force of M×g ('M' is their respective mass of each)

but impulsive force is constant so it will give different acclaration to both masses that will be :-

M×a = M×g - I(n)

(Here 'a' is acclaration 'I(n)' is impulsive force by the normal of air particle as they collide with the masses)

Thus :-

a = g - (I÷M)

As mass increase acceleration will be less decreased so

5 Kg will have a greater acclaration thus it will strike before 1 kg ball.

To know more about Acceleration :


typical molecular speeds (vrms) are large, even at low temperatures. what is vrms (in m/s) for helium atoms at 4.85 k, less than one degree above helium's liquefaction temperature? m/s


V rms (in m/s) for helium atoms at 4.85 k, less than one degree above helium's liquefaction temperature is calculated as 173.84 m/s.

What is molecular speeds?

Speed of the molecules in a gas is directly proportional to the temperature and inversely proportional to molar mass of the gas. We can also say that, as the temperature of a sample of gas is increased, molecules speed up then the root mean square molecular speed also increases.

As we know that, V rms = √3 KT/M he

Given T= 4.85 K, K= 1.38 *10^-23 and M he is 6.644 *10^-27.

=√ 3 * 1.38 *10^-23 * 4.85 / 6.644 *10^-27

V rms for helium atoms = 173.84 m/s

To know more about molecular speeds, refer


What is the elastic potential energy of a spring with K 144?


The elastic potential energy of a spring with k 144 is 72x² J.

The potential energy of a spring is the potential energy stored due to the deformation of a certain elastic object or spring.

It describes the work done to stretch the spring and depends on the spring constant k and the distance stretched.Potential energy of a system is given by PE = (1/2)*k*x²

where, k is the spring constant,

x is the displacement caused by the spring

The SI unit of the elastic potential energy is joule (J).

Spring constant k is 144

let the displacement caused by the spring is x

then the elastic potential energy =

P.E. = (1/2)*k*x²

P.E. = (1/2) * 144 * x²

P.E. = 72 * x²

The elastic potential energy of a spring is 72x² J.

To know more about elastic potential energy,


How important is sleep for muscle recovery?


Sleep is major for muscle building. Our muscles develop and fix when we take proper sleep.

Not getting sufficient sleep will prompt a decrease in development chemical creation that influences tissue and muscle fix. To this end it's vital to get satisfactory profound REM rest for your body's recuperation cycle. In the event that you don't, then you risk losing mass and limit from absence of helpful chemicals like these ones which are delivered during the non-REM stage when they're required most!

It's never past time to get a decent night rest! For your body and muscles to develop you want the appropriate measure of resting. It is said that on the off chance that one dozes 7-9 hours out of every day, they will actually want to recuperate more effectively than not resting by any means, which can lead them towards putting their best self forward in any circumstance.

To know more about sleep, visit here:


a 5 kg box slides down a 3 meter long ramp angled at 30 degrees. the box feels a constant 10 n force of friction. if the box starts at rest, how fast is it going at the bottom of the ramp?


At the bottom of the ramp, the box is moving at a speed of 4.24 m/s.


The box weighs 5 kg in total.

The ramp's incident angle is 30 degrees.

10 Newtons of friction force

Net force is calculated using the following equation: net force = mgsin - friction force ma = mgsin - friction force a (5x5 - 10)

a = 3 m/s2 for acceleration of 5,

The motion's equation v^2 = u^2 + 2as v = 4.24 m/s is the result of the formula v2 = 0 = 2x3x3.

Friction is the force that stops motion when the surfaces of two things come into contact. In other words, friction reduces the mechanical advantage of a machine and lowers the output to input ratio. One-fourth of the energy used by a car is used to reduce friction.

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The authors of the Anti-Federalist Papers argued that a strong federalgovernment would:O A. need an equally strong leader.OB. not be democratic in its nature.O C. be impossible to implement efficiently.OD. abuse its power and become corrupt. why is it difficult to compare the financial statements of a u.s. company with those of a company in india or germany? How did the Navajo serve in world war to? another administrator is managing azure locally using powershell. they have launched powershell as an administrator. which of the following commands should be executed first? How is food cost percentage calculated? You are completing a math assessment. The number of questions you complete and the time it takes you to complete them have a proportional relationship, as shown in the table.Number of Questions 6 11Time (in minutes) 15 ?How much time does it take to complete 11 questions? 15) Select the correct statement about lymphocytes A) The two main types are T cells and macrophages B) B cells produce plasma cells, which secrete antibodies into the blood C) T cells are the precursors of B cells D) T cells are the only form of lymphocyte found in lymphoid tissue During the civil war, the republican party passed legislation promoting economic development concerning all of the following except the: _________a. granting of government subsidies to encourage the export of manufactured goodsb. establishment of a high tariff to protect American industry from foreign competitionc. organization of a national banking system to provide a uniform national currencyd. provision of government loans and land grants to private companies to construct a transcontinental railroade. passage of the Homestead Act What is the quotient for this division problem? x+33x22x+5 A 3x7+26x+3 B 3x+11+38x+3 C 3x+7+26x+3 D 3x11+38x+3 HELPPPPPP QUICK!!!!!! the cell below. This cell is best described as a in order to assess the performance of their firms and their supply chains, what do managers need to do to determine the needs of those customers? Families in the city of flint, michigan, had problems with water contaminated with _____ being piped into their homes. which substances are carried from the muscles Classify the following triangle. Check all that apply.A. AcuteB. EquilateralC. ScaleneOD. ObtuseOE. IsoscelesOF. Right do right and wrong exist independently of human ideas, practices, cultures and beliefs? why/why not? quora what is the timeline for implementing change according to the adkar model? prompt 13 answer for prompt 1 3 prompt 22 answer for prompt 2 2 prompt 31 answer for prompt 3 1 prompt 44 answer for prompt 4 4 prompt 55 answer for prompt 5 5 Why are green card holders called aliens? a 55-year-old patient comes to the clinic with weight loss, depression, and malaise. which collaborative partner would be beneficial in assisting in the plan of care? if 10.0 kg of ice at 0 o c is added to 2.0 kg of steam at 100 o c, the temperature of the resulting mixture is explain why water and solutions with water as the solvent boiled at temperatures lower than 100c